Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017.
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Magneto-optical and dielectric properties of the C20@C60@(8,8) peapod with and without spatial dispersion[Full-Text ] E. RostampourIn this scenario, the dielectric properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes encapsulating onions, so-called onions peapods, is investigated theoretically with and without spatial dispersion. Our results show that the zz element of the energy-loss tensor has the most value when the electric field is in the direction z. The dielectric tensor is different in the case of with and without spatial dispersion. The strongest reflective index is centered at 7.8 eV with spatial dispersion. The Circular dichroism and birefringence coefficient of the C20@C60@(8,8) peapod are of the order of 10-4. Our results show that the optical properties strongly depend on their diameter and chirality. Also, we discuss the relevance of our results for the C60 fullerens and single-wall carbon nanotubes.
Design, Simulation, Implementation and Control of Digital Self-Compensating Method for Integral Cycle Power Control for Welding Application[Full-Text ] N.D. Mehta, Dr. D. K. BhattThe Class of ac power controllers consists of Solid State Power Controller (SSPC) which connects and disconnects the load to the supply according to the required power. Two important voltage control techniques are commonly used for heating power control in ac power controller are Phase Control Switching (PCS) and Integral Cycle Control (ICC). In case that a PCS is used for the resistive load, it can produce higher order harmonics and heavy inrush current while switching on in a cold start.
Modeling and simulation of P, PI and PID controller for speed control of DC Motor Drive[Full-Text ] Prof. N. D. Mehta, Prof. A. M. Haque, Prof. M. V. Makwana The thyristor d.c. drive remains an important speed-controlled industrial drive, especially where the higher maintenance cost associated with the d.c. motor brushes compared with induction motor is tolerable. The controlled rectifier provides a low-impedance adjustable 'd.c.' voltage for the motor armature, thereby providing speed control. The DC Motor Drives are increasingly applied in many recent industrial applications that require excellent transient performance of drives. In general the role of controller is very crucial in the control of drive for transient and dynamic conditions. This paper has been attempted to presents the Comparative study of Proportional (P), Proportional Integral (PI), and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller for speed control of DC Motor Drive. The performance of P, PI and PID controller is studied and compared. A proposed DC Motor Drive have a precise speed control, stable operation in complete range of speed and good transient behavior with smooth and step less control.
Optimize Metal Removal process Through Improving machine ability of Nickel and its Alloys[Full-Text ] Alie Wube DametewThis paper concerned and presents the results of a series improving machining of nickel that were Performed to duplicate parts and produced quality products. particularly the improvements concerned with cutting force, heat generated, tool-work contact and chip serration as a function of cutting variables. Produced results that matched the overall trend of the experimental data, and showed Reasonable accuracy for calculated cutting force and chip serration and were highly dependent on the cutting parameters highlighted.
AN ASSESSMENT OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN SURFACE AND GROUND WATER QUALITY IN THE EBOCHA-OBRIKOM OIL AND GAS PRODUCING AREA OF RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Raimi, Morufu Olalekan, Sabinus Chibuzor EzugwuThis study presents the impact of surface and ground water quality on the environment in Ebocha-Obrikom oil and gas producing area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between the physico-chemical parameters, determine the quality of surface and ground water in the study area as compared with national and international standards for drinking water, assess the quality of borehole and well water in the study area, and determine the relationship between gas flaring sites and physico-chemical parameters.
Experimental Investigation of MRR and Surface Finish Using Abrasive Jet Machining[Full-Text ] Nimmagadda Sai Teja, G.Vinod ReddyIn this paper, different experiments are performed on Aluminum alloy 6082 by varying various parameters such as Feed, Stand off Distance, Pressure, Exit water velocity and thickness of plate to determine Material Removal rates and surface finish. Optimization is done using L12 orthogonal array by Taguchi technique to determine better parameters to obtain maximum removal rates and minimum surface roughness. The parameters considered are Thickness 6mm, 8mm, Stand off Distance 5mm, 10mm, Pressure 50000psi, 60000psi, Exit Water Velocity 140mm/min, 350mm/min and Feed 450rpm, 600rpm.
A Solution to Schrondinger Cat Paradox and Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Theory[Full-Text ] Anil Jayram DixitElectrons are only particles and they create waves in the medium through which they travel. The waves are of particles of the medium and electrons being light get mixed up and carried away with them. The same thing applies to all subatomic particles. As the subatomic particles do not possess wavelike qualities, the uncertainty principle and Schrondinger cat, no more remain paradoxes.
Effects of Education on Empowerment of Saudi Women[Full-Text ] Ilham ElsayedAccentuating the importance of women contribution to growth and development, this study aims to analyze the effects of education on empowerment of Saudi women. Extensive review to data within the context of Saudi women's education and empowerment were done.Descriptive and quantitative analysis was done for the data collected from variable resources; Saudi Ministry of Higher Education, Saudi Arabia Central Department of Statistics and Information, Higher Education Statistics Center, Information and Studies Center at Eastern Chamber,Saudi Arabian Monetary agency and Global Gender Gap Report 2016. The study shows that, the number of males and females are almost equal according to 2015 population data, but when it comes to labor force mismatch between them is observed with higher opportunities for males. The research found that, the labor market does not coup with the steady increase in the number of female graduates. Focusing on empowerment of Saudi women, the study proved that contribution of women in business directors, services, and engineering sectors is limited compared to males as the gap widening in both Services and Engineering sectors. The study found that students’ enrollment in varies engineering specializations is dominated by male. Moreover, females’ involvement in technical training, in comparison to males is very limited. On the other hand, the study found that, there is a gradual increase on the number of females joining postgraduate studies recently compare to that previously graduated. The study recommends investment in further education for females by providing more opportunities for females in specialties that required by labor market and hence increase possibilities to empower Saudi women focusing on that directly affects decision making and strategic planning.
Scientific Benefits and Attitude towards Physical Activity and Physical Education[Full-Text ] Shazia Tabussum, Muhammad Asif, Noman AhmedObjective: To identify the scientific benefits and student’s attitude towards physical activity and physical education. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in which 350 students were selected from different colleges and universities of Karachi. Data was collected through questionnaire which is adopted from the study Conducted in 2008 by Dunley A. After taken informed consent questionnaire were distributed. Questions were evaluated through five point Likert scale. Data was analysis through statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) version 20 then data was transfer on Microsoft excel to compile final results. Results: Overall results of general attitude towards physical activity, physical education and scientific basis towards physical activity shows that among all three parameters scientific basis of physical activity has highest score; 86.30% participants had positive attitude scientific basis of physical activity, 85.10% had positive attitude towards physical activity while 73.10% had positive attitude towards physical education. Conclusion: Present study concludes that students have a positive attitude towards physical activity and physical education. Students are aware of the importance of physical activity and they have also positive attitude toward the importance of physical activity for quality of life and well being.
In vitro bioassay to determine the toxicity of cry1F protein against sugarcane early shoot borer (Chilo infuscatellus Snell)[Full-Text ] Avinash S. Thorat, Hema D. Nakade, Nishant A. Sonone and K. Harinath BabuThe insecticidal cry gene (cry1F) was cloned into pET28a(+) vector and expressed in E. coli strain DH5α with IPTG induction. SDS-PAGE confirmed the expression of ~60 kDa protein size. The insect bioassay with 2nd instar larvae of Chilo infuscatellus was carried out in glass petri dishes containing varying concentrations of cry1F protein (3.14, 6.28, 9.43, 12.57 and 15.72 µg of protein/cm2) and insect mortality rate was subsequently determined for 15 days with a 3 day time interval respectively. The cry1F protein had a considerable impact on the survival rate of shoot borer and highest mortality (%) was achieved at 15.72 µg protein/cm2 on 9th day. Moreover, the dosage mortality probit analysis for cry1F toxic protein indicated the LD50 to be 6.11 µg protein/cm2 on 6th day against Chilo infuscatellus larvae by diet surface treatment method. The results suggested that feeding of diet containing partially purified cry1F protein shows significant insecticidal activity against Chilo infuscatellus..
GC/MS analysis, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of essential oil extracted from Citrus paradisii macfad fruit peels[Full-Text ] Rashmi Yadav, Reena S. Lawrence and Muhammad Sikander DarThe present study was concerned with analysis of the chemical constituents of essential oil of Citrus paradisii macfad fruit peels by GC-MS technique and also its antioxidant and antibacterial activities against some pathogenic bacteria. The essential oil was extracted from fruit peels by steam distillation using Clevenger’s type apparatus. GC-MS analysis of essential oil showed presence of limonene (90%), Valenence (2.18%), Eicosene (2.01%), Tetrahydrolinalool (2.02%), α-Cadinene (1.425%), Nonanol (1.31%) and Dodecanol (1.06%) as the major constituents. The Antioxidant activity of essential oil was determined by using DPPH free radical scavenging and reducing power methods. The essential oil reduced the concentration of DPPH free radical with efficiency near to that of standard Gallic acid and the IC50of essential oil was 1.15 mg/ml. In the reducing power assay the antioxidant activity increased with the increase in concentration and the activity of essential oil was more than that of standard antioxidant Gallic acid. The antibacterial activity was detected by agar well diffusion method against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphyloceceus aureus. The zones of inhibitions obtained were recorded and analyzed against standard control of Ampicillin. The essential oil showed higher antibacterial activity of 24.0 mm against E. coliand least antibacterial activity of 14 mm against P. aeruginosa. The MIC of the essential oil on the susceptible bacterial isolates was between 128-256μg/ml and MBC was between 256-512μg/ml. Present study concludes that essential oil from fruit peels of Citrus paradisiihave potent antioxidant role and also have a broad spectrum antibacterial activity against human pathogens.
Supplier Evaluation in a Supply Chain Using Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making[Full-Text ] Mohamed Abdelhamid, Sherif Bahi, Tarek NasreldeenEffectively selecting and evaluating suppliers and managing their involvement in critical supply chain activities play vital roles in building competitive supply chains. This research proposes improved model for optimal supplier selection in case of a multi-suppliers for supply chain. So to formulate decision model for evaluation of suppliers through supply echelon that helps to improve the ability of supply chain in facing aggressive competition with other competitors, and that will be imposed from decision models tradeoff between the total monetary cost and measures for supplier performance service level across supply echelon. So, a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques with fuzzy theory for evaluating and obtaining weights for alternatives and criteria was proposed. By using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) and using fuzzy preference programming to handle with fuzzy judgments comparison matrices in fuzzy AHP and using Technique for Order Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) as another technique for results comparison.
Origin[Full-Text ] Nishad T MIn this paper the application of Soul Sets in Theology is introduced. Based on reference of various Holy Scriptures, a link among some religions is derived.Using that relation, the generalized concept of God is discovered.
An Improved Image Encryption Scheme Based on Pixels Permutation and Fractional Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] Wessam M. Salama and Hassan Elkamchouchi, Yasmine AbouelseoudThis paper presents an image encryption scheme based on pixels permutation and the discrete fractional wavelet transform. Random interleaving of pixels is employed to improve the security of the encryption scheme by extending the encryption key space. Additionally, four fractal images are used as a key component as fractals are traditionally known as efficient sources of randomness for key-stream generation. The use of the Fractional Wavelet Transform (FWT) aims to replace the pixel values of the original image, showing high correlation among adjacent pixels, by other values that conceal the features of this image from eavesdroppers. Moreover, bit shifts of pixel values are used to obtain a more uniform histogram for the encrypted image and to broaden the key space.
A Study of Irrigation Water Quality in Cauvery Delta Areas of Mayiladuthurai Taluk of Nagapattinam District in Tamil Nadu, India[Full-Text ] A.Vincentraj, S.Kalyanasundharam, A.Arokiyaraj, S. Leo Arokiaraj and D. SathyaThis research paper is to assess the irrigation water quality of cauvery delta area of Mayiladuthurai Taluk of Nagapattinam District in Tamil Nadu and the influence of basic physico-chemical parameters on soil fertility.The water quality index SAR, RSC, Geo-chemical types, classification, suitability of water for irrigation purpose.
Advanced security system for railway tracks[Full-Text ] Mehaboob.MujawarThis paper describes a system, basically an electronic system that can help us to detect the exact location of the crack which has been formed accidently or due to the terrorist activities. In India railway transportation occupies a very important role for connecting the entire country via different routes in the hilly regions, deserts, plateaus and all other extreme climatic conditions found all across the country to meet the ever-burgeoning needs of the growing economy.
Assessing Campus Sustainability Attributes Of Islamic University Of Technology (IUT)[Full-Text ] Md. Asif Hasan Anik, Galib Shahriar, Muntasir Ahmed, Syeda Nishat NailaEarth’s natural resources and environmental conditions are degrading day by day and this adverse impacts can’t be reduced overnight. To ensure environmental sustainability, creating sustainable cities and communities are imperative. Whereas sustainable campus can be a trigger point to achieve a sustainable environment. This research carries out a study to assess the sustainability attributes of Islamic University of Technology (IUT) campus using ‘The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System’ (STARS) Manual. The main objective was to find out the scopes of improvement after the assessment is done and also to suggest important initiatives to upgrade the score for the campus. From the investigation it has been found that the campus of IUT, which represents the lion’s share of the campuses in Bangladesh, is far from the best possible condition in terms of sustainability as it places in the Bronze category achieving 27 points. The results of the study are highly beneficial for the campus authority to recognize the sectors where the campus is lagging behind in terms of sustainability and improve those criteria for the overall development of the university.
LAYERED DOUBLE HYDROXIDE (LDH) AS AN ECOFRIENDLY AND BETTER CATALYST FOR THREE-COMPONENT AND ONE-POT REACTION BETWEEN AMMONIA ,ALDEHYDE AND β-KETOESTER[Full-Text ] Nilesh S. Ghotkar, B N BeradLDH (Layered Double Hydroxide) has been shown to be an ecofriendly and better catalyst for multicomonents reaction. An improved three-component reaction of beta-keto ester with aldehyde and ammonia is described. The reaction using LDH gave higher yields and took less time than earlier reported catalyst for this multicomponents reaction. The reaction was carried out by classical refluxing method and microwave assisted method. The microwave assisted method gave better yield with in a very short span of time.
An Assessment of Knowledge Towards Inguinal Hernia Among General Population of Riyadh City[Full-Text ] Ahmed Alakeel, Khalid Aljlayl, Khalid Alfaryan, Waleed Alshamari, Abdulrahman Aljubair, Omar ALSaqabiObjective- inguinal hernia is the most common type of hernia, comprising of approximately 75% of all abdominal wall hernias. It is one of the most common general surgical operations worldwide accounting for 10 to 15% of all surgical procedures. Aim-to Assess the knowledge towards inguinal hernia among general population of Riyadh city.
Crypto-Biometric Systems as a Framework against Spoofing Attacks[Full-Text ] Sukhchain Kaur, Reecha SharmaBiometric systems like any security system is exposed to mischievous attackers, who can mold data to make system abortive by implicating its probity. Current theory and design methods of biometric systems do not consider vulnerability of such adversary attacks. In order to make biometric systems secure it is requisite to understand and evaluate the threats and thus to develop adequate countermeasures and robust system designs. Among all the potential attacks, spoof attacks and attacks on template are one of the main threats against the security of biometric systems. In this paper, detection, encryption and anti-spoofing measures have been proposed to deal with these threats. Multimodal biometric systems are intrinsically more robust to spoof attacks than systems based on a single biometric trait, as they combine information coming from different biometric traits. Further liveness detection is carried out to ensure the security in multimodal biometric systems and crypto-biometric system is developed to reduce the risk of exposure of the combined template, if a single trait revealed to simultaneously make system privacy friendly.
Time History Analysis Of Irregular Rcc Building For Different Seismic Intensities[Full-Text ] A.KrishnaSrinivas, B.Suresh, A.Madhusudhan ReddyAn earthquake is the result of a rapid release of strain energy storied in the earth crust that generates seismic waves. Structures are vulnerable to earthquake ground motion and damages the structures.In order to take precaution for the damage of structures due to ground motion, it is important to know the characteristics of the ground motion. The most important dynamic characteristics of earthquake are peak ground acceleration, frequency content, and duration. These characteristics play predominant rule studying the behaviour of structures under the earthquake ground motion.
Diquark approach to calculating the mass and stability of multiquark states[Full-Text ] A.R. HaghpeimaDiquarks may play an important role in hadronic physics particularly near the phase transitions (chiral, deconfinement points) current lattice QCD determinations of baryon charge distributions do not support the concept of substantial u-d scalar diquark clustering as an appropriate description of the internal structure of nucleon, thus vector diquarks are more favourable.By using of vector diquark ideas in the chiral limit diquark correlations in the relativistic region and imposing HF interactions between quarks in a vector diquark we calculated the mass of three multiquark states ( pentaquark, H dibaryon and HCC dibaryon), also by using of tunneling method we simultaneously calculated their decay width .Our approach is general and extendable to all multiquark states.
Prediabetes, Diabetes and impact of healthy life-style KAP study, Jazan University[Full-Text ] Layla Mohsen Ali Beidy, Amnah Khalid Hasan Zakri, Raniyah Ali Qaba Ahmed, Alaa Ahmad Hassan Allayl , Rafah Ghazi Ali Jarad , Rawabi Ahmad Mahdi TawhariDiabetes plays role in the cause of morbidity through continued clinical consequence. Evidence from the existing study's findings shows the increasing trend of global diabetes epidemic need to raise alarm with its risky effects on health. Several factors associated with poor glycemic control should be known and managed. Objectives: to evaluate the level of Knowledge, attitude and practices towards prediabetes, diabetes and its complication and the effect of health lifestyle modification on these conditions among health science students in Jazan University. Methodology: a descriptive cross sectional study conducted in health science colleges (males and females) in Jazan University stratified random sampling method was used to select a representative sample of 342 students. Data regarding student’s characteristics, knowledge about diabetes mellitus their attitude and practices regarding lifestyle modifications was collected through questionnaire data entered and analyzed on SPSS. Result: The response rate of study 97.9%, Data analyzed and shows: 87.2% of the participants had good knowledge, 12.5% had average knowledge and only 0.3% had poor knowledge regarding the diabetes, prediabetes and value of exercise, adequate body weight and a healthy diet. A majority of participants either had a strongly positive attitude 71.6% or a positive attitude 28.4% toward lifestyle modifications. 12% of the participants reported that they did not considering importance of healthy habits to improve their health; 47.1% were moderately keen to do, the rest 40.8% follow a controlled diet and monitor their body weight. The results show positive correlation of 0.294 p = 0.0001between knowledge level and attitude level; also significant positive correlation of 0.285 (p = 0 .003) between the knowledge level and practice level; another positive correlation of 0.173 p = 0.002 between the attitude level and practice level. Conclusion: the result of the study was generally good in term of knowledge, attitude and practice towards Prediabetes, diabetes and the impact of healthy lifestyle among health science students.
Conceptual Design Portable Chopper Machine for Palm Oil Frond : Laws of Classical Mechanics and CAD Approach[Full-Text ] Ramayanti Bulan, Safrizal, T. Saiful BahriA portable chopper machine is required for handling palm frond waste. Engineering design analysis required before manufacturing process. It will produces a conceptual design from portable chopper machine. Computer Aided Design (CAD) in modern engineering has been used as one of the methods in the analysis of engineering design. The aim of this research is to design of conceptual portable chopper machine for palm oil frond through laws of classical mechanics and CAD approach. Design analysis used the laws of classical mechanics. Engineering drawing and load static simulation of portable chopper machine used CAD SolidWorks software. Static simulation was conducted to know the strength or the ability of material to receive the load, its can support engineering design analysis. The results show that the minimum shaft diameter is 34.56 mm. The length, width and thickness chopper blade is 120 mm, 40 mm, 4.55 mm, respectively. The power needed of portable chopper machine is 13.16 hp. The result of the load static simulation consist of maximum stress value, yield strength and displacement value on the index bar. The maximum stress on the index bar used to evaluate the design is secured.
Fractional Calculus of Mittag - Leffler type function using Pathway integral operator[Full-Text ] Harish Nagar and A. K. Tripathi The aim of the present paper is to evaluate new relations using Pathway integral operator onMittag - Leffler type functions with two Fractional orders. Each order plays an important rule while modeling for instance problems with two layers with different properties. The formulas established here are basic in nature and are likely to find useful applications in the field of science and engineering. Pathway integral operator generalizes the classical Riemann – Liouville fractional integration operator, and when α→1 it reduces to the Laplace integral transform.
Soil Stabilization by Phosphogypsum: A Review[Full-Text ] Shantanu Mehta, Mohammed Islamuddin Faraz, H. S. GoliyaThis paper aims to present the effect of Phosphogypsum on the stabilization of black cotton soils. Soil stabilization means the improvement of stability or bearing capacity of soil by the use of controlled compaction; proportioning or the addition of suitable admixtures or stabilizers. An excellent material found for mechanical stabilization of cohesive soil is Phosphogypsum. A need is existing for thorough understanding of outcomes of various engineering tests when the Phosphogypsum is mixed with soil samples. Very few researchers have been attracted by enhancing the soil properties by Phosphogypsum. Use of Phosphogypsum with soil can be a sustainable solution for its disposal. The use of Phosphogypsum for stabilization approach is an economical and environmental settling the problems affiliated with its disposal process.
MODELLING OF WELDING HAZARDS IN AN INDUSTRIAL WORKSHOP USING FFTA METHOD[Full-Text ] Andrew John, Oriri Asemota OmorodionDealing with common and special hazards in welding and fabrication workshops requires experiences of welding professionals to employ advanced methodologies to tackle various risk scenarios associated with welding operations. This paper therefore, presents a model to evaluate welding accident in an industrial workshop under uncertainty. Given that fault tree analysis (FTA) is a known methodology used to analyse engineering systems with known failure data, welding operations are usually performed in an uncertain environment requiring flexible but robust algorithm for its analysis.
A study on the impact of soap operas among Irula Tribal women in Bokkapuram, Gudular, Nilgiri District, Tamil Nadu[Full-Text ] Dileep Raj, A BalasubramanianIrulas are a unique ethnic community living in the Nilgiri district mostly confined to the forest. This provided the backdrop for the study to ascertain the influence of soap operas in their lives. Several anthropological and ethnographic studies have advocated that TV is the main source of medium through which families get knowledge about life outside their settlement. A survey of 120 Irula women was conducted in the bokkapuram area in the Nilgiris. The demographics under seven heads were analysed on their influence of the soaps. They spend a surprisingly significant amount of time with television watching soaps. The effect is yet to be fully documented. This study concludes that, these tribal women are not aware of the impact of soaps in their lives that act as a psychological trap.
A survey of Lightweight Cryptographic Hash Function[Full-Text ] Baraa Tareq Hammad, Norziana Jamil, Mohd Ezanee Rusli and Muhammad Reza Z`abaLightweight cryptography is developed to enhance the security level in pervasive computing applications such as those characterized by smart but resource-constrained devices. The two main primitives of lightweight symmetric cryptographic are lightweight block cipher and lightweight hash algorithm. In this paper, a comprehensive survey of some lightweight cryptographic hash functions will be described from both hardware and software perspectives. Apart from covering the analyses of these algorithms, the differences of these primitives in terms of throughput, number of cycle, comprehensive area, power and energy will be outlined. We will provide a classification of these lightweight hash functions as well.
Molecular coupling study between the potential inhibitor of dengue fever, Annatto and Protein E (DENV-4)[Full-Text ] Jacilene Silva, Aurineide Ribeiro Lima, Lucas Lima Bezerra, Márcia Machado Marinho, Emmanuel Silva MarinhoDengue fever is a viral disease belonging to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, and this genus consists of more than 70 viruses. Most are transmitted by arthropod vectors, so these viruses are also called arboviruses. The transmission of dengue occurs with higher incidence in tropical countries, whose environmental conditions are characterized by high rainfall rates and elevated temperatures, guaranteeing the reproduction and development of the mosquito Aedes aegypti.
Design of Photovoltaic System Integrated with Distribution Network[Full-Text ] Muhammad Z. Ali, A.R. Kalair, S. Rauf, N. Khan The power consumption across the globe is increasing very rapidly resultantly the reservoirs of the conventional sources of energy are also depleting much speedily. In this scenario, the solar energy is the tangible solution being abundantly available and is environment friendly.
A GSM-Based SMS Power Notification System for Network Operation Centers[Full-Text ] Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Adekunle Olugbenga Ejidokun, Olakanmi Adewara, Oludayo Samuel Ajala, Ezekiel Aliyu and Thomas Kokumo YesufuIn developing countries, electricity distribution to final consumers stands chances of failure due to epileptic power supply. Most times, failure can come from the electric power provider or problems with poor electrification of a building. Failure is detrimental to ICT Network Operation Centers as they require a 24/7 supply of electricity to effectively carry out their operations and provide the required network service to their clients. In times of power failure or restoration, it is necessary for ICT personnel to be notified of such a failure or restoration as a smart response to either bring a quick power restoration to the unit with the use of an alternative power source or in order to put off the alternate power source. For the effective operation of a Network Operation Center (NOC) in times of power outages or restorations, a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) based Short Message Service (SMS) notification system (ezzzyNotifier) which incorporates a shift timetable arrangement was developed. The system was tested and was found to work satisfactorily with an average user satisfaction of 87%. This paper, therefore, presents the design and implementation of a GSM-based SMS notification system for ICT Network Operation Centers.
Evaluating Ecological Dis-balance in the Fast Growing Cities of Pakistan, by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques[Full-Text ] Mehwish Rani, Humayun Ashraf, Shawaz.AhmadRapidly increase urbanization has direct impact on ecological dis-balance associated with reducing the green spaces. Developing countries population is increasing day by day as well as increase in human migration from rural to urban. Everyone wants to get facilities and better life style. Resultantly the urban land use/ land cover is rapidly changing.
The Studies of Millimeter Waves at different Frequencies in different Environmental conditions for 5G Applications - A State of Art[Full-Text ] Hitesh Singh, Ravinder Kumar, Boncho Bonev, Peter PetkovWith the tremendous growth of commercial mobile communication networks world over, the radio frequency becomes more valuable natural resources. The Radio spectrum is an essential tool for economic and social growth of a country. The shortage of bandwidth forces researchers for the exploration of the underutilized millimeter wave spectrum for designing the communication broadband networks. Very little research has been done in the areas of cellular mm-wave propagation in densely populated indoor and outdoor environments. For the design of future 5G network it is essential to obtain vital information regarding mm-wave propagation characteristics and its behavior in various environmental conditions. This paper describes the various aspects of 5G technologies and various studies carried out earlier in the field of radio wave propagation at millimeter wave technologies in different environments.
Cloud Attenuation issues in Satellite Communications at millimeter Frequency Bands- State of Art[Full-Text ] Hitesh Singh, Ravinder Kumar, Boncho Bonev, Peter PetkovOver the past decades satellites has been evolved to provide a variety of services like, navigation, data, voice, videos, etc. Frequencies above 10 GHz provide new opportunities to meet the high bandwidth demands of current telecom sector. The telecom industry is looking for higher for higher frequencies because they provide higher bandwidth greater than 1 GHz which is useful for higher data rates transmissions. This article provides the brief overview of cloud attenuation and its effects on satellite communications. Different models are discussed followed by different work done on these issues. A comparative study has also been provided for different proposed models for SatCom. .
PROCESSING LARGE / BIG DATA SET THROUGH MapR AND PIG[Full-Text ] Arvind KumarWe live in the data age. It’s not easy to measure the total volume of data stored electronically, but an IDC estimate put the size of the “digital universe” at 0.18 zettabytes in 2006, and is forecasting a tenfold growth by 2011 to 1.8 zettabytes.* A zettabyte is 1021 bytes, or equivalently one thousand Exabyte’s, one million petabytes, or one billion terabytes. That’s roughly the same order of magnitude as one disk drive for every person in the world.