Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017.
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Long-term isothermal stability of deep eutectic solvents based on choline chloride with malonic or lactic or tartaric acid[Full-Text ] Andrea Skulcova, Veronika Majova, Ales Haz, Frantisek Kreps, Albert Russ, Michal JablonskyThe increasing amount of papers published on ionic liquids generates an extensive quantity of data. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have recently been developed as a new and attractive alternative to traditional ionic liquids. The thermal stability of a deep eutectic solvent is an important parameter and limits the maximum operating temperature. The long-term thermogravimetric studies of DESs such as malonic, lactic and tartaric acid with choline chloride showed non-linear weight loss as a function of time at each temperature of 20 °C interval in the range 60-120 °C over a period of 10 hours.
INVESTIGATING WATER SECURITY IN CAMEROON: CASE OF MUTENGENE, SW REGION[Full-Text ] AMUNGWA Ivan, TABIKAM and ZANKE, Norman TEMWater plays an instrumental role in the development of any community or society, unfortunately achieving household water security in many regions of the world, especially in Sub-saharan Africa and particularly Cameroon, is of global concern. This study thoroughly examines factors affecting water security within the Mutengene Community Water System and proposes sustainable alternatives to ensuring water security amongst imminent changes. Data was obtained through the use of interviews and semi-structured questionnaires on households, field and Laboratory analyses were carried out on collected water samples.
Removal of Heavy Metals from the contaminated soil using Soil Washing Technique with Biosurfactant[Full-Text ] Miss.Sujata Repale, Prof. Mrs. V.U. KhanapureHeavy metal removal is important because they are not only contaminating the soil but also affect the human being and animal. Various technologies were employed from the some years to remove the heavy metals from the contaminated soil. Soil washing is one of the ex-situ techniques which are cost effective and easy in operation. This study focuses on the modified bench scale model or rotating soil washing unit was constructed to remove the Copper and Chromium from the contaminated soil. A biosurfactant solution is used as a washing solution and the reaction is carried out for 3 hours. Results supported with the effectiveness of bench scale soil washing model in Copper and Chromium removal from the contaminated soil at open dumping site. The removal efficiency for Copper and Chromium is found to be minimum and maximum on the use of biosurfactant. In case of mixed contaminants such as pesticides, volatile organic compounds, this bench scale model can be used.
Formulation and Characterization of Mucoadhesive Liquid Suppositories Containing Chitosan based Candesartan celixitil Loaded Microspheres[Full-Text ] Swapnali D. Patil, Vijay D. Havaldar, Kailas K. Mali, Remeth J. DiasThe main objective of present investigation is to formulate and characterize mucoadhesive liquid suppositories by using chitosan based microspheres which shows good mucoadhesive property. The chitosan based microspheres were prepared by single emulsification technique using glutaraldehyde as a crosslinking agent. And by using this candesartan celixitil loaded chitosan microspheres, liquid suppositories were prepared by cold preparation method.
Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement: A Review on Related Concepts and Empirical Applications[Full-Text ] H.M.G.Y.J. HennayakeCelebrity endorsement is a highly effective strategy to gain consumer interests and brand loyalty in a cluttered marketplace .Celebrity Endorsement increase awareness of a company’s advertising, create positive feelings towards brands and are perceived by consumers as more entertaining. Using a celebrity in advertising is,therefore, likely to positively affect consumers ‘brand attitudes and purchase intentions. It is noticed that services sector brands intensively depend on celebrity endorsement strategies in a noticeable trend. However, the notion of brand evaluation context is highlighted as empirical research gaps found in relation to the services sector in Sri Lanka.Alongside, this concept paper attempts to review the notion of effectiveness of celebrity endorsement, mechanism of celebrity worship motives and influence of effectiveness of celebrity endorsement in line with brand related contexts. Accordingly, this paper populates to examine the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement on perceived brand evaluations leading to brand-related behaviors in the service sectors namely telecommunication, insurance and financial sector.
Characterization of coriander seeds “coriandrum sativum”[Full-Text ] L. KADIRI, A. LEBKIRI, E. H. RIFI, Y. ESSAADAOUI, A. OUASS, I. LEBKIRI, H. HAMADCoriander seeds have, over their culinary and medicinal benefits, a significant adsorbent power of heavy metals due to their high adsorption capacity and their adaptation in aqueous medium. Our present work relates, on one hand, to the characterization of the material in order to determine its morphology by using techniques based on spectroscopy such as Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and the X-ray Diffraction (XRD), on the other hand, to the study of acid-base behaviour of seeds of coriander in contact with some aqueous solutions in the presence and absence of metal ions. Also, a test of this material in the removal of copper ions Cu2+ from aqueous solutions by coriander seeds has been realized using Atomic Absorption spectroscopy (AAS) in order to highlight the importance of coriander seeds as a potential tool in the treatment of wastewaters containing heavy metals.
Flow of a non-Newtonian Fluid through a Vertical Channel with Porous Medium[Full-Text ] Monika Srivastava, Rajeev KhareThe effect of magnetic field on the flow of non-Newtonian fluids through different channels containing porous medium has very important role for industries in designing MHD generators and other devices. They need a deep knowledge of MHD flow through different channels. In this paper an attempt has been made to find the effect of magnetic field on the flow of a non-Newtonian fluid through vertical channel filled with porous medium under the transversely applied magnetic field. The result clearly indicates that the velocity profile of fluid can be easily controlled by applying magnetic field.
Framework for Secured Biometric System[Full-Text ] F.S. Omotosho, R.S. Babatunde, K. A. GbolagadeBiometrics provides higher accuracy of personal recognition in real identity management system than traditional methods because of its properties. However, the security of biometric systems can be undermined, if the template derived from the biometrics traits such as fingerprint is compromised. If a biometric template is compromised, it leads to serious security and privacy threats. Unlike passwords, it is impossible for a legitimate user to revoke his/her biometric traits and switch to another set of uncompromised identifiers.
Experimental Determination of Water Content of Sweet Natural Gas with Methane Component Below 70%[Full-Text ] Aimikhe, V.J; Joel, O.F; Ikiensikimama, S.S and Iyuke, SMajority of the experimental data for water content of natural gas had always been based on gas composition with methane component greater than 70%. However, some low pressure natural gases can have a methane component less than 70%. This study therefore, was on measuring the water dew point of sweet natural gas with methane component less than 70 %. To achieve this, natural gas samples were collected from several oil and gas locations in the Niger Delta region, in accordance with ISO 10715. An experimental set up was designed for use with a chilled mirror dew point meter. On performing the experiment, the water dew points were measured and the water contents estimated using appropriate correlations, attached to the dew point meter. The water contents were then validated with a modified version of the Soave Redlich Kwong (SRK) equation of state and the Peng Robinson equation of state suite of the proMax software. The result showed a maximum percentage average absolute deviation (% AAD) and standard deviation (SD) of 11 and 12 respectively. It was also observed that the measured dew point temperatures and water contents of the gas samples in this study were relatively the same, at same pressure, with those with methane component greater than 70%.
The Influence of Product Quality, Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty (Case Study PT ABC Tbk)[Full-Text ] Erry Rimawan, Ali Mustofa, Angga Dwi MulyantoThe potential of flexible packaging product consumption in Indonesia is still quite large. The majority of packaging used by the industry in Indonesia is flexible plastic packaging, which is 42% of the total raw materials used by industrial packaging. The company generally wants that the customers who have been created can be maintained forever. However, it is not easy, considering that some changes can occur at any time, both in consumer and social psychological aspects and in consumer culture. This study aims to investigate, analyze, and know in detail the influence of high quality products, service and trust to customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty in PT ABC Tbk flexible packaging division. The primary data in this study was obtained or collected through questionnaires derived from direct respondents involved as consumer consumer products totaling 39 subscriber companies scattered throughout Indonesia. Hypothesis testing in this study uses partial least square analysis (PLS) with the help of software smartpls 3. The results show that Product Quality, Quality of Service and Trust does not affect on Customer Satisfaction or Customer Loyalty, while Customer Satisfaction Affect Customer Loyalty. Looking at the results of this study, it is worth noting further for other factors other than quality products, service and trust that emphasize customer satisfaction and loyalty customers, such as competitors and competitors competitiveness in price terms may be considered.
LOCAL CONTENT BASED INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR SMART CITY[Full-Text ] Abolade, Jeremiah O, Falaye Boluwatife E.Traffic congestion at intersections is commonly noticed whenever there is heavy traffic flow towards the intersection and usually results to delay which causes time wastage, fuel wastage and minor accident in some cases due to the violation of ‘right of way’ rules. Most of the available intelligent traffic systems are expensive for implementation and maintenance in this part of the world (Nigeria/ Africa as a whole). Several of the traffic control lights in Nigeria are mostly pre-timed (that is, they cannot respond to the dynamic nature of traffic). In view of these, low cost, local-based intelligent traffic lights control that suit Nigeria/Africa state of weather and environmental condition was designed and implemented for a particular situation (University of Ibadan Main entrance gate).
Food Insecurity Arising From Food Inflation & Natural Disasters in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Syeda Wasia Zareen, Syeda Noor ul Sabah, Muzzammil ArifFood Insecurity is a global issue especially for developing countries like Pakistan that has been facing this major problem. Many reasons exist behind food insecurity in Pakistan such as, supply of bad quality food, smoky environment etc. Research objective is to find the factors which are responsible for the problem of food insecurity and undernourishment in Pakistan with main focus on food inflation. Furthermore, this study identifies the factors which are responsible for growing the food insecurity in the country under. Food insecurity is measured from depth of food deficit (kilocalories per day) that indicates how many calories would be needed to elevate the undernourished from their category. Secondary data is taken from WDI etc. Co2 Emissions, Law & order, Unemployment rate, Urban Population, food inflation, Prevalence of undernourished used as independent variables whereas, food deficit and food insecurity are used as dependent variables. Simple regression modal is applied for analysis. In result, Total Population, Co2 Emission, Food Inflation, Risk of Law & Order, Unemployment rate and Prevalence of Undernourished are positively related with dependent variable whereas, Urban Population negatively affected with dependent variable. Government should pay attention on implementation of effective policies, giving awareness about factors which are mainly cause the food insecurity.
Frequency and prevention of Calcium Oxalate Renal Calculi in Adult Males from Bahawalpur, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Zeeshan Yousuf, Haji Muhammad Rashid, Hafiz Ghulam Murtaza SaleemThe purpose of the study was to produce awareness and assess the frequency of calcium oxalate stone in adult males from Bahawalpur. It is a cross-sectional study. The current study was conducted in urology ward, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, and then analyzed in a chemical pathology laboratory, Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. A sample of 320 patients was selected. The data were collected through a questionnaire. The questions were translated into local language by the interviewer for better comprehension, and the answers were reverse translated into English, and filled in the respective columns. The study showed that out of 320 patients, calcium oxalate stones were in 65% of patients. Uric acid, pure calcium oxalate, and calcium phosphate stones were in 24% patients, magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) stones were in 5% patients, pure calcium phosphate stones were 4% patients & cysteine acid stones were in 2% patients. In adult males of Bahawalpur, calcium oxalate calculi are abundant in adult males, i.e., 65%. In adult males of Bahawalpur, Pure Calcium oxalate stones are more common. It is due to hot climate; peoples are vegetarians. The water of Bahawalpur contains high levels of minerals. Most people are not using purified water. They have not cared about diet which causes renal stones.
Information based feature selection for intrusion detection systems[Full-Text ] M.S Irfan Ahmed, Riyad A.M, R.L Raheemaa Khan, Mohamed Jamshad K, Shamsudeen EIntrusion detection is the act of detecting harm full attacks towards computer systems and networks. Intrusion detection systems are used to identify and report those intrusions in order to take necessary remedial actions. We use can use real time network data collected from various sensors or devices for analyzing the traffic. Also there are various standardized data sets which contain various types of intrusions such as DARPA and KDD Cup99 data sets. We use NSL-KDD dataset for our analysis as NSL-KDD is an improved version of KDD Cup99 data set. Here, we evaluate the intrusion detection system by with and without applying data pre-processing and feature selection techniques. Thus we analyze the importance of data pre-processing and feature selection applied on the data set using rough sets and information gain.
Statistical Analysis On Management Of Physically Handicapped Children[Full-Text ] Dr.Sajjad ZahirThe present study reveals with the reflection on results and justified agreements based on preceding works. The results revealed that all experimental groups differed significantly from the control group in respect of all the psychological variables included in the study.
Calibration Laboratory Assessment – Dynamic Case Studies – For Betterment[Full-Text ] I.S.PrasadMeasurements play important role & Measurement Correctness or Traceability of measurements is assured by Calibration. The calibration establishes traceability of measurement & Calibration Data without measurement Uncertainty is incomplete. International Standards as IEC25 of the past or ISO/IEC17025 of the present have been the guidance documents all over the world for Test & calibration Laboratories.
The effect of titanium dioxide on the structural and bioactivity of B2O3 -P2O5 -Na2O -CaO glasses[Full-Text ] H.I. Abdelkader, E. S. Yousef, E. R. Shaaban, and H.M. MostafaGlass is an amorphous solid defined as a rigid material whose structure lacks crystalline periodicity. The pattern of amorphous atoms and/or molecules is not repeated periodically in three dimensions. If glass is soaked in a physiological solution as a simulated body fluid (SBF) and when hydroxyapatite (HA) appears in XRD diagram and in SEM analyses the glass is called bioactive, such as silicate glasses, borosilicate glasses, phospho-borate glasses. In this work it is intended to control the rate of dissolution and glass bioactivity By substituting P2O5 with TiO2 progressively in the bioactive Phospho- borate glass of basic composition 0.07P2O5 - 0.46 B2O3 - 0.24 CaO - 0.23 Na2O and TiO2.To prepare this composition which characterized by its bone-bonding ability.
Elliptic model for the consideration of the anisotropy by the fatigue criteria: application to wood material[Full-Text ] Kalameu Nouboum A.B., Kenmeugne B., Djeumako B., Soh Fotsing B.D., Tchotang T., Robert J.-L.Wood is a material widely used in construction. The determination of its properties is very difficult because of its anisotropy. A presentation of both the physical and mechanical properties of wood has been made in order to understand and further explain the mechanisms responsible for its anisotropy. The modeling of the anisotropy has been done at the level of the stress limits. We assume that they form an ellipse call the anisotropy ellipse, for anisotropic materials and a circle for isotropic materials. The fatigue limit which appears in the expression of the Fogue-Bahuaud criterion was replaced by the equation of the ellipse obtained. A comparison with the literature results and an application on two species of tropical timber, the Azobe and Bilinga, were used to validate the results.
FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE BASED HYDROGEL FOR CONTROLLED DRUG DELIVERY OF ANTI HYPERTENSIVE DRUG[Full-Text ] Swaleha Patel, Dr. Remeth DiasThe main objective of present investigation is to formulate and evaluate Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Based Hydrogel for Controlled Drug Delivery of Anti-Hypertensive Drug as they are the multiple component system capable of swelling in aqueous mediums and retaining a large amount of water or biological fluids. they have emerged as one of the efficient carrier systems of therapeutic agents which are to be delivered in required amount at specific rate and site of action.