Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2017.
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Treatment of Refractory (Resistant) Cerclage by Human Menstrual Blood Stem Cells(Modern Trend)[Full-Text ] Ali Farid Mohamed Ali, Laila Farid, Yasmin Ali, Mohamed AliIntroduction: Resistant (Refractory) Cerclage which is a new term we introduced which means failure of repeated vaginal Cerclage (3 times) done by expert gynecologist and with no contraindication for the operation. Human endometrial stem cells (which were isolated from menstrual blood) possess the adult stem cell like characteristics of self-renewal, high proliferative potential in vitro, and the ability to differentiate toward diverse cell lineages in induction media. These cells were directly harvested from the endometrium. No report in the literature deals with the treatment of this condition, so the aim of this work is to use Human endometrial stem cells as a new modality of treatment.Material and Methods:10 patients of Refractory Cerclage (Resistant) were enrolled in the study; Mean age 38 ± 3.2 years, Mean number of failure Cerclage 8.2 ± 2.6; human menstrual blood stem cells were prepared and injected in the cervix. Ultrasound, cervical IL8, collagenase, AQP3, AQP4, AQP5 was done at time of injections and 4 weeks after the injection.Results:70% of cases ended with full term pregnancy, 20% ended with pre-term delivery and 10% suffered abortion.Statistically significant decrease in IL8, collagenase, AQP3, AQP4 and AQP5 after 4 weeks of the injection.Conclusion:Treatment of Refractory (Resistant) Cerclage by cervical injection of autologus human menstrual blood stem cells (HuMenSCs) is safe, effective, and cheap with positive fetal effect and no feto-maternal complications, but more cases and randomization are needed before elucidation the effectiveness of the procedure.
Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Spoken Letters Recognition[Full-Text ] Raidah S. Khudeyer, Zainab S. Jumaa, Noura H. AjamMachine learning techniques have been successfully applied to problems in pattern classification, function approximations, optimization and pattern recognition. In this work, we employ different machine learning techniques: two types of neural network structures, Probability neural Network (PNN), Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN) and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to investigate the performance of these techniques on recognition of spoken letters. The data we used in this work taken from UCI machine learning repository. This paper shows the results of comparison among these techniques and the recognition results have indicated that the k-Nearest Neighbor gave good recognition performance of 100%.This work was implemented in MATLAB 7.0 environment.
Geotechnical Investigation of a Proposed Dam in Adunyin Area Ogbomosho, Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adewoye, A.O and Esho J.GThis paper discusses each geotechnical parameter carried out at Adunyin Area Ogbomosho, Southwestern Nigeria. This was aimed at investigating the potential or suitability of the river for dam siting. This research examined the geotechnical properties of twelve (12) soil samples (disturbed samples). The soil samples were obtained from upstream, dam axis and downstream sides of the study area, from three trial pits at depth of 3.0 meters with each sample taken at 0.5 meter interval. Geotechnical tests were carried out to determine Soil classification, Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and Optimum Moisture Content (OMC), Plasticity Index (PI), Coefficient of Permeability (CP), shear strength, and resistance to loading. Geotechnical assessment of soil samples revealed that they are generally well graded, with low to medium plasticity, the best samples for foundation have high MDD at OMC which include samples at 0.5m for pit one, 3.0m for pit two and 0.5m for pit three, the coefficient of permeability generally indicates that the samples have very low permeability, which indicates the presence of impervious soils, the shear strength shows the samples’ consistency range from stiff to very stiff or hard, the resistance to loading indicates that the soils are generally good for base-sub-base.
Optimization of neural architectures for prediction of heavy metal concentrations in Red Sea sediments[Full-Text ] Kaoutar ELAZHARI, Hicham EL BADAOUI, Abdelaziz ABDALLAOUI and Hamid ZINEDDINEThe aim of this study is to establish mathematical models based on artificial neural networks for the prediction of the Iron, Zinc and Manganese contents of sediments in the Red Sea. The results of this study showed that the best and most suitable model for the prediction of iron, Zinc and Manganese levels in Red Sea sediments from geochemical parameters is the model Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) artificial neural networks using the Levenberg Marquardt learning algorithm with tansig and Purelin transfer functions respectively for the hidden layer and the output layer and having a configuration architecture [13-8-3].
Hydrogeochemical Evaluation of Water and Stream sediments in selected Drainage Systems of Oyo Township Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] A. O. Adewoye and A.A. AdegbolaThe indiscriminate dumping refuse along drainage systems in Oyo town has long made it known to be a repository of different pollutants including heavy metals. 15 streams and sediment samples of selected drainage systems of Oyo Township Southwestern Nigeria were analysed for Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Cadmium (Cd), Iron (Fe) and Chromium (Cr) using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Results from this stream and sediments analysis were used to calculate some quantitative indices like Index of geo- accumulation (Igeo) and contamination factor .The ranges of heavy metals for stream water samples are Pb (0.02 - 70.45 mg/l), Cd (0.01 - 48.67 mg/l), Cu (0.03 - 67.20 mg/l), Fe (0.00 - 34.50 mg/l) and Zn (0.03 - 9.80 mg/l). Similar values for stream sediments were Pb (0.04 - 129.96 mg/l), Cd (0.06 - 44.12 mg/l), Cu (0.09 - 295.20 mg/l), Fe (0.03 - 20.78 mg/l) and Zn (0.09 - 16.80 mg/l). The trend of dominance revealed by the heavy metals concentrations in the analysed stream sediments are in the order: Pb > Cd > Cu > Fe > Zn > Cr.
DETERMINATION OF SCATTERED RADIATION IN CONTROL ROOM OF X-RAY FACILITIES IN SELECTED RADIO-DIAGNOSTIC CENTERS IN LAGOS STATE[Full-Text ] OJOMOLADE OLUWASEUN IBIKUNLEIt took only about 3 months for the first radiation accident to be recorded after the discovery of X-ray. This was dueto continuous and constant exposure to radiation and hence the health damage. This therefore, necessitates the need to limit radiation exposure to as low as reasonable achievable (IAEA, 2001). This study aims at determining radiation scatter to radiographers in x-ray facilities in selected centers in Lagos state.
A Survey & Analysis of Various Trust Model for Security in Cloud Computing: Issues & Challenges[Full-Text ] Mr.Ashish Sharma, Dr.SanjayKumarCloud computing enables sharing of data over internet, hence the chances of security attacks also increases. So for the security of Data Sharing or Resources Allocation various Trust Models are implemented which provides security from various attacks. One of the efficient and improved Trust Model is implemented which increases the strength of Security in Cloud Computing [1]. Here in this paper various Trust Models their advantages and limitations are analyzed and com pare on the basis of various parameters. This paper deals with the analysis and survey of all the techniques implemented for Cloud Security so that on the basis of various issues a new and efficient Trust Model is implemented in Future.
Study Of Community Facility Spatial Structure In Japanese Nursing Home[Full-Text ] Lin Bai, Satoshi NasuWith the accelerating evolution of aged society worldwide, more attention has been paid to the improvement of elderly quality of life(QoL) after their retirement.The Community facility, a common space in nursing home for residents’ social activity, is believed to play an important role in improving residents' QoL in nursing home.However, there is no generally acknowledged method to quantitatively evaluate common space spatial structure in nursing home. In this paper, the spatial characteristics of community facility in 62 nursing homes which were built in the year from 1978 to 2014 are analyzed by using space syntax theory to develop an understanding of quantitative spatial structure characteristics of community facility, how they have been transited, and what inherent spatial structure quantitative difference exist in community facilitiesin different scale care unit nursing homes, so as to provide a reference for future community facility spatial structure design. The selection of nursing homes in this article is from Japanese architecture publications because Japan is in the front of aging society on the world, the data and resultfrom Japanese nursing home can be expected to be a good examplefor other countries.The analysis shows there were uptrend in allocating community facility in Japanese nursing home to place with both higher spatial integration and higher connectivity value in the past 35 years.The comparison between classical large scale care and modern unit care nursing homes confirms that the spatial integration, connectivity of community facility was increased by about 13%, and the mean depth to access community facility is decreased.This spatial structure transition actually reflects a culture of connect to greater community in modern Japanese nursing home design, that is, to make community facility easily accessed and gathered together by nursing home residents and local visitors.
Search Keyword Based System for Prospective Threat Avoidance Using Big Data[Full-Text ] Sunny ShahEvery organization in the world collects information about their user for providing better service and this information is stored in data warehouses where they apply different algorithms to make their service best suited for theirusers. On other end government authorities for public safety are still following the old methods and protocols to solve crime in this modern age of computing.These authorities need to acquaint themselves with contemporary style for solving the crime and to be upto date with the technology around them. This paper proposes a new and advanced method to combine this two public service in a convenient way. So, by using the potential of computing we can make our neighborhood safer.
Investigation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N8 Outbreak in Kano, Kano State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Columba Teru Vakuru, Ayi Vandi Kwaghe, Mairo Gujba Kachalla, Tony Joannis, Paul Abdu, Gideon Mbursa Mshelbwala, Mohammed Gidado, Yahaya Tanko and Sarki Bashir MohammedHighly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus (H5N8) has been in circulation in Europe, parts of Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa for some time now but was recently identified for the first time in Nigeria in November, 2016. Evidence from epidemiologic disease investigation conducted at the index farm (mixed species back yard poultry farm located at Danbare) indicated that the new clade of the virus might have been introduced through some local chickens bought from a poultry vendor in a nearby Live Bird Market (LBM) at Janguza and introduced into the farm without observance of basic biosecurity measures, a week before the outbreak occured. Unfortunately, the primary source of the pullets and possible extend of spread of the virus could not be traced due to lack of bird movement records system that could have enabled the tracing of the actual source of the local chickens introduced into the affected farm beyond the Janguza LBM where the pullets were purchased from an unknown hawker.
Prevalence of Neck Pain and its Associated Factors In Female Sewing Machine Operators in “Leather Coordinators”, Factory of Sahiwal[Full-Text ] Kumail Hassan, Maham Khalid, Salman Zafar, Ashfaq Ahmad, Syed Amir Gilani, Aqsa ImranThe main objective of this study was to evaluate how much prevalent was neck pain in sewing machine operators.A cross sectional non experimental survey was conducted on the female sewing machine operators of the garment factory named “Leather Coordinators” located in Sahiwal city of Punjab. Descriptive statistics were applied. Results revealed that out of seventy participants that were recruited for neck pain, fifty five (78.57%) were suffering from this ailment and fifteen (21.43%) persons were not having pain in the neck region due to sewing. Some association was found between intensity of neck ache and total time having neck pain (p-value= 0.06). While no association was found between pain intensity and age of respondents (p-value=0.856). Only 1 participant changed her job due to neck pain while other 54 participants continued the same job despite having neck ache. Pain intensity has association with total time having pain in the neck. There is no association present between intensity of pain and age of the participants. Also neck pain has association with the work prevention. Absence due to sickness (neck ache) was very less in those females in our study.
An approach for data cleaning for Web Usage Mining[Full-Text ] JayantiMehra, Dr.R.S.ThakurIn the day- today-life, the information in World Wide Web is increasing in an explosive way and simultaneously the usage of the Web was also growing in an enormous way. For each and every usage or accessing of the web pages, it created a separate log entry in the web log file so that the log file also increased correspondingly. From the web log file we got some interesting information about the users’ previous access sequence. Using that interested information, it was possible to predict the users’ future access sequence and also to personalize the interested. The working of WUM involves three steps - preprocessing, pattern discovery and analysis. The first step in WUM - Preprocessing of data is a necessary action which will help to improve the quality of the data and consecutively the mining results. This research paper explains and presents different data preparation techniques for web log data. This techniques converted raw data into usable data.
MFCC based feature extraction for diagnosing schizophrenia disease[Full-Text ] Bahar Javadi Khasraghi, Saeed SetayeshiThis paper concerns the diagnosis of schizophrenia using an electroencephalogram signals. This study, MFCC based feature extraction was compared with the result of Hjorth parameters, Autoregression, Fractal dimension, and Phase slope index. Decay brain emotional learning based fuzzy inference system (DBELFIS), inspired by the limbic system of the brain emotional learning was used to classify schizophrenia from control participants.
Evaluation of Biological Activities of Seeds of Coriandrum Sativum[Full-Text ] A.G. Fayyad, N. Ibrahim. AndW. A. YaakobIn vitro, antioxidant, anticancer, cytotoxic and antiviral activities of C. sativum seeds was investigated. To detect the antioxidant activity of methanol and hexane extracts of C. sativum seeds, assays to demonstrate its reducing power and total phenolic content was performed by spectrophotometry. The cytotoxic and anticancer effect of methanol, hexane and aqueous extracts was assessed using MTT assay. Additionally, the antiviral activity of methanol, hexane and aqueous extracts against HSV-1 was investigated by plaque reduction assay.Based on absorbance readings, the reducing power of methanol and hexane extracts of C. sativum seeds were approximately equal, while the absorbance readings indicated that the total phenol content assay of methanol extract was higher than that of the hexane extract. Based on MTT assay, both hexane and aqueous extracts exhibited inhibition of vero cells with CC50 of 600 µg/ml and 700 µg/ml, respectively, while the minimum inhibition of HepG2 cells was observed at a concentration of 350 μg/ml for the three extracts. The aqueous and hexane extracts exhibited reductions in the formation of HSV-1 plaques with an observed IC50 of 350 μg/ml and 250 μg/ml, respectively.Based on the results from this study, the hexane, methanol and aqueous extracts of C. sativum seeds demonstrated anti-cancer and antiviral effects while the hexane and methanol extracts demonstrated antioxidant potency.
The Relation between PhynotypicFeatures an-dAntifungal Resistance among Some Candida species Isolates[Full-Text ] Raed Ali Hussein, Adnan H. Al-HamdaniThe present study was aimed to determine some biological parameters among some clinical isolates of Candida species and their sensitivity or resistance towered some antifungal drugs.A total of 120 oral swabs were obtained from 120 patients suffering from oral thrush who attending Al-Sader Teaching Hospital in Al-Najaf (76 males and 44 females), 42 vaginal swabs were obtained from 42 women suffering from vaginal candidiasis who attending Al-Sader Teaching Hospital in Al-Najaf Provence, Iraq and 30 swabs from 30 healthy individualsof no obvious infections with oral thrush or vaginal candidiasis. The cultural and biochemical methods were used in Candida species isolation and identification besides API 20C Aux and CHROMagarCandida medium. Some virulence factors have been made including germ tube production, chlamydospore production, cyclohiximide resistance, adhesion, phospholipase production, and lipase production test.Drug sensitivity test in two methods disk division and minimal inhibition concentration were used to determinate the sensitive and resistance isolates towered some antifungal drugs.
REPLACEMENT FOR INHALERS[Full-Text ] Aishwarya.RAsthma is an incurable disease and the effectiveness of its treatment is dependent upon how efficiently patients use their inhalers. Evidence shows that the level of nitrogen oxide in the exhaled breath can indicate signs of inflammation in the airways. An implantable MEMS device is designed to replace the inhalers and it will contain a breath sensor and a drug delivery system. The MEMS device contains an array of sensors which get activated by a hand held device .The device sets off an alarm if the level of nitrogen oxide is very high which indicates an impending asthma attack in the next twenty-four hours. Depending on the level of nitrogen oxide, the MEMS device will inject a corticosteroid (preventive drug) or a bronchodilator (rescuer drug) into the body. Precise drug delivery and zero drug wastage can be ensured. The device will have a programmed microprocessor, sensor feedback loop and wireless telemetry.
A Review on Power Quality Improvement of Off-grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant[Full-Text ] Ajay A. Toraskar, Nayan J. Kotmire, Mahesh M. WaghThe limited fossil fuel resources and continuously increasing energy demand are the main reason for use of Renewable Energy sources. Renewable energy systems are playing an important role in sustainable development. This paper focuses on power quality development for an Off-grid connected solar PV power plant which comprises PV array, power quality improvement of harmonics distortion, correcting power factor and protection of solar PV plant by over voltage and over current using Matlab/Simulink. In this paper, different techniques for an analysis of different parts of solar PV plant power quality improvement and protection are reviewed.
Ovonic Unified Memory[Full-Text ] Juhi MahendraTill now the semiconductor devices formed the basis for the memory. Ranging from a small device like calculator to the huge devices like computers semiconductor devices was used for data storage. The data stored in these devices was in the binary format. Since the semiconductor devices has reached its limit thus the new memory devices like Phase change memory (PCM), also called as Ovonic Unified Memory (OUM) was developed. Along with OUM there were various other memory devices like FRAM, MRAM, and Polymer Memory which were also developed. But among all these OUM was found to be the most promising one and thus is being used in some devices. Conventially the data storage was in the charge form which is now in the charge form in the new memory technologies.
Clinical Profile and Etiologies of Classical Fever of Unknown Origin[Full-Text ] FAHAD A. ALAHMADI, HANI D. ALZABIDI, AHMAD MEESAQObjective:The causes of fever of unknown origin (FUO) vary depending on the region and time period. We herein present a study of patients with classic FUO, to investigated differences based on patient background factors, such as age and causative diseases, and changes that have occurred over time and diagnosis of FUO and provide the basis for the treatment of FUO.
A Novel Framework of Deblocking Filter using H.264 for Enhanced Compression Performance[Full-Text ] Pradeep Kumar N.S, H.N. SureshAt present, there are availability of different forms of multimedia compression standard with many from research archives and many in research pipeline using H.264. Unfortunately, existing compression techniques leads to significant amount of blocking artifacts arising from the frames and only way to control it is with the de-blocking filter. Existing literatures using H.264 were reviewed to find using filtering using in-loop de-blocking resulting in maximized computational complexity. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a novel framework that uses enhanced H.264 that is responsible for exploring the better boundary regions selection process. A simplified encoding mechanism using rate-distortion optimization techniques is utilized that has been witnessed to minimize the computational complexity in comparison to existing H.264.
Knowledge and attitude regarding first aid management of epistaxis among medical specialties students in Al-madinah , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , 2016[Full-Text ] SahalArabi , NisreenAlbouq, TalalAljeraisi , Hananneyaz , HashaalAlkhurassi and Bader AlimBackground : Epistaxis is a bleeding from inside the nose or nasal cavity. It is one of the most common otorhinolaryngology emergencies presenting to the accident and emergency departments worldwide Objective : The aim of this study was to assess and to promote the adequate knowledge and attitude regarding first aid management of epistaxis among health related specialties students in Al-Madinah city, Saudi Arabia. Methods:A descriptive cross sectional study was undertaken among medical specialties students , Data were collected using an online stionnaire tool , with sum of 24 questions.
Personal Income Tax Enlightenment Framework[Full-Text ] Adebayo, A. O., Ayo-Yusuf, O. A., Mohammed, S., Ugochukwu, C.Tax payment is a civil duty. It is a major source of revenue to government. One of such taxes is Personal Income Tax (PIT), which is a key source that would demand transparency, being neglected and needing development in Nigeria. Public enlightenment would aid in this regard. There are various means through which government could enlighten its citizenry and had been doing, but web-based medium is being inadequately used. This study, therefore, focused upon developing a PIT enlightenment framework and website. Extant literature on taxation, PIT, public enlightenment, and website development, among others, were reviewed. Design and creation research strategy was adopted, and it dictates followed in developing the framework and prototype. The PIT framework and prototype website contribute towards enhancing PIT enlightenment and fostering government transparency.
Application of HVDC Technology in Economic Dispatch with Renewable Energy[Full-Text ] Benson Onyango OjwangDueto need for low cost of energy, environmental concerns, security, stability and distributed generation, there has been increased use of HVDC technology in the modern power systems. This paper is concerned with the Economic Dispatch (ED) in which both HVDC and HVAC lines are considered plus increased Renewable Energy(RE) penetration. This has resulted into Multi Objective Dynamic ED (MODED) with thermal, hydro, wind, solar and combined line losses cost objectives. Improved Strength Pareto Evolution Algorithm (SPEA2) has been used in the solution process. The validation is done on IEEE 14 Bus System with high RE penetration. Hybrid of HVDC and HVAC is preferred when RE is present in ED due to their ability to reduce cost, reduced losses and improved voltage profile.
ICDS : GREAT PROGRAMME – A STATEWISE ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] TusharKanti GharaMalnutrition is a major problems for the generation to come. ICDS and SNP are flag-shipped programmestowards development and improvement of the children in the states. The methods of implementation are nor the same for all the states. However, the states are common on the issues as laid in the programme guidelines and also in its expenditure pattern. An attempt has been made to consider the issues on a database. The generalized scaore for the states has been derived based on the data and the states have been ranked. The expenditure pattern has been modeled objectively for prediction.
Antimicrobial, antioxidant, antitumor activities of Guatteria elliptica R. E. Fries (Annonaceae) alkaloids and their safety[Full-Text ] Agnieszka K. Rajca-Ferreira, Telma M. Kaneko, Adilson Sartoratto, Damila R. de Morais, Marcos N. Eberlin, Patricia S. Lopes, Ivana B. Suffredini, Paulo R. H. MorenoGuatteria elliptica R. E. Fries (Annonaceae), a native Brazilian plant from the Atlantic Rainforest, belongs to a genus known for its pharmacological properties and a wide diversity of alkaloids with biological activities. However, it has not been assayed for its biological activities and alkaloids. The study aimed to identify its alkaloids and test their antimicrobial, antioxidant, antitumor activities and safety. G. elliptica leaves and branches were extracted to obtain the crude extracts and total alkaloids. The total alkaloids were analyzed by GC MS. The branch alkaloids were chromatographically fractionated yielding two samples that were then analyzed by GC-MS and LC MS/MS. The extracts and purified fractions were evaluated for their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. In vitro antitumor activity was determined on cultured breast and prostate tumor cells (MCF-7 and PC-3, respectively). Their safety was evaluated on a normal fibroblast cell line (BALB/c 3T3, ATCC CCL 163). As G. elliptica alkaloids, it was possible to identify nine aporphines (nornuciferine, stepharine, corytuberine, asimilobine, dehydronantenine, glaunidine, liriodenine, oliverine N-oxide and telkovine) and two protoberberines (discretamine and caseadine). Caseadine, glaunidine, oliverine N-oxide and telkovine were not previously reported for other Guatteria spp. The total alkaloids showed moderate antimicrobial and antioxidant activity and a high antitumor potential (IC50=9.32-22.06 µg/mL). The antitumor activity of isolated samples was stronger (IC50=1.37-13.66 µg/mL) than for total alkaloids. All tested samples showed low cytotoxicity against normal fibroblast cell lines. This work showed that G. elliptica possesses alkaloids with biological activities and is an interesting target for further phytochemical studies.
The Effects of the Introversion on Educational Attainment: A Cross-Sectional Study[Full-Text ] FAHAD RADHI AL HARBIThere are many factors can affect an individual's education, introversion considers one of these factors .in our study, we aim to find if there is any relation between introversion and educational attainment. Methods: a cross-sectional survey carried up among students of health-related colleges in Qassim University. All students of health-related colleges were included. 109 samples collected from health-related colleges at the main campus of Qassim university. The results of introvert students were compared with extrovert students. Students in Qassim University who are only in health-related colleges were included. We excluded students who are not in health-related colleges. Performance indicator was GPA that the students obtained. A self-administered questionnaire containing items that related to age, gender, characteristic of introversion and extroversion type of personality, Self-reported GPA, and Stress levelResult: among 109 students, 28.4% found to be extroverted, 61.5% ambivert and 10.1% extroverted. The mean GPA of these groups was 3.81, 3.76 and 3.82 respectively. Conclusion: obtained result of this study showed there is no significant relationship between personality type (extroversion and introversion) with the educational attainment(GPA).
Overview of Autonomic Computing Systems[Full-Text ] Taranjeet Singh, Sammer KandpalToday software systems are becoming more dynamic, unmanageable, heterogeneous and complex day by day. IT companies are facing problems in maintaining, storing, and managing software systems. Solution to these problems is to develop software systems based on Autonomic computing. Researchers and scientists have put their ideas to develop software systems based on autonomic computing. These software systems can manage themselves by their own or with minimal human interference and they only require high level guidance from human experts. Autonomic computing based software systems can maintain and adapt themselves according to the changing IT environment so they are solution to increasing dynamism, unmanageability and increasing complexity. This paper tends to provide a survey of autonomous systems, their challenges, characteristics, architecture and applications.
Efficiency measurement with different demodulation techniques by designing picturesque 2D barcode[Full-Text ] Ms.Arati P. Patil, Mr. C. J. Awati, Ms. Sonam S. KharadeIn this paper introduced Picode by use with, conventional Two-Dimensional (2D) barcodes and some existing beautified Quick Response (QR) code. In various applications such as tracking of products, applications related to human services, in product manufacturing and modern application QR code is widely used. This paper portrays the essential idea of QR images. The principle center of this paper is to revise preprocessing strategies with utilization of source and channel coding and block division technique. Image binarization, corner detection, perspective transformation and error correction these are the decoding process steps. So the existing barcodes technologies have some limitations like proposed the new picture-embedding 2D barcode system developed. PiCode technology innovation enhances the visual value of the picture embedded barcode. To save perceptual feature of the embedded image also to preserve the decoding robustness of the encoded message PiCode is implemented with cautious considerations. In advertisement business PiCode will be used to connect customers in a more interactive, interesting, and distinctive way. To achieve improved visual appearance and high decoding reliability PiCode permit pictures/logo to be integrated with a 2D barcode.
The Role of Five Elements of Nature In Temple Architecture[Full-Text ] Ar. Snigdha ChaudharyExamine the extensive influence of the selected theories of nature in Architecture namely element of nature effects the role of five elements in Temple Architecture. “Theory of five elements of nature in context to the Temple Architectural Design ‘To make student understand the basic principles of five elements of nature so that it forms the basics for study of temple design through these topics.One should have a reasonable understanding of its operational and economic implications, and lastly “To Evaluate the understanding of the relationship between space and design through five elements of nature’’ with the help of Hindu Temple Architecture.
Origin[Full-Text ] Nishad T MIn this paper the application of Soul Sets in Theology is introduced. Based on reference of various Holy Scriptures, a link among some religions is derived.Using that relation, the generalized concept of God is discovered.
On the Structural Study and Morphological Changes of Thermally Oxidised Metallic Zinc Thin Films with Low Oxidation Temperature[Full-Text ] Ramalan,A. M, Samson, D. OIn this work metallic zinc thin films were grown on synthesised glass at 150oC substrates temperature under vacuum pressure using thermal evaporator and oxidised in an open air with different low oxidation temperatures of 200oC, 300oC and 400oC respectively.The effect of oxidation temperature on the structure and morphological properties of the films was investigated. Phase identification, orientation and morphology of the films were studied by XRD and FESEM.The structural investigation reveals that thermally oxidised metallic Zn films has a preferred (011) orientation instead of the usual (002) orientation indicating that the growth of ZnO crystallites have preferential (011) plane at low oxidation temperature.Similar peaks were observed at different Bragg angles revealing the presence of unreacted metallic Zn films which is attributed to poor flux diffusion of oxygen into the Zn films during the oxidation process is as a result of low oxidation temperatures. In addition, the films morphological studies shows that the films undergo a phase transformation as the oxidation temperature increased from 200oC to 300oC then to 400oC.
Role of Evaluation of some cytokines in Diagnosis of PediatricVisceral Leishmaniasis in Mid- Euphrates area[Full-Text ] RashaAmerNouri Al- TufailiVisceral leishmaniasis (VL) is commonly known as Kala-azar. It is a disease caused by species of Leishmaniadonovani. Leishmaniasis is still one of the world’s most neglected diseases, affecting largely the developing countries. VL is widely spread in different parts of Iraq, which is regarded as an endemic place, especially in the middle and south parts, the main reasons are due to adaptation of the vector sand fly in these areas.
Impact of vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy: a review of literature[Full-Text ] Razan A. Alawaz Background: Vitamin D deficiency is major health problems worldwide. This significant high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is more obvious among pregnant women than any other human groups. The frequency of vitamin D deficiency among Saudi women ranges approximately from 80% to 100 %. Women with inadequate sun exposure, low financial status, and women with two or more births are more liable to suffer from vitamin D deficiency. The available evidence emphasizes many adverse maternal and birth outcomes with vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy.
MODELING OF ON TIME GRADUATION DURATION ON GRADUATE SCHOOL STUDENTS OF BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY[Full-Text ] Irmayani, I Made Sumertajaya,IndahwatiThe cox proportional hazard model is a semiparametric distributed model because in the Cox model does not require information about the underlying distribution of survival time. In cox proportional hazard model, there is an assumption that must be fulfilled, that is proportional, if the assumption is not fulfilled hence model that formed is the nonproportional hazard. One method that can be used to address non-proportional hazard cases is the extended Cox Proportional hazard regression model. The extended Cox Proportional hazard model is a modification of the cox proportional hazard model if the proportional hazard assumption is not met. Estimation method used in the model is maximum partial likelihood estimation (MPLE). Data used in this research is the data of graduate students of Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University in academic year 2011 to 2013 which amounted to 3443 data for 4 years and 10 independent variables of sex, marital status, age, working status, education funding source, accreditation, GPA in undergraduate, acceptance status at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), University origin, and faculty. Based on the selection of the best cox proportional hazard model, there are four significant variables in the model: age, education funding source, University origin, and faculty. Then testing of proportional hazard assumptions is conducted and retrieved one of the variables which do not satisfy the assumption of proportional hazard i.e. faculty. Further, the faculty variable which does not satisfy the assumption interacts to the time function of g (t) = t. By using the calculation of the AIC (Akaike Information Criteria), it is proved that the Extended Cox Proportional hazard model is a suitable model for data on the right postgraduate students of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Furthermore, the results of the calculation by SAS 9.3 software, Extended Cox Proportional hazard model has significant influence of independent variables i.e. Marital status, education funding source, and university origin.
Revival of Traditional Circular Lifestyle among Indigenous Rural Communities in Rajasthan, India[Full-Text ] Deepak Sharma, Jayesh JoshiPresently world is facing issues pertaining to management of wastes in different sectors be it in urban or rural region. It is causing problem not only for human but also other forms of life on the globe. The problem is more or less product of adopting linear model of economic development, where results can be seen in the form of huge dumps of waste, degraded agriculture fields, polluted streams, encrusted lands etc. VAAGDHARA discussed the issues of sustainable production and consumption with its communities in hilly rural regions of South Rajasthan, India. Community indicated that answer to this problem exists in traditional livelihoods and life style of the rural communities, where components livelihood pattern followed principles of Circular Lifestyle. Series of consultations brought out that endogenous community in the vagad region were following a food system which was more or less within the frame of Circular Lifestyle, but the question was how to revive it or bring it back to the lifestyle of people.
Discourse Analysis on ‘Waa Sadii’, the Analogical Method of Witty Speech: Arsi Oromo in Focus Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Ashenafi Terefe, Mohammed Nemo This research deals with the discourse analysis as to ‘waa sadii’s’ witty speech among the Arsi Oromo, Ethiopia. ‘Waa sadii’(which literally mean three things) is an oral speech art which is frequently used in discourse to express people’s oral communication analogically. In addition to its artistic nature, ‘Waa sadii’ does have also a poetic and prose nature.