Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018.
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Media Coverage on Child Sexual Abuse in Developing Countries[Full-Text ] Hayam QayyumPrint and Broadcast media are considered to be the most powerful social change agents and effective medium that can revolutionize the deter society into the civilized, responsible, composed society. Beside all major roles, the imperative role of media is to highlight the human rights’ violation issues in order to provide awareness and to prevent society from the social evils and injustice. So, by pointing out the odds, media can lessen the magnitude of happenings within the society. For centuries, the “Silent Crime” i.e. Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is gulping down the developing countries. This study will explore that how the appropriate Print and Broadcast media coverage can eliminate Child Sexual Abuse from the society.
Comparison of subconjunctival injection of dexamethasone with intracameral injection of dexamethasone on corneal endothelial cells after phacoemulsification[Full-Text ] ohamud Walid Peerbux , Kashif Habib, Fareeha Ambreen, Zeeshan Khan Oozeerkhan, Ahmad Hasan Khan Alizai, Sohail AhmadIntroduction: Subconjunctival dexamethasone injections are used in limiting postoperative anterior segment inflammation after cataract surgery. By intracameral route, drug can be administered into the anterior chamber, being less painful and with fewer complications. Rationale of the study was to gather evidence about these two injection procedures in order to devise our local guidelines for better management of these patients.
Evaluation of karst related land instability and settlements of buildings in limestone cave environment; a case study from Nuwara Eliya district, based on geophysical applications[Full-Text ] J.D.S.N. Siriwardana, Dr. P. Jayasinghe, Dr. J. Gunathilaka, Prof. H.A. DharmagunawardanaEnvironmental impacts on karst settings are common as they are more sensitive than those of other rock terrains. Although the land subsidence phenomena are reported in karst environments of some areas of Sri Lanka, with the present investigations, such incidents have not been reported in the central highlands. Subsidence is the motion of earth's surface as it shifts downward relative to a datum such as sea level (Waltham et al., 2007).
Total microRNA-cDNA and Viremia Versus Iron Status in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients[Full-Text ] Lamiaa A. Barakat, Gamal E. Shiha, Waleed S. Abdel-Razek and Elsayed E. TosonThe possibility that any porphyrogenic agent; including chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, can add more to iron overload or not is still questionable nowadays. Also, there is growing evidence that up-regulation of iron in the liver can mediate hepatic injury. Further, MicroRNAs are important players in HCV infection and pathogenesis. Herein, HCV was tested for its porphyrogenicity in chronic HCV (CHC) infection. Correlation between total microRNA-cDNA and HCV-RNA as well as their correlations with iron status and hepatopathogenesis will be evaluated. Methods, 118 patients with liver pathology were included in the study together with 22 of the healthy control.
The Importance of Conglomerates in Ethiopia’s Economy[Full-Text ] Abey ZewdeThe paper in order to discover, the importance of conglomerates in the Ethiopian economy, it primarily examines the significance of conglomerates in the global economy, from historical perspectives and existing reality. Then, specifically, the author studies the role and the contribution of domestic conglomerate in Ethiopia. Next, based on the findings, the paper analyzes the importance of public and private domestic conglomerates in building a crisis protected, a sustainable and robust Ethiopian economy. Furthermore, it exams, the capacity of conglomerates to diversify, to assist, to leverage, to work with government policymakers and private partnership and realizes that conglomerates could have productive relationships with a different sector of the economy like Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the agricultural sector.
Role of Fee Based Income in Moderating Relationship of Loan Loss Provision on Income of PT. Regional Development Bank Of Southeast Sulawesi[Full-Text ] Arifuddin Mas’udThis study aims to examine and analyze the effect of simultaneous and partial Loan Loss Provision (LLP) to Income with Fee Based Income as a Moderation Variable (Study at PT. BPD Sultra). The data of this study are quarterly reports of the PT. BPD Sultra for the period of 2011 - 2017, totaling 28 samples. Data in the study were analyzed using Moderate Regression Analysis with the help of SPSS software ver 22. Results of the research are : 1) Loan Loss Provision (LLP) have a significant positive effect on income at PT. BPD Sultra, 2) Fee Based Income as a moderating variable weakens the relationship of Loan Loss Provision (LLP) to income at PT. BPD Sultra.
Language in Use: Greetings in a Social Discourse[Full-Text ] Srishailam BakkaMost of the service stations in the United Kingdom, apart from petrol filling have mini markets selling a variety of goods including convenience foods, snacks, drinks, confectionery, top up cards, scratch cards, lottery tickets and tobacco products, etc. Some of them offer round-the-clock services, such they are well-known places for the inhabitants of that area of the country. Therefore, these places become very common for people where distinctive forms of social discourse take place in various genre modes. Being a part-time employ of a service station provided me an opportunity to collect an authentic data from valid discourse which has many functions such as performing social interaction to make social bonds and relationship (Bax 2009:80), while services are rendered.
AUTOPHAGY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH VITAMIN E SUCCINATE AND GASTRIC CANCER[Full-Text ] Samuel Anane, Dr. hai jun bao, James AsensoWe go through many situations that trigger the generation of wastes in and around our cells. When we starve , our cells starve but when our cells starve, we suffer more and until our cells are satisfied we can not be free from our suffering. Anything that puts our cells through a nutrient deprivation exposes our cells to danger. Few of such situations are starvation, infection, hypoxia, chemotherapy and exposure to radiation. For instance exposure to radiation could generate high number of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which has a potentiality of damaging proteins and organelles. Once this unwanted circumstance sets in, a process is induced to remove the damaged structures.
Method Development and validation of simultaneous estimation of Metformin & Canagliflozin by using RP HPLC[Full-Text ] Bangaruthalli J, Prof. D.Gowri Shankar, M.N.L.Renuka, P.Akhila, Divya.Vanga A new, simple, precise, accurate and reproducible RP-HPLC method was developed for Simultaneous estimation of Canagliflozin and Metformin HCl. Separation of Metformin and Canagliflozin hydrochloride was successfully achieved. The method involves separation on Kromasil C18 column (250mm x 4.6mm x5µm particle size). The optimized mobile phase consists of Acetonitrile:Buffer:Methanol (52:38:10 v/v) with a flow rate of 1ml/min and UV detection at 254nm. Retention time was 2.216min for Metformin Hydrochloride, 3.223min min for Canagliflozin. RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous estimation of Metformin Hydrochloride and Canagliflozin in their combine dosage form was developed and validated as per the ICH guidelines.
THE INVOLVEMENT OF WOMEN IN STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP IN LHOKSEUMAWE CITY (BASES ON WOMEN ACTIVIST POINT OF VIEW)[Full-Text ] Maryam, Ade Muana Husniati, ZulhamThe city of Lhokseumawe is a city in the province of Aceh, Indonesia which mining industry had grown rapidly in its time. The population of Lhokseumawe city is 195,186 people (Central Bureau of Statistics 2017) with 97,877 the number of women is not much different from the number of male population that is 97,299 inhabitants. But politically women are represented by only two women from 25 (twenty five) positions in the legislature. Of the 13 (thirteen) agencies in government city of Lhokseumawe, women are represented by only one person headed by women, namely the Women's Empowerment Office of Lhokseumawe.
Comparative study of the proximate analysis and phytochemical screening of the gel extracts and leaves residue of Aloe vera[Full-Text ] I.A Okafor, E.S Anumata, S.N Anyikamba, N.M Ofodum, and S.I OkonkwoComparative study of the proximate analysis and phytochemical screening of the gel extracts and leaves residue of Aloe vera was carried out. The results showed the values for phytochemical screening of the gel extracts as follows 1.430±0.022%, 0.68±0.14%, 0.42±0.020%, 1.07±0.010% and 0.13±0.004% for alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, phenol and tannin respectively while the phytochemical screening for the leaves residue include 1.18±0.04%, 1.160±0.948%, 0.530±0.017%, 0.840±0.024% and 0.400±0.0017% for alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, phenol, and tannin respectively.
Numerical simulation of shallow water dam break flow problem[Full-Text ] M. M. Rahaman, L. S. AndallahIn this study we perform numerical simulation of shallow water equations for dam break flow problem. Lax Friedrichs and Lax Wenroff numerical methods are applied for the numerical solution of the shallow water equations. We estimate water height and water velocity for the test case of shallow water-dam break flow problem. The comparisons between the analytical and numerical results for 1-D dam break problem have been shown.
Development of an Indigenous Solar Powered Car[Full-Text ] Johnson Akindele JIMBA, Abba SIMON,Nnaemeka Aquinas OKEKE, Innosuccess Destiny OGWUCHE, Ayobami Joel IBILOLA, Samson ODIAGA, Osemeke Ohiolei ECHENIM, Elliot OGBECHINA, Sunday JOHN, Faruk Olajuwon SANNI, Chinenye NWOKOCHA, Nurudeen ABDULMALIK, Israel Jacob YUSUF, Samuel Olaoluwa OLADUNJOYECars running on fossil fuel do not only contribute to global warming and pollution, but they also have high running and maintenance cost, due to these challenges, the project seeks to alleviate these problems by adopting the a cost effective use of alternative renewable source of energy for land transportation. This work is on the development of an indigenous solar powered car. It involves the design and fabrication of a solar powered car from refurbished car components and with a carrying capacity of two people and a maximum speed of 30 km/hr. The car will runs entirely on a stand-alone integrated solar system, and designed with dimensions of 3 meters’ x 1.6 meters. The maximum load carrying capacity of the vehicle is 700 kg and it requires a driving force of about 4.3 kW. The solar car uses a clean engine (available) made up of direct current brushed motor rated at 13 kW output power and sourcing its required power from the stand-alone solar system.
Effect of Moisture Absorption on Tensile Properties of SiCp filled Glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite material[Full-Text ] R. B. Vijay, B. ShivdarshanEpoxy composites are widely used in marine applications where they constantly meet variety of water compositions which results in constant and gradual deterioration of its Mechanical strength due to moisture content. This strength can be kept constant to some extent by adding filler material. In this study, SiCp is added to glass reinforced epoxy composite in different weight composition as a filler material and the effect of the service environment on tensile strength and moisture absorptive of these composites are evaluated experimentally. This study mainly focuses on the tensile strength of such composites which are soaked in sea water (SW) and normal water (NW).
EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF MULTISECTOR SOLUTION IN A UMTS NETWORK[Full-Text ] James D. Gadze, Griffith S. Klogo, K. A. P Agyekum The increase in number of cellular mobile users has resulted in a corresponding growth in voice and data traffic. This has motivated network operators to implement various technologies to be able to meet this growing demand. Many technologies and concepts have been proposed in literature to improve network channel capacity, coverage and signal quality. Higher Order Sectorization (HOS) is one of these concepts that promises to improve channel capacity, coverage and signal quality. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of a HoS solution in 3G Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) network deployed in Ghana.
Relation between Intensity of Light and Velocity of Light photons[Full-Text ] Anil Jayram DixitThe Change in Intensity of Light is directly proportional to the change in velocity of photons emitted by that source of light.
Bathymetric Investigation of Seabed Topographical Changes of Woji Creek[Full-Text ] Akwaowo Ekpa, Imo AbasiekongSeabed changes refer to changes in the structure, elevation and composition of the bottom surface of the water body. There are range of human activities on Woji Creek in Rivers State, Nigeria, which have led to changes of the seabed. These include exploitation of sand and gravel from the seabed, marine littering or disturbing sediment, dredging, land reclamation and effluent discharge. The paper investigates the extent of topographical changes and possible causes. The data used were bathymetry dataset of 2012 and 2018, Google Earth imageries of same years, and tidal data.
Coloration Process of Textile Fibers Redwanul Hasan,Md.Harun Or Rashid Bangladesh University of Textiles[Full-Text ] Redwanul Hasan,Md. Harun Or RashidTextile coloration is a wet process that uses dyes, chemicals, and large volume of water. The chemical wet processing of textiles continues to expand each year using new technologies. The driving force being the need of because the quality of fabric depends on the Coloration of textile fiber mostly. There are many technologies in coloration of textile fiber but in this article the total idea of coloration of textile fiber is given.
Comparative Study between HCM Editions and Simulation Program at Various Percentages of Heavy Vehicles on Signalized intersections[Full-Text ] Fathy M. Mandel, Ahmed M. Abdallah, Mohamed I. E. Attia and Mohamed A. Abouzeid Highway capacity manual 6th edition was first published in 2016. HCM 6th edition has major new improvements in freeway facilities, freeway and multilane highway segments, freeway weaving, merges and diverges, urban street facilities, and signalized intersections. The paper investigates the difference of delay time between HCM 6th edition, HCM 5th edition and simulation program at various heavy vehicles percentages (HV%), and develop models to predict HV% to enhance the delay time from level of service (LOS) to another for different cases of intersection types, number of lanes and phasing of the signal. Synchro 10, SIDRA 5.1 and SIDRA 8 are used as they are considered powerful and acceptable softwares in traffic data analysis.
DEVELOPMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF e-CQI SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Abdul Halim bin AhmadContinuous quality improvement (CQI) is the main agenda in an organization. It is seen as a strategy management organization with the objective to improve work processes and provide better quality services to customers. In the education system in Malaysia, the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) is a body that provides quality assurance in higher education. The aspect of continuous quality improvement is shown in documents named COPIA which issued by the agency and became a requirement for obtaining the accreditation of study programme. In order to improve efficiency in reporting continuous improvement e-CQI system was developed. This system was developed to solve the problem of reporting activities, improvements in teaching and curriculum courses. Agile model has been used to implement development e-CQI system. It has been chooses in the development of the system because it was an able to speed up the development of the system and increase customer satisfaction. Evaluation of the system e-CQI in terms of usability is carried out to determine the functionality of the systems involved is able to meet the needs of the user. The sample for this study consists of 40 lecturers in the field of information technology and electrical engineering. An instrument for this study is a set of questionnaire. Data analysis is done by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. The findings show that e-CQI system that has been developed meets the needs of lecturers.
DETERMINATION OF DEPTH TO BASEMENT OF KALTUNGO AND GUYOK AREA USING HIGH RESOLUTION AIRBORNE GRAVITY DATA[Full-Text ] Nwobodo, A. N Chima ,A. I Anih, J. O and Onyia, A. IThe airborne gravity data of Kaltungo and Guyok, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria which covers an area of approximately 6050 km2 in the north-eastern part of Nigeria between latitudes 9°30' and 10°00' North and longitudes 11°00' and 12°00' East have been interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. Regional anomaly was removed from the Bouguer gravity map to obtain the residual anomaly using polynomial fitting. The Bouguer gravity anomaly map identifies regions of gravity high which corresponds to region with high density contrast and gravity lows which correspond to regions of low density contrast.
Improved Performance Of 132kv Transmission Line Of Afam Power Station To Elelenwo Substation, Port Harcourt[Full-Text ] Ogbu I.N, Idoniboyeobu D.C, Braide S.LThis research work considered the analysis of load-flow, voltage-drop, voltage rise, mismatches and active and reactive power flow from Afam generating station to Elelenwo substation (132/33KV). The increasing demand of power at the receiving-end does not match the available generated capacity, making the substation to constantly experienced overload beyond the declared statutory limit. Evidently, the investigation shows that some of the feeders, transformers are overloaded, low voltage profile, poor power factor and the cross sectional area of the conductors are undersized in order to withstand the load currents. However, the existing data collected from Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC) were used for the study case, in order to investigate the level of voltage drop via electrical transient analyzer tool (ETap-version 12.6), so as to know which of the feeders/buses that is critical or fairly loaded in order to compensate the affected feeder for the purpose of improving network stability performance and operation. The simulation of the existing network of 132/33KV (from Afam to Elelenwo) shows that one of the transformers indicated overloaded. Therefore, this research work evaluates the capacity of capacitor-bank needed to compensate the network on the view to improve the voltage profile and stability. The capacity size of 7MVAR capacitor were determined and installed in order to improve the voltage stability problems in the network. This means that to solve these problems, the application of capacitor bank, additional transformer(s) to the existing network will seriously enhance effective performance. The simulation of the existing case and the compensated network shows that the improved voltage profile, active and reactive power injected and demand are within the declared statutory limit of ±5% or 0.95pu – 1.05pu of the declared voltage as recommended by IEE regulation.
Kinetic Modeling of Vitamin C Degradation in Commonly Consumed Salad Vegetables at Room Temperatures using Time Series Analysis (Forecast)[Full-Text ] Awagu, E.F., Ekanem, E.O., Kolo, A.M., Adamu, M.M.Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is one of the most important and popular vitamins, and is contained in most fruits and vegetables; the problem with vitamin C is its easy degradation during pre-treatment and storage. In this study, kinetics modeling of thermal degradation of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in lettuce, cabbage and carrot salad vegetables were investigated when dried at various room temperature ranges of (17.5 – 21)0C. Samples after drying were ground to find dust and High Pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) was used for determination of the AA of the vegetable salad samples which consisted of an isocratic elution procedure with UV-Visible detection at 245nm.
Decentralized traffic management system via reinforcement learning[Full-Text ] Samer Ibrahim Mohamed As traffic increases throughout the globe, it becomes more and more apparent that the most appropriate response to its stochastic nature is real-time dynamic traffic control. While actuated systems to a large extent adjust well to traffic conditions, they cannot adjust fully to the hectic nature of traffic in real-time as while they are responsive to the presence of vehicles, they are not sensitive to the traffic demand (the number of vehicles), therefore performing poorly in saturated or nearly-saturated environments, introducing the need for a newer approach to control the problem. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a heuristic method to control the traffic problem and to prove how the Q-learning fits for purpose of handling the traffic light optimization problem. Validating the value of the proposed algorithm via set of metrics and KPIs like average delay per vehicle, and average number of stops per vehicle within a specified network to show the added value against other well know benchmarks.
Making of indicators biocatalytic Of the pesticides Imidazols in natural water[Full-Text ] Khadija Boukili, Mehdi Chaouch & Faouzi ErrachidiThis work aims at the installation of an indirect technique of evaluation of the pesticides in surface water. This technique calls upon a proportioning of the peroxidase activity in water suspected of being contaminated by the pesticides. Aqueous artificial systems containing ranges of the pesticide, the Imazehapyr, were used as a model to work out a technique of qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Partial sightedness permanent partial disability to the welding station in a man employed at River shipyard. Congo Brazzaville: a clinical observation[Full-Text ] MAOUENE M, MOUSSOAUMI SI, BOUHIKA EJ, BOUESSEY BAKALA G, MBEMBAMalvoyance is a major public health problem. The association of this disease with a type of profession is paradoxically rare. The authors report a clinical observation of a man with severe visual impairment resulting in permanent partial disability. The etiological investigation and the management of this low vision promoted by a profession performed in orthostatism are discussed.
Prevalence of low back pain and risk factors among workers in the brewery of Congo-Brazzaville[Full-Text ] MAOUENE M, MOUSSOUAMI SI, BOUESSEY BAKALA G, MBEMBA FIntroduction. A study was conducted on the prevalence and risk factors of low back pain among workers in the Brasserie du Congo - Brazzaville. The objective of this study was to evaluate the developed back pain and risk factors faced by workers in services and workstations to the brewery.
Fraud Detection Supervised Machine Learning Models for an Automobile Insurance[Full-Text ] Nikhil Rai, Pallav Kumar Baruah, Satya Sai Mudigonda and Phani Krishna KandalaIn this paper, we have built a robust fraud detection model, built upon an existing fraud detection research.Usually, machine learning models do not perform well in the presence of class-imbalance in the dataset. They tend to favor the majority class where the main objective was to detect minority class. We have used one such oversampling-technique MWMOTE[1] to handle this class imbalance problem and build three different models: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT) and Random Forest (RF). We found that our proposed method is giving us good results in comparison to the existing methods on the automobile insurance dataset, "carclaims.txt."
APPLICATION OF BIOSENSORS IN ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND MEDICINE[Full-Text ] Ashaolu Victoria Oladimejiand M. F. ValanIn recent times, environmental wellness and health have won the attention of science and technology. As the world goes through an evolutionary transformation, environmental security is taken care with utmost observation and attention. Health is influenced by the ecology. Discharge of toxic pollutants such as chemicals toxins and pathogens necessitate a vigilant monitoring and a thorough check. On this account, detection and diagnosis of environmental pollutants and health hazards need scientific and technological tools.
Clustering Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Web Services: A Review[Full-Text ] Mohamud M Hassan, Husein Osman AbdullahiAbstract-The goal of this paper is to analyze and review about cluster SOAP massages for enhancing web services performance. We will discuss the similarity measurement on dynamic clustering model and how it can support aggregation scenarios of SOAP messages with the aim to achieve potential SOAP message size reduction. This paper summarizes the work done in all techniques and methods on clustering SOAP web services.
Data collection scheme for training Deep Neural Network by voluntary individual contribution on Social Media[Full-Text ] Mohammad Sohorab HossainOne of the recent prominent achievement of computer science community is the advancement in deep neural network. However, efficiency of these deep neural network models is highly dependent on the availability of huge amount of training data. Though in the age of internet data availability in many fields is not an issue, there are also many other fields (which can be radicalized by using deep neural network) facing a critical problem - lack of huge well-organized collection of data. We have proposed hereon a data collection scheme where individuals will voluntarily contribute by providing data over social media. As a possible application, we have proposed hereon a scheme to collect handwritten Bengali digit using a popular social media in Bangladesh named Facebook.
A Novel Design of Spintronic Ternary Logic Circuits[Full-Text ] Mohammad Sohorab HossainThis paper introduces novel ternary logic circuits using spintronic devices- magnetoresistive spin diodes and complementary magnetic junction (CMAT) logic architecture. Since ternary logic circuits can implement any function or compound logic using less gates and less circuit overhead such as interconnects and chip area than binary logic circuits, they are more energy efficient, compact, and good alternative to conventional binary logic circuits.
ABSORPTION OF SULPHUR ONTO ORGANOCLAY[Full-Text ] Habiba Danjuma Mohammed, Dahiru Danjuma MuhammedDue to the abundance of sulphur found in soil under Aerobic condition the main element is being absorbed by the plant and it is brought from three major sources weathered they compose organic matter and atmospheric precipitation. Modified clay is suitable absorbent for the removal of sulphate from contaminated water in terms of natural and commercial absorbent.
Sterility, Fertility status of TGMS lines in Kerala[Full-Text ] RAJESH T, RADHAKRISHNAN V.V, PRESSANA KUMARI K.T, ROSEMARY FRANCIES, SREENIVASAN E, IBRAHIM K K, and LATHA AA study was conducted to analysis the Sterility/fertility status of TGMS lines in Kerlala. Based on the sterility/fertility behavior of TGMS lines, the entire study period could be classified into two distinct periods viz, pollen sterile and pollen fertile months. Pollen sterile months were April and May when 100 per cent sterility was observed . July and August could be considered as pollen fertile months.
Understanding OSS Project's Collaborative Dynamics: Core and Peripheral Interactions[Full-Text ] Ikram El Asri, Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi The aim of this paper is to explore how open source software (OSS) development communities grow and fade. Sustaining the evolution of OSS communities and attracting volunteer contributors is crucial for the actual industry of the software. Therefore, it is important to figure out temporal patterns by which OSS contributors change their roles over time by shifting from peripheral contributors to core teams.
SOLAR CELL CHARACTERIZATION BASED ON PITAYA DYES WITH CONDUCTIVE GLASS[Full-Text ] Masbin Dahlan, Azwar Hayat, Andi ErwinSolar energy is one of the energies that are being developed nowadays. One application of solar energy is utilization in the conversion of light energy into electricity that is with solar cells. Solar cells themselves are one of the alternative energies that works to convert solar energy into electrical energy. Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (Dssc) is one type of solar cell to be used in this research. Making this type of sensitized solar cells is relatively easy and does not require expensive. Efforts to improve the efficiency of the DSSC will continue.
Gift Receiving and Brand Attitude Change[Full-Text ] Nguyen Thi Phi NgaThere is a large number of research on gift giving and receiving behavior in psychology and sociology, and a growing literature in marketing as well. Surprisingly, there has been no systematic attempt to explore the change of recipient’s attitude toward a brand or the giver-recipient relationship and it is the “gap” that the current research to investigate.
Methodology for Estimation and Calculation of the CO2 Emissions in Container Terminals[Full-Text ] Janez Merlak, Aleš GroznikCombined transport consists of the rail and road part of the shipping journey. In general, a combined emission footprint has a more favorable outcome for the environment than road transport alone. However, combined transport includes not only rail transport and road haulage but also transshipment in container terminals. These are the nodes where the mode of transport changes during the shipping journey. In addition to handling, many other processes take place within the container terminal. These facilities are energy consumers and, as such, must be included in the calculation of the emission footprint for the entire transport chain. Every segment of the journey must be scrutinized. Calculation methods for transportation are prescribed in the Standard EN 16258. Calculation methods for handling and other terminal processes are not currently included.
Influence of Percussion Musical Instrumentation in Vocal Music Enjoyment[Full-Text ] Dr. Sriranganathan Darshanan, Shankaranathan VimalshankarThis study is to find out the level of influence of each percussion musical instrumentation in the enjoyment of vocal mu-sic, when comparing with several percussion instrumentation. A Questionnaire survey has been conducted with 50 University Undergraduate music students. The western drum instrumentation gets the highest priority of enjoyment of the audience as the accompaniment for the vocal music. The least priority is given to the vocal music accompanied by only the western keyboard and without any percussion instrumentation.