Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2018.
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COMPETENCE AND INDEPENDENCE INFLUENCE ON AUDITOR SPIRITUALITY AND AUDIT QUALITY[Full-Text ] ArifuddinThis research aims to: (1). Review and analyze auditor competence influence on audit quality, (2) auditor independence auditor influence on auditor quality, (3) competence influence on auditor spirituality, (4) independence influence on auditor spirituality, and (5) review and analyze auditor spirituality influence on audit quality. These research populations are all APIP in Regional Inspectorate distributed in Provinces / regencies or cities in Southeast Sulawesi Province, having Auditor Functional Position (JFA), Supervisor of Regional Government Affairs Organization and structural positions as Assisted Inspector.
Fuzzy Logic: A Tool for Evaluation of Students’ Performance[Full-Text ] Malatesh Akkur, D.H RaoAssessment of students performance in colleges is a greater challenge in schools and colleges. The performance evaluation will depend on many factors such as student attendance, quality of the teachers, infrastructure facilities provided by the management etc. This paper presents an effective method of evaluating the performance of a student using fuzzy logic technique. Three parameters of the students used are internal assessment, score in theory and the score in the practical. Crisp values of the parameters are converted to fuzzy parameters and the performance is evaluated in the fuzzy domain in an effective manner compared to the conventional evaluation method. The performance of the student can be simulated using fuzzy inference system in MATLAB. The method explained in this paper can also be extended for other parameters.
Cosmopolitism as a Concept of European Integration[Full-Text ] Assoc. Prof. Kire Sharlamanov, Assoc. Prof. Bejtula DemiriCosmopolitanism as a concept is one of the most commonly used concepts in the analysis of the postulates of international relations and the building of international organizations. In this paper is analyzed the place and role of cosmopolitanism as a basic principle of European integration. We analyze two different views of cosmopolitanism, the one proposed by Jurgen Habermas and the latter proposed by Ulrich Beck. At the same time, the focus of our analysis is the model of cosmopolitanism that is developed in the process of European integration, the ways in which it seeks to deal with nationalism and the type of democracy it produces.
ENVIRONMENTAL LOAD EFFECTS AT OFFSHORE JACK UP UNINT[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman Muhammad ReyadThe aim of this paper is to investigate the challenges and possible limitation associated with purpose-built jack-up units for weathering the ultra-harsh environment of the red sea and as per designated operation manual.
A study on Growing Challenges in different Platform Cybercrime: Ransomware Attacks[Full-Text ] Atira NairIn present days, Rapidly developing malware samples stance a deliberate threat to cyber security, exclusively when they are not getting detected by security tools and techniques.Ransomware is a malicious program where the data on victim’s computer is encrypted and some ransom is demanded before the ransomed data is decrypted and access returned to the victim.The cyber criminals often demand money in virtual currency, such as “bitcoins “so that their identity is hidden from the victim.Most common way of transmission of ransomware is through websites or spam emails. The content of the injected malware in webpages or emails usually claims that, the user has won the prize, or various offers that they get for free. The user clicks on the link that they receive through mails andthen downloads the malware,this way malware enters in system.
An analysis of the financial challenges faced by women entrepreneurs[Full-Text ] Purvi Pareek, Dr. Chaya BagrechaPurpose— Women entrepreneurs play a key role in economic activity. However, their growth has remained significantly subdued due to various challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in Small Scale Industries (SSI), and amongst all, finance is the most crucial and difficult challenge for the establishment, smooth functioning, innovation, expansion & development of the enterprise. It is basically due to lack of confidence from the investor side as businesses run by women are still perceived to be risky. The purpose of this paper is to examine the financial challenges faced in accessing the capital for the establishment, running, and expansion of the enterprise.
A FOLLOW-UP STUDY OF THE MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING FILIPINO GRADUATES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN PHILIPPINES[Full-Text ] Novelyn T. BarcenaThis research aimed to follow-up graduates of the Master of Arts in Teaching Filipino of the University of Northern Philippines School Year 1999-2014. It also looked into the profile of the graduates before and after finishing the degree in terms of place of employment, employment status and academic rank; their achievements; and their recommendations on improving the Graduate Studies along curriculum and policies, resources, and program processes. The researcher made use of the descriptive research design with the use of a survey questionnaire adapted by Avila (2015).
The Universal Pattern of Design for Therapeutic Parks. Methods of use[Full-Text ] Monika TrojanowskaThis paper presents the Universal Pattern of Design for Therapeutic Parks - a ready-to–use evaluation tool. This evaluation tool can be used to assess the design of public parks and open public green areas. First, the results of field study with simplified evaluation of 12 public parks in various towns is presented. Then, the example of detailed assessment of one of parks from the first study - a public park in Paris is presented. Finally, a literature study of recommended distances to parks is discussed.
HSR in UK- Should UK go for High Speed Rail?[Full-Text ] Dr. Chandrashekhar Dhake, Dr. Vivek KatdareUK got their first high speed rail, named HS1, between London St Pancras and Channel Tunnel, this has a line speed of 186mph. This line essentially connects Britain to the continent on high speed rail link. The high-speed rail came to Britain almost two decades later than France and elsewhere in the Europe. History says that the Britain was the leader of the industrial revolution. The HS1 was an initiative to run the train from the continent at same faster full speed in the UK. It was more of an external force. Now the situation has changed. The domestic market is growing. There is an exploration that what are the alternatives to meet the demands of the market. One alternative is high speed rail along with air, road networks. The question is that is high speed rail is the best solution?
Implementation of Lean Manufacturing through Industry 4.0[Full-Text ] Sanjib Kumar Dey Sarker ChayanLean Production is well known and accepted within the industrial setting. It considerations the strict integration of humans within the manufacturing method, endless improvement and target value-adding activities by avoiding waste. However, a new paradigm referred to as business 4.0 or the fourth historic period has recently emerged within the producing sector. It permits making a smart network of machines, products, components, properties, people and ICT systems within the entire worth chain to possess an intelligent manufactory. So, currently an issue arises if, and the way these 2 approaches will exist and support one another.
IMPACT OF OIL SPILLAGE IN THE ECOSYSTEM OF TWO COMMUNITIES IN RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Brown, Tamunobarasua Eddy, Ekine, Data IreneThis research study impact of oil spillage in the ecosystem of two communities in Rivers State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to analyse the impact of oil spillage on fishing activities, and evaluate the Impact of contamination of soil and ground water on farming activities in Ogba and Bodo Communities. A total of 200 respondents were conveniently sampled. The data was collected using structured questionnaire. It was analysed using quantitative method (simple percentage, tabular computation, Likert criterion mean and Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient with the aid of SPSS) 0.05 significant level.
Effect of Crystal Growth Inhibitors on Efficiency Enhancement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell[Full-Text ] Md. Nazrul Islam, Md. Saiful Alam, Sajib Barua, Md. Kowsar AlamThe present research work was aimed to construct and analyze the performance of the organic dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) with different types of crystal growth inhibitors. The characteristic behaviors (I-V curves) of these solar cells were studied for different amounts (mol%) of two crystal growth inhibitors, i.e., 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride (EMICl) and 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium iodide (BMII) were added to SiC. It had been found that EMICl and BMII crystal growth inhibitors show the highest efficiency at contents of 134 mol% and 78 mol%, respectively. Moreover, BMII crystal growth inhibitor shows 10 times higher efficiency than that of EMICl crystal growth inhibitor.
Associated Factors & Pattern of Musculoskeletal Pain among Male Handloom Weavers Residing in Belkuchi, Shirajganj: A Cross Sectional Study[Full-Text ] AKHTER HOSSAIN, MOHAMMAD KAMRUJJAMAN, ABDUL MALEQUEHandloom is one of the oldest cottag e based industries in Bangladesh & a significant number of rural people are employed in weaving. The present study was conducted to find out the pattern & associated factors of musculoskeletal (msk) pain among handloom weavers in a selected area. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was carried out by a self-constructed questionnaire. A 230 handloom male weavers took part in this study.
Relationship between Hope, Optimism and Life Satisfaction among Adolescents[Full-Text ] Komal Hassan, Shama Sadaf, Ayesha Saeed, Amna Idrees This study was conducted to find out the association between hope, optimism and life-satisfaction among adolescents because these are the essential components in a person's life. Research design of this study was descriptive in nature and a survey was conducted. A sample of 400 late adolescents (200 female students and 200 male students) age ranged from 17 years to 21 years was selected by using probability sampling technique from different universities of Lahore.
Benign osseous metaplasia: A rare breast lump - case report[Full-Text ] Asif Mian Ansari, Kanwarjit Singh Dhillon, Anjali Bhutani, Neerja Dhingra, Gourav Kaushal, Rohit Bansal, Iqbal SinghOsseous metaplasia is a rare condition which has been reported in breast, gastrointestinal tract, lung, thyroid, parathyroid and pancreas. Most of the lesions of breast are malignant. To the best of our knowledge, only two cases of benign osseous metaplasia have been reported. A 69 years old HCV positive female patient, presented with history of left side breast lump of 4-5 months duration without other complaints. Ultrasound and mammography were suggestive of benign looking lesion.
Improving Prediction Accuracy Using Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm on Medical Datasets[Full-Text ] Dr. Anitha Avula V, Arba AshaIn Computer Aided Decision(CAD) systems, machine learning algorithms are adopted to assist a physician to diagnose disease of a patient. The purpose of this study is to improve the prediction accuracy on medical datasets by hybridizing machine learning algorithms. In this paper Hybrid Machine Learning algorithm is proposed using two supervised algorithms, Naive Bayes and JRIP. The methodology adopted in this paper for proposing new Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm is implemented by using R programming language and weka software tool. Further, comparative study is made between individual algorithms and proposed hybrid algorithm to prove the improvement in prediction accuracy on medical datasets. The proposed algorithm shows enhanced performance compared to the individual classifiers and assist the physician in diagnosis.
Using Antibodies to Target Specific Proteins in Vaccines for Modern Alzheimer's Treatments[Full-Text ] Charles F. Ma Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has grown over the past two decades in an unprecedented fashion and continues to be the leading cause of dementia worldwide. Currently, the disease is perceived to be a result of an accumulation of the ð›ƒ-amyloid peptide (Að›ƒ) in congruence with the tau protein. Genetic and biochemical research suggest that the creation of the A𛃠peptide plays a pivotal role in the eventual development of AD. The difficulty with treating AD is that plaques are physiologically generated from the body itself and generally beneficial to the central nervous system (CNS) and in synaptic physiology. Thus, the body does not recognize the A𛃠peptide as a threat, which leads to the possibility of AD. A majority of current treatments utilize medications to cope with the disease, but the use of vaccines is fairly rare within the industry. In this paper, a possible solution for the future of Alzheimer's treatment is proposed by promoting the use of antibody-based vaccines that target specific proteins and analyzing their effectiveness.
PRIVATIZATION OF PTCL AND ITS POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS ON ECONOMY AND SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Tariq Naseer SulehriaIn this research work positive& negative impacts of Privatization of PTCL on economy and society of Pakistan are analyzed. Privatization process of PTCL started in early 90 and completed in 2006. Objectives behind the Privatization of PTCL were the improvement in economy of the country with the reduction in loans, stability in GDP and currency and improvement in performance of company with the increase in Profit and revenue of the company. It has found that privatization of PTCL has more negative impacts as compare to positive impacts on economy & society of Pakistan.
Complete rectal prolapse, which contained small bowel loop, in 34years old, male patient: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Ryadh Hakami, Naif Hakami, Anjoom, abdo ayoup,Moh'd faqeehi, Moh'd Zalah, Khalid shebily, abdo obeery,ibithal 34 years old male patient, not known to have any medical illness before, presented to ER of Princes Mohamed Bin Nasser Hospital, with complaint of huge mass protruding through anus since 5 hours prior to presentation, the diagnosis of irreducible complete rectal prolapse has been made. Altemeir (Trans anal proctosigmodoectomy) done, and post operatvive course passed smoothly without any complications.
Influence of offset magnitude ec and angular location λ on different parameters along with their calibration methods and improvements; A Review[Full-Text ] Muhammad Junaid Saeed, Can Liu, Umair Riaz, Junku Liu, Muhammad Umer Javed, Muzammil Rasheed, Hafiz Hammad Younis, Tajammul Riaz Sial and Wang Jun HuiThe purpose of this paper is to elaborate different methods and techniques used by various researchers as a scientist or engineers for the decrement of the effect of geometric parameters (offset magnitude ec and angular location vector λ) on different machining parameters (cutting forces, high tool wear and etc.), cutting tools geometry, work piece material and etc. As three axis or five axis milling machine is used in different areas such as in mechanical, civil, aeronautical engineering fields and etc. for the machining of parts where we can't make compromises in terms of dimensional accuracy such as for jet parts, automobile parts and etc. where highly qualified surface finished products were required.
Subgrade Stabilization Evaluation Using Plantain Rachis Fibre Ash and Lime as Soil Stabilizer[Full-Text ] Dozie Ikebude, Charles KennedyThe study investigated strength improvement of expansive lateritic soils with notable high plasticity, high swelling, high shrinkage and crack potentials with the application of composite materials of plantain rachis fibre ash and lime in combined actions. Early investigations grouped the soils as A-2-6 SC and A-2-4 SM on the AASHTO classification schemes / Unified Soil Classification System with other characteristics shown in table 3.1. Generally, sampled soils do not meet standards for road subgrade and embankment materials. Summarized computed results of plantain rachis fibre ash + lime stabilized lateritic soils with 2.5% + 2.5%, 5.0% + 5.0%, 7.5% + 7.5% and 10% + 10% of compaction test parameters of maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) increased in values with composite stabilizer inclusion accordingly to percentages increase.
Swelling and Shrinkage Potentials of Black Cotton Reduction Using Costaceae Lacerus Bagasse Fibre Ash as Pozzolona material[Full-Text ] Sule Samuel, Charles KennedyBlack Cotton soils in the Niger Delta has exceptional traits phenomenon of swell-shrinkage potential that is proned to severe, crack and differential settlement. An investigative study in the use of bagasse fibre ash of Costaceae Lacerus to improve the engineering properties to meet required standard specifications for the use as road subgrade pavement material. The soils classified as A - 7 - 6 on the AASHTO classification System, with plasticity index of 20.33%, 20.35%, 21.85%, 26.30%, and 21.35% respectively for the sampled roads . Compaction test results demonstrated decreased in MDD while OMC increased in CLBFA inclusion to clay soils.
Evaluation of Expansive Lateritic Soils Stabilization with Irvinga Gabonesis Fibre and Cement Admixtures as Stabilizers[Full-Text ] Tamunokuro Oswald Amgbara, Charles Kennedy, Enamuotor BlessingThe research work premeditated the inclusion of irvinga gabonesis fibre and cement in coalesced state to unstable subgrade (soils) of failed highway roads in five local Government Areas of Rivers State with weak and less matured in the soils vertical profile and probably much more sensitive to all forms of manipulation to meet required standard. Preliminary investigations of the engineering properties of soils at natural state are percentage (%) passing BS sieves #200; 28.35%, 40.55 %, 36.85%, 33.45% and 39.25%. The soils are classified as A-2-6 SC and A-2-4 SM on the AASHTO classification schemes / Unified Soil Classification System. Consistency limits (plastic index) of the soils at 100% natural state are 17.30%, 14.23%, 15.20%, 15.50% and 16.10%.
Expansive Soils Volume Change Control Using Hybridized Composite Materials as Soil Stabilizer[Full-Text ] Tamunokuro Oswald Amgbara, Terence Temilade Tam Wokoma, Charles KennedyBlack Cotton soils are predominantly the most that stretches Ebiriba, Ochigba, Eneka and Isiokpo roads in Rivers State of Nigeria. The soils are characterized with high plasticity that has caused differential settlements and degradations that has led the abandoned state of the roads. The study evaluated the geotechnical properties of these soils and modified the problematic them with composite materials of plantain rachis fibre ash + cement with percentages shown in table 3.2.
Effect of Fibre Ash Stabilizer on Volume Reduction of Deltaic Lateritic Soils[Full-Text ] Gbinu Samuel Kabari, Enamuotor Blessing, Charles KennedyLateritic Soils of the Deltaic are premature and do not conform to the widely reported parent-rock-related gradation trend common to other lateritic soils and highly deceptive in nature due to their swelling and shrinkage attributes and yet the most widely used road embankment materials within the region. The research work studied the modification of the soils using environmentally friendly agricultural waste products of plantain rachis fibre ash as stabilizer. Preliminary investigations on the geotechnical properties of the soils at natural state classified them as A-2-6 SC and A-2-4 SM on the AASHTO classification schemes / Unified Soil Classification System.
Problematic Soils Stabilization with Costaceae Lacerus Bagasse Fibre and Cement in Combined Actions[Full-Text ] Nwaobakata Chukwuemeka, Charles KennedyThe research work investigated the engineering properties of problematic soils with unique attributes of swelling, shrinkage and crack potentials of highway subgrade pavement and stabilized with costaceae lacerus bagasse fibre + cement in combined actions of 0.25 +5.0%, 0.5% + 5.0%, 0.75% + 7.5% and 1.0% + 10% fibre + Cement inclusion to soils ratio. The soils were classified as A-2-6 SC and A-2-4 SM on the AASHTO classification schemes / Unified Soil Classification System. The soils percentage (%) passing BS sieves #200 are 28.35%, 40.55%, 36.85%, 33.45% and 39.25.
Public Debt and GDP Growth in Western Balkan Countries - Empirical Evidence[Full-Text ] Violeta Madzova, Sladjana Stojanovska, Krste SajnoskiThe debate about the impact of high debt levels on economic growth has intensified over the last decade as the levels of public debt have risen sharply in many countries. The Western Balkan countries have not been immune to the increase in public debt and slowdown in economic growth, as has been the case in the countries primary economic partner, the Euro zone.
Application of Natural Plant Sensitizers with Polyaniline Electrode Couple in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells[Full-Text ] Chukwuma V. Onwujiuba, Immaculata O. Onuigbo, Opeoluwa O. Joshua, Pwafreino Moses, Chidinma Ifekauche, Muhammad Yahaya, Madu Joshua, Bolade O. Agboola, and Wan Jin JahngIn the current study, we tested the hypothesis whether natural chromophores from common West African plants could be used as electron donors in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Natural dyes were extracted from the leaves of seven common West African plants, including Tamarindus indica (tamarind), Lawsonia inermis (henna), Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass), Telfairia occidentalis (ugu), Hibiscus sabdariffa (zobo), Terminalia catappa (tropical almonds), and Magnifera indica (mango).
Study of Symbols on US Dollar Bill and their Link with the World’s Economy[Full-Text ] Fatima AzamThe study of symbols on US dollar bill and their link with the world’s economy, in this research I have explained that United States dollar is owned by secret enlightened society of Illuminati, who worship Lucifer and spread evil messages around the world through hidden subliminal messages behind symbols. Their main goal is to bring one government in the world and destroy Muslims and Christians who are the followers of two largest religions of the world. To achieve their goal, they have hold on financial system of the world and keeping dollar’s value strongest in the world, dollar is printed and controlled by Federal Reserve System of United States (FED) and major central banks which are owned by illuminati (Wizzards & Cults, n.d.).
Rationalized Distributed Software Development (DSD) in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Ghulam Samdani, Maria Latif, Jawwad IbrahimDistributed Software Development (DSD) is the backbone of software development. Pakistan is the best place for distributed software development (DSD) due to: Availability of low cost but the highly talented pool, Tax holiday for information technology industry, English Proficiency, Fast and reliable internet services are available. One plus point according to age structure is that the population of Pakistan between 15 and 64 years is 59.1%.
A Review on Travel Recommendation Techniques[Full-Text ] P Sushmita SinghThe systems that help its users to select the best possible option among the available choices are called as Recommender Systems. Nowadays, these systems have been put into use in various fields of technology and are the most preferred systems for enabling the user or the customers to make satisfactory online purchases. Among other upcoming industries, Tourism is considered to be the most flourished and profitable industry. Hence, making use of recommendation providing systems in the aspect of tourism can enhance the quality of travelling for the traveller and also can turn out to be a profitable use of technology to the tourism department.
Exploring Clayed Topsoiling for Heavy Metals Isolation in Central Nortern Chilean Copper Mining[Full-Text ] Arturo Cortes ChavezAround the world, the typical tailing pond infrastructure only consider the construction of simple contention walls made by different gradient, and just in a few cases contain the material with a HDPE layer or as it is required by the local authorities. However, large number of active and abandoned tailing ponds doesn’t have this isolation layer or any procedure to prepare and stabilize the soil before the installation of the dam.
HIGH VOLUME FLY ASH MIXED GREEN CONCRETE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING PURPOSES[Full-Text ] Dr. Arup Saha Chaudhuri, Subhajit ChakrabortyConcrete is the most common material used in the construction of civil engineering structures and the global demand for concrete is significantly increased due to infrastructure growth worldwide. The production of Portland cement which is the main ingredient of concrete is not only costly but energy intensive. It consumes approximately 7.8 GJ (Gigajoule) of energy per ton of cement production and also cement production process results in the emission of large amount of CO2, a greenhouse gas. To overcome these problems, there is need to find some replacement to some extent. Nowadays there is a solution to some extent and the solution is known as “Green” concrete. By the use of green concrete, it is possible to reduce the CO2 emission in atmosphere towards eco-friendly construction technique. There is a much potential industrial waste product that has the potential to replace cement in concrete, however, fly ash is the industrial waste material that is discussed in depth in this particular paper. In this study, the potential use of siliceous/class F fly ash from power plant Kolaghat as a partial replacement of cement was studied.
Lip switch flaps: A versatile option for lip reconstruction[Full-Text ] Otei,O.O; Ozinko, M.O; Ekpo,R.G; Isiwere, E and Bashel-Akpeke, R.A.We present three patients who had secondary cleft lip defect, excision of pleomorphic adenoma and squamous cell carcinoma respectively. The first patient had cleft lip repair as a baby and the other two had tumour excision of the upper and lower lips. The lower lip was used to reconstruct the upper lip in the first two cases; this is the classical Abbe flap, while the upper lip was used to reconstruct the defect on the lower lip in the last case1. All the patients were satisfied with the result of surgery. There was no recurrence of tumour in the last two cases after 5 years of follow up.
Optimal control for discrete event systems applying multi-model approach[Full-Text ] Asmae El Ghadouali, Oulaid Kamach, Benaissa AmamiThis work deals with operating mode management applied to discrete event systems (DES). Studied system presents several operating modes due to the state space of explosion problem for complex systems. We propose a multi-model approach, where each model describes a system in a given operating mode. We assume that only one attempted operating mode is activated at a time whilst other modes must be inactivated.
Prediction of Concrete Thickness equivalent to Fire Protection Jackets[Full-Text ] Yasmin Hefni and Yehia Abdel ZaherWhen concrete structures are exposed to elevated temperatures, concrete cover is considered as a protection layer for reinforcement bars. In some cases, an additional protection is needed to reduce rise o temperature at reinforcement location. Hence, choosing lower thermal conductivity concrete jackets will do the job. In this paper, a mathematical equation to estimate the equivalent thickness of concrete layer that gives the same thermal resistance of various fire protection materials is developed. In the analysis, the equivalent concrete thickness yields same time for the reinforcement bars to attain 500°C as the corresponding thermal protection layer when the structure is exposed to the standard ASTME119 fire rating curve. The analysis has been done with the aid of the finite element temperature analysis software Ansys.
Assessing Accuracies of Position Fix Using GNSS in Real Time Kinematic (RTK) From Base Station for Surveys in Abuja, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akpata S.B.M and Ono, M.NControls are used by surveyors and Engineers to locate portions of land and position of a point by way of definition and location and for setting out of engineering structure. In most cases, these control points are established using conventional methods. But advancement in satellite technology has made Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) receivers to be used. This technology is everywhere in use now in Abuja – the Federal Capital Territory and many practitioners have started to abuse the access to this technology.
Evaluating the Phenomenon of Urban Heat Island Effect of Suhrawardy Udyan, Dhaka[Full-Text ] Sabrina Rahman, Soniha Nuzrat, Ashrafun Nahar liza, Nawrin MahmudDhaka City, like other large cities, is warmer than surrounding areas due to the urban heat island effect, which is defined as an increase in urban air temperature as compared to surrounding suburban and rural temperature. The development of a heat island has regional-scale impacts on energy demand, air quality, and public health. Artificial urban land uses such as public open spaces, commercial and residential buildings, roads, and parking lots covered by impervious surfaces can contribute to the formation of urban heat islands (UHIs). Considering the increasing paved area with little vegetation cover in Dhaka, Bangladesh, this study evaluated the phenomenon for UHI effect of Suhrawardy Udyan, Dhaka.
Use of Blockchain Technology in integrating Heath Insurance Company and Hospital[Full-Text ] Nukala Poorna Viswanadha Sravan, Pallav Kumar Baruah, Sathya Sai Mudigonda, and Phani Krihsna KFunction of Health Insurance Industry is multi-faceted. The service provider needs to manage the claims of policy holders. This task involves authentication of data from multiple sources. While servicing the claims it also needs to take care of the interests of multiple agencies like health care service providers. There is possibility of error and fraud happening at each and every stage of the process of validating a claim.
INFLUENCES OF FINANCIAL LITERACY ON INVESTMENT DECISION IN SMALL BUSINESS IN SOUTHEAST SULAWESI[Full-Text ] Ummy Kalsum, Buyung Sarita, Samdin, Andi Basru WawoInvestment significantly influences on economic activities and growth in general. Thus, investment decision has specific interest not only for policy makers, but also company managers and owners. This research aims to determine and analyze the influences of Financial Literacy on Investment decisions by Small Business in Southeast Sulawesi. The data is analyzed using partial last square method with 395 Small Business in Southeast Sulawesi as the respondents. Results of the analysis show that Financial Literacy influences on Investment decisions by Small Business in Southeast Sulawesi.
OPTIMIZATION MODEL OF ZAKAT, INFAQ AND SADAQAH FUNDRAISING IN ACHIEVING PUBLIC WELFARE IN KENDARI CITY[Full-Text ] Hasanuddin Bua, Supriady Rusly, L.M. HarafahThis research will achieve some purposes, namely: (1) calculating potency and realization of zakat acceptance in Kendari city, (2) determining any factors giving influences on zakat acceptance, and (3) building optimization model of ZIS fundraising obtained from muzakki (zakat providers) in order to achieve public welfare (Mustahid) in Kendari city. Data collection methods are interview, questionnaire and observation. The method used to build optimization of zakat, infaq and sadaqah fundraising is participative approach and FGD(focus Group Discussion).
Review of recent evidence on congenital melanocytic naevi treatment methods[Full-Text ] Bahni Mohammed Ali AsiriThese melanomas metastasize and are therefore life-threatening. In this review we cover the background of CMN and particularly treatment approaches. We searched electronic databases as; MEDLINE, Embase, and PubMed for studies discussing the congenital melanocytic naevi treatment approaches, through September, 2018. Congenital nevi exist at birth and result from a proliferation of benign melanocytes in the dermis, epidermis, or both. Although the exact threats for melanoma in patients with CMN are not known, including the included risk resulting from sun direct exposure, all patients and/or family members ought to be advised on sun evasion and sunlight security. Routine evaluations, assisted by photographic documents, may make it possible for very early diagnosis and treatment need to melanoma supervene.
Influences of Transactional and Transformational Leadership Styles on Work Motivation for Employees in Research and Development Agency Office[Full-Text ] INDIRA YUANAThis research aims to (1) determine the influences of transactional leadership style on work motivation for employees in Research and Development Agency Office, Southeast Sulawesi Province; (2) determine the influences of transformational leadership style on work motivation for employees in Research and Development Agency Office, Southeast Sulawesi Province; and (3) determine which leadership style has dominant influences on work motivation for employees in Research and Development Agency Office, Southeast Sulawesi Province.