Volume 6, Issue 3,March 2015 Edition
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Male Learners’ Vocabulary Achievement through Concept mapping and Mind mapping; differences and similarities[Full-Text ] Zahra TarkashvandWhile learning English plays an essential role in today’s life, vocabulary achievement is helpful to overcome the difficulties of commanding the language. Drawing on data from three months experimental work, this article explores how two mapping strategies affect the learning vocabularies in EFL male learners. While females were studied before, this article focuses on how Iranian male students at Intermediate -level can improve their vocabulary achievement by using Mapping strategies of concept maps and mind maps. It was attempted to know whether gender plays a role or not. Therefore 62 male intermediate EFL learners were selected among a total number of 100. Based on the results, the students were randomly assigned to two experimental groups with 31 participants in each. Both groups underwent the same amount of teaching time by the researcher/teacher during 16 sessions of treatment which included concept mapping for the first group and mind mapping for the second. A posttest was administered at the end of the treatment to both groups and their mean scores on the test were compared through an independent samples t-test. The result showed that male learners same as females in the mind mapping group benefited significantly more than those in the concept mapping group in terms of improving their vocabulary achievement.
CONTINUITY ANALYSIS IN HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY RELATIONSHIPS FOR AL ABBASIA REACH IN EUPHRATES RIVER[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Shaker Mahmood, Asst. Lecturer M.Sc. Zaid Nori HashimMost of the hydraulic geometry relationships derived under premises that there are direct or indirect relation, at least statistically, between meander geometry characteristics include width, depth, cross sectional area and some hydraulic variables as discharge and velocity. The hydraulic variables satisfy for rectangular channels the continuity equation. The authors developed four power functions for predicting the hydraulic geometry properties of Abbasia reach, in the middle of the Euphrates river, Najaf governorate. These power models with certain coefficients (a, c, k and p) and exponents (b, d, m and n). The recent work is to perform the continuity of the results on the predicted models in previous paper. The results indicate that there was an remarkable degree of consistency for both coefficients and exponents.
A COMPARISON ON THE EFFECT OF TEACHING MATHEMATICS USING DISCOVERY AND TRADITIONAL METHODS IN SOLVING MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF BIRNIN KEBBI LOCAL GOVERNMENT[Full-Text ] FARUK ABDULLAHI, SA’AD I. NOMAU, IBRAHIM HALIRU WALAThis study was carried out to examine the effectiveness of discovery and traditional approaches on the learning of some mathematical concepts. The study tries to show the difference in achievements of two groups of SS2 students in Birnin Kebbi Local Government who were exposed to discovery and traditional pedagogy respectively in Army Day Secondary School. Four research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A pre-test post-test quasi experimental design was adopted. The population consisted of five thousand two hundred and seven (5,207) students out of which 357 students were sampled. Using mean, standard deviation and t-test statistics, it was discovered that students taught using discovery strategy perform better academically.
Development and Sensory Evaluation of Industrial High Energy Fortified Biscuits before Implementation of Food Safety[Full-Text ] A. A. Siddiqui, M. A. AlimThe present study was conducted to prepare the high energy fortified biscuits as influenced by different levels of soy flour protein and wheat flour gluten content of the biscuit recipes in a food industry before food safety implementation. Packaging study was also conducted by high density polyethylene up to 90 days of storage showing moisture content just above Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institute (BSTI) requirement at 90 days for the samples S1, S2 and S3. Moisture%, Protein %, fat %, sucrose % and iron content remained acceptable considering BSTI requirements. Sample S1 containing highest soy flour protein and wheat flour gluten estimated highest protein %, fat% and iron content compared to sample S¬2 and S3. Microbial qualities of biscuits found acceptable at initial storage regardless of microbial quality of raw materials. Sensory qualities of biscuits were also evaluated which showed the sample S3 , treated with lowest amount of soy flour protein and wheat flour gluten, was the most preferred biscuit with respect to all the quality attributes. Though the high energy fortified biscuit has compact source of energy, packaging condition was not sufficient to hold moisture content as BSTI standard level during 90 days of storage. Sensory evaluation suggested optimum level of soy flour fortification.
ATTRIBUTES, PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT AND PUBLIC IMAGE OF SCHOOL HEADS[Full-Text ] MILAGROS R. RAMOSThe purpose of this study is to determine the attributes of school heads and professional commitment to their public image as perceived by the teachers in Davao Region. Non experimental qualitative research design employing descriptive-correlations was used. The subjects include 400 public elementary school teachers. There were three sets of questionnaire used during the data gathering. First set was to determine the level of attributes, second was to evaluate the extend of professional commitment and third set of the research tool was to find the level of public image of the school heads. The statistics used to find the significance of the relationships between independent and dependent variable is pearson- moment correlation, to determine the level of attributes to their public image , mean standard deviation was applied. In order to determine the influence of the attributes and professional commitment on public image , multiple regression was employed. Finding showed significant relationships were found between the independent variables and the dependent variable. It demonstrated also that 8 domains in the attributes of school heads ( creates a learning of culture, inspires and motivates, understand the leadership of change, models practical practices, manages resources, manages high standard and accountability, creates a culture of inclusion and influences and collaborates with the community) and all the indicators of professional commitment influence on the public image . This means that by having a high positive attitude of school heads, the higher is the chance in attaining the school vision, mission and educational goals .
EFFECT OF PARTICLE SIZE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PERIWINKLE SHELL REINFORCED POLYESTER COMPOSITE (PRPC)[Full-Text ] Onyechi, P.C, Asiegbu, K.O., Igwegbe, C.A., Nwosu, M.CThe effects of particle size of periwinkle shells (PWS) on the mechanical properties of particulate reinforced polyester composite (PRPC) was investigated. Particle sizes considered were 400µm, 600µm, 766µm, 1180µm and 1760µm. Five replicated samples of each particle sizes were considered for volume fraction of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. 100 samples were produced and 25 of these samples were subjected to each mechanical test which include; tensile, flexural, hardness, and impact test. The average test results were used for graphical analysis with Minitab 15 software (developed in 2007). The maximum tensile strength of 24.3MPa was obtained from the composite made of 400µm particle size at 30% volume content. The maximum flexural strength of 47.4MPa was also obtained from the composite made of 400µm particle size at 30% volume content. Additionally, the composite made of 400µm particle size at 50% volume content gave the maximum hardness number (BHN) of 249. The composite made up of 1760µm particle size at 50% volume content yielded the maximum impact strength of 23.2Jm-2. It is concluded that decrease in particle sizes increases the tensile strength and flexural strength, but causes a scattered diagram in hardness strength. In impact test, the strength increases with increase in particle size. For the filler content, the tensile and the flexural strength rises highest at 30% content where it then decreases sharply, but in hardness and impact test, increase in filler content increases the BHN and impact strength.
Self-Powered Sustainable Model of E-Waste Management with CSR Initiative for Manufacturers and Business Consumers for Socio-economic Upliftment in Pune (India )[Full-Text ] Zeenat Alam, Dr Amol GojeOrganised and Unorganised sectors are rampantly growing with current market dynamics .Green Economy is new dimension opening encouraging focus on sustainable models .With convergence of technology , optimization and effectiveness have become important parameters associated with corporate assets in domains of Infrastructure , Hardware and human resources . Computer manufacturing and consumers s are looking for strategies to offset rising costs and to use technology in ways that reduce their environmental impact.
South Indian River Ranking Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process[Full-Text ] A. RAJKUMAR and S. UDAYAKUMARThe river ranking problem is a strategic issue and has significant impact on the efficiency of a river system. On the other hand, the river ranking among many alternatives presents a multi criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. Hence fuzzy set theory can be applied. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy process (FAHP) technique is used to rank alternatives to find the efficient use of the river system. Fuzzy numbers and linguistic variables are used to inherently vague data. Four criteria and 20 sub criteria are identified, tested and applied to real data. The FAHP is used to analyze the structure of the river ranking problem. A real world application is conducted to illustrate the utilization of the model using the available data pertaining to a few south Indian rivers. The application can be interpreted as demonstrating the effectiveness and feasibility of the FAHP model.
The Effects of Students’ Housing on Academic Performance at the University of Ibadan in Nigerian[Full-Text ] Owolabi, Babatunde OluwaseyiThe university, as we know it in the Western hemisphere has origin back to the medieval cities of Bologna, Paris and Oxford around the year 1200 (Bender, 1988). Throughout its history, university has attracted large number of students of different nationalities and backgrounds. Yet, during the early years of the university, institutionally provided student accommodation did not exist and it was common for students to rent a room from local citizens or to rent a house to share with other students (Caldenby, 1994; Adelman, 1969). In the Middle Ages in Europe, students were often a noticeable part of a town’s population, and even back then there was often a severe problem where and how to accommodate the student inhabitants. Housing is part of students’ social life at the tertiary institutions in Africa. From available information, students housing in tertiary institutions in Nigeria is severely overcrowded (Amole, 1997). For example, over the last two decades, students housing at the University of Ibadan, has reached a crisis level. The main cause of this perennial problem is the increasing number of students being admitted, without a commensurate increase in the number of bed spaces. This situation has been aggravated by the absence of affordable and safe alternative housing in the neighborhoods surrounding the university (Agbola et al, 2001).
Open Distance Pattern Coloring of Certain Classes of Graphs[Full-Text ] P T Marykutty and K A GerminaLet G be a connected graph with diameter d(G), X={1,2,…,d(G)} be a non-empty set of colors of cardinality d(G) and let ??M?V(G). Let f_M^o be an assignment of subsets of X to the vertices of G such that f_M^(o ) (u)={d(u,v);v ? M,u?v} , where d(u,v) is the distance betweenu and v. We call f_M^o an M -open distance pattern coloring of G, if no two adjacent vertices have same f_M^o and if such an M exists for a graph G, then G is called an open distance pattern colorable (odpc) graph; the minimum cardinality of such an M if it exists, is the open distance pattern coloring number of G denoted by ?_M (G) .In this paper, we study open distance pattern coloring of certain classes of graphs.
Analysis of Tribological Applications of Functionally Graded Materials in Mobility Engineering[Full-Text ] Dr.Sabah KhanA functionally graded material (FGM) is a two component composite characterised by a compositional gradient from one component to other. In a traditional composite, which is basically a homogeneous mixture of its constituents the pure identity of each constituent is altogether lost and thus we have to make a compromise between the desirable properties of the constituent materials and our requirement. Most of the mechanical failures in the world are a result of one or the other modes of wear failure, especially in most of the mobility engineering applications. In this paper the various aspects of wear failures are discussed in the different modes of transport and a preventive is measure is suggested by applying FGMs.
On the value of David Bohm's Quantum Mechanics or Consistent Faith of a Physicist: God's Grace within Physics[Full-Text ] Dmitri MartilaWithout violent forcing to accept my points, I present the glim of my consistent faith to the scientific community of orthodox believers. Because I stay within the dogmas of the Orthodox Christian Church, I suggest to read the text without criticism. It is simply the beautiful and meaningful picture of my personal world. Please enjoy it.
The Effect of time on the analysis of exergy of 300MW boiler of South-Zour power station[Full-Text ] Gamal Yassin Salman,Abdualrazzaq AbdualwhabeThe aim of the study is to identify major energy loss areas in AZZOR power station and develop a plan to reduce them using energy and exergy analysis as the tools .The energy supply to demand is reducing due to ageing of machinery . Exergy analysis in power plants is a strong tool to evaluate cycle performance qualitatively , time dependent exergy loss that occurred in the major components of a 300 MW steam turbine unit of South-Zour power station.
Studies in physico -chemical properties of value added apple butter[Full-Text ] Salaheddin Bashir Elbelazi, Vijay Bahadur Rajwade and Nitin SonkarThe present investigation entitled “ physic -chemical properties of value added apple butter " was carried out in Post-Harvest Lab, Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, (Deemed to be University) during the winter season of the year 2012-2013 and 2013- 2014. The experiment was laid out in CRD with 10 treatments and 3 replications for preparation of apple butter From the present investigation it can be concluded that treatment T6 (1.5 g spices + 3g citric acid \ kg apple pulp) proved to be the best in terms of quality whereas T4 (1.5g spices + 2g citric acid\ kg apple pulp) proved to be best in terms of sensory score and T5 (1.5g spices + 2.5g citric acid \ kg apple pulp). The microbial population (2.00 x 10-6cfu/g in T0 and 1.00 x 10-6cfu/g in T1) was not observed in any treatment except T0 and T1 in storage period of apple butter.
Design and implementation of online Conference Management System[Full-Text ] Lecturer Hana Rashied Esmaeel, Hamza Jafar HabeebIn this paper, a design and implementation of online conference management system (OCMS) is achieved. The proposed System provides a complete functionality for conference registration, paper submission, peer review, decision making process, preparation of conference proceedings, and submission of final papers. OCMS enables interaction of all participants in various roles such as corresponding author, reviewer and Administrator. Security features has been implemented (using SHA1 function) to keep Integrity of information in the system. The architecture of the system and its internal modular structure is presented.
Effect of phosphorous application in combination with organic soil conditioner on growth of low land rice.[Full-Text ] Yasir Hamid1, Tariq Aziz, Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Naveed, Muhammad Zahir Aziz, Shakeel Anjum, Muhammad Ahmed Akram, Pia Muhammad Adnan Ramzani, Hafiz Tanvir Ahmad, Muhammad Usman Jamshaid and Sajid HussainSoils of Pakistan are deficient in available P, due to high pH, which leads to immediate fixation of added P. An experiment was conducted to check growth and yield of low land rice as affected by P application along with an organic soil conditioner (OSC). The experiment was laid-out according to Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four replications. There were 6 treatments as, control (0 kg P acre-1), 15 kg P acre-1, 30 kg P acre-1 , OSC @ 300g acre-1 + 15 kg P, OSC @ 300g acre-1 + 30kg P and OSC @ 300g acre-1. Plants were harvested after 50 days of transplanting. The results revealed that plant height, shoot dry weight, photosynthetic rate, phosphorus concentration in roots and shoot and phosphorus uptake was increased by the combined application of OSC and phosphatic fertilizer.
Effect of ethylene on growth, nodulation, early flower induction and yield in mungbean[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zahir Aziz, Muhammad Saleem,Zulfiqar Ahmad, Muhammad Yaseen, Muhammad Naveed, Muhammad Yahya Khan, Yasir Hamid, Hafiz Tanvir Ahmad, Muhammad Ahmed Akram, Shakeel Anjum, Muhammad Usman Saleem, Azhar Hussain, Muhammad Usman Jamshaid, Hina Javed and Rehman GulLate flowers induction, less number of flowers and pods per plant, improper use of fertilizer and not exogenous application of plant hormones are the major limiting factors of low average yield of mungbean at farmer field than potential yield. Mungbean yield is enhanced by application of plant growth regulator ethylene along with fertilizers. Ethylene is unsaturated hydrocarbon phyto-hormone which regulates and co-ordinate many metabolic and developmental processes within plant body. Ethylene regulates growth, yield, root development, nodulation, seed germination, flowering initiation, fruit set up, fruit ripening and seed dormancy. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of ethylene on growth, yield, nodulation and early flower induction in mungbean. The experiment was comprised of five treatments (control, 6.25 ppm, 12.5 ppm, 18.75 ppm and 25 ppm) and three replications. L-Methionine (L-MET) was used as the source of ethylene and was applied foliarly, with hand sprayer. The N, P, and K fertilizers were applied in the form of Urea, DAP and SOP, respectively. Data was collected by standard procedures and subjected to statistical analysis. Results showed that ethylene promoted early flowers induction, number of flowers, pods per plant, 1000 grains weight, shoot fresh and dry weight, photosynthesis and N in grains and shoot as compared with control. While, plant height, nodulation, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and N concentration in root decreased as concentration level of ethylene increased. Application L-Methionine (L-MET) with NPK fertilizer improved the yield contributing factors that resulted in significant increase in mungbean yield.
Tillage and nitrogen fertilization impact on irrigated corn yields and soil chemical and physical properties under semi-arid climate[Full-Text ] Sajid Hussain, Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Zahir Aziz, Ghulam Murtaza, Muhammad Naveed, Muhammad Usman Jamshaid, Azhar Hussain, Hina Javed, Muhammad Ahmed Akram, Hafiz Tanvir ahmad, Pia Muhammad Adnan Ramzani, Rehman Gul and Omar AzizManagement practices are important to soil productivity for sustainable crop production. A field experiment based on randomized complete design with split plot combination was conducted with three tillage treatments, i.e. deep tillage (DT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT) as main plots and three nitrogen levels: 0 (N0), 200 (N200) and 250 (N250) kg ha-1 as subplots. A maize variety (DK-919) was sown during the month of July. The recommended dose of PK @ 150 and 120 kg ha-1were applied, respectively. The following growth and physical parameters of plant and soil were recorded after harvesting the crop: plant height, cob length, number of grains per cob, yield, soil porosity, bulk density, soil strength, nitrate nitrogen, NPK in soil and in plants.The data obtained was analyzed statistically and differences among treatment’s means will be compared by using least significant difference test at 5% level of significance. Results showed that DT×N250 were useful to increase agronomic parameters and also increased soil porosity and decreased soil bulk density.
A Novel Text - Independent Voice based Automatic Gender Recognition System[Full-Text ] D. Shakina Deiv, Mahua Bhattacharya, G.K. SharmaVoice based gender and age classification can be helpful in a number of Information Technology based applications with speech interfaces. The recognition has to be independent of the text of the input speech if the application is online. In this work three different feature sets were tried for text independent gender recognition. The first set is Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) C1 to C24. A feature relevance study was undertaken using F-ratio based analysis and the first feature set was transformed accordingly to get the novel second set which is the F-ratio based dimension reduced MFCC. The third set is the weighted version of the second one. All the three sets have performed well, especially the second and third show excellent recognition performance. An effort is made to reduce computational complexity by feature dimension reduction and optimizing the number of Gaussian components of the GMM based gender classifier. This work can be extended for age based speaker classification too. A review of recent works and the previous work of the authors on text – dependent gender recognition are briefly presented for context.
Benefits of Outsourcing the ICT Infrastructure[Full-Text ] Muhammad Nauman Ashraf Khan & Dr. Irfan ZafarOver the years the Telecom Industry in the country has shown a lot of progress in terms of infrastructure development coupled with the availability of telecom services. This has however led to the cut throat completion among various operators thus leading to reduced tariffs to the customers. The profit margins have seen a reduction thus leading the operators to think of other avenues by adopting new models while keeping the quality of service intact.
ON- LINE INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM AND MONITORING OF MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF DRINKING WATER FOR URBAN AND RURAL COMMUNITIES[Full-Text ] M. MuruganTo evaluate the microbiological quality of treated and untreated water samples came from urban and rural communities and to examine the relationship between coliforms occurrence and average water temperature, and a comparison of the rainfall levels. A sample of 3,073 untreated and treated (chlorinated) water from taps (1,594), reservoir used to store treated water (1,033), spring water (96) and private well (350) collected for routine testing between 1996 and 1999 was analyzed by the multiple dilution tube methods used to detect the most probable number of total and fecal coliforms. These samples were obtained in the region of Maringá, state of Paraná, Brazil. The highest numbers water samples contaminated by TC (83 %) and FC (48 %) were found in the untreated water. TC and FC in samples taken from reservoirs used to store treated water was higher than that from taps midway along distribution lines. Among the treated water samples examined, coliform bacteria were found in 171 of the 1,033 sampling reservoirs. Insufficient treatment or regrowth is suggested by the observation that more than 17 % of these treated potable water contained coliform. TC and FC positive samples appear to be similar and seasonally influenced in treated water. Two different periods must be considered for the occurrence of both TC and FC positive samples: (i) a warm-weather period (September-March) with high percentage of contaminated samples; and (ii) cold-weather period (April-August) were they are lower. Both TC and TF positive samples declined with the decreased of water temperature.
DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF 1kVA PURE SINE WAVE POWER INVERTER[Full-Text ] Sheu Akeem Lawal and Alade Olusope MichaelAn inverter is a device that takes a direct current input and produces a sinusoidal alternating current output. It maintains a continuous supply of electric power to connected equipments or load by supplying power from a separate source, like battery, when utility power is not available. It is inserted between the source of power and the load is protecting. In this research, the design, construction and performance evaluation of 1kVA pure sine wave power inverter is presented. The methods implemented for the design were DC-DC converter and DC-AC inverter topologies. The DC-DC converter in the design made use of a high switching frequency transformer, enabling the reduction of size of the parts and to meet the efficiency constraint, while the DC-AC inverter circuit made use of a microprocessor to digitally pulse the transistors on the inverter side of the circuit. The project was broken down into smaller components and tested individually at every different stage of the design by the oscilloscope and digital multi-meter for their unique specifications. After component tests, they were incorporated for final assembly and integration. The results of the oscilloscope and digital multi-meter tests showed that half-bridge converter produced square wave output waveforms, sinusoidal pulse width modulated controller circuit yielded modified sine wave. After filtering, the full bridge inverter gave clean sinusoidal sine wave. The inverter was successfully converted 12VDC into 120VAC at 50Hz frequency and 1000W output power for a special laboratory equipment.
THE EFFECT OF INOCULUM ON ENHANCED BIODEGRADATION[Full-Text ] P. SENTHUR PANDYConsidering the importance of the environmental concerns associated with hazardous substances, specifically from a public health perspective, the potential of biological treatment was tried for a hazardous waste sludge, viz., and pharmaceutical sludge in the project work. Biological degradation for the complete treatment of pharmaceutical waste sludge and its reuse pattern has the potential for effective, practical and economical remediation from the effect of discharge of toxic and hazardous compounds to the environment. In order to understand and predict the environmental fate of toxic and hazardous compounds present in the pharmaceutical waste sludge, and to develop or improve biological treatment, a case study was conducted. This paper concentrated on the existing problem of a pharmaceutical industry with respect to disposal of secondary pharmaceutical sludge. In order to characterize the changes in the sludge properties that lead to inadequate treatment and disposal problems and to find a key solution, a comprehensive experimental study was conducted. The characterization and the effect of inoculum-substrate ratio on acclimatization of pharmaceutical secondary sludge were studied. The effect of enhanced biodegradation was assessed and evaluated for the conversion of pharmaceutical secondary sludge to biosolids. The enhanced biodegradation was found to be effective for the biosolids conversion by using the conventional inocula adopted for municipal and conventional biological treatment plants.
Analysis Of Fault Location For Transmission Lines[Full-Text ] MR. RAHUL RAMRAO GUNJKER, MR. VISHAL SHRIDHAR WADKAR, MR. MUSHIR UDDINThis paper presents Fault location information is critical for operating and maintaining transmission networks. Some of the challenges in calculating accurate fault location include fault resistance, zero-sequence mutual coupling, load, system non homogeneity, and transmission lines composed of multiple sections with considerably different characteristics. The Overhead line combined with underground cable is an intricate part of power system and is depend on for reliable transmission and distribution services. Locating transmission line faults quickly and accurately is very important for economy, safety and reliability point of view. Both fault-detection and fault-location indices are derived by using two-terminal synchronized measurements incorporated with distributed line model. PMU units provides real time measurement of positive sequence voltages and currents at power system substation. Extensive simulation studies carried out using MATLAB show that the proposed scheme provides a high accuracy in fault location under various system and fault conditions.
The Prospect of Oil and Gas on the Planet Mars[Full-Text ] Wanny Abdel Fattah MohamedThe discovery of hydrocarbons on the Planet Mars via interpretation of the theory of the formation of petroleum, the solar system (Big Bang theory), and the life on the Planet Mars in the light of background and previous relevant results where by the composition of the planet Mars is similar to that of the Earth because of its close proximity from the Planet Earth unlike The planet Jupiter that is impossible to find a life over there.
A Class of Solution for anisotropic Stars Admitting Conformal Motions in Higher Dimensional Space Time[Full-Text ] Khadekar G.S, Saroj KumbhareWe provide a new class of interior solutions for anisotropic stars admitting conformal motion
Modeling of Sediment Transport Upstream of Al-Shamia Barrage[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Saleh I. Khassaf,Mohammed jaber AbbasIn this research it was studied and modeling the sediment transport in the channel of Al-Shamia Barrage on the Euphrates river at Al-Diwaniya city in Iraq.. A mathematical model of one-dimensional simulation flow was run and performed; the amount of sediment load in this part of the river was calculated by using the program of HEC-RAS version (4.1) in which field measurement were taken by the ADCP device to calculate the discharge and areas of cross-sections. The research requires choosing twenty four cross-sections along the study reach which is (6 km).
Effect of Solar Cell Temperature on its Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency[Full-Text ] Prof. M K. El-Adaw, Prof. S A. Shalaby , S.E.-S. Abd El-Ghany, M.A.AttallahThe solar energy conversion is investigated theoretically. The variation of the temperature of the solar cell subjected to the incident global solar radiation along the local daytime is determined.The heat balance equation is solved .The solution revealed that the cell temperature is a function of the maximum value of the daily incident global solar radiation qmax, the cooling coefficient(h), the optical parameters, physical parameters, and the geometrical parameters of the cell .The temperature dependence of the short circuit current Isc,the dark saturation current I0 , the open circuit voltage Voc, and the energy band gap characterizing a Silicon solar cell is considered in evaluating the cell efficiency .Computations of the efficiency concerning different operating conditions and different astronomical locations (Egypt and Hong Kong) as illustrative examples are given.
Groundwater characterization and impacts on health and environment in Abakliki area and environs, Southeastern Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Rock Onwe Mkpuma , Nwankwo G. I. , Ema Michael AbrahamWater quality and availability is a consequence of the natural physical, chemical and biological state as well as any other alterations that may have occurred as a result of biotic and abiotic activities. The usefulness of water for a particular purpose is determined by the status of these parameters. In view of this, an understanding of these factors influencing livelihood is pertinent. In this study, hydrologic and hydrogeological characteristics as well as chemical and biological status of both surface and groundwater were evaluated. World Health Organization (WHO) standard wAere used as the yardstick to characterize the chemical and biotic status. Further, the Piper’s Trilinear technique is employed. A questionnaire approach was also used to simulate water status impact on livelihood. Results expected to indicate water status mainly in terms of quality and impact on livelihood in the area. Analysis of responses from the questionnaire further indicates that the water situation is associated with health problems, poverty and environmental issues.
Detection and segmentation of lung disease using Law Mask with Watershed on X-ray images[Full-Text ] Marwah Abdulmajeed Azeez Alyaa Hussein Ali, Alaa Noori Mazhir, Sabah Noori MazhirThe use of an automatic system in the analysis of the x-ray images is very important for the radiologists. Many methods have been developed for detecting lung diseases, and many imaging techniques used for this purpose like computerized tomography(CT) and chest radiography (x-ray). The chest x-ray is considered in our search to detecting the lung tumors. Our system has implemented x-ray images as a test samples. The objective of this paper is to support efficient method to detecting lung diseases and extracting the statistical features. The low mask which is a statistical texture analysis with five matrixes are used with the color segmentation method (watershed) to extracted the tumor and analyzing its texture. The proposed technique shows the methodology has high enhancement to the image contrast that gives extra aid to radiologist to detect and classify the lung tumor.
DESIGN OF WLAN CONNECTIVITY OF PRINTERS WITHIN AN OFFICE FOR AN OFFICE ENVIRONMENT WITH 30M RADIUS COVERAGE AREA USING LINKSYS WRT 120N WIRELESS GATEWAY ROUTER[Full-Text ] ENGR. NONUM, ERNEST OYEMNDUThis work focuses on the design of printer connectivity via wireless LAN for the various departments of an office. A wireless Access Point mounted 10.5 meters from the entrance of a central office was used to create a network that interconnected all the printers and computers within the coverage area of 30 meters as long as they are configured for the network. The network was furnished with security features such as disabled SSID broadcast, passphrase, MAC address filtering and WPA2 encryption to prevent unauthorized users from getting access to the network. The performance of the design was verified through an extensive range of tests (i.e. printing of documents from different locations within the network coverage area of 30 meters), and this yielded accurate and expected results. This design makes it possible to avoid the problems associated with the traditional wired method of networking computers and printing of documents between the units of an office.
CALL DROP MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR HANDOVER CALLS IN MOBILE CELLULAR NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Chidera L. Anioke, Obinna C. Nnamani, Cosmas I. AniThe mobility of mobile stations (MS) results in the transfer of calls from one cell to an adjacent cell. This transfer causes call drops when handovers are unsuccessful. Call drop minimizing techniques is one method of reducing the number of dropped handover calls as well as improve fairness between new and handover calls. This paper studies the effect of handover prioritization schemes and retrial queues on calls entering the network. Results show that with the call drop minimization techniques, there is a minimal drop in handover calls. In addition, the forceful termination of handover calls is minimized.
DEFLUORIDATION OF WATER USING TRIDAX PROCUMBEN[Full-Text ] Important factors to be considered for a water source to be used for drinking purpose are its bacteriological quality and presence of certain inorganic constituents like arsenic, fluoride etc. Fluoride is a commonly occurring toxic mineral in ecosystem. Fluoride enters the aquatic system in the dissolved form through industrial discharges, from aluminum industries, phosphate industries, coal plants etc, and leads to many diseases and disorders. It is essential that the contaminated water to be treated before being consumed. Hence, In the present project work, an attempt is made to remove fluoride by adsorption using activated carbon prepared from tridax procumbens as adsorbent media.
Component Crack Analysis of high pressure die casting aluminum alloy (Alsi9cu )[Full-Text ] Satish kumar ManochaCrack Analysis of the high pressure die casting Alsi9cu aluminum alloy component. The study is aimed in the project or research work. Especially industry based problem is decides to study in detail Technical solution for minimizing cracks in casting parts and find out the causes of crack failure with solution of problem, is decided to work out during this project. By enhancing the Quality and reducing the rejection of casting component which in turn will be profitable for both the industry as well as the customer is planned in the proposed study.
PROXIMATE AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF COAL DEPOSITS AT MAIGANGA IN AKKO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, GOMBE STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Y. M.Usman and O. N. Maitera. Recent quest for energy in Nigeria has made firms and organizations to look for alternative source of energy. This has necessitated the need for analysis of Maiganga coal used by Ashaka Cement Company Plc. for generation of energy. The analysis of coal sample was carried out using classical methods of analysis by A.O.A.C and the values obtained were; calorific value 5359 kcal/g and fixed carbon content 33.57%. Other parameters include; acidity with pH value of 0.36, alkalinity with pH values of 9.70, moisture content of 9.5%, Ash content of 65.6%, volatile mater with value of 47.4%.The result of analysis showed that Maiganga coal was lignite in nature and good source of energy and is comparable with any other coal in the world.
Heat transfer enhancement from rectangular fin array using staggered perforations[Full-Text ] Sreedev C L, Ramesh A. VThe efficiency of many devices greatly depends upon their ability to dissipate heat from their surfaces. Fins are extended surfaces used for dissipating heat from the hot surfaces. A number of experiments have been done in the field of enhancing heat transfer rate from hot surfaces. Present study deals with a new mechanism in which heat transfer rate in rectangular array is enhanced by means of staggered perforations.ANSYS Gambit 2.4 has been used for geometry creation and ANSYS Fluent 6.2.4 for simulation. The result shows that the fins with staggered holes possess increased heat transfer capacity
Tracking Zipper reaction using NMR technique[Full-Text ] Maged H. MuzaelIn this study NMR technique was used to track the success of transfer triple bond from the middle of the molecule to the end of the molecule. The first step was coupling reaction (Sonogashira reaction) between propargyl alcohol with 1-Iodododecane using very strong base lithium wire in liquid ammonia. The second step was transfer the triple bond the end of the molecule using the same strong very strong base Lithium in liquid ammonia (Zipper reaction).
Prediction under modified Weibull distribution with applications[Full-Text ] Saieed F. Ateya, Mohamed M. RizkIn this paper, the Bayesian prediction intervals (BPI0s) of future observations are obtained under Modi¯ed Weibull Distribution (MWD) in case of one and two-sample prediction schemes. Based on a type-II censored sample from a real data set, the BPI0s of the remaining observations are obtained.
Stock Price Prediction Using Regression Analysis[Full-Text ] Dr. P. K. Sahoo, Mr. Krishna charlapallyStock price prediction has always attracted people interested in investing in share market and stock exchanges because of the direct financial benefits. It is also an important research topic in finance. Prediction of stock market returns is a very complex issue depends on so many factors such company financial status and national policy etc. These days stock prices are affected due to many reasons like company related news, political, social economical conditions and natural disasters.A lot of studies were performed for the prediction of stock index values as well as daily direction of change in the index. So many models were developed for predicting the future price of stocks but each one has its own short comings. Advanced intelligent techniques ranging from pure mathematical models and expert systems to neural networks have also been used by financial institutions. In this paper we investigate to predict the stock prices using auto regressive model. The auto regression model is used because of its simplicity and wide acceptability. We have also conducted a study on the effectiveness of auto regressive model. The Moore and Penrose technique is used to estimate the coefficients of the regression equation. We have also studied accuracy of the prediction by comparing the predicted values with the actual values over a period of time.