Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2015 Edition
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INTERACTION PATTERN OF FULLERENE FAMILY WITH DIFFERENT FORMS OF DNA[Full-Text ] Sumbul Firdaus, Dr. Mohtashim Lohani, Anupam Dhasmana, Mohd. HaneefFullerenes have attracted considerable attention due to their unique chemical structure and potential applications. In this study fullerenes (C20 to C180) were interacted with different forms of DNA i.e. A, B and Z-forms. And no such change in the binding score was observed with the change in the sequence of DNA. In fact, binding score increases with the increase in the molecular weight of the fullerene while interacting with A & B-form of DNA but Z-form of DNA shows no regular pattern of binding. Number of interacting base pairs increases as the molecular size of fullerene increases. And the groove binding depends on the form of DNA, fullerene and fullerene family binds in major groove of A-DNA while binds in both major and minor grooves in B and Z-form of DNA. This study reveals that binding pattern of fullerene family with DNA, which can disrupt its structure and may leads to several biological errors.
Android Application Based on Image Transfer to Track Smartphones (AABITTSp)[Full-Text ] Prof. Keerti D Kharatmol, Anuja Lad, Harshit Garg, Sanjana MishraThe introduction of Android Mobile phones has bought a new revolution in the mobile phone market and almost everyone might have experienced misplacing or losing their mobile phones. Hence it is necessary to develop an application in all smart phones to prevent the mobile phone theft. This paper describes a tracking application called AABITTSp (Android Application Based on Image Transfer to Track Smartphone) which is embedded with a lot of features such as location tracking, SIM card detection, sending the location values to the predefined email address and to the predefined number via SMS, sending the images to the predefined email address. These features are quite different from the existing tracker applications which would be helpful in tracking the lost mobile.
Synthesis, Biological Activity, Molecular Docking and Structural Studies of N-(O-Fluor phenyl)-4,6-Dimethyl-2-Pyridone-3-Nitrile[Full-Text ] Subhadramma, S, Saravanan, J, Vinaya Kumar, R and Naveen ChandraThe title compound crystallizes in space group, P21/c with unit cell parameters, a=7.926(5), b=11.156(3), c=14.261(3) Å, ß = 102.01(1)°,V = 1233.4(9) Å3 containing four asymmetric molecules. The molecules are packed in the crystal lattice with bifurcated hydrogen bonding of the type C-H---O. Oxygen atom O(1) is involved in the bifurcated hydrogen bonding with bridge distances 3.511(2) Å and 3.466(2) Å, respectively. Fluorine F(1) of the phenyl ring does not involve in either intra- or inter-hydrogen bonding. The dihedral angle between the phenyl group and pyridone ring is 87.7(1)° indicating that pyridonyl group is perpendicular to the phenyl group making the way for its maximum interaction through weak hydrogen bondings. Molecular docking study done on this compound with Phospholipase (PLA2) indicates that there are hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interactions at the active sites on the PLA2. The molecule is stabilized through these interactions with distances varying from 2.5 to 4 Å and hence it is a good candidate for the study of inhibition activity of the enzyme based on its experimental evidences. Also a study of in-vitro biological activity carried out indicates that the compound has antioxidant and hydrogen-peroxide-radical scavenging properties and more potent than ascorbic acid taken as standard.
Enhancement the Strength of Conventional Concrete by using Fly ash and Nylon Fiber[Full-Text ] Saxena Jaya, Saxena Anil Kumar, Arora T.RFiber can be defined as a small piece of reinforcing material possessing certain dimensional characteristics. The most important parameter describing a fibre is its Aspect ratio “Aspect Ratio” is the length of fibre divided by an equivalent diameter of the fibre. The properties of fibre reinforced concrete are very much affected by the type of fibre. Fibres are secondary reinforced material and acts as crack arrester. Prevention of propagation of cracks originating from internal flaws can result in improvements in static and dynamic properties of matrix.
Isolation and detection of pseudomonas aeruginosa from post-surgery operatives wound in Babylon provine hospital/ Iraq[Full-Text ] Dr Humam kasem Hussein A study was carried out to assess isolation and detection ofPseudomonas aeruginosa from post-surgery operatives wounds in Babylon Province Hospitals (General Al-Hashemeyah hospital and Al-Shomali General Hospital). Methods: 100 specimens were taken from post operative surgery wounds. The identity of isolates was confirmed by staining method (Gram stain) , culturing (Nutrient,Macconkey,Blood and TSA agars), biochemical tests (Catalase , Oxidase, Citrate, Methyl red, Voges-Proskauer,Indole and Lactose fermentation) and Antibiogramtests. Results: from 100 samples, 24 isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosawere collected. The biochemical activities were positive in Catalase , Oxidase and Citrate and negative in Methyl red, Voges-Proskauer,Indole and Lactose fermentationwere fixed as features of it. Among the variety of antibiotics tested, the highests resistance were found with Ampicillin (75%) and Oxytetracycline (70.8%) followed by Amoxicillin (66.6%) and Tetracycline (62.5%), On the other hand, both the isolates were intermediately sensitive to Gentamicin (62.5%), Kanamycin (58.3%) and Erythromycin (54.1%).while the isolates were highly sensitive to Chlo-ramphenicol (70%) and Ciprofloxacin (66.6%). Conclusion: P. aeruginosa one of the most important pathogenic bacteria that infect the post-operative wounds.and in some cases even with antibiotic therapy. All the human ages may undergo the infection with P. aeruginosa with different immunity conditions.Reccurent uses of the same antibiotics may be lead to bacterial resistance because the multi-antibiotics resistance mechanism of P. aeruginosa.Hyagenic managment include Sterilization and Disinfectant methods which established in some hospitals are not enough to prevent the infection of pathogenic bacterial as nasocomial infections.
Watermarking Using Transformation Domain Technique Using Visual Cryptography[Full-Text ] Jyoti V. Prasad, Padmashree G, Venugopala P. SWatermarking is a technique of embedding imperceptible signal in to a digital content mainly for protecting authentication information of content owner. It adds a layer of security to the content and helps in identifying unauthorized access. fight by making use of hidden copyright information. It is also helps to protect the content from several attacks on it. In this paper we use transformation domain technique using scene change detection with visual cryptography. Here we divide the watermark image in to smaller parts and applying visual cryptographic technique on each part. and embedding each part in to DCT coefficients to prove it to be more robust and secure method.
Design and performance issues of Microstrip Antennas[Full-Text ] Vinay bankey, N. Anvesh KumarIn recent years, microstrip antennas are playing an important role in wireless communication systems because of their many advantages like light weight, low profile, low cost, easy integration with planar structure and easy fabrication. So, it is very much essential to know all the aspects of microstrip antennas. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the design and performance issues of microstrip antennas. The design issues include microstrip antenna dimensions, feeding techniques and various polarization mechanisms whereas the performance issues include gain enhancement, bandwidth issues and reconfigurable microstrip antennas. This paper is also aimed to introduce few applications of microstrip antennas like Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, RF energy harvesting, Cognitive radio, GSM, Radar and ultra-wide band. Microstrip antennas are also having disadvantages like low gain and low efficieny.
Training Free Face Recognition and Cropping using Skin Identification Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ghanshyam Sahu, Asstt. Prof. Amrish TiwariFace recognition system is an automatic process of detection of faces in images captured by the cameras in the artificial intelligence systems. Various methodologies have been adopted for face detection. Face recognition techniques are working on the various devices like surveillance systems, mobile, home door locking systems and many security systems for authentication purposes. In this paper the face is recognized in the image given as input it can be captured by any camera. The image is than processed with the skin detection algorithm and the face area is cropped and extracted out. The good thing about this proposed methodology is this algorithm does not need any training kind of thing which is free from taking recognition time. Such methodology be very useful in the situations where training for fresh images not available.
Advancement of Interpreting and Mapping of terrain features using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique[Full-Text ] Sheena A D, Dr. M. Ramalingam In this modern era of satellite technology, remote sensing pictures the earth with real 3D effects, so enabling to get the valuable assets of the earth architecture. This leads to analyze the structure of the earth, landform and its features to restore and manage potential land resources. IRS P6 LISS III precision geocoded data on 1:50,000 scale were used for the preparation of geomorphological and lineament maps for Chennai scene. Here the landforms are delineated using GEOM tool techniques. Research in GIS helps to analyze the real world and their resources. These are useful in various applications such as groundwater exploration, land use planning, disaster management, desertification, geo engineering and so on.
A Comparative Study of Image Encryption Methods Using Coupled Map and Non-Linear Chaotic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Vinayak Jadhav, Shilpa KWith the rapid development of computer network and multimedia technology, the security of digital image information has become a major concern. For image data with privacy and national security should be transmitted in a secret way, image encryption technology has drawn more and more attention. In this project two digital image encryption methods based on the chaotic systems are used for the high level security and the key space, Non-linear Chaotic Algorithm (NCA) and a novel algorithm based on mixture of chaotic maps or coupled map, NCA uses the power functions and tangent functions instead of linear function to increase the key space and high level security. In novel algorithm based on mixture of chaotic maps or coupled map, a typical coupled map was mixed with a one-dimensional chaotic map and used for high degree security image encryption while its speed is acceptable, and also it has large key space than the NCA map. By experimental results the mixture of chaotic system or coupled map is robust than the NCA map.