Volume 6, Issue 7,July 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015.
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Influence of A-site cation size variation on the magnetic properties of a canted RE0.7Sr0.3Fe0.9Ni0.1O3; (RE=rare earth) multiferroic system[Full-Text ] M. A. Ahmed, N. Okasha, S. M. Abdelwahab and A. Abd ElazimThe structural and magnetic properties of a series of orthoferrites, RE0.7Sr0.3Fe0.9Ni0.1O3; RE= La, Pr, Nd, Gd, and Dy were successfully prepared by the citrate-nitrate autocombustion method. All samples were antiferromagnetic with a weak ferromagnetic component due to small canting of the Fe3+ moments. The correlation between magnetic transition and structural distortion is discussed on the basis of the variation of the Néel temperature and the tolerance factor as a function of different ionic radii of the rare earth elements. The results reveal that, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicated that all samples crystallized in pure orthorhombic perovskite structure with space group Pbnm. The Goldschmidt tolerance factor for the perovskite decreases from 0.85 for La0.7Sr0.3Ni0.1Fe0.9O3 to 0.82 for Dy0.7Sr0.3Fe0.9Ni0.1O3 confirming that the crystal structure is orthorhombic. The molar magnetic susceptibility increased from 0.086 to emu g−1 mol at La3+ to 0.379 emu g−1 mol at Dy3+ and the coercive field (HC) of the samples was increased from 129.38Oe for La0.7Sr0.3Ni0.1Fe0.9O3 to 164.15Oe for the Dy3+ substituted sample. The Néel temperature indicates the highest value (834K) at Dy3+.
DESALINATION AND DEEP TREATMENT OF MINERALIZED MINE WATER TECHNOLOGIES[Full-Text ] A.V.Desyatov, V.A.Kolesnikov, A.V.Kolesnikov, Alaa M. YounisMost of all saline water of mines industry relates to a class of sodium sulfate water. The application of waters of this class for the drinking purposes is limited most often because the total salinity and the contents of separate ions are in excess of the standards. For desalination of saline waters various methods are used. Among them the membrane methods have a leading part. Considerable progress in manufacture of composite membranes results in lower cost of water desalination. At the same time desalination of saline waters brings about plenty of salt concentrates, which pose essential damage to the environment. Tightening the requirements on ecological safety has resulted in development of a number of projects for utilization of salt concentrates being formed at desalination of saline waters, and providing minimization of volumes of slimes produced. In a number of cases utilization of salt concentrates results in the production of commercial products.
Learning from Dewey and Vygotsky Perspective[Full-Text ] Mohmmad AllazzamIn their influential work, John Dewey and Lev Vygotsky propose their views on the learning process. This paper focuses on two major themes of each philosopher’s work: Dewey’s learning by doing and Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development (ZPD). Dewey and Vygotsky have similarities, such as thinking and learning in the educational process, and differences in their work toward the learning theory and relationships between learning and development. Moreover, this paper discusses both theorists’ perspective of the learning process through implementing their theories in our current schools.
A Survey of Image Retrieval Techniques for Search Engine[Full-Text ] Mohammad Al Oudat, Miad FaezipourWith the emergence of the latest progression of the World Wide Web, a tremendous need has arisen for efficient retrieval and extraction of information. The development of image retrieval and media extraction mechanisms is of paramount significance for storing, transmitting, generating, analyzing and accessing multimedia. Color, texture, shapes and spatial layout are the core characteristics used to signify and catalog the images. These odd features of images are extracted to assess the similarity of the images in several applications, particularly airport security checks and immigration processing. To extract useful information from this notably large amount of data, several information and image retrieval approaches have been introduced in recent decades. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the latest technical accomplishments in image retrieval and extraction, especially for search engine applications. This survey covers well-known approaches from 2007 to 2014.
LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL IN A SINGLE AREA POWER SYSTEM USING OPTIMAL CONTROL DESIGN[Full-Text ] K.swetha and Dr. D. Vijaya kumarThe main aim of load frequency control is to minimise the transient variations and also to make sure that steady state errors is zero. Many modern control techniques are used to implement a reliable controller. The objective of these control techniques is to produce and deliver power reliably by maintaining both voltage and frequency within permissible range. This thesis studies the reliability of various control techniques of load frequency control of the proposed system through simulation in the MATLAB-Simulink environment.
Out line of Dynamical Business Analysis Function for Organizational Structure[Full-Text ] Arka GhoshIn continuously developing society brainstorming session often used to generate and analyse ideas and options. It is useful to encourage specific types of thinking and can be a convenient and symbolic way to request someone to “switch gears". It involves restricting the group to only thinking in specific ways - giving ideas & analysis in the “mood” of the time. In present global scenerio this way of thinking has been coined as Business analysis; is a potential research discipline of identifying business needs and determining solutions to business problems. Solutions evolves from study often include a software-systems development component, but may also consist of process improvement, organizational change or strategic planning and policy development. Person who carries out this task is called a business analyst or BA. Business analysts do not work solely on developing software systems; but to apply business intelligence for sustainable development.Though the term business intelligence is sometimes a synonym for competitive intelligence (because they both support decision making), BI uses technologies, processes, and applications to analyze mostly internal, structured data and business processes while competitive intelligence gathers, analyzes and disseminates information with a topical focus on company competitors. If understood broadly, business intelligence can include the subset of competitive intelligence. Business intelligence and business analytics are sometimes used interchangeably, but there are alternate definitions.
DETERMINATION OF PHYSICOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATIONS IN INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER[Full-Text ] M.T. OsobamiroPhysicochemical parameters and levels of three heavy metals were determined in waste water samples collected from four selected chemical producing industries in Sango-Ota, Ogun-State, Nigeria using standard analytical procedure. Sampling was carried out between April and June, 2011. The results of the physicochemical analysis were obtained in the following range; pH (5.48-10.35), temperature (31.0-33.50C), conductivity (43.8- 1927.45 µs/cm3), chloride (66.84- 5413.63mg/L), total hardness (148.55- 261.09 mg/L), sulphate (82.50-97.00 mg/l), TDS ( 21.249- 956.450 mg/L), alkalinity (412.56 -1233.41mg/L) ,TSS (68.963- 240.562 mg /L), BOD (460.07-1833.48 mg/ L), total nitrogen,(92.11- 252.18 mg/L), and sulphide(0.01-1.94). The concentration of some metals (mg/L) in the samples analysed were found to be in the following range; Cd (0.105- 0.427), Zn (0.228- 0.368), Pb (0.351- 0.483), Na (29.46- 162.36), K (10.83- 14.84) and Mg (0.985- 2.368). Some of the results were above the permissible limits set by Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) and World Health Organisation (WHO) most especially, effluent from ink/paint Industry. It can be concluded that all the effluents required further treatment before releasing them into water body or land in other to prevent pollution. Proper monitoring of industrial effluent by regulatory bodies and adequate measures should be put in place in other to curb indiscriminate release of industrial effluents to the environment.
Conversion of Synchronous HDL to Asynchronous Layout using industry standard Synchronous EDA tools[Full-Text ] Sherin Susan Raju, Mr. Dominic George Joseph, Mr. Arun C SSynchronous circuits are widely used in existing systems. The most significant problem with these synchronous systems is clock skew. The clock skew is insignificant for smaller circuits. But as circuits become complex, this difference becomes very significant and extra design time and often extra circuitry needs to be used to solve the problem. With problems caused by the clock, it is very tempting to simply remove it from the system. This is the fundamental idea behind asynchronous system design. The proposed method describes the techniques to design Asynchronous (clock less) digital system. It is not as simple as just removing the clock, since the operation of the circuit must still be controlled by some other methods. Asynchronous circuits essentially govern themselves. The proposed asynchronous system design is based on Null Convention Logic (NCL) and handshaking protocol. The proposed methodology is to convert a Synchronous HDL to an Asynchronous Layout using industry standard synchronous EDA tools.
Hard chromium electroplating reinforced by Nano zirconium oxide particles [Full-Text ] MSc. Eng. Talib Abdulameer JasimIn this work hard chromium electroplating carried out on samples from steel 1037. Some parameters were changed like time of electroplating, concentration of nano zirconium oxide, and agitation velocity. The hardness investigated by micro hardness tester at load 200gr. The corrosion resistance tested by potentiostat using 35gr/liter NaCl solution. Thickness of co-deposit was investigated by ultrasonic thickness tester. The results indicate that the thickness of chromium deposit layer in creases with increasing the electroplating time. However, this increment in thickness was higher when the Nano zirconium oxide added. The thickness of hard chromium layer was increased from 15µm to about 135µm by increasing the time to 45 minutes, agitation velocity to 250 rpm and 11gr/l Nano zirconium oxide particles. The Icorr of sample electroplated by hard chromium without (ZrO2) was (91.25nA) and Ecorr also increases to (-200mV). The best corrosion resistance was Icorr and Ecorr 3.15µA and -590.5 mV respectively, on samples electroplated by co-deposit of chromium and (ZrO2) particles for 45 minutes and 4gr/l of (ZrO2). Microhardness reveals the highest hardness was 1036HV for sample electroplated with high thickness co-deposit layer.
Influence of climate change on Aflatoxin levels of some poultry feeds collected from feed mills in South-Western Nigeria[Full-Text ] Y. A. Jeff-AgboolaStudy on the aflatoxin contaminating poultry feeds in South-Western zone of Nigeria was carried out in May- October 2008 and November 2008-April 2009 which represent two seasons of the year during the rainy and Dry season. A total of 300 samples of finished commercial poultry feeds (broilers and layers mash) collected from different feed mills in South-Western (Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ondo and Ekiti State) Nigeria and were examined for aflatoxin contamination. Extraction of aflatoxin from feed samples was carried out both by the aqueous acetone and the chloroform extraction method. The extracts were qualitatively examined by quick screening method and thin layer chromatography method. Aflatoxin B1 in the feed samples were detected in the range of trace 10.5 μg kg-1and 65.3 μg kg-1. Aflatoxins B2, G1 & G2 were also present in addition to aflatoxin B1.
The Natural Convective Heat Transfer in Rectangular Enclosure Containing Two Inclined Partitions[Full-Text ] Jamal Hameed Waheb, Saad Mohammed jalil, Mohammed Ibrahim Fat'hiThe effect of putting two inclined partitions inside a rectangular enclosure on natural convection heat transfer rate was studied in this work. The problem was simulated in (ANSYS FLUENT) and solved numerically. The vertical walls were heated differentially to produce a constant Ra of (3x105). The continuity equation, momentum equations, Navier-Stokes and energy equations were used in solution. The results are represented as contours of isotherms and streamlines. The results show that the maximum heat transfer rate occur at (45°) for each partition. It is more than the non-partitioned case by 1.15%. The minimum heat transfer rate occur at (90°) for each partition. It is less than the non-partitioned case by 53%.
Noise Emission Levels from Dredging Activities and Equipment at a Dredging Site in Rivers State of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gbarato, O.L. and Nte, F.UMeasurement of the emitted noise level from dredging activities and its associated equipment at a dredging site in Umuechi, a coastal Community in Rivers State of Nigeria was undertaken. The measurements were carried out with a Smart Sensor Sound Level Metre. The position of the Community as measured with a Global Positioning System (GPS) shows that it is located at 40 55’ 12.5’’N and between 0060 53’43.8’’E and 0060 53’29’’E. The measurements of the Sound Levels were taken at radial distances of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 metres away from the sources and the average Sound Power Level at each of the radial distances recorded. The results obtained indicates that the measured sound level at 10 metres from the dredging site was 138.8dB and reduces to 91.6 dB at a radial distance of 50 metres from the site, and further to 43.5 dB, which is the same as the ambient environmental noise level, at 100 metres radial distance from the source.
SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS , SYNTHESIS OF DITHIOCORBOMATE METAL COMPLEXES[Full-Text ] G.Ranjithkumar , R,MallikarjunaRaoRuthenium(III) complexes of dithocarbomate ligand have been prepared in situ by condensing of a substituted 2 hydroxy 3-methyle pyramidine compound with corbondisulphide . These were characterized by elemental analysis, m.p., IR, molar conductivity, magnetic moment measurements, and electronic spectra. The free ligands were also characterized by 1H NMR spectra. The thermogravitic analysis discussed in terms of possible groups effects. The electronic spectra of the free ligand and the complexes are compared and discussed. The electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spect ra of four free ligands and their complexes were measured. Infra red spectra and The deconvolution of the visible spectra of the complexes, and are assigned to the three d–d transitions , 4B1g → 4Eg (4T2g); 4B1g → 4B2g(4T2g); 4B1g → 4Eg(4T1g), respectively. The complexes showed magnetic moment in the range of 3.5–4.2 BM which corresponds to three unpaired electrons.
Efficacy of naturally occurring antifungal agents from five plants for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) on Irish Potato[Full-Text ] Dr. Simon Nengak Deshi, Prof. David Longwap Wonang, Emmanuel Imoni, Henry Gotep GowokFungicides are widely used in conventional agriculture to control plant disease. Prolonged usage often poses health problems. As modern society is becoming more health conscious, the use of botanicals is now emerging as one of the prime means to protect crops, their products and the environment from pesticides. The present study was undertaken to screen five selected plants (Piliostigma thonningii; Maytenus senegalensis; Nauclea latifolia; Vernonia amygdalina and Cassia sieberiana); apply standard scientific procedures and to determine the toxicity and test their effectiveness for the control of Phytophthora infestans the causal organism of late blight of potato under field conditions.
The effect of garlic vinegar on the blood of patients with high blood viscosity and biochemical variables through oxidation-antioxidant system[Full-Text ] Ali M.A. Al-KufaishiRecent years have seen an increase focus on foods and its components in disease prevention. Garlic (Allium sativum L.), one of the best herbal remedies in researches which studied, holds important position in history. usually used to treat infection, diabetes, colds, heart disease, and a host of other disorders.
CRITERIA DECISION MAKING MODEL FOR EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION FOR SENIOR STUDENTS IN ABU DHABI PUBLIC SCHOOLS[Full-Text ] Abdulraheem Ali Hasan AlhosaniIn the educational context the leadership is very important to enhance the schooling staff’s performance and student achievement because the ways the leaders make effective decisions that enhance the students’ progress, working conditions, and their influence on teacher knowledge and skills as well. However, to have such great educational features in the school society, the decision must be made effectively and scientifically. Therefore, an analytical system to create ranking orders is required to help leaders make their proper and effective decisions based on effective criteria presented by experts.
The Rate and Effect of Solar Radiation in Ebonyi, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akande P. I., Edebeatu Chinedu C. , UMAHI, A. E., Ekpe J. E.Global solar radiation varies. And changes in the climatic conditions are worldwide environmental problems. This paper uses data consisting of weekly average of daily solar radiation for a period of one month. These data are obtained by using Daystar Solar Meter to measure the solar radiation at Ebonyi Local Government Area (Presco Campus) (80 N, 60 E). The clearness index is calculated. From the result, Ebonyi has enough solar radiation that will be utilized for photovoltaic applications. It also reveals its effect on farmers.
Development of Anaesthesia Depth Monitor[Full-Text ] Ankita N. Khadpekar, Pratidnya G. Pandav, Nishant Patil, Mamta RajputMonitoring depth of anaesthesia during surgery is one of the important aspects in improving patient care. During surgery there is a huge variation in patient’s physiological parameters. Thus during surgery patients parameters need to be monitored & maintained within an appropriate range. This paper presents a tool to monitor depth of anaesthesia of a patient noninvasively during surgery. There are different subjective and objective methods to monitor the depth of anaesthesia. This study presents objective methods, such as electroencephalogram, heart rate variability and galvanic skin response. In this study physiological parameters (EEG, HRV and GSR) were captured from the patient with the help of patient electrodes and hardwares developed for them. These analog signals then fed to MSP430 which is an ultra low power microcontroller. In the controller analog signals were digitized with the help of an ADC and further signal processing was performed i.e. Fast fourier transform on EEG and statistical calculation on ECG. The results were displayed on LCD showing an EEG index, an analgoscore and the level of GSR. These results show the state of a patient during surgery so that it will help an anaesthesiologist to inject appropriate amount of drug dose to the patient to maintain its anaesthetic state.
Management of Student Personnel Service in Public Secondary Schools in Enugu Education Zone for Sustainability of quality Human Resources for National Development[Full-Text ] Roseline Unoma Chidobi (Ph.D)School is meant primarily for students, this is why students are central in the affairs of all levels of education. Yet a lot of anti - social behaviour are exhibited by students especially in the public secondary schools. As a result, this paper investigates ways of enhancing management of student personnel services, for sustainability of quality of human resources. This aim specifically is to examine; the extent of management of student personnel services. To identify strategies for enhancing the management of student personnel service and the influence effective management of student personnel has on sustainability of human resource. Data was collected using 24 – item questionnaire responded to by all the Principals in the zone, one Guidance and Counselor from each secondary school and all the Senior Prefects giving a sample size of 105. Data from the 3 research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Results revealed that there was no effective management of student personnel services. The strategies proffered were agreed upon by the respondents. Finally, it was found that proper management of student personnel services at the secondary level has positive influence on realization of sustainable future. Based on the above, some recommendations were made like principals in the zone should beef up their strategies on management of student personnel services.