Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015.
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Improved LeDiR technique for Fault Node Recovery in Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Jaspreet Kaur, Parminder KaurWireless Sensor Networks have gained attention of researchers because of its wide area applications like search and rescue operation and battlefield reconnaissance. WSN consist sensor nodes which monitor the environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity. These Sensor nodes are inherently prone to failure due to constrained resources and there deployment in harsh environment. Nodes get failed because of limited energy. In this study we are dealing with those nodes whose energy get exhausted and act as fault node. In previous techniques when failure occur then its neighbor node moves towards failure position which extend the path between nodes and some load varies due to individual relocation of nodes, And LeDiR uses block movement from recovering failure, it contain less number of children replace the fault node which effect the coverage of the network. In this study we propose an Improved LeDiR technique for fault node recovery by providing extra node (actor node) when the energy of the cluster head going down. Actor nodes have high capabilities, high power. Simulation results indicate that propose technique perform better than previous technique i.e. LeDiR
Effect of Amino acid doping on the Growth and Properties of Potassium Chloride Crystal[Full-Text ] A.Gandhimathi, O.N.Balasundaram, A. Elakkina kumaranSemi-organic nonlinear optical crystal of Glycine Potassium Chloride (GPC) and L-Histidine Potassium Chloride (HPC) has been grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique. The grown crystals have been investigated through various techniques. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies confirm the crystalline nature and purity of the grown crystals. FTIR analyses were used to estimate qualitatively the presence of the functional groups in the grown crystal. UV-Visible spectrum shows that optical quality of the as grown crystals. The emission spectra of the crystals were recorded using spectrofluorometer. The emission peaks of GPC and HPC were absorbed at 452 nm and 530 nm respectively. The optical band gap energy was estimated as 2.7468 eV and 2.3425 eV. Thermo gravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis (TGA-DTA) measurements indicate the thermal stability of the grown crystal. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) are presented and discussed. Nonlinear optical properties of GPC were 1.33 times that of KDP and HPC was not NLO active.
Combined Theory for Everything[Full-Text ] Tejinder SinghThe paper describes a new theory for unifying Chemistry and Physics together. The paper describes how Atoms should be studied as Solar and planetry System. The paper describes how the Atoms, Molecules and its Structures mimic Stars, Planets, Solar System and Universe. And hence gives rise to theory that they infact are planet and stars. Which further have atoms which further are planets and stars to infinity. Another major postulates the paper presents is that Atom should be studied from Quantum Physics Time Dilation side as well. Using Time dilation the paper describes that how when looking at Atom we should not consider Human clock. Because clock at Atom will be ticking too much faster then clock at Human level. The paper describes how 1 second for human might mean many thousand years at sub-Atmic level.
Measuring Emotional Intelligence – An Approach to a Modified Text Based Model[Full-Text ] Priyodarshini DharThis paper presents a comparative analysis of Emotional Intelligence Models. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions intelligently so as to overcome challenges with ease. Over the years, many models on EI have been proposed and numerous definitions of EI have come up. This sometimes leads to conflicting claims about what EI predicts. This paper analyses popular EI models and determines their features and liabilities. An EI text-based system has been implemented to calculate the emotional quotient of the users. This model if implemented in schools and colleges will help to identify students with negative emotional intelligence. Hence it will help in curtailing misdeeds like ragging and suicide attempts.
Wireless Charging of Mobile Battery via Optimization of RF Energy Harvesting System[Full-Text ] Taushif Raja Ansari, Asif Khan and Imran AnsariRF energy harvesting is a field whose time has come and its possibilities need to be explored. RF energy is everywhere. We are being bombarded with Radio Frequency energy which is emitted by sources that generate high electromagnetic fields such as TV signals, wireless radio networks and cell phone towers. Even it is new idea, many researches have been done for the optimization of RF energy harvesting system. Many of the works are related with regard to the optimization of antenna, some are with matching network and voltage doubler circuit. Those research in which matching network is concern, the author has done matching without considering the diode in the circuit, i.e. only considering capacitor and resistor because matching the diode is not straightforward. What we have done is matching the circuit with considering diode in the circuit in the Agilent ADS software. With regard to RF-DC conversion, voltage doubler, we have used Greinacher voltage doubler circuit and simulated it in ADS software up to 9 stage circuit. For the optimum stage of voltage doubler, it should be greater than 4 (n>4) and first stage capacitor should be double of the rest capacitor. With regard to the result for this paper, we have used 5 stage voltage doubler so as to trade-off between output voltage and output current. The simulated result is, at 0 dBm Vout is 1.8 V and Iout is 0.1814 mA, at 10 dBm Vout is 7.77 V and Iout is 1 mA and at 20 dBm Vout is 17.88 V and Iout is 2 mA.
Architecture of High performance Reconfigurable DSP processor[Full-Text ] Manisha Ghosh, Saurav MandalThis paper proposed a reconfigurable DSP architecture and algorithms, such as Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Fast Fourier Transform where basic building blocks are high performance adder, subtractors, multipliers etc. The reconfigurable architecture reduces area and become cost-effective. In the proposed DWT architecture the input data are separated as even and odd numbers of data as well as both data are input parallelly. This causes faster DWT operation then conventional architecture. In conventional architecture N-point DWT is computed in N cycles where as in proposed architecture N-sample sequence is computed in only N/2 cycles. Therefore this architecture is at least twice as fast as the conventional architecture. This paper proposed a parallel pipeline based reconfigurable Fast Fourier Transform architecture which was increases the speed of computation. Finally, we had verified the mat lab simulation result of the proposed FFT architecture by using mentor graphics tool. The proposed three architectures had been synthesized using XILINX ISE 9.1i version and the results of the same had also presented.
Using Lean Philosophy to Improve Passenger Departure Flow in Abu Dhabi Airport[Full-Text ] Abdulla Al-Dhaheri and Dr.Parminder Singh KangLean is an established process improvement philosophy to achieve the operational excellence and the benefits can be more than just improving the process. This is evident as the benefits of Lean are truly exploited in automotive, aerospace and manufacturing sectors. There are numerous implementations of Lean philosophy in service sector such as banking, higher education, software development etc. The main aim of this paper is provide an overview of Lean philosophy and explore the benefits for airport processes. The airport processes are completely different than the manufacturing and other service sectors due to the complex interlinking between different stake holders such as airline regulations, national/international law etc. This paper exemplifies the Lean philosophy by drawing examples form Passenger Departure Process (PDP) in Abu Dhabi International Airport (a major international airport). This paper starts with examining the background to the project and why airports have many characteristic features, which are fundamentally different to the manufacturing environment in which Lean was originally devised. Since its origins, Lean philosophy has been also applied to many service environments. Further, Lean philosophy is introduced and Lean principles and waste is discussed from the PDP perspective. Along this, a brief literature review is presented on the existing process improvement approaches used in the airports. The ultimate aim of the project which it has achieved was to develop a practical methodology of applying Lean principles to the PDP help airline managers and staff eliminates the waste of available resources and so increases the passenger flow through various stages of the process in line with Lean philosophy.
In Developing Mass Notification system[Full-Text ] AniruddhaThis paper will give clear idea about what are the points to consider in developing Mass Notification System. Clear communi-cation is always important – whether it’s a routine message about avoiding a full parking lot or a stressful emergency situation where people have to be guided out of harm’s way.Mass Notification is an efficient, effective and very flexible application that uses today’s most common communication technologies to provide notification functionalities to the building management platform assuring that your message gets through to the right people. Whether for a single building or a very large campus like university, the centralized portal provides you with the right tools to respond/response to any situation and communicate the appropriate message quickly and clearly. It easily integrates existing security system, and communication infrastructure as well as today’s most common Web-based and mobile App modalities.
THE FORCE OF ACTION IS ALWAYS EQUAL TO THE SUM OF OPPOSITE REACTION AND ABSORPTION[Full-Text ] Nrusingh Charan MohapatraEverybody moves on a curved path to cover a straight line path .This implies that to cover a straight line path, everybody moves on a curved path .The following law is derived from the above fact as follows, “ THE FORCE OF ACTION IS ALWAYS EQUAL TO THE SUM OF OPPOSITE REACTION AND ABSORPTION ”.
Multi-Angular Gearless Drive[Full-Text ] Ashish Kumar, Puneet Pawar, Sagar Rana, Shishir BistThe modern gear drives has been widely applied due to excellent accuracy and reliability. However, the major downside of even the most efficient gear drive is the low efficiency due to errors like backlash and considerable vibrations. These vibrations engender noisy operation and cause more wear and tear resulting in low life span. The development of a more efficient multi-angular gearless drive has been explored relatively unsuccessfully and negligently regardless of its advantages over both gear drives and simple gearless drives. Recent advances in technologies, material, analytical modeling and simulation capabilities has opened the possibility of major advances towards the design and development of a reliable, cost effective and ultra-efficient multi-angular gearless drive.
Experimental verification of optimal design of Rectangular Diffuser.[Full-Text ] Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Dr. Debashis Ray, Dr. Arunava ChandaIn this paper it presents the optimal design of rectangular and its verifications through experiment. The application of diffuser is in turbo jet engine, duct design air conditioning system. The concept of diffuser used in turbo jet engine is explained here. The turbo jet engine Consists of a diffuser, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine and exhaust nozzle. The diffuser in turbo jet engine increases the static pressure before entering the compressor. As pressure increases the compressor work is reduced so jet engine efficiency. Acutely it is based simple gas turbine and the exhaust gas expand in exit through nozzle and converted in to kinetic energy. This kinetic energy gives thrust hence jet moves. So use of is to increase static pressure .Many researcher have designed straight walled conical diffuser like Sovran and Klomp [1].In this paper optimality have tested by conducting an experiment in a rectangular diffuser. David Cerantola designed the conical diffuser discussing the effect of swirl angle, pressure recovery coefficient. The objectives of this paper is to measure optimum length of rectangular diffuser, stability of flow due to occurrence of point of inflection. Obtained data measured by digital manometer is under BIS.The validation has been done as per David Cerantola thesis.
Synthesis, Characteristics and Utility of some Chromone derivatives[Full-Text ] Mohamed S. Muftah and Mostafa M O AbdoarrahemThe 6,7,8 tribromo-2 –methyl– 4H- chromen -4- one was synthesized by reaction of bromobenzoyl chloride with 1,3 dicarbonyl. The new compounds (3), (4) was characterized by elemental analysis, 1H –NMR, infrared and mass spectroscopy. The biological significance was compared with amikacin as standard.
Block Level Data Deduplication for Faster Cloud Backup[Full-Text ] Vikram V. Badge, Mrs. Rushali A. DeshmukhEasy access of information and data on the internet enable the users download and store lots of data in their system. Most of storage space is occupied by the duplicate data that have been downloaded or gathered from other resources and stored in the system thus increasing the requirement of the storage space. While taking the backup to the cloud same redundant data is uploaded to the cloud storage. With increase in the amount of such redundant data proper utilization of the storage resources and bandwidth is not possible. Once the data is uploaded at the cloud the user’s are not sure how secure their data is. In this paper block level deduplication approach is applied to reduce the data redundancy. In order to maintain the secrecy of the data SHA-256 a cryptographic hash algorithm is implemented. Also compression is performed on the data so that proper bandwidth utilization is possible.
Modeling and Optimization of the Elastic Modulus of Latertic Concrete using Scheffe’s Theory[Full-Text ] Onuamah, P.N. Laterite is a civil engineering construction material when managed as an admixture or component of concrete/lateritic concrete. The ubiquity of laterite in this region of the world imposes the need for its utilization in concrete and road making works for the economic growth of the region. Laterite is the reddish soil layer often belying the top soil in many locations and further deeper in some areas, and here collected from the Vocational Education Building Site of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The paper presents the report of an investigation carried out to model and optimize the elastic modulus of Lateritic Concrete. The work applied the Scheffe’s optimization approach to obtain a mathematical model of the form f(xi1,xi2,xi3), where xi are proportions of the concrete components, viz: cement, laterite and water. Scheffe’s experimental design techniques are followed to mould various block samples measuring 220mm x 210mm x 120mm, with varying generated components ratios which were tested for 28 days strength to obtain the model: Ŷ = 4569.05X1+ 4501.31X2 + 4941.92X3 - 65.12X1X2 + 680.60X1X3 – 25.74X2X3. To carry out the task, we embark on experimentation and design, applying the second order polynomial characterization process of the simplex lattice method. The model adequacy is checked using the control factors. Finally a software is prepared to handle the design computation process to select the optimized properties of the mix, and generate the optimal mix ratios for the desired property.
Kinetics of direct reduction of El-Baharia Iron ore (El-Gedida) Oasis Egypt, briquette via Hydrogen[Full-Text ] N. A. El-Husseiny , Atef El-Amir, F.M.Mohamed, S. Th. Abdel-Rahim, M. E. H. ShalabiEl-Baharia iron ore is a source of iron in iron and steel Co. in Egypt. This iron ore will be used for producing iron by direct reduction using hydrogen as a reducing agent. Briquettes were the form to be reduced under several conditions of changing hydrogen flow rate, and temperature.
EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF WASTEWATER FOR ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND WEALTH IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] OYEBODE, Oluwadare JoshuaImproving and safeguarding wastewater management and water quality are vital for all three dimensions of sustainable development. Demand for water is growing at twice the rate of population growth. Without effective strategies to manage wastewater production, its treatment and reuse, development will be constrained and the resulting negative impacts, particularly on water-scarce economies, will arrive sooner than predicted by current approaches.
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND JOB EVALUATION: AN IMPORTANT ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] OYEBODE, Oluwadare JoshuaCivil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams and buildings. Civil engineering is the second oldest engineering discipline after military engineering, and it is defined to distinguish non-military engineering from military engineering. It is traditionally broken into several sub disciplines including architectural engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, geophysics, structural engineering, earthquake engineering, material engineering, offshore engineering, quantity surveying, transportation engineering, construction engineering etc. civil engineering takes place in the public sector from municipal through to national governments and in the private sector from individual homeowners through to international companies.
Design of Stack Planar Array Antenna for C-band Radar[Full-Text ] P. Sai Vinay Kumar, Dr M. PadmajaToday phased array antennas are widely used in many applications like radar tracking, satellite communication, wireless systems etc. Hence a 2*4 multilayer microstrip antenna array design is demonstrated in this paper. The designed planar array uses coaxial feeding technique for each and every individual element. Individual element of antenna consists of circular microstrip patch with FR4 substrate having dielectric constant of 4.4.The suitable design parameters are chosen using the design equations and simulated using HFSS. Obtained Simulated results are in good expected range with the return loss of -22.15 dB and gain of 12.34 dB at operating frequency of 6 GHz. Suitable beam steering is provided and it is seen that beam steering of +/-8 degrees is achieved. The final results are compared with single layer microstrip array antenna which showed improved directivity, gain and efficiency. The main objective of the design is to use for radar tracking applications with increased number of elements hence C-Band frequency is chosen to avoid the interference with existing L-Band and S-Band radar tracking antennas.
Developing an effective teaching-learning portfolio through ICTs in Technical and Vocational Education in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Muhammad Rashedul Huq ShamimInformation and communication technologies (ICTs) have become usual entities in all aspects of life. Education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having personal contact with learners. ICT can be used as a core or a corresponding means to the teaching-learning process .The use of ICT in education lends itself to more student-centre learning settings. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important. The main purpose of this study is to develop an efficient and valuable teaching learning portfolio through the using of ICTs which can play a vital role for the development of technical and vocational education of Bangladesh. We have proper facilities and also have opportunities for implication of ICTs in the process of teaching and learning. As ICTs malfunction in many sectors of developing countries because of a lot of inherent problems like economy, proper guidance, proper motivation, availabilities of IT, electricity and so on. To use ICTs in a proper way and to get its actual benefits is a real challenge for Bangladesh. This paper will focus on the effective use of ICT in Technical and Vocational Education, along with ICT use in the teaching learning process; improve the quality of education; learning motivation, enhance learning environment. ICTs refer to forms of technology that are used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information in classrooms.
Effect of different mixtures of some bioagents and Rhizobium phaseoli on bean damping-off under field condition[Full-Text ] Mona M.M. Ragab, K. A. Abada, Maisa L. Abd-El-Moneim and Yosra Z. Abo-ShoshaBean is considered a very common vegetable crop in many countries worldwide. Beans are used as green pods or as dry beans. Egypt cultivates beans either for local consumption or for exportation especially during winter and spring seasons. Root rot and damping-off during early stages of bean growth, cause great losses for growers. Growers usually use highly toxic chemical fungicides to protect their investment and get rid of damping-off problem. Using these toxic chemicals led to rejection of exported shipment. The present work offers biological control as a substitute for the toxic chemicals. In this work three different biocontrol mixtures were used. These mixtures consist of Trichoderma spp. isolates (T1+T2) or mixture of Bacillus subtilis isolates (B1+B2) or combination between T. harzianum isolate plus B. subtilis isolate (B2+T2) to illustrate their effect on plant protection against damping-off and also their side effect on beneficial bacterium Rhizobium phaseoli. Data obtained showed that the mixture of the different bioagents either formulated as powder or suspension were varied in their effect on controlling damping-off disease in beans under field condition. A mixture consists of B.subtilis+ T.harzianum (B2+T2) either in form of powder or suspension showed the highest effect in disease control compared with control treatment and the other two mixtures (T1+T2) and (B1+B2).
ULTRA FAST CIRCUIT BREAKER[Full-Text ] FABUNMI TIMILEYIN.S, FOLORUNSO OLADIPO, OJO O. ADEDAYOElectronic devices are made to operate on very low voltage; therefore a means of proper protection against overloading, short-circuiting and surging should always be of uttermost priority to the designers. A well designed electronic device with proper protective device would definitely lead to economic benefit, time saver, and less energy to re-construction. This paper reports the design and construction of an Ultra Fast Circuit Breaker (UFCB) for domestic and industrial purposes.
Design of Self-Service Speech Explaining System Based on Near Field Communication[Full-Text ] Miss.Tejashri V.Patil, Mr. R.T.PatilWith the huge development of tourism, intelligent electronic tourism guides are welcomed widely. This paper presents a self-service tourism guide system based on NFC (Near Field Communication) and ARM. This proposed system consists of NFC tags and handheld terminals. NFC device includes ARM Cortex-4 module, NFC reader module and USB device. It implements FAT32 file system to read audio files from USB device. Audio files get played on Headphones. This system is suitable for the museums, exhibitions, Airports, railway stations and other intensive places. When person touches tag to the NFC reader, reader passes information to system as per the data read from tag. System verifies its stored database and play respective audio file.
EFFECT OF POSITRON TEMPERATURE ON HIGH RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON-POSITRON-ION PLASMAS WITH NONTHERMAL ELECTRONS[Full-Text ] R. Das and R. Sarma In this model of relativistic electron-positron-ion plasma, only compressive solitons are found to exist. The amplitude becomes higher for smaller values of (= electron to positron temperature ratio). The investigation further revealed that higher values of ( is the initial ion streaming and is the normalized velocity of light) gives higher amplitudes of compressive solitons.
Aviation gravimetric system[Full-Text ] Igor Korobiichuk, Olena Bezvesilna, Andriі Tkachuk, Michał Nowicki, Roman Szewczyk, Valentina ShaduraThe article analyzes the possibility of the most well-known and widely applied navigation systems assembly into the general aviation gravimetric system.
Developing Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Model for Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformer Using Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA)[Full-Text ] Dipali D. Dhonge, P. S. Swami, Dr. A. G. ThosarPower transformer is one of the major apparatus in the power system. Power transformer breakdown or damage may interrupt power transmission and distribution operation. Hence, to manage the life of transformers and to reduce failures some measures are being adopted. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) is a reliable and commonly practiced technique for the detection of incipient fault condition within power transformer. This paper presents the application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for detecting the incipient faults in power transformer by using dissolved gas analysis technique. Using historical transformer failure data, ANN model was developed to classify seven types of transformer condition based on the percentage of three hydrocarbon gases. The method of DGA used is Duval triangle, while data collected from different utilities was used in training and testing processes. The proposed ANN algorithm has been tested by many real time fault samples and the results are compared with conventional Duval triangle method. The test results indicate that the proposed ANN yields a very satisfactory result where it can make a very reliable classification of transformer condition with respect to combustible gas generated.
Comparison of Different Electrocoagulation Processes for Real Wastewater Degradation[Full-Text ] Mona A. Abdel-Fatah; Ahmed M. Awad; Enas M. Ahmed; and Ahmed T. El-ArefReal wastewater containing a well defined reactive dye as one of the contaminants was subjected to a number of degradative treat-ments. The main problem of textile wastewater is the deep colour which must be removed before discharge to the main environmental drainage. A plan for treating this wastewater was designed to involve electrocoagulation (EC) using aluminium and iron electrodes as well as electrocoagulation / Fenton treating processes. A follow up of the extent of degradation was carried out through estimation of chemical oxygen demand (COD), colour reduction and change of pH value. The deep colour of wastewater has been sufficiently removed as much as between 84.8 % and 98.6 % decolourization efficiency depending on EC process and initial pH of the coloured medium. A comparative correlation between EC processes employed at pH 3 revealed that COD removal and decolourization were superior to those at pH 9 especially on applying EC/Fenton process. In addition, the measurements of Fe and Mn contents using atomic absorption technique revealed the total removal of both % Fe and Mn after EC/Al process, while % Fe was slightly increased due to the external Fe2+ added after EC/Fenton process. XRD was used to specify the sludge precipitated after processes, the main precipitated materials detected were magnetite Fe24O32, Pyroxene-ideal Al4Na4Si8O24