Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015.
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Study of Single Layer Wire Mesh Ferro Cement Plate Using Neutron Imaging Technique[Full-Text ] M. A. Amin, M. K. Alam, M. M. Rahman, M. S. Rahman and S. M. A. IslamNeutron radiography (NR), an advanced technique for non-destructive materials testing, utilizes transmission of radiation to obtain visual information on the structure and/or inner processes of a given object and this technique have found more and more applications. In the present study an attempt is made to observe homogeneity, porosity/voids, initial rate of absorption (IRA) and water absorption behavior of single layer wire mesh (SLWM) reinforced Ferro cement plate. The results prove that elemental distribution of the SLWM Ferro cement plate is better, large number of porosity is exist, water absorption rate is very slow than the initial rate of absorption. It also complies with the IRA measurement of the sample. All the measurements have carried out by observation of gray values/neutron intensity ratio values of the respective neutron radiographic images of the sample at dry and different wet conditions. The intent of this study is to promote the more effective use of Ferro cement plate as a construction material especially as water reservoirs, sculptures and also this would further lead to an “eco-friendly” low cost housing without any loss of structural integrity.
Estimation of elemental concentrations of Indian medicinal plants using Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF)[Full-Text ] N.Giridhar Babu, T.P.Raju, Ch.Ch.Srinivasu, V.Ramanamam, S.S.Ram, M.sudershan, N.Lakshmana DasEnergy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique (EDXRF) is used to analyze 13 elements (P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Br, Se, Rb, and Sr) in 10 different medicinal plants often used in Indian Ayurvedic system. Elemental analysis was carried out in medicinal plant samples using EX-3600, EDXRF spectrometer. Most of the medicinal plants were found to be rich in one or more of the elements under study. The elemental concentration in different part of medicinal plants and their biological effects on human physiology are discussed.
Phytochemical and Anti-bacterial Studies of the fruit extract of Ficus benjamina (L.)[Full-Text ] Muhammad Sulaiman Rahama, Ahmed Lawal MashiThis work aimed at identifying the phytochemical composition of Ficus benjamina and to test the various extract fractions against some selected gram positive and negative bacteria. Fresh fruits of Ficus benjamina (L) were collected from Labo Tarkar’s mosque reserve area of Katsina local government area, Katsina State, Nigeria. 1.4 Kg of the air dried and powdered fruit was percolated with ethanol (5.0dm3) for two weeks. It was filtered and concentrated on rotary evaporator at 400C to yield crude extract (23.79g). This extract was fractionated by maceration using chloroform, ethyl acetate and acetone yielding their soluble fractions with weights of 13.32g, 2.42g and 3.26g respectively. The fractions were subjected to various phytochemical tests. Ethanol fraction contains saponins, flavonoids etc; Chloroform fraction contains alkaloids, flavonoids etc; Ethyl acetate fraction contains alkaloids, tannins etc; Acetone fraction contains alkaloids, saponins etc; aqueous fraction contains flavonoid, tannins etc. The fractions were further subjected to the antimicrobial screening. Ethanol fraction possessed highest zone of inhibition of 23mm against Streptococcus pyogens at 250mg/ml concentration, followed by ethyl acetate fraction with 20mm against Streptococcus pyogens at 250mg/ml concentration, followed by acetone fraction with 19mm against Streptococcus pyogens at 250mg/ml concentration and the least zone of inhibition was on ethanol fraction with 6mm against Pseudomonas auriginosa at 250mg/ml concentration. It was observed that different classes of secondary metabolites were detected from different fractions of Ficus Benjamina. Also a remarkable inhibition was recorded against Streptococcus pyogens from the ethanol fraction which further justify the ethanol medical claim of the plant.
Cointegration of Islamic Stock Indices: Evidence from Five ASEAN Countries[Full-Text ] Buerhan SaitiThis paper investigates the dynamic causal linkages in the daily returns among five ASEAN Shariah-compliant indices (such as, FTSEMY index, MSSNGIL index, JAKSEIS index, MSTHFIL index and MSPHISL index) through the application of the standard time series techniques. Essentially, the purpose of this research is to identify the extent of linkages of Islamic stock indices in five ASEAN countries. Our study is focused on investigating the following empirical questions: (i) are these selected five Shariah-compliant stock indices cointegrated? and (ii) which major stock index was driving the selective Shariah-compliant stock indices?
WASTE HEAT RECOVERY FROM AIR CONDITIONERS BY USE OF HEAT ABSORPTION PUMP[Full-Text ] Sohan Sarangi In this paper I have considered the waste heat recovery from an air conditioning system. Air Conditioners often reject heat directly into the air or water circulating from a cooling tower. Normally waste heat rejected from air conditioners are used to provide hot water for domestic purposes. But based on my research it can be shown that the waste heat rejected by ACs can supply enough heat energy to provide hot water to boilers for heating and washing purposes. Using absorption heat pump, we will be able to convert the low grade waste heat into high temperature heat which is used for industrial purposes.
Evolutionary Analysis based on DNA Barcoding of Certain Aquatic Plants using rbcL Gene Sequences[Full-Text ] Punita Parikh, Krupa Unadkat and Padamnabhi NagarDNA barcoding is currently gaining popularity due to its simplicity and high accuracy as compared to the complexity and subjective biases associated with morphology-based identification of taxa. The standard chloroplast DNA barcode for land plants is normally recommended by the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) plant working group that needs to be evaluated for a wide range of plant species. In Vadodara district of Gujarat, there are many natural and manmade seasonal wetlands that serve as important gateways for the migratory waterfowl. Hence these wetlands contribute significantly towards balancing of ecosystem. Many researchers had identified plant species of these wetlands by traditional methods but the aspect of identification of plants through barcoding has largely been ignored. We therefore, tested the potential of the rbcL marker for the identification of aquatic plants belonging to diverse families of some wetlands of Vadodara. This had been carried out by 2-locus combination of rbcL and matK as the standard plant barcode Maximum likelihood tree analysis was also performed to evaluate the discriminatory power of the rbcL gene. The classical taxonomic classification was then compared with the classification obtained through DNA Barcode tree. For evolutionary analysis, Tajima’s D Test, Substitutional Matrix and Nucleotide substitution model analysis were performed. Our findings showed that using rbcL gene sequences, majority of the samples, i.e. (90%) were identified at genus level but at species level only 10% identification was possible.
Effect of Banana Peel Ash on Proximate, Mineral and Sensory Properties of Dried Beef[Full-Text ] Samuel Muyoma Nato, Symon Maina Mahungu, Alfred Anakalo ShitandiThe association between excessive sodium intake and hypertension necessitates reduction of dietary sodium intake. This study investigated the effect of 1%, 2% and 3% of water soluble ash extract (WSA) from banana peels on proximate, mineral and sensory properties of dried beef. Portions of beef loin, each weighing 500g, were treated with one of the three levels of WSA. The positive control used was 1%, 2% and 3% of table salt (TS) while distilled water was used as the negative control. The treated portions were equilibrated with 1L of their respective solutions for 1h. The portions were thereafter cut into strips and dried at 60oC for 15h. Proximate, mineral and sensory analysis was carried out immediately after drying. Data analysis was done using statistical analysis system (SAS) version 9.1 to identify significant differences in treatment means of proximate values, mineral levels and sensory scores. Mean separation was done at p<0.05. The results showed that beef treated with WSA had lower sodium than that treated with TS. Sensory evaluation showed that there was no significant difference in preference between beef treated with 1% WSA with 1% TS and 2% TS. There is therefore a potential for 1% WSA to be used in dried beef to enhance sensory properties with the specific intention of reducing dietary sodium intake.
Accuracy Assessment of Land Cover /Land Use Mapping Using Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery[Full-Text ] Paliwal M.C &. Katiyar S.KClassification of satellite imagery is very important for the assessment of its accuracy. In order to determine the accuracy of the classified image, usually the assumed-true data are derived from ground truth data using Global Positioning System. The data collected from satellite imagery and ground truth data is then compared to find out the accuracy of data and error matrices are prepared. Overall and individual accuracies are calculated using different methods. The study illustrates advanced classification and accuracy assessment of land use/land cover mapping using satellite imagery. IRS-1C-LISS IV data were used for classification of satellite imagery. The satellite image was classified using the software in fourteen classes namely water bodies, agricultural fields, forest land, urban settlement, barren land and unclassified area etc. Classification of satellite imagery and calculation of accuracy was done by using ERDAS-Imagine software to find out the best method. This study is based on the data collected for Bhopal city boundaries of Madhya Pradesh State of India [6].
THE IMPACTS OF FLOODING ON SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND AGRICULTURE IN NORTHERN NIGERIA: A Case Study of 2012 Flooding in Yola and Numan Areas of Adamawa State Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Joshua Williams Kwari, Mari Kuceli Paul and Luka Bobby ShekarauFlood is not only a local environmental problem but also a challenge that is faced globally. It is a phenomenon that has caused severe loss of lives and properties in different settlements both in developed and developing countries. In Nigeria, flooding is experienced annually in both urban and rural areas. Northern part of Nigeria is one of the areas faced with the menace of annual flood despite the dry climatic conditions of the area which is characterized by severe droughts. This research assesses the causes and effects of flood disaster on agriculture and socio-economic activities in Northern Nigeria. The study areas were Yola and Numan in Adamawa state. Both urban and rural areas affected were analysed and a cross section analysis shows that laws and policies on flood control and land use were implemented in the state. These areas were the ones affected the most and were placed on a ‘category A’ list of relief materials and shelter during the flood. The trend of flooding events indicated that climate change may be one of the major causes of floods in these areas. However, further study showed that the communities and properties washed away were situated by the flood plains and were at risk of inundation during the rainy seasons. It also discusses the effects the socio-economic and environmental well-being of the victims affected and also the huge impact on agriculture and food security especially in northern Nigeria since the major livelihood there is farming and pastoralism. Several issues together complicate and make the impact worse but the basic solution is a sustainable foundation of laws and policies that should be strictly adhered to, this goes without saying that for the laws to be accepted by individuals, the government has to play her part in providing the basic and necessary amenities like homes builds safely away from the plains.
Evacuation and Ejection Capsule for Submarines[Full-Text ] P.Philemon, G.Senthil Kumar, N.Naveeth Imran, K.S.Arun, R.RajakarthikeyanThe onset of era of undersea warfare with the invention of submarines has a long history of some devastating accidents that has claimed lives. Most of the accidents had a timeline for the crew to escape, unfortunately there were no rescue or evacuation systems devised. The system proposed is an ideal setup that has potential ability to either transfer personnel from one submarine to another or eject to the surface with the crew safely housed inside. There are about two capsules which can be launched one after another enabling all crew transfer. The capsule includes electromagnets for interlocking with the other submarine. The analysis of the shell was done under static and dynamic load conditions and the pressure exertion on the shell was found to be under safe limits.
Synthesis, Characterization and Performance of Cu2SnS3 for Solar Cell Application[Full-Text ] Mostafa Shawky, Atef Shenouda, El-said El-shereafy, and Ibrahim Ahmed IbrahimCu2SnS3 (CTS) powders were prepared by hydrothermal (HR) and solid state reactions (SSR) using low cost starting materials. Using HR, single triclinic (mohite) Cu2SnS3 phase was obtained. Otherwise, for SSR cubic Cu2SnS3 was obtained with two other compounds, Cu4SnS4 and SnS having orthorhombic crystal structure for both of them. UV-Vis spectra for HR and SSR preparations showed maximum absorbencies at about 290 and 240 nm with band gap values of 2.25 and 2.5 eV, respectively. The calculated conductivities were equal to 2.5x10-2 and 6.12x10-3 S/cm for samples that prepared by HR and SSM reactions, respectively. Also the charge transfer resistance (Rct) were 3.5 and 24 ï— for photo electrochemical cells (PEC) prepared by HR and SSR, respectively. A good electrochemical photovoltaic cell was accomplished power conversion efficiency per unit area (PCE) of about 1.58 and 0.93 % for cells prepared by HR and SSR, respectively.
Neural Network Predictive Controller for Improved Operational Efficiency of Shiroro Hydropower Plant[Full-Text ] Ojo O. Adedayo, Gbadamosi S.L and Ale D.TThe development of efficient models and controllers is central to better understanding and analysis of operational efficiency of modern hydropower plants. In this work, an intelligent Levenberg-Marquardt based Neural Network Predictive Controller (NNPC) was developed for Shiroro hydroelectric power station using actual data obtained from the plant operation. Results obtained after training and simulation of the system show that neural network technique serves as an efficient approach of designing hydroelectric power station models and controllers.
An Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System for Improved Diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy[Full-Text ] Nwikina N. David, Ojo O. Adedayo, S.L Gbadamosi, Folorunso OladipoThe positive impact of the applications of intelligent systems and softcomputing techniques on modern healthcare systems remains significant. This work therefore highlights the role of intelligent systems as a means of improving healthcare provision by designing, optimizing, training and implementing an Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for improved diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH). The LVH features and the training dataset for the MATLAB-based classification-type ANFIS were extracted from patients’ Electrocardiogram (ECG) sheet. The results from the performance analysis of the proposed system showed that the Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed aids medical personnel in making detection and diagnosis of LVH.
Influence of Rise on Ultimate Load of Shallow Funicular Concrete Shells over Rectangular Ground Plan Ratio 1:0.6[Full-Text ] P. Sachithanantham, Dr.S. Sankaran, Dr.S. ElavenilShells, stressed skin structures because of their geometryand small flexural rigidity of the skin, tend to carry loads primarily by direct stresses acting in their plane. Concrete shallow funicular shells of rectangular ground plan, double curvature with different rises are loaded to failure with a concentrated central force. Specimens of size 100 cm x 60 cm in plan with edge beam of size 4 cm x 4 cm are prepared with concreteof grade M30 for which the mix design is carried by Indian standard method. The specimens are prepared with various rises and moist cured. They are subjected to ultimate loads and the corresponding strains and deflections are measured. Failure patterns for shells with different rises are observed. From the experimental investigations a relation between span to rise ratio and ultimate load is arrived. It is concluded that the ultimate loads are function of the rise of the shell.
Optimization for Microstrip Antenna using Split Ring Resonator and Thin Wire Metamaterial[Full-Text ] Saish Bhende, Sufyan MukriExtensive use of Microstrip antenna motivates researchers for its optimization. May techniques are there for antenna optimization which results up to 30% reduction in patch dimensions. Today’s world of minituration needs more optimizations for effective utilization of patch antenna. The paper proposed technique for optimization of microstrip antenna using Split Ring Resonator and Thin Wire Metamaterials. This Metamaterial structure gives negative refractive index at their plasma frequency. The frequency of optimization for microstrip antenna is same as that of plasma frequency of metamaterial structure. Simulation of Unit Cell for Metamaterial gives S-parameters for the same. Parameter extraction from those S-parameters gives operating range of frequency. When patch antenna is loaded with Metamaterial structure negative permeability and negative permittivity enhances antenna parameters. This results in optimized patch dimension and similar antenna performance. Approximately 44 % reduction at frequency 5.2 GHz and 4.7 GHz had been observed. The proposed technique results in almost 6 dB of gain over a impedance band over 200 MHz at frequency 5.2 GHz and 4.7 GHz. Limitation of the suggested technique is that it operates over a limited band of frequencies.
Modulation of Radiation and Cadmium Induced Changes in the Hepatic Nucleic Acid Content of Mice by Emblica officinalis (Amla)[Full-Text ] BHATI SL, AGARWAL M, CHAKRAWARTI A and PUROHIT RKAmla is well – known for its rich vitamin c (ascorbic acid) and polyphenol contents. The present study was to assess the protective efficacy of amla fruit extract against gamma radiation and cadmium induced changes in Nucleic acid content in mice liver. For this mice were exposed to different dose of gamma radiation (3.5 Gy and 7.0 Gy) separately, with and without cadmium chloride treatment in control groups. While in experimental groups, the animals were given amla fruit extract orally seven days prior to radiation or cadmium chloride treatment and continue to last autopsy. It was found that DNA content decreased while the RNA content increased in both control as well as Emblica treated groups. Such alteration in nucleic acid content showed a dose-dependent and synergistic action. An early recovery observed in Emblica pre treated animals showing protective action of Emblica.
Artificial Foot[Full-Text ] Rajeshri Todkar, Jyoti Warrier, Preeti Athavale, Swagatika MishraIn this study, one of the applications which implemented a non-invasive Emg Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) system was developed and tested with normal subjects to restore foot drop during gait. to Control the Stimulation Output of the system, the subjects must retain some dorsiflexor muscle power. The control signal that adjust the electrical stimulus intensity of the ankle dorsiflexor is based on the detection of the amplified, Electromyography (EMG) Signal recorded using surface electrodes positioned over the ankle dorsiflexor and associated group of muscles. The voluntary contraction of ankle dorsiflexor could serve as the trigger of the stimulation of the system and to adjust the stimulus intensity automatically.
Multiview Video Signal Transmission in a Dual Polarized DWT Aided MIMO SC-FDMA Wireless Communication System[Full-Text ] ShammiFarhana Islam, Mahmudul Haque Kafi, Sk. Sifatul Islam and Shaikh Enayet ullahIn this paper, we made a comprehensive simulative study on multi-view video signal transmission in a dual polarized MIMO single-carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) communication system. The system implements various signal processing and signal detection schemes such as Haar based discrete wave transformation(DWT) , two-dimensional nonlinear Median filtering, 1/2- rated Convolutional , Repeat and Accumulate (RA) and BLUE.It is noticeable from such study that the multiview video signal with quite reasonably acceptable video frame quality is retrieved under scenario of implementing 1/2- rated Convolutional channel coding, BLUE and QAM digital modulation schemes.
Analysis of I.C Engines Based On Fuel Consumption & Vibration[Full-Text ] K.udaya sri, Dr.B.S.N.Murthy, Dr. N. Mohan RaoPresent days internal combustion engines plays important role. The classical approaches are limited for checking of some measurable output variables and does not provide a deeper insight and usually do not allow a fault diagnosis. Advanced methods of supervision fault detection and fault diagnosis become important for many technical processes, for the improvement of reliability, safety and efficiency. Fuel consumption and vibration signals are being able to be used for monitoring the conditions of internal combustion engines. Most of the conventional methods for fault diagnosis using acoustic and vibration signals are primarily based on observing the amplitude differences in the time or frequency domain. Unfortunately, the signals caused by damaged elements, such as those buried in broadband background noise or from smearing problems arising in practical applications. In the present study, a Response surface methodology technique with analysis of various approaches is proposed to identify the fuel consumption and vibration signals for fault diagnosis in an internal combustion engine. Experiments are carried out to evaluate the engine system for fault diagnosis under various conditions. The experimental results indicate that the proposed technique is effective in the fault diagnosis of an internal combustion engine
D-Optimal Experimental Design of Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil of ABUAD Cafeterias[Full-Text ] Oyindamola Aanuoluwapo ADEKOYA, Adeyinka Sikiru YUSUFF, Abdulwahab GIWABiodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable, alternative, environmental friendly, clean fuel used in engines. It can be produced from renewable sources like vegetable oils and animal fat. However, it is better if the product can be obtained from a non-edible source or a waste. As a result of this, waste cooking oil, which had low free fatty acid content, obtained from the cafeteria of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD) has been utilized in this work to produce biodiesel via a transesterification reaction between the oil and methanol in the presence of sodium hydroxide catalyst and by applying the D-optimal technique of the response surface methodology with the aid of Design-Expert to design the experiments that were carried out. The input parameters varied in the work were reaction temperature, catalyst concentration, and reaction time. After the production, the biodiesel samples were analysed and some of their properties were compared and found to fall within the ranges of the standard values, which was an indication that the material produced was actually biodiesel. In addition, a model of the system was obtained and optimized using the D-optimal design technique of response surface methodology, and it was discovered to represent the system very well because the model was found to be significant as its probability value was estimated to be less than 0.05 that was chosen based on the confidence level of 95%, and its high R-squared value was also found to be very close to unity (1). Therefore, D-optimal design of response surface methodology has been successfully applied to biodiesel production from waste cooking oil of the cafeterias of ABUAD.
Biological Effects of ELF on human body cells[Full-Text ] V. S. NimbalkarExtremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation has received considerable attention recently as a possible threat to the health of persons living near high tension electric power lines, distribution substations, and even in close proximity to common household electric appliances. Results of epidemiological and laboratory research are examined to assess risks associated with magnetic fields generated by extremely low frequency electromagnetic sources. Health risks associated with such fields include a wide variety of ills ranging from disruption of normal circadian rhythms to childhood cancers. Risk assessment has been particularly difficult to deter-mine in light of an ostensible lack of a dose-response relationship. Current media sensation fueled in part by an equivocal position adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency has contributed to the controversy. Recommendations for prudent avoidance of possible dangers are presented along with policy implications concerning health risks associated with magnetic fields.
Neural Network Predictive Controller for Improved Operational Efficiency of Shiroro Hydropower Plant[Full-Text ] Ojo O. Adedayo, Gbadamosi S.L and Ale D.TThe development of efficient models and controllers is central to better understanding and analysis of operational efficiency of modern hydropower plants. In this work, an intelligent Levenberg-Marquardt based Neural Network Predictive Controller (NNPC) was developed for Shiroro hydroelectric power station using actual data obtained from the plant operation. Results obtained after training and simulation of the system show that neural network technique serves as an efficient approach of designing hydroelectric power station models and controllers.
Development of Drug delivery Unit for Closed Loop Anaesthesia System[Full-Text ] Pratidnya G. Pandav, Ankita N. Khadpekar, Nishant Patil, Swati CheckerDrug Delivery Unit for Closed Loop Anaesthesia System developed to optimized drug administration during anaesthesia and sedation.The main goals of general anaesthesia are adequate hypnosis, analgesia and maintenance of vital functions. Closed-loop systems are able to make decision on their own and try to reach and maintain a preset target .With the help of patients electrode EEG,ECG and GSR these biosignals taken from patient ,processed and analysed in microcontroller then index values obtained from the patient parameters. Then microcontroller compared index & target values & accordingly intravenous infusion rates of the hypnotic drug propofol and analgesic drug Fentanyl is adjusted to maintain the target range and with the help of syringe mechanical assembly drugs were delivered to the patient.
Application of Machine Learning Technique to Predict Severe Thunderstorms using upper air data[Full-Text ] Dyuti Chatterjee, Dr. Himadri ChakrabartySquall-thunderstorm is a mesoscale severe weather event. The weather parameters like pressure, temperature from surface level to different levels of the upper atmosphere, cloud coverage, sunshine hour and lapse rate play an important role to generate the Thunder cloud. In this article, our focus is to establish a possible connection between the occurrence of the thunderstorms in Kolkata, North-East India and different types of atmospheric predictors. Here data have been considered both for ‘squall-storm’ and ‘no-squall-storm’ days. The total data set has 485 data from the year 1969 to 2002. K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) techniques have been applied in this research work. The application of K-NN method has been found to be useful in classifying the ‘squall-storm’ and ‘no-squall-storm’ days.
DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN MULTIPURPOSE CADASTRE OF BUSARI OLARINRE SCHEME LAYOUT, ATIBA, ATIBA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, OYO, NIGERIA. [Full-Text ] Adeboboye, A.J., Igbokwe J.I., A. J., Olatunde, O.F., and Igbokwe J.I.Development of urban Multi-Purpose Cadastre is very useful in Land information management in urban environment. However, such information system could be made more meaningful and useful if it can be extended for multiple usages with multi data layers, and in three-dimensions (3D). This paper discusses development and implementation of a multipurpose cadastre of Busari Olarinre Scheme Layout in Atiba. Atiba Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. This was achieved by providing systematic procedure for recording information on the allocated parcel of land, both spatial and attribute data, link both spatial and attribute database and perform some analyses, to demonstrate the capability of multipurpose cadastre and performing spatial query and analysis which serve the user’s needs satisfactorily. Primary and secondary datasets of the study area were acquired, processed and analyzed using ARCGIS 9.2 software. In order to obtain the best answers from the database queries, single and multiple criteria query were performed using GIS techniques. The results of database queries were presented in form of multipurpose cadastral map and tables and subsequently discussed. It is recommended among other things that multi-purpose cadastre maps should be made available to decision makers in order to enhance efficient socio-economic administration.
SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF PICLORAM[Full-Text ] R. Swathi, B. Ramachandra, N.Venkatasubba Naidu & Kantipudi RambabuSimple and sensitive visible spectrophotometric methods for the assay of Picloram have been developed. In this method describe the interaction of Picloram, with this based on the formation of ion-pairs of Picloram with the dyes, Bromothymol blue, which is extracted into chloroform and have absorption maxima at 425 (Bromothymol blue ). Regression analysis of Beer's law plot showed good correlation in the concentration range of 5- 30 μg/mL. Different variables affecting the reaction were studied and optimized. The proposed methods were applied successfully for the analysis of Picloram in its technical grade, formulations and environment samples. No interference was observed from common formulations and environment samples.
Coffee Pulping Wastewater Treatment by Electrochemical Treatment followed Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor[Full-Text ] Asha .G and Dr. B. Manoj KumarThe coffee pulping wastewater used for this study is characterized by low pH, high concentration of COD, nitrogen and phosphorous. With aluminum plates as anode and cathode electrodes and at a current density of 93.87 A m-2 the electrochemical reactor performance was found to be good. The experimental results show that the COD, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus removal was found to be 95%, 90%, 89% and 94% respectively. The BOD to COD ratio increased from 0.012 to 1.49 in 105 minutes of electrolysis duration, indicating improvement of wastewater biodegradability. The minimum energy consumption was found to be 1.102 kWh kg-1 COD removal. This study showed that EC reactor performance was good in terms color, nitrogen and phosphorus removal but still remains a high concentration of COD. Since there was an improvement of BOD5/COD ratio, an attempt is made to remove the remaining COD in ASBR. The COD, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency in ASBR was found to 69%, 99% , 99% and 99% respectively. The combined electrochemical treatment of coffee pulping wastewater followed by ASBR removes 96% of COD and ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, phosphorus removal was nearly 100%. This study proves that the EC technique followed by biological treatment in ASBR found to provide an efficient and economic alternative for dealing with recalcitrant organics present in coffee pulping wastewater.
Flood Hazard evaluation and Water Harvesting estimation in South Sinai by using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, case study (Dahab and Kid valleys)[Full-Text ] Falah Alnedawy, Elnaggar, A. A, Mahmoud El-Mewafi and Zaki ZeidanSinai Peninsula is one the most vital areas in Egypt due to its wealth of mineral resources, oil wells and gas fields. This is in addition to its tourist resorts and geographical location which overlooks three of the world continents. The objectives of this work were to develop the drainage networks in Dahab and Kid valleys and to make an assessment of the expected flood hazards and their management. Arc hydro extension under ArcGIS software was used to develop the drainage network in both valleys for the digital elevation model (DEM). Flood hazard was derived from the morphometric characteristics of each valley. The dam sites were proposed. The major results of this work was the development of the drainage network for both valleys and their sub-basins by using GIS-techniques. Flood hazard was more serious in Dahab valley when compared with Kid valley due to variations among the morphometric, topographic and climatic characteristics of both valleys. However, local variations were also observed among the different sub-basins within each valley. Dam sites were proposed to protect infrastructure from flood hazard, to harvest and sustain water resources and to develop settled villages.
A STUDY OF SIGNIFICANCE OF METAMATERIALS ON PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING[Full-Text ] Santosh Kumar JhaThe metamaterials are artificially engineered structures with unusual electromagnetic properties. In this paper, we review the implementation of isotropic metamaterials that exhibit a negative permittivity and a negative permeability, thus leading to a negative index of refraction. Specifically, the paper focuses on transmission line metamaterials which are planar structures comprising a network of distributed transmission lines loaded periodically with inductors L capacitor C, in high pass configuration. The periodic unit cell is much smaller than the wavelength, thus leading to an effective medium in which the lumped loading elements can be either discrete or printed.
Using GIS based morphometry estimation of flood hazard impacts on desert roads in South Sinai, Egypt[Full-Text ] Beshr, A. Mewafi, M. Al_Rikaby, abdualadheemFlooding is one of the most common environmental weather-related natural hazards that can affect people's infrastructure and the natural environment. The major cause of flash flood is the occurrence of extremely heavy rainfalls over a short period, they are sudden and highly unpredictable and rapid snow melt and low water absorptive capacity of soil, etc. leading to an increased overland flow, despite the total fall rainfall amount relatively small in Sinai Peninsula,. This paper presents the based methodology on (GIS) to estimate flash flood risk levels in sub-basins within the Wadi Fran and Wadi El-Aawag and then estimate its impact on the road network through integrating geomorphological and geological data in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. In addition to, use remote sensing data. Where was calculated flash flood hazard degree on the highway Suez-Sharm El-Shaikh, which is passing in Al- Tour city, as well was calculated the risk degree of the flash flood on Fran–Katherine road using the morphometric analyses model, and also was produced a flood risk map based on the results of the morphometric analysis, These results are essential to define the more sections of roads, which will Exposed of flood hazard, Thus it is possible to help this study in taking appropriate measures to mitigate the probable hazards from floods in the area with prioritization.