Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2015.
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Effects of Cobalt Doping on the Optical Properties of Cadmium Cobalt Oxide Nanofilms Deposited by Electrodeposition Method[Full-Text ] Umeokwonna N.S, Ekpunobi A.J, Ekwo P.ICobalt doped Cadmium Cobalt Oxide nanofilms were grown by electrodeposition method using hydrated Cadmium Chloride salt as source of Cadmium ion, Citric acid as oxidizing agent, hexahydrated Cobalt Chloride salt as source of Cobalt ion, and Sodium hydroxide as pH adjuster. The percentage doping was varied from 3% to 23% in intervals of 5%. Results of the work show that the absorbance, reflectance, and refractive index are directly proportional to percentage doping with cobalt while transmittance is inversely proportional. The film exhibits low absorbance and reflectance while transmittance is generally high in all the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Assessment of geomorphic tourist places in village in Chabahar by using prolong method[Full-Text ] Mohammad Ali Sepahi, Mahmod Reza Anvari, Maryam karimiyan BostaniGeomorphological and forms have high ability to attract tourists in rural areas. Analyzing geomorphologic relationship with tourism issues including interdisciplinary researcher main tourism concern in recent years. By establishing such communication with geomorphologic tourist places human will understanding the factors affecting and the benefits of geological, geomorphologic, social and historical places, the aesthetic, scientific, cultural-historical and socio-economic are achieved. On the basis of this assumption we introduced Tis area of Chabahar as a geomorphological site for tourists which offers rural tourism and is the main aim of this research using Prolong method. The results showed that the proposed premises as a place of tourist geomorphologic feature and can be considered nothing but natural resources and tourism area. On these basis the value of these places mainly depends on their beauty and historic importance thus are of equal values of importance as tourism site. Village of Tis on the basis of public welfare has a low ranking which can be raised to higher levels as there is very high potential sites for tourism.
Designing and Implementing of ATM System Using Object Oriented Approach[Full-Text ] Omar S. SalehATM come in a variety of form and sizes all to serve on goal; bring the bank closer to the user. ATMs have certain characteristics that need to be fulfilled at all times one of them is security. ATMs now are so advanced they can communicate with each other even if different Banks. In this research, designing and the implementation of ATM system has been conducted using an Object Oriented Approach along with the necessary tools such as UML and Microsoft Office Visio 2007. The use case took place; and the requirements were analyzed and based on the analysis the design took place; and basing on it the implementation is done based on object oriented concepts under Java NetBeans IDE 8.0.2, whereas the designs of diagrams are designed UML with Microsoft Office Visio 2007.
IT Students’ Experiences during Time of War[Full-Text ] Ibrahim MOKDAD, Omar S. SalehThis study was carried out to study what IT students go through in times of wars and conflicts. Most of the literature that studied impacts of war on education studied the general educational system or children’s’ education. There is lack of studies that study specific educational field and how it is impacted. In this study more than 90 IT students currently attending universities in Baghdad and Diyala in Iraq were surveyed. The results showed that the trip to and from the university is the primary and number one issue the students face studying IT. It was also found that there is no practical solution the authorities undertake to minimize the issues the students face. As a solution a cloud based learning management system with offline capabilities was proposed to solve the major issues the IT students face studying IT.
Conceptual Design of a Universal Wireless Battery Charger based on “Induced EMF” in a Standard TRS connector[Full-Text ] Mr. Vijay A. KanadeThe Wireless charging is a technique of transmitting power through the air to an electrical device for the purpose of restoring energy. Recently, the wireless charging technology has been significantly advanced in terms of efficiency and functionality. The paper presents the application of a wireless charger which clearly shows the benefit in terms of reduced costs for users to identify the best chargers to replenish energy for their mobile devices. The concept addresed in the paper relates to the universal wireless battery charger for portable electronic equipments and gadgets such as mobile phones, audio devices, etc. The Wireless Battery Charger using Standard TRS Connectors based on “Induced EMF” aims at providing unique charging facility to all the portable electronic devices of different brands manufactured around the world. The new concept forms the basis of a new generation of wireless universal charging platform for a wide range of electronic gadgets and equipments.
Vision based vehicle detection with occlusion handling[Full-Text ] Himanshu chandel, Sonia VattaIn recent years, automotive manufacturers have equipped their vehicles with innovative Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to ease driving and avoid dangerous situations, such as unintended lane departures or collisions with other road users, like vehicles and pedestrians. To this end, ADAS at the cutting edge are equipped with cameras to sense the vehicle surrounding. This dissertation investigates the techniques for monocular vision based vehicle detection. A system that can robustly detect and track vehicles in images. The system consists of three major modules: Histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) is used as the main feature descriptor which is shape oriented, a machine learning part based on support vector machine (SVM) for vehicle verification, to make the system biological human eye driven lastly a technique is applied for texture analysis by applying the concept of gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM).More specifically, we are interested in detection of cars from different camera viewpoints, diverse lightning conditions majorly images in low light and normal day light conditions further handling the low level occlusion. The images has been pre-processed at the first step to get the optimum results in all the conditions. In this thesis work, HOG is the main feature extraction method secondly, a texture based feature vector is calculated with the method of gray level co-occurrence matrix and to the end Support Vector Machine is used as a classifier. Experiments have been conducted on 1198 low light car images dataset with side and rear view, secondly normal day light conditions with 1657 image dataset, the dataset contains a mixed samples of partial and self-occlusion. For car images the classifier contains 2 classes of images with the combination of positive and negative images with the test and train segments. Due to length of long feature vector we have made the best filtration for deducing its size using different cell sizes for more accuracy and efficiency. Results will be presented and future work will be discussed.
Development of a Polythene Chipping Machine for Recycling Purposes[Full-Text ] Olalekan Hammed, Sulaimon Abdulkareem, Ogunniyi Oluwadare, Adio TeslimIn the environment polythene constitutes a high percentage of municipal wastes which pose a lot of threat to human lives and properties. Hence, the need to manage these wastes comes in. The traditional methods of disposing polythene wastes have proved to be relatively expensive and unhealthy. Recycling of these non-biodegradable wastes will be more economical, healthy and safer for the environment. Thus, polythene chipping machine was developed using locally available materials via well structured designed and construction, and its performance was also evaluated. The machine has four major parts which include hopper, chipping chamber, delivery outlet and the frame. The machine was designed to use fixed and rotary blades which were primed by high-speed electric motor and was able to shred pure water sachets in to flakes. After testing the polythene chipping machine, it shredded the polythene bags into the desired chips. Results showed that the machine produced about 10.2 kg of chipped polythene flakes as output for 30minutes. Conclusively, the efficiency of the machine was 79.69% which indicate that the machine was able to serve its purpose. The successful development of this machine will assist the underdeveloped and the developing countries in cleaning up their environment from non-biodegradable polythene wastes which have constituted a serious health and environmental problems in the society.
Tris(pentafluorophenyl)bismuth(V) carboxylates and cyclobismuthates[Full-Text ] Isha Rizvi, Prof. Amarika SinghTris(pentafluorophenyl)bismuth(V) carboxylates; (C6F5)3Bi(OCOR)2 and tris(pentafluorophenylcyclobismuthates have been synthesized. These compounds are monomeric in benzene and non electrolyte in acetonitrile. The formation of ring compounds were established on the basis of IR spectra, melting points, elemental analysis.
Biological Activity Of Tris(pentafluorophenyl)bismuth(V) Carboxylates & µ-Oxo Bis [Triphenylbismith(V)] Carboxylates[Full-Text ] Isha Rizvi, Prof. Amarika SinghPentafluorophenylbismuth (V) Carboxylates and µ-oxo bis[triphenylbismuth(V)] Carboxylates have been synthesissed by the author and screened for its antibacterial (against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococous aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia), antifungal (against Aspergillus flavas and Aspergillus niger), insecticidal [against male and female adult cockroaches (Periplanata americana) and housefly (Musca-domestica)], and acaricidal (Tetranchus species) activity. These newly synthesised compounds were found to be moderate to significant biologically active
Effect of Storage Techniques on the Shelf Life of Some Selected Orange Species in Benue State[Full-Text ] J. O. Awulu, O. J. Ijabo, P. A. OmaleOrange fruit is an economic fruit that have excellent value in both human diet and medicine. It is available during its harvesting period but becomes scarce after a short while due to its poor storage techniques. This project work aimed at investigating the shelf life of five selected species of orange fruits under five different storage techniques. The storage techniques are refrigerator, room storage, Pit storage, under shade and open space. The five (5) selected species of orange fruits for this work are Tangerine, Valencia, Washington, Grape fruit and Ibadan sweet, and were harvested from Agbo community orange orchard in Makurdi directly by hand into five different boxes of five columns and ten rows each and were transferred to the research environment. Ten (10) oranges were picked out of the fifty (50) orange fruits carefully selected from each species, summing up to two hundred and fifty (250) orange fruits for this research and stored under the various storage techniques for seventy (70) days.
SURGICAL TREATMENT OF VELOPHARINGEAL INSUFFICIENCY WITH SUPERIORLY BASED PHARYNGEAL FLAP: A CASE REPORT [Full-Text ] Enis Redjep DDS, PhD , Edvard Janev DDS, PhD, Nexhibe Nuhii MrPh, Reha Kisnisci DDS PhDBackground: Cleft lip and palate (CLP) are the most common seriuos congenital abnormalities that affect the orofacial region. Patients with CLP and with isolated clefts of the palate have a malformation that involves critical anatomic components of the velopharingeal mechanism.
Gender Classification Using Fingerprints Based On Support Vector Machines (SVM) With 10-Cross Validation Technique [Full-Text ] S. S. Gornale, Basavanna M and Kruthi RFingerprint is one of the biometric used in security system which are practically applicable in different fields for safety measures. In forensic anthropology fingerprints are the most mature biometric technologies used for gender classification. Finger prints evidence is the most reliable and acceptable evidence in order to identify the criminal and to minimize the suspect search list. As per study many authors have carried out research on gender identification and classification techniques which are based on face image with high accuracies; but these techniques consume more time. In the same way some machine vision techniques have been carried out for the identification of gender using fingerprints. In this work we have extracted the statistical features based on discrete wavelet transform for the gender identification classification using fingerprints. The real fingerprints were collected from both rural and urban people of the different age groups. The SVM classifier is used to classify the gender. An 89 % and 91% classification rate is achieved for discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) using SVM (RBF sigma) and SVM (polynomial) classifier respectively. The concept is analyzed and reported results in this work overcome the limitations of earlier methods and algorithms with the competitive and satisfactory results.
Study of DOA Estimation Using Music Algorithm[Full-Text ] Bindu Sharma, Ghanshyam Singh, Indranil SarkarWireless communication systems utilize smart antennas. Smart antenna have digital signal processing unit. Smart antennas have ability to locate and track signals. Smart antenna performance depends on efficiency of digital signal processing algorithms. The Angle of Arrival (AOA) estimation algorithms is used for estimate the number of incidents signals on the antenna array and their angle of incidence. This paper based on MUSIC DOA estimation method. The simulation results show classical MUSIC algorithm, different parameters effect on estimation and methods for improvisation of MUSIC algorithm.
Enhancement in K-mean Clustering to Analyze Software Architecture Using Normalization[Full-Text ] Preeti Puri, Isha SharmaSoftware engineering deals with the all kind of software production, design to coding, software accuracy and deals with the complexity of any software system. The software failing complication can be raised in the complex software’s, when we are not able to properly analyze the properties of the software. In the past times the algorithm of genetic had been proposed to cluster the functions of similar properties. In the genetic algorithms, all the clustering values are depends on the chromosomes. It is very difficult to estimate the correct value of chromosomes, which decreases the efficiency of the software architecture analysis. For increasing the software architecture analysis, the K-Mean clustering will be used which is more efficient then the genetic clustering. This will improve the software architecture analysis and improve the accuracy and reduce algorithm escape time.
Queueing analysis of combined guard channel and mobile assisted handoff on prioritized channel assignment for cellular network[Full-Text ] Arun KumarIn this paper we have considered a wireless mobile network with data/voice traffic. The paper, considered two type of channel assignment (1) with guard channel (2) without guard channel. In cellular mobile system, radio channels are very limited and mobility of mobile terminal occurs a phenomenon called handoff. Handoff is defined as process of transferring an ongoing call or data session from one channel connected to the core network to another. Due to the limited bandwidth available in various cells, there is a finite probability that an ongoing call, while being handed off, or it may get dropped. Minimizing the dropping of ongoing call during the handoff is the important issue for the mobile communication. In this paper we analyzed the channel assignment by the Queueing approach and compared the result of both the models in terms of dropping and blocking probability. We used the MAHO scheme, mobile assisted handoff, in which mobile terminal assists BSS and mobile switching center makes handoff decisions. In MAHO mobile terminal required to reports its RSSI (received signal strength indication) back to its serving BSS. In first case we reserved some channels for handoff calls. And in 2nd case we didn’t use any guard channel; there is no priority in channel assignment for handoff.
A Hybrid Model for the Enhancement in Software Effort Estimation[Full-Text ] Tajinder Kaur, Jaspreet SinghSoftware cost estimation plays a vital role in software engineering as the success or failure of project entirely depends on it. Accurately estimating the cost of software projects is one of the most desired capabilities in software development organizations. An estimate is not really a prediction, it is a management goal. Measurement of work involved in completing a project is called size of the project.Effort and time required to develop the software can be computed by estimating the project size.Inaccurate cost estimation may lead to project failure,huge overruns and performance compromises as a consequence.In this paper, a hybrid parametric model has been proposed with size estimation model which helps to determine a set of homogeneous projects by using a technique derived from estimation by analogy.
Evaluation and Comparison of Microstrip Effective Relative Permittivity Using MATLAB and Engauge Digitizer [Full-Text ] Amit BirwalThis paper presents the evaluation and comparison of frequency dependent Microstrip Effective relative permittivity ε_eff (f) using the various dispersion models present in the literature. The ε_eff (f) of these models are evaluated using the Matlab programs which then compared with the measured data already published in the literature using an open source tool named Engauge digitizer. To check the accuracy of these formulas an r.m.s (root-mean-square) deviation from theoretical calculation and measured data has been presented. The dispersion effect on microstrip characteristic impedance is also studied using the planar waveguide model. This comparison helps the microstrip computer aided design (CAD) engineer to get the accurate and reliable information about the dispersive nature of microstrip lines.
Symmetric Group of Some Strongly Regular Graphs[Full-Text ] Faisal H NesayefMany graph theory problems could be solved by using the principles of group theory, such as symmetric groups, automorphisms of groups and connecting these ideas to the automorphisms of a graph. These algebraic principles play the basic role and could be used as tools to prove tasks related to graph theory.
Low Power Consumption exemplified using XOR Gate via different logic styles [Full-Text ] Harshita Mittal, Shubham BudhirajaPerformance being no more synonymous with only circuit speed and processing power but also power consumption, Low power has emerged as a principal theme in today’s world of electronics industries. So, to design a low power VLSI circuit, non clocked styles like DCVSL & MDCVSL are being used. This paper is intended to show the most power efficient logic style for VLSI design for a particular circuit. It represents the simulation of different XOR Structures and their comparative analysis on different parameters such as power, supply voltage and temperature using DCVSL, MDCVSL & CMOS design methodologies. All the simulations have been carried out on Tanner Tools v13.0.
Spatial assessment of urban growth in Diwaniyah city, Iraq and its impact on sustainability development[Full-Text ] Kedy, S. K, ELMewafi, M and Elnaggar, A. A.One of the main concerns of master planning is the proper designation of appropriate sites for feasible and sustainable land use. A main importance of such issue is that it withdraws attention to the necessity of adopting a multidisciplinary approach to the zoning and site selection problem, also Sustainability of urban areas has the highest priority worldwide and developing countries in particular. Fertile urban areas in Iraq are constantly deteriorating due to random urbanization.
Kinetics Analysis of Manganese Dioxide Adsorbent on Desulphurization of Diesel Oil[Full-Text ] Abel Adekanmi ADEYI, Abdulwahab GIWA, Victoria Abosede ADEYIPollutant such as exhaust gases cause damage to human health and safety of other living organisms. Diesel, a derivative of petroleum is one of the major pollutants of air, water and soil. It is rapidly increasing every year causing grave and irreversible consequences. Adsorptive desulphurization of diesel oil has been investigated in a batch reactor using activated manganese dioxide as the adsorbent. The results obtained showed that desulphurization efficiency increased on increasing contact time. There was 53% reduction of diesel oil sulphur content at the end of the process. The respective square of correlation coefficient (R2) values of pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order reaction models were estimated to be 0.8941 and 0.9987 respectively when the experimental data were fitted into them. Thus, pseudo-second order reaction model was found to better describe the desulphurization process with chemisorption being the rate limiting step. Also, the effects of desulphurization on other physico-chemical properties of diesel oil show insignificant changes after treatment. However, there is the need to improve on the methods and the adsorbents that will result in complete isolation of sulphur from diesel oil.
Determination of Some Mechanical and Aerodynamic Properties of Castor Fruits and Seeds[Full-Text ] Ugwu K. C., Egwuagu O.M and Omoruyi A.This study was carried out to determine some mechanical and aerodynamic properties of castor fruits and seeds as a function of moisture content. The knowledge of these mechanical and aerodynamic properties of fruits and seeds are important parameters in the design, harvesting, handling, storage and processing equipment and in the analysis and prediction of their dehusking and shelling behavior during handling and processing. To provide the needed data, investigation of the mechanical and aerodynamic properties of the fruits and seeds under different moisture content levels of 5%, 6% and 7% was carried out. Two varieties of castor fruits and seeds namely large and Small were collected and some of the mechanical and aerodynamic properties, such as compressive strength, bio-yield force, rupture force, deformation at rupture, energy, modulus of deformation , toughness and drag force, terminal velocity and acceleration were determined. The results obtained for the mechanical properties of castor fruits and seeds showed that on 6% and 7% moisture content, the forces and energy required for dehusking and shelling are higher than on 5% moisture content on both large and small castor fruits and seeds. The results obtained for the aerodynamic properties of large and small castor fruits and seeds at three moisture content showed that the larger the fruits and seeds the higher the aerodynamic properties. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using randomized block design method at 5% probability level was used to analyze the effect of moisture content, and size on mechanical and aerodynamic properties of castor fruits and seeds. It is also to determine the effect on dehusking and shelling of castor fruits and seeds.
Was The Space Creation of The Big Bang?[Full-Text ] Sitaramaiah Atluru Ph.DThe Big Bang theory is widely accepted as the basis for the creation of our universe. All the research thus far has been aimed at understanding the evolution of events and the reactions which took place from the time of its "actual" occurrence. The Big Bang and it's after effects and processes have been mostly amenable to logical and scientific inquiry and analysis. But very little thought or research, if any, went into understanding the medium in which the Big Bang may have taken place. Some argue that it came out of "nothing" and some imply it was the work of God and so on. There seems to be a common belief that it would be next to impossible to bring the pre- Big Bang environment under scientific scrutiny because of widely held but unshakable belief that there are no remnants from pre- Big Bang era to facilitate such scrutiny and that everything in our universe owes its existence to the Big Bang.
Convex Functions & Optimization[Full-Text ] Aashray Yadav My research paper is based on the recent work in interior-point methods, specifically those methods that keep track of both the primal and dual optimization variables (hence primal-dual methods). These methods are special because they are numerically stable under a wide range of conditions, so they should work well for many different types of constrained optimization problems.However, you can always find a constrained optimization problem that is difficult enough to break these methods.
Secure Mobile Health Monitoring System using Order Preserving Encryption[Full-Text ] Abhijeet Kurle, Dr. Kailas Patil, Prof. Narendra PathakMost of the healthcare organizations were lagging in adoption of new technology. But, in recent few years, researchers are able to enhance healthcare services by using technologies such as mobile devices, wireless sensor networks and cloud computing. Although there is improvement in healthcare services, use of untrustworthy cloud service provider possesses a serious risk on privacy of client’s medical data and intellectual property of the mobile health service provider. In addition to that, existing research efforts do not support SQL (Structured Query Language) range queries over encrypted health records stored in cloud database. To address above problems, this paper proposes a novel design of secure mobile healthcare monitoring. The proposed system makes use of Order Preserving Encryption (OPE) technique to provide confidentiality of health records as well as to support range queries over encrypted database. Morever this paper also provides security and performance analysis of Order Preserving Encryption.
Automated Tutoring of Arabic Word Root Extraction[Full-Text ] Hanan Elazhary, Ahlam Alharthi, Esraa Balkhi, Ghada Aljahdali, Doaa Zagzoog and Atheer AlkhammshLooking up the meaning of an English word in a dictionary or a lexicon is an easy task. Unfortunately, this is not true in case of the Arabic language in which, typically, the root of a given word has to be derived first before its meaning is looked up. Deriving the root of an Arabic word is not a trivial task. Thus, students always find difficulty in learning the process. Besides, there is hardly any textbook with enough exercises to help students get trained as much as they need. This calls for developing an automated tutor that helps train students by deriving the root of an input Arabic word and generating an explanation of how the root has been derived. This paper presents an automated tool that has been developed for this purpose. It is used to train students to derive the roots of Arabic verbs provided that the root is composed of three or four characters.
Flexible and Fine-Grained Optimal Network Bandwidth Utilization Using Client Side Policy[Full-Text ] Samay S. Omanwar, Dr. Kailas R. Patil, Prof. Narendra P. PathakAccording to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Over 3 billion people i.e, 40% of the world population has an Internet connection. Internet users prefer to access web pages that range from static to dynamic, HD videos to 3D videos. Due to the dynamic nature of the website and rich user interface a lot of network bandwidth is wasted in various web contents like advertisement, images, redirection, audios and videos. Such heavy websites introduces latency in loading of web pages due to low network bandwidth. To reduce the latency a lot of research work is proposed on prefetching and parallel loading of web page content but they do not provide personalization. In this paper, we propose a novel network bandwidth conservative technique for personalize web access that reduces web latency on low network bandwidth devices or users. In particular, our approach uses object reordering, priotarization and compression algorithm to reduce the web latency. The approach allows user to specify his preferences to improve browsing experience with filtering unnecessary advertisements and unwanted content on website and compress images and videos. Thus, low latency network user's perceived latency can be minimized and network bandwidth consumption can be reduced.
Tero-Drainage Affectance in Life Cycle Costs of Road Pavements at an Intersection in Nigeria: A Case Study of Muiti-Route Intersection of Iwo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State[Full-Text ] O. Joy OladejoAchieving the design life at planned costs of road pavements at intersections is crucial to the stakeholders who are tax payers, routes pliers and the dispensing authorities. The fact that as road pavements at intersections evolve, drainages too evolve, there is therefore call for terotechnology activities to keep the pavement structures in restored status through it design lifetime. Hence, this study investigates tero-drainage affectance in life cycle costs of road pavements at Iwo road multi route intersection in Ibadan, Nigeria. The Iwo road multi route intersection with a 500 m diameter rotary was studied, with emphasis on the drainage conditions: evaluation of adequacy and sufficiency of drainage, drainage rating, cambering and pavement design. Life cycle costs of road pavement, evaluation of Costs of Maintenance and reparatory costs of pavement deterioration from 2000 – 2015. Tero-drainage activity: introduction of measure to curb waste disposal into drainage structure and removal of waste incursion. Analysis revealed that camber has dropped from 3% to 1% as opposed to 4% to 6% resulting in reduced pavement drainage efficiency and subsequent pooling and ponding of the pavement, consequence of which is the frequent damage to the pavement structure and extra restoration costs. In addition, drainage structures along certain routes were not provided, leading to inadequacy of pavement drainage at such points, furthermore, waste incursion in drainage structures have drastically made them inefficient. If drainage structures have been provided at the time of construction of the intersection, maintenance costs within the period under review would have been limited to 3.9%, meeting the standard of between 3% and 6% of construction costs, as against 164.55% incurred on maintenance and reparatory costs during the period. Consistent pavement failure from unrestored drainage results in large amount of costly repairs or replacements long before reaching their design life. Thus, provision of paved covers on the rotary drains has solved the drainage problems associated with environmental incursions. The drainability of road pavements should therefore be planned from the design stage, bearing in mind the maintenance culture of the stakeholders.
Single Image Super-Resolution Using Joint Dictionary[Full-Text ] Mr. Kiran Jadhav, Dr. Ramesh Kulkarni, Mrs. Ashwini S.SawantIn this paper, we utilize the application of sparse representation on single image super-resolution problems. It is found from the image statistics that image patches can be well-represented as a sparse linear combination of elements from an appropriately selection over-complete trained dictionary. In this algorithm, a sparse representation for each patch of the low-resolution image, and then the coefficients in the low-resolution domain used for reconstruction of the high-resolution counterpart. By jointly training the low-resolution and high-resolution dictionaries and selecting the best match for the local patch, a super-resolution image is generated. By increasing the similarity index between the low-resolution and high-resolution local patches, it is possible to get best results. Experimental results on single image super-resolution demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method.
Simple Implementaion of GPS in tracker location history recorder for moving vechiles[Full-Text ] Dr.Mohamed S Zaghloul, Dr. Mohamed el ghamery, Eng. Raghda Khaled MohamedNormally the output data from GPS can be displayed instantaneously, the only equipment which can record these data and give a history track for location is Voyage Data Recorder (VDR). The VDR is interfaced with the GPS through National Maritime Electronic Association (NMEA) interface. In this research we will record the track position for moving object like ship, car or train, then after certain period of time we retrieve these data and use it for different purposes as data analysis for the path of the journey .Electronic circuit is designed to record GPS position coordinates, this enable marine officers to analyze and track their voyage at any time, and these data can be use as track history for the journey. The designed system simply use microcontroller PIC 16f877A with simple multimedia card that can save coordinates and extract information directly without need to external complex programs.
Assessment of the Rate of Contamination of Ground Water within Dumpsite Environment as well as its Health Implications[Full-Text ] O. Joy OladejoRefuse dumpsites are found both within and on the outskirts of cities in Nigeria and due to poor and ineffective management, the dumpsites turn to sources of health hazards to people living in the vicinity of such dumps. Therefore, this paper was designed to determine the frequency and to examine the health implications of contaminations of the experimented water samples at selected dumpsite locations in Nigeria. A Global Positioning System (Garmin GPS 72, RMS 95% typical) was employed to locate 20 specific sample points at 500 m radius from Aba-Eku and Ajakanga dumpsites. Sterilized 75 cl water bottles were used to collect water samples from shallow hand dug wells at an average depth of 8 m. PH meter, conductivity meter, Loviband digital analyzer, turbidity meter, and heavy metal monitoring equipment from Water Corporation of Oyo State Laboratory at Asejire were used to test for the following parameters; pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Turbidity, Lead(Pb), Copper(Cu), Iron(Fe), Chloride(Cl-), Ammonium(NH4+), Sulphate(S042-) and Calcium(Ca). The results were then analyzed using Quantum GIS Brighton 2.6 to derive the raster histograms of the sample results in order to determine the level of contamination of the well water. The results show that the level of contamination of each well varies directly on the location of each well. The farther the well is located, the lesser the level of contamination and the closer the well is located, the more the wells are exposed to serious contaminations from the dumpsite. Groundwater intended to be explored at a distance of less than100 m from any dumpsite should preferably be bore-holes or very deep wells.