Volume 13, Issue 5, May 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Work Allocation Algorithm (WA2): An Operations Research Approach [PDF] Gaurav Gupta, Nupur Chauhan, Christy GeorgeThe objective of this paper is to deep dive into Linear Programming (LP) approach for solving “Optimal allocation of work mix in a cross-training environmentâ€. One need that is often practiced by industries is to come up with optimal number of resources required to run the operations without compromising the customer service. This paper sheds light on the problem of resource optimization using Linear Programming approach.
The mathematical formulation considers various parameters like Associate's availability (hours), Historical Performance (Items processed per hour), Service Level Agreement (SLA) of work-mix in its formulation. The optimization-based solution is implemented in a typical back-office processing unit in a financial organization.
EPIDENDRIC MICROALGAE FROM THE PERIPHYTON MICROHABITATS OF A MANGROVE ECOSYSTEM [PDF] Jisha S., B. Hari, and A. NeethuPeriphyton communities are considered as solar-powered biogeochemical reactors and are assemblages of algae, heterotrophic microbes and prokaryotes. The diversity and species composition of epidendric periphyton from the submerged roots of a Cocos nucifera which was fringing on Paravur Lake was qualitatively and quantitatively estimated. The study site is a sheltered area in the lake which is bordered with patches of mangroves. Sampling was done during a period of February to June, 2016. Physico-chemical parameters of water like Temperature, Salinity, Turbidity, Biological Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Acidity and Alkalinity were estimated. Soil Texture and Soil pH were also assessed. 66 species of microalgae under 29 genera were collected and identified from coconut roots. Class Bacillariophyceae (86.38%) dominated among microalgae. Other representative classes were Coscinodiscophyceae (3.03%), Zygnematophyceae (4.54%), Cyanophyceae (4.54%) and Euglenophyceae (1.51%). Apart from microalgae, some faunal groups like Bivalves, Barnacles, Crustaceans, Crustacean larvae and Polychaete worms were also identified from the coconut root. Roots of coconut tree seem to be a reservoir of periphyton with great diversity which is somewhat comparable to mangrove pnuematophores which abode large number of periphyton. Variations in the physico-chemical parameters of water and soil, and the diversity and number of periphyton are revealed. Based on the results, the ecological role of epidendric periphyton on the coconut tree root is discussed in detail.
(Key words: Periphyton, Coconut Roots, Backwater, Paravur Lake, Kerala)
The possible linkage of ENSO and IOD to JJAS rainfall variability over Ethiopia [PDF] HabtamJenberu Wassie, Tan GuirongRainfall is the most important climate element for rainfed agriculture and the general socio-economic development of Ethiopia. This study examined the possible linkage of ENSO and IOD to the rainfall of June to September (JJAS) over Ethiopia during 1991-2020.
The correlation coefficients show that JJAS rainfall has closest relationship with nino3.4 and DMI indices on September and January respectively, and those are much greater with the nino3.4 indices. And the anomalous lower pressure systems, strong convective activity with convergent flows and water fluxes are helpful for the formation of positive JJAS rainfall, and vice versa. The regression analysis of the JJAS rainfall and the tropical forcing denotes that there is close linkage of the SSTA and the induced vertical motion over eastern Pacific to the JJAS rainfall over the country. Further study suggests that the warm/cold SSTA over eastern Pacific can induce anomalous ascending/descending vertical motion with an opposite one coupled over the area from Indian ocean to the Africa, which will enhance/suppress the high pressure, and the convective activities over the study region will be suppressed/enhanced, and hence cause the reduction/increase of rainfall over Ethiopia. The result of this study will help to improve the seasonal rainfall prediction and early warning of extreme rainfall events over Ethiopia.
Android Medical Health Unit (A-mhu) Structure [PDF] Sana Rizwan, Dr. Rizwan Rabbani BaigIn the contemporary issues people need basic health facilities with immediate approach and retort, to accomplish these facilities on their door step; we are introducing electronic mobile health units for remote areas. Keeping in view the existing medical facilities are not able to cater the needs of all users swiftly we are just putting in our effort to improve time and optimize the performance of Mobile Health Unit. System will providing bridge connectivity between patient and alerting associated Ambulances or Mobile Health Unit about an accident or a patient who needs medical attention. MHU will provide various distinct facilities as features in versatile ways. All users who install MHU application will be able to contact Mobile Health Unit headquarters and report an emergency through application. Software working shall embed the following functionalities in it; the location of Mobile Health Unit shall be constantly monitored, record of Mobile Health Unit being dispatched to designated spot shall be maintained, if a hospital is not able to cater to the medical needs of the patient then the patient will be navigated accordingly to the nearest hospital location by checking in advance, the availability of doctors and simultaneously the hospital will be alerted of the patient’s arrival with the respective departments alerted too. Moreover, MHU delivering medicine to doctors and registered patients in case of non-availability of medicines as well. The medicines will be provided from the nearest source by providing the Social Security Number history or doctor’s prescription. After being assigned a Social Security Number the user will be able to avail the benefits of centralized system by tracking the activities performed with Mobile Health Unit and some other. Mobile Health Unit will facilitate by providing with alternative/shortest routes to reach a point of concern as early as possible. Apart from this, GPS Facility will help us in getting the coordinates of the patients and Google map API will help us to locate the coordinates on map both these facilities will embeddin this project.
Spatiotemporal Trends of Lassa Fever Surveillance in North Easthern States, Nigeria. [PDF] *Damashi, M. T., *Babamaaji, R., *Odiji, C. and *Bianka, A. CAbstract
Lassa fever is a viral haemorrhagic fever transmitted by rats. Lassa fever is a longstanding public health concern in West Africa with recent molecular studies confirming the fundamental role of the rodent host (Mastomys natalensis) in driving human infections, but control and prevention efforts remain hampered by a limited baseline understanding of the disease’s true incidence, geographical distribution and underlying drivers. We analyzed confirmed reported data from surveillance records of NCDC dashboard between 2015 to 2020 and primary health facilities from ehealth Africa for spatiotemporal trends of lassa fever and distribution of primary health facilities for upgrade to a diagnostic center. The results shows a spatiotemporal trends increase with hot spot at Bauchi (127), Taraba (117), Gombe (12), Adamawa (5), Borno (4) and Yobe (0) confirmed cases despite a clustered distribution of primary health centers and the population of people in the study area with increment from 2015-2020, there is no LF diagnostic center in the study area. From this report, challenges to control efforts which included poor local laboratory capacity, inadequate/poor quality of protective materials, fear among health workers, and inadequate emergency preparedness should be put in place for proper health planning.
Key words: Lassa fever, Northeastern, Nigeria, Spatiotemporal, Surveillance.
Machine learning-enabled digital twin system for evaluation of carbon footprint: A case study of offshore production assets in Nigeria [PDF] Umana Victor AsuquoThe emissions from offshore production assets in Nigeria require proper evaluation and quantification for efficient mitigation. The aim of this paper is to create a tool for monitoring and assessing greenhouse gas emissions in offshore oil and gas installations. The process includes acquisition of emission data from production processes and flaring. Subsequently, the development of a machine-learning enabled digital twin system to simulate the production process and flaring activities. The analysis of real-life data and simulated data will enable the prediction of future emission and devise methods for carbon footprint reduction. This work will provide oil and gas companies carrying out exploration and production to reduce green-house gas emissions and implement cleaner energy production.
The Research Teaching of Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersions: Basis for a Unified Research Paper Format [PDF] Lowell G. AlfonsoThe study was conducted to determine the efficiency of technical writing rules and guidelines set forth by the curriculum in providing student researchers with adequate assessment, correction, and revision that help in writing a better output. It aims to propose a unified research format where the department and the division can adapt.
Survey research was used as the fundamental model of research. The quantitative method was then used to treat data that utilized estimates of the parameter through statistics. Among the one hundred (100) respondents, thirty-six (36) are male students, and six (6) male teachers, a total of forty-two (42) male respondents and forty-four (44) female students, and fourteen (14) female teachers, a total of fifty-eight (58) female respondents. The study showed that the teacher enables students to identify research pitfalls on his own through guided evaluation, however, it shows that the adviser’s ability to showcase pros and cons whenever a researcher decides on matters pertinent to research accomplishment is lack lustered. Following this, the evaluation of both the student and teacher respondents showed that revisions made in the research-related literature and studies showed the most favorable results, while the revisions made for research methods showed the least favorable results.
The research has determined that outlines are a general necessity that aids the researcher in gathering thoughts and including pertinent details to the paper. Along with this are the capabilities of teachers to be well-versed in all aspects of technical research.
Design and Construction of a GSM-Based Smart Electricity Billing System [PDF] Anthony I. Umeogamba, Ifeanyi M. Chinaeke-Ogbuka, Cosmas U. Ogbuka, Cajethan M. NwosuThis work presents a GSM Based Electric Billing System aimed at accomplishing optimal control of energy consumption using a microcontroller (PIC16f877A) and a GSM Module (SIM800). The devel-oped electric power controller consists of both the hardware and software aspects. The hardware as-pect consists of the power supply section, the sensor unit, the logic control unit developed by the use of the PIC16f877A microcontroller, the transceiver unit developed using the phone station and SIM800, the switching unit, and the display unit. The software aspect was achieved using a code in C language. The entire system was then integrated into one functional unit and first simulated to ensure that expected results are obtained before a successful implementation of a prototype.
Hybrid Electric Vehicle System using Bidirectional DC/DC converter- A Review [PDF] Aditya Tipre, Manisha IngaleThis work presents the perpetration for electric vehicle (EV) system, as well as its operations on cold-blooded energy storehouse system. In order to supply long distance abidance and make sure the minimization of a price function for electric vehicles, a relief mongrel energy storehouse system for electric vehicle is meant in this paper. For the mongrel energy storehouse system, the paper proposes an optimal control algorithm designed employing a Li-ion battery power dynamic limitation rule- grounded control supported the SOC of the the super-capacitor.
Drug repurposing for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus [PDF] Akshay Kumar,Amarish Kumar SharmaCurrently, repurposing an existing medicine for treatment of a different disease is a good and lucrative choice because of the long and time-consuming research and development process of new drugs and the high attrition rate. The utilization of low-risk chemicals, lower overall research costs, and shorter development timelines are all contributing to its growth and appeal. Ideal repurposed medication candidates have been found using a variety of date- and experimental-driven methodologies. However, there are a number of technological and legislative issues that must be addressed.
Type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus are both forms of diabetes mellitus, although gestational diabetes mellitus is a transitory condition that can lead to type 2 diabetes in the future. About 90% to 95% of diabetic people have type 2 diabetes, which is the most common form of the disease.
Currently medications used for the treatment of these two diabetes is basically Metformin which often regarded as first line of treatment for Diabetes, but it is not affective too much and just control the condition. In order to identify a more effective therapy for Type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes, we are going to use the Drug repurposing approach to look at novel pharmaceuticals and treatments and alternative combinations of current drugs. Medicine repurposing strategies and their usage in the search for a better drug or combination of drugs for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes have been addressed in this review article.
Comparison Ratio of NO2 and O3 in Suspended Particulate Matter Using Machine Learning Methods at DG Khan [PDF] Muhammad SajiTotal carbon monoxide, dioxide and suspended particulate matters in the town of DG Khan, Pakistan. In DG Khan it was developed computer models to prevent AQIs that enable the modelling of complex, unsupervised processes within the training framework. Machine algorithms forecast air quality indexes in the DG Khan. The models can: (1) learn from pollutants; (2) afterwards use actual data; and (3) ultimately handle uncertainties linked to monitoring both APs and meteorological factors. These models are: Random Forest and Support Vector Machine, as well as ranking methods of determining top pollutants such as the suspendedNO2, and the meteorological Dg Khan particles with diameters that are generally micrometers and less, such as Suspended Particulate Materials, NO2 and O3 inhaled inhalable parts] to PM10 inhaled parts of DG Khan Machine study algorithms for the calculation of air pollution index calculation techniques, various algorithms used: ANN, k-Nearest Neighbor' Algorithm, linear return and SVM. The experiment was carried out in the city of DG Khan using a dataset.
Impact of COVID-19 on food processing and supply chain [PDF] Adeoye J. T.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a clinical condition caused by the coronavirus-2, which causes extreme acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020, due to its rapid spread across many countries, as well as its high mortality rate among the elderly and infirm. Pandemics are known for their devastating effect on the global economy. COVID-19 has been observed to have an impact on the entire process in food processing and supply chain (from the field to the consumer) which is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Workers' movement constraints, changes in market demand, the closing of food processing facilities, limited food trade policies, and financial strains in the food supply chain were all consequences of COVID-19. There is now considerable concern regarding food production, manufacturing, distribution, and demand. To avoid a rise in food prices, food protectionist policies should be avoided, governments should make it easier for workers and agricultural products to move around. By modifying safety measures, facilities should improve working conditions while also protecting employees' health and safety. Cleaning, sanitation, good hygiene practices, and active packaging are also required from farm to consumer. The goal of this review is to assess the impact of COVID-19 on agriculture and food production, as well as to summarize the recommendations needed to mitigate and control the pandemic's impact.
Egypt, Currency Devaluation Effect on Small and Medium Enterprises Export Competitiveness [PDF] Ayman Mokhtar, Mohamed A. Ragheb, Aiman A. RagabAbstract
This research has reviewed the nature of interest rate and currency devaluation by focusing on types, systems and factors that affect the exchange rate. It studied how countries can have a control over their economies to achieve high level of economic stability. This research has reviewed the nature of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by focusing on some important aspects such as the definition and importance of SMEs. It then explored the SMEs competitiveness that covered the Factors affecting competitiveness, Policies to improve SMEs’ competitiveness and indicators/measurements, targeting to understand the nature of SMEs and its activities comprehensively and endwise perspective.
DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND FABRICATION OF MOBILE DEEP FREEZER [PDF] UBANI, A.C & ADEJARE, O.G.Deep freezers are considered to be an important household item that falls under the category of cooling appliances. The basic structure of the freezer consists of a thermally insulated compartment which through a proper mechanism lowers down the temperature inside it and transfers the heat from inside to the external environment. As it keeps the temperature lower so it is used to keep and store the food items which can be spoiled at ambient temperature. Deep freezers in all the sizes are available at the market but they are restricted and limited for indoor usage only as they require electricity and are large. But presently, people are more inclined towards outdoor activities and they need to have a freezer to keep the essential items saved from spoilage and wastage. Therefore this study is geared towards the designing a mobile deep freezer that is powered through the batteries and is portable which can be easily used outdoors as well carried about. Consequently, the design was fabricated using locally made materials. This is to encourage local ingenuity and to reduce cost of production comparable to already made and foreign deep freezers. It is designed to be simple, handy and readily available to be used by anyone in case of malfunctioning and for easy relocation. Though, the main limitation of the system fabricated is the long time it uses to achieve cooling and finally the machine is affordable to all, and is highly recommended for local entrepreneurs for mass production because of its cost effectiveness, simplicity and availability of spare parts.
The Effect of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (C.B.T.) on Insomnia and Stress: A Review [PDF] MS. Renu ShayaPrevalence of Insomnia in general population ranges between 10-40% and Stress are fairly common conditions affecting 60- 90% workers, adults and elderly people i.e. nearly one fourth. Insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Stress is the behavioral response unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure and physical tension. Both affects day time cognitive functioning, psychological behavior, personality alterations and quality of life. Cognitive- behavior impairment and personality impairment scale questionnaires are designed based on various factors like daily hassles, happiness scale, perception of the present and the future by an individual, personality traits, depressive life events and so on. These questionnaires with certain scoring methods, can assess the degree of stress and insomnia involved with root cause analysis.
The appropriate treatment with cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for Insomnia and Stress on the basis of pre-data gathered, Insomnia severity index (ISI), Pittsberg sleep quality index (PSQI), Perceived sleep quality index (PSQI) and Ardell wellness stress test. The CBT will be highly effective for treating Insomnia and Stress without medicinal interventions and cost effective treatment.
Key words- Insomnia, Stress, CBT, ISS, PSQI, PSS, AWST.
Speech Emotion and Recognition using CNN [PDF] Arjun tanwar, Anushka Sharma,Aman Deol,Rajesh Kumar singh. We as a human being sound voice to express our emotion to other like crying, anger, laugh or shouting these some basic expression we speech. So,this paper of us propose to automatically recognize texture of voice or expression of voice.
Here in this research, we proposed network architectures based on CNN and MFCC text method to get most efficient reorganization of emotion. After comparing with existing state of the art technique efficiency find 5.6 to 7 percent
Inhibitive effect of Grapefruit peels on Titanium steel in acidic solutions [PDF] Olayemi Odunlami, Muyiwa Fajobi, Toluwalase Fernandez, Francis ElehinafeThe corrosion inhibitive effect of Citrus × Paradisi (CP) (grapefruit) inhibitor, has been experimented on Ti steel samples in 0.5 M HCl and 0.25 M H2SO4 solutions by weight loss method and open circuit potential. Result revealed that the presence of active components in Citrus × Paradisi inhibitor supported the inhibitive nature and its potency by mitigating corrosion effect on the Ti steel samples in both acidic solutions. The corrosion rate values decreased drastically for all the steel samples as both CP inhibitor and inhibitor efficiency increases. The highest inhibitor efficiency (IE) occurred in HCl solution with 91% at the maximum CP inhibitor concentration. Also, the open circult potential shows that CP inhibitor performed like a mixed type of inhibitor. This confirms excellent adsorption behaviour of CP inhibitor on the Ti steel samples.
The importance of Buddhist moral education for moral education in the family in Ho Chi Minh City today [PDF] Nguyen Thi Bich CanBuddhist ethics has affirmed its profound influence on the lives of Vietnamese people. Buddhism is one of the important cultural resources of the Vietnamese nation (along with Taoism and Confucianism), has been creating history with it, and at the same time has become a condition for promoting the values of Buddhism. nation in the present situation. Relating to Buddhism as a path to spiritual and moral upliftment, the authors analyze the value-based factors of Buddhist ethics and moral education in the family in Ho Chi Minh City today. The author reveals the particularity of Buddhism’s ethics, including the fact that the teaching does not aim to distinguish right from wrong by connecting morality to a set of metaphysical dogmas to then reflect on. In essence, Buddhism is existential, but its humanism is non-metaphysical, as it is based on the concept of nirvana rather than theistic absolutism. On the one hand, Buddhism acknowledges scientifically sound standards; on the other hand, it emphasizes the moral and existential aspects of modern Vietnamese life. Such a combination today is truly relevant and in line with today’s social development goals.
The current study was carried out to investigate the awareness of parents of children with orofacial cleft regarding the need and effectiveness of speech therapy. The main objective of the study to find out the awareness of timely treatment of speech problems in parents ,the information provided to parents in general settings and to suggest some ways to guide parents about the positive impact of speech therapy programs on speech and language of congenital orofacial cleft children .It also investigate the importance of home assignments, carryover exercises and parental counselling from parental aspects .The study focused on parents of cleft children because by their efforts and motivation the speech related issues of their cleft children can be addressed. The children with orofacial cleft need a long term treatment plan for their treatment, there is a need of complete cleft care unit. The availability of a comprehensive cleft care unit from where the parents receive guidance to minimize the problem faced by their children can be helpful for the patients and their parents.
Factors that influence the uptake of IPTp in pregnancy at the Redemption Hospital (September 2021) [PDF] Adeen T. Juwillie, JrThis thesis used a quantitative approach to investigate factors influencing uptake of intermittent preventative treatment of malaria in pregnancy at the Redemption Hospital (September 2021). The target sample for the study was 250 pregnant women attending ANC at the Redemption Hospital. Closed-ended structured questionnaires were used to collect the information from women who attended clinic on the days the research was conducted (convenience sampling). The results of study found that majority of participants (n=207, 82.8%) were knowledgeable on the prevention of malaria during pregnancy. The unavailability of SP was shown to be an issue at Redemption Hospital. Furthermore, most participants said that they carry or buy their own water when they come to the clinic in order to take the SP that is given them. Additionally, attitudes of healthcare workers towards pregnant women were found to be good. Majority of the pregnant women (n=208, 83.2%) indicated that healthcare workers have not acted rude on them during their ANC visits. Accordingly, to enhance transparency and accountability, the study recommends that the conduct of bi-monthly training sessions for health workers as a way of building their capacity for delivering health education; a regular monitoring and evaluation of IPT services must also be stressed to guarantee continuous availability of drugs, clean water and clean cups for proper IPT management. The Redemption Hospital should adapt best practices from other government and private run Hospitals and budget for provision of safe and clean water. The benefits of SP should be taught during ANC health education sections to guarantee that antenatal women know the correct number of doses that are required of them. Moreover, an external monitoring Team should be set-up to check on the administration of SP.
ABSENTEEISM DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND ITS IMPACTS ON PRODUTION IN A FOOD PROCESSING COMPANY [PDF] COIMBRA, L. S; DOURADO, P. A; PESSA, S. L. R; TRENTIN, M. G; LINHARES, J. EThe coronavirus pandemic has brought about deep and unprecedented transformations in the world economy and population, and industries have suffered various impacts in different areas. Given this scenario, the way of working had to adapt to avoid an increase in the number of absences from work and the consequent drop in productivity. Absen-teeism is a phenomenon that originates from extrinsic and intrinsic fac-tors and is quite expensive for organizations. To this end, 188 employ-ees who work in three different shifts in a 24 hour period participated in the study. For statistical analysis, the correlation coefficient of R was used. The loss of productivity between the periods from 2019 to 2021 was (1%) through the adjusted R², yet the loss of productive hours in the same period was (8%). The results indicate that there was a weak relationship between absenteeism associated with a drop in productivity in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic
Analysis of High Impedance Fault in IEEE 9 bus System by Signal Processing Tools using MATLAB/Simulink Model [PDF] Sudipta Das, Pratyusha Biswas Deb, Susmita Dhar Mukherjee, Soumya Das, P.S.Majumdar, Ambarnathe Banerji— High impedance faults are generally not detected by conventional protection functions because of magnitude of impedance involved in fault path different than the conventional fault current profiles like overcurrent, grounding. By applying Fast Fourier Transform technique with operation, the fault detection instruments give correct fault result with saving the time.
Improve the Performance of AODV-SOS and FORP-SOS Routing Protocols in MANET for Emergency Rescue Services Based on Obtained Signal Intensity [PDF] Khandaker Takdir Ahmed1, Dr. Tarek Hasan Al Mahmud2, Md. Jashim Uddin3, Md. Mustakim Musully Pias4*Finding the specific paths between the source and destination nodes in MANET routing protocols is necessary. During a natural calamity, when our regular communication network is disrupted for the damage to the ground station, at that time, AODV-SOS and FORP-SOS rout-ing protocols in MANET are expected as an alternative medium for communication. Such as, when a victim wants help at a time of calami-ty and contact cannot be established at that time, it is difficult for the victim to communicate with the rescue team if the IP address is not known. Our goal is to fix the issue. We have considered FORP-SOS and AODV-SOS, which constructed S-O-S packets without endpoint addresses in MANET routing protocol FORP and AODV, and figured out their connection strength. This paper aims to enhance the resili-ence of FORP-SOS and AODV-SOS routing protocols in MANET based on obtained signal intensity to remove S-O-S packets when the accepted signal intensity is lower than a predetermined threshold at each time node accepts an S-O-S packet. Finally, we test our en-hanced technique on a network simulator and determine its performance through extensive simulations.