Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018.
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Antimicrobial properties of bamboo of fabric finished with Vempadam Bark (ventilago mdraspantana) Extract[Full-Text ] C.JavakarbanuThe dry rind of the vempadam bark (ventilagomdraspantana) has been used as stuff since earlier time. In the present study the dye extracts were obtained from the rinds of the vempadam bark (ventilagomdraspantana)and used for bamboo fabric. The fabrics were assessed for antimicrobial and colour fastness properties. The antimicrobial assessment is performed quantitatively by parallel streak method (AATCC 147) against the organism Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aurous.
MAC LAYER FOR DYNAMIC SPECTRUM ACCESS IN COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS[Full-Text ] SB.A .Mohammed, Aliyu Rufai YauriSpectrum inefficient utilization and growing in demand of wireless services is one of the challenges facing the wireless communication systems as the spectrum is a finite resource. There is a need of better and smarter exploitation of the limited spectrum which will enables the usage and to allowing sharing of temporally unused spectrum allocated to the television broadcast service in non interfering basis, to bring broadband access to hard –to-reach low population density areas. Cognitive radio is employed as a technique in the managements and sharing of the white space (unused spectrum). This research provides study techniques for sensing the white space and managements for multiple accesses. This paper proposed a dynamic spectrum access scheme for cognitive radio networks.
IMPLEMENTATION OF DYNAMIC SPECTRUM ACCESS IN COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS[Full-Text ] SB.Abdullahi Mohammed, Rufai Aliyu YauriSpectrum inefficient utilization and growing in demand of wireless services is one of the challenges facing the wireless communication systems as the spectrum is a finite resource. There is a need of better and smarter exploitation of the limited spectrum which will enables the usage and to allowing sharing of temporally unused spectrum allocated to the television broadcast service in non interfering basis, to bring broadband access to hard –to-reach low population density areas. Cognitive radio is employed as a technique in the managements and sharing of the white space (unused spectrum).
Community Based Flood Risk Reduction in District Muzaffargarh, Punjab Province of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Shahjahan RazaPakistan shares geographical region which is prone to different kinds of natural disasters. Inception of technology and advancement has bought drastic change in living standards, this shift resulted in occurrence of natural and manmade disasters such as floods, global warming, greenhouse gasses and landslides etc. Floods are most catastrophic in terms of losses. Floods are one of the major type of natural disaster which cannot be stopped but its impact can be controlled and minimized.
Application of Compost APT01 to Increase the Apple Crop Production[Full-Text ] Arief Budiono, Sandra Santosa, Eko Naryono and Luchis RubiantoThe use of chemical fertilizers impacts on degraded agricultural lands. The greater the land is degraded, the greater the chemical fertilizer is added to the soil to obtain a maximum result. This study aims to analyze the effect of the type and amount of compost APT01 as the soil organic matter to the apple crop production (Malus sylvestris) at 3 and 4 months of a day after defoliationand at harvest time (SR3, SR4 and SPN). The experiment was carried out according to completely randomized factorial design with the amount of compost and the season time of production. The experiment was conducted in a treeation area of 400 square meters.
A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL FACTORS TOWARDS CHILD HEALTH-RELATED PROBLEMS: A CASE STUDY OF THARPARKAR DISTRICT, SINDH, PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Manzoor Ali, Nazia Rafiq, Abdul Rahim ChandioThe current study examined the major causes behind social factors towards child health-related problems. It is observed that social factors possess great impacts on children health related problems. Income and education are two major factors these are directly and indirectly linked with health-based issues especially the health of children. The current study has been carried out at district Tharparkar, Sindh (Pakistan) in order to identify that how the social factors give major role in the children health related problems.
LEVELS OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE OF ANTE NATAL CARE ATTENDING MOTHERS ON SAFE MOTHERHOOD[Full-Text ] George Ouma, Prof. Simon Karanja, Dr.Rahma UduPurpose: The main purpose of this study was to establish the levels of knowledge, attitude and practice of ante natal care attending mothers on safe motherhood among communities of Kwale and Kilifi Counties of Coastal Kenya.
Ethical Work Climate Relates Organizational Culture of Public School Personnel[Full-Text ] Sunday Vince V. LatergoThis study looked into the relationship between ethical work climate and organizational culture among public school personnel. The period covered by this study was School Year 2017 - 2018. Descriptive-correlational research design was used for it was deemed appropriate considering the nature of the study. It delved into determining whether or not there was a significant difference in the level of ethical work climate and the extent of the organizational culture of personnel.
INFLUENCE OF DESIGN, INFORMATION QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SERVICES WEBSITE ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION[Full-Text ] Arroifi Fikri Shodiq, Syarif Hidayatullah, Yusaq Tomo ArdiantoThis exploration is to discover to break down the impact of Website Design, Information Quality, Customer benefit on Customer Satisfaction. The populace in this investigation is AXA General Insurance clients in Malang inspecting utilizing a base example system of the quantity of tests in this examination 50. The aftereffects of this investigation show that Website Design and Custumer Services significantly affect Customer Satisfaction while the Information Quality variable does not fundamentally impact Customer Satisfaction.
Comparative study of stability of Guar gum using Nanoclay and Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose[Full-Text ] I. Eiroboyi, T.E.B Akinmoji, and R.O. EsabunorLaboratory and field trials in polymer flooding revealed that one of the major challenges facing polymer flooding is the loss of polymer viscosity under challenging reservoir conditions such as high water salinity resulting in loss of the polymers viscosity and eventually reduction of the macroscopic sweep efficiency. Again, other challenges associated with use of Hydrolysed Polyacrylamide (HPAM) include difficulty in efficiently treating produced water from polymer flooding containing HPAM and also the low degradability of the HPAM solution making it difficult to meet discharge limit for disposal. Polymers like Guar gum and other polysaccharides are that biodegradable would suffice as better options with respect to environmental friendliness and stability.
An Analysis of Errors Made by Grade 7 Students in Solving Simple Linear Equations in One Variable[Full-Text ] Lito B. LarinoThis study was carried out to determine the errors made by Grade 7 students in solving simple linear equations in one variable. The participants of the study were the eighty-five (85) Grade 7 students of Moonwalk National High School officially enrolled for the School Year 2018-2019. To gather data, the researcher developed a six-item open-ended test involving solving simple linear equations in one variable. The development of the test was primarily based from the literature. Likewise, the errors found were categorized according to the types of errors in literature. Frequency, percentage and rank were used to analyze the data gathered. Results show that a total of 309 errors were made by the Grade 7 students.
Numerical Study of Negative Skin Friction Development on Pile Constructed In Soft Clays[Full-Text ] Annisa Raiza Fitriani, Paulus P. RahardjoEast Bandung area is in the basin area of Bandung which has a soft soil layer that is very deep and very compressible. Pile is used in one of the buildings in the development area of East Bandung. If the soft soil is deep enough and considerable decline due to consolidation, Negative Skin Friction (NSF) will occur on the pile. This paper will research the negative skin friction on pile using numerical methods. Based on the OCR, soft clay soil has degree of consolidation around 80%, this indicates that the location is underconsolidated. The neutral point is at a depth of 11 m, then as time goes by the neutral point deeper into a depth 18 m for 5 years, this indicates that the NSF's neutral point will change by time.
Identifying Growth Opportunity and Implementing Online Marketing Based On Customer Decision Journey[Full-Text ] Vincent LeeThis thesis discusses marketing strategies run by trainers to identify market opportunity, increase sales and brand awareness in Demour Collection. Demour Collection is one of the MSMEs Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) that provides sales of variety of bags and luggage in Komplek PIK Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta. To find the constraints experienced by Demour Collection, the trainer conducts interviews with the owner and customers, field observation, and customer decision journey analysis. After all the data is collected, they will become the base of marketing strategies that will be applied in Demour Collection by trainer.
STRENGHTENING SMALL BUSINESS AMONG MALAY MUSLIMS THROUGH MUAMALAT AND ISLAMIC ETHICS IN MALAYSIA[Full-Text ] YAACOB MOHD KHATIB, DR MUHAMMAD KHAIRI MAHYUDDIN, DR NAUNA SUMMARIManagement of business institutions among the Malays in this country had experienced many years of business turbulence, challenges and transformation. Reports of early business trading activities by the Malay community had begun in earlier history of the Sultanate of Malacca. With the coming of the earlier colonialist of Portuguese to Malacca in 1511 and the consequent Dutch and British in the following century had encouraged more Malay ethnics plunged into local trade. However with the discouraging modern day business among present Malay population; a certain determination to find out the failing business trend among younger and the middle age Malay businessmen had prevailed.
GIS-Based Location Analyses of Retail Petrol Stations in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oluwaseun Odipe, Abosede Lawal, Zulkarnaini Adio, George Karani, Henry SawyerrThe increasing demand for petroleum products in Nigeria has led to the increase in retail petrol stations construction all over the country. The study therefore assessed these stations within Ilorin with the objectives of determining the age range, functionality status, total number of pumps and identifying premises of public concern that are within close proximity to these stations. Data for the study were obtained through field surveys; where the coordinates of the stations were acquired using handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) device, and other information through administration of questionnaires to owners and workers in each petrol station.
Evaluation Of Thermal Comfort In University Dormito-ries; A Case Study Of Suleiman Hall, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Yazeed Ibrahim Abubakar and Halil Zafer AlibabaThe concept of user thermal comfort is very important in students’ hostel. It affects the user’s health, productivity and wellbeing, causing the user to not function to his/her optimum capacity. Much work has been done in addressing the individual factors of comfort especially in residential buildings. But little has been done in addressing the indoor thermal environment of hostels.
Model of Inclusive Education Management in Elementary Schools at East Java - Indonesia[Full-Text ] Murtadlo, Mufarrihul HazinIndonesia is a developing country that is very concerned about education. Education principle for all that should be a priority in Indonesia. But this is still far from reality. the Management inhibiting inclusion education. So this study aims to develop a model of management in inclusive education in elementary schools in east Java.
Compensation and Cathodic Protection of Steel Grounding Grids Corrosion[Full-Text ] Osama E. Gouda, Asmaa. M. A. Khater , W. A. A. Salem, Salah G. RamadanUnder normal conditions, electrical power systems will satisfactorily deliver power with the need of proper grounding. Grounding is very important for the generation, transmission and distribution systems of electrical power. Grounding creates stability for the electrical networks; the neutral grounding is useful in discharging over-voltages due to lightning to the earth, grounding is used in simplified design of earth fault protection, the grounded systems require relatively lower insulation levels as compared with underground and finally the most important reason is to protect people. Grounding system may be steel, copper or other materials, these materials prone to corrode.
Excess Pore Pressure Generated by Pile Driving using Numerical Method and Soil Setup Prediction In Clay[Full-Text ] David W. Setiabudi, Paulus P. Rahardjo, Budijanto WidjajaExcess pore pressure arises as a result of pile driving in case of soft soil. Considerable excess pore pressure causes low pile capacity. As the soil surrounding the pile recovers from the installation disturbance, pile capacity increases as a function of time. This phenomenon is referred to as set-up. This research aims to determine the excess pore pressure behavior and predict the soil setup with modelling pile driving using cavity expansion theory. This research is carried out with soil data from Cirebon soil, which is dominated with clayey soil and a thin layer of sand. The spun pile with closed ended pipe was driven into the depth of 35 m. Dynamic test monitoring method was performed during pile driving and restrike was conducted with a time variation from 30 min to 7 days to determine the soil setup phenomena.
Discuss and Critically Evaluate the Role of Women in the Church in Ghana[Full-Text ] Cynthia GyimahSocietal and cultural nomenclature or stratification has always been male biased especially in the traditional African family system. This paper discusses with Biblical examples and references to the gradual paradigm change.
Gender Difference in Awareness about Tuberculosis from Patients Belongs to Slum area of Punjab, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Farhan Mukhtar, Mansoor Ghani, Samina Manzoor, Meshal Margrate, Surriya ShahnazTuberculosis (TB) is still a major public health concern of the developing and poor nations including Pakistan. Pakistan ranks fifth on the global list of high tuberculosis countries and has contributes to about 63% of TB burden in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Better understanding about disease, among both genders will help to cut down the magnitude of this leading public health problem.
Survey of Noise Pollution in Zanjan, and Comparing them with Standards[Full-Text ] Mohsen Javaherian, Amin Abedi, Shahriar Esmaeili, Farhad Khoeini, Yousefali Abedini, Ali Asadi, Elham GhanjkhanlooIn the last century, the health of human beings has been affected by the industrial developments. Among some problems which jeopardize human health, we must point to environmental pollution by making noise produced by artificial machineries like cars, buses, motorcycles, airplanes, etc. Thus, we decided to study noise pollution in Zanjan. Here, we investigated the noise pollution of Zanjan Province to provide the rates of Noise levels through the city during hours of different days.
Analysis of Production Costs Using Activity Based Costing "ABC" Method in PT. Supratama Aneka Industri[Full-Text ] Anang WinardiPT. Supratama Aneka Industri is a manufacturing company engaged in the plastic industry. The company uses traditional methods in calculating the cost of production. Traditional method calculations have a weakness in charging factory overhead costs, where overhead costs are charged equally to each product produced. Therefore it is necessary to analyze using the activity based costing method to provide more accurate production costs.
System Dynamics Model for EBOLA Epidemics of West Africa: Underlying Factors & Consequence Prediction[Full-Text ] Md Ariful HaqueIn this paper, we model the underlying factors that cause the spread of West African Ebola virus disease (EVD) to assist in the long-term estimation of the disastrous consequences for creating future awareness. The paper works on two different system dynamics models of the epidemic based on the extended form of SIR (Susceptible, Infectious, Recovered) model. The first model reflects the number of reported cases and cumulative deaths in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone using the data collected from secondary sources. The first model is validated using the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) data, and the result is found to be a close approximation to the real data.
The Impact of Electronic Management on Ministry of Culture Employees & Services[Full-Text ] Jasim Ali AlatawiElectronic Management System is one the invention of the technological revolution in the world of business. It help in maintaining the regu-lating the efficacy of employees and achievement of the organizational objectives. It has a direct link with the human resource development process. The traditional process of record keeping in all organization was using paper. However, it was seen it was not an efficient and effective way of record keeping. In modern world, the human resource is given the utter most importance in order to effectively facilitate the process and activities of organization. Thus, to improve the efficiency of the workforce, electronic management system came into force.
ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCES OF THE HEALTH SYSTEM IN BURKINA FASO[Full-Text ] W. Jacob YougbareOur main concern in proposing these applications is to provide a tool, with is the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach, for contributing to monitoring and evaluating programs, projects or development activities of the national health system. DEA approach was applied using the Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (CCR) model, to calculate the indices measuring the performance efficiencies and Malmquist indices for measuring changes in productivity of health regions and districts in Burkina Faso.
Treasury Single Account and Public Fund Management: A Study of Selected Federal Government Parastatals in Bayelsa State[Full-Text ] Ajibade, A. T., PhD, Oyedokun, G. E., PhD,Doumu, O. S.The impact of Treasury Single Account on Public Fund Management i Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. It was introduced to block financial leakages, promote transparency and prevent mismanagement of government's revenue, unifies all government accounts, enabling it to prevent revenue loss and mismanagement by revenue-generating agencies. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of Treasury Single Account on Public Fund Management.
Evaluation of Daylight Performance on the Selected Design Parameters of Light Shelves[Full-Text ] Sadaf Noshin, Humaira Kanwal,M.Shahzad Aslam,Uzma MushtaqLighting control systems play a pivot role in decreased energy consumption. Increase in environmental concerns enforces the need of lighting control systems without disturbing the future comfort goals.Light shelf is one of the superlativedaylighting strategy with brilliantilluminanceproduction and economicalpossibilityby the introduction of natural lights.This study emphases how changes in the light shelf design parameters such as its dimensions, position and height can affect its natural light productivity and visual response.
A study on steganography and steganalysis[Full-Text ] Habiba SultanaSteganography means hiding information into a media. Media may be a text, image, audio, video or network protocol. Embedding methods use different methods to implant information. Unauthorized persons, applications or devices may apply steganalysis to either detect the existence of hidden data in the carrier medium or explore the hidden information after that. In this paper, steganography, its classifications, applications, evaluation parameters, and related steganalysis are described briefly. That discussion will help the new researcher in finding a basic idea on steganography as well as on steganalysis.
The importance of registration RIGHTS LICENSE AGREEMENT QR CODE Copyright Notice[Full-Text ] Dr. RR. DewiAnggraeni, SH, MHRegistration of copyright licenses deklaratif QR code adheres to the system means that the registration is not publishing rights will but only registration as evidence copyright holder, registration function solely to facilitate proof. Dotted decline on the formulation of the problem and the aim of the research and approach that is used is with the normative legal research method, descriptive analytical mind with nomative juridical approach.
Towards Profit Improvement Business Scenarios Using Marketing Due Diligence Approach[Full-Text ] EdwardThis paper discusses about evaluation of financial report performance in order to increase cash convesion cycle and implementation of online marketing strategy on SME. A series of structured interviews and business coaching processes were conducted with the owner of SME, in Jakarta. The results of structured interviews were analyzed using STP, Marketing Mix, Business Model Canvas, SWOT, Porter’s 5 Forces, Gap Analysis and Pareto Analysis to arrive at the most urgent problems to be solved.
Street Bump System: Sensing and Classifying Roadway Obstacles[Full-Text ] Supreeth Kumar Y P, Bhanu Prakash K, Nihal Choubey, Venugopal PTraffic Management and maintenance are the utmost important challenges among the Smart City challenges. The condition of the road surface is the major factor indicating road quality, and it will remarkably influence fuel consumption and driver safety. Currently, road surface audit is performed manually. The anomalous formed on road surfaces, such as manhole and potholes, can motive accidents when not identified by the driver.
THE EFFECT OF GOVERNMENT INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT INTERNAL CONTROL APPARATUS ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS QUALITY OF AUDIT BOARD OF INDONESIA[Full-Text ] Anggoro Trianto SudiroThis research analyzes the influence of the implementation of the Government Internal Control System and the Role of the Government Internal Control Apparatus on the quality of financial statements of The Audit Board of Indonesia. The research method uses SEM analysis to determine the magnitude of the influence of the implementation of GICS and the role of Internal Control Apparatus in the Audit Board of Indonesia on the quality of financial statements. The results of the analysis show that the influence of each GICS implementation and the role of Internal Control Apparatus are positive and significant to the quality of financial statements of Audit Board of Indonesia.
Mediated moderated model of customer loyalty of cellular network in Lahore Pakistan[Full-Text ] ADNAN ARSHAD, DR.RIZWAN QAISER DANISHThe cellular industry fast developing business now a day .Here vital to know the perception of cellular customer regarding their service provider .The aim of this research to explore the impact of customer service and price fairness on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty with moderation role on trust and satisfaction on loyalty of cellular network Lahore. The mediator role also tests the satisfaction between service and loyalty, price fairness and loyalty in the research.