Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018.
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Anaesthetic Management of a Case of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy[Full-Text ] Mohammad Ali, Fatema JohoraDuchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a x-linked recessive disorder characterized by progressive muscle weakness, wasting, sensory loss, and cardiomyopathy and respiratory failure in 2nd or 3rd decade of life. There is no established guideline for anaesthetic techniques in such patient. We report lengthening of tendo-achilis of both lower limbs in a 26 years old male who was diagnosed DMD since his childhood. Patient was found fit for anesthesia in preanaesthetic checkup. Operative procedure was done under subarachnoid block (SAB) with hyperbaric bupivacaine. Hemodynamic status of the patient was stable, and postoperative period was uneventful.
The in vitro effect of water soluble fraction of crude oil on the biochemical, hematological and enzymological parameters of clariid catfish juveniles and sub adults[Full-Text ] Ajah, P.O and Ukutt, E. RInvestigations on the effect of exposing catfish juveniles and sub adults to water soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil at LC50 was carried out in vitro. The experiment was in duplicates labeled A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, and A2, B2, C2, D2, E2. WSF of crude oil was introduced into ten aquaria containers filled with 3L of borehole water with ten juveniles of Clarias gariepinus added into each container at different concentrations of 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 mg/l. After exposing the fish for 3H to the toxicant, the first blood sample was collected from batches A (A1, B1, C1, D1, E1), and B (A2, B2, C2, D2, E2). At the close of the experiment (after 96 hours), the second blood sample was collected.
The effect of water soluble fraction of crude oil on the biochemical, hematological and enzymological changes in fed and starved clariid catfish juveniles[Full-Text ] Ajah, P.O and Ukutt, E. RInvestigations on the effect of exposing fed (F1-5) and unfed (U1-5) catfish juveniles to water soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil at varying LC50 were carried. Varying concentrations of 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 mg/l of wsf were introduced into each of ten aquaria filled with 3L of borehole water containing ten Clarias gariepinus juveniles. 3H and 96H after exposure to the toxicant, the fish blood samples were collected and analysed. ANOVA showed that none of the haematological parameters (PCV, Hb, RBC, MCV, MCH and MCHC) of C. gariepinus exposed to different concentrations of WSF were significantly (P > 0.05) different with fed and unfed. WBC, MCV, MCH and MCHC had slightly higher mean with fed fish while PCV, Hb and RBc had higher mean values when starved.
Effect of Rising Global Temperature on Dry Mass Loss of Stored Paddy[Full-Text ] M.G.G. Awanthi, S.B. Navaratne, B.M.S.Jinendra, C.M. NavaratneThe scope of this study was to assess the dry mass loss (DML) of stored paddy at different temperatures coupled with rising global temperature and to identify adaptation techniques to curb this loss. Three conditions were analyzed according to the split-split plot design, where the variety (AT-362 & Kuruluthuda), the processing technique (raw & parboiled paddy), and the storage temperature levels (26ºC, 30ºC, 34ºC, 38ºC) were varied. About 5 kg of paddy of each variety at 14% moisture content were packed in poly sacks and stored in temperature-controlled chambers for 6 months. Moisture content and 1000-grain weight of paddy were determined monthly to calculate DML. Data were analyzed using SAS software package.
Project Cost Estimation using hybrid technique Gray Wolf Algorithm and COCOMO Model[Full-Text ] Shaymaa chyad, Eklas Abd AlgabarCost estimation of the Software project is one of the most challenging tasks in software engineering. In this paper, from software projects, a comparison between estimate and actual effort was done by applying the gray wolves algorithm to estimate the cost of the software projects for the NASA dataset. The intermediate COCOMO model was used with gray wolves algorithm by taking the KLOC of the project as input, in addition to 15 cost driver and giving effort as output. The suggested model of the cost estimation to helps the project manager by provide a quick and actually estimate the effort and time of software project, which in closer gives the cost for software projects.
MAGNETIC EFFECT OF UNSTEADY FREE CONVECTIVE FLOW OF WATER AT 4^0 C[Full-Text ] Dr. Rajendra Kumar DhalUnsteady free convective, electrically conducting viscous and MHD flow of water at 40C past a vertical permeable semi vertical moving plate through porous medium has been studied. The dimensionless governing equations are solved using perturbation technique is taken as Eckert number is very small to solve energy and momentum equation. The temperature and species concentration near the plate are assumed to be fluctuated harmonically from constant mean and series solution method are used to separate the harmonic and non harmonic parts. The influence of the various parameters on the flow field, skin friction, rate of heat transfer, rate of mass transfer and Temperature field are extensively discussed from graphs and tables.
Solution of the Initial Value Problems for Systems of Non-linear Differential-Algebraic Equations Via Adomian Decomposition Method[Full-Text ] Alaa Hussein KhalilIn This paper we use Adomian decomposition method to solve the initial value problems for systems of the differential-algebraic equations that can be transformed to system of differential equations. The Adomian decomposition method (ADM) is a powerful method which considers the approximate solution of a non-linear equation as an infinite series which usually converges to the exact solution. This method is proposed to solve some first-order differential-algebraic equations. It is shown that the series solutions converge to the exact solution for each problem. It is observed that the method is particularly suited for initial value problems for systems of non-linear differential-algebraic equations.
Lightweight Cloud Storage Systems: Analysis and Performance Evaluation[Full-Text ] Samson Akintoye and Antoine BagulaThe increasing popularity of cloud storage has led many organizations that dealing with critical data (financial, medical, telecoms data) to consider moving data out of their data centers into the cloud storage. However, using a single cloud storage provider raises concern such as having a single point of failure. Furthermore, despite their popularity, vendor locks-ins cloud solutions are not a natural fit-for-all as they are plugged with issues related to electricity consumption and security and raise privacy concerns.
Study the effect of metal artifact reduction (MAR) technique in improving CT image quality[Full-Text ] H.I,Abdelkader, Sabry El Mogy, Ayman Mokhtar, Gehad AhmedIt is necessary to decrease metal artifacts to improve the quality of CT image. An option of CT machine called metal artifact reduction (MAR) technique is used to reduce metal artifacts and increase image quality. The aim of this paper is to prove that there is a significant improvement in image quality after using metal artifact reduction technique.
THE EFFECTS OF FLOORING MATERIAL ON THERMAL COMFORT IN A COMPARATIVE MANNER. Ceramic tile and wood flooring[Full-Text ] MUHAMMAD KABIR DANTATA and HALIL ZEFER ALIBABAThe buildings sector, being a leading energy consumer, would need to lead in conservation efforts as well. There is a growing consensus that variability in indoor conditions can be acceptable to occupants, improve comfort perception, and lower building energy consumption. This work aim to examine and summaries the effects of flooring material on human thermal and comfort perception to such variations in the indoor environment: spatial transients, non-uniformities, and temperature drifts.
Finite Element Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams by Using Glass Fiber[Full-Text ] Walaa Mahmoud ShaabanDue to the high steel prices in recent years. And it also limited ore could be carried out at any time. Therefore become composite materials such as glass fiber reinforced polymers and carbon fiber center of attention in the field of structural engineering to be used as an alternative to steel reinforcement in the structural elements to reduce cost. This research study on the behavior of reinforced concrete beams in flexure and shear using locally produced glass fiber reinforced polymer GFRP bars and stirrups depend on the finite element analysis by using ANSYS program.
Prevalence and factors influencing the practice of breastfeeding in Morocco and abroad[Full-Text ] Elmoussaoui S, Kaoutar K, Chetoui A, Chigr F, Bourous M, Najimi MFollowing the decline in breastfeeding practice in Morocco, we conducted a literature review on the prevalence and factors influencing the practice of breastfeeding in Morocco and abroad.In national surveys from 1992 to 1997, the rate of exclusive AM went from 62% to 46%. The average duration of the breastfeeding has also fallen during the same period from 15.5 months at 14 months. [1] [2]. A recent survey on Population and Family Health (EPSF) [3] revealed further decline in breastfeeding exclusive for 6months which arrived at 31% in 2003-2004
Effective Deployment of Digital Technologies for Rural Development: Digital Village Harisal[Full-Text ] Arun M. RanvirMahatma Gandhi said that the soul of India lives in its villages; the basic facilities such as health, educational, employment, etc need to be available in rural, tribal areas. Now a day’s Digital Technologies are playing a vital role for the development of rural areas by means of service provision to the citizens. Harisal village is a part of melghat region of satpuda mountain range inhabited by korku tribal community, infamous for higher prevalence of malnutrition, infant and maternal mortality rates. Digital Technologies are acts as a catalyst for rural development in education, improving health, enabling local business opportunities and welfare of tribal as well as other rural citizens of harisal.
The physicochemical quality of raw milk sold at dairies of Beni Mellal city (Morocco)[Full-Text ] Rachid Hnini, Said Ihbour, Lhou Ouhida, Mohammed Chigr, Mohamed Merzouki, Lahoucine Bahi, Ahmed Gammouh, Mohamed Najimi and Fatiha ChigrIn this study, we evaluated the physicochemical criteria reflecting the degree of quality of the raw material that is essential for good human nutri-tion, raw cow milk sold to consumers in the traditional urban dairies randomly selected in the Beni Mellal city, located in the northern center of the kingdom of Morocco and destined directly for human consumption. For this purpose, 70 samples of raw cow's milk taken from 14 traditional urban dairies, for a period comprised from January to June, were subjected to a physicochemical study covering twelve parameters. The results obtained from physicochemical analyzes of raw milk reflecting stability are generally cited in intervals were often outside and away from national and international standards retained for this nutritional and indispensable material.
How to conduct a good automation tool research[Full-Text ] Prashant Xavier LopesThis paper showcase what all areas should be encountered while doing an Automation tool research. Also, some examples are there for each section of report, so that reader can take a basic idea of look & feel of the content that could be present in the sections.
Conversion of IC Engine into Magnetic Engine with minor Modifications[Full-Text ] Syed Abdul Rafay Hammad, Muhammad Umais, Muhammad Shahzad Aziz, Hasan Latif, Zubair HassanInternal combustion engines are one of the major causes of pollution. These engines work by burning fuels, hence contaminating environment through exhaust. Due to the mentioned reason there is a need of an alternate technology which is reusable and environment friendly. As an effort to control the effects of engine emissions, this research suggests an alternative technique known as Magnetic Repulsion Piston Engine (MRPE).
Implementation of Job Analysis and Competency Mapping to Improve Employee Performance in Wijara Nagatsupazki[Full-Text ] Daniel SetiawanThis research discusses human resources tools utilized by coach, in order to improve employee performance in Wijara Nagatsupazki. Wijara Nagatsupazki is an SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) located in UPK PPUMKM PIK Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta, that provide services to produce mold, dies, and tools for business clients. In order to analyze the constraints that limit Wijara Nagatsupazki’s business capabilities, coach conducts in-depth interviews with the general manager, while observing the business process. After that, collected data will be the basis of suggestiong human resources solution that will be implemented thoroughly in Wijara Nagatsupazki.
Self-Concept and Social Adjustment of Children with Learning Disabilities[Full-Text ] Farrah Khanum, Shabana Noureen, Asia MushtaqLearning disability is the problem in the child's ability to learn specific skills such as reading, writing, spelling, and computing (Rozario, 1991). The purpose of the present research was to explore the self-concept and social adjustment of children suffering from learning disabilities. The data was collected from the public and private schools of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The population of the present study was children with learning disabilities whose age ranges were 7 to 18 years including 50% girls and 50% boys.
Systematic review on the Study of Material Used in Composite Structure[Full-Text ] Satya Bir Singh, Nishi Gupta, Harjot KaurIn this systematic review paper comparison is made between the various composite and monolithic materials having various characteristic properties strength, stiffness, weight, fat, temperature, structured behaviour, thermal insulation, conductivity, toughness, formidability, join ability, oxidation, wear resistance, affordability,high melt point, high compressive power and stability at high temperatureIt concluded that Al-SiC is the best material as compare to copper, steel, aluminium,P92 steel, titanium, magnesium, and aluminium alloy (AL6061- T6511) etc.
Mobile Commerce & Security Issues[Full-Text ] Jamilu Muhammed AliyuBeing the fact that M-Commerce or Mobile Commerce is a subset and advancement of traditional E-Commerce and E-Business in gen-eral; the goal of this paper is to show that security is primarily the most important aspect Information technology, while m-commerce is an advancement of the traditional e-commerce. The paper gathers different information’s regarding mobile-commerce and security is-sues and offered potential solution based on the requirement of online transactions and its potential security threats.
The Factors Affected to The Customers’ Satisfaction at Some Tourist-Destinations in Hanoi[Full-Text ] Nguyen Thi Phi NgaThe current research investigated the effect of some factors to the satisfaction of visitors at tourism-destinations of Hanoi. Factors in the research model included: natural resources and material conditions; accommodation; environment; available services (dining, sightseeing and shoppipping); heritage and culture; and banking transfer service. The study was conducted through the survey of 275 clients and the results showed that among six independent variables, there were three strong correlated with the dependent variable, in which the environmental factor had the greatest impact on visitors’ satisfaction at destinations.
Diagnostic du Potentiel de Développement des Indications géographiques (IG) des Produits agricoles au Mali : valorisation territoriale et agricole[Full-Text ] Boukary Kassogué, Issa Sacko, Amadou Ndiaye.Cet article diagnostique le potentiel de développement des indications géographiques (IG) des produits agricoles au Mali : potentiel de productivité, de valorisation territoriale et de politiques agricoles. Au seuil de la première phase de cette activité, nous avions identifié les services qui portent la question des IG agricoles au Mali et nous avions examiné par la suite la responsabilité de chacun de ses services sur les questions suivantes : le cadre institutionnel et règlementaire des IG au Mali du ministère de l’industrie, de l’agriculture et aussi avec le centre malien de la propriété intellectuelle (CEMAPI).
3D Post Estimation and Projection based Overaged Vehicle Detection Using Various Geometric Techniques[Full-Text ] Md.Safat Alam Beg; Saikat Goswami; Himadri SekharThrough picture detection we can determine the vehicles accident scene. This system determines the damage of a vehicle to the surface area. The vehicle user can upload some photographs of the damaged vehicle taken from a device and automatically assess the damage vehicle and do the processing by claiming to insurance [6]. This system may include a device (such as scanner) that generates data representative to the vehicle damage area. Since vehicles are shown reflective metallic bodies when the photographs are taken in such as uncontrolled environment can be expected there [2].
Creation of Company Profile and Website as a Promotion Channel for PT Panca Permata Wira Nusa[Full-Text ] Egy Haekal AchmadThis thesis discusses marketing strategies that run by trainer to creating new channel for PT Panca Permata Wira Nusa. PT. Panca Permata Wira Nusa is one of the SMEs that engaged in convection area that located at Pulogadung. Up until now PT. Panca Permata Wira Nusa don’t have some company profile even they already doing their business for many years. The purpose of this business coaching is to apply PT.Panca Permata Wira Nusa to solve their problem to introduce to new prospective consumer and creating pro-motion through digital. This research method using qualitative research in order to gain information and creating the channel.
RPA (Robotic Process Automation) – Case Study[Full-Text ] Arvind Kumar, Program ManagerBy now most enterprise leaders are well aware of the benefits of robotic process automation (RPA) – financial savings, improved quality and a better customer experience, just to name a few. RPA is an application of technology, governed by business logic and structured inputs, aimed at automating business processes. Using RPA tools, a company can configure software, or a “robot,” to capture and interpret applications for processing a transaction, manipulating data, triggering responses and communicating with other digital systems. With RPA, businesses can automate mundane rules-based business processes, enabling business users to devote more time to serving customers or other higher-value work. On similar note, a case study was conducted on a Capital Approval tool (tool built for one of the customer) to verify the benefits and results of applying RPA to a business process with different roles activities. The results show that productivity improvement is the main benefit of RPA; also time reduction was achieved on this case
Data Concealing in Image and Video[Full-Text ] Dr. Emad S. OthmanA new technique for high limit information stowing away in H.264 streams is introduced. The pro-posed strategy exploits the distinctive square sizes utilized by the H.264 encoder amid the entomb expectation organize so as to conceal the attractive information. It is a visually impaired information concealing plan, i.e. the message can be extracted straightforwardly from the encoded stream with-out the need of the first host video. This delicate information concealing methodology can be pre-dominantly utilized for substance based verification and secret correspondence.
Tin Plated Electrical Contacts: Study of Tin Whisker Formation and Mitigation Process[Full-Text ] Mr. Sumit Shukla The choice of using a non-noble alternate to gold should be based upon rational engineering criteria as well as cost factors. Tin and tin alloy coatings are attractive electrical contact finish choices because of their low cost, low contact resistance, and good solderability.
CORRELATION OF BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) AND FULFILMENT OF BASIC NEED FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT WITH ACHIEVEMENT LEVEL OF KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS᾿ GROSS MOTOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] ParidaThis research studies the following problems: (1) is there any correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and achievement level of Smart School Kindergarten students᾿ gross motoric skill development in Kendari City. (2). Is there any correlation between fulfilment of basic need for growth and development with achievement level of Smart School Kindergarten students᾿ gross motoric skill development in Kendari City. This research aims to determine whether any correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) with development with achievement level of Smart School Kindergarten students᾿ gross motoric skill development in Kendari Cityand correlation of fulfilment of basic need for growth and development with achievement level of Smart School Kindergarten students᾿ gross motoric skill development in Kendari City.
Damageability of the sea buried pipeline by method of spectral summation of tension at vibrations caused by technological and casual seismic loadings[Full-Text ] Liudmila Muravieva, Nikolai VatinBased on the finite element analysis a method to determine damages and fatigue zones of a pipeline has been suggested.The purpose of this study is to evaluate damages of the natural gas pipelines due to fatigue caused by cyclic fluctuations of transportation temperature which contribute to defect growth. Offshore pipeline system operation must be ensured in case of an earthquake without interruptions for any repairs. This is very important in view of the widely varying extreme loads, combined pressure and temperature effects as well as extreme environmental impacts, and inspires to solving a number of tasks related to the evaluation of the stress-strain state of the pipeline. The aim of this calculation is to analyze safety of these a buried pipeline at random operating and environmental impacts as well as cyclic fluctuations of the transportation parametersDo not cite references in the abstract. Do Don’t use all caps for research paper title.