Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018.
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ANALYZING THE SOURCES AND AFTER-EFFECTS OF JOB BURNOUT[Full-Text ] Shama Noreen, Salahudin Malhi, Awais Ilyas, Rehan NasirThe present study aims to explain the phenomena of job burnout its determinants and consequences in the organizational context. Burnout is an unpleasant and dysfunctional condition that both individuals and organizations would like to change. Job burnout is a consequence of the perceived disparity between the demands of the job and the resources (both material and emotional) that an employee has available to him or her.
AN ANALYSIS OF TECHNOLOGY GAP AND ITS ADOPTION IN MILK PRODUCTION: A CASE STUDY OF SUNDARBAZZAR MUNICIPALITY, LAMJUNG[Full-Text ] Binaya gurung and Mahesh jaishiA purposive survey was conducted in Sundarbazar Municipality in Lamjung district in 2018 to be acquainted with farmer’s existing knowledge and trend on technology adoption in milk production by randomly selecting 60 farmers from different locations in the locality. Analysis of responses was carried out to identify and document gaps between the optimized and existing allocation levels of milk production technologies. The respondents were interviewed with semi structured questionnaire.
Land Use Change as A Potensial Reduction of Biodiversity in Palu Bay Central Sulawesi[Full-Text ] Lilik Prihadi UtomoIncreasing of development as increasing of population cause land use change that may have impact for biodiversity. The aim is to determine the extent of land use change to the potential loss of biodiversity in the Palu bay and arrange the direction of space utiliza-tion in Palu Bay. The method was survey with spatial approach. Land use change is determined by digitation of the remote sensing from 2010 to 2016 and overlay in order to determine impact of land use change towards reduction of biodiversity. The result showed that the land use change into settlement areas.
Crustal deformation studies of the Nile Valley area using GPS Observations techniques[Full-Text ] Mahmoud El-Mewafi, Fawzi Zarzoura, Suzan Ezzat AL-SharkawiThe aim of this paper is to study the recent crustal movements for the Nile valley area using the GPS data and calculating the velocity field referenced to the ITRF2008. Study of recent crustal movements means the determination of the magnitude, direction and the rate of these movements. Monitoring of crustal movement (velocities in mm/year) can be determined according to the spatial and time density of measurements in addition to their degree of accuracy.
Defining objectives and measures for quality assurance at university[Full-Text ] Misko DzidrovThe aim of this paper is to present the approach taken by Goce Delcev University – Stip (UGD) in order to assure quality in the overall processes. The importance of the quality assurance is a main pillar of the university and here we will present the approach in defining key objectives for quality assurance. For each of the objectives, measures are defined in correlation to the university strategy for development. The objectives and measures are presented with responsible resources and departments in time frame and with means of accomplishment. Each objective includes challenges that need to be answered, so that the objective and measures are being reached.
Effects of Different Parameters on Tool Tip Temperature and Force Components during Turning[Full-Text ] Rahul Kshetri & Dr. AjayThis communication is based on the effects of machining parameter on components of forces and tool tip temperature. In present work cutting speed, feed rate, cutting edge angle and rake angle have been selected as independent parameters. Cemented carbide inserts Komet WCMT 040303 FR ES in grade of P25M and AISI 1040 steel hardened at HRC 40 have been taken as tool and workpiece respectively.
Knowledge, attitude and practices of a group of Moroccan women towards breast cancer: A cross- sectional study[Full-Text ] Kaltoum Boutahar, Ahmed Chetoui, Kamal Kaoutar, Abdesalam Kardoudi, Mohamed Najimi, Fatiha Chigr Regular screening for breast cancer is associated with better survival, but compliance with guidelines depends on good knowledge and attitudes. This study aimed to assess the level of breast cancer knowledge, attitudes and screening practices among a group of 150 Moroccan women aged 20 to 86 years old with no history of breast cancer. The average age of the sample (n=150) was 45.42±12.1 years
Variabilité des concentrations en Nitrates, Nitrites, et Ammoniums dans les eaux d’adduction publique de la commune d’Adjamé Ã Abidjan (Côte d’ivoire)[Full-Text ] Gokpeya Mariette Bédiakon, Claon Jean Stéphane, Séka M'bassiguié Arsène, Bakayoko Aminata Bédou, Kouadio LucIn Abidjan, groundwater resources are threatened by anthropogenic pollution linked to population growth. Thus, the groundwater of the continental terminal captured for the city's drinking water supply is confronted with increasing nitrate pollution. In order to understand the influence of this pollution on the supply waters produced from the continental terminal, this study was initiated. The objective was to analyse the spatial and temporal variations of nitrogenous pollutants (nitrates, nitrites, ammoniums) along the Adjamé North and North Zone adduction networks of the Water Distribution Company of Côte d'Ivoire.
Literature Review of Documented Economical, Environmental, Lifestyle, Health and Social Benefits of Indoor Plants[Full-Text ] Rabaya Nusrath Niva, Mohammad Ziaur RahmanThe effect of urbanization has spread all over the place in the world and created numerous physiological, psychological in addition to environmental problems those are extending extensively day by day. There is a lot of infrastructure being developed due to the unexpected expansion of the urban sprawl, in consequence, green spaces are extensively damaged and reduced from the city gradually. Greening the great indoors with living plants is innovative technology in architecture can regain losses of a natural environment in dense urban areas which provides economical, environmental, lifestyle, health and social benefits as well as it is a sustainable solution to improve the environmental balance of cities to limit the major negative effects of urbanization
KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE OF AN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AMONG THE READY MADE GARMENT WORKERS IN BANGLADESH[Full-Text ] Reshma BegumReady Made Garments (RMG)is one of most important sectors those are earning foreign currencies for Bangladesh. Due to terrible tragedies in the garment sector in Bangladesh, the world’s attention is on the worker safety. The shareholders of the global retailers take initiatives for improving safety issues. Besides the safety, Occupational health is also important issues witch need to be improved. I tried to identify the knowledge, attitude and practice of occupational safety and health among the Ready Mate Garments (RMG) workers living in Ashulia, Bangladesh.
Economic Performance of local beef cattle development under rice field in the dryland area of Kupang Regency, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Maximilian M J Kapa and Yusul L. HenukLivestock raising activities cannot be separated from farming activities for people in paddy-growing areas in Kupang Regency of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia. Beef cattle enterprise is very important both as a source of protein and also plays an important role in the socio-economic and cultural life of farmers in dry land areas. The objective of this research was to know the economic performance and efficiency of local beef cattle enterprise which is extensively maintained in rice-based farming system in Kupang Regency, NTT. This research was conducted in Pukdale village of East Kupang Sub District, Kupang Regency.
Numerical Study of Cone Penetration in Clays Using Press-Replace Method[Full-Text ] Aflizal Arafianto and Paulus Pramono RahardjoOne of the newest numerical methods to simulate cone penetration to the soil mass is Press Replace Method (PRM). Simulations have been conducted using finite element software, PLAXIS 2D. The obtained results then compared to the measured Miniature Piezocone Penetration Test (MPCPT) data. For 6 simulations, the results show that the cone resistance predicted from the simulation is 19% lower than the measured data.
Studies on the effect of seawater & Normal water intrusion in Sea sand on Concrete Cubes[Full-Text ] Mr.Sakthivel.R, Dr.V. MurugaiyanThe aim of this work is to study the Effects of Sea water encroachment in concrete cubes placed in Sea sand near costal zones. Paper inspects the influence of Normal water & Seawater curing in concrete cubes which is concealed on Sea sand. Cement concrete cubes of 150x150x150mm were cast using normal water and cured with seawater & normal water with two different mix proportions of M-20 & M-30 with 0.45 water cement ratio and compressive strength & NDT test were performed during 28th day and 84th day. Totally 72 specimen were cast with normal water. Cement in addition with fly ash class-C of 20% and 30% was also used for this investigation.
An Overview of Near Field Communication(NFC)[Full-Text ] Okunbor Charles, Adekunle Y.A., Adebayo Adewale, Alao O. D., Monday Eze, Seun Ebiesuwa.Near Field Communication (NFC) is a radio frequency short range wireless communication technology used by electronic devices to communicate with other electronic NFC enabled devices in close proximity of 10cm to 20cm depending on the mode of transmission. NFC is based on and is a subset of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) transmitting at 13.56 MHz. Devices with NFC technology have enabled users to perform contactless payments, data transfers, access digital contents, security pass/access. NFC emerged lately and a lot of research is still on going to improve this technology. This paper is an overview of NFC technology as regards data transfer, contactless transactions, mode of operation and its security.
Review of Graphical Authentication Models and User Studies[Full-Text ] Hassan Umar Suru, Abubakar Atiku Muslim, Salihu Umar Suru, Hussaini Umar SuruAuthentication is the process of ensuring that access to computing systems and resources is granted only to legitimate system users. Many authentication systems have been proposed and tested. The most common authentication involve the use of alphanumeric text. Alphanumeric systems, however, have many weaknesses that systems make them insecure as a means of user authentication.
Propaganda of Art for Art’s sake Movement Through Media[Full-Text ] Dr.Yasmeen Sultana Farooqui, Dr.Javed AkhterThe aim of this research paper is to trace the origin and development of Art for art’s sake movement from Marxist perspective. The origin of Art for art’s movement can be traced back to the late Romanticists who felt themselves misfit in the post-revolutionary bourgeois world of business, profit and industrialisation of the Patriarchal countryside of Europe. Therefore, an insoluble contradiction occurred between the aims of the late Romanticist artists and writers and the conditions of the Post-revolutionary bourgeois capitalist world. However, they became hostile to it, but failed to see any hope of changing it.
Surface morphological and Optical Properties of antimony doped CdSe Thin Films by Thermal Vacuum Evaporation Technique[Full-Text ] D. A. Tayade, Y. R. Toda, D. N. GujarathiThin films having different thickness of antimony doped CdSe were deposited by thermal vacuum evaporation techniques, onto precleaned amorphous glass substrate at room temperature. The structural properties of films were evaluated by XRD, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. The quantitative analysis was done by Energy Dispersive Analysis for X – Ray to determine atomic % of the material used. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of these antimony doped CdSe samples were recorded by X-ray diffractometer.
STRATEGY OF ASSET MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN REDUCING ASSETS FROM DAMAGE WITH VISUAL MONITORING[Full-Text ] Yogi Isro MuktiThe development of information systems has resulted in changes in many things, one of which is asset management. As is done in institutions, the use of asset management information systems is a necessity, where existing assets need to be recorded in real time and can be accessed at any time, making it easier in the data collection process, monitoring / monitoring assets to reduce damage to assets. For this reason, this research is related to visual asset supervision that combines with web technology with methods used with web engineering systems approach, design using Unified Modelliing Language (UML), PHP programming language and for own design using the Bootstrap framework that is easier and more appropriate user needs. The results of this study are the development of a visual control process for asset management information systems in reducing damage to assets
MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR WITH RESPECT TO SECRETION OF A HORMONE[Full-Text ] Dr. Alabi, M.O.Mathematical modeling can simply be put as expressing human behavior or activities in the form of a mathematical expressions or equations. Modeling can be used when investigating a system that is too complex, too difficult or sometimes simply impossible to deal with directly. Mathematical modeling deals with representing human activities with Mathematical equations. Such equations often lead to either Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) or Partial Differential Equations (PDE) depending on the number of variables (parameters) involved.
Rethinking the threshold: An approach to execute potential environmental risks in vulnerable Rohingya settlement[Full-Text ] Mirza Md Tasnim Mukarram, Riffat FarjanaThe purpose of the paper is to through light on the magnitude of environmental risks in vulnerable Rohingya settlement in the southern part of Bangladesh."Rethinking the threshold" is basically an approach to investigate the existing along with prospective environmental threats beyond the conventional analysis. The vulnerable Rohingya migrants, who are the Muslim ethnic minority group of Rakhine State, have created humanitarian and environmental disaster in Bangladesh because of the brutality of Myanmar Army since 2015.
Stereo high Hearing Aid[Full-Text ] Dr K Rameshbabu, Mr. Misay.MangesthuHearing aid device is a small and useful electronic gadget that is fit in or out around the ear to improve one hearing and for efficient communication. This work involves the design and development of a hearing aid device with an acoustic signal picked-up using a condenser microphone & 4558D IC is configured to produce an audio amplification which is converted to audio signal through a headphone. After the design, the circuit is constructed and tested on two people with partially hearing problem persons. The result observed that there is a significant improvement in the hearing ability of all the patients tested.
Use of Building Integrated PV panels (BIPV)as shading device over roof of atrium in temperate and hot humid climates[Full-Text ] Halil Z Alibaba, Abdoul Nasser Zakou Djibo The task of this study is to investigate the effect of building integrated photovoltaic panels(BIPV)as roof or a shading device on atriums in temperate climate case of Berlin, Germany and hot humid climate case of Famagusta, Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus. The integration of different types of PV panel on top of buildings in the proper direction is nowadays a very welcomed solution in order to provide sustainable energy. This new technology is adequate for many benefits both in ecological but also economical aspects. The typologies of photovoltaics that companies are proposing to constructors give them the opportunity to use PV panels in several ways. From blind to semi-transparent PV panels we have many differences for example with appropriate optimization measures, the semi-transparent PV top light with 50% radiation transmission rate contributes to a maximum of 5.3% reduction in heating and cooling energy consumption compared with a standard solar roof (blind or non-transparent photovoltaics panels).
Developing an Intelligent Interactive Approach for Multi-objective Optimization Problems[Full-Text ] Alia Youssef GebreelThis paper provides three intelligent algorithms, and combines all of them for solving some interactive multi-objective optimization problems. The hybrid optimization model combines Genetic Algorithm and Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) with Harmony Search (HS) algorithm. This model is being designed and implemented in the hope to improve performance of GA and help BFO to escape from the local minima or maxima. Where, genetic algorithm is search based on the concepts of natural selection and genetics. BFO simulated the life cycles and the foraging behaviors of bacterial, which are called Escherichia coli.
Cricinfo Analysis to find patterns in profiles for Predicting future Captain[Full-Text ] Muhammad Kashif Faiz, Dr. Malik Muhammad Saad MissenThe selection of captain is dependent on the performance of players in terms of various parameters in their areas of expertise. In this thesis we propose a method for measuring qualitative parameters in existing captains’ profile and by developing an ideal profile, we set a threshold, that can be applied any of the player for predicting about whether he can be next captain or not. A real dataset of more than 76 Captain of different countries from Cricinfo is considered for analysis purpose. The findings from our research can be used to improve the quality of information retrieval and decision making. Cricinfo is a large database and having information about large number of players estimated about 50000 players from all over the world. So it can be considerable for different types of experiments and analysis. Our aim in this research work is to search and forecast about behaviors of existing captain profile's data and by building an ideal profile, forecasting about other players, where any other player is suitable for captainship or not.
Knowledge and Attitude towards Care of Elder Patients and Associated Factors among Nurses Working in Government Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Zeleke Argaw, Sanbato Tamiru, Yohannes Ayalew, Teshome HabteBackground:-Quality of nursing care provided to elder people depends on nurse’s knowledge and attitude. However, observations show that relational gaps exist resulting in negative elderly patients’ outcomes. Objective: the aim of this study was to explore knowledge, attitude and associated factors toward care of elder patient among nurses working in adult acute care unit of selected governmental hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods: The study conducted in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia with estimated about 6.6 million population by 2017. The city has 17 governmental hospitals and 34 private hospitals.
Incentive for Flare Reduction in Niger Delta – A Techno-economic Approach in the 2018 Reality[Full-Text ] Odoi Noble Ukela, Oduola Mujeeb Koyejo, Okeke Eric Obiora, Ajuru Precious UcheThis study showcases the economic benefits of recovering flare gas in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, using it to generate electricity. In this study, the cost of a natural gas processing plant simulated on ASPEN HYSYS version 8.6 was determined using equipment sizing by the Module Cost Technique. Thereafter a discounted cash flow (DCF) model was setup on Microsoft Excel with data obtained from reliable sources that reflects the 2018 fiscal reality of Nigeria in which discount rate and inflation rate stands at 14% and 14.33% respectively. Using a straight line depreciation covering a project life of 20 years, the DCF reveals a project payout time of 2.99 years, a net present value (NPV) of $128.79 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 32.36%.
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Vacuum Evaporated CdInSe Thin Films[Full-Text ] V. P. Joshi, Y. R. Toda, D. N. GujarathiNano structured thin films having different thickness of indium doped CdSe were deposited by thermal evaporation techniques, onto precleaned amorphous glass substrate at room temperature. The structural properties of films were evaluated by XRD and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The quantitative analysis was done by Energy Dispersive Analysis for X – Ray to determine atomic % of the material used. The optical band gaps of the films were measured by using optical absorption spectra. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirms that films were polycrystalline in nature having hexagonal structure with a preferential orientation along the (002) plane.