Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2020
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What was there before the Big Bang?[Full-Text ] Rumani DeyThis piece is an attempt to unleash the secrets of the universe through free thought, some observation, a lot of imagination and application of some psychology. Metaphysics is different. It’s a pride for the individual who has a subjective viewpoint of nature. Metaphysics is an independent research full of imaginations but analytic abilities. It is not a story though. In this piece I have indirectly criticized the Big Bang theory. It all begins from the concept or religious aspect that there was “Nothing” at the onset of the universe. There was only a small dot.
Faster Way of Brain Tumor Detection from Scratch MRI Images[Full-Text ] Puja Saha, Saima Chowdhury, Afsana Mehrab, Md. AshrafuzzamanDeep learning is exceptionally mainstream and yet, it was confined by its demand for a lot of information and tremendous time for training. On the other hand, MRI is one of the most popular imaging modalities and broadly used for diagnosis. Deep learning application in MR images is not a new thing, but as always it is confined by the typical limitations of deep learning. This research introduces a quicker method of classification that combines image processing and deep learning to figure out how to characterize MR (Magnetic Resonance) images.
Educational robotics is important part of Curriculum at School Level[Full-Text ] Pratik DarbheRobotics empowers students to visually comprehend the concepts on STEM and cultivates problem solving and higher-order thinking capabilities in students. By introducing robotics early on in the school educational curriculum,students can build interest in this field and nurture their talentsStudents learn best when they are engaged and are able to interact with their environment.
ASSESSMENT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT AND OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH OF MIGRANT WORKERS[Full-Text ] Fagbe T., Bamisile R.T., Folorunso-Ako, E.O., Fagbe A. O., Folorunso A. O, Oko I.The paper examines the relationship between Novel Coronavirus-19 otherwise known as Covid-19 and the development of international transport with occupational safety of migrant workers during global health induced economic and mobility crisis. The study covered the historical background of coronavirus types and the transmission modes based on data obtained from World Health Organization (WHO), Centre for Diseases Control (CDC), International Transport Federation as well as findings from some past research and some selected migrant workers.
Ambivalent character of the ornamental plants inventoried in the city of Abidjan[Full-Text ] Aké-Assi Emma, Kouassi Akossoua Faustine, Bolou Gbouhoury Eric-KévinIn the countries in the process of becoming developing, plants are means important of things to solve the public health probleme of third world countries. Ornamental plants are generally introduced into our environment make into a city for esthetics, fragrance and ecological benefits reason. However, this characteristic of ornamental plants often has another face, a "toxic" character. Thisstudy in Abidjan town, aims to show a certain ambivalence ornamental plants which embellish our close environment.
Numerical solution for Option Pricing including two stocks by time fractional Black Shocles Equation[Full-Text ] Dr Kamran Zakaria, Mr. Saeed HafeezThe BS equations with fractional order two asset price model give the better prediction of options pricing in the monetary market, please see in [12]. In this paper, the changed form of BS-condition with two asset price models dependent on the Liovelle-Caputo derivative for good predictions of options prices is utilized. Finite volume Numerical Grid NODAL POINTS for solving finite volume Discretised Tri-Diagonal system of Linear Equations Iterative Technique is used to solve the equation.
Public Health Care-Related Importance of Alcohol Poisoning in Area of Bugojno[Full-Text ] Slatina E., Smjecanin E., Velagic M., Obradovic Z., Filipovic Z.Introduction: Many researches, which have been conducted in last twenty years in the world and in our country, have indicated the connection of alcoholism with numerous health-related and social problems, violence in family and society and large number of traffic accidents and other traumatism with negative consequences. Nowadays, alcohol is considered as socio-medical disease and it represents one of the most serious public health care-related problems. The addiction to alcohol itself is considered as disease only during last fifty years.
PROBLEMS OF TAX COLLECTION AND ITS EFFECT ON GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] BINGILAR, PAYMASTER FRANK, SAWYER, EGBERIPOU AYAUNDU, EHILEGBU, EMMANUEL CHIDOZIEWorried about the problem of tax evasion in revenue generation of government of Nigeria, this paper seeks to empirically investigate the dynamic relationship between tax evasion and economic growth. The datasets are sourced from Federal Inland Revenue Service and Central Bank of Nigeria from first quarter of 2011 to second quarter of 2018. The Philip-Perron unit root tests are applied to determine order of integration. The differences in the order of integration were further analyzed with Dynamic Ordinary Least Square (DOLS) and Granger Causality to determine the effect of a dynamic relationship between variables of tax evasion and gross domestic product.
How to launch a new app[Full-Text ] Sourik DasDefine your landing page. Make a simple and clear introduction of your app—one sentence should suffice. Get inspiration from Tinder, which is one of the best examples out there right now.
The emotional intelligence and instructional efficacy among Grade 6 Character Education teachers[Full-Text ] Novie John B. Palarisan, Amelie T. BelloIn the international arena, the primary concern of academic institutions is to provide a safe and emotionally healthy environment. Positive teachers’ behavior is essential in the development of constructive thinking as well as high achievement. Basically, schools who have pool of teachers who are not just academically competent but emotionally stable and possess wholesome attitudes have a lead over the others (Deming, 2010).
DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS AND CLINICAL PRESENTATION AMONG THE PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS CASES AND THEIR OUTCOMES AFTER ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT[Full-Text ] Memoona AshfaqTuberculosis is an airborne disease that is contagious i.e. can spread from one person to another. The main causative agent for tuberculosis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Not only lungs are affected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis but other organs are also affected by this bacteria (Keshavjee and Farmer, 2012).
Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Based on Polya Model Problem Solving in Improving Students' Problem Solving Ability in Class VII MTS Negeri 3 Kerinci[Full-Text ] Peri Agustian, I Made ArnawaThe problem faced at school is not optimal ability of students' mathematical problem solving. That problem can be improved by using the Polya model problem solving based learning approach. The purpose of this study is to develop learning based on Polya's model problem solving to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities.
BEHAVIORAL STUDY OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE LOW COST CONCRETE[Full-Text ] GOVINDASAMI. S, SWETHA S, MANOJKUMAR M, AJITH KUMAR. M, ARUN KUMAR. M, MOHAMMED NAVEED. F, SUGUMAR. DDegradation of ground water quality take place by leachate generated from Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste material’s landfill site. An illegal disposal site may also attract the illegal disposal of other types of waste, including conventional municipal waste, industrial waste and hazardous waste. This would further impact the site and increase the future cost for cleaning up an impacted or contaminated site. In view of protecting the environment, this study was carried out with an objective of utilizing demolished waste effectively. So, lean mix concrete of 1:3:6 was prepared and experiment was carried out by using concrete demolition waste with fly ash and M-sand as replacing materials instead of cement and fine aggregate.
A cross sectional study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice of the Nurses regarding Neonatal Sepsis at Allied Hospital Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Aneeta KhalidObjective: To determine the knowledge and practice of the nurses regarding Neonatal sepsis in Allied Hospital Faisalabad.
Impact of COVID19 on the GDP v/s Pollution - A case of China[Full-Text ] Geethu Thomas, Seba Abdu ShukhurAmidst the global economic slowdown triggered by the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a considerable drop in the pollution levels across countries. As economies thrive to recover, there lies an opportunity to adopt some sustainable pathways towards a stable and better economy
Some Cyber Security Hygienic Protocols For Teleworkers In Covid-19 Pandemic Period And Beyond[Full-Text ] Arnold Mashud Abukari and Edem Kwedzo BankasThe emergence of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) has threaten individuals, organisations and Government Agencies across the world and grounded almost everything to a halt. COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly asymmetrically around the world after it was first observed in Wuhan, China. Economies are crashing and businesses are at the verge of collapse. Individuals or employees are working from home in the form of teleworking others too have stopped working.
Extent of Technology Utilization of Secondary Teachers: Basis for Open Educational Resources Training Workshop[Full-Text ] Mary Ann G. Valentino, Maria Aiza G. De GuzmanThe Department of Education is very dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, to the study and clarification of values and to the advancement of the society they serve. The advancement of knowledge can generate an almost palpable excitement in the life of an educational institution. It is tied inextricably to the freedom to think freshly, to see propositions of every kind in ever changing light.
Mapping Areas at Risk of Forest Fires Using the GIS and Remote Sensing in the Hinterland of the Tangier Med Port (Morocco)[Full-Text ] Abderrahim Maktite, Ali Faleh Moroccan natural environments have undergone in recent decades considerable degradation related primarily to the development of populations and the pressure they have exerted on natural resources.
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND THE ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED (EVA) OF NON-BANK FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Bingilar Paymaster Frank, Bariweni BinaebiThis research paper investigated the relationship between corporate social responsibility activities of manufacturing companies their financial performance in terms of economic value added. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, data was collected from ten (10) manufacturing companies quoted on the Nigeria stock exchange for the period spanning 2013 to 2019. The objective of the research was to determine how manufacturing companies expenditures on environmental management and donations to charitable organizations affect their economic value added. Data collected for the study was analyzed using OLS panel regression technique.
ASSESSING THE PROSPECT OF COAL BED METHANE IN KHALASHPIR COAL BASIN, BANGLADESH[Full-Text ] Hridita Ferdous, Wahida AkhtarThis paper is a primary approach to make assessments on utilizing deep-seated coal by considering coal bed methane technology in the Khalashpir Coal Basin in Bangladesh. An estimation of gas content of each coal zones has been made from the available secondary data. Lifetime of a 240 MW power plant has also been calculated considering all the measured gas is used to generate electricity.
Design and Implementation of Line Follower Robot using Arduino Microcontroller[Full-Text ] Quazi Taif Sadat, Syed Khalid Rahman, Tabassum E Nur, Neelanjana Subin Ferdous This paper describes the basic architecture, operation of individual components, basic algorithm, working principle and applications of a line follower robot. A line follower robot is a device that detects and follows back and forth a specified line with a contrasted color drawn on the floor. The line can also be normal. It uses one or more sensors in the IR array to detect the line and keep the robot strictly on the track. DC motors controls the move-ment of the wheels of the robot.
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ICJ VERDICT OVER THE BAKASSI CONFLICT: AN APPRAISAL OF THE GREENTREE ACCORD 2006-2013[Full-Text ] Fichanfie DJ Nkwain NgamfonThe GTA of 2006 offered a framework for the implementation of the ICJ verdict of October 2002 that ended the long animosity which characterised the Cameroon- Nigeria border. In a bid to render the implementation of the decision of the World Court more feasible and increase the prospects for peace between them, the two contiguous states of Cameroon and Nigeria decided to sign an agreement in 2006 in the presence of then Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, and some other witnesses
Currency Recognition System Using Image Processing[Full-Text ] Dr. Ritu Sindhu, Pranshu VermaIn this paper, we proposed an automatic currency recognition system using digital image processing methodology. The following project mainly focuses on the recognition of currency by its image or photograph. It will help users to recognize details about currency like Currency Value, Currency Name, the value in INR, EURO and US Dollar. It works using the main characteristics of currency notes such as size colour or printed text on it and also depends on differ in currency notes within the same country. We have considered INDIAN Rupee and US Dollar, the most used currencies in our domain with their denominations. This system works accurately and also able to quickly identify the currency notes.
LOW COST FARM HOUSE USING STRAW BALE[Full-Text ] MD WAQUAR TAIYEB, MIRZA SHAHAB HUSAINThe price of the material is growing with the faster rate in developing country. The development material plays a vital role in the infrastructural design of the nation. Now a days a lot of activity is going on the development material to reduce the cost of the development. Among the various majority of material comes from the agriculture. And these material losses as a waste heap which leads to the breathing and number of other lungs problem. So in this journal paper straw is being utilize as alternative material.
The Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Earnings Management in Egyptian listed firms in the Stock Market[Full-Text ] Amr E. Hassan, Mohamed M. Soliman, Aiman A. Ragab, Mohamed A. RagebIn fact, the Egyptian environment is an interesting setting in which to assess the relation between corporate governance mechanisms and earnings management. It could be found that few types of research considered the association between corporate governance and earnings management, while there is no research to study this relationship in Egypt for the periods after revolutions. Thus, this research aim is achieved by conducting model to examine the impact of Board of Director, Audit Committee Existence and Ownership Structure on Earnings management.
Permanence du « travail des enfants » dans les communautés agricoles baoulés à Grand Zattry et maintien des structures locales d’acquisition des compétences socio-professionnelles[Full-Text ] Bla Ypodé Guéaybomin Emmanuel, Lago Akabla Yvon, Droh De Bloganqueaux Soho RusticotThis study analyses the social mechanisms of education in a rural context in cocoa producing households in Lakawèkro (Grand Zattry). It starts from the observation that education in a rural context, particularly in cocoa areas, remains dominated by the permanence of the phenomenon of "child labour" despite remedial actions articulated around the promotion of schooling.
Using Landsat data to determine land use/land cover change and urban sprawl trend in Damaturu city, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Karagama Kolo Geidam, Abba Muktar, Abubakar Liman and Alhaji Mustapha IsaThis study investigated the trend of urban sprawl and land use land cover change in Damaturu city between 1986 and 2017 using the tools and techniques of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems with the view to examining the direction of the continuous expansion of the city. Landsat imageries of the area were obtained, processed and classified and later overlaid to determine the pattern of changes in land use, direction and extent of expansion during the study period.
COVID-19 A Preventative and Treatment Approach[Full-Text ] Allybocus Zubair AkbarThe year 2020’s pandemic is caused by a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which binds to human ACE2 receptors via SARS-CoV-2 virus Spike glycoproteins. ACE2 receptors being present on multiple human tissues, act as an entry port for the virus in human cells, and consequently result in a myriad of symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. Once a person is tested and confirmed positive for the presence of SARS-Cov-19 in his/her body, a series of preventive and treatment protocols are initiated.
General Guidelines for Fleet and Operations Department of Car Rental Industries once Government lifts the Locked Down[Full-Text ] Mr. Nandan M VartakWe all are going through very difficult phase which has affected each ones business very badly. Everything is in a stand and still situation. Each one is incurring sizable amount of losses each day which is passing by with ZERO work/ZERO car on road. Receipt and payment cycle has also halted adding fuel to the fire.
Deconstructing ‘Ethics’ in Journalism: How Indian media is neglecting its social responsibility?[Full-Text ] Ms. Sutikshya MallickA famous proverb of Journalism says, ?If a DOG bites a man it‘s not NEWS, but if a MAN bites a DOG, it‘s News.? But that does not necessarily mean that you need to stick to ?Unusual‘ to gain popularity and stardom.
Impact of Individual’s Income on Music Piracy and It’s Purchase[Full-Text ] Chirag Patwari, Vibhor JainMusic piracy has been an important concern for companies as well as singers all over. Digital piracy or any kind of piracy in that matter usually harms the sales of original content and effects the company of the artist. Through this research paper, the aim is to find out its impact and analyse if how individuals react to music piracy.
A Review on “Production of Furfural from Biomass”[Full-Text ] Mr. Ashish Baldania, Prof. (Dr.) Bhalchandra Vibhute, Prof. (Dr.) Sachin ParikhIn the current search for renewable energy sources, residual biomass has been highlighted as a potential source of chemical compounds that are currently obtained from petroleum. Among the derivatives obtained from this furfural is considered key part in this process as they are key compounds in the fine chemical industry. This study aims use of the pinewood and corncorb for the synthesis of furfural.
A Brief Review “Production of Activated Carbon from Wood Waste (Biomass)” [Full-Text ] Mr. Ashish Baldania, Prof. (Dr.) Bhalchandra Vibhute, Prof. (Dr.) Sachin ParikhPine Wood (Biomass) is typically used for furniture manufacture because of its high durability, light and easy to work. During furniture manufacturing process, large amount of waste is generated causing disposal environmental problems. In this paper, the residual waste is transformed into an activated material using pyrolysis.