Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2013 Edition
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CULTURE-BASED ADAPTIVE WEB DESIGN[Full-Text ] Alao Olujimi Daniel, Adekunle Yinka, Ibikunle Frank,Shodiya AdesinaIn order for a website to be locally accepted, the design of the website should accommodate local users' cultural preferences or home culture. Also, websites, which is a form of marketing, must take place in the culture of the target audience or country. The aim of this paper therefore is to explore cultural issues that influence design of websites and to create a framework for cultural adaptation of websites. To achieve these ends, the research employs descriptive/interpretive studies of the literature and previous studies by academics and industrial institutions with regard to culture and web interface design. This paper introduces an approach for website cultural customization based on the core asset development of software product technique and aspect oriented programming. The main idea behind it is to develop websites, which is adapted to the user's culture by producing different variants of webpage's interface according to user's cultural preference.The main contribution of this study is the identification of what characterizes usable websites with reference to cultural needs of the users, specific web features applicable to cultural dimensions that can enhance cultural understanding and will also help web designers to customize their websites to specific cultures. The research findings also contribute to the general field of software/web localization and personalization.
Mobile Oriented System for Prescription in Herbal Medicine[Full-Text ] Ogirima Sanni A.O, Olabiyisi Stephen O, Omidiora Elijah O and Fagbola Temitayo MThe sporadic influx of mobile phones has posed new opportunities for the proliferation of robust user-centric applications for mobile users. Review of existing research works in herbal medicine reveals that the potential of mobile platforms has not been exploited to aid herbal medicine survival. In light of this, a mobile-oriented decision support system for herbal medicine prescription is proposed in this paper. The proposed system was evaluated based on the users' assessment to determine the efficiency of the proposed system in terms of ease of usage, reliability and relevance of the system. Questionnaire and oral interview were tools used to gather relevant data to measure the performance of the system. Results of the analysis of the respondents' data revealed that the proposed system offers high degree of ease of usage and reliability while the SMS feature allows it to be highly emergency-compliant. The proposed system is self diagnostic and does not only have a role to play in enhancing decision making but also in the study of diagnostic protocol, self-assessment and quality control in the domain of herbal prescription.
Field Hockey better psychological performance through the yogic training.[Full-Text ] Boggiti Rajesh Jayaratnam, Dr.N.S.DileepIn This paper we are taken these following methods " Field Hockey better psychological performance through the yogic training." we are taken 60 players It was concluded that twelve weeks yogic exercises significantly altered anxiety, aggression, self-confidence of the inter university hockey players. It was concluded that six weeks autogenic exercises significantly altered anxiety, aggression, self-confidence, achievement motivation and stress of the inter university hockey players. It was concluded that there was no significant differences between yogic exercises and autogenic training groups on anxiety, aggression, and self-confidence of the interuniversity hockey players. Compare to previous work anxiety is saved of 8% aggression is saved of 99% and self-confidence is saved of 99%.
Language-based text Segmentation using Word Frequency Statistics - an Experimental Analysis[Full-Text ] Nicholas Akosu, Obasan AdebolA & Norafida IthninIn text processing it is often necessary to process a large amount of text in order to achieve Segmentation. The main objective of this research is to study the word frequency statistics of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) translations in fifteen (15) languages with a view to systematically reduce the quantity of text to be processed in order to achieve a specific task. This will form part of an extended study to investigate possibilities of utilizing the Pareto principle to attain enhanced performance for language identification algorithms.
Secure Routing Using Trust Based Mechaniam in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs)[Full-Text ] Mrs.S.Devisri, Mr.C.BalasubramaniamWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a most challenging and emerging technology for the research. Today wireless sensor networks are broadly used in environmental control, Surveillance tasks, maintaining tracking and controlling etc. On the top of all this the wireless Sensor Networks need very secure communication. Ensuring confidence between every pair of interacting nodes is important in this type of networks .This paper introduce a new framework for the formation of trustworthy route from source node to Base Station(BS) for secure routing of messages in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Flammability and Moisture absorption test of rigid polyurethane foam [Full-Text ] Sripathy.M, Dr.K.V.SharmaThe objective of this paper was to investigate flammability and moisture absorption capacity of polyurethane foam produced from methylene di-isocyanate (MDI) and polyether polyol (PP). Four types of polyurethane foam specimen were prepared using different ratios of methylene di-isocyanate (MDI) and polyether polyol. Flammability and moisture absorption tests were conducted as per ASTM D standards.
RFID-Based Students Attendance Management System[Full-Text ] Arulogun O. T., Olatunbosun, A., Fakolujo O. A., and Olaniyi, O. M.In recent years, there have been rise in the number of applications based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems and have been successfully applied to different areas as diverse as transportation, health-care, agriculture, and hospitality industry to name a few. RFID technology facilitates automatic wireless identification using electronic passive and active tags with suitable readers. In this paper, an attempt is made to solve recurrent lecture attendance monitoring problem in developing countries using RFID technology. The application of RFID to student attendance monitoring as developed and deployed in this study is capable of eliminating time wasted during manual collection of attendance and an opportunity for the educational administrators to capture face-to-face classroom statistics for allocation of appropriate attendance scores and for further managerial decisions.
Virtual Topology Expansion Method For Dynamic Traffic Grooming In WDM Mesh Networks[Full-Text ] M.kalaiyarasi and S.AlagumaniThis paper deals with virtual topology expansion method (VTE) for dynamic traffic grooming in wavelength division multiplexing networks. Dynamic grooming deals with requests for wavelength allocation based on a dynamic pattern of arrivals in contrast to the situation of static grooming in which the pattern of arrivals must be previously known. Solutions for dynamic grooming typically involve the construction of an auxiliary graph for deciding on the routing and wavelength assignment. An auxiliary graph can represent the network partially leading to scalable solutions. However, a previous proposal employing a reduced auxiliary graph produces blocking that is not fairly distributed among calls. A novel algorithm is thus proposed in this paper for achieving fairness in relation to the blocking of calls. This algorithm uses alternative routing rather than shortest-path routing as well as auxiliary graphs based on the virtual topology. Results give a low cost for path establishment by virtual topology expansion (VTE) algorithm than by previously proposed zone based algorithms (ZBA) algorithms.
A Comparative Analysis of the Provisions of Smoke Control Systems in Buildings of National Building Code of India with other International Building Codes[Full-Text ] Prof. Pratima Dhoke, Dr. Ravi Bhargava, Dr. Shorab JainThe paper aims to study the requirements for Smoke movement and Control in buildings provided in National Building Code of India (NBC) 2005 and compare the provisions for the same with that in the International Building Code (IBC) 2006 andNational Fire Protection AssociationNFPA 92A- Recommended Practice for Smoke Control Systems, 2000 Edition. It aims to study these documents in terms of their purpose, content and scope for Smoke Control in Buildings. It is an attempt to analyse and compare the approach to smoke control issues of each code.
A brief survey of a DCT-Based Speech Enhancement System[Full-Text ] S.C.Shekokar, Prof. M. B. MaliDiscrete Cosine Transform (DCT) has similar performance to the Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) & same properties to the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). It is advantageous for speech enhancement as it provides better energy compaction capability. Though there is a perfectly stationary signal, frame to frame variations of DCT coefficients are observed. In pitch synchronous analysis DCT based speech enhancement system is introduced to overcome the problem. The window shift is based on pitch period hence the drawbacks of fixed window shift are reduced by DCT. Afterwards a Wiener filter with an adaptive controller is used to noise. This proposed speech enhancement system gives good quality of speech which can be used in no. of applications.
Photo - Luminescence Studies of a novel NLO (ZTS) Crystal[Full-Text ] K.Senthil Kannan, S.Gunasekaran, Seethalakshmi.KA, Bhrigunath Prasad Single crystals of semi organic Zinc Tris Thiourea sulphate were grown by solution growth technique. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of ZTS crystal substantiates the orthorhombic crystal structure. Temperature reliant Luminescence study from 300K to 77K (27oC to - 196oC) exhibits peaks of one violet, two blue and one green emission. Results are given and discussed.
False Two-Body Problem Reduction and Formulation[Full-Text ] Bishal BanjaraIn mechanics, we are using a kind of equation that says that the two masses existing separately can be reduced into one single form such that the reduced form lies within the limit between the lower mass to half of the one mass for every kind of masses taken in reference. But, in this paper I am going to show such deduction of equation is not correct. In short, I can say that it is derived with correct vector geometry but in wrong concept of central force exerting phenomenon emphasizing that mass can't be reduced in such a manner.
Design optimal Fractional PID Controller for Inverted Pendulum with Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Mehdi Yousefi Tabari, Ali Vahidian KamyadAn intelligent optimization method for designing Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controller's base Genetic Algorithm (GA) ear presented in this paper. Fractional calculus can provide novel and higher performance extension for FOPID controllers. However, the difficulties of designing FOPID controllers increase, because FOPID controllers append derivative order and integral order in comparison with traditional PID controllers. To design the parameters of FOPID controllers. Experimental results show the proposed design method can design effectively the parameters of FOPID controllers.
Implementation of Parallel Interference Cancellation Algorithm for Rake Receiver and Comparison with MRC[Full-Text ] Ms. Samta JainIn order to suppress the Multiple-Access Interference (MAI) in the DS CDMA system, a new RAKE receiver based on parallel interference elimination is proposed in this paper. The multiple-access interference is evaluated by tentative decision and known user information. Then the performance over Rayleigh fading channel are analyzed and compared to MRC receiver and PIC RAKE receiver. It is shown that RAKE receiver performance can be improved greatly by using Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) method with simple structure and easy implementation
Binding Properties And Anti-Microbial Activity Studies Of Ag Nanoparticles[Full-Text ] Priyadharsini K and Vasanthan TMicrobial contamination is a major issue everywhere ranging from industries to consumables including water which makes antimicrobial agents more important. The binding of Ag nanoparticles on cellulose nitrate membrane and its antimicrobial activity synthesised by different methods against the bacteria - E.Coli, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Candida and Staphylococcus were studied. Ag nanoparticles were initially synthesised by chemical method using Sodium citrate. The solution containing Ag nanoparticles were then passed by syringe filters through two cellulose nitrate filter membrane of pore size - 0.2µm and 0.45µm. The two filtrates and the two discs (filter membranes) were checked for anti-microbial activity against E.Coli, Bacillus and Pseudomonas by disc and well method. Inhibition zone was seen only in E.coli culture. In the next step, the E.coli culture in liquid medium was centrifuged and the supernatant was taken as the biological medium to grow silver nanoparticles to which the discs were added to initiate the Ag nanoparticles synthesis. Antibacterial activity of biologically synthesised Ag nanoparticles was studied against Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Candida and Staphylococcus. The inhibition zone was seen for Bacillus and Staphylococcus culture with increase in size of inhibition zone. 0.45µm membrane filter was more effective due to large no. of nanoparticles. The effect of biosynthesis of Ag nanoparticles on anti-microbial activity, particle size and binding of Ag nanoparticles were also studied.
Characterization of Mono-crystalline Silicon from Rice Husk Ash[Full-Text ] OLAWALE, O, AKINMOLADUN, A.I, OYAWALE, F.A. and Atiko RejoiceIn this research, High purity silica was prepared by reflux raw rice husks (RRH) in oxalic acid which further removed the impurities, then burnt at 650ºC for 3 hours. The aim of this research is characterisation of micro crystalline silicon production from rice husk ash. The obtained white ash was examined by XRD. Silicon was prepared by metallothermal reduction of pure silica at 650ºC for 3 hours, using magnesium (99% purity) as a reducing agent. The results from X Ray Diffraction (XRD) patterns and Raman spectra indicated that the powder was micro crystalline silicon. The surface morphology of the powder was revealed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) showing porosity due to acid leaching.
The Full Lorentz Force Formula Reposible For Turbulence In Solids And Fluids And Explained Faraday's Paradox[Full-Text ] Asya S SkalAccording to the literature, the conservation of momentum equation needs to be coupled with the mass conservation equation [1]. However they cannot create a coupled system of equations of motion because they ignored third Newton law. The conservation of momentum equation is a Newton's second law of motion, whereas conservation of mass belongs to kinematics. No one motion in nature can be described only by Newton's second law without Newton's third law [2] Coupling NS equation with diffusion equation we obtained the new fundamental equation of turbulent phase transition in both solids and fluid [3], which consists of two non-linear terms which consists of two Lorentz forces: usual backside force and a new longitudinal force, that responsible for turbulence and explained Faraday's paradox.
On Fractional Schrodinger Equation and Its Application[Full-Text ] Avik Kumar MahataIn the note, recent efforts to derive fractional quantum mechanics are recalled. Time-space fractional Schrodinger equation with and without a Non Local term also been discussed. Applications of a fractional approach to the Schrodinger equation for free electron and potential well are discussed as well.
Automizing DC and Induction Motors Based System Through GSM Technology[Full-Text ] Muhammad Waseem Khan, Arsalan ArifThe main objective of this paper is to control the speed of AC & DC motors, through cell phone by using Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) technique. Microcontroller is the central part of this paper which is controlling all the process i.e. Direction of DC motor, check for over voltage, under voltage and over load of both the motors. In case any problem happens among the given conditions, motor will be stops automatically, display the problem on LCD & switch on the concerned LED and also inform the owner through SMS.
Role of Man in Global Warming[Full-Text ] Aman MaqboolThe purpose of this technical paper is to highlight the role that man plays in causing Global warming. It is very essential to realise that global warming is mainly caused because of natural factors which are more or less inevitable. Global Warming which today without a doubt is a topic of pandemic concern is also a topic which people have very less "actual" idea about. Various scientists and esteemed professors have been misguiding people over the years and have been causing an international swindle. This paper is an attempted eye-opener. The paper will be highlighting some of the major flaws in the theory of global warming (caused by human activities); common beliefs and myths will be cleared not by objectionable opinions but on the basis of scientific research.
Field Investigations on Temperature Differentials and Curling Strains in High Volume Fly Ash Concrete Pavement[Full-Text ] Aravindkumar Harwalkar and Dr.S.S.AwantiIn this study an attempt has been made to establish temperature profiles across different thicknesses for pavement quality high volume fly ash concrete (PQHVFAC) and conventional concrete (PCC). To accomplish this three small square slabs each for PQHVFAC and PCC were cast. Also two instrumented pavement test sections, one of PQHVFAC and another of PCC, were constructed adjacent to small square slabs. A total number of 32 sensors consisting of 20 thermistors and 12 number of vibrating wire strain gages have been used. Three dimensional finite element analysis (3DFE) using ANSYS software was carried out to determine the curling stresses and strains. Also parametric study using 3DFE analysis and Westergaard-Bradbury's technique was carried out. The temperature profiles across the different thicknesses of both types of concrete were non linear. The values of temperature differentials were higher for PQHVFAC than PCC. Both 3DFE and classical approaches give conservative estimate of curling strains.
Gradual Transition Detection Algorithms in Video Segmentation: A Survey [Full-Text ] Salim A. Chavan, Sudhir G. AkojwarA large number of shot boundary detection, or equivalently, transition detection techniques have been developed in recent years. The shot boundary detection includes abrupt and gradual shot change detection. Gradual shot change detection is more challenging task than abrupt shot change detection. Thus aim of this paper is mainly to focus on gradual boundary detection. Previous researches related to gradual shot change detection yields different methods such asTwin comparison method, Feature-based detection, DCD method etc. This survey paper discuss various algorithms used for gradual shot change detection. Performance measures such as precision and recall, for testing different algorithms are also considered
Extension of Otolorin's Scheme to a System Of Nonlinear Equations with Singular Jacobian[Full-Text ] Sandeep SinghIn this paper, we extend the idea of Otolorin's [1] for solving a single variable nonlinear equation to a system of non linear equations, Permitting Singular Jacobian at some points in the vicinity of the required root. It is proved that this modification has quadratic convergence. Using this modification, we further presented new cubically convergent Predictor-corrector type method free from second order derivative. The proposed algorithms are simple and straight forward to implement, Several numerical examples are given to illustrate their efficiency and the performance of the presented methods Therefore, these methods may be viewed as an extension and generalization of the existing methods.
Cloud Base Height Retrieval from Portable Automated Lidar Data by Wavelet Analysis[Full-Text ] Gerry Bagtasa, Nobuo Takeuchi, Hiroaki KuzeThe Portable Automated Lidar (PAL) has been shown to be effective in observing cloud dynamics and aerosol optical properties in the troposphere. The continuous monitoring of the atmosphere, however, has indicated that the detection range is rather limited for the daytime data because of the background noise from the sky radiance. Here we apply the wavelet denoising method to improve the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the time-dependent lidar data. As a result, SNR increased by 7.9% when compared to data smoothing based on moving average. Moreover, the analysis of wavelet coefficients enables direct retrieval of the cloud base height. It is found through manual comparison that this method shows 4.4 times less false positive and 2.1 times less false negative detection on average, when compared to a conventional method such as the threshold method.
What Influence Consumers Buying Global Brands? Empirical Evidence from Consumers in the Republic of Macedonia[Full-Text ] Hasim Deari, Rametulla Ferati, Eldian BallaIn today's global markets it's very important to understand why consumers prefer to buy much more foreign brands than the local brands. This question is related why companies' moves toward global brands but meanwhile are consumers certain when they decide to buy such brands. This paper seeks to explain consumer perception regarding global brands. Also, this paper is important for reason that until now has little scientifically attention in country that we are going to make this investigation. As well, this study investigated the main factors that are important in consumer perspective and decision process when it comes to buy foreign brands than the local brands. Methodology that we have used in this research is quantitative and qualitative researches for the main reason that this study to be much more scientific. A total of 320 questionnaire responses were used to empirically test hypothesis for global brands. This study found that the motivation factors has a significant influence in the preferences for global brands, global brand attitude, brand judgment and brand feeling has positive effect in consumers decision for global brands.
Different Modelling and Controlling Technique For Stabilization Of Inverted Pendulam[Full-Text ] K.Chakraborty,,R.R. Mukherjee, S. MukherjeeIn this paper modeling of an inverted pendulum has been done and then two different controllers (PID & SFB) have been used for stabilization of the pendulum. The proposed system extends classical inverted pendulum by incorporating two moving masses. The motion of two masses that slide along the horizontal plane is controllable .The results of computer simulation for the system with Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) & State Feedback Controllers are shown.
Comparison of Various Classification Techniques for Satellite Data[Full-Text ] Manoj Pandya, Astha Baxi, M.B. Potdar, M.H. Kalubarme, Bijendra AgarwalComputer interpretation of remote sensing data is referred to as quantitative analysis because of its ability to identify pixels based upon their numerical properties and owing to its ability for counting pixels for area estimates. It is also generally called classification, which is a method by which labels may be attached to pixels in view of their spectral character. This labeling is implemented by a computer by having trained it beforehand to recognize pixels with spectral similarities. Clearly the image data for quantitative analysis must be available in digital form. This is an advantage with image data types, such as that from Landsat, SPOT, IRS, etc, as against more traditional aerial photographs. The latter require digitization before quantitative analysis can be performed. Various classification techniques adopted in this study include unsupervised classifiers like K-Means, ISODATA and supervised classifiers like Minimum Distance, Maximum Likelihood Classifier, Parallelpiped and Enhanced Seeded region Growing Technique.
An Integrated and Efficient Approach for Enhanced Medical Image Compression using SPIHT and LZW Coding[Full-Text ] G.Prabhakar, B.RamasubramanianThis paper proposes the efficient medical image compression as a combined approach of SPIHT and Lempel Ziv Welch coding. This novel method consists of steps such as splitting the image into bit planes and enhancing each bit plane image using the histogram equalization technique, and then it is decomposed by using 2D Fast wavelet transform and gets compressed by the Set Partitioning in Hierarichal tress algorithm. The SPIHT algorithm results in a large amount of seriate '0' situation. Hence finally it is again encoded with the effective LZW technique to improve the compression ratio and also to increase the picture to signal noise ratio. This combined approach is applied for both colour & gray scale images which also helps in increasing the quality of picture.
WSLA Based Dynamic Monitoring and Pricing of Web Services[Full-Text ] M.Mohemmed Sha, I.Sherif Baig, C.Rajalakshmi, P.Balaji, DR. K.VivekanandhanIn recent years, web services are considered as the only solution to solve the challenges in distributed web applications and its usage in Business to Business (B2B) integration increases steadily over a period of time. However selection of a web service that matches the user's requirement from the list of services with the same functionality needs more efforts to avoid dissatisfaction. Apart from the functional requirement the quality related aspects also considered for the best selection. Also the customer must need to know the quality of the offered web services as well as the price that they should pay for that quality. After selection, it is always not true that the web service meet the consumer's requirements. Always the clients think that they are paying for the service that is undelivered. In this paper, we are proposing an architecture that automates the costing and reporting the deviation of a web service based on its performance and user satisfaction. The costing is dynamically done by comparing the terms mentioned in the WSLA and the actual metrics measured by the third party, mutually agreed by the signing parties. On the basis of report from the third party we present an experimental validation, results and analysis of the proposed work.
Image Processing for Skin Cancer Features Extraction[Full-Text ] Md.Amran Hossen Bhuiyan, Ibrahim Azad, Md.Kamal UddinThe application of image processing for diagnostics purpose is a non-invasive technique. There is currently a great interest in the prospects of automatic image analysis method for image processing, both to provide quantitative information about a lesion, which can be relevance for the clinical, and as a standalone early warning tool. In order to achieve an effective way to identify skin cancer at an early stage without performing any unnecessary skin biopsies, digital images of melanoma skin lesions have been investigated. To achieve this goal, feature extraction is considered as an essential-weapon to analyze an image appropriately. In this paper, different digital images have been analyzed based on unsupervised segmentation techniques. Feature extraction techniques are then applied on these segmented images. After this, a comprehensive discussion has been explored based on the obtained results.
Introduction to Neural Networks Design Architecture[Full-Text ] Md. Adam Baba, Mohd Gouse Pasha, Shaik Althaf Ahammed, S. Nasira TabassumThis paper is an introduction to Artificial Neural Networks. The various types of neural networks are explained and demonstrated, applications of neural networks are described, and a detailed historical background is provided. The connection between the artificial and the real thing is also investigated and explained. Finally, the mathematical models involved are presented and demonstrated. During the last ten years neural networks have shown their worth. The success of a neural network approach is deeply dependent on the right network architecture. The architecture of a neural network determines the number of neurons in the network and the topology of the connections within the network. The emphasis of this paper is on automatic generation of network architecture.
An Examination of CEO Compensation System in Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX/S&P) Retail Companies[Full-Text ] Nulla, Yusuf Mohammed, D.Phil. Ph.D. Student, MSc, MBA, B.Comm.This study investigated CEO compensation system of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX/S&P) retail companies. It attested the relationship between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting performance, and corporate governance, from the period 2005 to period 2010. The ten retail companies were selected through stratified sampling method from TSX/S&P index. The nine statistical models were created to address research question - is there a relationship between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting firm performance, and corporate governance?. It was found that there were relationships: between CEO salary, CEO bonus, and firm size; and between CEO salary, CEO bonus, CEO total compensation, and firm performance. However, it was found that there were no relationships: between CEO total compensation and firm size; and between CEO salary, CEO bonus, CEO total compensation, and corporate governance.
The Effect of Return on Assets (ROA) on CEO Compensation System in TSX/S&P and NYSE Indexes Companies[Full-Text ] Nulla, Yusuf Mohammed, D.Phil. Ph.D. Student, MSc, MBA, B.Comm.This study investigated the relationship between CEO compensation and return on assets (ROA) of TSX/S&P and NYSE indexes companies from 2005 to 2010. The quantitative research method was selected for this research study. The totaled of two hundred and forty companies were selected through stratified sample method for this study. The research question for this study was: among TSX/S&P and NYSE indexes companies, is there a relationship between CEO compensation and return on assets?. It was found that most of the test results were found to have no relationship between CEO compensation and return on assets, except for the relationships between: CEO bonus and ROA in TSX/S&P small sized companies; CEO salary and ROA in NYSE small sized companies; and CEO bonus and ROA in NYSE large sized companies. The correlations among sub variables of CEO salary, CEO bonus, and CEO total compensation, and ROA were found to have weak mixed ratios, among both populations. In addition, in TSX/S&P population, firm size had a mixed effect on the relationship between CEO compensation and ROA relative to positive firm size effect on NYSE population.
The Comprehensive Examination of the Effect of CEO Compensation in TSX/S&P index companies[Full-Text ] Nulla, Yusuf Mohammed, D.Phil. & Ph.D. Student, MSc, MBA, B.Comm.This research study in executive compensation investigated the effect of firm ownership on CEO compensation in Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX/S&P) companies. It had compared the CEO compensation system of owner-managed and management-controlled companies from 2005 to 2010. The research question for this study was: is there a relationship between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting firm performance, and corporate governance, among owner and management-controlled companies?. It was found that, there was a relationship between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting performance, and corporate governance, except for the relationship between CEO bonus and corporate governance in management-controlled companies. The correlations between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting performance, and corporate governance among owner and management-controlled companies were ranged from weak negative to strong positive ratios.
CEO Age and Top Executive Officer Compensation: An Empirical Study on Canadian Companies[Full-Text ] Nulla, Yusuf Mohammed, D.Phil. & Ph.D. Student, MSc, MBA, B.Comm.This research study investigated the effect of CEO age on CEO compensation using accounting performance as an independent variable or benchmark on TSX/S&P companies from 2005 to 2010. The quantitative research and stratified sample methods were selected for this research. The research question for this study was: is there a relationship between CEO compensation and CEO age using accounting performance as a benchmark. It was found that there was a relationship between CEO salary, CEO bonus, CEO total compensation, CEO age, and accounting performance among all CEO age groups. The correlations between CEO salary, CEO bonus, CEO total compensation, CEO age, return on assets, return on equity, earnings per share, cash flow per share, net profit margin, common stocks outstanding, book and market values of common stocks outstanding were ranged from moderate negative to strong positive ratios.
CEO Duality, Compensation, and Accounting Performance: Evidence from TSX/S&P Companies [Full-Text ] Nulla, Yusuf Mohammed, D.Phil. Ph.D. Student, MSc, MBA, B.Comm.This research study had investigated the effect of CEO and CEO/Chairman duality roles to CEO compensation, using accounting performance as an independent variable. The total of one hundred and twenty companies was selected through stratified sample method from Toronto Stock Exchange (TXS/S&P) companies. The sampled data were collected from 2005 to 2010. The quantitative research method was selected for this research study. The total of six statistical models was developed to address the research question of this study. That is, is there a relationship between CEO compensation, and CEO and CEO/Chairman duality roles?. It was found that there was a relationship between CEO salary, CEO bonus, CEO total compensation, and CEO and CEO/Chairman duality roles. The correlations between CEO compensation and accounting performance were ranged from weak to strong ratios, under both types of role. More importantly, it was found that, companies where CEO/Chairman duality role existed had received higher compensation than companies where the only CEO role was placed.
Experimental Study of Water Hammer Phenomena in Drinking Water Pipeline Distribution Using Video Camera Method[Full-Text ] Agus Maryono, Adhy Kurniawan, Suhanan, Masrur Alatas, Alan Maris Ridho. A, Arif Budi WicaksonoThe huge energy potencies in the pressure release chamber on the drinking water pipeline distribution can be utilized by installing the micro hydropower turbine. The problem that may be occurred is the water hammer effect which is caused by sudden closure of a valve or malfunction of the turbine. Water hammer means a transient condition of fluid that is occurred while hydraulic operation. An initial steady state hydraulic flow suddenly changes because of valve off or clogging. This transient wave leads to a high pressure change dramatically that may damage the penstock, break the seal or break the turbine. Therefore prevention of water hammer phenomena should be taken in account properly. This research is an experimental study on micro hydropower turbine in the laboratory scale intended to provide solutions for reducing water hammer effect. The research is conducted to observe the effect of time closure of the valve to water hammer and the solution due to installation of bifurcation pipe as a release valve before the turbine inlet. This research proposes a simple method by using a video camera and slow motion playback to observe the water hammer effect, so that the pressure transient can be captured. This research resulted that the method using video camera and slow motion playback can be used effectively to visualize the pressure transient, and the water hammer effect can be reduced with the delaying of time closure of the valve. The bifurcation did not give significant result in reducing the water hammer effect compared to pipe with turbine without bifurcation. These results are also comparable with the theoretical calculation.
Theory of bending of light on passing through the surface of any object[Full-Text ] Bishal BanjaraThe real science behind the starlight bent during a total solar eclipse is not because of the General Theory of relativity but it's the combine effect of optical power of lens used with the intensity of illumination of visible lights those were coming from the star. In general, it can be any other objects other than extreme gravitational masses to produce such bent of visible lights, thus enhancing to change the entire concepts of space and other natural sciences. The mathematical formulation for such phenomenon is explained by the following equation? ?=ß(xP?_W)/IDf where, letters have their usual meanings.
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) of Rock Samples from Blue Nile Gorge, East Gojjam, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Asres Yihunie Hibstie, A.K.Chaubey, Awoke Taddesse Hailu and Dilbetigle Assefa Mamo Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is an analytical technique based on the measurement of radio-nuclides formed directly or indirectly by neutron irradiation of the material of interest. The main objective of this study is to assess elemental availability and concentration in rock samples of the Blue Nile Gorge area between Gohatsion and Dejen towns. The hydrocarbon potential of the Paleozoic sediments is much debated in this Grand Canyon.The authors maintain that the hydrocarbons were frequently remobilized and redistributed into younger sediments. Paleozoic rocks could have produced significant amount of hydrocarbons in areas characterized by strong Mesozoic sedimentary subsidence. The recent developments in activation analysis techniques now offer the prospect of rapid, reliable analyses for many elements in concentrations as small as parts per million or parts per billion. The neutrons obtained from isotopic neutron source of (a, n) type were used in this paper.
Hydrogeochemical Study in Groundwater Quality In and Around Sajjanpur Area, Satna District, Madhya Pradesh, India[Full-Text ] S.K.Mishra, U.K.Mishra, A.K.Tripathi, A.K.Singh and A.K.MishraTotal of twenty groundwater samples collected in post monsoon season of 2012 and were analysed to see their suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. The paper deals with hydrogeochemical study in groundwater quality around Sajjanpur area, Satna district, Madhya Pradesh. The area is drained by a Tons river and its tributaries having dendritic to subparallel drainage pattern. Geologically, the area is occupied by Upper Rewa sandstone of Rewa Group; Ganurgarh shale and Bhander limestone formations of Bhander Group, Vindhyan Supergroup. The water samples from Karstic limestone and shaly aquifers are moderately hard to very hard in nature. The higher amount of total dissolved solids in a few samples is due to impervious nature of shale aquifer. The concentration of fluoride in a few samples exceed maximum permissible limit (1.5mg/l) due to fluoride mineral associated with Bhander limestone aquifer. The study reveals that groundwater samples is more or less within prescribed limits as per World Health Organisation (WHO) and Indian Standard (ISI) for drinking purpose. As per Chadha's scheme of classification, the groundwater of the study area is Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-SO4 -Cl type. The calculated sodium adsorption ratio values suggest excellent quality for irrigation. The other parameters such as percent sodium, Kelley's ratio, Permeability index and Residual sodium carbonate suggest that the groundwater of the study area is suitable for irrigation purpose.
KIRAN EFFECT: The phenomenon that explains the presence of alternate versions of reality[Full-Text ] Author: Kiran Sreedhar R This article presents before the world a scientific discovery. KIRAN EFFECT is the phenomenon that explains the presence of alternate versions of reality. It is a complete mathematical model. It has been derived from Einstein's Special theory of relativity (Time dilation) by KIRAN SREEDHAR R and hence the name "KIRAN EFFECT". It is obtained by taking a third frame of reference inside the second frame such that there is no relative motion between the first and the third frame. This gives a complete mathematical proof that there exist alternate versions of reality at the macro level apart from quantum level. This theory which is derived from Einstein's relativity can serve as a bridge between Quantum physics and Relativity thereby being a gift to the modern physics in reaching it's goal of the great UNIFICATION theory.
Reason for the elliptical motion of planets around the star during revolution[Full-Text ] Bishal BanjaraIn the astronomy section, till date the real cause for the motion of the planets in the elliptical form is not accurately. So, I am here to give a grand practical model that can explain the real cause for real elliptical motion of planets around the stars along with the inclinations on their elliptical planes with respect to one another.
Effect of annealing on the structural and optical properties of In2S3 films[Full-Text ] A.E.BekheetIn2S3 thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrates. X-ray diffraction analysis for the as-deposited films showed that they have amorphous structure. On annealing at 573 K films have ß- phase tetragonal polycrystalline structure. The optical constants n and k of the as-deposited and annealed films have been calculated from optical transmittance and reflectance data in the wavelength range 350-2500 nm using Murmann's exact equations. Both n and k are practically independent on the film thickness in the range 210-470 nm. The optical transitions are found to be allowed indirect and direct for the as-deposited and annealed films, and the corresponding energy gaps increase with increasing annealingtemperature.