Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2013 Edition
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Stakeholders and public private partnerships role in tourism management[Full-Text ] S. VijayanandTourism is a multi dimensional activity and it has developed into one of the biggest and fastest growing industries of the world. While the socio- economic benefits of tourism are well known, this paper evidence indicates that the advantages of tourism are rarely equally spread among the key stakeholders. In this concept, sustainable tourism development (STD) as a large approach development aims to equal social and economic objectives with environmentally sound management. The sustainable development as a strategic instrument requires a process of planning and management that unite together a network of interests and stakeholders'concerns in the shape of planning and development. Therefore, the significance of stakeholder cooperation for sustainable tourism development and the local community being the key stakeholders, this paper examines the local community, ideas towards the effects of the Stakeholders and public private partnerships role in tourism management. The result is sustainable development is essential for responding the current issues made by tourism development and to deliver the needs of future generations.
Cellular Proliferation in Oral Mucosal Atypia[Full-Text ] Intisar Salim Pity, Sabria Najeeb IbrahimThe study was an attempt to study the cellular proliferation, by a means of Ki-67 labeling index, in oral mucosal intraepithelial lesions and squamous cell carcinoma to evaluate its potential association with their histologic grades. The cellular proliferation was also evaluated on sections taken from hyperplastic and normal mucosal epithelium in order to determine whether it can be used as a diagnostic aid in evaluating oral mucosal atypia. Fifty five patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (n=19), intraepithelial lesions (n=16), hyperplastic epithelium (n=13) and normal mucosal epithelium (n=7) were enrolled in the study. The Ki-67 labeling index was determined by immunohistochemistry on paraffin sections using avidin-biotin technique and antigen retrieval was done by a pressure pot. Overall, high Ki-67 labeling index was observed in 52.6% of squamous cell carcinoma cases, 62.5% of intraepithelial lesions, 23.1% of hyperplastic epithelium, and nearly none in benign epithelium. The high index was significantly high in both carcinoma and intraepithelial lesions compared with that of hyperplastic epithelium and the high index was associated with graded both carcinoma and intraepithelial lesions. This study confirms and extends previous findings that the Ki-67 labeling index can be used as an indicator to predict the oral mucosal atypia as a pre-malignant or malignant lesion. Its immunohistochemistry emerges as a clinically useful supplement for histopathological assessment of severity of oral squamous cell carcinoma and intraepithelial lesions.
Evaluation of Ground Water Quality along the Sides of Vrushabhavathi River, Bangalore, Karnantaka[Full-Text ] M.Harish Raju and ET PuttaiahTube well and open well samples were collected at different sites along the stream Vrushabhavathi, Bangalore. The Physico-Chemical properties of all the collected 48 samples were evaluated. They were analysed for Temperature, pH, Turbidity, electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Dissolved oxygen, Chloride, Fluoride, Sulphate, Nitrate, Total hardness, Alkalinity, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium. The results obtained were compared with prescribed by WHO and BIS.
Spectral Analysis of Pathological & Normal Speech Signal[Full-Text ] Prof. Syed Mohammad Ali, Dr. Pradeep Tulshiram KaruleDue to nature of jobs, unhealthy social habits people are subjected to risk of voice problem [9]. If there is some neurological disorder then also there is problem of voice disorder. Therefore, voice signal can be a useful tool to diagnose them. The awkwardness of analog equipments has simulated development of digital computer techniques for processing and analysis of pathological speech signal in patients care system. In this paper, normal & pathological speech signals are taken & a system is designed to differentiate normal from abnormal signals. These signals are first preprocessed. Preprocessing techniques involves passing signal through high pass filter, moving average filter (ma), framing & windowing .The windowed signal is given for spectral analysis. In spectral analysis, various methods like logarithmic spectrum, cepstrum, auto correlation of speech signal, spectrogram are applied to differentiate normal & abnormal speech signals. It has been seen that with the above method one can clearly differentiate these signals.
Growth and Spectroscopic studies of Pure and L-Proline doped ZTS crystal (with Taxol)[Full-Text ] K.Senthil Kannan, S.Gunasekaran, Seethalakshmi.KASingle crystals of Zinc thiourea sulphate (ZTS) doped with L-Proline were grown by solution growth method at appropriate temperature with Taxol solution. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy study confirms the assimilation of L- Proline in the ZTS crystal. The doped crystals are optically better and more transparent than the pure ones. Results are given analysed and discussed.
Crystal, X-ray diffraction; Growth from solutions; ZTS; Nonlinear optic materials, Taxol.
Gender Discrimination,Tactics Used Against Females[Full-Text ] Mamonah Ambreen, Anwaar MohyuddinThis study shows the attitudes of the local people regarding gender discrimination and the tactics or strategies used against the females. Different methods are used during the upbringing, socializing and educating their daughters by means of which the girl child is placed in a subordinate, submissive, self sacrificing, passive and subjugated position. People are still relectant to give the due rights of their daughters which may include food allocation, inheritance, health, division of labour, economic activities and education. This study identifies the ways by which the females are kept deprived from their rights. The efforts have been made to find out the culture perception of parents regarding their daughter's socialization and gender discrimination between female and male children while their grooming. This study may help to find out low participation rate with reference to gender empowerment. There is no financial benefits for parents to invest on their daughters. The main focus of the study is to explore the ways and actual reasons for discrimination with reference to gender.
Efficient Authentication In Rfid Devices Using Et Al's Algorithm [Full-Text ] Vinita Sharma, Jitendra Kumar GuptaSecurity plays a vital role during the transmission of private data from one sender to the other. Although there are many security algorithms implemented but here we are providing the security algorithms on the RFID devices. The authentication techniques implemented in RFID is based on the new algorithm based on smart cards. The data send through the tags can be made secure using the proposed algorithm so that the un-authorised users can't access the data without any further unique numbers.
Thinking Circuit[Full-Text ] Mr.Mukesh Raju BangarThe term neural network was traditionally refers to a network or circuit of biological neurons. Biological neural networks are made up of real biological neurons that are connected or functionally related in a nervous system. In the field of neuroscience, they are often identified as groups of neurons that perform a specific physiological function. Thinking circuit is a biological neural network but primarily we can simulate it in artificial neural network which can be use in artificial intelligence. The mechanism of thinking circuit is based on comparison of one type of data with other type of data by means of third type of data. Thinking circuit comprises with many screens i.e. visual, audio, olfactory, gustatory, somatic, motor, total understanding screen, thinking screen, output screen, bridge &initiator. There is one rigid screen which is important part of thinking circuit. These screens are connected to each other in a specific pattern or algorithm such that they can perform thinking process. These algorithms can be embedded in computer or Robotic system.
Application of Neural Network Models in Recognition Field: A Survey[Full-Text ] Richa SharmaNeural Networks are the manipulated form of human brain nervous system. The working of neural network models is highly inspired by the brain nervous system. In this survey paper we demonstrate different kind of neural network models, their architecture, activation functions and their applications in various fields of recognition. In this paper we present a comparative study of neural network models in different fields of recognition.
The ideology behind the welfare state[Full-Text ] PhD Agron RustemiThe challenge faced by each author in the treatment of subjects who have descriptive significance and reflection on contemporary society, surely is the impulse to rediscover the nuances of the given problem. But before we pass in the analysis of social policies, it is advisable that to analyze the notion of the welfare state. Bearing in mind that this is a very dynamic and very actual problem which is directly related to the life and welfare of the people, in this paper, we analyze the various models of the welfare state in the European soil, treated the birth, development and reforming these states, analyze the ideas of the most important writers and thinkers of that time did this issue, focus their effort to classify these states. In the literature, we encounter different definitions of the concept of "state protector" and "welfare state". The concept of "social welfare" expresses the view of an institution to change, and in this context there are many definitions for it. One of these is the definition of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which says: "The social security system allows societies to advance the welfare and security of its citizens, protecting them from vulnerability and poverty, so that they can continue to live a better life!".
Relativity Of Speed Of Light With Rate Of Universe Expansion[Full-Text ] Dhiren SampatTheory of'Relativity of speed of light with rate of universe expansion' explains relation of speed of light with rate of universe expansion. This theory provides evidences that the time can not be relative as stated by'Theory of Special Relativity' and'Theory of General Relativity'.'Theory of Special Relativity and'Theory of General Relativity' are based on fundamental proposition of constancy of speed of light. However, postulates of these theories are not correct. Theory of'Relativity of speed of light with Rate of Universe Expansion' answers fundamental proposition of constancy of speed of light in terms of rate of universe expansion. This theory also explains real reason behind E = mc2.
Hiding Secret Data in DNA Sequence[Full-Text ] Debnath Bhattacharyya, Samir Kumar BandyopadhyayIn this paper, we propose an algorithm to hide secret message in DNA String to increase the security during transmission of data. On preparation, we consider the behavior and characteristics of DNA sequences. In this paper, we propose a new Binary Coded DNA rules towards Data Hiding in DNA. DNA String is identified randomly where a secret message is encoded at Sender's end. Same DNA String is used at Sender's and Receiver's ends. At the Receiver's end, the forwarded secret message is decoded by the help of Message Index that generates at Sender's end.
Performance Analysis of Space Time Block Codes over Time Selective Fading Channels[Full-Text ] K.Sujatha, Dr.S.VaradarajanThe last decade we have witnessed an extraordinary growing interest in the field of wireless communications. Wireless industry has recently turned into a technology known as Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) to minimize errors and optimize data speed. This is done by using multiple transmit and receive antennas, as well as appropriate space-time block code techniques. Due the fact that time-selective fading channels exist, the assumption that the channel is being static over the length of the codeword does. The channel state varies over the number of signal intervals, and in such case the orthogonality of the space-time block code will be destroyed leading to irreducible error floor. This paper deals with orthogonal space-time block coding schemes where time-selective fading channels arise due to Doppler Effect. A realistic channel model was used, where the channel coherency was considered. Modeling the time-selective channels as random processes, a fast and simple decoding algorithm was derived at the receiver. Using MATLABTM as a simulation tool, we provide simulation results demonstrating the performance of four transmit antennas over time-selective fading channels. We illustrate that using multiple transmit antennas and space-time coding outstanding performance can be obtained, under the impact of channel variation.
Prognostic Significance of Microvessel Density in Breast Cancer of Indian Population[Full-Text ] Kamlesh Verma , Sandeep Kumar, A N Srivastava INTRODUCTION : Angiogenesis is of key importance in the process of tumor progression in a number of tumor types including breast cancer . In my study I have used anti CD34 antibody to assess intratumoral microvessel density (MVD) in 96 cases to estimate neo-angiogenesis and compared it in various prognostic groups .OBJECTIVES OF STUDY :To study MVD in malignant breast lumps by immunohistochemistry with CD34 antibody . To compare MVD in different tumor stage , grade and age group. MATERIAL AND METHODS : Part of malignant breast lump removed for tissue biopsy or by mastectomy was used for detection of MVD using antibody against CD34. Counting the number and estimating the density of blood vessels has been used as a measure of angiogenesis . Tumor grading was done as per Nottingham histologic grade and staging was done according to AJCC sixth edition .RESULTS : Distribution of Mean MVD in stage l ,ll,lll,lV was 20.92,22.37,26.82,29.50 respectively. Distribution of MVD in Nottingham histologic grade l,ll,lll was 20.80, 24.00, 26.71 respectively . Distribution of M.V.D. in pre and postmenopausal group was 27.51 and 21.71 respectively .CONCLUSION : It may be concluded from this study that higher M.V.D. obtained by immunohistochemistry using anti CD34 antibody , are associated with higher tumor stage and grade and indirectly predict poor prognosis . However larger studies with bigger sample size are required to decide cutoff values between different tumor stages and grades.
Solid waste management by vermicomposting[Full-Text ] Sonu kumariThe extent of this study provides the knowledge of vermicomposting. Vermicomposting is a good technique for recycling food waste. The vermicomposting was done for 45 days in which E. fetidia earthworms were used. There were four substrate prepared of different composition. The compositions were Soil+cowdung, Soil+ vegetable waste + fruit waste, Soil +vegetable waste+fruit waste+cow dung, soil+ paper waste+ cowdung. Chemical anaysis was done at periodic interval of 15 days during which TP, TK, TOC, TKN, C:N were analysed. It is conclude that vermicomposting is very suitable in areas where there are no facilities to process the waste i.e villages. It provides income and good organic manure to the farmers.
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Direct gap Semiconductors: Band structure Engineering and Density of State Mass[Full-Text ] Kirti Sontakke, S. GhoshBased on the hydrodynamical model and band structure effects an analytical investigation of steady state gain coefficient of the Brillouin scattered stokes mode resulting from the nonlinear interaction of an intense pumping light beam with acoustical phonons of direct gap semiconductors. The origin of nonlinear interaction lies in the third order susceptibility arising from the induced current density and density fluctuation generated within the medium. We also describe the procedure that how the steady state Brillouin gain is determined through the effective Brillouin susceptibility derived with the help of coupled mode theory of plasmas. The effect of temperature and band structure has been introduced through an empirical formula relating maximum plasma density with band structure and temperature [1]. The formula is derived using phenomenological model for the plasma thermodiffusion. The numerical estimations are made for III-V (InSb and GaAs) and II-VI (CdS) compound semiconductors duly irradiated by 10 nanosecond pulsed10.6 laser. The inclusion of band structure and temperature effects adds new dimensions to the problem under study. It is found that the maximum plasma density increases with the amplitude of laser field for all the three compound semiconductors due to enhancement of density of states mass. Thus the magnitude of the plasma density affects the effective Brillouin gain via plasma frequency. The transmitted intensity is found to be highest in CdS and in InSb it becomes lowest. Hence CdS is most efficient among the three. The study establishes that the crystals having higher density of states mass of electrons and holes are the automatic choice for the fabrication of Brillouin cells.
A Survey on Splitting BPEL Processes to BPEL4Chor Choreography for improving the Business Process[Full-Text ] Gowri D Choudhary, Prof. G B JethavaMany Companies applying BPEL to improve their business process by doing process modification. This paper illustrates how to split from a BPEL process to BPEL4Chor choreography. First, the main BPEL process given is split into fragment BPEL processes, in a way that the operational semantic of the main BPEL process is preserved in the collective behavior of the fragmented BPEL processes. The dataflow dependencies of the given BPEL process are analyzed and reflected in the fragmented BPEL processes. Based on the results of the splitting algorithm, BPEL4Chor choreography is generated: The fragmented BPEL processes are converted into participants in the generated BPEL4Chor choreography.
Finite Element Analysis Approach for Stress Analysis of Crankshaft under Dynamic Loading[Full-Text ] Surender Kumar Kaundal, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. ChikalthankarThe main objective of this study was to investigate stresses developed in crankshaft under dynamic loading. In this study a dynamic simulation was conducted on crankshaft, Finite element analysis was performed to obtain the variation of stress magnitude at critical locations. The pressure-volume diagram was used to calculate the load boundary condition in dynamic simulation model, and other simulation inputs were taken from the engine specification chart. This load was then applied to the FE model, and boundary conditions were applied according to the engine mounting conditions. The analysis was done for different engine speeds and as a result we get, critical engine speed and critical region on the crankshaft. Stress variation over the engine cycle and the effect of torsional load in the analysis were investigated. Results obtained from the analysis are very useful in optimization of this crankshaft.
Predictions of the optimized Mechanical properties in Hydro fracturing process parameters using RSM Technique[Full-Text ] B.Guruprasad , Dr.A.Ragupathy, T.S. Badrinarayanan,L.RangamannanIn the hydrofraturing process, the parameters such as Pressure in N/mm2, Temperature in ºC, Injection hole diameter in mm play a major role in determining the frature length during the hydrofracturing process. A central composite rotatable design with three factors and three levels was chosen to minimize the number of experimental conditions. An empirical relationship was established to predict the fracture length (mm) of the hydrofatruing process by incorporating independently controllable hydrofraturing process parameters. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the process parameters to attain maximum fracture length (mm).
Chaotic behaviour of Heart rate variability through discrete dynamical model[Full-Text ] M.Sambasivam, N.GururajanThis work deals about non-linear dynamical model for biological signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG), heart rate, breathing pattern, blood pressure and peripheral blood flow. So far, we use the spectral analysis mainly for a non-linear oscillating phenomenon and for the separation of the oscillatory components of the wave. In this work we use the chaotic theory and analytical procedure for biological signals such as the electroencephalogram (EEG). Moreover the HRV showed a chaos-like property. We determine a chaotic property from the attractor embedded in the 2-dimensional space
Modified Sinusoidal Voltage & Frequency Control of Microgrid in Island Mode Operation[Full-Text ] Md. Jahidul Alam, Tareq Hossen, Banaful Paul, Rabiul Islam A distribution system that is equipped with distributed generators, such as roof-mounted photovoltaic systems, can operate as a micro-grid (i.e., separated from the grid) under some specific conditions. A key feature of a micro-grid is its ability to separate and isolate itself from the utility seamlessly with little or no disruption to the loads within the micro-grid. Then, when the utility grid returns to normal, the micro-grid automatically resynchronizes and reconnects itself to the grid, in an equally seamless manner. This thesis addresses the conditions necessary for proper micro-grid operation: these include voltage and frequency control across the load when microgrid operated in Island mode. For this purpose we develop an advanced inverter control mechanism based on improved sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique for Inverter switching. Computer simulations using Matlab Simulink will be conducted under various scenarios to validate such necessary conditions.
Nanotransistors From Metal And Metalloid Compound Nanotubes[Full-Text ] Bagavathi ChandrasekaraThe escalating trend of chip integration and miniaturization has dared the designers to seek to a nascent phenomenon to save the Moore's law. Due to continuous reduction in device size, the so-far-unseen quantum effects have dominated the device physics. The solution to this crisis is nanoelectronics. Nano structures are used to develop new devices by utilizing the quantum effects. III group compounds have been known for their special properties as semiconductors in electronics. By including nanoscale nature with III group compounds, greater advantages can be obtained. III group nitride nanotubes have been investigated in many works. The nanotubes under discussion are boron nitride nanotubes and gallium nitride nanotubes. The phenomenon used for analysis in this work is Density Functional Theory (DFT). The characteristics of a device can be deduced from the electronic cloud structure around the device through density functional theory. In this work, III group nitride nanotubes are employed as transistor channels and their characteristics are scrutinized through simulation studies.
Wear Characteristics of Unalloyed and alloyed LM25-Aluminium casting[Full-Text ] Patel Hiteshkumar, Menghani JyotiAlloys A-356(LM25) is being universally used for alloy wheel rims of luxury as well as for other types of cars. Globally 40% cars are running on aluminium alloy wheels. In this research 0.2% Cu has been added in ternary system of Al-Si-Mg alloy to increase mechanical properties of existing alloy. The alloy was cast in to metal mould and was solution treated at 540o temperature for 4 hrs, water quenched and precipitation hardened for 12 hrs at 1800C. Wear characteristics of the material were observed under Wear testing using K93500 Pin- On-Disc Tester ASTM G99 test standard. This test was carried out under during dry condition using 2.5kg and 3.5 kg load, at 300 rpm of disc speed for 15 min. The microstructural characteristics of worn surface of alloys have been investigated using scanning electron microscopy_SEM. All intermetallic compound formed during solidification has been investigated through XRD.
Molecularanalysisofbirds Featherbyusingrapdanalysis[Full-Text ] R.DHIVYA, Mr.T.S.MahendranFlight affords the utmost in mobility and has made possible the evolution of avian migration as a means of exploiting distant food resources and avoiding the physiological stress associated with cold weather.
Investigation of TPA (Third Party Auditor Role) for Cloud Data Security[Full-Text ] Dr. Pradeep K. Deshmukh, Mrs. Vrushali R. Desale, Prof. Rushali A. DeshmukhCloud computing provides folks the different ways to share distributed resources and services that belong to totally different organizations or sites. As we know that cloud computing sharing the distributed resources via the network within the open atmosphere, therefore it makes security issues necessary for us to develop the cloud computing application. During this paper, we have a tendency to listen to the protection needs in cloud computing atmosphere. We have a tendency to present a technique to create a trustworthy computing atmosphere for cloud computing system by group action the trustworthy computing platform into cloud computing system. We have a tendency to investigate a model system within which cloud computing system is combined with trustworthy third party computing platform with trustworthy platform module. During this model, some necessary security services, together with authentication, confidentiality and integrity, area unit provided in cloud computing system..