Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2013 Edition
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The secure cluster and energy efficient in geocast for Manets using selection gateway method[Full-Text ] Mr. M.Prakash and Dr. K. SubramaniThe secure and energy efficient geocast method using for a mobile ad hoc network, it's based on a secure clustered agreement with data declaration release from the basis node of the system and all nodes located in one or more geocast regions on the network. To improving the energy efficient method so we have using the gateway selection algorithm (GSA) for using secure clustering method.This method collects overall energy savings on the process. The entire secure cluster to collect the information based on line method and then to sending and receiving process on the system. They have using gateway method for route discovery and route maintenance process.Performs better in conditions of less broadcast rounds overhead than the replica. Existing technique on this process the Clustering CD-P heuristic so we apply the method for secure cluster based (CD-P) on network presentation.Secure clustering algorithm to improving the system performs and conquer the CCD-P problem issues to identify and rectify the problem on the network.It's mainly to focused on the saving an energy level and better network performance level on this method. GSAGateway Selection Algorithm to using a route information and find out the destination of the networks. The geocast address approaches and securing method to improving the delivery ratio and then reduce delay of the networks. This secure cluster to gateway send the data and then to authenticates a data sending and receiving process on network, so we have to avoid a more time to send destination and some other attacker not attack to the networks. Secure energy efficient method to improving the network throughput and data delivery level and to reduces the delay on process. If compare with existing method the throughput for a GSA algorithm better performing on the system.
Information Technology & its role in the society - A case study of two southern States of India[Full-Text ] Dr. (Ms.) Ch. RadhakumariIn the fast changing competitive environment the mind set of citizens is changing equally fast. Citizens seek more convenience and freedom from cumbersome procedures. Under such scenario, decision-makers in government are incorporating Information and communication Technology, to meet the aspirations of the citizens with regard to service delivery. This has resulted in IT revolution leading to governance revolution giving birth to Electronic governance. Various governments are searching for different ways to bring about effective electronic governance by investing huge sums of money in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Governments are Incorporating ICT in governance for delivering government services to the convenience and comfort of citizens. A field study was conducted during June 2004 in two Southern States of India i.e. Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, for making a comparative study of two models of e-governance under implementation. For the purpose of the study, the State Capitals and one district each of comparable nature were selected. The results of the study highlighted that incorporation of Information Technology in governance has contributed to the transformation of government from the one which was 'procedure and power centered' 1 to 'citizen & service centered' one.
Characterization of Prioritized Backordering for Slow Moving Spare Parts Inventory Control[Full-Text ] Ugochukwu C. Okonkwo, Nelson O. Ubani, Johnson A. FadeyiThe behaviour of prioritized backorders has been under-exposed in the literature as researchers rarely go beyond finding the proportions of backorders so as to enable the calculation of fill rate. Therefore, this paper used a high and low priority rationing spare parts inventory simulation model for slow moving parts using (S,S-1) policy to characterize the backorders. From the model, the results of the average number, mean response time and maximum queue length of backorders for four sensitive parameters (base stock level, critical stock level, high priority arrival rate and low priority arrival rate), were analysed. The results and analysis from this study will help in taking informed decision with regards to possible adjustment of inventory system so that huge backorder and consequently huge amount of money will not be tied down in inventory.
Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Improvement[Full-Text ] H.Lakshmi, T. SwapnaThe dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is used to regulate the voltage at the load terminals from various power quality problems like sag, swell, harmonics, unbalance etc., in supply voltage.This paper presents modelling aspects of several types of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) working against various voltage sags by simulation in PSCAD/EMTDC. The reference signal for the series connected DVR is obtained indirectly from the extracted load terminal reference voltage. It then provides analyses of working performance of the device, including capability and quality of compensation. Significant simulation results show that these several types of the modelled device can work very well against balanced and/or unbalanced voltages caused by faults in a distribution system. In addition, appropriate ways to obtain a good quality output voltage by a DVR during voltage sag is also presented.
Pattern Recognition in Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Kanika BajajIn this paper, we review some pattern recognition learning methods and the models published in recent years. After giving the general description of pattern recognition, we discuss the Multi Layer Perceptron algorithm for classification in pattern recognition .Lastly , the example describing the implementation of MLP .The objective of this paper is to summarize and compare some of the methods for pattern recognition, and future research issues which need to be resolved and investigated further are given along with the new trends and ideas.
Single, Double And Multiple Sampling Plans: Poisson Distribution[Full-Text ] A.A. Sathakathulla, B.N.MurthySystematic and standardized approach for monitoring and evaluating disease control programs is needed. The conventional sample survey methods are expensive, time consuming and need a great deal of resources. Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) technique, originally a quality control tool in an industry, which was tried successfully for monitoring and evaluating immunization programs, leprosy, tuberculosis, sleeping sickness etc., control programs. Literature review suggests that all, except three, studies employing LQAS survey methodology used single sampling plan and normal approximation method to compute sample size. Hence, there is a need to develop formulae to obtain nomograms on sample sizes as ready reckoner when the variable of interest follows Poisson distribution. The methods for sample size calculation using LQAS methodology under single/double, multiple sampling plans are provided separately for Poisson distribution with/without considering the Power are developed. Pragmatic solutions for the sample size and the corresponding acceptable number 'd' are obtained for different sampling plans such as single, double and multiple sampling plans.
The Importance of a Business Governance Plan[Full-Text ] Kenae B. BlackIn order for an organization to operate ethically, external and internal measures should be implemented to avoid misconduct of senior executives such as those leaders of Enron; investors suffered as executives flourished (Watkins, 2004). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was introduced to externally oversee the financial guidelines of organizations (Sarbanes Oxley, n.d.). In addition to this external control, internal controls such as business governance plans should be in place to proactively combat unethical behavior regarding profits and earnings.
Soil texture analysis of Katepurna river basin, Akola District, Maharashtra with reference to water resource management[Full-Text ] Khadri, S.F.R and Sanjay S. DeshmukhIn this study an attempt has been made to understand the hydrogeomorphological regime of the Katepurna river basin by utilizing soil texture qualitative classification tool through both the field and laboratory analysis to determine the classes for agricultural soils based on their physical texture. The classes are distinguished in the field by the 'textural feel' which can be further clarified by separating the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay using grading sieves, the particle size distribution. The class is then used to determine crop suitability and to approximate the soils responses to environmental and management conditions such as drought or calcium (lime) requirements.
Electronic Odour Measurement and Sensing using E-Nose[Full-Text ] Vineeta Gupta , Komal GuptaAn instrument for electronic odour sensing has been developed and used to classify many different materials, including beers, spirits and alcohols. The next stage in development is to begin to relate subjective odour descriptors (e.g. fruity, minty) to quantitative sensor array measurements. Both neural network and multivariate statistical techniques are required to accomplish this task . The ultimate goal is to provide a measurement standard for odours. The integration of sensor technology, signal conditioning, data acquisition and pattern recognition are required for this exciting prospect. An electronic nose (e-nose) is an intelligent sensing device that uses an array of gas sensors of partial and overlapping selectivity along with a pattern recognition component to distinguish between both simple and complex odors. To date in a number of applications from the food industry to medical diagnosis e- noses are used.
On the Kinematics of Hyper Redundant Mobile Robot[Full-Text ] Dilip Kumar Biswas, Subhasish Bhaumik, Jyotirmoy SahaThe kinematics of any 'n' DOF hyper redundant mobile robot of interconnected links is considered for this analysis. The kinematic configuration facilitates to find out the joint parameter. Precise calculations decide the closeness of the actual consideration of every kinematic configuration. Only the centre line of the robot is considered for this analysis. The existence of acceptable free space conform the alignment chord, termed as backbone curve, which resemble the chain of interconnected links. The kinematics of the robot in free space is defined by the Denavit and Hertenberg principle. In our analysis each link has two joints and all the joints have the ability to pass through the backbone curve. To find the existence of each joint on the backbone curve we construct a Cardinal Spline in between two consecutive path points on the backbone curve and on this spline a large number of points are constructed. We use error minimization strategy to evaluate the position of all the joints except the frontal one which is the end of the virtual link and its position is obtained by the path points. Each pair of joints results the pose information of that segment. The proposed algorithm is validated through computer simulation.
CFD analysis of flow through mixed flow compressor under various operating conditions[Full-Text ] D. Ramesh Rajakumar, M.Govardhan, S.RamamurthyPerformance of mixed flow compressor with un-shrouded impeller strongly depends upon unsteady, asymmetrical flow fields in the axial directions. The flow through the mixed flow compressor stage is complex due to three-dimensional shape of flow channel. A three-dimensional turbulent flow through a single stage mixed flow compressor is numerically analyzed using commercial software to understand the complex flow behavior inside the impeller channel and near the tip gap. The analysis showed scope for improvement in design of the compressor for better performance in terms of efficiency and operating range.
The Impact of Channel Bandwidth with Network Asymmetry in WiMAX Network Using TCP New Reno[Full-Text ] Kailash Chandra Bandhu, Rajeev G. VishwakarmaThe World Wide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) technology support to the flexible channel sizes and different countries use different channel it depends on the rule and regulation of countries and their environment. The WiMAX network asymmetry is largely depends on DL:UL ratio. This paper investigates the effect of channel bandwidth in WiMAX network with network asymmetry using TCP New Reno. The performance of WiMAX network is evaluating by varying MAC layer parameter such as channel size, DL:UL ratio and other operating parameter such as downloading traffic (number of downloading wireless nodes). The performance of WiMAX network is measured in terms of throughput, goodput and number of packets drop.
Image Stream Transfer Using Real Time Protocol[Full-Text ] Sandeep Rao, Avinash Mishra, Priya Rani PandeyThe usual approach to transporting images uses TCP, which provides a general reliable, in-order byte-stream abstraction, but which is excessively restrictive for image data. We analyze the series of image quality at the handset with time and show that the in-order release abstraction provided by a TCP-based approach prevents the handset application from processing and rendering portions of an image when they actually arrive. The end result is that an image is render in bursts intersperse with long idle times rather than smoothly. The protocols and transactions between transmitter and receiver make sure that key transmission parameters such as resolution and color space are matched across both systems' capabilities. Summarizing, the low level protocols are very similar to regular fax while the continuous tone image is JPEG compressed instead of using binary compression.This pape define the design, functioning, and assessment of the Image Transport Protocol for image transmission over loss-prone crowded or wireless networks. ITP improves user-perceived latency using application level framing and out-of-order Application Data Unit delivery, achieving significantly better interactive presentation as measured by the evolution of peak signal-to noise ratio with time at the receiver. ITP runs over UDP, incorporates receiver-driven selective reliability, uses the overcrowding Manager to adapt to network congestion, and is customizable for specific image formats ITP enables a variety of new receiver post-processing algorithms such as error concealment that further improve the interactivity and responsiveness of reconstructed images. Performance experiments using our implementation across a variety of loss conditions demonstrate the benefits of ITP in improving the interactivity of image downloads at the receiver. Even though we explore image transport, ITP is a generic selectively reliable uni cast trans port protocol with overcrowding control that can be customized for specific applications and formats.
Review and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Array antenna with different configurations[Full-Text ] Kuldeep Kumar Singh, Prof. (Dr.) S.C.Gupta Microstrip patch antenna in wireless communication is gaining importance as a most powerful technological trend. Its immense potential promises significant change in near term future of wireless application fields. Current technological trend has focused much more attention towards microstrip patch antenna. Single microstrip patch antenna has some advantages (low cost, light weight, conformal & low profile), but it has little disadvantages too- like low gain, low efficiency, low directivity and narrow bandwidth. These disadvantages can be overcome by implementation of many patch antennas in array configuration. Here term array stands for geometrical and electrical arrangements of patch elements. As we increase number of patch elements to form an array, improvement in performance is observed. In this review paper, performance characteristics for 2, 4, 8, 16 patch elements configured in 2x1, 2x2, 8x1 and 4x4 (respectively) array format has been analyzed and compared.
Water Wave Generation Due to Initial Disturbance at the Free Surface in an Ocean with Porous Bed[Full-Text ] Subhabrata Gangopadhyay, Uma BasuThe phenomenon of generation of water waves due to an initial disturbance at the free surface in an ocean with porous bed is investigated within the framework of linear theory. The problem is mathematically formulated as an initial boundary value problem of the potential function. Then the solution of the same is obtained by employing Fourier transform technique. The form of the free surface elevation is arrived at in terms of an infinite integral. Then the method of stationary phase is applied to evaluate this integral approximately for large values of time and distance. The graphs are plotted depicting the variation of free surface elevation against non-dimensionalised values of time and distance for different values of porous parameter.
Automatic Speed Control System In 4 - Wheelers For Avoiding Rash Driving[Full-Text ] Every life that alive in this universe likes to enjoy the beauty in the nature. In this human beings also one kind. Towards achieving these enjoyments human beings invented & created the vehicles. But actually what happens, they are satisfying their needs by using these, but also suffering with accidents and losing valuable lives & property due to rash driving of drivers especially in highly populated regions.
Voltage Stability Enhancement Through Static Var Compensator[Full-Text ] A.S. Siddiqui, Tanmoy DebWith increase in electricity demand, the voltage stability of buses are affected requiring fast reactive power compensation. With the de-regulated environment, congestion limits the amount of line flow. In this connection, effect of Static Var compensator (SVC) has been investigated under dynamic situation to maintain voltage stability. This paper investigates effect of voltage stability on a IEEE-14 bus system using SVC.
Analysing Various Alerts & Evaluating Threat Techniques In NSA[Full-Text ] Prof.TambeShital B., Prof. Sonkar S.KA Network is a connection of many devices, where each node (device) is said to have wired or wireless connection between them. And now a day's most of the threat comes to the network by either from outside or from a sort of situation which arises internally due to many reasons.So the Intrusions or threat which arises due to these situations are generally more damageable than the normal ones. So in this paper it is giving a technique to analyze various types of alerts & also generating attack graph for such alerts. By using algorithms like Correlation Of IsolatedAlerts to Alert-Pair, Attack Graph Generation. And after analyzing the threat we are also performing evaluation technique to find the seriousness of the threat. In this paper we mainly focus on alert analysis.It is well-known that current Intrusion Detection Systems produce large volumes of alerts. These overwhelming alerts make it challenging to understand and manage them. Therefore we have to reduce the amount of the alerts and external useful information from them. However, the NSA requires the alert analysis techniques to offer high-level information such as how serious of attacks are and how dangerous of devices are and which attacks or devices need administrator to pay attention to. To address this problem we propose a time and space based alert analysis technique which can correlate related alerts without background knowledge and offer attack graph to help the administrator understand the attack steps clearly and efficiently. And a threat evaluation is given to find the most dangerous attack, which further saves administrator's time and energy in processing large amount alerts.
An Intelligent Technique for Improving Data Access Based on Merging Some of Protocols package using P2P Delayed Networks[Full-Text ] Mosleh M. Al-Harthi , Mohamed T. Faheem , Ahmad Aziz Al-AlahmadiThis paper presents a new approach for analyzing and exploring the performance of a time dynamical model with delays transmission among peer to peer's transactions based on an intelligent learning technique in the presence of time delays factors. These factors presented in a P2P networked system may degrade significantly its performance which may lead to improper operating conditions. To deal with this issue, an analytical alternative and exact alternative model is introduced and used to develop a new technique to overcome the drawbacks due to the presence of these delays elements that exit in the transmission transactions. This introduces an Enhanced Randomized Broadcast Algorithm (ERBA) which can be easily implemented on overlay networks without extra cost. Including the dynamical delay factor in the process is shown to strengthen our work based on a new novel approach in P2P network with dynamical delayed time transmission elements. A new development of a platform that would be suitable for P2P network is implemented. The qualitative performance analysis is easily studied using some dynamical models for a new inelegant routing algorithm. A new package is achieved based on NS-2. It is shown that using this package is helped in obtaining the best secured reputation shortest path including the effect of transmission delays. The performance of transactions among P2P nodes based on the proposed algorithms is introduced using both theoretical analysis and simulation.
Classification of Software Projects using k-Means, Discriminant Analysis and Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] R. Chandrasekaran and R. Venkatesh KumarAn attempt is made in this paper to identify the groups of software development projects which demonstrate the significance of comparable characteristics based on various parameters associated with the Source Lines of Code (SLOC). Initially, software projects are clustered by using k-means cluster analysis. These groups are investigated further with the Discriminant Analysis (DA) and compared with Artificial Neural Network (ANN). For this purpose, we collected the historical data of software development projects from one of the major information technology (IT) company and this provided essential progressive information such as Planned Value (BCWS), Actual Cost (ACWP), Earned Value (BCWP), Cost Performance Index (CPI), Average Team Size (Team_Size) and Source Lines of Code (LOC).The results of this comparison study indicate that a Statistical model based on discriminant analysis is marginally better for prediction of the effort, than a non-parametric model based on artificial neural network. The classification method proposed in this paper may be used to identify the similar category of projects and for forecasting the software development cost and time effort. Hence, this approach would be useful for planning and preventive actions in the process of software development. The Statistical Software Package IBM SPSS 19.0 is used for the present analysis.
Strength and Weakness of labeled Graphs[Full-Text ] Nishad T MI introduced Strong Graphs on October 2012 and discovered its application in Wireless Networks on December 2012.In this paper I am analyzing the Strength and Weakness of labeled graphs. I discovered the tabular representation of graph labeling and Nishad's method to find Strength and Weakness of labeled graphs. I proved that the strength and weakness of same graph structure need not be the same.I discovered a family of weak graphs and foundout the Strength and weakness of 25 well known labeled Graphs.
Financial Ratios Performance of Major Indian Industries to Evaluate their Performances using Multivariate Analyses and Perceptual Mapping[Full-Text ] R. Chandrasekaran, G. Manimannan and R. Lakshmi PriyaThe present research is aimed at analyzing financial performances of companies to assess their financial strengths and enable the decision makers to understand the financial scenario of their firms. The dataset relates to 247 companies from five major industries in the Indian corporate database. The time frame of the data pertaining to the present study is 2001-2010. The salient feature of this study is the application of Factor, K-means clustering, Discriminant Analyses and Perceptual Mapping as data mining tools to explore the hidden structures present in the dataset for each of the study periods (Anderson, 1984). Factor analysis is applied first and the factor scores of extracted factors are used to find initial groups by K-means clustering algorithm. A few outlier industries, which could not be classified to any of the groups, are discarded as some of the ratios possessed unusual values. Finally, attribute based perceptual mapping is applied and the groups are identified as companies belonging to H-Class (High performance), M-Class (Moderate performance) and L-Class (Low performance). The results of the present study indicate that Perceptual maps can be used as a feasible tool for the analysis of large set of financial data.
Data Leakage Detection in an organisation[Full-Text ] Janhavi Sawant, Harshad Kadam, Shweta MenghaniWe study the following problem: A data distributor has given sensitive data to a set of supposedly trusted agents (third parties). Some of the data are leaked and found in an unauthorized place (e.g., on the web or somebody's laptop). The distributor must assess the likelihood that the leaked data came from one or more agents, as opposed to having been independently gathered by other means. We propose data allocation strategies (across the agents) that improve the probability of identifying leakages. These methods do not rely on alterations of the released data (e.g., watermarks). In some cases, we can also inject "realistic but fake" data records to further improve our chances of detecting leakage and identifying the guilty party.
Anti-Sa Antibody, Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody And Rheumatoid Factor As Diagnostic Markers Of Rheumatoid Arthritis[Full-Text ] Prasanth G, Sunil Rao Padmaraj, Riju Mathew and Vijayakumar TCitrullinated peptide Antibodies are novel diagnostic markers for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).Anti-Sa Antibody is one of the recently discovered Citrullinated peptide Antibody. Immunoassays which use synthetic citrullinated peptide are highly effective tests for the detection of auto antibodies against citrullinated peptides In this study, the clinical utility of Anti-Sa Antibody as a diagnostic marker was evaluated along with the established markers Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide (ACCP) & Rheumatoid factor (RF) on clinically suspected cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
MBSE Applicability Analysis[Full-Text ] Bita MotamedianModel Based Software/Systems Engineering - MBSE is growing rapidly in the systems engineering (SE) domain for large complex projects to minimize risks and avoid late stage changes (in Renewable energy, Solar & Space power, Aviation, Defense, and Ship industries) as digital product models help companies and manufacturers to integrate engineering processes across production networks. Although model based development is well established in specific engineering fields like software, electronics, and mechanics, its role in SE to improve manufacturing productivity by enabling efficient integration engineering and manufacturing applications is still evolving. I was seeking voluntary information from industries that have applied Systems Engineering Techniques in their projects. My purpose for doing this survey is to highlight the position of MBSE in our real projects in addition to clarifying roughly the popularity rate of MBSE concept among engineers especially system engineers, and the usage besides the advantages, barriers and concerns of using "modeling languages" and "modeling tools" in MBSE efforts among various industries.
Ants Creativity And Different Approaches To Achieve Better Pathing Construct[Full-Text ] AHLAM TOWFEEQ NORRI AL-SARRAFThis paper is primarily based on the fact that single Ant has no global knowledge about any task, it is performing. Yet, as an insect with limited memory can achieve single action its intelligent performance (emergent intelligence) is found to be the result of the self organized of indirect communication between all Ants. It is thought that Ant's colony which is a complex collective Ant'sperformance providing artificial intelligent solution to our problem. In this paper, we consider the problem as a practical example involving the behavior of Ant's colony to reach for an acceptable result to how Ants find a proper bath between two different colonies ranging between Mosul city and Tal-Afar town as two different road sources. This study is bases on the close observation of Ants with their ability to create Ant's paths as we discover new routing algorithm. Ant's efficient routing algorithm is the case of well implemented Ant's techniques to achieve better path construction.
Growth and chlorophyll levels of selected plants with varying photosynthetic pathways (C3, C4 and CAM)[Full-Text ] Aparna Rathore, Yogesh.T.JasraiChlorophyll is the most prominent pigment in plants that participates in the process of photosynthesis. It is an important factor in determining the rate of photosynthesis. Based on the plastochron index, the chlorophyll concentration of the mature leaf was determined in selected plants (Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don (C3 plant), Andropogon citratus DC (C4 plant) and Bryophyllum bipinnatum (Lam) Oken (CAM plant). The plants were grown in earthen pots (diameter 23 cm) under natural conditions in a net-home. The chlorophyll concentration in Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don (C3 plants) was found to be more than in Andropogon citratus DC (C4 plant) and Bryophyllum bipinnatum (Lam) Oken (CAM plant). Based on the plastochron index the growth rate of the C3 plant was faster than the C4 and CAM plants. This supports the fact that the C3 plants are more efficient in growth in comparison to the C4 and CAM plants.
An Extensive Literature Review on CLIR and MT activities in India[Full-Text ] Kumar SourabhThis paper addresses the various developments in Cross Language IR and machine transliteration system in India, First part of this paper discusses the CLIR systems for Indian languages and second part discusses the machine translation systems for Indian languages. Three main approaches in CLIR are machine translation, a parallel corpus, or a bilingual dictionary. Machine translation-based (MT-based) approach uses existing machine translation techniques to provide automatic translation of queries. The information can be retrieved and utilized by the end users by integrating the MT system with other text processing services such as text summarization, information retrieval, and web access. It enables the web user to perform cross language information retrieval from the internet. Thus CLIR is naturally associated with MT (Machine Translation). This Survey paper covers the major ongoing developments in CLIR and MT with respect to following: Existing projects, Current projects, Status of the projects, Participants, Government efforts, Funding and financial aids, Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) activities and Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) Projections.
Load Flow Analysis of 132 kV substation using ETAP Software[Full-Text ] Rohit KapahiPower is essentially required for the development of any country. To maintain the generation of electric power at adequate level the power has to be transmitted in proper form and quality to the consumer. This research paper deals with the simulation of 132 kV substation in Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) with detailed load flow analysis and also to overcome the problem of an under voltage. The results are based on actual data received from 132 kV substation.
Harmful Materials in Scoria Lightweight Aggregates, Harrat Rahat, Al Akhal area, South of Al Madinah Al Monawarah, West Central Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia.[Full-Text ] Abdullah R. SonbulThe study aims to clarify the effect of the fine harmful clay fractions in the engineering characters of the scoria deposits. The study is based on mineralogical data and engineering measurements of scoria collected from four main area. The results of the clay minerals identification revealed that, one sample from Jabal al Khayalah contain clay minerals (montmorillonite and kaolinite), the clay minerals are common in the samples from Gabal Umm Furayqayn and Umm al Amad and the lowest clay minerals occurrence is reported in the samples from Jabal al Khayalah and Gabalal Hirshan. The results of the study also confirm the presence of montmorillonite in the black scoria of Gabal Umm Al Amad. The obtained results of clay minerals identificationas well as the associated friable particles revealed that, the values are within the acceptable standard specification limits except that of Gabal Umm Al Amad where it contains montorillonite. Except Gabal Umm Al Amad aggregates, all the samples of the other areas are complying with the specification limits as the materials passing sieve No 200 should not exceed 1% and 3% for the coarse and fine aggregate. The obtained result of the sand equivalent can be considered acceptable as the sand equivalent value should exceed 75% for the fine aggregate. The scoria aggregate from the four sites are free from organic impurities. The results of study revealed that, the amounts of harmful materials are within the acceptable specification limits for three of the four selected sites. It is strongly recommended that weathered zones of scoria should be avoided.
Environmental Sustainability - a vision for the future[Full-Text ] Sukanchan PalitThe question of environmental sustainability is far-reaching and mind boggling to our human society. The depletion of non-renewable resources has plunged our human society in a disastrous dilemma. Here comes the answer of environmental sustainability and energy sustainability. Environmental restrictions and regulations with the attached unbilical cord of human survival has made our human society to be more rigid and rigorous. This scientific treatise highlights the important facets of renewable energy and its impact on human survival in future. The questions of environmental sustainability are varied and unanswered. So the vision of this treatise to tackle and unravel the hidden priorities of renewable energy and the remedies behind the far-reaching questions.
Political Science Project[Full-Text ] Aastha MehtaTaking in light the current political bedlam happening in the world assessing the direction in which our country India has taken is the need of the hour. This study is planned and designed to analyze whether the ideals which our political forefathers had sown in us have actually germinated into correct way of ruling/governance or are we trying to caricaturize our own thinking and looking towards west for suggestions.