Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015.
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Unidominating Functions of a Complete k-Partite Graph[Full-Text ] V.Anantha Lakshmi, B.Maheswari Graph Theory is one of the most useful branches of Mathematics, which is recently originated in recent years has wide applications to combinatorial problems and to classical algebraic problems and to various fields of Science & Technology. Domination in graphs is emerged rapidly in the last three decades and it is the current interest of researchers. Recently dominating functions in domination theory have received much attention. In this paper the authors study the unidominating functions of complete k partite graph and determined its unidomination number , upper unidomination number. Further it is concluded that they are equal.
ABERRANT OBSERVATION DETECTION IN FREQUENCY DOMAIN: THE WAVELET APPROACH[Full-Text ] Aideyan Donald Osaro, Shittu Olarewanju IsmailSpectral method has been used in detection of aberrant observations in the frequency domain with promising results. The method is useful only when the data is stationary, without jumps or discontinuities, otherwise decisions on suspected aberrant observations might be incorrect. This study proposed the use of wavelet shrinkage algorithm capable of ameliorating the limitations of spectral method in the non-parametric setting. It will be extended to the parametric setting and the result compared with previous studies in outlier detection. The Mallat algorithm was used to reduce the size of the data into smaller resolutions while preserving the desired statistics. In the non-parametric setting, Turkey’s and modified Turkey’s method initially developed for thresholding was adapted for the wavelet shrinkage approach by examining the presence of aberrant observations at different resolutions.
ALTERNATIVE METHOD FOR FLEXURAL ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Ibearugbulem, Owus M., Njoku, K. O., Anyanwu, T. U. and Mbadike, E. S.This paper presents an alternative flexural ultimate limit state design approach for reinforced concrete elements. The main objective is to provide a conservative and reliable formula-based design of reinforced concrete columns. Applied and resistant stress and strain blocks were used in conjunction with similar triangle theorems to evolve the formulas for the design of beams and columns. It was made sure that the stresses in both compressive and tensile reinforcements were below the allowable stress of 0.95fy. The formulas were used to design a beam with the following parameters h =350mm; b = 200mm; C = 25mm; Rod = Y16; Link = R8; Fcu = 25N/mm2. A column with the following parameters was also designed from the developed formulas: b= 225mm; h = 225mm; C = 25mm; Rod = Y16; Link = R8; Fcu = 25N/mm2. The bending moments for the beam design and the corresponding quantity compressive reinforcement for conventional and alternative approaches include: 100 KNm (217.94 mm2 and 218.95 mm2) ; 85 KNm (89.87 mm2 and 91.44 mm2); 70 KNm (-38.21mm2 and -36.06 mm2). The moment and corresponding quantities of tensile reinforcements include 100 KNm (929.60 mm2 and 865.83 mm2); 85 KNm (801.52 mm2 and 735.95 mm2); 70 KNm (651.99mm2 and 606.08 mm2). For the column design, the axial compression is 900KN and bending moments and the corresponding quantities compressive and tensile reinforcement include: 100KNm (1625.6mm2 and 690.12mm2); 85KNm (1441.32mm2 and 557.64mm2); 70KNm (1256.8mm2 and 418.45mm2); 55KNm (1071.85mm2 and 267.06mm2). From the results it shall be seen that the differences between the quantities of reinforcement from conventional and alternate approaches are marginal. Thus, one can say that the alternate approach is both reliable and conservative.
IMPLEMENTATION OF MODULAR EXPONENTIATION USING MONTGOMERY ALGORITHMS[Full-Text ] Manish Bansal, Amit Kumar, Aakanksha Devrari, Abhinav BhatSeveral algorithms for Public Key Cryptography (PKC), such as RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography are used for secure communications. These algorithms require modular exponentiation as their basic operation. Modular exponentiation implies repeated modular multiplication which is computationally very costly as the large operands are used. Therefore computation time is very large. This computation time can be reduced by Montgomery multiplication algorithm. Montgomery multiplication algorithm involves three basic phases 1. Conversion of operands from integer domain to Montgomery domain. 2. Multiplication of operands. 3. Conversion of operands back from Montgomery domain to integer domain. A architecture designed to implement Montgomery Modular exponentiation using right to left exponentiation approach, which allows the parallel execution of modular operations “square and multiplications”. The implementation of Montgomery modular exponentiation is achieved on Spartan3E, virtex4 and virtex6 series of FPGAs for 4, 8, 16 and 32 bits respectively
Optimal location and number of SVC for improving voltage stability in the electrical networks[Full-Text ] Faissal El Mariami, Abdelaziz Belfqih, Mohamed Noh Dazahra, Abdelmajid Berdai, Jamal Boukherouaa, Abdelhamid Hmidat and Anas LekbichVoltage regulation is an essential element for maintaining the stability of the power grid, which requires very efficient means, but this will be reflected in additional costs. What drives us to seek to minimize the cost by trying to optimize the regulation means. In this article, a model of fixed capacitor and thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR-FC) is incorporated in an iterative algorithm which allows to find the optimal angle thyristor’s firing, the optimal location and number of SVC .The algorithm was tested for IEEE-6 -Bus and 14 bus. The simulation results are given in order to verify the proposed algorithm.
Performance Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols for various Traffic Patterns[Full-Text ] Qaisar Salamat & Dr Irfan ZafarThe research thesis is aimed towards the performance analysis of the MANET (Mobile Ad hoc networks) Routing Protocols for various traffic patterns. Wireless communication has shown a lot of development over the years. MANET is based on the infrastructure less, self-configured network architecture. In the infrastructure-less network architecture the nodes (electronic devices) do not have any fixed base station (access points). Similarly the network architecture is not fixed as all the times the network nodes are moving from one place to the other. Hence each node is basically considered as a host, or in terms of network, a router receiving and forwarding the information/data on the network. As the propagation distance is limited with continuous shifting of locations/topology, the routing protocols hold the key to successful communication. The routing protocols generally used include Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). We have specifically looked into these protocols for our research. The parameters selected for the performance measurement include throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio & packet loss. Simulation is done using Network Simulator 2 (NS2) and Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET/Modeler 14.5). The results of NS2 and OPNET are analyzed to ascertain the performance of each tool.
Survey on Challenges and Applications of Internet-of-Things[Full-Text ] S. Prince Sahaya Brighty, P. Selvanayaki, M. KiruthikaThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the next trend of innovation that potentials to improve and enhance our daily life based on smart sensors and smart objects working together. The primary vision of the IoT was to fundamentally change the way of doing business, developing greater competences, motivating deeper customer networks and presenting new business models. IoT includes devices such as radio frequency identifications (RFID), sensors, and actuators, as well as other instruments and smart appliances that are becoming an essential part of the Internet. It is important to gather accurate raw data in a competent way; but more significant is to inspect and mine the raw data to abstract more valuable information such as relationships among things and services to provide web of things or Internet of services.Devices can be connected to the Internet using unique IP addresses in Internet Protocol (IP) connectivity, hence agreeing them to be read, controlled, and managed at everywhere and every time. Security is a vital aspect for IoT deployments. Due to the robust attacking ability, speed, simple implementation and additional features, differential fault analysis has turn out to be an important method to weigh the security in the Internet of Things. This paper elaborately affords the knowledge on architecture, challenges, security and applications of IoT in various fields.
Comparative Study of the Effect of Temperature on the Viscosity of Niger Delta Crude Oils[Full-Text ] A. O. Akankpo and U. E. EssienThis research work compared the effect of temperature on the viscosity of Niger Delta oils. The investigation was carried out on five crude oil samples obtained from different reservoirs in the Niger Delta region. Experimental method was used to determine the effect of temperature on the viscosity of these crude oil samples under gravity flow in a capillary tube viscometer inserted in a thermostatically controlled water bath at temperatures below and above room temperature from 10°C to 90°C. The results show the variation of their kinematics and dynamics viscosities with temperature. It shows that NOAC crude oil had the highest API value of 36.392, while Umuechem 7L had the least API value of 20.095. The results show that the viscosity of Niger Delta crude oils reduces with an increase in temperature in all capillary or pipeline system. Pipes with larger diameter should be designed for locations in the Niger Delta to ease flow in pipeline transportation.
IMPACT OF WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT ON FIRM’S PERFORMANCE: A CASE OF TEXTILE SPINNING SECTOR IN PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] SIDRAH RIZWAN, FAIZA MAQBOOL SHAHTHE aim of this study is to examine the impact of working Capital Management on firm’s performance for textile spinning companies in Pakistan listed in KSE. A panel data has been used in this study for 10 sample companies that cover the period of 7 years from 2008 to 2014. Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA) are selected as dependent variables for profitability while for working capital management; Account Receivable turnover (ARTO), Account Payable turnover (APTO) and Inventory Turnover (INV.TO) are selected as independent variables. The results are analyzed by using Spearman’s Correlation and linear regression Analysis for identifying the relationship between working capital management and firms’ performance. The study finds a very weak negative relationship ARTO, APTO and INV.TO with ROE and ROA but statistically no relationship exists between WCM and Profitability, It might not be a surprise because WCM have a very weak negative association with the profitability. However, a weak negative relationship exists between INV.TO and ROA. Furthermore, it is suggested that particular norms for inventory management should be followed to reduce inventory turnover days in order to increase the profitability. If the firm’s efficiently handled the inventory turnover can produce the positive significant impact on textile spinning sector.
Role of National Cadet Corps in Developing Soft Skills among Youth in India[Full-Text ] Dr. Urmila Sarkar, Ms. Sampada MargajHigher Academic Studies in India is more focused on subject-related area. But with this we are actually ignoring student’s basic skills. Soft skills are the skills which are essential to build student as a good and responsible human being of society. We as a parent, teacher and guide are more concern towards “Three R’s” (reading, writing and arithmetic).
Thermal Treatment of Cattle Bone and its Application in Removing Lead from Wastewater[Full-Text ] Suporna Paul, Sabrina Mostofa, Shirin Akter Jahan, Samina Ahmed, Nahid SharminThe main focus of this study was to prepare low cost adsorbent using cattle bone which could be used for the treatment of Pb (II) in aqueous medium. Experimental protocol was particularly confined with the thermal treatment (at 300 ï‚°C, 500 ï‚°C, 600 ï‚°C and 700 ï‚°C) of raw bones followed by the investigation of adsorption of Pb (II) on treated bones.Thermally treated bones were characterized using FT-IR, XRD and particle size analyzer. Adsorption study was accomplished considering two factors:(i) adsorbent-substrate solution contact time;and (ii) pH covering both acidic and basic ranges. Cattle bones treated at 300 ï‚°C exhibited maximum adsorption capacity. Upholding the pH at 5.72 a maximum adsorption of 88.90% was achieved in 30 min. Observed results revealed that adsorption kinetics of Pb (II) followed pseudo second order model confirming chemisorptions.
Five Models of Software Development Engineering[Full-Text ] Surya MadaanThis paper deals with a vital and important issue in computer Science world. It is concerned with the software development and management processes that examine the area of software development through the development models, which are known as software development life cycle. It represents five of the development models namely, waterfall, Iteration, V-shaped, spiral and Extreme programming. These models have advantages and disadvantages as well. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to represent different models of software development and to understand and show the features and defects of each model.
ELECTRONIC STREET LIGHT SWITCH[Full-Text ] Oyndrila Roy, Aranyak Roy, Dr.Debasis RoyThis project is all about to control the power consumptions at the streets and eliminating manpower. This includes controlling a circuit of street lights with specific Sensors and LDR during day and night. The street lights of our country sometimes remain on throughout the day even if there is sunlight and they remain off when there is no sunlight, because these lights are operated by certain people. Especially on highways, it is often seen that the lights are on throughout the day time even when there is sunlight and off in the night time when they are supposed to be on. This wastes a lot of valuable electrical energy in the day time, which could have been used for other purposes and it is also inconvenient for the vehicles and pedestrians on the road. Now the energy requirement is increasing day by day and its supply is declining. Hence it is wise to save electricity wherever possible. Our project is to save electricity by using a switch which automatically turns if off at sunrise and turns on at sunset. The automatic function saves electricity besides manpower.
Math-on-the-web Platform for Arabic Mathematical Notation[Full-Text ] Mustapha EDDAHIBI, Azzeddine Lazrek, Ali RachidiThe purpose of this work is to help overcoming some of the issues associated with the typesetting, encoding and rendering mathematical expressions in Arabic notation. Indeed, we propose here a multi-platform solution to display Arabic mathematical expressions encoded using one of the three most used formats for coding mathematical expressions, namely, MathML, TEX and AsciiMath. This solution is based on web fonts or image fonts to provide a visual rendering that respects both Arabic and mathematical typographical rules regardless of the used browser.
A Novel Dynamic Spectrum Access Network in Wireless Communication to Increase the Efficiency of Spectrum Usage[Full-Text ] Rajasekhar Raju.K, S.SaidaraoWireless networks are characterized by fixed spectrum policy. With increasing demands for wireless communication efficiently using the spectrum resources has become an essential issue. Cognitive radio is a form of wireless communication which is used to sense the spectrum and find the free spectrum. It is used by unlicensed users without causing interference to the licensed user. Cognitive radio with the dynamic spectrum access is key technology which provides the best solution by allowing a group of Secondary users to share the radio spectrum originally allocated to the primary users. Dynamically accessing the unused spectrum is known as dynamic spectrum access (DSA) which becomes a promising approach to increase the efficiency of spectrum usage. In this paper, DSA models are discussed along with different methods such as game theory based method, a measurement-based model, network coded cognitive control channel, Markovian Queuing model, the Delay performance of threshold policies, fuzzy logic based method and spatio-temporal spectrum management model.
Usage of Political Marketing in Organization of Political Campaigns[Full-Text ] Assoc. Prof. Kire Sharlamanov, Asst. Prof. Aleksandar JovanoskiIn last decades we are witness of increased usage of political marketing in organization of political campaigns. Almost every successful contemporary political campaign includes implementation of the tools of political marketing. This paper tries to determine political marketing, its scope, functions and academic criticism toward political marketing.
Solution of Eigen value problems by using New Iterative Method[Full-Text ] Tahir Kamran, Dr. M. Jamil Amir, M. Shafeeq Ur RehmanIn this paper the system of ordinary differential equations on Eigen value problems is presented. I used New Iterative Method (NIM) on the Eigen value problems. This is recently developed method which is very easy and efficient developed by Daftardar Gejji and Hossein Jafri [1]. In this study the problems of Eigen value problems are solved to check the ability of this method for solving non linear and linear ordinary differential equations. The results obtained are very useful and close to the exact solution.
Solving Fuzzy Critical Path Problem Using Method of Magnitude[Full-Text ] S.Vimala, S.Krishna PrabhaThis paper deals with a novel method for solving critical path problems with fuzzy duration. The duration of activity is followed by normalized Trapezoidal fuzzy number. Method of magnitude is used for ranking of fuzzy numbers and for solving CPM.
Threat Handling and Security Issue in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Akinola Kayode E., Odumosu Adesola AClouds provide a powerful computing platform that enables individuals and organizations to perform variety levels of tasks on the internet. It has been developed to provide information technologies services on demand to individuals as well as organization. However, as good and flexible as cloud Computing is, there are lots of threat from hackers to security of data passing through it day in day out. Therefore, cloud security have to be strong and consistent, so that the flexibility and advantages that cloud computing has to offer will be reliable. This paper presents a review on the cloud computing threats as well as security issues and how to handle them in the context of cloud infrastructure