Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015.
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REAL TIME INPAINTING USING SUPER RESOLUTION[Full-Text ] Prof. B.D Shendkar, Nikhil Mundhe, Karandeep Singh, Karan Vatnani, Rupesh RanjanIn the past few years different methods has been introduced regarding image inpainting i.e. Diffusion and exemplar-based inpainting. Different algorithms are present today but more efficient algorithms are required. In this paper, using K-NN based exemplar method and Super-Resolution method inpainting is explained.
Design Limitations of Human Computer Interaction for Elder Users[Full-Text ] Samreen Safdar, Tasleem Mustafa, Raheela NasimDifferent modern techniques are introduced in market, but mostly are not adopt by every person due to their complexity. Some technical person and youngsters utilize these technologies for their benefits, but these are being ignored by elder peoples. Due to some effects of aging like regression in memory, lack of management capability and cognitive effects they cannot interact with computer interface.
Internet of Things: Machine to Machine communication with emphasis on role of RFID and NFC[Full-Text ] Jinisha Bhanushali, Piyush Dinde, Shreya ChakrabortyInternet of Things (IoT) is a concept which, for quite a while now, has been identified as the future of internet. It has opened up new possibilities for the implementation of smart environments. Machine-to-machine communication technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Near Field Communication (NFC), etc. play a pivotal role in Internet of Things. This paper highlights the function of device communication in terms of IoT and compares the technologies based on different parameters. Our main purpose is to focus on the usability of RFID and NFC technology for machine communication. Through this paper, we aim to point out the features and future scope of both RFID and NFC which make them perfectly suitable to serve the purpose of device communication in the large scale implementation of Internet of Things in near future.
An Approach to Maximize Profit of a Constructing Project within Limited Budget by Using Simplex Method[Full-Text ] Shifat AhmedThe design and operations of constructing project has become of concern to an ever-increasing segment of the scientific and professional world. It is very difficult task to complete the selected project within the ranges of Budget and limited source. Sometimes we haven’t enough money to complete a project work. In this work a new idea is developed, which is very effective to find out the maximum benefits by formulating a constructing project, applying linear programming and using simplex methods. The linear requirements and non-negativity conditions state that the variables cannot assume negative values. It is not possible to have negative resources. We also use the graphical method to solve a linear Programming problem involving resource allocation.
Review on Leveraging Techniques on Bug Repository to form Accurate Bug Triage[Full-Text ] Aparna S. Murtadak, Prof. S. R. DurugkarSoftware organizations spend huge amount of cost on managing programming bugs. An unavoidable stride of fixing bugs is bug triage, which expects to effectively allocate a developer to a new bug. To diminish the time cost in manual work, text classification techniques are applied to perform automatic bug triage. In this paper, we address the problem of information decrease for bug triage, i.e., how to diminish the scale and enhance the nature of bug data. We use instance selection with feature selection at the same time to decrease information scale on the bug dimension and the word dimension. To focus the request of applying instance selection and feature selection, we extract properties from historical bug information sets and construct a predictive model for new bug information set. Outcomes demonstrate that our data reduction can adequately decrease the data scale and enhance the precision of bug triage. Our work gives a way to deal with leveraging techniques on data processing to form decreased and high-quality bug information in programming advancement and upkeep.
Syntactic Difficulties Arabic Speakers Encounter While Learning English[Full-Text ] Mohammad AlfehaidThis paper is about difficulties Arab learners encounter when they learn English as their foreign language.
Overall Condition of the United Arab Emirates[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlrubayshUnited Arab Emirates is modern country specially in Economy such as airlines. However, Etihad does not operate a direct flight to Dubai. the proposal is to have Etihad subcontract us to operate two aircrafts to take over the transport services to and from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The aircrafts are meant to reduce the time taken to travel between the two cities by the emirates customers, provide a more comfortable transport system and make the customers satisfied with the services and ensure customer loyalty and probably attract new customers. The service will be offered through operating two Embraer ERJ 135 series with 37 seats and two Airbus H155 helicopters 14 passengers.
Designing fractional order PID for car suspension systems[Full-Text ] Saeed ZeraatiThe suspension system of the car has a crucial effect on the comfort of traveling and controlling the vehicle because the body of the car is assembled on it and transfer the forces by the road to the body. In this study the implementation of FOPID controller based on genetic algorithm on the 1/4 active suspension system was investigated through the non-linear hydraulic actuator. The working principle of hydraulic suspension system that sometimes is called hydropenomatic is based on the compressibility principles of gases and non-compressibility of liquids. Investigation of the given acceleration to the pssengers and deviation of suspension shows that the suggested controlling structure has made more ease for the aboard. The results of simulation of the system regarding a non-flat road as the entrance, proves the ideal operation of closed ring system.
Raspberry Pi as a Portable Server[Full-Text ] Nitisha Srivastava, Megha KolhekarThe Raspberry Pi is a low cost single-board computer which has recently become very popular. In this paper we showcase our attempt to use Raspberry pi as portable server and perform few applications based on it. The algorithm are coded in python environment which is the default programming environment provided by Raspberry pi. The Raspberry Pi is controlled by a modified version of Debian Linux optimized for the ARM architecture. The display contains a graphical user interface which provides various fields for data entry via an onscreen keyboard.
VHDL Design and Synthesis of PCI Express Bus Controller[Full-Text ] Abhinav Bhat, Amit Kumar, Aakanksha Devrari, Manish BansalThis paper presents the design and implementation of 64-bit Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) using VHDL. In this thesis, MAC and Physical layer are interconnected using high speed serial communication PCIe bus using a dedicated controller. Peripheral devices like Keyboard, Keypad and RS232 are designed to receive data form external world. Timer is designed for up-count and down-count purpose. DMA is designed to increase the speed of system. CCU is designed to control the flow of data between receiver and transmitter. Finally PCIe bus is designed to interconnect all these modules as a high speed serial communicator. This design is synthesized on Virtex 4 xqr4vsx55-10cf1140 FPGA. VHDL programming language is used to develop the design and simulation results are obtained using Xilinx 14.3 ISE design suit.
Coating of Foods with Plant Based Gum to Reduce Oil Absorption during Frying[Full-Text ] O.P Weerasekera, S.B Navaratne This research discusses four edible plants named Durio zibethinus (Durian-seed), Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra-pod), Cinnamomum verum (Cinnamon-leaves), Neolitsea cassia (Dawul Kurundu-leaves) and gums were extracted using Water Extraction method. Extracted gums were coated on potato chips by dipping method. Then, they were fried in coconut oil and palm oil separately and measured the absorbed oil content using rapid method of oil extraction. The results were then analyzed using Factorial One Way ANOVA Design. From the statistical analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the oil absorption in different coatings as well as in frying medium. Then, the four best samples which had less oil absorption were taken for sensory evaluation. The results were analyzed using Fread Mann Test. According to the results obtained, Okra pod gum was the most effective gum source, which reduced the oil absorption during frying (34%). However, from the sensory aspects, it was not the best source for coating of food items. It got lower points from the sensory evaluation in both cases. Second most effective gum source, which reduced the oil absorption during frying was Durian Seed gum. In coconut oil, as well as in palm oil, it had shown the second most reduction in oil absorption. The results of sensory evaluation proved that the best quality chips are the durian seed gum coated chips. When the cinnamon leaf gum and dawulkurundu leaf gum are concerned, they both did not show any remarkable reduction in oil absorption during frying. It may be due to releasing of gum to the oil. On the other hand, both gums might be heat unstable. Therefore, the two gums had to be rejected as both are not satisfying the main objective of this research.
DENOISING OF SAR IMAGES USING INTEGRATED REDUNDANT CURVELET TRANSFORMATION WITH EMD[Full-Text ] A.Ravi, Dr. P.V.Naganjaneyulu, Dr.M.N. GiriprasadAs the progressive work is on noise removal from SAR (synthetic aperture images) images an efficient noise removal technique was proposed especially removing SPECKLE noise. This paper represents an improved denoising technique by redundant curvelet transformations for removing noise from SAR images. This improves information provided by the image and reducing noise rate in the same. This helps in preserving the images in multi resolution analysis and even filtering the curved architectures in the images. Various error calculation parameters were observing on these redundant curvelet transformation in combination with Empirical mode decomposition filtered image by indicating the best resultant value in the tabular form provided below in results. These observations were executed and results were simulated in MATLAB.
IN-SITU Chemical Synthesis And Electrical Prop-erties Of Polyaniline/ Titanium Di-Oxide Nano Composites[Full-Text ] L.N.Shubha, Dr.P.Madhusudana RaoThe present paper aims to study the preparation of Polyaniline / titanium di-oxide (PANI / TiO2) Nano composites and characterize them. Polyaniline / titanium di-oxide nano composites were prepared by in-situ chemical oxidation polymerization method. The synthesis involved the formation of dark green colored Polyaniline/TiO2 Nanocomposites. The Nanocomposites were characterized by FTIR, XRD, UV-Visible Spectroscopy and SEM. The expected structure of polymer was confirmed by the characteristic peaks in FTIR, SEM and UV-Visible spectra. The XRD pattern shows the monoclinic structure of the composite. The A.C. conductivity , dielectric constant (€’(w) ) and Dielectric Loss (€’’(w) ) of PANI /TiO2 nano composites were investigated in the frequency range 102-106 Hz using LCR Meter .The effect of doping on the A.C. conductivity was investigated.
A format to handle Sustainability problem in software design by engineering sustainability requirements[Full-Text ] Razia Falak, Raheela NasimOne of the major challenges of our society is to achieve sustainability development. Sustainability contains three factor: social, environmental and economics sustainability. For individuals, sustainability is the ability to undergo and the probable for long lasting maintenance. So there is a need to develop a sustainable software with a liable feeding of resources. In software development process, a pattern is a written document that provides a general solution to a design problem that occurs repeatedly in many projects. Requirement engineering is considered one of the most important phases in the development life cycle. Requirement engineering is the crucial activity which can affect the entire life cycle of software development process. The main objective of the requirements elicitation phase is to collect requirements from different views such as requirements from the business, requirements from the customer side, requirements from the user side, and requirements from the security point of view. This research will explore to handle the sustainability problem in design, a new software pattern based on singleton and service locator design pattern is defined. This research also focuses on requirement engineering techniques that are affective to overcome these problems. These techniques are focus groups, interviews and ethnography for eliciting the requirements.
Sequencing and Amplification of Chitinase Gene From Entomopathogenic Fungi Beauveria bassiana 6291[Full-Text ] Shivani sood, Tapan Kumar, SS Sandhu, Anil K SharmaThe need for new and useful compounds to provide help and respite in all aspects of the human life is always growing. It has been well familiar that some plant pathogenic fungi can be developed as inundative biological control agents to kill or inhibit the activity of some insects which cause a large destruction in the crop fields and in forest vegetation. Today, scientist worked on a number of fungi for making it as a myco-insecticide because some fungi contain chitinase genes which degrade the outer hard cuticle of the insect pest. Beauvaria bassiana is one of the fungi which is widely used in insect-pest control in forest as well as in crop fields. In the present study, DNA of Beauvaria bassiana were extracted and amplified by PCR using designed primer from GeneRunner software for isolation of Bbchit1 gene. Bbchit1 gene showed significant similarities with Cordyceps sp., Metarhizium , Trichoderma with endochitinase, chitinase and chit gene. The sequencing of the gene was done and subjected to ClustalX for alignment to detect conserved region and a phylogenetic tree was also generated. These results may be useful in characterizing the evolutionary mechanism of the species. The pathogenecity of the fungi was also detected against insect larvae of Helicoverpa armigera on the basis of time and temperature. This study will facilitate the identification of virulence genes and the development of improved bio-control strains with customized properties.
Fast and Improved Level Set Method for Image Segmentation[Full-Text ] Bibin Varghese, Shany JophinIn recent years, image segmentation algorithms are widely used for segmenting the image into different parts which can be used for further analytical purposes. Nowadays, many applications such as iris segmentation for authentication, brain tumor detection and number plate segmentation uses different segmentation methods. Among them level set methods emerged widely due to its efficiency in handling the change in the topology of images. For solving the level set equation, the conventional level set methods uses some finite approximations schemes for providing numerical stability. These schemes take lot of time for the curve to evolve. This problem is tackled using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). In this method, a fuzzy energy function based on fuzzy c-means objective function is minimized using the gradient descent method to create the level set equation and LBM is used to solve the level set equation in order to provide parallel programming. The proposed method is insensitive to the initial position of the contour. This method easily detects brain tumor, segmented iris and character from number plate of vehicle is selected.
Anticipation of the Significance of Risk Factors in Cervical Cancer for Low Incoming Country: Bangladesh Perspective[Full-Text ] Sayed Asaduzzaman, Kawsar Ahmed, Setu Chakraborty, Md. Goljar Hossain, Mamun Ibn Bashar, Touhid Bhuiyan and Subrata Sarker ChandanCervical cancer is the second alarming cancer for women of low incoming countries like Bangladesh. In future it would be the main cause of death of Bangladeshi women by caner. To find the significant factors, association among them and making a precedence list among them by data mining and statistical approaches. During, February 2014 till July 2014 a case-control study has been acquitted on 436 participants of both patients (199) and non-patients (237). Using an accurate questionnaire based on previous study the whole data collection process done in the different part of the Dhaka cities and diagnostic center. About 10 factors like first sex at the age below 16, Lack of knowledge about cervical cancer, number of children above 3, STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) affection, previous cervical cancer history are founded highly significant by the statistical analysis and later those factors were given precedence by data mining process Ranker algorithm with different attribute evaluator. Oral contraception taken, contraception used and vaccine taken factors are lower significant than the other factors by the analysis. Both data mining and statistical approaches depict a comparative analysis and by the result the significant factors and the significance priority can be measured.
‘A Vocal Eye’: A GPS Based Way Finding Voice Navigational System for Visually Impaired People[Full-Text ] H.M.Sohaib Azhar, Suhail Shaikh, Sajid Ahmed, M.Hassan Tanveer, Shahzeb SamiThis article focuses to provide an effective model and a system named ‘A Vocal Eye’ that can be used to carry out the monitoring system for visually impaired persons which alert them about the existing obstacles and ducts. It also allows visually impaired to hear voice directions to reach their desired endpoint safely by avoiding hurdles and obstacles using ultrasonic sensors. Due to which the acquire range data from objects in the environment and detection of obstacles around.. For solving such issues, a multiple number of microcontroller platform is being implemented (i.e: AVR and Arduino) which directs the command and control throughout monitoring system.. Moreover, brief comparisons of both Microcontrollers are also presented in this paper for appropriate selection.
Tumor Detection Using Trapezoidal Function and Rayleigh distribution[Full-Text ] Mohammad Aslam. C, Satya Narayana. D, Padma Priya. KBreast cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. In developed countries, among one in eight women develop breast cancer at some stage of their life. Early diagnosis of breast cancer plays a very important role in treatment of the disease. With the goal of identifying genes that are more correlated with the prognosis of breast cancer.
The role of the annealing temperatures on the structure and optical properties of Rose Bengal thin films[Full-Text ] H. M. Zeyada, M. I. Youssif, N. A. El-Ghamaz, M. E. O. AboderbalaUniform thin films of Rose Bengal, RB, have been successfully prepared by the spin coating technique. Results of thermal analysis for RB films showed its stability up to 514 K. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements proved no changes occurred in the chemical bonds of RB films upon annealing. X-ray diffraction showed that the powder, the pristine and the annealed (363 K) thin films of RB have amorphous structure. The amorphous pristine films become polycrystalline structure after being annealed at 423 K. Optical properties of pristine and annealed RB films have been investigated using transmittance and reflectance methods. The refractive index (n) and the extinction coefficient (k) of RB films were directly calculated from the absolute values of the transmission and the reflection spectra. Single oscillator parameters and Drude model of free carrier absorption have been applied for the analysis of refractive index dispersion. The optical absorption edge data were analyzed within the frame work of the band-to-band electron transitions theory. Annealing temperatures created variations in the absorption coefficient, the energy gap and the refractive index of RB films. The optical functions and their dependence on the annealing temperatures were directly calculated from the spectral distribution of dielectric constant.
Assessment of Selected Dietary Habits in Students of Rzeszow University[Full-Text ] Paulina Duma, Magdalena Marchel, Elzbieta Glodek, Marian GilThe aim of this study was designed to assess dietary habits of students of Rzeszow University. The study covered a group of students of the faculty of Food Technology and Human Nutrition at the University of Rzeszow. The group of respondents consisted of 318 individuals (266 women and 52 men). All participants completed an original questionnaire. Tables of numerical data were calculated using statistical software STATISTICA 12 PL.
Error analysis of the FEM calculations depending on the mesh density[Full-Text ] PaweÅ‚ Nowak, Roman SzewczykPaper presents analyses of the FEM modeling error in the function of the mesh density. Tests were conducted on open-source FEM software, which allows magnetodynamics modeling with the utilization of Whitney elements to solve Maxwell’s equations. Simulations was based on modeling of magnetic flux distribution around the Helmholtz coils setup, which allowed to compare modeling result with analytical solution of magnetic flux value in the midpoint of the setup. Modeling was conducted on a typical model of Helmholtz coils with different mesh densities. Results confirmed that generally denser mesh resulted with lower modeling error, but the correlation was non-linear. Also, utilization of a mesh with premade parameters resulted with similar error like high density meshes with fixed element size.
Study on the Importance of Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurship on the Country’s Progress[Full-Text ] Misko Dzidrov, Simeon Simeonov, Slavco Cvetkov, Sasko Dimitrov, Ljubica Stefanovska Ceravolo Entrepreneurship as a term has become a well-known term around the world, where the society sees the entrepreneurs connected with the well-being and economic development of any country. In the same time, the importance of innovation has been highlighted many times but little has been said about the major source of entrepreneurial opportunities that potentially can arise from that innovation idea. This research focuses on the role of knowledge in creating opportunities that can be exploited through innovation and possibly with some future entrepreneurial step. We would analyse the theoretical models of growth vis-Ã -vis the link between the knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship. Also we will try to comprehend the forces of knowledge and how innovation and entrepreneurs make it marketable and help the growth process.
Performance Evaluation of Spatial Multiplexing MIMO-OFDM System using MMSE Detection under Flat and Frequency Selective Rician Channel[Full-Text ] Namrata Mankad, Dr. B. K. Mishra, Rajesh BansodeMIMO-OFDM (Multiple Input Multiple Output-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is a very promising technology providing high throughput and range without additional bandwidth or transmit power by using many antennas at transmitter and receiver eliminating Inter-Symbol-Interference (ISI).The capacities of MIMO-OFDM systems can be fully utilized by low complex and optimal signal detection scheme. The receiver’s detector is supposed to maximize the Signal to interference plus noise (SINR) by cancelling the spatial interference and should separate the transmitted signals. Linear detector, Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) is a less complex detector than other non-linear detectors. The performance of the proposed system is analysed using MMSE under flat and frequency selective Rician channel environment, different number of antenna configurations and various modulation techniques to provide an optimum solution
Thermal Efficiency of a Locally Manufactured Concentrating Solar Power System Located in Fayoum Region-Egypt[Full-Text ] M. Abdelmonem, G. Said, N. Yasein and H. HassanA locally manufactured concentrating solar power system LM-CSPS is designed and constructed in Fayoum-Egypt in order to study its thermal efficiency and the heat power output which could be probably used in the solar exploitations. LM-CSPS was built on the theoretical background of the parabolic solar collector and its total thermal efficiency was calculated being on average 27.5% with a heat power output 15.0 MJ/day which represents an important good result for extracting free and clean energy.
Transient Response of Lossy Multiconductor Transmission Line, Terminated in Complex Nonlinear Loads and Illuminated by an External Electromagnetic Field[Full-Text ] Ilham Zerrouk, Hassane Kabbaj, Amine AmharechThis paper investigates the electromagnetic field coupling to a lossy and planar uniform multiconductor transmission line (MTL), connected with multiple complex nonlinear components such as the Metal Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MESFET) or the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET). Under the assumption of a quasi-transverse electromagnetic (quasi-TEM) field structure, we obtain the expressions of the currents and the voltages induced in the line, using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm. The calculated results using the proposed method show good agreement with results obtained by commercial software PSpice.
Aspirin and its Preventative Role in Colorectal Cancer[Full-Text ] Wyncel ChanIt has been evident for a number of years that aspirin (ASA) has held a strong position in the prevention of cardiovascular related events but is now becoming a prominent preventative measure in colorectal cancer. This paper has sought at what molecular levels these new preventative results are stemming from.
21 U.S. Code § 1708 - National youth antidrug media campaign[Full-Text ] Fahad AlzahraniThe office of National Drug Control Policy has started a campaign in the United States named as the National youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. The goal of this campaign is to influence the news media and attitudes of the people about the issue of drug abuse. This campaign is also started by the domestic government with the goal of preventing and reducing drug abuse mostly found in the youth of the country. This media campaign is making associations with public and private sector organizations for the drug free America.
A survey of IDS classification using KDD CUP 99 dataset & WEKA[Full-Text ] Urvashi Modi, Prof. Anurag JainIntrusion detection systems (IDSs) are based on two fundamental approaches first the recognition of anomalous activities as it turns from usual behavior and second misuse detection by observing those "signatures" of those recognized malicious assaults and classification vulnerabilities. Anomaly (behavior-based) IDSs presume the difference of normal behavior beneath attacks and achieve abnormal recognition evaluated with predefined system or user behavior reference model.
ASSESSING THE CARIES RISK FACTOR AMONG CHILDREN AT AGE PROM 4-5 USING THE CARIOGRAM PROGRAM[Full-Text ] Jetmire JAKUP ,Snezana ILJOVSKA ,Sanja NASKOVA, Marija PAVLEVSKA ,Nexhibe NUHIIThe Cariogram is a new concept, primarily evolved as an educative model, focused towards simple presentation of the numerous factors which cause dental caries. For the realization of this doctorate, we defined and accomplished the goal, which was based on the assessment of the dental caries risk profiles, in examinees with primary teeth, using the Cariogram model.
ELECTRONIC LEARNING (E-LEARNING) AS A CATALYST FOR EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY IN NIGERIAN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS[Full-Text ] OWOLABI, Babatunde Oluwaseyi, OWOLABI, Boludola GbemisolaE-learning as a sub-system within information and communications technology (ICT), is the electronic process which enhances the delivery and administration of learning opportunities and support via computer, networked and web-based technology to help an individual’s performance and development. The basic principle of e-learning is connectivity – the process by which computers are networked to share information which can connect people. Electronic learning technologies are becoming increasingly popular in tertiary institutions as they are used for tutoring, managing courses, providing simulations, enriching existing courses, programming and problem solving. The catalyst for growth in e-learning is its suitability for simulation and experiential learning through the internet and computer applications. E-learning technology has the potential to transform how and when learners learn. Learning becomes more integrated with work and uses shorter, more modular, just-in-time delivery systems via e-learning. This paper therefore, discusses the concept of e-learning, common e-learning terms/tools and attributes of e-learning.The paper also examines the concept of effective instructional delivery and the responsibilities of lecturer in using e-learning, the major problems identified and recommendations that will help in the effective utilization of e-learning to catalyse instructional delivery were also made.
Information Communication Technology (ICT) Utilization for Instructional Delivery in Teaching-Learning Process in Nigerian Educational System[Full-Text ] OWOLABI, Babatunde Oluwaseyi, OWOLABI, Boludola GbemisolaInformation communication technology (ICT) has been recognized to be a very powerful tool in education reform. The use of ICT, particularly a computer stimulates a new atmosphere where teachers and students could utilize modern ICT resources for effective instructional delivery during teaching-learning process in order to promote students’ academic achievement. The curriculum of schools ought to be computer based to enable ICT utilization to be achieved. ICT policies need to be formulated and planned to complement and support curricula with technologies infrastructure. This paper therefore, discusses the need to achieve effective instructional delivery at all levels of education through the use of ICT. The paper also examines the concepts of ICT, need for ICT in schools, and ways of integrating ICT in teaching. The major constraints to the utilization of ICT in schools are highlighted and recommendations that will help in its’ effective utilization in teaching and learning process at all levels were made.
Investigation of Bubble Dynamics of a Second Grade Visco-elastic Fluid[Full-Text ] Rehan Ali Shah, Jamal NasirTheoretical analysis will be made on the bubble dynamics of a second grade viscoelastic fluid. The flow will be considered to be laminar and incompressible. Theoretical results include the time wise variations in the bubble growth and mass transfer during growth. Some results will be obtained numerically using RK-4 method of bubble growth and mass transfer with effects of physical quantities, namely, viscosity, density, shear stress, pressure difference and viscoelastic parameter.
Oxidative Degradation of Methylene Blue Using Fenton Reagent[Full-Text ] Elegbeleye Oladipo AyodamopeMethylene Blue dye is an aromatic chemical compound with a molecular formula C16H18N3SCl and has some very distinctive uses in some fields like biology and chemistry. Its uses are diverse as they can be used in paper and pulp industries, leather industries and can also be used for medicinal purposes. This paper focuses on the degradation of methylene blue using Fenton and Oxidative processes and how to remove this dye compound from water solution. The material used, its environmental effect, advantages and recommendations are also discussed.