Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021
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Biosorption of Selected Heavy Metal Ions from A Multi-Metal Aqueous Solution using Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) Root Powder[Full-Text ] OKUGBAWA A.OGHENERUME VINCENT ; EGBOHS.H.OBatch assessment of WATER HYACINTH (EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES) activated root powder as a potential bioadsorbent for the sorption of Cu (ll), Pb (ll), Zn(ll), Mn(lll) and Cd(ll) ions from a multi-metal aqueous solution, under various reaction parameters of initial metal ion concentration, PH and Contact time were studied at room temperature and pressure. The residual metal ions in solution were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), 2008 model GF-3000 Australia. Data obtained were tested with Langmuir and Freundlich absorption isotherms models in order to determine the suitable model.
Investigating E-Learning Utilisation during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Zacchaeus Adetona, Joel Ogunyemi & Esther Oduntan At its peak, the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria forced the country into a social lockdown that prevented all normal activities including education. The Nigerian Ministry of education and other educational institutions in Nigeria introduced e-learning during the pandemic lockdown. The e-learning activities were carried out with many challenges faced by institutions’ management, ICT staff, lecturers, and students alike. The focus of this paper is to investigate the e-learning utilisation during the period of COVID-19 lockdown.
DETECTION OF OVA OF Ascaris lumbricoides IN SOME SELECTED VEGETABLES SOLD IN BAUCHI METROPOLIS, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Safiya Isma’il, Amina Umar Yuguda, Rabi MohammedThe study was carried out in the Biological Science laboratory of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi between October and November to detect the ova of Ascaris lumbricoides sold in Bauchi metropolis. Twenty-five samples of each different vegetable types, cabbage (Brassica deracea), lettuce (Lactus sativa), carrot (Daucus carota), cucumber and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) were bought randomly from the different market and examine for Ascaris lumbricoids in the laboratory using sedimentation and sucrose – NaCl flotation.
Experimental Study of Concrete with Glazed Hollow Beads as a Replacement of Fine Aggregate[Full-Text ] R. Urmila, Anantha Krishnan. R, Adarsh. S, Rahul. JIn the field of construction concrete inevitable substance. The weight which the concrete possess is a greater demerit as greater weight increases the structural load the building has on the foundation. The glazed hollow beads are glass microspheres produced of soda-lime borosilicate a replacement material for the fine aggregates. Fine aggregates are natural elements present and for the concrete preparation they are being largely consumed which causes a depletion in these natural elements. Studies are being carried to determine fine aggregate replaced concrete which has the same properties of a normal concrete.
Toxic effect of Amphotericin B on the Testosterone of male Swiss albino mice[Full-Text ] Deepak Kumar RatanThe anti-leishmanial drug Amphotericin B is widely used in the treatment of leishmaniasis. Although its toxic effects on testis is causing abnormalities in spermatogenesis has not been studied. But it shows spermicidal effect as well as decrease the serum testosterone level. Hence the present study has been conducted to evaluate the effect if Amp B on the testosterone level. Male mice were employed in the study (n = 5per group).
Time series in hydrogeological processes[Full-Text ] Rashid Burtiev, Yuliia Semenova, Victor Jeleapov, Sergiu Troian, Vladlen CardanetsIn this work, the time series model is used to study the structure of hydrogeological data series to identify patterns in the change in the levels of the series and build its model in order to predict and study the relationships between the levels of hydrogeological data. Observations of the activity of hydrogeological processes showed that the periods of variations of these processes are scattered chaotically on the time axis. According to their schedule, it is impossible to definitely speak about the regularity in the duration of the periods of variations, and in the alternation of periods of calm with a period of high activity.
Application Of Coagulants In Oil Refinery Wastewater Treatment[Full-Text ] Rajab Mammadov Wastewater from oil refineries has a great potential for contamination with mutagenic and toxic compounds. In the petroleum refining industry uses enormous amounts of water and large amounts of wastewater formed because of technological processes and washing. Deteriorating water quality poses a serious threat and at the same time gives researchers the opportunity to finally solve the problem with innovative coagulation strategies.
EVALUATION OF HYDROGEN GENERATION FROM RADIOLYSIS OF WATER[Full-Text ] N.K.AbbasovaHydrogen production by γ-radiolysis of the mixture of beryllium oxide and water was studied in order to provide basic points of view for the influences of beryllium oxide and of rise in temperature on the hydrogen production by the radiolysis of water. As the influence of the beryllium oxide, an additional production of hydrogen besides the hydrogen production by the radiolysis of water was observed.
Investigation on the comparison of Conventional Concrete & Fibre Reinforced Concrete[Full-Text ] Jaculin Jeka J, Sangeetha MThe production rate of concrete as well as the growth rate of infrastructure highlight and reflect the economic strength and the degree of civilization. It is well known that concrete is one of the most far used construction material all over the globe. Fibres have played a dominant role for a long time in a variety of applications for their high specific strength and modulus.
Impact of BlockChain Integration with IOT for Payment System[Full-Text ] Bhavraaj Singh , Priyabrata PradhanBlockchain is one of the most anticipated solutions as a decentralized ledger for the Internet of Things. Its decentralized nature makes it one of the best technologies enabling the ideal M2M financial transactions that are important for IoT systems. The Internet of Things has made traditional appliances and devices smart and automatic. Advancement of technology has made this concept into reality. However, there are privacy and security issues making it a challenge for a large-scale implementation.
Reinventing the Virtual Classroom for Learners: A Portal into the Future of Education[Full-Text ] Ms. Carolann Carrasco Ancient tales will tell of a time in the past when learners and educationists rebelled against the forces of a futurist virtual realm. But given the current scenario, we seem to be living on the cusp of a new and incumbent reality. The 21st century came with its age of the internet and is here to stay and grow for generations to come. Online platforms and Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools are swiftly becoming a way of life; and as educationists and educators we can no longer turn a blind eye to its vast prospects. With a new advent in time and medical challenges, an era of futuristic change and development arises.
Ecotoxicant Determination Research in Waste Formed in the Oil Industry[Full-Text ] J.Z.SamadovIn the modern world, the rapid development of industry, the aggravation of the demographic situation, has led to the excessive use of natural resources by the environment. Against this background, the oil and gas industry has a special role in the use of energy resources. As a result of the rapid development of the oil and gas industry, a large number of substances with ecotoxic effects are released into the environment.
POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS, STABILIZATION AND EVALUATION METHODOLOGIES[Full-Text ] Nwagu Chukwukadibia C and E.N.C OkaforOscillation generated in power system dynamics poses threat to the stability of power system. Oscillation has caused great havoc to the power system and therefore, need to be reduced to increase the stability and reliability of power system. In solving this problem, various methods were adopted in addition with power system stabilizer. These methods could be conventional or optimization. They were reviewed in this paper to select the best enhancement method to improve the stability of power system.
Some Potential and Effective Important Medicinal Plants for Cancer Treatment[Full-Text ] Jyoti Sharma, Anjali Negi, Shahana Jabi, Ayesha, Aditi Sharma, Neha Saini, Neha Negi, Hem Chandra Pant, Aditi Mishra, Himani Tomar, Mayank Singhal, Ghazala Shaheen, Arun Kumar, Naveen GauravGlobally, the number of cases of cancer are increasing gradually and cancer is one of the leading causes of death nowadays. It causes the serious health problems, mortalities and physical disabilities. Cancer kills about 3500 million people annually. There are many chemo preventive agents which have been used to treat cancer but are very toxic that restricts their usage. Currently, some plant products are being used for treatment of cancer and have shown promising anti-cancer properties and have to be evaluated in humans. Hence, this article contains few medicinal plants, which are natural source of anticancer agents.
A Study on the Unique Architectural Significances of Khelaram Data Temple[Full-Text ] Khandokar Mahfuz Alam, Rupali Akter, Imamur HossainBangladesh is embellished with a plethora of architectural heritage sites that significantly contributed to shaping the cultural landscape of this country. Temples with heritage significance are the cultural expression and material manifestation that establishes a spatial connection of the traditional ‘Sanatan’ community of the country with the divine. The temple of Khelaram Data has been restored by the Department of Archaeology of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Government of Bangladesh, sets an exceptional example not only for its unique architectural features unlike traditional ones but also for embodying a set of cultural meanings, social relationship and heritage values that transcends beyond its materiality.
BENEFITS OF VARIOUS KINDS OF COOLANTS IN CNC MACHINING 4 AXISES AND it is IMPROVEMENT[Full-Text ] Eng. Salem Yousef Ahmed Dawoud,Eng. Hani Ali AlMubarakMachine coolants have been used in a way that covers or affects a large area in mechanical world in metal cutting operations from 200 years which is begun with consisted of simple oils served with brushed to lubricate the machine tools.
Studies On The Application Of Heterosis For Evaluation Of Bivoltine Silkworm Hybrids For Tropical Conditions[Full-Text ] H. Lakshmi, N. B. Prashant, M. Srilatha, S. V Seshagiri, N. Shyamala, K. Shiva, P.J Raju.The main aim of silkworm breeders is to develop promising bivoltine breeds to suit to the tropical conditions of India. Ultimate results in silkworm breeding are judged by the excellence of the characters of the parental strains that appear in the F1 hybrid. In the present study, an attempt is made to evaluate the multivoltine hybrids, cross Breeds and Bivoltine hybrids from the Silkworm Breeding section of Andhra Pradesh State Sericulture Research and Development Institute, namely, viz., NP1 x APM1, FVB1 x MF4, APM2 x GD, (three Multi x Multi Hybrids), APM1 x APS45, APMG16 x APS12, APMG249 x HTO5 (Multi x Bi Cross Breeds) and APS45 x APS12, APS27 x APS50 and APS67 x APS20 (three Biv x Biv Hybrids). The hybrid vigor in the eight traits studies indicate that viz., NP1 x APM1 among Multi x Multi hybrids with 64.68 value and APMG249 x HTO5 with 97.19 value among Cross Breeds and APS67 x APS20 among bivoltine hybrids with 80.43 values are found to be promising hybrids for commercial exploitation in Sericulture industry.
Power Theft Detection by Introducing Current Measuring Device with Smart Meter[Full-Text ] S. M. Mehedi Hasan, Nayeem Hasan Mahmud, K. M. A. SalamIn everyday life, electricity is a vital commodity and pillar for the whole community. However, the government or power company is losing a significant amount of money due to the proper theft detection as a system loss every year. The present automatic smart meter system is used for energy measurements. Still, it cannot detect the total theft as system loss properly due to a lack of regular interval checking consumers' door to door. A new technique, the current measuring device introduced in the system with a smart meter, allows consumers to monitor each device's use in their homes.
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT BY GGBS[Full-Text ] N.P. Ramya, Jeeva P, Manikanth V.S, Pavithra VOne of the main ingredients used for the production of concrete is the Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). Carbon-dioxide (CO2 ) gas which is a major contributor in greenhouse effect and the global warming, is produced in the production of cement, hence it is needed either to search for another material or partially replace cement by some other material. In recent years Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) when replaced with cement has emerged as a major alternative to conventional concrete and has rapidly drawn the concrete industry attention due to its cement savings, energy savings, and cost savings, environmental and socio-economic benefits.
WINDOW ANALYSIS FOR PROJECT DELAY ANALYSIS AND CLAIM MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Er.B.Ravinder, Er.Piyush Nagar, Er.Patlolla Ram Reddy, Er. Minakshi Shende, Er.Sagar SrivastavaClaims or counter claims are unavoidable in every civil building/infrastructure contract. The claims may be for extension of time or for monetary compensation and it is due to delay either from employer or employees rights and or obligation. To capture the claims it is required to superimpose the updated project progress over the planned schedule.
Realtime Head Pose Estimation with Facial Keypoints Prediction On Masked/Unmasked Faces[Full-Text ] SAURAV ARORA, PRANJAL DUBEY, SAHAJ KAPOORNumerous Governing authorities/organizations expect people to utilize the services only if they wear masks, effectively masking both their nose and mouth, according to the rules from the World Health Organization (WHO). Manual screening and distinguishing proof of individuals following/not following this arrangement is an enormous assignment in public places.Keeping in mind these challenges, the ideal methodology is to utilize innovations in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning; to be utilized as to make this undertaking straightforward, which is anything but difficult to utilize and robotized.
Ecotoxicant Determination Research in Waste Formed in the Oil Industry[Full-Text ] J.Z.SamadovIn the modern world, the rapid development of industry, the aggravation of the demographic situation, has led to the excessive use of natural resources by the environment. Against this background, the oil and gas industry has a special role in the use of energy resources. As a result of the rapid development of the oil and gas industry, a large number of substances with ecotoxic effects are released into the environment.
Geotechnical Investigation of Foundation of Dyaneshwary Gatha Mandir at Alandi , Pune, Maharashtra, India[Full-Text ] Pramila Sadashiv Kale, Prof. Sachin Jaiveersingh Yadav, Dr. P. D. SableAn approach to the estimation of safety of on rock foundations is discussed from the viewpoint of strength and total structural load. Design of foundations for the large buildings is complex and time-consuming, above all due to great number of the load combinations and the coexistent influences of numerous equipment and installations. Reliable foundation of the huge buildings is significantly important, due to strategic role of this type of engineering objects in the respective economy. Due to importance of the investment and its great costs, all buildings are classified to the third geotechnical category regardless of the soil conditions.
Piscine-fauna diversity and composition in the Alaknanda river at Garhwal Uttarakhand[Full-Text ] Garima Tomar, D.S. Malik and C.K. JainPiscine-fauna are very important component for freshwater ecosystem. It also plays a vital role in local and rural people’s life in terms of food resource. In Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, this is included in the primary protein rich food i.e available on low cost. In the present investigation, the river stretch has been divided into four zones. Spatial distribution, density and diversity of fishes has been identified of river Alaknanda at Garhwal region. A total of 21 fish species were found from 5 families as Cyprinidae, Cobitidae, Balitoridae, Sisoridae and Mastacembelidae.
HAND MADE IN INDIA: AN OVERVIEW OF TRADITIONAL WALL HANGING MAKING CRAFT CLUSTER OF SOLAPUR (MAHARASHTRA)[Full-Text ] Dr.Reena AggarwalTraditional craft is often associated with intangible heritage. Behind each crafted object lie stories on how a particular culture has lived and flourished depicting their rich heritage. Traditional heritage is a living body of knowledge that is developed, sustained and passed on from generation to generation within a community, often forming part of its cultural or spiritual identity. Developed from experience gained over the centuries, traditional knowledge of making a craft tends to be collectively owned and transformed as society changes.
Changes of the teachers' motivational attitudes towards the integration of the information and communication technologies in the Tunisian education[Full-Text ] Nader ZghidiIn fact, although the integration of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education has been on the political agendas of education for several years, the slow pace of this integration is often observed. However, few studies have evaluated the evolution of the technology integration through an empirically rooted approach.
COMPARATIVE AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF CONCRETE WITH IRON GRAINED POWDER AND SUPER PLASTICIZER[Full-Text ] A. Alton, M. Anish Paul, R.B. Divakar, M. Namasivayam, K. Vignesh KumarThe adverse effects of elevated temperatures on the properties of the fresh concrete include increased water demand, shorter setting time and increased slump loss. Super Plasticizer (SP) is important to enhance the workability and setting time of concrete under hot weather, hence, an experimental investigation was conducted to determine the effect of dosage of the mentioned admixture. Concrete mixes with SP along with iron powder dosages of cement were prepared, together with two control mixes (water/cement ratio were 0.56 and 0.66 respectively).
ISSUES OF IMPROVING MODERN MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TO INCREASE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF TEXTILE INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES[Full-Text ] Vafoyeva Dilafruz IkromovnaIn the paper was investigated issues of improving modern management strategies to increase the competitiveness of textile industry enterprises. By the author were analyzed products of light industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its dynamics of influencing factors in 2005-2019 and forecast values for 2020-2021.
WAYS TO INCREASE THE ATTRACTIVITY OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Yuldasheva Umida SadullaevnaIn this article have been contained suggestions and recommendations on how to increase the attractiveness of attracting foreign investment to Uzbekistan. Also, the necessary feedback on improving the investment climate in Uzbekistan was identified, and priorities were identified that could ensure a high level of efficiency of the investment process.
ENSURING THE LIQUIDITY OF COMMERCIAL BANKS DURING THE PANDEMID PERIOD[Full-Text ] Bahriddin BerdiyarovIn the article examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the liquidity of commercial banks in Uzbekistan and the issues of ensuring the liquidity of banks in this case.
DEVELOPMENT OF A MICROCONTROLLER-BASED SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Kamil.R. Kehinde, Seriki.B. Salaudeen, Aliyu.Y. Sharif and Kamil.I. JemilatRenewable energy exploration has rapidly gained importance as an alternative energy source with fossil fuels availability worldwide continue to deplete causing fluctuation in their prices. At the energy research and innovation level, it is required to have an understanding and appreciation of the technologies associated with renewable energy. One of the most prevalent renewable energy sources is solar energy. Research has been directed toward the use of trackers to increase the efficiency of a solar energy collectors to be able to harvest substantial energy.
MARINE CONSERVATION FROM MICROPLASTICS[Full-Text ] Umeed MaalikEnvironment is in continuous change to serve life in various forms on land and water. The cost of these services result negative changes in environment resulting pollution. It moves to oceans either it is generated inside or outside. Plastic pollution is most irreparable among these. It tends to minimize and stop environmental rich activities. Furthermore it moves towards destruction of physical and biological systems in oceans. Resulting ecosystems damage and economy failure.
THERAPY CHATBOT: A RELIEF FROM MENTAL STRESS AND PROBLEMS[Full-Text ] Pranav Kapoor, Pratham Agrawal, Zeeshan Ahmad, Dr. Swarnalatha PAs the pandemic goes by, psychological state has become a vital side of our daily lives. Individuals still don’t feel comfortable to speak to people regarding their psychological state and frequently tend to keep their issues to themselves, this typically results in the build up of stress in their minds and thus leads to an hampered productivity in their work. As these cases tend to extend, we tend to conceive it by introducing a Therapy Chatbot, that may assist and check with the person regarding his mental state. The user gets to share his feelings while not having the concern of being judged. Thus, reducing the no. of deaths because of depression.
A Novel Framework for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning for Business Breakthroughs[Full-Text ] Anthony I. Otuonye, Nnanna N. Ekedebe, Emmanuel C. Chukwu, Patricia O. OnyechereThere has been a growing need to assist Business Corporations, especially Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) enjoy the huge benefits offered by the internet technology, cloud computing, and that of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). System Analysts, over the years, have sought ways of creating ERP systems that can guarantee efficient data exchange and web integration especially for sustainable growth of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs).
Artificial Neural Network Model with Adaptive GMDH Technique for Non-Linear Regression Prediction[Full-Text ] Abdul Joseph Fofanah, Saidu Koroma, Alpha Bilhal Sesay, Ahmed FofanaA theoretical concept of the GMDH technique using a non-linear regression model, multilayered neural nets, model assessment, and selection to determine the prediction error versus selection model complexity was reviewed and evaluated. The model selection was experimented and evaluated with MATLAB.
DEVELOPMENT OF ROBUST PROCEDURE FOR MAPPING ARABLE AND IRRIGABLE LAND OF EDO STATE FOR CROP PRODUC-TION AND NATURAL RESOURCES PRESERVATION[Full-Text ] Akpata, S.B.M, Okeke, F.I.The quest for food has resulted to several methods of farming to increase food production that would meet the demand for food by the growing population of man and livestock. The farming processes have led to the destruction of forest which is host to wildlife and biodiversity. Forest and species extinction are as a result of agricultural practices, bush burning, and Urban sprawl. To balance the energy circle among the ecosystem, crop production should be planned in such a way that forest reserve, water body, and farming activities are preserved to maintain natural resources and biodiversity.
IMPLEMENTATION OF MODERN METHODS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT AT ENTERPRISES[Full-Text ] Gulbakhor Khodjamuratova, Khajieva Zuhra Bakhtiyor kiziIn the paper have been discussed the quality management system, outlines the fundamentals of quality management and requirements in accordance with the standards, stages of the quality control process, groups of quality indicators according to the properties present in them, identifies the principles of organizing quality control, factors affecting quality.
Similarity Detection among student’s queries: A Text Mining approach[Full-Text ] Kavita S. Oza, P. G. Naik R.K.KamatDue to the pandemic situation it is difficult for student to query about admissions at university or colleges, as they cannot visit the college premises physically. Proposed research work focuses on processing student online queries related to admission process using text mining techniques. A query dataset along with the response to the query is developed i.e. query corpus. When students request a query, it is matched with query dataset for similarity. Here five different similarity measures viz. Jaccard, Cosine, Euclidean, Minkowski and Manhattan similarity measures are used. As per the similarity measures response is generated for students query. If query did not match with any record in the dataset then it is added to the dataset with response manually.
Integration of 16kV, 300MW PV Solar into Existing 330kV, 600MW Shiroro Transmission Grid in the DIgSILENT Environment[Full-Text ] Dr.Emechebe Jonas N., Dr. Muhammad Uthman, Dr. Ashigwuike E.C., Dr. Eronu E.M., Engr, Onyinyechi Uwaoma A.This research paper focuses on Integration of 16kV, 300MW PV (Photovoltaic) Solar into existing 330KV, 600MW Shiroro Transmission Grid in the DIgSILENT Environment, to improve power supply in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Abuja, Nigeria. A hybrid energy system is a system that combines two or more sources of energy for production of electricity. Electricity generated from combination of Photovoltaic Solar and Hydro energy is known as the PV/Hydro Hybrid System. Both home users and electric power investors are attracted towards hybrid generation now due to the rising cost of fossil fuel in addition to its negative impact to the environment.
MONITORING OF SUGARCANE PLANTATION CONDITIONS USING VEGETATION INDICES AND REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGIES AT SOME FADAMA LANDS IN TARABA STATE[Full-Text ] Okeke Francis Ifeanyi, Chuma Obiamaka VivianThe study investigated the use of Raster Calculator in the Map Algebra Tools of ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Tools in calculating Ratio Vegetation and Atmospherically Resistant vegetation indices. The results from these calculations will now be used to monitor sugarcane conditions for certain periods. After map designs and calculations it was realized that the green colors from the maps depicts sugarcane healthiness of these sugarcane farms, while red indicates bad health. Furthermore, after appropriate analysis it was now discovered that these broad band indices when prepared in maps can be used to monitor the development of sugarcane in these regions.
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON COPPER SLAG CONCRETE[Full-Text ] GOVINDASAMI.S, MADHUMITHA.V, BALAJI.S, YOGESHWARAN.N.SProtecting the natural resources with sustainable technologies is essential and mandatory to achieve sustainable development. In view of this, this study was carried out to protect the river sand and its quantity from its usage in the construction sector. So it was decided to use copper slag as fine aggregate through a characteristics study. A design mix of M25 was chosen and the copper slag concrete behavior was investigated to achieve the strength of M25.
Stock Management System Using Object Detection Techniques[Full-Text ] Mamta Borle, Janvi Patel,Riddhi Nalawade,Smit MehtaLack of availability of goods and/or the improper positioning of products on the shelves of a retail store can result in loss of sales to a retailer. Visual audits are undertaken by the retailer’s staff and the staff of the FMCG product companies, (whose products are stocked in the retail shelves), to discover out-of-stock and misplaced products in a retailer’s shelf. In this paper, a method of automating the process of manual inspection has been described. The solution involves real-time monitoring of the shelf using a camera.
Severe form of Dress Syndrome treated with bolus corticotherapy[Full-Text ] J.B. Ntihebuwayo, F. Hali , F.Z. El Fatoiki , S. ChihebDrug hypersensitivity syndrome or DRESS is a drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. The prescription of systemic corticosteroids has been proposed in case of visceral involvement with the possibility of corticosteroid bolus in the presence of severe signs of DRESS. We report the case of a patient who developed DRESS syndrome two months after taking Mesalazine and fifteen days after taking Sulfasalazine with moderate hepatic impairment which progressed to severe hepatic cytolysis despite the discontinuation of the incriminating treatment and the introduction of low-dose corticosteroid therapy.