Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021
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Chromium Biosorption Potential of Rummeliibacillus stabekisii (MN250294.1) and Alcaligenes faecalis (MN250293.1) using Fermented Palm Oil Mill Effluent as Carbon Source[Full-Text ] M. N. Aransiola, B. O. Olusola and O. E. FagadeBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Heavy metal contaminated water is said to negatively impact environment and it keeps increasing. Treating such water is a challenge since the conventional methods are costly. There is continuous search globally for biological methods which are cost effective and environmentally friendly. Thus, this study aim at evaluating the ability of Rummeliibacillus stabekisii(MN250294.1) and Alcaligenes faecalis (MN250293.1) to remove chromium in a metal-ladened mine drainage using fermented palm oil mill effluent as carbon source.
A Descriptive Study to assess the Knowledge of Mothers Regarding Effectiveness of Birthing Ball on Maternal Outcome among Primigravida Mothers in Selected Hospital at Hoshangabad[Full-Text ] Sheelamma M A, Dr.Jinu K RajanEvery woman gives a soul that arises within them and it is the most blessed time in their life, child birth is a natural miracle of emergence and separation of offspring from the body of the mother” . Labour is a physiological process during which the fetus, membranes, umbilical cord, and placenta are expelled from the uterus, it occurs between 37 and42 weeks. According to the 2013 Indian birth reports birth rate in India is 20.22 births per 1000 population. The labour process is divided into four stages that delineate milestones in a continuous process.
Green Human Resource Management practices’ an evaluation of relevant practices in selected commercial banks of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Ghulam SarwarIt is important to look at environmental issues for the banking sector as well as for all the business sectors in Pakistan as a large population nation. The purpose of study to assess GHRM best practices in the Banking sector, GHRM policy barriers/obstacles in the banking sector in Pakistan and the foremost variables/factors that are enhancing the implementation of GHRM. This Paper attempts to Green Human Resource Management in the banking sector. An exploratory study investigation will be used in this research to define and examine best practices applicable to GHRM. The quantitative methodology will be used in this study to provide a deeper view of the issue of research than using a single method (Creswell, 2014).
CALLENGES FACING IN OFDM SYSTEM AND ITS SOLUTIONS[Full-Text ] Miss Jyoti Hase, Prof. Sunil GagareMobile communication is one of the fastest growing features in communication system. In next generation wireless communication orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is one of the most commonly used radio access scheme because of it low symbol rate and affinity to different transmission bandwidth arrangements. This system we are currently using as radio access technique in latest cellular communication system like long term evaluation (LTE)in the 3 GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) wireless communication.
Effect on Performance of Concrete materials with Partial Replacement of Natural Materials with Waste Tire Rubber and Nanoparticles: A Review[Full-Text ] Belete Balta, Asegid TadesseThis paper was dedicated in reviewing of the effect on the performance of concrete with partial replacement of natural materials with scrap tire (waste tire) rubber and with nanoparticles. Currently, the disposal of waste tires is a worldwide challenge, due to their non-degradability and negative impacts related with the environmental and human health aspects. Recycling of scrap tire has become a potential solution for managing, such a waste. A sustainable and durable concrete is vital components for the current and future development. Increasing of the demands of automobile and its industry leads the increase of waste tires in the entire world.
SOCIO CULTURAL INFLUENCES, PRACTICES AND POLICIES IN EDUCATION AND ITS IMPACT ON TEACHERS FOR PROVIDING SUCCESSFUL MENTAL HEALTH IN SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS[Full-Text ] Sreedevi NagireddyAs said by Aristotle several years ago Man is a social animal. Human race proved and realized the importance of the statement and is a time tested and accepted phenomenon. Humans live in groups and cannot separate themselves from being a part of a group. But Individuals strive for importance and would like to have identity of their own and a unique recognition in the group. This is a continuous struggle from birth to death of an individual and the process of making a new born child into a personality happens in the society primarily from childhood to adulthood and happens in system called education system.
Study of disruptive trends in digitalization in the era of Industry 4.0[Full-Text ] Nilakantha Kuila, Ajinkya Patki, Yash Ozarkar, Yashraj GiteWith the fourth Industrial Revolution transforming the ways of businesses, there has been an eminent contribution of various emerging technologies that support the transformational journey. Additive Manufacturing, Big Data Analytics, Robotics and Automation, Augmented reality, UAVs have further added to the betterment of the industrialization. Various economies and industries have had their share of impact due to these technologies and have to respond differently to adapt these to gain a competitive advantage in the market.
INFLUNCE of Rigid Pavement Ferro-Cement Under Impact Loads as Aircraft loads In Egyptian Airports[Full-Text ] Ghonim,R, Shaheen, Y, Hamrawy, SThe largest major industries in any country in the world is industries of aircrafts. In Egypt, this sector accounts of Egypt’s gross international connection, making it the most important industry for the country’s economic progress. Many projects in Airports are constructed to meet the needs of Egyptian sustainability development vision 2030.the current work, showed rigid slab as like Runways and aprons but it made by scale.
STUDY ON USE OF PLASTIC BOTTLE IN WALL MASONRY[Full-Text ] Dr. Mukund P. Choughale, Tejal M. Jain, Neha K. Jadhav, Manoj S. Badkhal, Shubham S. ChavanIn India, if we look towards urbanization a trend of use of non-renewable products like plastic bottles, have been increased, but increase of the such product, recycling or destroying is the main concern. Disposal of non bio-degradable substance has become an issue of major concern nowadays. Mounds of plastic garbage has been created on earth surface.
Feasible Mining Technologies for Placer Titani-um Mines in Vietnam[Full-Text ] Le Qui ThaoVietnam has a potential reserve of placer titanium. The reserve lays in sandy beaches along the country from Thanh Hoa to Binh Thuan province. Placer titanium mines in Vietnam are different in geological condition, the scale of production, mining method, and environmental protection solutions, etc. Some of them are operating with inappropriate mining technology; therefore, have caused environmental issues and ineffective operation.
Production of biogas from Water Hyacinth/"Emboch Arem" through anaerobic Co-digestion with cow dung: Case study on Lake Tana[Full-Text ] Birehan Haylie Kassa, Mesfin Tafesse GemedaBiogas is produced by the breakdown of organic material through anaerobic digestion of microbial activity. Biogas can be used for production of heat and electricity and upgraded biogas can be delivered to the natural gas grid or used as vehicle fuel.
Assessing the Tenure Security and Social Equity under Ethiopia Land Policy[Full-Text ] Solomon Dessalegn DibabaThe 1995 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Constitution declared the continuity of Derg land policy of state ownership. The argument forwarded by the ruling body for the continuation of Derg land policy as public or state property is to ensure tenure security and social equity. Based on these points the paper in its objective focused on the rationality behind of continuing Derg’s land policy: whether for addressing the issue of tenure security and social equity, or other rationality.
The Effect Of Organizational Justice And Organizational Culture On Employee Performance Through Work Satis-faction As a Mediation Variables In The Secretariat Office of The Regional House of Representatives Southeast Sulawesi Province[Full-Text ] Amri Haeruddin, Rahmat Madjid, Bakhtiar AbbasThis study aims to determine and analyze: (1) the Influence of the fairness of the organization on employee performance; (2) the Influence of the justice organization on job satisfaction; (3) job Satisfaction in mediating the influence of the fairness of the organization on employee performance; (4) the Influence of organizational culture on employee performance; (5) the Influence of organizational culture on job satisfac-tion of employees; (6) job Satisfaction in mediating the influence of organizational culture on employee performance; (7) the Influence of job satisfaction on employee performance.
PREVALENCE OF MALARIA IN DIFFERENT HOSPITALS OF DISTRICT MARDAN[Full-Text ] SHAKIR ULLAHMalaria is a systematic vector- borne disease, where a female anopheles mosquito acts as the vector that transmits the disease. It is caused by infection of the red blood cells with intracellular protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium. Severe malaria is almost exclusively caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Malaria is the second fatal disease in the world. The infectious disease infects more than 300 million peoples a year.Malarial parasites were identified in the blood slides of suspected patients of the disease from May to August 2014.Inthis study from pathology Department Mardan Medical Complex and D.H.Q Mardan and T.H.Q Takhtbhai 350 blood samples were collected, their thick and thin smears were made for microscopy.Outof 350 samples 60 were found positive for malarial Parasites showed a prevalence rate of 17.1% in district Mardan. Out of 60 positive samples, Plasmodium vivax wasfound 57(95.3%), while the remaining 3(4.6%) were found P.falciparum.Gender wise distribution of malaria shows a prevalence rate of 31(52%) in males and in females 29(48%).
ASPECTS OF THE WATER QUALITY OF RIVER KADUNA FOR DRY SEASON FARMING[Full-Text ] E.S Olorunaiye, Dahiru Mohammed; Amina Abdulsalam and H.M KwajaffaThe quality of water of river Kaduna for dry season farming use between November to March was determined. The parameters considered for evaluation included salt concentration; the sodium absorption ratio, the variation of some nitrogen compounds between selected locations along the reach of the river spanning the dry season farming areas of its catchment.
Optimization and Distance Function Proce-dures in Aberration Criteria of Efficient Frac-tional Factorial Design[Full-Text ] Salawu, I.S.An efficient orthogonal array was constructed with near balance and near the orthogonal property for the lowest common multiples of runs, using the balance coefficient criteria for determining near balance and J2 optimality criteria for orthogonal properties. The optimization and distance function forms of balance coefficient criteria were used for the classification of the designs. The Minimum Moment Aberration (MMA) and Minimum Aberration Projection (MAP) are compared using the optimization and distance function to determine the near balance criteria. The result indicated that, the MMA and MAP criteria was efficient using the optimization procedure of the balance coefficient.
Intelligent Systems in Travel and Tourism[Full-Text ] Siddhanta Tripathi, Vaishnavi Gupta, Vivek DwivediThe travel industry is the main application field in B2C web-based business, representing almost half of the all-out B2C turnover. Before travel applications have been at the cutting edge of data innovation, that is, aircraft PC reservation frameworks in the mid-1960s. The business and its items have very exceptional attributes, which can clarify the present circumstance: the item is a certain product, and customers' dynamic depends altogether on earlier data; in view of the worldwide collaboration of various sorts of partners, the business network is profoundly interconnected. Along these lines, the business depends on cutting-edge IT applications.
EU financial assistance as a tool for the global development[Full-Text ] Josif GjaniThe EU integration process is a very complex process which involves designing and implementing reforms in a large number of areas. Experiences of new EU members as well as those currently in various stages of the integration process, show that it is not at all easy to work in many areas simultaneously and decisions are made on the complex political, economic, legal and institutional issues of which have long-term consequences for the daily lives of citizens.
Assessment of Meandering Characteristics from Image Analysis of the Gorai River at Kamarkhali Bend[Full-Text ] Md. Alim-Uz-ZamanMeandering process is the most significant morphological property of an alluvial river and it is caused by the topographic, hydrologic and hydraulic factors of the streams and their drainage areas. In a meandering river the length of the river increases by eroding the outer bank at a bend until a loopcut occurs. When the meandering ratio increases then possibility of loopcut also increases. But it is interestingly observed that in the Gorai River at Kamarkhali, around 100km downstream from offtake of the river, the bend is migrating inner side and outer side repeatedly instead of occurring a chute cutoff though the sinuosity value is very high. The bend is a striking feature of the Gorai which is the tortuous 20 km loop in the river at Kamarkhali. The radius of curvature of the bend is too small to be sustainable
In-silico Analysis of insecticidal proteins Cry1Ac, Cry2Ab and Cry1F against Lepidopteran pests using Molecular Docking studies[Full-Text ] Sumalatha Katta, Uma Addepally, Mallikarjuna GarladinneTransgenic technology has brought a revolution in the development of insect resistant Bt cotton. Several insecticidal crystalline proteins have been characterised from Bacillus thuringiensis which had a potential role in combating insect pest, predominantly lepidopteran. In general, the cry proteins have greater toxicity and high affinity against a broad range of insect receptors.
Analysis of Portfolio Rebalancing and Technical Indicators[Full-Text ] Samruddhi Bhosle, Pranav Vibhandik, Neha Kahane, Snehal Patil, Amol DumbareStock Market is a scenario where investments can yield high rewards. However, each investment in any kind of financial market comes with a significant amount of risk for a period of time, a lot of interest has been diverted towards reducing risk associated in the investment and maintaining the risk to reward ratio as high as possible. In this article, we represent strategies and factors for rebalancing portfolio’s that can accommodate changes as per the changes in the financial market environment to reduce the risk.
Segment Analysis of Godrej Industries Limited[Full-Text ] Dr. G. Lakshmi, Dharani M, Gayathiry M, Jai Sushmi RSegment analysis helps us to break out the financial data of the company into divisions and segments. This split up gives us the knowledge about the difference between each segment. This information is helpful for the company in making decisions regarding the investment. The study is to interpret the segment analysis of the Godrej Industries limited which specializes in various segments like Chemicals, Vegetable Oil Processing, Agri, Diary, Estate & Property Development, Finance & Investments and Others.
Tempo-Spatial Analysis and mapping of stored carbon in vegetation using remote sensing technique in Palawan, Philippines[Full-Text ] Jessa Marie Salvador-CaabayQuantifying the carbon storage and its changes through time is vital in understanding the role of vegetation as carbon sources and sink. The temporal and spatial changes in carbon storage in Palawan was computed and plotted using the gross and net primary production in a time sequence from 2003 to 2014. Remote sensing technique was used to calculate and monitor GPP and NPP changes in the Province through the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) by evaluating spatial patterns in productivity as well as annual variations and long-term trends.
WATER QUALITY AND POLLUTION STATUS OF KALISHINDH RIVER, JHALAWAR REGION[Full-Text ] Sunil kumar Meena, Dr. Pratima ShrivastavaWater, a prime natural resource, a basic human need and is indeed required in all aspects of life and health for producing food, agricultural activity, energy generation and maintenance of environment and a substance of life and development. The physico-chemical characteristics of kalishindh river water. The study conducted in different sites of Jhalawar district, Rajasthan, India. Jhalawar district is located between 23o 45’20” and 24o 52’17” north latitude and 75o 27’35” and 76o 56’48” east longitude. Water body selected after the physico-chemical and ecological study of three sites in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan, 1. Teendhaar 2. Munderi 3.Gagron.
Assessing the Effect of Minimization Error Functions on Curves and Models Fitting: A SOLVER Approach[Full-Text ] Anietie N. Okon, Uwem E. Inyang, Innocent O. ObohIn science and engineering research, most observed (experimental) data are fit to mathematical model(s): linear or nonlinear. Mostly, the statistical error test – least square method is used to minimize the difference between the experimental and model-predicted data to achieve a good fit. In this study, some statistical error functions: average, absolute, mean square, root mean square, Chi-square and normalized root mean square were used as error minimization approach to fit experimental (i.e., viscosity and shear rate) data to Carreau-Yasuda model using SOLVER.
Concept of ‘New Woman’ and Indian Women Fiction Writers[Full-Text ] Anjana GuptaLiterature is one of human creativity that has universal meaning as one of the way to communicate each other about the emotional , spiritual and intellectual experiences that needed to build up intellectual and moral knowledge of mankind . A creative writer has the perception and the analytical mind of a sociologist who provides an exact record of human life, society, and social system. Fiction , being the most powerful form of literary expression today, has acquired a prestigious position in Indian literature. Indian women novelists in English and in other vernaculars try their best to deal with , apart from many other things , the pathetic plight of forsaken women who are fated to suffer from birth to death.
OBSERVATIONS AND RESEARCH THRUST AREA OUTCOMES IN THE LITERATURE REVIEW OF ENERGY UTILIZATION[Full-Text ] HARIKRISHNAN R, Dr. K C JAMESEnergy Management principles have produced various outcomes in the World. This is due to the increase in energy demand and the scarcity of energy resources. The conventional energy resources are depleting at high rate. Its impact on today has been a critical factor nowadays in the academia and research areas.
The Role of Entrepreneurs in Business Development[Full-Text ] Hansa Edirisinghe, Dr. Ravindra KoggalageIn this research paper, 18 entrepreneurial characteristics were identified from 15 research papers. Most of the characteristics were discussed in more than one source. based on the number of appearances in the literature sources a percentage of importance was given to each characteristic and found the 12 most important entrepreneurial characteristics according to the priority order. Risk taking, Self-confidence, Decision-making, Creativity, Motivation, Product or service knowledge, Adaptability, Passion, Ability to network, Vision, Experience and Goal mind-set were determined as the most important entrepreneurial characteristics to develop most favorable business environment.
Comparative study of learning English in co-ed and single gendermiddle schools[Full-Text ] Dr. Syamala Lalitha, Dr. Shashi Yadav.There is general acceptance the manner in which individuals choose to or are inclined to approach a learning situation has an impact on performance and achievement of learning outcomes. Enthused with the conviction that utilizing awareness of learning style within the educational background promotes more effective learning and hence improved academic achievement this study addresses the validity and significance of the students’ language learning style preferences in precisely influencing their language performance in English.
THE APPLICATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA AS A TOOL FOR ENTREPRENURSHIP DEVELOPMENT AMONG YOUTHS IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS IN NORTH CENTRAL NIGERIA[Full-Text ] OLAYIWOLA ALFA ABDULLAHIThis research work provides information on the various entrepreneurial activities that can be practiced via the social media and how it is used as a tool for entrepreneurial development among Nigeria youths in the selected institutions of the North central states of Nigeria such as Niger, Kwara and Kogi. The specific objectives of the work are to (i) Determine student’s attitude towards the use of social media for entrepreneurship development (ii) find out why students are obsessed with social media (iii) suggest how social media can be used to promote and develop entrepreneurship skills among Nigerian youths, especially students.
Impact of Deposition Temperature on Amorphous Zinc Oxide Thin Film Characteristics[Full-Text ] Omprakash S S, Naveen Kumar S KIn this paper, we discuss the deposition of amorphous zinc oxide (a: ZnO) thin film at two different temperatures by spray pyrolysis unit for Thin Film Transistor (TFT) application. The a: ZnO films were studied for its structural, morphology, composition, optical and electrical properties by means of XRD, SEM, EDAX, UV-Visible spectroscopy and I-V measurement system respectively. The film thickness characterized by optical Profilometer. The SEM images exhibit the variation in temperature leads to the crystallinity of the film. The XRD spectrum confirmed the films were amorphous in nature.
Semiconductor Nanomaterial and its Electronic Structure: A Review[Full-Text ] Upamanyu DasAfter the great success of semiconductor microelectronics in the last century, the nanoscale semiconductor materials emerged as the building blocks of the next generation of electronic, optoelectronic and chemical sensing devices. The main challenges in the field of nanoscale semiconductor electronics is to the rational control as well as manipulation of synthesis to derive materials with one of their dimensions and upscale production of devices. For the reason, in theoretical study of the movement of electron and electronic structure is very much necessary.
Gearbox Improvement Aimed at Noise Reduction[Full-Text ] Eng. SALEM YOUSEF AHMED DAWOUD, Eng. MOHAMMAD SHAKER DASHTIWhen transferring the force, the sides of the teeth should roll on each other and not slip except at a minimum extent, so that the wear and friction losses and noise emitted by them are minimized. Moreover, the circumferential velocity of the step circuit of both gears must be equal during one cycle (The fundamental law of gear-tooth action). In this report we reviewed the research in workshop on noise reduction using different processes to establish the Structure of the gearbox and its dynamic properties and to discover the points of the dynamic weakness on its parts.
Synthesis of Ceria-Yttria, co-stabilized Zirconia (CYSZ) by Combustion Process for the application of thermal barrier coatings[Full-Text ] Kavitha Rani N, Dr. M C. Jagath, Dr. K. N. Anuradha, Dr. Rajeshwari P, Dr Mahesh G. EmmiIn this paper, preparation of Ceria–Yttria co-stabilized Zirconia (CYSZ) Nanoparticles by solution combustion process was carried out. The crystallinity, stabilization of cubic crystalline phases was studied at different calcination temperature in the range of 500 to 1200° C by X-ray diffraction method (XRD). Surface morphology and compositional analysis were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX). EDAX showed dopants Cerium and Yttrium are present in the Zirconium lattice, FTIR resulted in concentration of dopants present in vicinity, with the Transition Electron Microscope (HRTEM) the particle size, crystallographic information and morphology were confirmed.
Weather Prediction Using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Kumar Gaurav, Shubham Singh, Aditya Raj Singh, Professor Prabhat GuptaWeather performs a totally critical function in lots of primary sectors for manufacturing, e.g. farming. The modifications in climate at a drastic charge nowadays, that’s why the older weather prediction approach less powerful and further annoying. So it's miles very crucial to decorate and alter the climate prediction model. Those predictions affect a country’s monetary system and the lives of people. System gaining knowledge of and statistics analytics algorithms are used which includes wooded area category are used for the prediction of climate. The weather is one of the handiest environmental constraints in every section of our lives on the planet , we need to are watching f
Energy Conservation opportunities and Potential for Energy Saving in Illumination/Lighting System[Full-Text ] Ar.Prashansha SrivastavaThe use of natural light to carry out day-to-day activities is known to the mankind for since long. Initially, Sun was the only known source of light for activities during day time. But it was not available on all days. When activities started increasing and the need for light was felt dur-ing nights, a man started inventing different sources of lights starting with fire. However, it was not safe. Hence, the use of different natural sources for safer production of light for domestic purposes commenced. The next stage was the burning of different oils available on the earth. Lamps in crude form using available oils were developed and used for many years for domestic and small commercial purposes.
Indian Sustainable Environment Policy and effect on Standby Power Generation Infrastructure: An Energy Environment Sectoral Policy Analysis[Full-Text ] Mr.A.N.Seshadri, Dr. Asif Ali SyedWith India's commitment to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The Government of India has been working on different methods to reduce the carbon footprint. India has already achieved its voluntary pre-2020 goal of reducing emission intensity by 20-25% from 2005 levels by 2020. Its values and belief guide India in sustainable lifestyles, which respects nature. Our share in cumulative historical global GHG emissions is only about 3 per cent and our per capita emissions are just about one-third of the global average despite being significant on the population.
Sentimental Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques[Full-Text ] Aadhya KaulRecently, with the increasing development of the web content from social media, some studies such as sentimental analysis have received the attention of some technological sectors, industries and governments across the globe. In recent years, sentimental analysis has not only emerged as one of the most gripping topics for research but has also become popular in machine learning and artificial intelligence due to its high potential in opinion mining and user-friendly recommendation. In today’s era users all over the world are using social web platforms as a mode to express their thoughts, opinion, etc. about various subjects and due to which it becomes next to impossible to ana-lyze such a huge user generated data manually therefore special and effective techniques are required for the analysis of such data and pro-vide combat to the textual data by using natural language processing.
Information Security Compliance Management considerations and challenges posed by evolving landscape of cyber threats[Full-Text ] Ashish Ukidve, Dr S S Mantha, Dr D N ReddyThe cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving. Different types of cyberattacks continue to contest the minds of cybersecurity professionals around the globe. Phishing ,malware , man-in-the-middle and Denial of service attacks, have become common jargon in a world battling with the cyberattack challenges. In present evolving threat landscape, it’s logical that organizations want to take a proactive approach against threats, create an environment of continuous compliance, and have responsive IT operations processes. Organizations want to reduce risk exposure and the attack surface, detect and respond to advanced threats, and drive down security operations costs.