Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019.
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CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND COMMUNITY WELFARE[Full-Text ] H.M Udir Sudirman, HasanuddinBua, Samdin, Nasrul, Nofal SupriaddinThe objectives of this research : (1) Assess understanding of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by the community, government, non-governmental organizations and companies. (2) Assess the effect of implementing a CSR program on improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the target community in trying productive economy. (3) Formulate a model of community economic empowerment based on the variables studied which are suitable for the implementation of CSR by companies in Southeast Sulawesi.
OIL WELL CEMENT ADDITIVES: Critical Review of the Common Polymers[Full-Text ] E. C. Ndubuisi, O. F. Joel, A. Dosunmu, I. OkoyeOil well cementing is a critical operation required for successful completion of oil or gas wells. The longevity and integrity of wells depend on good cementing operations. Several chemicals known as oilfield additives are needed to modify the API properties of cement slurries for optimum performance. These additives fall into the following broad categories: retarders, accelerators, extenders, densifiers, dispersants, fluid loss control agents, lost circulation agents, strength retrogression prevention agents, free water/free fluid control agents, expansion agents, and special additives.
THE INSIGHTS OF THE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES VIETNAM[Full-Text ] LE VANHuman resource is the backbone and the main resource in which its development is a vital ingredient to achieve performance goals, improve productivity and sustain competitive advantage. Training & development (T&D) is a very important concept. T&D helps employees not only to meet their skills for the current job but also to prepare for their endeavor. This study. The purpose of this study is to explore insights of the perceptions, practices, and barriers in the T&D activities in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Vietnam.
EXPLORING REALIA USAGE IN TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMAR TO YOUNG LEARNERS[Full-Text ] Le Thi Ngoc DiepThis study is a partial systematic look about the use of realia in teaching and learning grammar to young learners (from 6 to 11 years old) in public schools in Vietnam. It also offers a depiction of the problems that teachers and children had to face. The article focuses on exploring children’ expectation in grammar classes as well as how to manage those classes in a more effective and enjoyable way.
Oscillation Monitoring Using Ortho-Projected Terrestrial Photogrammetry[Full-Text ] Omar A. El Kadi, Adel Y. El Shazly, Khaled NassarMonitoring of oscillation/ deformation is a raising concern for the benefit of structural health monitoring of historical structures and sensi-tive facilities. Moreover, the analyzed measurements can be implemented in further structural dynamic analysis (Modal analysis), for repair and remodeling purpose. Moreover, it can aid in structural testing as for static and dynamic bridge loading tests.
Design and Implementation of a Smart Home Energy Management System[Full-Text ] Tochukwu Ironsi, Michael AdelabuThe exponential growth in complexity and declining cost of electrical parts has led to a proliferation of electrical appliances in the household, thus increasing the electricity demand. Increased tariffs and lapses in electricity supply by the Nigerian government and growing environmental concern has collectively influenced the need for the consumer to be able to effectively monitor and hence efficiently consume the limited energy.
Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils of Warri and Environs, Southwestern Nigeria, Using Contamination Indexes[Full-Text ] Chinemelu, E.S. and Okeke, O.C.The concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Ni, Cu, Zn) in soils of Warri and environs were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The mean concentrations of heavy metals obtained in all samples from the study area showed an increasing order of As>Cd>Pb>Ni>Cr>Zn>Cu>Fe. In order to ascertain their pollution status, the environmental indexes: geoaccumulation index, contamination factor and enrichment factor were used to quantitatively ascertain the extent of soil pollution, especially from anthropogenic activities.
Evaluation of Resource Deployment in a Recessed Economy: A Review of Leveraged Firms on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE[Full-Text ] Monisola Alao, Ifayemi OlayinkaPrevious studies on capital structure and liquidity covered leverage effect of firms’ liquidity on investment decisions and performance, limited studies examined the effect of resource deployment on business liquidity and growth during recession using a developing economy. The study is exploratory, using secondary data of quoted commodity-based firms (NSE). Population of the study is 180 quoted firms, only 21 firms produce consumer goods.
A MODERATION ANALYSIS BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING AND BURNOUT OF SELECTED EDUCATORS IN THE PHILIPPINES[Full-Text ] J.M. DADAP / L.A. SANTOS / C. DELARIARTEThe psychological, emotional, and physical state of teachers is very much important since it can have a great impact on students’ learning and well- being as well. However, it usually requires long working hours, larger class sizes, with decreased time, and energy which may eventually result to burnout causing other unprecedented consequences.
Physicochemical and Microbial properties of Water Samples around Abattoirs in Calabar[Full-Text ] Agbor R.B and Antai S.PWater Samples obtained from three sources; Borehole, Stream and Drainage from Anantigha and Nkonib Abattoir were analyzed for physicochemical and microbial properties. The Physicochemical properties determined include; pH, turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Electrical conductivity (EC), Total Saturated Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Hardness and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).
Bi al-Lisan Da'wah Method to the Assisted Citizens in Correctional Institutions class II A of Palopo ,South Sulawesi Indonesia[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ilyas, BadaruddinThe results of this study discuss; 1). How was the application of Bi al-Lisan's da'wah method conducted at the Class IIA Correctional Institution in Palopo, Indonesia. 2). What Efforts conducted by Class IIA correctional Institution in Palopo Indonesia to guide Assisted Citizens (Prisoners/inmates.). 3). what is the obstacle for Da’i (preachers) in conducting Da'wah (preaching) to the assisted citizens and it’s solution. 4). The results of the Application of the al-Lisan Da'wah Method to Assisted Citizens.
Extracting Text Information from Digital Images[Full-Text ] Md. Mijanur Rahman, Mahnuma Rahman Rinty and Fouzia RisdinExtracting text from an image is a difficult task. The main purpose of this project work is to develop a system that extracts text and its related information from digital images. Text on images contains useful data or information for annotation, indexing, and structuring of images. However, the problem of text extraction extremely challenging for variations of text on images. Various systems have been proposed in the past for detection and extraction of text from images.
Response of Local Bean from Tanimbar on Nitrogen Fixing Azotobacter[Full-Text ] Reginawanti Hindersah, Priyanka AsmiranFood security in Tanimbar Island, Maluku Tenggara Barat Regency, is depend on local bean as carbohydrate, fat and protein sources in their diet. Appropriate fertilization is needed to support sustainable bean productivity due to low nitrogen content of Tanimbar’s soil.
Eye Diseases Monitoring using Ultrasound Technology[Full-Text ] Safaa Makram Mohamed, Ashraf Ali Wahba, Mohamed Ali Ahmed EldosokyIn this paper, new model implemented based on real images of disc topography and average retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) took from Topcon three dimensional optical coherence topography (Topcon 3D OCT) in ophthalmology institute of Cairo, Egypt, these images for different cases of normal, mild and severe glaucoma patients, in this model the ultrasound elastography technology applied on finite element model of human eye produced deformation according to different loads on optic disc re-gion when stress 0.02 MPa applied on normal case, mild and severe glaucoma cases
Artifact correction of EEG signals using Kernel FastICA based on Mutual Information[Full-Text ] J. Sheshagiri BabuThe signals collected from scalp are often called as electroencephalography (EEG) signals .These are usually contaminated by other signals like electrooculography (EOG) signals which are often called as artifacts. The recorded brain signals are mixtures of both EEG and EOG signals. Since the required EEG signal is having an extra unwanted EOG information, this leads to wrong diagnosis of brain activity. The main objective here is removal of this unwanted EOG signal. There are several signal processing methods to solve this problem.
LA MESENTENTE FAMILIALE: UNE REFLEXION SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGIQUE SUR MADAME BOVARY DE GUSTAVE FLAUBERT[Full-Text ] Bassey Oben, Shalgwen Julius KatshinLe désaccord conjugal est un phénomène universel qui menace la convivialité familiale. Nombreux sont de couples qui n’en arrivent pas à atteindre la paix dans leurs mariages, le résultat étant souvent la rupture inévitable de leurs unions. Rien d’étonnant à ce que le taux de divorces et celui de meurtres est en montant.
Effectiveness of Postural Awareness Program among People with Persistent Low Back Pain[Full-Text ] Nadeem Amar Lal, Syed Zain Ali, Soleman Warnar, Imtiaz Afridi, Rabiqa Saleem, Dr. Breera Amjad, Dr. Erum TanveerBackground and Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of postural awareness program as compared to different age group in subjects with persistent low back pain (LBP) at short term follow-up (i.e. 6 weeks 18 sessions thrice in a week).
IMPACT OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC GROWTH IN CHINA[Full-Text ] Ren Zaiying , Faisal ImranEducation positively affects economic growth. The growth and progress of education increaseknowledge and information, which is reflected in improved factors of production. Education and technology increase human capacity to increase production and achieve high rates of economic growth. The theoretical analysis of the relationship between Chinese investments in higher education, technological innovation, and economic growth, selected data from China (1995–2018) were selected and the autoregressive vector (VAR) model was used between three.
Analysis of Urban Expansion and its Impact on Land Surface Temperature in Lome City (Togo) Using Remote Sensing and Gis[Full-Text ] Komi A. EdokossiLand surface temperature (LST) monitoring is being increasingly recognized due to the role it plays in environmental studies; and there is a strong interest in retrieval or measuring it from the space due to quickly retrieval methods and large study area covering.
DEVELOPMENT OF A PEDAL POWERED HACKSAW[Full-Text ] Ajetunmobi David Tunmise and Adeola AdemolaPedal Powered Hacksaw can be used for light duty cutting operations of plywood, soft-bamboo, and iron rod. This paper consists of a crank and slider mechanism. In the mechanism, pedal is directly connected to the hacksaw through crank and slider mechanism for the processing of cutting the plywood, bamboo, and iron rod.
Characterization of Nanomaterial from Medical Waste[Full-Text ] Enni Sulfiana, Andi Erwin Eka Putra, Novriany AmaliyahMedical waste is all waste produced by hospital activities and other supporting activities in the form of a combination or mixture of water and pollutants carried by water, both in dissolved and suspended conditions that are wasted and at certain times mixed with ground water, water surface, or rainwater. Examples of medical liquid waste are from the kitchen, laundry, laboratories and seepage of septic tank tanks.
An Ensemble Framework for Software Defect Prediction[Full-Text ] Shiwang AgarwalDefect Prediction is a very necessary tool in the maintenance and durability of software. It increases durability, reduces cost and most important efforts. It increases the efficiency of the software. In this paper, a verifiable study is done to analyse the performance and durability of software.
Universal Design for Mobile Learning among EFL Students in Higher Education[Full-Text ] Zeynab MoosaviIn the new era of globalization, English as the global language for communication is having a considerable impact on every field of work such as economics, business, politics, education, technology and science. However, learning English is very challenging in a non-English-speaking country like Iran where students have no chance to communicate with the native speakers of English outside the classroom
Effectiveness of Nonlinear Modelling and Computer Aided Design based Technique in the Control System[Full-Text ] Imran S. SarwarTwo methods for modeling of mechatronics system such as pan tilt platform (PTP) are presented based on Lagrange-Euler (LE) modeling method and Computer Aided Design (CAD) based technique. The objective of this research work is to derive nonlinear model of PTP, apply the controller for motion control of PTP, check the stability and create virtual simulation of the PTP to point in a desired direction.
PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION OF CEPROFLOXACIN USING MAGNETIC IRON OXIDE[Full-Text ] Ezeibe A. U., Achilike J. B., Nleonu E. C. and Atuegbu O. M.Magnetic Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical co-precipitation method. The decomposition of ciprofloxacin under Fe3O4 and UV radiation was evaluated under contact time and catalyst dose using conductory method. The IR absorption band shows mineralization of the compound was not achieved and the result exhibited photocatalysis than photolysis.
Effective Well operations in the Niger Delta using static and dynamic rock property correlations[Full-Text ] Ogunrinde Joshua Oluwayomi, Dosunmu Adewale, Godwin J. UdomThe knowledge of the rock strength in the Niger delta field is essential in reducing problems that occur during drilling operations. The problems include; use of inaccurate drilling bit as well as casing, incorrect mud weight prediction for drilling operations which have resulted to wellbore instability problems faced in the Oil and Gas industry.
Quality Evaluation of PHP Frameworks[Full-Text ] Syed Taimoor Ali, Jun LongNow a day’s frameworks are playing vital role in development of web-based applications. In this article, world wide web-based development has been carried to compare the two most widely used PHP frameworks in the development community; Yii and CodeIgniter. The study is based on comparison of both frameworks by considering various quality frameworks, moreover we have implemented web-based Inventory system to validate results.
Effect of Tempering Temperatures on the Mechanical Performance of Soda-Lime-Silica Glass[Full-Text ] B. Oji and O. AletanThis work seeks to investigate the effect of tempering temperature on the mechanical performance of soda-lime glass. The glass samples were cut into 130 x 30 x 4 mm and heated at varying temperature ranges of 570, 590, 610, 630 and 650oC respectively in a muffle furnace. The samples were then tempered by rapid ooling in a bath of oil and allowed to cool to room temperature.
Everydayness of Power: Understanding Experiences of Women Within Intimate Relationships[Full-Text ] Tanya LambaThe aim of the paper is to try to understand the power within an intimate heterosexual relationship from the perspective of the woman and how the partners negotiate the social structures of patriarchy and caste.The paper looks at everdayness of power in the lives of women in relation to their intimate relationships. The concepts that have been discussed here are how time is a gendered concept, how women assert and negotiate their independence within an intimate relationship. Then I discuss the strategies that women use and the adjustments they make to negotiate with the wider patriarchal structures within their intimate relationships.
Antibacterial Activity Study of Graphene Oxide-Polyaniline (GO-PANI) and GO-PANI-Mupirocin Composite against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus[Full-Text ] Sm. Shafiur Rahman, Mst. Maria Rahman, Prof. Dr. Md. Shajahan, Abdullah Al-MamunGraphene Oxide (GO) and Polyaniline (PANI) were synthesized by modified Hummers method and Oxidative polymerization respectively. GO-PANI and GO-PANI-Mupirocin composites were synthesized by simple dispersion methods during polymerization. The synthesized composites were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). Characterization results confirmed their formation.
Composition Study of Soil Seed Bank at Gera Moist Evergreen Afromontane Forest, Jimma Zone of Oromia Regional State, Southwest Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Yohannis Teklu, Tamrat BekeleSoil seed banks are important sources of new individuals for many plant populations and contribute to future genetic variability. The objective of this study was to investigate the composition of soil seed bank at Gera moist afromontane forest. A total of fifty quadrats were established in the selected sites. The quadrat size (30m × 30 m) for trees, shrubs and herbs and with seedling (height ? 1.0 m), sapling (height between 1 and 3 m) and mature tree/shrub (height >3 m) laid down to examine similarity between standing vegetation and seed bank flora as well as natural regeneration of the study site.
Performance of a Cognitive Cooperative Relay aided Downlink Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) System[Full-Text ] Md. Alomgir Kabir, Hafsa M. Ali, Fahmida Ahmed Antara, M. Shamim KaiserWith the advent of Internet of Things and 5G wireless services, the scarcity of radio resources is increasing. The Cognitive Radio Network can reduce spectrum scarcity problem by sharing licenced spectrum to the secondary users.
Root Cause Analysis in Integrated Tire Manufacturing using Shainin Group Comparison Method[Full-Text ] Aris Tri Marjoko, Bambang Biantoro, Choiri Purwanto, Sawarni HasibuanMass production condition in the manufacturing has high speed and high amount of product quantity. It needs fasterr and appropriate problem solving (PS) to handling a quality problem in order to minimize the losses. Many method of PS can be chosen by manufacture base on the conditions of each process and type of quality problem .
Improving the Properties of Asphalt Concrete Using Waste Plastic Bottle as Additive[Full-Text ] Rocksana Akter, Md. Rabiul Islam and Kazi Abu ManjurDisposal of waste plastic bottles are hazardous for environment as they are non-biodegradable. In this study waste plastic bottles were used as additive to investigate whether it would improve the properties of asphalt concrete. For this purpose four different series of asphalt concrete samples were produced using shredded waste plastic bottle in different proportions ( 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, and 0.75% by weight of total aggregate and five different percentages of asphalt (4.5%, 5.0%, 5.5%, 6.0% and 6.5% by weight of total aggregate).
Diversity of Araceae in Mae Takhrai National Park, Chiang Mai Province in Thailand[Full-Text ] Oraphan Sungkajanttranon, Dokrak Marod, Sahanat Petchsri, Kritsiam Kongsatree, Anothai Peankonchong, Thunthicha Chotpiseksit, Benjawan SupnuamAraceae species were surveyed by strip plots width 10 m along the two nature trails in Mae Takhrai National Park, Chiang Mai Province in Thailand, 1) Mae Takhrai Reservoir Nature Trail in Amphoe Mae On, distances 4 kilometres (km), at 500-700 meters above mean sea level (m amsl), and 2) Park Head Office Nature Trail in Amphoe Doi Saket, distance 3 km, at 400-700 m amsl, during January 2016 to February 2018.
HAPPINESS: THE YOUNG FILIPINA PERSPECTIVE[Full-Text ] Kathlyn Abadilla MataThis study sought to determine what makes young Filipina happy. This study was conducted in a University in Northern Philippines whereby descriptive survey design was utilized with 691 female teenagers as respondents. The Myerrs-Briggs Type Indicator a standardized personality test coupled with structured questionnaire were the main data gathering instruments.
Quality of life of patients before and after implantation of total knee endoprostesis[Full-Text ] Nerma Alievi, Meliha Hidi, Amina Pljaki, Hadan Konjo, Adnan ehi, Fuad Julardija, Samir Bojii, Belma TukiINTRODUCTION: Diseases of the locomotor system or musculoskeletal disease are on the rise, mainly due to the ageing of the population but also due to lifestyle changes. Those are the main cause of chronic pain and disability in the modern world. Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, in patients with advanced osteoarthritis of the hip or knee it is possible to replace the diseased joint with an endoprosthesis, with very good long-term results related to pain reduction and function improvement.