Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2019.
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EFFECT OF NURSING AUDIT FEEDBACK ON NURSES’ JOB SATISFACTION: PERSPECTIVE OF NURSES IN SELECTED TERTIARY HOSPITALS IN THE SOUTHEAST NIGERIA[Full-Text ] JOHN E. ANIECHE, NGOZI E. MAKATAGlobal economic challenges and increasing hospital bills have laid great burden on the healthcare consumers. This has led to their desire to be involved in their healthcare decisions and contentment with both services and spending on health matters (Kernick, 2012). Kernick opined that limited healthcare resources, knowledge empowerment of consumers of healthcare and increasing array of intervention options have made it necessary for decision on healthcare to be taken openly and fairly. In order words, the need for assured quality care/services from the providers in the healthcare arena remains indispensable in the present era of economic downturn. One of such quality assurance measures is nursing audit and feedback.
Relevant feedback dependent semantic annotation for Content based image retrieval using region labeling and texture patterns[Full-Text ] Ashitha.S.S, Dr.G.RajuRecently, Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has become an important part of image information retrieval system. Image contents play an important role in image retrieval. In content-based image retrieval system there are three basic steps, i.e. visual feature extraction, multidimensional indexing, and retrieval system design. In this paper, we have presented an effective image retrieval system using features like texture patterns and region.
Properties and performance of Normal Pressed Rice Straw Thermal Insulation Boards[Full-Text ] Noha Z. Hareedy, El-Sayed A. Nasr, Ehab F. SadekRice straw is getting popular as an environmentally friendly renewable material. Among various applications, using rice straw to produce thermal insulation boards for building walls or ceilings are aliening with the globe goal to achieve zero energy buildings. This study investigated the performance of innovated thermal insulation boards. These boards were manufactured using locally available rice straw and cement mortar using a normal compaction procedure.
CHARACTERIZATION OF FOAM BALLS LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Sohila A. El-Khouly, Randa Fouad, Amr H. Zaher, Ehab F. Sadek and Khalid M. HilalAn innovative and a new kind of lightweight concrete (LWC) was developed few years ago at the Department of Structural Engi-neering of Ain Shams University. It is called foam balls lightweight concrete (FBLWC), in which conventional aggregates are par-tially replaced by polystyrene foam particles. FBLWC combined the advantages of normal density concrete, cellular concrete and high workability. FBLWC is currently believed to have a promising future in construction field; as foam balls lightweight concrete has a dry unit weight of 18.50 kN/m3 that leads to self-weight reduction of 15–20%. That results in reducing dead weight, in addi-tion to lower foundation cost with the achievement of a cubic compressive strength of 27 MPa. This paper focuses on investigat-ing and evaluating the short term and the long term behavior of FBLWC.
The Sources of Macroplastic Waste in Freshwater Ecosystems[Full-Text ] Abigail ChapmanThis research paper was concerning the concentrations of different source of macroplastic waste in Lake Lewisville in the Colony, Texas. Plastic waste has been accumulating in great amounts in both freshwater and marine ecosystems over the last several decades. The presence of plastic waste inside these ecosystems can cause harm to organisms in the area, by causing entrapment, stranglings, and many digestive and reproductive issues if the animals digest smaller pieces of plastic. Plastic stands out from other forms of waste, because its durability that makes it such a useful material in the industrial world also causes it to persist for long periods of time in terrestrial or water environments when it is deposited in these areas.
DRUG EVIL IN VIETNAM: SITUATION AND SOLUTIONS[Full-Text ] Dr. Ha Nguyen NgocDrug has been a problem of international concern. Since the first International conference on opium combat held in Shanghai, China in 1909, the international community has experienced more than 100 years of drug prevention efforts. How is the situation of drug evil and drug addict situation in Vietnam? What are the regulations of Government of Vietnam in drug prevention activities? The author analyzes the causes of drug addiction, the consequences of drug evils in Vietnam. Based on that, propose solutions to improve the efficiency of drug suppression.
A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Emergency Contraceptives among Undergraduate Female Students of Pokhara University, Nepal[Full-Text ] Sushmita BaralA descriptive cross sectional study was carried out among 530 female undergraduate students of Pokhara University to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency contraceptives using self administrated questionnaire. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS Version 20. Majority of respondents 82.6% (439) had heard about Emergency Contraceptives. T
Effects of Internal Embedded Composite Steel Frame on Reinforced Concrete Walls Behavior Seismically Excited out-of-Plane, Experimental Study[Full-Text ] F. Y. Al-Ghalibi, and Laith K. Al-Hadithy In the modern era, especially after middle of 19th century, the utility of concrete walls became widespread as a type of structural engineer-ing applications. Various wall types and many construction methods involve building construction. Generally, structural walls can be classified according to load sources and directions. Building behavior can be improved with many engineering advantages that achieved using reinforced concrete walls as structural elements.
The Correlation Between the Business Profile and Skills of Managers/Owners of Hotels and Restaurants in Tuguegarao City, Philippines[Full-Text ] EDLYN NARAG, LOURDES JUDY BUNAGAN LUYUN, MARK ANTHONY SORIANOThe purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the business profile of the owners/managers and their level of busi-ness skills making used of descriptive-correlational method. The respondents have a rating of highly on their level of business skills and shows significant relationship with their number of years in the industry and no relationship exists with their type of business at an alpha of 0.05. This study is limited to the business skills of 40 managers/owners of hotels/managers of hotels and restaurants in Tuguegarao City such as management skills, interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills, financial skills and sales and marketing skills.
Analysis of Thalassemia Patients Data Using Sta-tistical Methods[Full-Text ] Arfa Maqsood, Sehrish IftikharThe purpose of this study is to concern with statistical methods to detect information from thalassemia diseases data. Data collected from Kashif Iqbal Thalassemia care Center of 220 individuals on seven variables. The seven variables are Age, Sex, Weight, Height, Hemoglobin (G/Dl), Packed Cell Volume (PCV, %) and Red Blood Cell (RBC, 10'6/cmm3). Data is in cross sectional form. Firstly, we explain the data with the help of some descriptive analysis. Afterwards, we employ the simple statistical techniques such as correlation, body mass index and regression analysis to explore the dependence relations between the variables.
EFFECT OF PENETRATION DEPTH ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF WALLING BEAM SHEET PILES USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD[Full-Text ] Ammar Jalil Almosawi, Karar Saleh SuhailIn the present work, a continuous waler beam is designed to retain two types of sheet piles a cantilever sheet piles and an anchored sheet piles with different penetration depths (24, 26, 28 and 30 meter length) in a 400m length port.
An Up-to-date Systematic Review of the New Techniques and Treatment Methods in Restorative Dentistry[Full-Text ] Waad Mosaad Almugren, Doaa Makki AlharbiRestorative oral treatments today truly encompass all the disciplines that dentistry has to offer in an incorporated inter-disciplinary method to accomplish optimal dental health, function and aesthetics for our patients.
Differences on Natural Resource Management Themes between Mathematics and Science Textbooks in Public High Schools[Full-Text ] Maricor D. MedallaTextbooks are among the main instructional materials in educational systems. It is just necessary to study its contents more particularly on nowadays relevant issues concerning natural resource management. Our environment has been confronted with many pressing problems and the endeavors from the government and non-government organizations to help solve these concerns still remain inadequate. There is a need to go down at the very roots of the problem---the low level of knowledge on natural resource-based education.
Recruitment, promotion, and retention of women in the workplace: a literature review[Full-Text ] LI XIAO DONGThe women in the workplace did stood up for their rights to get an equal position in the workplace, women had limited opportunity to grow in the industries. The companies preferred male employees over the female for the filling the leading positions like managers, executive officers, and others. The findings in this study that answered each research gap by removing the lack of growth and development opportunities for the women, engaging introductory courses of female students to recruit high talents and skills, performing detailed outcome evaluations to ensure the effectiveness of women’s performance in the workplace.
A Note on Effect of Sample Size on Operating Characteristic Curves of Process Capability Indices under Normality[Full-Text ] Suboohi SafdarProcess capability indices have been topics of the significance for statistically controlled processes under diverse distributional conditions since few decades. Process capability indices are the numerical quantities that reflect the functional relationships between allowable spread and the actual spread. For normal processes allowable spread is the function of preset limits and actual spread is the function of process parameter(s) which characterize the normal process sufficiently.
The Effects of Texas’ Esports Industries Growth[Full-Text ] Jai ParekhWe have esports leagues that have begun to rise all over the world. There are esports leagues in Europe, China, and Korea, just to name a few. For example, according to Mr. Hallmann, a researcher who has published many research papers within the subject of esports industry development, “in Germany, the state promotes sports by means of subsidies as well as tax exemptions for sport organizations.
Effect of processed rice husk ash on the production of Conventional bricks[Full-Text ] Arnob Debnath, Mst. Meratus Salma, Md. Sagirul Islam, Mohammad Golam Mostafa, Abdus Samad, Umme Sarmeen AkhtarThe effects of processed rice husk ash (RHA) on the various properties of conventional bricks were studied. The measured properties were Particle size distribution, bulk density, compressive strength, 24-hour immersion water absorption and shrinkage. The effect of processed rice husk ash percentage and normal RHA on the bulk density and compressive strength of bricks was also studied. Both bulk density and compressive strength of bricks decreased with an increase in the percentage of RHA content.
ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF CELL FREE SUPERNATANT OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM FOOD SAMPLES AGAINST FOOD BORNE PATHOGENS[Full-Text ] John, G. E. and Lennox, J. A. The ability to preserve foods using bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated directly from foods is an innovative approach. Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the efficacy of cell free supernatant of lactic acid bacteria isolated from food samples on selected spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. A total of 48 food stuffs such as cucumber, fresh fish, nunu, meat, ogi, cheese and yoghurt were obtained aseptically and analyzed. Lactic acid bacteria were isolated using MRS agar and bacteriocin positive isolates were screened using disk diffusion assay against the test organisms.
Finite Element Analysis for Engine Cylinder head in Ansys[Full-Text ] Dr.B.Sudarshan, Mr.Subhajith RoyThe application of thermal analysis concept is leading towards engineering design during engine development in the thermal equilibrium condition. The life and output potential of such engines is strongly connected to the working temperature of specified components. Thus, accurate temperature predictions are an essential pre-requisite to the continuing engine evolution.
Big Data Analytics Landscape And Careers[Full-Text ] Mr. Vikas ChauhanBig Data Analytics helps organizations harness their data and use it to identify new opportunities. That, in turn, leads to smarter business moves, more efficient operations, higher profits and happier customers. $15 billion on software firms only specializing in data management and analytics. This industry on its own is worth more than $100 billion and growing at almost 10% a year which is roughly twice as fast as the software business as a whole. In February 2012, the open source analyst firm Wikibon released the first market forecast for Big Data, listing $5.1B revenue in 2012 with growth to $53.4B in 2017. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that data volume is growing 40% per year, and will grow 44x between 2009 and 2020.
Biogas Production by Anaerobic Digestion and Co-digestion of some Large Available Organic Solid Wastes of Madagascar[Full-Text ] Michard Rockson Rajaonahy , Michel Torrijos, Jean Phillipe Steyer, Philippe Sousbie, Victor Razafinjato, Hery Tiana RakotondramiaranaThe first part of this work is focused on the determination of the Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) of a wide range of substrates that are largely available in Madagascar in order to determine the amount of methane (CH4) that could be produced from their treatment (by monodigestion and by co-digestion) in an anaerobic reactor.
STUDIES OF COMPOUND CHRYSOERIOL 7-0-(2”-0-Î’-D-MANNOPYRANOSY–Β-D- ALLOPYRANOSIDE) FROM CENTIPEDA MINIMA[Full-Text ] DR SHIKHA YADAVChrysoeriol is a Methoxylated flavone of great scientific interest because of its promising anti-microbial activities against bacteria. The biosynthesized chrysoeriol was structurally characterized using high resolution mass spectrometry and various nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. Chrysoeriol exhibited antimicrobial activity against pathogens. It has minimum inhibitory concentration values of 1.25 ïg/mL against a methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. It is very useful medicinal plant.
Fuzzy self-tuning PID controller for hypersonic wind tunnel pressure regulation[Full-Text ] Trinh Luong MienThis article refers to the design of a new controller to regulate the pressure in the setting chamber of a hypersonic wind tunnel. By inheriting, then developing the mathematical model of the hypersonic wind tunnel pressure process, firstly the paper presents the design of the traditional PID by the Skogestad method. And then, a new fuzzy self-tuning PID controller by combining traditional PID and fuzzy logic calculation block is presented in this article.
Detection of angiodysplasia from wireless capsule endoscopy images[Full-Text ] Pradeep chakaravarthi RajendranAngiodysplasia, also known as telangiectasia, is a lesion in the small and large intestine and the second most bleeding causing lesion in the lower gastrointestinal tract. Due to its severe bleeding nature, it can cause anemia, chronic intestinal hemorrhage, chronic kidney disease, aortic stenosis, von Willebrand disease when undetected, and these lesions are prone to higher detection miss rate during the examination.
Development of an Automated Fruit Sorting Machine using an Embedded System (Arduino Mega Based)[Full-Text ] Y. Adamu, A. A. Adamu, S.I. Kolo, A. W. NnannaThe design, development and performance evaluation of the automated fruit sorting machine was carried out using an embedded system (Arduino based) to serve as a time saving, low energy consuming and cost effective alternative for sorting and grading fruit for both home and commercial applications. The device is constructed to sort different varieties of fruit, which includes man-go, orange, lemon, udala (agbalumo or African star apple), apple, tomato etc. Sorting are carried out based on the difference in the wavelength of the color of a ripe fruit to that of an unripe or defective.
EXPLORATION ON ETHICS ON BROADCASTING IN INDONESIA (A Case Study of Bianglala Program on Reks Garut Radio)[Full-Text ] Tita Melia MilyaneThe ethics on broadcasting is a guide for media crew in conducting broadcasting activities. When these ethics not properly implemented, it will cause serious effects. As happened on the Bianglala program of Reks Garut Radio. Bianglala, as an interactive program clarified by government officials and stakeholders, is listeners’ favorite program in Garut, and serves as a medium used by the people to complain about the government services.
EVALUATION of ACUTE AND SUB-ACUTE TOXICITY of Lippia javanica in RATS[Full-Text ] Kazi Nuruddin Al Masud, Shakera Islam Keya, Monika Nasrin Munni, Nura Ahmed, Amina Ferdous Chowdhury, Rafiqul Ha-san Khan, Mahbuba Mohoshina RunaThe study was conducted to evaluate the safety dose range of methanolic extract from the leaves of Lippia javanica by acute and sub-acute oral toxicity study on rats. In acute toxicity study, a single oral dose of 1000mg/kg of the experimented plant extract was administered to three groups and adverse effect, mortality and general behavior were monitored for 15 days.
EVALUATION of ACUTE AND SUB-ACUTE TOXICITY of Sterculia coccinea in RATS[Full-Text ] Nafisa Nawar, Tushar Ahmed Shishir, Nuzhat Mahbub, Most. Nasrin Akter, S.M. Saiful IslamGlobal population is increasing day by day. Therefore, the demand of food will be doubled in next 30 years. With limited resources to meet this demand will be a great challenge for human. To increase the production of food, traditional agricultural system needs to be updated.
Application of Remote sensing and GIS Techniques in Urban Planning, Development and Management[Full-Text ] Kamaluddeen A. Baba, Deepak Lal, Abdulkadir BelloManagement and planning of urban space requires spatially accurate and timely information on land use and changing pattern. Evaluation provides the planners and decision-makers with required information about the current state of development and the nature of changes that have occurred. Remote sensing and Geographical Information system (GIS) provides vital tools which can be applied in the analysis at the district and as well, as the city level.
Implementation of Microcontroller Based Vehicle Location Tracker Using GSM and GPS[Full-Text ] Yu Yu Mon Win, Thin Thin, Kyaw Zue TharLocation Tracker uses GPS and GSM to track and provide complete location information to user over mobile phone. This sys-tem gives minute by minute update about vehicle location by sending SMS through GSM Module.This SMS contains longitude and latitude of the vehicle location.Arduino microcontroller is the central processing unit of the overall system.Arduino gets the coordinates from GPS module and then it sends this information via SMS to send the owner of the vehicle.
Temperature Distribution Model for Predicting the Precipitation of Wax in a Wellbore: (A Numerical Approach)[Full-Text ] Ekom Archibong Eshiet, Abam Tamunoene K, Dagde Kenneth KIn this research work, since wax deposition is strongly thermal related, an accurate heat transfer model is necessary and was developed in predicting and preventing wax deposition. The derivation of the temperature distribution prediction model took into consideration the three basic equations which are: The conservation law of mass equation, the conservation law of momentum equation and the energy balanced equation applied to a differential control volume of a pipeline.
Evaluation of the effect of Molybdenum nanoparti-cles on the incidence of pregnancy in Mus muscu-lus[Full-Text ] Radwa H. El-Atawy, Hanan R.H Mohamed, Ahmed M. Ghoneim, Akmal El GhorMolybdenum nanoparticles (Mo-NPs) are extensively used in huge applications. However, limited studies investigated their effect on the pregnancy incidence. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Mo-NPs on the incidence of pregnancy in mice. Female mice were divided into different groups and treated with different doses of Mo-NPs. Administration of Mo-NPs caused significant decreases in the number of pregnant female mice during the experimental period. Conclusion: Mo-NPs administration decreased the incidence of pregnancy in mice.
READINESS OF VILLAGE FUNDS MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION[Full-Text ] Endang Masitoh Wahyuningsih, Rochmi WidayantiThis research is explorative in nature using a qualitative approach with the aim of obtaining an overview of: (1) village funds management practices before and after the launch of the village funds system (SISKEUDES), (2) obstacles that arise in the implementation of SISKEUDES, (3) level of readiness and understanding from users of the village funds system within the village head and village funds management equipment in the Jatisrono sub-district.
CHARACTERIZATION OF ALLIGATOR PEPPER OIL[Full-Text ] Erepamowei Young and Douye MarkmanuelAframomum melegueta seed is used as as a spice in food due to their aromatic flavor and pungent taste or as ingredients of ethnomedical preparations for the treatment of snakebites, stomachaches, and diarrhea and other ailments. Oil from Aframomum melegueta seeds was analyzed for its phytochemicals, ant-repellent potentials and constituent chemicals.
SECURE AND PRIVACY-ORIENTED ARCHITEC-TURE WITH OPEN CLOUD COMPUTING FOR INTERNET OF THINGS DEVICES[Full-Text ] Lateef Abd Zaid Qudr, Mohammed Abomaali,Ahmed Mohammed MerzaSmart devices and sensors are key empowering resources regarding the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm to gather user’s sensed information and facts. However, getting involved in collecting user’s sensed data for further processing is definitely not very easy.
Relations between parent – teen conflict and emotional intelligence of adolescents[Full-Text ] Ms Mita Mandal, Dr. A.Ray, Dr. A. MukherjeeA descriptive co relational survey design was conducted to find out the relations between parent –teen conflict and emotional intelligence of adolescents in selected district(south24 pgs), west Bengal. The objectives of the study were to determine the extent of parent –teen conflict, to determine the emotional intelligence of adolescents, To identify the Relationship between parent –teen conflict and emotional intelligence of adolescents.
INFLUENCE OF ACIDOSIS ON ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF SESAMIN ON H2O2 INDUCED LIPID PEROXIDATION IN DIFFERENT ORGANS OF RAT[Full-Text ] ODUMBONI, A.A., EKEOCHA, A.H. AND OYATOKUN, E.G.Sesamin is a lignin isolated from the bark of fagara plants and from sesame oil. It has been used as dietary fat-reduction supplement, although no controlled studies on this application have been performed. Its major metabolite is enterolactone, which has an elimination half-life of less than 6 hours. Sesamin is a minor component of sesame oil, on average comprising only 0.14% 0f the oil by mass. It has a molar mass of 354.35 g/mol and a chemical formula of C20H18O6.
Poka Yoke In Collaborative Inventory Practice To Reduce Action In Automotive Manufacturing[Full-Text ] Rio Patria, Annisaa Wulandari, Sampik Krisning Tyas, Sawarni HasibuanThis paper discusses how Pokayoke helps inventory in the supply chain to reduce losses caused by delays in decision-making by the inventory control department. With the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) method, pareto diagrams, fishbone, and SCAMPER diagrams it is found that the company immediately uses alternative solutions that have been obtained so that losses caused by delays in decision-making by the Inventory Controls are reduced or absent.