Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018.
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GEOELECTRICAL INVESTIGATION OF A PROPOSED LANDFILL SITE IN OGBOMOSO, SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Akinlabi I. A and Adewuyi A. AAn integrated geophysical investigation was carried out at a proposed landfill site along the new Ibadan-Ilorin Expressway in Ogbomoso, Southwestern Nigeria in order to characterize the subsurface and determine the suitability or otherwise of the site for landfill. The study location is underlain by rocks of the basement complex.
A NOVEL ACTIVE INDUCTOR WITH VOLTAGE CONTROLLED QUALITY FACTOR AND SELF-RESONANT FREQUENCY[Full-Text ] Mostapha BOUSSETTA, Ridouane HAMDAOUY, Khadija SLAOUIIn this paper, a novel CMOS differential active inductor. Based on Differential negative impedance networks without tail current, it provides the compensation to reduce resistive loss the active inductor in certain frequency range but self-resonant frequency and quality factor tuning is to introduce. Founded on a Differential negative impedance networks technique,the proposed active inductor has additional Differential negative impedance networks. This last utilized for enhancing and actively to change the quality factor of the active inductor. The self-resonant frequency of the active inductor can be also to change below a variable current mirror. The active inductor was implemented in tsmc13rf-0.35um 3.3V CMOS technology and analyzed using SpectreRF with BSIM3V3 device models.
Utilization of waste paper-pulp by partial replacement of sand in concrete[Full-Text ] Vinod Choudhary, Anjali Tandale, Mehul Patel, Rutuja Patil, Ambaji GuttedarPaper is a material produced by pressing together moist fibre of cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags and grass and drying into flexible sheets. Every year a huge amount of paper gets discarded of which only a minute fraction is being recycled and the rest gets dumped as landfills. It would be advantageous if this prodigious amount of waste can be utilized as a sustainable construction material and make it as a value added product. Paper-crete is an experimental material formed by using paper pulp in normal concrete. In this project, percentage of sand is replaced with paper-pulp to form paper-crete. The total weight and carbon dioxide emissions during its production as compared to the normal concrete are observed to be considerably reduced. Also, the optimum results regarding compressive strength and water absorption were achieved.
Cardiovascular Abnormalities in CKD Patient on Heamodialysis[Full-Text ] Hemin SahuThe burden of non-communicable diseases has increased exponentially over the past decade and they account for majority of the health-related morbidity and mortality worldwide. In line with this, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been increasing over the years. CKD progresses through stages and it is well known that patients are more likely to die than to progress to end-stage renal disease.
An Implementation and Analysis of Hybrid Face Recognition Algorithm[Full-Text ] ARPIT AGRAWAL, SHRADDHA ARYAThe face is our primary focus of attention in social intercourse, playing a major role in conveying identity and emotion. Although the ability to infer intelligence or character from facial appearance is suspect, the human ability to recognize faces is remarkable. It is widely acknowledged that the face recognition have played an important role in surveillance system as it doesn’t need the object’s cooperation. The actual advantages of face based identification over other biometrics are uniqueness and acceptance. As human face is a dynamic object having high degree of variability in its appearance, that makes face detection a difficult problem in computer vision. In this paper work, we proposed hybrid face recognition approach using LDA and back propagation network. Initially, we input bi-part human faces which is processed by LDA algorithm and return extracted feature. On this features we apply neural network namely back propagation network using input faces to train the algorithm. After training of images we recognized particular face ID. The proposed system is an effective and efficient for the accurateness of the human face recognition for end user applications.
Groundwater Flow and Hydrologic Budget For Sawa Lake in Iraq[Full-Text ] Dr. Thair S. Khayyun, Selsal Mohamed MinatyThese instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IJSER JOURNALS. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IJSER. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
Stress and academic performance among MCST male medical students 2015-2016[Full-Text ] Ahmad Mohammad Salman, Abdullah Ali Alsharif, Turki Saleh Aldhehyan, Hossam Ali Alqahtani, Abdulmajeed Mohammad Alharbi, Abdullah Mohammed Alasiri, Ibrahim Amer Alobaid, Ahmed Hassan Alsomali, Mohamed Ameed Alawer, Zyad Musaad Alsulaiman, Bandar Mohammed Albukairi, Faisal Ijjaz Shah, Amar Fathi Khalifa.Background: It is widely acknowledged that the medical students are predisposed to enormous stress due to different stressors such as academic, psychosocial, financial or health related, etc. Stress has a negative effect on the academic performance of the students.
Synchronization of Multi-character Nazarimehr System using Active Control[Full-Text ] J. Humberto Pérez-Cruz, David Zenteno-Lara, David Ãvila-González, Christian NwachiomaThis article shows the analysis to get a control law for the Nazarimehr’s chaotic system, this was achieved by a master - slave relationship, analysing it as a system with two different initial conditions; the relationship can be established from the error dynamics. This system was presented by [1], who established the parameters and initial conditions that can cause different behaviours in it. The chaotic system was synchronized via Active Control, where the non-linear terms are eliminated. Also, those terms that can determine the stability of the system are proposed, such one is demonstrated using the Lyapunov stability analysis.
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Ukam (Cochlosperum Planchonii) Fibre Reinforced Polyester Composites[Full-Text ] Okpanachi George Echiye, Abugh Ashwe, GB Nyior, Humphery.A. IortyerNatural fibers show potential to replace glass fibers in thermoset and thermoplastic composites.. In this research Ukam/polyester composites were analyzed using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). A three-point bend apparatus was used in the DMA testing. The samples were tested at 2 hertz, 5 hertz and 10 hertz at a displacement of 10 μm, and at room temperature. The fiber volume content of the Ukam was varied from 5%, 10%,15%,20% and 25%.
Comparative assessment of bioactive components, antioxidant effects from 15 cultivars of sesame (Sesamum indicum .L) for different crop years[Full-Text ] H. Rizki, A. Nabloussi, F. Kzaiber, M. Jbilou, H. Latrache, H.HanineSesame has been considered as one of the most important health crops in the world with greet potential nutraceutical compounds, the compositional components like lignans with HPLC technique, phenolic, flavonoids contents as well as antioxidant properties with the DPPH and ABTS methods of 15 cultivars of sesame seeds from different years were evaluated with the aim of the characterization of cultivars and their nutritional quality with the change of time, weather.
The Liquid-Amorphous Phase Transition Study On Silicon And Water In Supercooled Region[Full-Text ] Arvind K. Gautam and Ajay K. SahuThe silicon and water are the useful substances and their anomalous behaviour in supercooled region propose interest to study on these. The silicon in the form of amorphous state is widely used in solar cells as a semiconductor and its liquid form, on the other hand, is metallic in nature.
SMART STEERING INDICATOR (SSI)[Full-Text ] Arun Singh BishtAs the population is increasing day by day to meet the increasing demand of the people so many vehicles are running on the road. Every driver in the road wants to reach the destination as soon as possible. In that situation they generally cross their speed limits. While overtaking or changing the lane sometimes due to the less precise steering indicator (current indicators) at the rear end of the vehicle there is lack of coordination between the driver and the following driver, thus resulting in severe collisions.
Investigation of Nonlinear Targeted Energy Transfer (TET) phenomena in the Presence of Elastic Membrane in Duct Acoustics with Different BCs[Full-Text ] Reza Moezzilinear behaviors are typically encountered in duct acoustics where sound waves propagate in rigid ducts. In this experimental study, a circular visco-elastic membrane is used as an essentially nonlinear attachment to generate local nonlinearities for a primary linear system constituted by a straight rigid duct.
The Performance of Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) as Influenced by Nitrogen Application and Plant Density in Vom Plateau State[Full-Text ] Nannim Sunday, Kuberi John Rotdima and Kumdet AsabarA field experiment was conducted at the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI) Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria during the 2015 and 2016 wet seasons to study the effect of nitrogen and plant density on the productivity of field pea (Pisum sativum L.). The treatments consisted of three nitrogen (0, 20 and 40 kg N ha-1) rates and two plant density (222,222 and 133,320 plants ha-1), which were factorially laid in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times.
Efficient Semantic Ranking for Top-K Document Retrieval Based on SG-Reversed Index[Full-Text ] M.Uma Maheswari, Dr.J.G.R.SathiaseelanIn Information retrieval, the main issue is discovering the top-k documents from huge repositories. An efficient top-k retrieval algorithm is needed for the real time applications such as document search, online advertising and DBMS. Efficient ranking answers the user queries in the repository that continues to challenge the researchers as the size grows proportional to time, and the ranking metrics become more complicated. Ranked document retrieval is usually solved with some variant of a simple structure called an inverted index.
BANDWIDTH EXTENSION OF ACTIVE INDUCTOR[Full-Text ] Mostapha Boussetta, Ridouane Hamdaouy, Khadija Slaoui This paper deals with the design of a microwave active inductor using 0.13 µm CMOS technology. The proposed circuit configuration is based on the Gyrator-C topology. Such circuits are mainly made out of simple current mirrors requiring essentially low power consumption. Compared to typical spiral inductors, circuits of active inductors provide small tuning inductance values, high quality factor and tiny chip area. Several simulations have been carried out by means of SPECTRE software leading in the configuration of the expected high standard performances. The simulated inductor’s parameters validates the proposed design process and allows several microwave applications to be implemented as band pass filter.
WHY EEG IS APT FOR BRAIN ACTIVITY MEASUREMENT IN A CASUAL END USER BCI?[Full-Text ] Satyajit Sen Purkayastha, V. K Jain and H. K SardanaBrain computer interface (BCI) is defined as a communication and control system that allows electrophysiological activity alone to control a computer or an external device, bypassing the peripheral nerves and muscles.
Cardiovascular Abnormalities in CKD Patients[Full-Text ] Hulsi sahuThe burden of non-communicable diseases has increased exponentially over the past decade and they account for majority of the health-related morbidity and mortality worldwide. In line with this, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been increasing over the years. CKD progresses through stages and it is well known that patients are more likely to die than to progress to end-stage renal disease. The presence of multiple classical and novel risk factors predisposes this group of patients to premature cardiovascular mortality.
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Biotransportation of Complex Fluid in the Human System[Full-Text ] Kazeem B. Olanrewaju, Liem Thai, Emmanuel DadaMost of the pathological conditions are connected with anomalies in the flow of complex fluid (blood) and its interaction with various organs in the human system. A clear and detail understanding of the flow process and mechanism of interaction between the complex fluid (blood) and surrounding organs can help prescribes a proper diagnostic procedure in addressing pathological conditions in the human body. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) coupled with other multiphysics relating structure and chemical reaction will be adopted to model this fluid-structural interaction within the biological context. This study intends to use Comsol Multiphysics modeling platform because of its robustness and the ability to coupled fluid-solid interaction with module for transport for concentrated species and reacting flow in normal duct and porous media.
ANTI-HYPERLIPIDEMIC EFFECT OF Morinda lucida PLANT EXTRACTS ON Helicobacter pylori INDUCED DYSLIPIDEMIC MICE[Full-Text ] Owolabi S. L.,Mamora, O.T, Olanrewaju, G.ORaised cholesterol increases the risks of heart diseases and stroke. This study was conducted to determine the effect of extract of different parts of Morinda lucida on the Total Cholesterol Level (TCL) of Helicobacter pylori induced hyperlipidemic mice. An ethanolic extraction of various part (root, stem bark and leaves) of M. lucida was carried out. Twenty-five (25) healthy young adult male and female albino mice were procured and divided into five equal groups. All the mice were inoculated with H. pylori strain to induce dyslipidemia.
Statistical Techniques to Detect Counterfeit Indian Currency[Full-Text ] Komal Ramne, Prof. Sushma AgrawalCounterfeit Currency has numerous adverse effects to Indian Economy. Despite the safety features built into currency bills, there are no structured techniques to detect counterfeit currency other than visual inspection by experts. This paper presents various Digital Image Processing based techniques to reliably detect counterfeit currency [1].The algorithms rely on statistical nature of safety features, their histogram correlation Simulated Annealing is used to register the signatures of Bill under Test to Golden Standard. A real time detection is possible through the use of parallel processing feature using Graphic Processing Unit. The method is generalized and can be used for new class of currency bills released by Reserve Bank of India in denomination of 200, 500 and 2000. The algorithms are generic and can be applied to any world currency.
CONNECTING TO PROGRAMMING THROUGH GAMES[Full-Text ] Abba Muhammad Adua, Abdulrahman Muhammad, Wakkala Garba TumburkuCode combat is an innovative gamification approach that focuses on teaching and learning coding and programming by writing programs to the game code editor to control the game object.The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how code combat can be used to teach JavaScript programming language course to young ones with little or no coding experience. Because programming is perceived by the vast majority of people as a difficult concept to learn, the paper provides a structure for integrating Code Combat sessions into class activity to better illustrate the programming concept. The main concepts of programmimg, coding and the general syntax of Javascript programming language is what Code Combat will help impart to student. This paper provides 10 basic steps in preparing a course outline that gives teachers and researchers ways to implement code combat in education curriculum, breaking it into levels that meet the topics of the programming langauge JavaScript.
Biosensors for Nucleic Acid Detection[Full-Text ] Deema Alahmadi,JIANG Jianhui, Reham AlahmadiThe treatment and the early stage detection of diseases can be done based on the identification of biomarkers. The biomarkers can be detected with the application of selective and sensitive analytical devices called biosensors. The units of nucleic acid recognition are highly specific while the electrochemical signal transduction is highly sensitive. The combination of both these properties leads to the development and improvement of nucleic acid biosensors.
Cytotoxic effect of thyme essential oil and Nigella saliva L extract on P815 and BSR cancer cells: Correlation with alkaline phosphatase expression[Full-Text ] Houda AYAD and Noureddine ELABBADIThe anti-tumour effect of thyme (Thymus broussonettii) essential oil and black-seed (Nigella saliva L) ethyl acetate extract were first investigated in vitro using P815 and BSR cancer cell lines. The IC50 values ranging from 4 - 5 mg/ml for BSR cells and from 9 - 11 mg/ml for P815 cells, showed a slight sensitivity of the BSR cell line to the extracts. Carvacrol exhibited IC50 value of 200 ± 10 µM for P815 while vincristine (positive control) showed values IC50 = 4 ± 0.2 µM and 7 ± 0.25 µM for P815 and BSR cell lines, respectively.
Extraction of Modal Parameters Using Experimental & Operational Modal Analysis for Overhanging Machine Component[Full-Text ] Beena Limkar, Dr. Gautam ChandekarOverhanging machine components are mostly susceptible to vibrations and hence are critical from design view point. These overhanging components can be generalized as a cantilever beam. Cantilever beam problem is taken as a case study in this paper as the analytical results are easily available. Most often the classical Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) cannot be used in such cases as the exact operating and boundary conditions are critical for better accuracy in modal parameters extraction.
Microbial Contamination of Some Office Equipment in a Section of College of Medicine, KFU[Full-Text ] Al-hashim A. Mariya, Al-thuwaini Hibah F, Al-motairi Rehab T, Al-masoud Fatimah S, Badger-Emeka L., Al-Sultan AABackground: Computers have become a necessity in most 21st century offices, libraries and university settings. Being accessed through the use keyboards and mice, those in the libraries and laboratories are usually shared. This creates an environment with high bacteria presence, some of which could be potential pathogens. This study looks into the types of microbial contamination of shared and single user keyboards and mice, in a section of a university setting.
Different modalities of treatment for epilepsy[Full-Text ] Enas MahmoudBackground: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders influencing not less than 50 million patients worldwide. It is a chronic disorder of the brain characterized by epileptic seizures due to the abnormal electrical discharges in the brain. Epilepsy is classified according to the etiology into four categories: idiopathic, symptomatic, provoked and cryptogenic. Seizures are classified according to the etiology and site of origin into focal seizures and generalized seizures.
ITS based railway track monitoring and accident avoidance using smart sensor technology[Full-Text ] Komal patil, Prachi Tilekar, Damini Wadgaonkar, Mrs.Swati PatilThe increased growth in the railway sector has resulted in an increase in the train traffic density across the world. This project work is aimed towards addressing the issue by developing and automatic railway track crack detection system using signal processing technology. This has resulted in the increase in the number of accidents involving trains. Manual detection of tracks is not fully effective, owing to much time consumption and requirement of skilled technicians. This project will work without human interference. In this project, the proposed system includes several features which prevent train accidents. It includes automatic speed controlling in curves, crack detection, soil moisture detection and track continuity. This system makes use of soil moisture sensors, signal processing technology and other embedded systems.
Experimental Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Banana Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites[Full-Text ] Kibret Alemayehu Adde (Yeshurun), Lidya Rezene EliasNatural fiber reinforced polymer composites are nowadays being used in various engineering applications to increase the strength, to optimize the weight and the cost of the product. Various natural fibers such as coir, sisal, jute, coir and banana are used as reinforcement materials.
Finite Element Analysis of 3U CubeSat Structure[Full-Text ] Kibret Alemayehu Adde (Yeshurun), Lidya Rezene EliasOur country, Ethiopia, is a victim of drought and other natural disasters due to weather and climate change. As a result, to give an early warning and to take immediate action on such problems and also to increase the agricultural productivity, satellite development is the best solution. Therefore, Ethiopian Space Science & Technology Institute (ESSTI) launched a project to design and develop a 4kg multi-spectral 3U CubeSat for the application of alerting natural disaster and rescue, mapping, forest and land management, weather prediction, crop distribution, etc. This paper, which is part of ESSTI project, presents the finite element analysis of 3U CubeSat structure with the applied quasi-static load of 250N. In the paper stress and deformation analysis is presented procedurally and the results showed that the structure is safe for the lifetime of the satellite.
Machine Learning Technique used in enhancing Teaching Learning Process in education Sector and review of Machine Learning Tools[Full-Text ] DiptiVerma, Dr. K. NirmalaMachine learning is one of the widely used research area in today’s world is artificial intelligence and one of the scope full area is Machine Learning (ML). This is study and analysis of some machine learning techniques used in education for particularly increasing the performance in teaching learning process, along with review of some machine learning tools.
Horizontal Collaboration Opportunities across Industry Sectors in Bangladesh to Reduce Traffic Burden.Capture more Opportunities & Make their Supply Chain more Efficient. A Case Study Research of Dhaka[Full-Text ] Sanjib Kumar Dey Sarker ChayanThe industries in Bangladesh in general depend on a large number of local and remote vendors. The lead times taken by vendors in delivering the items are generally high in Dhaka. Further, the lead-times have often larger variances due to traffic congestion and other logistics related problems. This influences the functioning of industries, and also reflects upon the performance of vendors in the overall supply chain.
Assessing the Risk of Threat Due to Hostile Threats in Pardis Petrochemical Complex (Assaluyeh) Using FEMA Method and Investigating Its Consequences by PHAST Software[Full-Text ] Morteza Naghshvar, Mohammadali Zahed, Seyed Mostafa KhezriThe ammonia storage tanks have been considered as the potential sources of major accidents according to the above mentioned methodology. Risk of ammonia storage tank in Pardis petrochemical complex were investigated using FEMA 452 technique. Additionally, PHAST by DNV production software employed for assessment of consequences. The result indicated that, in this study, after investigating the risk of hostile threats during peacetime and war, a rocket attack with ammonia storage tank in this facility has the highest risk assessment, which was selected as a probable scenario. Due to the collision of the rocket and the rupture of the storage tank, a dangerous concentration of ammonia vapor is dispersed in the environment. Hazardous concentrations of ammonia vapor (IDLH) are released in the summer season and in atmospheric weather conditions (2F), and in the wind direction, the dangerous concentration can be released up to 12 (km) from the Pardis petrochemical complex. The maximum calculated distance can include the cities of Assaluyeh and Nakhl Taqi. The outcome of this study is applicable for further planning as well as HSE management system and in the future planning for emergency response in the city of Assaluyeh and Nakhl Taqi.
Performance Comparison and Analysis of AD-Hoc Routing Protocols (DSR, DSDV) in MANET[Full-Text ] Md. Ashek Raihan Mahmud, A k m Wahed Juberi, Md. Shariful IslamA Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network, and is a self-configuring network of mobile nodes (routers) and associated hosts connected by wireless links – the union of which forms an arbitrary topology. The nodes (routers) are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily, thus the network's wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. Such a network may operate in a standalone fashion, or may be connected to the larger Internet. There are various routing protocols available for MANETs.
Assessment of Petrol Stations Locations in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria Using Geospatial Techniques[Full-Text ] Prof. Sika Orupabo and York, F. NewtonThis study was conducted in Port Harcourt City Local Government Area of Rivers State. The aim of the study is to analyze the location of filling stations in Port Harcourt Metropolis against the physical planning standards set by Department of Petroleum Resource (DPR). The research used geographic information system (GIS) based analysis. Global positioning System GPS Garmin 76CSX was used to capture the location of the filling stations and names of the filling stations were obtained from DPR Port Harcourt Office.
Research on Competitive Strategy of Kazakhstan Copper Co., Ltd[Full-Text ] Tarashova Aelita, Yang WeiThe research study the current situation of Kazakh Copper Company and provide an overview of its competitive strategy regarding nonferrous metallurgy in Kazakhstan. It focuses on the theoretical research of copper market and discuss its influences on future development by review the company’s strategy.
Efficient Braille cell segmentation by Enhancing the dots using Sobel operator[Full-Text ] Vishwanath Venkatesh Murthy, M HanumanthappaThe Optical Braille Recognition (OBR) system is used to convert Braille document into natural text. The Braille characters are represented by a cell produced by embossing of dots with three rows and two columns each. OBR system recognizes these cells and translated them into text. The very first stage of OBR is the image acquisition. The image acquisition is performed using different devices like CCD camera, Digital camera, Mobile Phones and Scanners. The major problems of scanning are the degradation of dots representing a cell, unwanted extra appearance of dots or uneven spacing between dots. The main aim of this paper is to apply preprocessing techniques and apply the algorithm to enhance the degraded dots that uses Sobel operator to help in segmentation of the Braille cells.
Conversion of Image to Grayscale Using Wavelet Transformation with Daubechies Basis function Systems[Full-Text ] Abba Muhammad Adua, Abdulrahman MuhammadImage restoration forms the foundation of various applications in the areas of medicine, astronomy etc. Historically an image is reproduced utilizing numerous techniques of which Fourier and wavelet transform systems developed from the sources of present-day technologies. The rebuilding images own higher purpose and help in interpreting the image in extra detail. A wavelet is a wave-like oscillation with amplitude which begins from zero, progress, and then decreases over to zero. In numerical analysis and functional analysis, a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) systems is any wavelet change for which the wavelets have discretely experimented. As with additional wavelet transforms, a key success it has higher Fourier transforms is a transient resolution: it catches both frequencies as well as location information.
Running Head: Global IT Outsourcing - Selecting Providers[Full-Text ] Kishore KulkarniThis paper looks at next step is Global IT outsourcing process – selecting providers and details in-depth process involved in RFP and vendor selection process. Paper will explore, analyze and explains following areas of Global IT Outsourcing- Selecting providers, RFP and Vendor selection
Webserver Based Smart Monitoring System Using ESP8266 Node MCU Module[Full-Text ] Dlnya Abdulahad AzizThe term internet of things (IOT) is considered as an important and popular technology aspect nowadays. Life style controllability based on (IOT) became considerably simpler and easier especially in the communicating approaches among the smart devices. The methodology of (IOT) allows accessing and controlling the devices anywhere and anytime. The tendency of this aspect is to communicate among various devices with respect to ESP8266 Node MCU module. The devices even can be controlled with respect to the employed ESP stations.
An Optimal Analysis for an n-gate Policy Queue System: a Cycle Period Distribution Approach[Full-Text ] Ajiboye R. Babalola and Titi ObiladeAre ection on the characteristics of the ATM tra c source models which are characterized by both burstness and a high correlation at the entry point when transmitting packet data has been central to studies in queueing theory in particular. The interest of this study is being tailored to the need for performance evaluation and optimization in certain network switches.
Influence Of Radiation On Resinous Fractions Of The Degraded Oil[Full-Text ] Samadova Aytan AftandilThe process of formation of gases under the influence of gamma radiation from oil and degraded in water oil fractions has been investigated at D = 0-110 kGy dose at temperature 35-40 °C. As gas products H2, CO, CH4, C2H6, C2H4, ΣC3, ΣC4 and ΣC5 gases have been identified.