Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition
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Removal of Congo red from aqueous solution using saw dust as a low cost adsorbent[Full-Text ] Muhammad Nawaz, Sharjeel Waqas, Muhammad Usman Tahir, Waqar Ali Khan, Muhammad JamilIn this study the use of low cost adsorbent has been studied as an alternate of activated carbon for the adsorption of Congo red from aqueous solution. Saw dust was used to remove Congo red from aqueous solution by batch adsorption techniques. Effect of contact time, amount of adsorbent, initial concentration of dye, temperature of the solution and pH of the solution were studied. It was seen that maximum dye removal was reached at 90 min. Amount of dye adsorbed per unit mass of adsorbent increased with increasing initial dye concentration (25 to 100mg/l) and solution temperature (25 to 70 °C) while it decreased with increasing adsorbent dosages (0.25 to 1.0 g/50 ml) and pH of the solution (5.7 to 10). The equilibrium adsorption isotherms have been analyzed by Freundlich and Langmuir models at different initial concentrations of 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/l, and the results were discussed in detail. The results showed that saw dust could be used as an effective and low cost adsorbent for the removal of dyes from aqueous solution.
Intrusion Detection System Using Improved Ensemble Technique with DAG Approach[Full-Text ] Deepak Kumar Singh, Beerendra KumarThe Internet, computer networks and information are vital resources of current information trend and their protection has increased in importance in current existence. The intrusion detection system (IDS) plays a vital role to monitors vulnerabilities in network and generates alerts when found attacks. Today the educational network services increasing day today so that IDS becomes essential for security on internet. This paper proposes efficient intrusion detection architecture which named “IDS using improved ensemble techniques with DAG approach” (IDSIETD). The IDSIET contains a new improved algorithm of attribute reduction which combines rough set theory and a method of establishing multiple rough classifications and a process of identifying intrusion data. The concept of pair wise support vector machine (PSVM) has been improved by Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG) approach. The experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of proposed architecture.
A Review of Solar Chimney Technology: Its’ Application to Desert Prone Villages/Regions in Northern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olusola Olorunfemi, BamisileElectrical energy is an indispensable source of energy to livelihood especially in this 21th century. The carbon emission in the generation of electricity using fossil fuels is a major setback as this gas affects the climate. According to the statistics released by World Health Organization (WHO), direct and indirect effects of climate change leads to the death of 160,000 people per year and the rate is estimated to be doubled by 2020. According to world energy council 2014 update, only 48% of the total population of Nigeria has access to electricity. Most of the people without electricity are people living in the rural areas of Nigeria. It is also estimated that 1.3 billion people are without access to electricity in the world and 87% of these people live in rural areas.
Survey of Taguchi Loss Function in Mobile Ad hoc Network[Full-Text ] Dheeraj rawat, Prof. Nitesh gupta, Prof. Sini ShibuIn this paper we presents a method for handling multiple metrics and different network parameters simultaneously to analyze the loss factor of routing protocols in mobile ad hoc network(MANET) environments. We have used Taguchi’ losses function to determine the best parameters and routing over head simultaneously for AOMDV protocol. We have consider various different mobile ad hoc network para-meters such as Terrain size, No of Nodes, No of source nodes, Packet transmission rate, Node speed, Pause time, Transmission range, Queue size, Antenna height and receiving power on a multiple signal to noise ratio (MNSR), performance and contribution level of parameters have been analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Huntington’s Disease[Full-Text ] Sukanya RajanHuntington's Disease is a destructive, progressive and dynamic neurological disorder coming about fundamentally, from degeneration of nerve cells profound in the central brain. It was discovered by George Huntington in 1872, after whom it has been named. It is inherited as an autosomal dominant condition.The side effects of HD generally show up between the ages of 30 - 50 years, but in rare cases they have been observed to be initiated in ages younger than five and as old as seventy.The course of Huntington's Disease can be anywhere in the range of ten to thirty years from onset to death. It influences all races and ethnicities and happens with the same recurrence in both males and females. In March 1993, researchers discovered that HD is brought on by a mutation in a gene found on chromosome 4. At present, the disease is incurable, however dynamic advancement has been made as specialists investigate the condition and make considerable headway. Albeit not very many instances of HD are because of new mutations, everybody who has the HD gene will inevitably inherit the disease unless he or she passes away from some other cause before the signs show up. Current exploration and research revolves around the transgenic mouse model created in Berlin at the Max Planck Institute. There is practically no choice of residential care to those suffering from HD, particularly in the later phases of the ailment. In any case, the quest for a cure is the need of the hour, and families and groups are joining together to promote better treatment and understanding for those with the fatal disease.This paper concentrates on a more intensive take at the Huntington gene and evaluating the most pervasive disclosures in the journey for discovering a conceivable cure.
Cognitive Intelligence: Exploring its Effects to Help Learn, Unlearn and Relearn Engineering for Problem Solving at Workplace through Co-Relating Core and Course Subjects[Full-Text ] Subramanya D. SanbhatThe purpose of the study was to focus and explore the close interrelationship between core subject, say chemistry and course subject, say material science in engineering and perceived lack of intelligence in understanding the interdependence of the same by students from the view point of tomorrows workplace requirement for problem solving as against an average of the student passing percentage to the tune of 74.75% and 66.06% respectively and average of the yearly appraisal feedback of subject teachers at 84.5% and 82.5% respectively for both subjects since year 2009 till date. A sample of 108 students from Course – Fabrication Technology and Erection Engineering – practical oriented polytechnic course (an off-shoot branch of conventional Mechanical Engineering) was considered eligible as the mean age of the students was 16.81 years (SD = 0.72) and qualification was Post SSC i.e. qualified teenagers for the study. The method used in the study was Relatedness Evaluation Questionnaire (self developed) to determine the above said perceived lack of intelligence and Self Assessment Questionnaire (self developed) to determine the inherent problem solving ability. The questions were designed as per Bloom’s Taxonomy, first domain. The results confirmed an essential role of Cognitive Intelligence in perceiving lack of intelligence to the existence of a close interrelationship between core and course subjects as also to determine the ability to use the same for problem solving. A positive correlation (albeit weak) asserts the urgent need to know the process of learn, unlearn and relearn the core and course subjects and vice-versa that may assist to cope with new practical problems at the workplace; therefore it was concluded that such a process should be encouraged in everyday teaching – learning processes.
A VEHICLE LICENSE (NUMBER) PLATE RECOGNITION SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Swati Khawate, Porf. Saniya AnsariAutomatic license plate recognition system plays an important role in many applications such as freeway surveillance, law enforcement, electronic toll collection etc. License plate recognition is very difficult because of different environmental condition like fog rain, shadow, and irregular illumination condition, variable in distance, angle of plate and speed of vehicles. If we consider these all effects then VLPR system become very complex. The localization of the number plate of the vehicle images is the basis for any VLPR system. This is the first step in any VLPR system and it is considered as the most crucial step in the VLPR system. The success rate also depends mainly on this stage only. Hence the best localization of the number plate is necessary to get the high recognition rate in any VLPR system. A survey has been made in this paper by considering different methods that have been addressed us to detect the number plate from the vehicle images. All these methods are represent in form of table based on the features that they have used. At the end, we compare the result made in terms of advantages, drawbacks to improve the system techniques
A simulation study on the removal of CO2 and CH4 lost from raw biogas in a packed bed absorption column[Full-Text ] Sharjeel Waqas, Muhammad Nawaz, Muhammad Usman Tahir, Ghulam Murtaza, Muhammad JamilA simulation study on the removal of CO2 and CH4 lost from raw biogas in a packed bed absorption column has been carried out to observe the effect of pressure and water flow rate. Biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion contains mainly CH4 (55%-65%) and CO2 (35%-45%). CO2 is necessary to remove before its use as domestic fuel because it reduces the calorific value of the biogas. Pressure of the absorption column has been changed from 5 to 20 bar and absorption of CO2 varies from 49.9 to 97.99%. CH4 lost is also noted at these pressures which vary from .142 to 1.65%. Water flow rate is changed from 40 to 100 kg/hr and CO2 absorption varies from 49.9 to 84.14%. CO2 gas in the purified biogas should be less than 3% and CH4 loss should be less than 1% for its use as replacement of fossil fuel. It is concluded from this research that water flow rate and pressure is directly proportional to the absorption of CO2 and percentage CH4 loss. Optimum conditions for the removal of are selected as 15 bar pressure of absorption column and 80 kg/hr water flow rate.
Numerical Solution of Stiff Delay and Singular Delay Systems using Leapfrog Method[Full-Text ] S. Sekar and M. VijayarakavanIn this paper, a new method of analysis of the stiff delay and singular delay systems using Leapfrog method is presented. To illustrate the effectiveness of the Leapfrog method, an example of the stiff delay and singular delay systems has been considered and the solutions were obtained using methods taken from the literature (single-term Haar wavelet series [6]) and Leapfrog method and are compared with the exact solutions of the stiff delay and singular delay systems. Error graphs are presented to highlight the efficiency of the Leapfrog method.
Advanced q-Bessel Function Of Two variable[Full-Text ] Dr. Abha Tenguriya, Ritu SharmaThe main object of this paper to construct q-Bessel functions of two variables of first kind and found various results of Jr,s (x,y;q) like generating function, recurrence relation. Furthermore we use q-analogue to find some new significant results and generalizations have been discovered.
Effective length factor for column in frame with girders on elastic foundation[Full-Text ] F.Y. Al-GhalibiThis paper considered the effects of elastic foundation on effective length factor calculations using subassembly model for braced and unbraced frames, the girders far ends condition are modeled as rigid, fixed, or hinged. The derivation is under same assumptions of conventional effective length factor (K-factor) using two approaches. The first approach considered the effects of elastic foundation and girders far ends conditions by depending on ß1 and ß2 parameters, the general modified K-factor equations have been derived for braced and unbraced frame using slop-deflection method. In the second approach, formulae of stiffness modification parameter ‘?’, which modify the relative columns to beams stiffness factor ‘G’ are calculated with direct use of G in the US National codes alignment chart. Approximate modified K-factor formulae are proposed for braced and unbraced frames. The Approximate proposed modified K-factor equations are suitable for practical use. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effects of elastic foundation taken into consideration girders far ends conditions. The Results showed that the amount of elastic foundation modulus influenced the modified K-factor values and the stiffness of elastic foundation must be taken into account in K-factor calculations. Generally, modified K-factor values decrease with increasing of stiffness of the elastic foundation.
Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Cloud Computing using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Umar Hameed, Shahid Naseem, Fahad Ahamd, Tahir Alyas, Wasim-Ahmad KhanHigh level security is an essentially required in the communication and information sharing on the network clouds. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is being used to detect violations and malicious behavior over networks and hosts.
Novel Anticancer enzyme from Marine Bacteria to fight against neoplastic cancer- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia[Full-Text ] Pallavi RudrapatiRecently there has been an explosion of information about novel bioactive compounds that have been isolated from marine microbes in an effort to further explore the relatively untapped marine microbes and their secondary metabolites for drug discovery. New therapeutic agents are urgently needed to treat medicinal needs that are currently unmet .The biodiversity of marine microbes and the versatility of their bioactive metabolites has not been fully explored. L-asparaginase therapy, alone is finding increased success in the management of acute lymphocytic leukemia’s. Large amounts of purified enzyme and increasing recognition of successful therapy will generate increased demand. The production of L-asparaginase by using bacteria has attracted great attention owing to their cost effective and eco-friendly nature. In search of efficient microorganisms potential for production of anticancer enzymes, bacteria isolated from mangrove soil of Nizampatnam Guntur district were screened for L-asparaginase .The screened isolates were biochemically characterized and identified as pseudomonas species. In the present study one of the potential Pseudomonas strain was selected and identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa AVP17 by 16s rRNA partial sequence. Effect of pH, temperature, carbon source, salt tolerance was studied for growth optimization and maximum production of enzyme.
Software and research of fibrous composite materials elastic-plastic deformation[Full-Text ] Askhad M. Polatov, Nodira A. NodirjanovaThe paper describes the computer simulation of unidirectional fiber composite materials elastic-plastic deformation. Developed a set of tools to automate the process of designing new fiber composite materials and structures with predetermined mechanical properties. Provides technology research process of elastic-plastic deformation of materials. Described the structure and functioning of specialized software. Computational experiment was carried out for investigate of materials strain state. Composite materials elastic-plastic analysis results are presented.
The Role of Interferon-? Gene Polymorphism in Spontaneous Abortion[Full-Text ] Fatima A. AL-Timimi, Mayyada F. Darweesh, Ali R. HusseinBackground: The spontaneous abortion is considered as one of the important clinical problems that may affects pregnant women during the 1st 20-22 weeks of pregnancy causing dangers to the mother and her fetus. In recent years, a lot of studies suggest that recurrent abortion is caused by the genetic factors. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the association of the IFN-? +874T/A polymorphisms and level with spontaneous abortion. Methods: The study group comprised 60 women with spontaneous abortion, and the control group consisted of 30 healthy delivered women. IFN-? Gene polymorphism was detected by ASO-PCR technique and blood??level was estimated by ELISA. Results: The frequency of TT genotype (35%) and T allele (55.83%) was significant higher (P<0.05) in the abortion group than in the control group (13.33%, 35% respectively), also, IFN-? level was significantly (P<0.01) higher in abortion group (8±0.4 IU/ml) than in control group (1.3±0.07 IU/ml). Conclusions: This study concluded that the IFN-? +874T/A polymorphisms (TT genotype) and high IFN-? level may be associated with spontaneous abortion in Iraqi (Al-Najaf) women.
STRATAGIES FOR DEVELOPING VACCINES FOR HIV/AIDS. (REVERSE VACCINOLOGY)[Full-Text ] KOORAKULA SREELATHA, SURENDRA BABU KEELAAcquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS was first recognized in the early 1980’s. Although, with the use of antiretroviral medication, the life expectancy of an HIV infected patient can be elongated temporarily, but there is neither a known cure nor a vaccine for AIDS. This paper shows the approaches undertaken in developing a preventive mechanism against HIV by using epitope driven vaccines which target the global variability of HIV. For this purpose computer driven methods are adapted i.e., Insilco methods for increasing the efficiency of vaccines like Epi-Assembler and Vaccine. Use of broadly reactive and neutralizing antibodies also potentially counteracts HIV-1 diversity. HIV-1 Virus like Particles (VLPs) consists of viral gag proteins which self assemble into particular structures analogous in size, morphology to immature HIV-1 particles. As a non-infectious, replication deficient particles, the VLPs are much safer efficient in developing vaccines when compared to traditional vaccines.
Studying Some Physical properties of Mg–Zn ferrite prepared by Sol-Gel and Conventional ceramic methods[Full-Text ] Kadhum. J. K.Fabrication of Mg1-XZnXFe2O4 (where x = 0.4, 0.6), samples using a Conventional ceramic methods is prepared. Oxides of magnesium, zinc and iron with purity of about 99.99% , For Sol-Gel method The amounts of the nitrates and Citric Acid with purity of about 97.00% was calculated according to their atomic/molecular weights, then the raw materials of each method were mixed with distilled water in a glass beaker, the solution was homogenized by continuous stirring by magnetic -stirrers. For Conventional ceramic methods this mixture was dried in furnace at 150 ºC for 4 h. By using the Electric grinder for three minutes then ball milling machine for six hours the dried mixtures are ground to a fine powder. By using the sieve fine we got on fine particles with diameters (20) µm. The fine powder was pre-sintered (calcined) at 950ºC for 4 h and sintered at 1000°C, 1050°C and 1100°C. for Sol_Gel method The pH of the solution was adjusted to (~7) using ammonia solution. Then heated on a heater at 60ºC for half hour. The temperature is increase to 80ºC With continuous heating after about 3hrs the sol was initially transformed into gel. The gel dried at 120°C until the dried gel was burnt in a self-propagating combustion ,The magnetic and the crystal structure of the prepared Samples were identified using Microwave Measurement, X-Ray Diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The X-ray diffraction analysis showed major peak at plane (3 1 1) of the cubic structure for all the ferrites. The largest value of density achieved for Conventional ceramic methods was (4.375 gm.cm-3) and (4.594 gm.cm-3) for Sol-Gel method . Reflectance coefficient (S11) and transmission coefficient (S21), has measured using network analyzer device then the attenuation coefficient and absorbance were calculated at the X-band range (8-12.5 GHz), The SEM micrographs shows the uniform distribution of the particles.
Methods for Crime Analysis Using GIS[Full-Text ] Shahebaz M. Ansari, Dr. K. V. KaleGeographic Information System (GIS) is a fast growing technology where one can make the use of digital Maps and spatial data for visualizing, analyzing and taking decision based on the analysis. It can also be use for mapping and analyzing the crime and its impact. Mapping of Crime using GIS technology can be effective in Emergency situations. Hotspots of particular crime incident can be identified for finding its intensity and for taking effective decision. Kernel Density Estimation, Getis-Ord Gi*, Moran’s I, IDW and different other methods can be used for finding the Hotspot which are discussed in this paper so that one can select the appropriate methods according to the requirement which can be of crime, forestry, tourist management, emergency crisis, wildlife reserve and many others.
A Novel Planar Octagonal Shape UWB monopole Antenna for Multipath Environments[Full-Text ] Deepak Balana, Sarita Sharma, Dhiraj Kumar SinghA Novel Planar Octagonal shape with partial ground UWB monopole antenna for multipath environments .The simulated UWB antenna designed using FR4 substrate with 1.6mm thickness demonstrates very good impedance matching with a measured bandwidth greater than 120% for a VSWR = 2, and a good return loss (<-10dB) along with a stable radiation pattern in the entire frequency spectrum assigned for UWB applications. The operating range of proposed antenna is from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. The antenna is having size of 36×34×1.6 mm3 and consists of transmission line edge feed and underlying ground plane. Explanation of the proposed antenna design and results are presented and discussed below.
Transmission Loss Allocation in Restructured Electrical Energy Market Based on Circuit Theory and Network Usage[Full-Text ] A. Eladl, A. Elmitwally, S. Eskander, I. MansyThis paper proposes a new analytical method for transmission power loss allocation for pool-based markets in restructured power systems. It is based on circuit laws and the concept of orthogonal projection. In this method, the current flow in each branch is divided into two components by using the superposition principle. The first one is due to the power transfer from generators to distribution companies or loads. The second component is due to the voltage differences between generation companies buses. The later currents are called no-load or circulating currents. The responsibility of each load and generator to power losses in each branch of the network is derived analytically. Hence, the share of each load or generator in the overall transmission network losses is estimated. The proposed method is applied to two test systems and compared with four well known methods.
A Review on Analysis of Slotted Elliptical Microstrip Patch Antenna for UWB Applications[Full-Text ] Bhumi Bhuva, Vivek RamamoorthyWireless technology has leaded during the last years to the definition and development of various communication standards. There is an increasing demand for antennas able to satisfy the bandwidth requirements of many of them at once such as Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) and Ultrawideband (UWB) communications. For this reason, nowadays wideband and multiband antennas are object of a great deal of research and progress. Among the applications where the bandwidth requirements are demanding, Ultrawideband (UWB) communications play now a crucial role. The past decade has seen a rapid development of wireless communication systems. Presently, microstrip patch antennas are preferred over other antennas due to its attractive features of low profile, light-weight, easy fabrication and also conformability to mounting hosts. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the research work done in the recent past by various authors on the design and optimization of the elliptical patch microstrip antenna for Ultrawideband applications.
Mining change in customers’ buying behavior on different time snapshot datasets[Full-Text ] Niti Desai, Amit GanatraCustomers’ buying behavior is changing because of change in Life style, liking and disliking, priorities of purchase. Such changes have occurred due to demographical changes, technological advancement etc. Earlier, people typically bought TV? VCR. The buying pattern is replaced by new technological invention TV? DVD. Apart from purchase behavior of customer in terms of item(s), purchase time span has also changed. Earlier purchase period of TV?DVD was 6 months to 1 year. This gap is reduced to 3 months - 6 months. This reduction might be because of revised income structure, change in life style, increase purchase power etc. This paper attempted to capture such behavioral changes of customers over time. Real-time Retail dataset capture at different time slot is used to understand changing behavior of customer. Proposed algorithm is working in two phase’s namely sequential rule of purchase and frequent purchase. Frequent item purchase is mine based on Support (frequency of items) and confidence (highly co-related items) of items in huge sequential dataset. Proposed sequential pattern mining algorithm is working on FP- Growth based PrefixSpan for time stamp based sequential dataset. Later phase of proposed framework compare two datasets which are captured at different time. It’s able to evaluate three interesting things of purchase: 1) New patterns captured, 2) Obsolete patterns and 3) Emerging patterns (EPs). Empirical experiment has conducted on real-time sequential dataset ‘retail’. Data has been captured on two different time shot. Various experiment evaluates, 12.33% more purchase sequences are generated by latest dataset. Out of them 13% purchase rules are newly discovered.33% buying patterns are obsolete patterns, which are no longer in existence.
FPGA IMPLEMENTATION OF IRRIGATION CONTROL SYSTEM[Full-Text ] K.Sindhu, Y.Sri chakrapani, M. KamarajuThe paper FPGA implementation of irrigation control system is mainly focused on controlling the irrigation system at the same time it will care the crop in all aspects for the benefit of agricultural system and provides sufficient irrigation in particular field. It consists of different sensors that are interfaced with FPGA. The sensors will monitor the field conditions, and the sensors information will be stored in memory. Here the farmer will take the required information and he can take necessary precautions to his fields. The parameters for different devices were compared. By using HDL language the overall system architecture was designed. The simulation and synthesis are done using EDA tools.
A Survey: Background Subtraction Techniques[Full-Text ] Miss Helly M Desai, Mr. Vaibhav GandhiBackground subtraction is a widely used technique to detect a foreground image from its background. We present a study of different background subtraction methods and compare them. All review methods are compared based on their robustness, memory usage and computational effort they require. The overall evaluation shows that GMM and KDE gives the best performance in accuracy but by using different feature extraction algorithm like SURF algorithm we can improve the performance of the basic background subtraction methods.
Correlation of Prolactin and Thyroid Hormones levels with Menstrual Patterns in Infertile Women[Full-Text ] Alaa Shaker Al-Nahi, Ezzat Hasson Ajeena, Sanaa Hassan Al-KhafagiThis study was undertaken to review the impact of thyroid status on the menstrual function and fertility of the subjects. we investigated 44 women with primary infertility aged(22-35)years and Forty four fertile women with similar age and socioeconomic status were enrolled as the controls. The association between thyroid dysfunction and levels of serum prolactin,: The majority of the infertile women were euthyroid(79.5%) . The infertile women had significantly higher prolactin levels control , infertile women with raised serum prolactin levels were 29.5 % had hyperprolactinemia mean serum prolactin level was (39.45 ±3.22) ng/ml , present study revealed incidence of thyroid dysfunction in hyperprolactinemia was 20.45% had hypothyroidism, TSH (10.653±0.44) µiu/l, T4(0.553±0.05) ng/dl, T3( 0.421±0.11) nmol/l while it was not in the control group there were positive correlation between prolactin and TSH ( r=0.7) and negative correlation between T4 and prolactin was ( r=0.30) ,T3 and prolactin was ( r=0.08) .
Impact of Shadow Banking In People's Republic of China[Full-Text ] Zaid Bin Jawaid, Zhang DonghuiShadow banking, in fact, symbolizes one of the many failings of the financial system leading up to the global crisis. Shadow Banks raise short-term funds mostly by borrowing in the money markets and use those funds to buy assets with longer-term maturities. But because they are not subject to traditional bank regulations, they cannot—as banks can—borrow in an emergency from the Federal Reserve and do not have traditional depositors whose funds are covered by insurance; they are in the “shadows”
An Automatic Infant’s Cry Detection Using Linear Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (LFCC)[Full-Text ] Miss Varsharani V Bhagatpatil, Prof.V.M.SardarIn this paper, we mainly focused on automation of Infant’s Cry. For this implementation we use LFCC for feature extraction and VQ codebook for matching samples using LBG algorithm. The baby crying samples collected from various crying baby having 0-6months age. There are 150 baby’s sound as training data, each of which represents the 30 hungry infant cries, 30 sleepy infant cries, 30 wanted to burp infant cries, 30 in pain infant cries, and 30 uncomfortable infant cries (could be because his/her diaper is wet/too hot/cold air or anything else).The testing data is 40, respectively 8 infant cries for each type of infant cry. The identification of infant cries based the minimum distance of Euclidean distance. The, classification of the cry in five classes neh – hunger owh – sleepy, heh – discomfort ,eair – lower gas, eh – burp. Here for classification of the cry our system is divided into two phases. First, in training phase, in which LFCC is applied for feature extraction, and then VQ codebooks are generated to compress the feature vectors. Second, is the testing phase in which features extraction and codebook generation of samples are repeated. Here, comparison of the codebook template of samples to the all the available templates in the database are carried based on Euclidian distance between them. LFCC effectively capture the lower as well as higher frequency characteristics than MFCC, hence we will get good results over MFCC.
Speed Estimation of Vehicle in Intelligent Traffic Surveillance System Using Video Image Processing[Full-Text ] Asif Khan, Imran Ansari, Dr.Mohammad Shakowat Zaman Sarker and Samjhana RayamajhiIntelligent System for speed estimation of vehicle in digital image sequences is one of the key technologies of Traffic Surveillance System with problems of enlarging urban scale and increasing number of vehicles. This research paper intends to develop the intelligent system for speed estimation of vehicle using image processing technique. Overall works were the software development of an intelligent system that required a video scene and user designed algorithm in MATLAB software to implement it. The Algorithm for vehicle speed detection from a video frame system consists of six major components namely, Image Acquisition, Foreground detection, Morphological operations, Vehicle detection, Speed Estimation and Result Analysis. Each algorithm consists of MATLAB codes to execute each components. The designed system is flexible and can be extended for other applications. The maximum possible error of the system was determined to be within ±3 km/h and the experiment was performed on different type of vehicles and different range of speed.
Assessment of the Merchantable Timber Volume of the Savannah Woodlands on the Communal Lands in Northeastern Côte d'Ivoire[Full-Text ] Adama Ouattara, Hyppolite Dibi N'Da, Mobio Abaka Brice Hervé, Kouamé FernandDisfiguration of the original woodland savannah by agricultural activities has led to the existence of forest fragments across northeastern Côte d'Ivoire. These fragments of forest or savannah-forests act like wildlife habitat, source of timber resources or barriers to wildfires. However, they are under threat by subsistence farming activities. Previous classification results of Landsat images indicate that they account for between 5 and 10 percent of the land cover types. The objective of the present study is to evaluate their merchantable timber content. Our results show a low diversity in timber species with only two species (Khaya senegalensis and Afzelia africana) found exclusively in savannah-forests. Moreover, current farming practices subdue the timber resources and measured merchantable timber volume is 1.8 cubic meters per hectare of savannah-forest. Agroforestry is a recommended alternative to actual agricultural system but farmers must be convinced of the economic benefit of on-farm tree farming.
Evaluation of Intrusion Prevention Technique in LTE Based Network[Full-Text ] Eman F. El-Gaml, Hussein ElAttar, Hesham M. El-BadawyThe motivation to reach fourth generation with high data rate throughout subscriber movement is the main goal of 3GPP Long Term Evolution/ System Architecture Evolution (LTE/SAE). The design of 3GPP LTE/SAE is to have purely IP-based architecture that creates a number of new challenges in designing the security mechanism against the risks, One of these challenges is to protect the subscriber authentication and communication from intruders when first attach to the LTE network and every time handover process occurs. However, because of the difficulty of warding off the IP-specific attacks and the complexity of cryptographic calculations we propose a mechanism oriented toward key revocation instead of reliance on a cryptographic function only. Handover key management in the 3GPP LTE/SAE has been designed to overcome the lack of privacy and insecure automatic key updates while minimizing signaling overhead on the network and computation delay by controlling the revocation process and determining the appropriate interval for operators to refresh the keys. Our main contribution, however, is to determine analytically the best description of the volume of exposed packets during the vulnerable period to help operators enhancing the prevention techniques on LTE networks without signaling overheads throughout different mobility schemes.
Fluorescent Bacillus endophyticus AVP9- Multiple potential for phosphate solubilization, plant growth promotion and bio control[Full-Text ] NOKKU PRADEEP KUMAR AND AMRUTHA V AUDIPUDIThe objective of the work was to isolate and screened for phosphate solubilization, multiple plant growth promoting traits and phytopathogenic antagonism from chilli rhizosphere .The isolate putatively identified as Bacillus endophyticus AVP9 on the basis of biochemical characteristics and 16srRNA partial gene sequence analysis. Acid phosphatase activity of AVP9 was also characterized for the first time and its activity in correlation with growth was studied at different PH (3.0 to 4.8), 12 different amino acids and 15 carbon sources After growth optimization Bacillus endophyticus AVP9 showed 1112ppm inorganic phosphate solubilization and multiple plant growth promoting traits indole acetic acid(80µg), ammonia (110 µg) , HCN ,catalase and siderophore production . Maximum acid phosphatase activity was found at PH 3.4(0.2IU), Fructose (0.86IU) and Mannitol (0.83IU) and no correlation was observed with growth. Multiple potential of isolate AVP9 can be exploited in agricultural and industrial applications as a promising microorganism.