Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition
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Performance Evaluation of Various Open source Projects that provide SIP functionality[Full-Text ] Viswavardhan Reddy K, Shiva Chaitanya Nallapati, Vishnuvardhana Reddy KIn recent times the usage of VoIP services has increased tremendously. There are many signaling protocols such as Bearer Independent Call Control (BICC), H.323, Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), Session Initiation protocol (SIP) etc., that are used for establishment of connections and to carry out voice and video data services. SIP has become popular because of its easy implementation, flexibility and good scalability. Choice of open source SIP server software is important when deploying in a VoIP based network. So we need to evaluate the performance of open source SIP server software’s in an ideal condition before it is deployed to real environment. In this paper we evaluate and compare the performance of three open sources SIP server software’s which are quite popular. A SIPp traffic generator tool is used to generate scenario’s namely Registration with authentication, Registration without authentication, Session establishment, and Session establishment with response delay at User Agent Server (UAS) side. Using the scenario’s mentioned above, open source SIP server software’s performance can be evaluated based on the parameters such as Registrations per second, Calls per second, Response delay, and Percentage of successful calls and registrations. From the obtained results, we observed that there is a significant performance difference among the SIP server software’s. OpenSIP Server is the best open source SIP server software for the scenario’s Registration with authentication, Registration without authentication and Session establishment with response delay. Asterisk server is the best open source SIP server software when compared with the other two servers for the scenario Session establishment.
Review On Object Tracking Based On Image Subtraction[Full-Text ] Rashi Jain, Versha Kunwar, Prerna PriyaThe goal of this article is to review the state-of-the-art tracking methods, classify them into different categories, and identify new trends. In this paper, we discuss about the various techniques and method used for object tracking i.e. prediction of path of any object based on subtraction of two consecutive frames which have been generated through visualization of movement of object.
Improving Energy Saving Control in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Mahmoud R. Morgan, Ben Bella S. Tawfik, Emad S. OthmanIn this research a new approach has been introduced for energy saving control problem in ad hoc wireless networks. This project discusses the energy saving control problem in ad hoc wireless networks. The inputs of the problem are given as a set of nodes in a plane, end-to-end traffic demands and delay bounds between node pairs, the problem is to find an optimized routing that can meet the Quality of Service requirements and the total power of nodes is minimized. The traffic demands are considered to be non-split. The problem has been formulated as an Integer Linear Programming problem. An optimal algorithm has been proposed to solve the problem. A new constraint is added which distributes the power consumption. This is in turn minimize the variance of the power vector for the topology nodes. This work discusses the effect of different network parameters on network lifetime. From the analysis the optimum bandwidth is 800 in this area (30m×30m) where number of nodes=18. Also, it can be concluded that the maximum consumed power is fixed with ?m. Also, from the study, the introduced new constraint increase network lifetime and reduce the consumed power at any time with different traffic demands.
CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMER CONCRETE MADE OF COCONUT/GLASS FIBERS AND NATURAL SILICA SAND FROM NIGER DELTA, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Izionworu Vincent Onuegbu, Dagde Kenneth Kepkugile (PhD)In this research the mechanical properties of four series of different weight ratios of Polymer Concrete made from a polymer- unsaturated polyester resin and aggregates – natural silica sand from the Niger delta region of Nigeria and others made of same polymer, sand and reinforced with fiberglass, coconut fiber and fiberglass combined with coconut were investigated for characterization and determination of their suitability as materials for civil construction. Compressive strength tests were performed at ambient temperature. After different ageing, the mechanical behavior of the polymer concrete made of polymer and aggregates alone were compared with that of the same polymer concrete reinforced with fiberglass, coconut fiber and a combination of both fibers. The polymer concrete made from unsaturated polyester resin and natural silica sand from the Niger Delta region of Nigeria showed a remarkable compressive strength of 30N/mm3 which makes it suitable for use in civil construction work-columns beams and floors of building. The result showed a decrease in compressive strength for polymer concretes with fibers after the resin percent by weight was reduced indicating the influence of the polymer matrix in the polymer concrete.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Approach to Solid Waste Management in Onitsha Urban Anambra State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Johnbosco C. Ojiako, Ebele J. Emengini, and Jude N. IwuchukwuSolid waste management (SWM) is considered as one of the most immediate and very serious environmental problems confronting authorities in developing countries like Nigeria. SWM comprises of activities such as collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste. The aim of this study was to apply GIS technique in solid waste management in Onitsha urban area. This was achieved by acquiring and digitizing the base map of Onitsha urban environment showing the road networks/streets, water bodies and various land use patterns. The GPS coordinates of individual waste bins/dump sites and other areas of interests were also acquired. The software used includes ArcGIS 9.3 version and G7 Towin software. Various analyses to show the potentials of GIS in management of solid waste were performed. GIS analysis was carried out and several queries were formulated using the query builder in ArcGIS. The database queries produced maps and pictures. The result of analysis obtained include the location map of the waste bins existing in Onitsha which covered about 11.86% of the total land mass of the study area, the contour and flow direction over the dump site area as well as the best possible route for the evacuation of wastes from individual waste bins to the dump site. The findings revealed that there was no waste bin which is in proximity of 20metres from the two main rivers in the area, the waste bins in the area were not evenly distributed and therefore covers a little portion of the total land mass of the area. It is therefore recommended that route planning for waste collection vehicles within the urban area be done by the urban authority. Implementations of vehicular tracking systems like GPS on the vehicles to calculate waste collection timings should be encouraged. Alternative location for the disposal of the waste dump should be provided so as to protect the human population living around the road as well as the road users, from the environmental problems it poses.
Learning-Based Routing in Cognitive Networks[Full-Text ] Tahir Alyas, Nadia Tabassum, Qura-Tul-Ein, Shahid Naseem, Fahad AhmedIntelligent Routing can influence the overall performance of a communication network’s throughput and efficiency. Routing strategies is required to adapt to changing network loads and different topologies. Learning from the network environment, in order to optimally adapt the network settings, is an essential requirement for providing efficient communication services in such environments. Cognitive networks are capable of learning and reasoning. They can energetically adapt to varying network conditions in order to optimize end-to-end performance and utilize network resources. In this paper we will focus machine learning in routing scheme that includes routing awareness, a routing reconfiguration.
A Survey on Effort Estimation of Object-oriented Programming Systems from use case diagrams[Full-Text ] Sai SruthiIn object-oriented analysis, use case models depict the utilitarian prerequisites of a future programming framework. Estimating the framework could be carried out by measuring the size or intricacy of the use cases in the use case model. The size can then serve as info to an expense estimation technique or model, so as to process an early gauge of expense and exertion. Evaluating programming with use cases is still in the early stages. This paper portrays a product estimating and expense estimation strategy dependent upon use cases, called the 'Use Case Points Method'. The strategy was made a few years back, however is not well known. One of the reasons may be that the strategy is best used with elegantly composed use cases at a suitable level of practical subtle element.
Microbiological Evaluation of Commercial Honey From Edo State, Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Oshomah, Musah UmmulkhairIn this study, fifteen commercial honey samples were collected from different sources within Edo State, Nigeria and evaluated for their microbiological safety. From each sample, total viable counts, molds and yeast were determined. Result of microbiological analysis of commercial honey revealed that honey samples collected directly from bee keepers and the branded samples were completely free of microbial contamination. However, microbial counts were recorded for samples collected from local markets and roadsides. Coliforms were counted in only one of the samples investigated. Bacterial counts ranged from 1.0×104 to 2.0×104 Cfu/ml whereas yeast count ranged from 1.0×104 to 1.2 × 105 Cfu/ml in samples for which they were observed.
Effect of Propolis on Blood Glycemic Control and Lipid Metabolism in Diabetic Rabbits[Full-Text ] Dr. Suhad Hameed Hasan AlboshabaaPropolis is a honeybee product that has gained popularity in alternative medicine, due to its biological properties and it has been intensively used in health foods. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of propolis on some biochemical parameters in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits. Diabetes was induced in all rabbits, except normal control, by a single dose of Alloxan (150 mg/kg, I.V.). Rabbits with glycaemia were treated with alcoholic extract of propolis for 23 days. The marked significant differences (p<0.05) in weights of body, liver and the biochemical values which included glucose, total protein, triglycerides and total cholesterol are recorded in comparison with control group. The results indicate a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in the body weight of alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits in comparison with control group, while there were significant increases in the weights of liver. Also, biochemical changes showed significant increases (P<0.05) in glucose, total protein, triglycerides and total cholesterol comparison with control group . Generally, the gradual improvement in blood values was noticed with the increase in concentration alcoholic extract of propolis and it had a potent antihyperglycemic effect, antioxidant activities, radical-scavenging capacities properties ,and that may be due to the high biological activity and nutritive values contents in bee propolis. In conclusion, the results suggest that propolis could potentially contribute for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus .In conclusion, the results suggest that propolis extract has antihyperglycemic effect and could ameliorate the biochemical disturbances in diabetic rabbits .
Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach while Drilling[Full-Text ] Md Imtiaz, Anamitra Munsi, Dewarshi Nayan, S.DeiVarious Human factors tools have been tried and tested till date. This project involves the study on the wide-ranging aspects of interaction of human beings within theirworking environment, their overall performance and thus illustrates and judges the probability of occurrence of human errors during such interaction. The results obtained havebeen derived from realistic practical working data, since these techniques have already been applied to tasks and personnel in the Oil and Gas Extraction business.
Effect of Uniform Suction on MHD Flow Through Porous Medium Due To A Rotating Disk[Full-Text ] S.E.E. HamzaThe present paper is devoted to the study of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of an incompressible viscous and electrically conducting fluid due to an infinite porous rotating disk at small distance from a porous medium. A uniform suction is applied through the surface of the disk. The domain of flow is divided into two regions: the free fluid region between the disk and the porous medium and the porous region. The governing equations of motion, in terms of cylindrical polar coordinates, are reduced to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations by similarity transformations and then solved by using the approximation method. The solutions are obtained by solving Navier-Stokes equations in the free fluid region, and Brinkman equations in the porous region with adequate boundary conditions at the interface. Graphical representation of the results are outlined for different values of Hartmann number, suction parameter and the porosity of the medium. The effect of these parameters upon the velocity fields are examined. The torque acted on the disk have been also computed. The main result of the present work is that, the presence of the magnetic field effects on the velocity field in both flow regions. This effect depends on the suction process. It is also noticed that the magnetic field reduces the velocity components, while suction process increases them. Therefore, the torque due to viscous friction acting on the disk increases with increasing the magnetic field strength.
Denoising Of Electrocardiogram Data With Wavelet Transform & Thresholding[Full-Text ] G.Aruna,Ch.Hima Bindu, B.T.MadhavElectrocardiography (ECG) signals are important in medical engineering to determine the condition of the heart. The proper processing of ECG signal and its accurate detection is very much essential for easy diagnosis. Generally ECG gets corrupted by noise and human artifacts. The denoising of this signal is very important issue in medical field. In this proposed work concentrated on denoising of ECG signal from white Gaussian noise using wavelet transform. Initially the noisy signal is transformed using wavelet transform to generate approximate and detailed coefficients. These detailed coefficients are thresholded by soft thresholding to remove the white Gaussian noise. At last IDWT (Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform) is applied on thresholded detailed coefficient and approximated coefficients to generate denoise ECG signal. Finally the performance of proposed method is evaluated with SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) value, RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) value and correlation value and compared among various wavelet families.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF IMAGE SEGMENTATION TECHNIQUES USED FOR QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF MEMBRANE FILTER[Full-Text ] Neeti TanejaThis paper presents the analysis and evaluation of different image segmentation techniques on the application of checking quality of membrane filter used for bacteria filtration. Quality of the membrane filter is determined by checking the uniformity of pores which can be done by calculating the area of pores in the filter. The performance of active contour method and mean shift algorithm used for segmentation is compared and evaluated for the area extraction. The simulation results exhibit the better performance of mean shift algorithm and helps in extracting the area of the pores more efficiently.
SDR Based UGV for Covert Surveillance[Full-Text ] Seemala Vijaykumar, Sumit KumarThe need for newer, better, safer and secure ways of controlling the motion of a Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) as well as communication mechanisms between the UGV and the Base Station (BS) has ever been on a rapid rise since the beginning of the 21st century. Simultaneously, with the advent of digital radios and its rapid expansion in today’s ever growing communication world, the need for exploiting them in all forms and modes of communication has always been a challenge to researchers. Typically UGVs are designed for surveillance. Presently, the UGVs are designed to work in line-of-sight frequency ranges i.e. VHF/UHF. Even the control of the UGV from the BS is done either using Wi-Fi, ZigBee protocol or with the help of RF trans-receiver link in line-of-sight frequency ranges. This paper explores the concept of integration of Software Defined Radio (SDR) with a UGV. Integrating SDR with a UGV gives rise to numerous advantages that can be used by defence, civil personnel and researchers alike. The SDR, on-board, can carry out the dual function of not only controlling the motion of the UGV but also transmitting the live video feed from the UGV to the BS. More so, the SDR gives a unique advantage of working in wide band of frequencies. This means, SDR can conveniently switch between line-of-sight frequencies (i.e. VHF, UHF etc) to beyond line-of-sight frequencies (i.e. HF). This unique advantage helps the defence personnel to carry out surveillance deep inside enemy territory. The SDR on-board the UGV, will initially send the live feed in line-of-sight frequency range. The moment UGV is beyond line-of-sight range of the BS, the SDR on-board will automatically switch over from line-of-sight frequency range to beyond line-of-sight frequency range. We have developed an algorithm, which would enable the SDR to switch over from VHF/UHF frequency ranges to HF frequency range, when the UGV is in beyond line-of-sight range. This would also enable us to control the motion of the UGV from beyond line-of-sight range. Our approach of integration of SDR with UGV can be used for covert activities like surveillance, deep inside enemy lines, without worrying about the UGV being in line-of-sight range with the BS.
Computer-Assisted Structure Verification of Eudesmane-type Sesquiterpenes using Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN)[Full-Text ] Taye Temitope Alawode, Kehinde Olukunmi AlawodeThis work describes procedures utilizing GRNN in the verification of structures of Eudesmane sesquiterpenes from 13C NMR chemical shift values. In the first procedure, the substituent types on skeletons of 291 Eudesmane sesquiterpenes were coded and used as input data for the network. The 13C NMR chemical shift values on the skeleton of the compounds were used as output data. After training, the network was simulated using thirty-four test compounds. Average and standard deviations were used to measure the accuracy of the predictions of the network. The procedure has a high potential to identify the Eudesmane skeleton as a substructure in the test compounds. A related procedure utilizing a GRNN trained employing 13C NMR and coded substituents as input and output data respectively, was able to predict the substituents attached to various sites of the Eudesmane skeleton.
NIGERIAN SATELLITES AS AN OPTION IN FLOOD DISASTER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Aderoju Olaide M., Eta Joseph B., Ajonye Susan E., Ihenacho Nnaemeka M., Agu Nnaemeka V., Eshiet Rejoice I., Mustapha Sanusi.Nigeria as a nation experiences flooding incidents that claims many lives, renders many homeless and also disrupts environmental and socio-economic activities in recent times. With the 2012 flood, causing a devastating effect on the country especially states along the rivers Niger and Benue with huge destruction to the rural and urban infrastructure. In a way to mitigate the extent of damage and casualties during a flood disaster, the study is aimed at promoting the use of Nigerian Satellites in flood disaster preparedness, and response for emergency management. The study also identifies the stakeholders in disaster and emergency management to collaborate with the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) towards attaining a sustainable disaster risk management in Nigeria, and adopt a conceptual framework for improving flood disaster preparedness and response in emergency management using Nigerian Satellite data and other ancillary data. The approach employed was a combination of satellite imagery, imagery intelligence and geospatial information with the help of Information Communication Technology to plan ahead for any flood event during the pre-disaster phase. The incorporation of geospatial techniques using the Nigerian earth observation and communication satellites in flood disaster and emergency management will help emergency relief distribution and budget planning for any flood disaster provided there is synergy, commitment and information sharing among stakeholders.
Survey on Distributed Certificate Authority Services and Security for Wireless Mesh Network[Full-Text ] Shreya singhWireless mesh network has become very popular technology. Wireless mesh networks continue to receive important interest in an existing new technology that has application in military and disaster recovery etc. It allow a fast easy and inexpensive network deployment .Secure communication is very important in computer network and authentication is one of the most eminent preconditions however normal authentication scheme is not possible in wireless mesh network .In wireless mesh network security is the main issue of single certificate authority so we will use distributed certificate authority.
A Deep Understanding on the Circumstances and Conditions of Use of Technology by UE Students: An Investigation about the Popularity and Functionality of Portable-Word-Processor Gadgets[Full-Text ] Jaber MohammadpourDuring the marketing era of the 1950s; when companies could produce what they can sell and not just selling what they can produce as it was during the production era, customers became very important in business. Since that time, the consumption era in marketing has begun. From the operations management points of view, it is obvious that customers play important roles in the organizational process. Before the placement of strategies and organizational structure, the customers are the first aspect considered by managements. The questions asked in the strategic planning are such as who will need to consume these offers. After these questions, the organization will design the product, segment the markets and create awareness. This does not only show the importance of customers in the business environment, but also the importance of satisfying them.
A Novel Approach to Investigate the Influence of UE Students’ Product Brand Awareness and Customer Satisfaction on Popularity, Functionality, or Self-Image Match of the Brand of Portable-Word-Processor Gadgets: A Theoretical Study[Full-Text ] Jaber MohammadpourMeasuring satisfaction and performing a satisfaction survey requires at least a basic knowledge of the satisfaction measurement literature, combined with your own customer satisfaction experiences. This brief tutorial provides such an introduction to the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of satisfaction research.
Product Brand Awareness and Customer Satisfaction on Word Processor Gadgets: Bases for Market Development Plan[Full-Text ] Jaber MohammadpourResearch design constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. It is important as every research has unique research objectives and problems. Therefore, a suitable research design can be the best plan to use for resolving the research problem. There are three types of research designs including exploratory, descriptive and causal researches.
Effect of Metakaolin and Fly Ash on Properties of Self Compacting Concrete through Accelerated Curing[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohammed Mansour KadhumTraditionally, strength of concrete in construction work is evaluated in terms of its 28 days compressive strength of cubes/ cylinders. This procedure requires 28 days of moist curing before testing as per IS: 516-1959. This time duration may be considered as a long period. Hence, needs for an accelerated curing technique has arisen, where 28 days strength of concrete can be easily predicted. The main objective of this paper is to develop mathematical model, which gives relation between accelerated curing strength and normal curing strength for 28 and 56 days compressive strength. This study presents the effect of incorporating activated metakaolin (MK) and fly ash (FA) on the mechanical properties of self compacting concrete (SCC) for a variable water/binder ratio. Hot water curing at 80±2 °C is applied to accelerate the strength gain of concrete for the early prediction of 28 days compressive strength. From the results, it was observed that 40kg/m3 replacement from MK or FA was the optimum content in terms of compressive strength. Compressive strength of 59.3MPa was achieved at 40kg/m3 replacement from MK only. Splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and elastic modulus values have also followed the same trend. This investigation has shown that the local MK and FA have the potential to produce SCC. Predicted 28-day strength of concrete from the accelerated curing test was found to be on a conservative side compared to control concrete.
Effect of Uniform Suction on MHD Flow Through Porous Medium Due To A Rotating Disk[Full-Text ] S.E.E. HamzaThe present paper is devoted to the study of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of an incompressible viscous and electrically conducting fluid due to an infinite porous rotating disk at small distance from a porous medium. A uniform suction is applied through the surface of the disk. The domain of flow is divided into two regions: the free fluid region between the disk and the porous medium and the porous region. The governing equations of motion, in terms of cylindrical polar coordinates, are reduced to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations by similarity transformations and then solved by using the approximation method. The solutions are obtained by solving Navier-Stokes equations in the free fluid region, and Brinkman equations in the porous region with adequate boundary conditions at the interface. Graphical representation of the results are outlined for different values of Hartmann number, suction parameter and the porosity of the medium. The effect of these parameters upon the velocity fields are examined. The torque acted on the disk have been also computed. The main result of the present work is that, the presence of the magnetic field effects on the velocity field in both flow regions. This effect depends on the suction process. It is also noticed that the magnetic field reduces the velocity components, while suction process increases them. Therefore, the torque due to viscous friction acting on the disk increases with increasing the magnetic field strength.
Ergonomic Evaluation of Knapsack Sprayer used in Agricultural Application[Full-Text ] Pravin K. Bhuse, Ravindra T. VyavahareIn India most of the agricultural operations are performed manually by agricultural workers using hand tools and equipments. The economic growth and technological improvements have lead to greater demand and development of machines and devices used in industrial settings. With these dramatic changes there has also been greater interaction between man and machines. It is important to design these tools using ergonomic principles for increasing efficiency of the operation, safety and comfort of user. This paper presents ergonomic assessment of knapsack sprayer which is commonly used by farmers for spraying insecticides and pesticides. Present study analyzes various postures of farm worker during the operation of knapsack sprayer. Analysis uses modules of CATIA like Human Builder, Human Activity Analysis and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) analysis. Improvements in the design of knapsack sprayer were made to make sprayer ergonomically suitable for 5th to 95th percentile population.
Comparison of Argon and Oxygen Plasma Treatments on LED Chip Bond Pad for Wire Bond Application[Full-Text ] Hui Yuen Peng, Mutharasu Devarajan, Teik Toon LeeThe efficiencies of Argon and Oxygen microwave plasma treatments were compared in terms of contaminant removal and wire bond interfacial adhesion in this paper. The efficiency in contaminant removal was analysed by applying Argon and Oxygen plasma treatments to Light Emitting Diode (LED) chip bond pad prior to wire bonding process. The bond pad samples were then wire-bonded and examined with ball shear test to investigate the improvement of wire bond interfacial adhesion. The results show that Oxygen plasma treatment can remove the bond pad surface contaminant and improve the wire bond interfacial adhesion more effectively compared to Argon plasma treatment.
Simulation Model for Comparative Study of Acoustic Wave Absorption[Full-Text ] Dr. MOHITE-PATIL T. B, MOHITE-PATIL T.T., PATIL SMITA A.This paper reports the comparative study of acoustic wave absorption carried out by means of modeling in MATLAB. The results of simulation have been compared with the practically measured values in the Arabian Sea near Goa and Atlantic Ocean. The model has been used to determine sound absorption for given values of depth (D), salinity (S), temperature (T), pH, and acoustic wave transmitter frequency (f). The sim model of sound absorption can predict the coefficient of absorption at any place on the earth.
Landslide problem in Lalkhan Bazar Area of the Chittagong city, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md Shofiqul Islam, Mosarraf Hosain, Mohammad Shahidul Islam, Farjana Hoque, A.S. Daiyan Ahmed, Shefa Ul KarimLandslides and mudflow after heavy monsoon rains are happening recurrently as the consequences of unwise hill cutting and deforestation in the Chittagong city, causing fatal accident including the loss of lives and property loss. In this paper, we present the main causes for landslide by determining the engineering and geological properties of the in situ soil samples. The analyzed slopes are consisting of two types of formation. Upper part comprises of hard and compact silt/clay layer with high cohesion (1.9-6.82 KPa) and Young modulus (519.4-2627.0 KPa). On the other hand, lower part consists of loose sand with relatively low cohesion (1.53-3.5 KPa) and Young modulus (49.16-55.0 KPa) The mathematical modeling using both liquid equilibrium and finite element method shows that the analyzed slopes are relatively stable (Factor of Safety and Shear Reduction Factor is more than 1) at dry condition. However, in the wet condition most of the slopes are vulnerable for landslide and need support to be stable for saving the people from accidents and injury.
Alternating Current Voltage Stabilizer by Using Pulse Width Modulation[Full-Text ] O.M.Butt, S.M.H.Gillani, M. Ahmed, A.N. Aslam, H.T.MustafaTo operate the appliance safely and efficiently, a constant AC voltage supply is needed. To make it happen, voltage regulators are required. There are many different techniques for this purpose. Convetionally, for this reason, an electromechanical technique is used. But in novel technique an electronic circuit is used instead of the mechanical part which increases its efficiency and reliability. This electronic circuit generates specific pulse width modulation to drivw transformer to make an appropriate output.
Performance of Variable Delay Randomization PWM Algorithm based Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive with reduced acoustical noise[Full-Text ] T.Himaja, G.Naresh, K. SatyanarayanaThis paper presents Performance of Variable Delay Randomization pulse width modulation (VDRPWM) Algorithm based Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive with reduced acoustical noise. A simplified SVPWM algorithm for vector controlled induction motor drive with the concept of imaginary switching times (IST) to reduce the computational burden involved in the conventional approach. In order to reduce the acoustical noise, VDRPWM algorithm based on imaginary switching times is proposed and numerical simulations have been carried for various operating conditions of the drive. From the simulation results, it can be observed that the proposed VDRPWM algorithm reduces the THD and acoustical noise by giving spread spectra.
DEPLOYING IPTV (MOBILE TV) OVER MOBILE WIMAX NETWORKS: A Comparative and Simulation Study[Full-Text ] Jamil Hamodi, Anwar Alsagaf, Ravindra Thool, Yousef HolbaDeployment IPTV (Mobile TV) by telecommunication companies around the world becomes a host of unique opera-tional challenges, and one’s of the intense interest subjects in the research these days, is anticipated to be the main revenue generators in the near future and the efficiency of video streaming over next generation 4G. IEEE specifies different modulation techniques for WiMAX; namely, BPSK, QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, and AMC. In this paper, a simulation performance study of Mobile TV over mobile WiMAX is conducted with different types of adaptive modulation and coding taking into account key system and environment parameters which include real time video coded by different video codecs (MPEG-4, H.264/AVC, and SVC), variation in the speed of the mobile, random mobility of mobile users, path-loss, scheduling service classes with the adaptive and fixed type of modulations. Simulation has been conducted using OPNET simulation. Simulation results show that higher modulation and coding, and dynamic adaptation of modulation and coding schemes based on channel conditions can offer considerably more enhanced QoS and at the same time reduce the overall bandwidth of the system.
Role of women participation in Balochistan-Pakistan small ruminant’s development: potentials, prospects and constraints[Full-Text ] Muhammad Shafiq, Asma Azhar and Nosheen RafiqSmall ruminants contribute the most significant share to the economy of Balochistan. It provides enormous portion of food supply to the rest of country. In rural areas of the province, there are nomadic, transhumance and sedentary families involve their women and children in the rearing small ruminants. Women perform livestock rearing activities in the province, such as; treating sick animals, herding, collecting fodder, poultry care, breeding, cleaning shelters, converting manure into fuel, processing milk, processing wool, sheering hair and etc. The purpose of the current study was to examine the potentials, and development of livestock sector through small ruminants’ contributions by in the economy of the province. However, there are many constraints which hinder them to work freely. This paper is an attempt to highlight the participation of women in small ruminants’ development of Balochistan. Results indicated that potential was positively related to future prospects and development.