Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2013 Edition
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Implenetaion of lean in coutinuous Process-based Industries[Full-Text ] Khalil, R. A., Stockton, D. J., Tourki T., Mukhongo L.MLean engineering is a proven method for reducing waste in a production process and increasing its efficiency. It has been successfully employed across a range of industries and services but is most associated with the production of discrete products. Lean represents a major advance over traditional mass production methods. This paper describes work undertaken to implement lean practices in the continuous process sector as represented by cement production. One of the major barriers to lean implementation is providing evidence of its potential benefit to end-users. This work aims to overcome this obstacle by producing a tool which can be used to easily visualise the benefits of adopting lean practices without requiring disruption to the production environment.
Film cooling experimental investigation for ramped-conical holes geometry[Full-Text ] Dr. Assim. H. Yoosif, Dr. Kutaeba J. M. AL-Khishali, Falah F. HatemThe effect of introducing ramped-conical holes on film cooling performance has been investigated experimentally. Four models have been considered; model 1 consists of one row of cylindrical film cooling holes acting as the baseline case, model 2 consists of one row of single conical film cooling holes, model 3 consists of one row of single conical ramped-holes (upstream ramp with a backward-facing step), and model 4 consists of one row of double conical ramped-holes (upstream and downstream ramped-holes both with a backward-facing step. Detailed heat transfer coefficient and film effectiveness measurements are obtained simultaneously using a single test transient IR thermography technique. The study is performed at a single mainstream Reynolds number based on free-stream velocity and film hole diameter of 13000 at three different coolant-to-mainstream blowing ratios of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5. The results show that film effectiveness is greatly enhanced when using ramp due to improved two dimensional natures of the film and lateral spreading, the distribution of laterally average film cooling effectiveness along the x-axis show that the double ramped-holes model provides promising film cooling performance particularly at moderate and high blowing ratios
Solving multi-objective Intuitionistic linear programming using Triangular Intuitionistic fuzzy number[Full-Text ] This paper provides an algorithm for solving a multi-objective Intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem with data as triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Here, the multi-objective Linear programming problem is converted into a single objective linear programming and the problem is defuzzified using Triangular Intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Then it is converted into equivalent crisp linear problems, and are solved using simplex method. A numerical example is provided to show the efficiency of the methodology.
Preparation and modification of NaY/Beta mi-cro-microporous composite molecular sieve and desulfurization performance[Full-Text ] Fu Hui, Li Huipeng, Zhao Hua, Wang Jian, Zhang JinghuaNaY/Beta was firstly modified using two ion-exchanged and two calcinations method to prepare CeY/Beta and CaY/Beta composite molecular sieve, which were characterized by means of XRD and ICP-MS. The results showed that cerium ions and calcium ions had entered into the zeolite pores in stead of the sodium ions, and highly dispersed on the zeolite. Static adsorption experiments were carried out to study the adsorption of organic thiophene. The desulfurization adsorption effect of the modified molecular sieve was enhanced greatly, and CeY/Beta molecular sieve exhibited better performance in the desulfurization rate.
Automatic Defiling Object and Finding Infringements Statically[Full-Text ] K.M.Saravana, G.N.Basavaraj, Rajkumar, Dr. H G ChandrakanthIn this paper offers a static analysis practice for finding various newly exposed application vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, SQL injections and HTTP splitting aggressor. These exposures branch from unbridled input, which stands broadly expected as the utmost common source of security vulnerabilities in applications. We recommend a static analysis methodology constructed on an accessible and accurate steps-to study. Popular methods, handler delivered conditions of vulnerabilities are spontaneously converted into static analyzers. In our methodology finds entirely vulnerabilities identical a requirement in the popular statically analyzed program. Consequences of our static analysis remain accessible towards the handler aimed at assessment in a reviewing interface unified inside Eclipse, in a widespread Java development platform. Our static analysis originates security vulnerabilities in widespread open-source applications and also exists in widely-used Java libraries.
Temperature And Mass Of Polytropic Stars In Gravitation Equilibrium[Full-Text ] SUDHANSHU PANDEYThe Relation between the central temperature and the central density is investigated for a polytropic stars and a polytropic (or isothermal )stellar core, which are in gravitation equilibrium . In this paper we have demonstrated that the mass of the stars keeps on increasing from its surface to centre. Approximate analytic solutions to the equilibrium equations have been presented in phase planes such as (Um,VT), Transformations connecting solutions in this phase plane have been obtained and discussed.
ML-SRHWT: Machine Learning based Superlative Rapid HAAR Wavelet Transformation for Digital Image Coding[Full-Text ] SHAIK. JUMLESHA, DR.CH.SATYANARAYANAIn this paper a digital image coding technique called ML-SRHWT (Machine Learning based image coding by Superlative Rapid HAAR Wavelet Transform) has been introduced. Compression of digital image is done using the model Superlative Rapid HAAR Wavelet Transform (SRHWT). The Least Square Support vector Machine regression predicts hyper coefficients obtained by using QPSO model. The mathematical models are discussed in brief in this paper are SRHWT, which results in good performance and reduces the complexity compared to FHAAR and EQPSO by replacing the least good particle with the new best obtained particle in QPSO. On comparing the ML-SRHWT with JPEG and JPEG2000 standards, the former is considered to be the better.
Effect of Compression Ratio on Diesel Engine Performance and Emission with Diesel- Ethanol Blends[Full-Text ] Santosh Kumar Kurre, Shyam Pandey, Mukesh SaxenaPresent work was performed in a 3.7kW, 4 -stroke single cylinder, water cooled, variable compression ratio, diesel engine fueled with the different blends of ethanol and diesel fuel run on three different compression ratios of 17, 17.5 and 18. The experiments were conducted for engine emission and performance with blendes of ethanol of 5% with diesel termed as fuel E5, 10% as fuel E10, 15% as fuel E15 and 20% as fuel E20. The experiment was performed for 50% load condition Studies showed that HC decreases with the increase in compression ratio. When the percentage of ethanol increases in the blend HC also increases. Smoke reduces as compression ratio increase. When compared with diesel fuel the smoke increases for all blends for lower CR while for higher CR smoke reduces drastically. As compression ratio increases the NOx increases for neat diesel while NOx decreases for lower blends .CO was not changed with compression ratio for all the blend of fuel. Brake specific fuel consumption decreases with the compression ratio increases. Brake thermal efficiency increase with the compression ratio for all fuel. Exhaust gas temperature increases with compression ratio for all blends.
Monsoon Rainfall over Gujarat State in Relation to Low Pressure Systems(A case Study)[Full-Text ] Manorama Mohanty, M. Mohapatra, C. R. Turakhia and S. N. A. JaaffreyDuring monsoon season, Gujarat, the north-western state of India, gets widespread and fairly widespread rains with heavy to extremely heavy rains in association with the synoptic systems. The synoptic systems, such as (i) low pressure area/ depression / deep depression forming over Bay of Bengal and moving west/west-north-westward along the monsoon trough, (ii) the persistence of cyclonic circulation extending up to mid tropospheric level off Gujarat coast, (iii) off-shore trough that extends from South Gujarat coast to Kerala coast, (iv) low pressure area/ depression/ deep depression forming over the Arabian Sea along/off Gujarat coast and (iv) western disturbances over Pakistan and neighbourhood. In the present study we estimated the contribution of rainfall over Gujarat state by the low pressure systems (LPS) during southwest monsoon season (June-September) by using rainfall data from year 2002 to 2011. It is observed that on an average 12 numbers of low pressure systems (LPS) form over Indian region during monsoon season. The rainfall over each of the four regions, viz., north Gujarat region, south Gujarat region, Saurashtra and Kutch of Gujarat state depends on the frequencyof the formation, location and intensity of the low pressure systems. The characteristic intra-seasonal and inter-annual variation in the location, intensity and movement of the low pressure systems leading to intra-seasonal and inter-annual variation in monsoon rainfall over Gujarat state has been analyzed and discussed.
A Comparative Study Of Hard and Soft Clustering Using Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Bijayalaxmi Panda, Soumya Sahoo, Sovan Kumar PatnaikCluster analysis is one of the major techniques in pattern recognition, which is basically considered as one of the unsupervised learning technique. We can apply clustering techniques in various areas like clustering medicine, business, engineering systems and image processing, etc.,The traditional hard clustering methods restrict that each point of the data set belongs to exactly one cluster. But fuzzy clustering proposed that the belongingness of each data points is based on a membership function.Now a days fuzzy clustering has been widely studied and applied in a variety of substantive areas.To find the global optimal solution we have also applied the concept of particle swarm optimization on K-means clusterings and modified particle swarm optimization on Fuzzy- c-means and performed a comparative study on four clustering algorithms on the basis of compactness,separability time complexity.
Rain Height and Surface Temperature Variations for Nigeria[Full-Text ] Yussuff Abayomi I. O., Nor Hisham Haji KhamisThere is paucity of data on direct attenuation measurement in the tropics due to rainfall along the earth-space links. Most of the studies reported in the literature have been carried out in temperate regions where solid precipitation is common; therefore there is need to supplement the meagre data available in the tropical regions. It is also well-known that most of the microwave signal attenuation occurs above the 10 GHz (X-band). Rain height data were obtained from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B43 V6 satellite while those of the surface temperature data were sourced from AIRS satellite for 37 stations in Nigeria as reported in the literature. Additional data used in this study include the monthly temperature measurements as also reported in the literature. Subsequently, these data have been analyzed to establish the statistical correlation between the 00C isotherm heights and the surface temperature for 0.01% of the time. Results of the rain height and temperature variations presented in this letter suggest latitude dependence rather than variations based on longitudinal positions of the stations. More so, the analyzed results have shown that the southern region experience rainy season a month and two months earlier than the middle-belt and northern regions respectively. Additionally, the study presents empirical relationship between rain height and surface temperature, which may be useful in the estimation of slant path attenuation for design of satellite communication equipment and link budget analysis.
Gammatone Cepstral Coefficient for Speaker Identification[Full-Text ] Rahana Fathima, Raseena P EDigital processing of speech signal and voice recognition algorithm is very important for fast and accurate automatic voice recognition technology. The voice is a signal of infinite information. A direct analysis and synthesizing the complex voice signal is due to too much information contained in the signal. Taking as a basis Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) used for speaker identification and audio parameterization, the Gammatone cepstral coefficients (GTCCs) are a biologically inspired modification employing Gammatone filters with equivalent rectangular bandwidth bands. A comparison is done between MFCC and GTCC for speaker identification.Thier performance is evaluated using three machine learning methods neural network (NN) and support vector machine (SVM) and K-nearest neighbor (KNN). According to the results, classification accuracies are significantly higher when employing GTCC in speaker identification than MFCC
Ear Biometric: Sex, Bilateral and Ethnic Differences Among Brahmin and Yadav Communities of Bundelkhand Region using PCA Technique[Full-Text ] Pradeep Kumar, Anu SinglaIn present investigation we have presented a passive biometric technique for detection and identification of human ear with the develop-ment of a biometric system using 2D ear image. The proposed work uses the extracted ear images to develop the respective features for identification of sex, bilateral and ethnic differences among Brahmins and Yadavs community of Bundelkhand region Via the PCA technique. 800 subjects (400 from Yadavs and 400 from Brahmins) were employed for developing the dataset. Now we approach all 800 samples for measurements of distance of 8 predetermine points on ear geometrical model. In order to test the robustness and variability of ear biome-trics, and the accuracy achieved was found to be around 93.31% of Yadavs male &93.38% of Yadavs female and 94.22% of Brahmins male &93.75% of Brahmins Female for right and left ear and overall accuracy achieved by using the proposed method is 93.66%.Percentage of variance and cumulative match score was also analyzed for ear symmetry determination.
Slope Stability Analysis by Finit Element Methods (Case Study: Mandali Dam)[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Saleh I. Khassaf, Nabaa Noori Shams Al-DeenThe slope stability is a very important problem in geotechnical engineering. In this work, by applying the Morgenstern-Price presented by the computer program SLIDE V.6.0 to define the potential slip surface and calculate the factor of safety of zoned earth dams (Mandali dam in Iraq) under Four main critical conditions considered in the analysis are end of construction, steady state(Maximum Reservoir Level for upstream and Minimum Reservoir Level), steady state with seismic loading ,which allow the user to get the Minimum safety factor of the dam, immediately, according to the material classification and the parameters of design, height and slope.
Study of Grid tied Smart Solar Photovoltaic system: A review[Full-Text ] MadhuriNamjoshi ,AnubhaA photovoltaic system is a device that is capable of converting the energy contained in photons. With the increasing concern about the global demand for Renewable Energy (RE) energy, it is very much important to reduce the cost of the whole solar photovoltaic (PV) system. Till now most of the solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are highly expensive. In this paper we have proposed study of a photovoltaic (PV) solar power system which can be operated by feeding the solar power to the national grid along with the residential load. An extensive literature review of solar PV systems with a special focus on grid-connected systems was conducted. A comparison of Grid connected and off grid system ha been carried out.
Determination the infertility by impacts of alpha emitters on women urine[Full-Text ] Najeba F. Salih, Mohamad S. Jaafar, Ammar A. BattawyThis research describes the results that have been obtained from the alpha particles after carrying out the present study. The study was conducted on 30 urine samples taken from women, who were either infertile, had weak fertility or had uterus tumor. The age of those women ranged between (21-43) years. The results showed that the low level of alpha emitters and the higher level of alpha emitters, values calculated in 20 ml of female urine samples were 0.726 ppm in Sedakan and 0.065 ppm in Shorsh, respectively. Thus, these areas do not represent a source of danger to human life. This denotes that there is no evidence of health problems. Significant difference found in participants’ laboratory outcomes between Erbil and Sulaymania. Significant correlations (p < 0.001) found between participants’ demographic data and their laboratory outcomes.
Assessing The Role Of Infrstructure On Customer Satisfaction With National Parks In North East Nigeria[Full-Text ] Patrick Bogoro, S.S.Maimako, and A.K. Kurfi Purpose: The study assessed the impact of infrastructure on customer satisfaction with tourism destinations in North-East Nigeria. Methodology: The study is a survey where a sample size of 242 tourists who spent at least one night in each of the three destinations was used for the study. The statistical analysis was carried out using the statistical software SPSS v.17. The questions were analyzed using a descriptive statistics and simple linear regression Findings: It was found out that infrastructure has significant impact on the customer satisfaction in their various destinations. Therefore, the hypothesis which stated that, infrastructure does not have significant impact on tourists’ satisfaction with their destinations in North-East Nigeria was rejected indicating that infrastructure was found to have significant impact on customer satisfaction with tourists’ destinations in North-East Nigeria. Infrastructural facilities especially good roads, hotel rooms and catering services were found to be the key in enhancing customer satisfaction with the National Parks of North-East Nigeria. For the National Parks of North-East Nigeria to flourish as tourism destinations therefore all the States and Local Governments including the organized private sector in the region should all join hand in the provision of infrastructure in these parks. Original value: Academics and practitioners have not adequately researched the role of infrastructure on customer satisfaction with national parks in north east Nigeria. The relevance of tourism is, therefore, yet to be fully exploited in Nigeria’s development strategies and plan formulations. This research covered this gap.
A Modified Algorithm for Solving Shortest Path Problem with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Arc Lengths[Full-Text ] R. Sophia Porchelvi, G. SudhaThis paper deals with finding the shortest path of a network problem with intuitionistic triangular fuzzy number. A modified algorithm is provided for finding the solution in intuitionistic fuzzy sense. The algorithm is verified by means of an example.
A Multiobjective Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem Using Ranking Functions of Symmetric Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers[Full-Text ] R. Sophia Porchelvi , L. VasanthiIn this paper, a multi objective fuzzy linear programming problem with symmetric trapezoidal fuzzy numbers in which fuzzy parameters are used in both the objective functions and the constraints is considered. It is solved by using ranking functions of symmetric trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The solution procedure is verified by means of a numerical example.Some concluding remarks are provided at the last.
Application Of Project Management System In Reducing Construction Time[Full-Text ] Adeleke J. S, Ankeli I. A, Buari T.A, Esan M. TThis paper examines the application of project management system by exploring the cost slope graph to reduce project period at minimum cost. The study adopts the use of interview, personal observation and empirical approach for data collection, to arrive at normal cost, a project bill of quantity for a specific project was obtained and its corresponding project duration for all the activities was obtained through a “network” diagram, the Critical Path Method (CPM). This total project duration was therefore shortened, starting with the activities with the least cost slope unit continuously to obtain an optimum cost lesser than the initial cost of the project. The study further revealed that the total project duration of 169 time unit obtained was reduced to 162 time unit at an optimum cost of N38,896 which represent, additional savings and other overhead cost. A graphical representation of project cost time graph was obtained from the least cost scheduling table by duration to show the optimum cost. The study therefore, recommended that shortening project duration should be used when delay sets in.
Organchlorine Pesticide Levels in Lactating Women of Karachi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Sobia KHWAJA, Rubina MUSHTAQ, Rehana MUSHTAQForty breast milk samples were drawn from lactating mothers for the analysis of organochlorine compounds. Among the 40 lactating women 15 mothers (6 secundripara and 9 multipara) were selected with the aim to compare the level of organochlorine compounds in colostrum and mature milk. For this purpose mother’s milk samples were collected in two different phases 1-7 days postpartum milk (colostrum) and 13-35 days postpartum milk (mature). We observed compounds of hexachlorocyclohexane group, they tend to decrease from colostrum (0.186 mg L-1 to mature (0.154 mg L-1) milk but diphenylaliphatic group shows variation among these compounds. In the present study women were further classified according to the number of child they had born. The study comprised of 15 primipara, 15 multipara and 10 secundripara. During the study main focus was on primipara and multipara. Women of multipara status were also found to have higher (0.508 mg L-1) level of organochlorine residues than primipara (0.429 mg L-1). The rate of deposition of pesticides in forty milk samples were found in the following order with respect to different age groups as 17-24 > 25-32 < 33- 40.The chi square analysis at p < 0.05 shown the organochlorine levels were higher in the 33-40 year old group.
Exercise Changed Body Mass Index and Lipid Profile Variably in Obese Male of Different Ethnic Groups in Quetta Population[Full-Text ] Rehana Mushtaq, Rubina Mushtaq, Sobia Khwaja and Zahida Tasawar KhanThe effect of exercise on body mass index (BMI) and plasma lipid profile was investigated in obese males of different ethnic groups of Quetta, Pakistan. The subjects were ethnically assigned into four groups i.e. Baloch, Pathan, Hazara and Punjabi. In two batches of 32 volunteers in each included 8 subjects from each ethnic group one who prescribed to exercise protocol and the controls with no exercise in their routine. Ten week of controlled study was done to find out its effect on BMI, total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c and triglycerides. Fasting blood samples were collected from control and exercised subjects on the last day of tenth week. The 10 week exercise elicited non-significant reduction in BMI in all the ethnic groups. Total cholesterol was non-significantly decreased in the volunteers of all the ethnic groups. Distinct and significant reduction in LDL-c was noticed in Punjabi subjects after prescribed exercise. The exercise group exhibited marked and statistically significant increment in HDL-c in Baloch, Pathan and Hazara volunteers. Exercise also showed its beneficial effects in reducing triglyceride level in Hazara and Punjabi subjects.
Network Solution, Applications and Challenges of Mobile Computing in Africa[Full-Text ] OGUNTALA GEORGE ADEYINKA Mobile Computing involves mobile services which cover new services and new application areas of existing services that are made possible based on mobility and mean increased productivity, improved adaptation and user’s experience. Mobile application cover those requirements and solutions needed from a user’s perspective in order to provide required functionality based on context and user requirements, while mobile networks study and develop solutions that enable mobility by using heterogeneous network technologies, multiple connections in parallel and mobility solution in IP network scale for the requirements defined by users, services and application. By having an expository look into the mobile computing environment, electronic and communication designers and engineers can seek new, modern approaches to the existing challenges facing this environment.
Improved the Performance of Cluster Oriented Classifier using Ant Colony Optimization (AECC)[Full-Text ] Shivam Mishra, Anurag JainThe generation and selection of optimal cluster for cluster based ensemble classifier is important parameter. The selection of optimal cluster impact the performance of ensemble classifier, in conventional cluster based ensemble classifier used cluster diversity such as hard clustering with agglomerative cluster and some other cluster technique. The diversity of clustering technique used fixed number of cluster selection due to fixed number of generated cluster. For the improvement of optimal cluster selection used ANT colony optimizations technique for generation of multiple cluster index and cluster confidence value. The multiple cluster confidence value gives the better selection of optimal cluster selection process. In this paper proposed ant selection based cluster ensemble classifier for data classification. Empirical evaluation shows better result in compression of COEC.
Fuzzy Mean Residual Life Ordering Of Fuzzy Random Variables[Full-Text ] J. EARNEST LAZARUS PIRIYAKUMAR, A. YAMUNAIt is evident that the shape of the failure rate function plays an inevitable role in repair and replacement strategies, the mean residual life function is more relevant as the same summarizes the entire residual life functions. In this paper we formulate different fuzzy partial ordering results related to mean residual life order and proportional mean residual life model with some characterization results. Some properties of the up mean residual life model have been obtained along with the closure of the up mean residual life order under mixture type operation. We consider fuzzy random variables to capture the mean residual function and s how that redundancy at the component level is not superior to that at the system level. Even when the lifetimes are original and the spare components are i.i.d., though the result holds for usual stochastic order. The up mean residual life order is characterized in terms of the DMRL class. We capture some of the characterizations of the DMRL class.
Centralized Web Based Monotoring And Alarming System For Industrial Safety[Full-Text ] N.S.Vatkarr and R.R.MudholkarNow a day the security of costly equipments, buildings and human being are very important aspects. So here a trustworthy, flexible and authenticated security. Project-Work entitled has been presented. For small size, simple architecture PIC 18F microcontroller, our project uses 16*2 LCD display, temperature sensor, smoke detector, humidity sensor, MAX 232 chip, MAX 485 chip, DB9 connector, OP- 07 Amplifier, and MCP3202 ADC.In this work the sudden changes in the parameters are detected by sounding the buzzer. The data is display on the LCD display.The same data is monitor,recorded on the PC and can be transferred to one PC to other PC over long distance using internet. By monitoring these parameters in the rooms, labrotaries of proposed Industry one can restrict these parameters within safety limits.Thus protecting any losses to equipments, building premises and above all avoiding personnel casualties.
Fair Transmission Loss Allocation By Shapley Value Method[Full-Text ] M.Rajesh, M.SabithaThe introduction of deregulation and subsequent open access policy in electricity sector has brought competition in energy market. Allocation of transmission loss has become a contentious issue among the electricity producers and consumers. A closed form solution for transmission loss allocation does not exist due to the fact that transmission loss is a highly non-linear function of system states and it is a non-separable quantity. In absence of a closed form solution different utilities use different methods for transmission loss allocation.These schemes fall into the following categories: Prorata, proportional sharing, incremental transmission loss, loss formula, and circuit theory. Most of these existing allocation schemes face the problem due to a lack of economic foundations and also involve complex mathematical operations and time consuming computations. This paper proposes fair schemes for the transmission loss allocation under a pool-based electricity market. The power generations or loads associated with the market are modeled as individual current injections based on a real-time solved AC power flow solution. Each load can be modeled as a current injection or equivalent constant impedance depending on whether it is required to be responsible for the system loss.Each current injection is then treated as an individual player of the transmission loss allocation game. The concept of Shapley value adopted from cooperative game theory is utilized to deal with the fairness of loss allocation. One alternative approach with a normalization procedure is presented to speedup the computation. Numerical results are presented and discussed to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approaches to a pool-based market. . In this thesis the effectiveness of Shapley value method was tested by using test systems such as such as six bus, fourteen bus, thirty bus and fifty seven bus systems.
Characterisation of Solvent Components in Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Brenan Stem Bark Extracts Treated Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum Wood[Full-Text ] Adedeji, G.A, O.Y. Ogunsanwo and A.A..Aiyeloja.Soxhlet extractions of Erythrophleum suaveolens stem barks were carried out using methanol, methanol/chloroform, chloroform and water with the aim of determining the physio-chemical properties and its interaction with Triplochiton scleroxylon wood. Chloroform/methanol yielded maximum volume/unit of 37% and was used in the second stage as 5%, 10%, 20% concentration level using kerosene as diluents and 100% water extraction to validate its treatability use. Quantitative analysis of the extract indicated 395.52 mg/g total saponins, 106.16 mg/g total tannins, 91.90 mg/g total phenol, 40.85 mg/g total alkanoids and 1.57 mg/g total flavonoids. Statistical analysis results revealed proportionate interaction between the extracts and absorption/retention. The stem bark of E. suaveolens was found to be a staining-drying extract with bioactive phyto-compounds of wood preservative potential, therefore suitable for surface treatment in wood-based processing and utilization industry.
Image Compression For MRI[Full-Text ] Prof. Bipin D. Mokal, Prakruti J. Joshi, Vivek P. PatkarImage compression is a technique used to resize an image by reducing redundant data in an image . It decreases the background, enhancing significant data in an image. This is done to reduce the memory requirement of the image so that it is suitable to store the image as well as for transmission on web. The technique used in this study aims to shrink the image and at the same time retain the important features in resized image.
When two exponents of a N-eq. are greater than two & the other is bound to be restricted on two.[Full-Text ] DEBAJIT DASThis is the extended version of the papers approved for publication in Aug-edition, Vol-4, issue 8 where discussing matter was only on one exponent of a N-eq. greater than two and the other two exponents were restricted on two. Now it will be discussed how two exponents exceed two and other is bound to be restricted on 2.
An algorithm for Observability determination in Bus- System State Estimation using Matlab Simulation[Full-Text ] Er. Gyanendra SinghThis paper provides a numerical approach to observability analysis. The approach enables observability analysis and restoration (pseudo-measurement selection) in a simple way with iteration, via triangular factorization of the jacobian matrix of the weight least square state estimator. An algorithm for precious measurement of topological observability in large bus - system state estimation has been proposed. The algorithm is based on observation that the search for a spanning tree of full rank. The observability characterization of an electric power system from a topological point of view with respect to a given measurement acquisition system is equivalent to the existence of a certain spanning tree. The notation of observability, is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be reconstructed using a given set of measurements. In this work we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for observability in a power system. It is also show that standard measurement sets of at least one voltage measurement, and paired active and reactive power measurements may lead to unobservability for certain measurements configuration. Using a non linear transformation and properties of graph theory, a set of sufficient conditions are derived for observability. These conditions are shown to be dependent on the topological properties as well as the type of available measurements. The results is validated using an IEEE-3 Bus system. This method can be utilized off-line as a planning tool during the initial stages of measurements system design as well as on-line prior to state estimation. We use observability algorithm and state estimation algorithm, also use the Mat lab to obtain the various graphs of bus systems. The main objective of this paper is to measure the Observability analysis of bus system by using Mat lab simulation.
Optimum Design for Minimum Mass Configuration Of Stepped Cantilever Compound Columns With Constraint On Axial Buckling Load[Full-Text ] V. Sridhar Patnaik, G. Venkateswara Rao and A.V.S.S.K.S. GuptaThis paper presents a mathematical programming technique for obtaining minimum weight (volume) of a two stepped cantilever column, subjected to axial load constraint. Optimum configurations of circular cross-sections for isotropic column of single material and compound columns made of two different materials in each segment of step, subjected to constant axial load, are designed for the ratios of stepped diameters and segment length. This problem is optimized under equality constraints as well as specified lower and upper bounds. The evaluation of the objective function requires the solution of the buckling problem of column with variable ratios of length (L2/L) and stepped diameters (d1/d2), subjected to a given axial buckling load. This problem is solved by using the Kuhn-Tucker method for the defined objective function with defined variables. Besides its accuracy yields a minor error as compared with FEM solution, overcomes the shortcomings of FEM solution, which would require resizing of elements and recomputation of their stiffness properties during optimization process.
Static And Dynamic Analysis Of A Centrifugal Pump Impeller[Full-Text ] A.Syam Prasad, BVVVB Lakmipathi Rao, A.Babji, Dr.P.Kumar BabuAlloys are playing major role in many engineering applications. They offer outstanding mechanical properties, flexibility in design capabilities, and ease of fabrication. Additional advantages include light weight and corrosion resistance, impact resistance, and excellent fatigue strength. Today alloys are routinely used in such diverse applications as automobiles, aircraft, space vehicles, offshore structures, containers and piping, sporting goods, electronics, and appliances. This paper deals with the static and dynamic analysis of a centrifugal pump impeller which is made of three different alloy materials (viz., Inconel alloy 740, Incoloy alloy 803, Warpaloy) to estimate its performance. The investigation has been done by using CATIA and ANSYS13.0 softwares. The CATIA is used for modeling the impeller and analysis has been done by using ANSYS. ANSYS is dedicated finite element package used for determining the variation of stresses, strains and deformation across profile of the impeller. HYPER MESH 9.0 is also used to generate good and optimum meshing of the impeller to obtain accurate results. A structural analysis has been carried out to investigate the stresses, strains and displacements of the impeller and modal analysis has been carried out to investigate the frequency and deflection of the impeller. An attempt is also made to suggest the best alloy for an impeller of a centrifugal pump by comparing the results obtained for three different alloys.
Data Mining Techniques For E- Business Intelligence[Full-Text ] Mohiuddin Ali Khan , Dr. Sateesh K PradhanOnline product reviews are a major source of business intelligence that helps managers and marketers understand customers concerns and interests. The large volume of review data makes it difficult to manually analyze customers concerns. Automated tools have emerged to facilitate this analysis, however most lack the capability of extracting the relationships between the reviews’ rich expressions and the customer ratings. Managers and marketers often resort to manually read through voluminous reviews to find the relationships. To address these challenges, we propose the development of a new class of BI systems based on rough set theory, inductive rule learning, and information retrieval methods.
Pyramids Are Prehistoric RF Antenna?[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaA scientific based research in this article focus that Egyptian great Pyramids were constructed for communication purpose and served as RF Antennas for remote controlling of SUN, EARTH, MOON from MARS Planet just like our television is operated through remote. The Prehistoric human populations lived in MARS planet shall be considered as super scientists and expert in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Engineering Architect might have constructed the huge Pyramid structures without any difficulty. This research focus that MARS shall be considered as main switching centre (MSC) Energy centre and the Great Pyramid shall be considered as “Main Earth Station” and other three associated nearby pyramids on the same line of axis shall be considered as Base Terminal stations (BTS) for independently controlling the axial position of SUN, EARTH, MOON. It is speculated that the positional control of SUN, MOON also might have been done from EARTH Planet as SUN, MOON are not influenced with Negatively charged “Electron Particle”. It is focused that the Great pyramids might have been constructed with Prehistoric “J-Technology” derived from Akkie Principles. It is speculated that thousands of other “So called Pyramids” existing in other part of world shall not be considered as Real Pyramids within the scope of Pyramid definition. It is speculated that the outcome of this research shall provide solutions to existing current problems and theories related to Human ancestor, Missing link, Mystery of crop circles formation etc.
Strategic human resources management and Serbian organizations[Full-Text ] Abduljalil A AlmzougeSerbian organizations issues regarding human resource management are related to the dualism between politics and the role of vocation Secretaries. The dualism between political and nonpolitical employees, in general, and legally undefined function of the Cabinet and its employees will be given separately. Recommendations regarding these issues will be formulated shortly by employees of tasks and presented to decision makers for approval.
Sensory Characteristics of Some Fast Foods Prepared With Buffalo Milk Paneer & Substituted Buffalo Milk Paneer In The Ratio Of 30:70[Full-Text ] Anju Verma, M.P.S.YadavIn this investigation Specially four types of foods, i.e. cutlet, bread rolls, sandwiches and burgers that we make as for school lunch boxes or fast food corners prepared by incorporating buffalo milk paneer and soy substituted buffalo milk paneer in the ratio of 30:70, (30% buffalo milk and 70% soy milk ) were compared for their protein contents and sensory properties. On dry weight basis soy substituted buffalo milk paneer incorporated foods contents high amounts of protein than those incorporated with milk paneer, comparative sensitive evaluation showed that incorporation of soy substituted buffalo milk paneer did not affect sensory characteristics of all the products, except for flavor in bread rolls ,after taste in cutlets and sandwiches. The mean score for all the sensory attribute ranked between 6.6 and 8.6 on a nine point hedonic scale. Addition of mixed spices improved the sensory attributes of soy substituted buffalo milk incorporated foods.