Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2013 Edition
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Design of a Honeypot Based Wireless Network Architecture and its Controlled Penetration Testing[Full-Text ] Achin Kulshrestha, Prof. Anjali SardanaThe convenience of 802.11-based wireless access networks has led to widespread deployment in the consumer, industrial and military sectors. Due to the borderless nature of 802.11, security is an obvious concern, mainly due to the physical aspects of the technology, and also because of weak encryption and authentication implementations. Wireless networks introduce a new point of entry into previously closed wired networks and must thus be treated as an untrusted source, just like the Internet. For wireless networking to be most useful, the wireless networks must pass data on to standard wired networks connected to the Internet which makes the wired networks vulnerable to attacks. A Honeypot acts as a supplemented active defense system for network security. Honeypots are closely monitored decoys that are employed in a network to study the trail of hackers and to alert network administrators of a possible intrusion. This paper explains honeypot architecture for the emerging mix of wired and wireless networking equipment and describes the use of this honeypot to capture various attacks by performing controlled penetration tests on the network testbed. The fundamentals will consist of an overview of 802.11b security, various attacks on the architecture and will conclude explaining ways of deception implemented in our honeypot architecture so as to make blackhats lose time in their discovery of the legitimate network.
Legal Assistance and the Role of Civil Society in the Republic of Macedonia[Full-Text ] Bekim NuhijaGiving free or partially free legal assistance is considered as a part of the basic human right to a fair trial, guaranteed by the article 6 of the European Convention for human rights which represents the main component of the proper functioning of the judicial system in one state. Even though everyone has the right to access to justice some people cannot afford it financially. A number of CSO’s offer free legal aid to this category. This article focuses on a project dealing with the phenomenon of police misconduct or mistreatment in the Republic of Macedonia. The general purpose of the project is the identification and offer of free legal assistance to the alleged victims of police abuse, through processing their complaints and appeals to the competent public institutions such as internal control units in the Ministry of Interior, the Ombudsperson, the Public Prosecutor, etc.
Optimization of Fenton Process for the Treatment of Mature Landfill Leachate from Vilappilsala Landfill Site[Full-Text ] Asha Sivan, Latha PMature leachate contains significant quantities of refractory organic materials that are impossible to get removed efficiently by biological processes. In the present study, for the treatment of mature landfill leachate from Vilappilsala site, Fenton process is adopted. After Fenton treatment removal of COD, BOD, turbidity, nitrate, sulphate and TSS were 92.1%, 83.5%, 94.2%, 18.86%, 11% and 96.6% respectively (optimized treatment conditions pH 3, reaction time 30min, H2O2/COD ratio 3, [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio 15 and 3g/L sludge recycling). Thus Fenton process was an effective treatment option for mature landfill leachate. Biodegradability (BOD5/COD ratio) enhanced from 0.3 to 0.65 and acute toxicity (96-hr LC50) reduced to 6.3% from initial 3%. Thus Fenton process can be adopted as an excellent pretreatment option and a biological treatment can be adopted following the Fenton process in order to attain the quality for direct discharge.
Exergy analysis of Birla cement plant Satna: A case study[Full-Text ] Shrikant kol, Dr. Alok chaubeCement production is highly energy and cost intensive. The Birla cement plant requires 8760 h per year of the total operating hours to produce 1.49 Mt of clinker. In order to produce raw material preparation, clinker, preheater, rotary kiln and rotary cooler are widely used in cement plant. In this paper exergy analysis, exergy balance and exergy efficiency Birla cement plant Satna. Based on average actual operation data of the process, exergy balances have been established around the preheater, rotary kiln, rotary cooler and the whole process. Coal contributes major share fuel used in cement plant. This represents about 25% of the electricity requirement of the plant. I have recovered the 22.65MWelectricity demand reduced by using the waste heat recovery system.
Thermodynamic Studies of Disperse Dyes Synthesized From 3,5-dibromo amino benzaldehyde on Polyester Fabrics[Full-Text ] Isah Adewale Bello and Abdur-Rahim Adebisi Giwa and Abass Abiola OlajireTen azo dyes synthesized by coupling of diazotized 3, 5-dibromoaminobenzaldehyde to 3-acetamido N,-diethylaniline and their condensation with active methylene compounds have been thermodynamically studied. Replacement of the two bromo groups by cyano groups in the 3 and 5 positions of the 3, 5-dibromo aminobenzaldehyde affords another series of dyes with bathochromic shift of about 10 nm relative to the dibromo derivatives. The wash fastness properties of the dyes, are adequate, but their light fastness properties are quite low. The thermodynamic parameter values of these dyes were calculated and correlated with the structure of the dye on nylon 6.
Theoretical studies on the structural and electronic properties of copper (II) complexes of some ß-diketones and their 1,10-phenanthroline adducts.[Full-Text ] Oladipo Mary Adelaide, Semire Banjo, Osunlana Ronke Ruth, and Onawumi O.O. Esther The copper (II) complexes of 4,4,4-trifluoro-1- (3-pyridyl)-1,3-butanedione(ftbdH), 1-(2-furyl)-1,3-butanedione (fbdH), 1-phenyl-1,3-butanedione (bzacH) and their adducts with 1,10-phenanthroline have been synthesized and characterized accordingly by elemental analysis, solubility, infra-red and electronic spectroscopic methods. The complexes and adducts were insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol but soluble in dimethylformamide, chloroform, tetrachloromethane and acetone. Infrared spectral of the complex and adducts revealed that lower frequency shifts of varying magnitudes were observed in the carbonyl (C=O) and (C=C) aromatic stretching vibrations when compared with that of their ligand values. Electronic spectral data also indicated the geometries of the complex and adducts and transitions in terms of p-p*. The experimental vibration frequencies are compared with those obtained from semi-empirical (PM3) level of calculations based on the proposed structures.
Hydrogeological Implications of Characteristics Features of Apparent Resistivity Curves, River Ogun Flood plain, Ikorodu, Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Moruffdeen Adedapo AdabanijaThe aim of the study is to investigate the hydrogeological potential of river Ogun flood plain, Ikorodu, a sedimentary area in southwest Nigeria located between longitude 3o30?and 3o45?E, and latitude 6o30?and 6o45?N. This was accomplished by the interpreta-tion of apparent resistivity curves obtained from electrical resistivity method using Schlumberger electrode configuration and physico-chemical analysis of the water samples. The results corroborated with the lithological correlation of the apparent resistivity section reveal that the HA-type apparent resistivity sounding curves obtained has a geoelectrical section comprises well graded silt top soil of resistivity 13 to 192 ?m and of average thickness 0.69m. The less resistive second layer (? < 5 ?m) is constituted probably by clayey material of the coastal plain sand unit and 22.90m to 31.30m thick. It indicates the presence of conductive sedimentary section saturated with salt-water as exemplified by high conductivity (122 mhos) and salinity (60mg/l) of the water sample. The saprolite zone is constituted by grayish fine sand with intercalations of grayish clay of resistivity 35 to 59?m. The resistivity of the fourth layer, ranged from 350 to 400 ?m and falls within the shale and limestone resistivity range (300-500?m). Hydrogeologically, the zone of aeration which is 42.30-78.00m thick comprising alluvial and coastal plain sand aquifer units and overlying conductive sedimentary rock could support productive water bore hole. However, the salinity of the water saturation zone as well as the tendency of the sedimen-tary rock being a fresh-water aquifer could result to a fresh-saline water interface.
Experimental Analysis of Karanja Oil Methyl Ester for Compression Ignition Engines with THERMOL-D additive[Full-Text ] M.Harinatha Reddy, K.Vijayakumar Reddy, P.Nageswara ReddyThe use of biodiesel fuels derived from vegetable oils as a substitute for conventional petroleum fuel in diesel engines is receiving an increasing amount of attention. This interest is based on a number of properties of biodiesel, including the fact that it is produced from a renewable resource, its biodegradability, and its potential to reduce exhaust emissions. Biodiesel is a non-toxic, and renewable alternative fuel that can be used with little or no engine modification . In the first phase an experimental investigation is conducted to evaluate the effect of using blends of karanja biodiesel with conventional diesel fuel, with 10%, 20% and 30% (by volume) karanja biodiesels, on the performance and exhaust emissions of a kirloskar single-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine. The second phase of experiments are conducted with THERMOL-D additive. The tests are conducted using each of the above , with the engine working at constant speed and five loads. Fuel consumption and exhaust regulated gas emissions such as nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and total unburned hydrocarbons are measured. The differences in the measured performance and exhaust emissions of karanja biodiesel -diesel fuel blends from the baseline operation of the engine, i.e. when working with neat diesel fuel, are determined and also compared with THERMOL-D additive.
Facial Expression Classification System with Emotional Back Propagation Neural Network[Full-Text ] V.Ramachandran, B. Sivaiah, Dr. E. Srinivasa ReddyFacial expression recognition is also gaining interest among the researchers because of its inevitable advantages in image retrieval which can be extended many fields like medicine, artificial intelligence, robotics and neural networks. So it is one of the hot topic for researchers. Existing methods such as PCA, LDA, LPP etc. with Euclidian distance classifier are popular. Neural network classifiers are also used along with above for classification. In this paper, the pattern averaging and PCA are used for feature extraction. In this work, feed forward neural network with added emotional coefficients (EBPNN) for facial expression classification is being proposed. The network is trained with back propagation algorithm. The results are compared with normal feed forward neural network with back propagation. The proposed algorithm is producing better results over the existing.
On the Design of High Performance Reconfigurable DSP Processor using FPGA[Full-Text ] Saurav Mandal, Ashis Kumar MalIn this paper, a high performance reconfigurable combined architecture of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Matrix Multiplication and Fast Fourier Transform is presented. This reduces area and become cost-effective. In the proposed DWT architecture the input data are separated as even and odd numbers of data as well as both data are inputted parallel. This cause faster DWT operation then conventional architecture. In conventional architecture N-point DWT is computed in N cycles where proposed architecture N-sample sequence is computed in only N/2 cycles. Therefore they are at least twice as fast as the conventional architecture. On this paper we have proposed the parallel based reconfigurable Matrix Multiplication architecture as well as the pipeline reconfigurable Fast Fourier Transform architecture which increase the speed of computation. This paper also presented a novel reconfigurable architecture for implementing DSP algorithms.
Performance Evaluation of Waste Plastic and Bitumen Concrete mix in Flexible Pavements[Full-Text ] Yadav Santosh, Saxena Anil Kumar, Arora T.R.Plastics are user friendly but not eco-friendly because they are non biodegradable and generally it is disposed by way of land filling or incineration of materials which are hazardous. The better way of disposal of waste plastic may be using it in molten state for bituminous road. From practical experiences of asphalt binder with polymer additives offer several benefits to enhance various engineering properties many modifiers such as styrene based polymers, polyethylene based polymers, poly chloroprene, Gilsonite and various oils have been used in asphalt. In the present work an attempt has been made to use waste cement bags which are made of Poly-Propylene (PP) using different percentage of Poly-Propylene (PP) in the CRMB-60 grade bitumen.
A Complete SAT Solver for Satisfiability problem[Full-Text ] Ashis Kumar DashSAT solver plays an important role in cryptography, computer design, VLSI design. SAT is a NP-complete problem. In this paper a greedy algorithm is designed to find a complete SAT solver. There are strong incomplete SAT solvers; still complete SAT solvers have their own importance. Sometimes we need all the satisfiable instances for SAT problems. This algorithm describes how to get all the satisfiable instances of a SAT problem. This algorithm starts with all satisfiable instances of a clause present in a CNF Boolean function. Then these instances are improved to satisfy all the clauses present in the Boolean function.
Morphometric and Reproductive Organs Characters of Apis mellifera jemenitica drones in Comparison to Apis mellifera carnica[Full-Text ] EL-Kazafy A. Taha and Abdulaziz S. AlqarniThis is the first measurements carried out on the drones of the native honeybees of Saudi Arabia Apis mellifera jemenitica. The mean body weight, length and width of the forewing, number of hamuli on the hind wing, and size of reproductive organs (testes, seminal vesicle and mucus gland) of newly emerged drones, as well as sperm numbers of drones aged 14-days were significantly (P< 0.01) different between honeybee, A. m. jemenitica and A. m. carnica in Saudi Arabia. Drones of A.m.jementica had smaller body size, wings, reproductive organs compared to A. m. carnica drones. In addition, native drones produced fewer spermatozoa than those of Carniolan ones (9.33 x 106 vs. 12.67 x 106). There were significant positive correlations between body weight and forewing dimensions, size of reproductive organs and sperm number.
Energy Harvesting from Wind-induced Vibrations[Full-Text ] Mohammed Ali, Mustafa Arafa, and Mohamed ElarabyThe aim of this work is to exploit flow-induced vibration for energy harvesting. A cantilever beam carrying a tip mass in the form of a lightweight box having a square, triangular, or semicircular cross-section is designed to undergo galloping oscillations when subjected to an incoming wind stream. Electrical power is extracted from the self-excited flexural vibration of the beam through an electromagnetic generator consisting of a permanent magnet that is attached to the beam oscillating past a stationary coil. A theoretical model is developed to predict the system dynamics in terms of its design parameters. Emphasis is placed on developing finite element models to assess the lift and drag coefficients, together with their variation with the angle of attack, which are known to affect the aero-elastic behavior significantly. The resulting predictions of the lift and drag forces are then implemented in an electro-aeroelastic model to predict the output voltage and power. The results are supported by experimental measurements over a range of load resistance.
Relationship between economic freedom and conflict in the Balkan region[Full-Text ] Mishko Djidrov, Dejan Mirakovski, Simeon Simeonov, Slavco Cvetkov, Zlatko SovreskiThere has been a great debate over the relationship between economic freedom and conflict. Some scholars see conflicts as a way to increase profit and obtain new markets for their domination. But this in modern history is not acceptable by many values and that is why other scholars see conflicts as bad for business, that bring reduced profits and larger government control. This relationship is interesting for the Balkan countries because of the 1990s, when all those countries were conflict infected. This study assess the evidence on the impact of the turmoil in this region on the economic freedom of those countries, for the period from 1995 to 2012. The outcomes showed that there is a constant growth in the economic freedom with high percentage of conflicts occurrence and with difficulties in resolving them.
Completely Normal and Weak Completely Normal in Intuitionistic Topological Spaces[Full-Text ] Taha H. JassimIn this paper we introduce completely normal in intuitionistic topological spaces and study the relation among them .Also we introduce a weak completely normal in intuitionistic topological spaces and study the relation among them . Finally we study the relation between completely normal and weak completely normal in intuitionistic topological spaces .
Anti phishing Framework using a Modified captcha technique[Full-Text ] Ms. Ruchika Arora, Ms. Palvi Gupta, Mr. Deepak ChaudharyPhishing is a technique of the fraudulent by creating exact look-a-like well known portal and making the possibility such that the users are navigated to phishing portal rather than the original portal and capturing the sensitive data like usernames, passwords etc. with the advantage of phishing portal and misusing the information. Many have proposed the solution for anti-Phishing area and their focus is on identifying the phishing as main. This Work comes up with a unique fame work to overcome this problem with a well know captcha technology. User is being questioned with multiple authentication procedures in order to tackle with phishing problem.
Voltage Stability Improvement Using Fuzzy Logic Control System[Full-Text ] Pejush Chandra Sarker, Md. Nagib Mahafuzz, Subarna SahaAt any point of time, a power system operating condition should be stable, meeting various operational criteria, and it should also be secure in the event of any credible contingency. Voltage instability has been given much attention by power system researchers and planners in recent years, and is being regarded as one of the major sources of power system insecurity. Voltage instability phenomena are the ones in which the receiving end voltage decreases well below its normal value and does not come back even after setting restoring mechanisms such as VAR compensators, or continues to oscillate for lack of damping against the disturbances. Voltage collapse is the process by which the voltage falls to a low, unacceptable value as a result of an avalanche of events accompanying voltage instability. Once associated with weak systems and long lines, voltage problems are now also a source of concern in highly developed networks as a result of heavier loading. The main factors causing voltage instability in a power system are now well explored and understood. Now a day’s one of the best ways to control system stability is to use Fuzzy logic controller. The advantages of this controller are that it has so many options to control the instability of voltage. A brief introduction to the basic concepts of voltage stability and some of the conventional methods of voltage stability analysis including Fuzzy Logic controller are presented in this paper.
User Security Based on Crypto for Resource Attestation and Sharing in Java Environment[Full-Text ] Ms. Manubolu Malleeswari, Mr. B. Ramesh Babu, Mr. D. Srujan Chandra ReddyCloud computing has seen major changes in the recent past, the other side of the coin is the security breaches or questions it has raised in controlling the user data safer in the hands of Cloud Service Provider (CSP). Especially IAAS-Infra structure as a service model where the CSP outsources the equipment used to support operations, including storage, hardware, servers and networking components. In such an Cloud model customer stores secured information in the hands of service providers, the insider attacker, hacking etc are vital levels to be handled, many solutions are in the market offering but lack in basic business modelling, Here we portrayed a business framework which can handle the security structure and adoptability for the customer and the services providers.
New Approach for Prediction Pre-cancer via Detecting Mutated in Tumor Protein P53 [Full-Text ] Ayad Ghany IsmaeelTumor protein P53 is believed to be involved in over half of human cancers cases, the prediction of malignancies plays essential roles not only in advance detection for cancer, but also in discovering effective prevention and treatment of cancer, till now there isn't approach be able in prediction the mutated in tumor protein P53 which is caused high ratio of human cancers like breast, Blood, skin, liver, lung, bladder etc. This research proposed a new approach for prediction pre-cancer via detection malignant mutations in tumor protein P53 using bioinformatics tools like FASTA, BLAST, CLUSTALW and TP53 databases worldwide. Implement and apply this new approach of prediction pre-cancer through mutations at tumor protein P53 shows an effective result when used more specific parameters/features to extract the prediction result that means when the user increase the number of filters of the results which obtained from the database gives more specific diagnosis and classify, addition that the detecting pre-cancer via prediction mutated tumor protein P53 will reduces a person's cancers in the future by avoiding exposure to toxins, radiation or monitoring themselves at older ages by change their food, environment, even the pace of living. Also that new approach of prediction pre-cancer will help if there is any treatment can give for that person to therapy the mutated tumor protein P53.
An Implementation of Robust and Secure Evidence-Gathering Server for the Digital Forensic [Full-Text ] Smita Verma, Anurag JainIn this paper, we implement a novel method for maintaining & managing a forensic server called an “evidence-gathering server”. This evi-dence-gathering server stores the digital evidences in a secured way by applying hash mechanism to the log files. The concept of hashing we used, ensures the authenticity, the set of hash values are associated with every binary object of logs. With the use of evidence gathering server, we will provide a single place to get all the network level evidences. The implemented technique also ensures the integrity, privacy of the forensic evidences for security purposes. This will help the forensic analyst to analyse and reconstruct the activity, and give results in faster time.
Implementation of a Wireless Bank Surveillance System with a Nomadic Monitoring Unit[Full-Text ] Victor O. MATTHEWS, Felix O. OLOWONONI, Emmanuel ADETIBAMost countries of the world are experiencing a rising spate of crime and security challenges. Specifically, the banking sector is seriously imperilled by the menace of armed bandits as recent robbery incidents are targeted mainly at banks. Most security agencies are incapacitated due to the absence of efficient means for intelligence gathering. To this end, this paper reports the implementation of a Wireless Nomadic Bank Surveillance System which comprises of three intelligent sub-units namely the asset tracking unit, the panic button unit and the IP surveillance unit. The asset tracking unit is an assembly of an embedded system together with a programmed hybrid GPS/GSM module. The panic button system is also an embedded system that operates with a GSM module. The IP surveillance unit is used to remotely monitor the banking hall through covert IP cameras placed in the banking hall. All of the three sub-units are monitored and controlled by a nomadic system which is a mini computer system specially assembled for this purpose. The system is used to query the bag and money tracker for the present location. The Google earth software installed on the nomadic system is used to map the received longitude and latitude format to the actual position. To serve as a redundancy to the panic button system, a web application is developed using PHP, JavaScript and MySQL for managing the video feeds and forwarding SMS alert messages to security agencies saved in the database in case of a robbery.
Design an Encoding Technique Using Forbidden Transition free Algorithm to Reduce Cross-Talk for On-Chip VLSI Interconnect[Full-Text ] Souvik Singha , G.K. MahantiIn this work, we propose a CODEC design for the forbidden transition free crosstalk avoidance CODEC. Our mapping and coding scheme is based on the binary number system. In this paper we investigate and propose a bus forbidden transition free CODECs for reducing bus delay and our experimental results shows that the proposed CODEC complexity is orders of magnitude better compared to the existing techniques. We used the concept of binary Fibonacci representation of integers and gave a simple recursive procedure to generate crosstalk delay code. Based on the idea, we now give a coding technique by considering a variant of binary Fibonacci representation. Here we use a variant of binary Fibonacci representation by considering the Fibonacci number {F1, F2, F3, F4...} as the basis elements of binary Fibonacci number system. By considering F1 as one of the basis elements of the binary Fibonacci number system, we can eliminate the possibility of simultaneous opposite transaction on adjacent lines, thus crosstalk delay can be prevented. We use the notation Fm to represent the set of m-bit crosstalk delay free binary Fibonacci code words where the weight of ith bit is the value of ith Fibonacci number i.e. Fi, 1 = i = m, in the sequence {1,1,2,3,5}.
Performance Comparison of Network Topologies in ZigBee Based WPAN[Full-Text ] Chavan S.G., Shirsat S.A.ZigBee is two-way wireless communication standard with low cost and low power consumption, developed by the Zigbee Alliance. Zigbee network based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard offers unique advantages for wireless applications. One of the application areas of Zigbee is focuses short-range wireless data transfer at low data rates. ZigBee networks are successfully employed in areas such as consumer electronics, home and building automation, industrial controls, PC peripherals, medical sensor applications, and entertainment electronics. The comparative performance analysis of star and mesh topologies have been studied and analyzed for ZigBee based networks.
Improving Search Accuracy by Combination of Keyword based Search with Semantic Information Search[Full-Text ] G.Narender, Dr. Meda Srinivasa RaoDigital libraries today are expected to store millions of articles or items of interest. Intelligent and effective information retrieval becomes critical for the success of such digital libraries. When a large number of mostly irrelevant results are returned in response to a user search, it poses a problem for the user who then has to sort through the search results looking for articles of interest. This can be time consuming and inefficient. This can also keep users away from utilizing digital libraries. Articles in digital libraries are often indexed with a set of keywords. Computer programs can be highly effective at performing keyword based searches and coming up with a candidate set of articles of interest. In this paper, we propose a method for annotating articles in the database with a variety of semantic information. User queries are pre-parsed to find the real intent of a user search. The information from this pre-parsing can be used to search through the annotations of articles in the resulting candidate set from a keyword search. Articles in this candidate set can then be ranked in terms of number of annotations that match and the results displayed in decreasing order of number of annotations that match. This increases the probability that the initial search results that get displayed are useful to the user thereby improving the experience of using digital libraries. In this paper we present the results of our work combining results from a keyword based search using semantic information from added annotations.
Ant Colony Optimization Based Resource Discovery in Grid Computing[Full-Text ] Mr. Laxman J. Deokate, Mr. V. V. Puri.Considerable efforts are going on towards the decentralization of Grid Information Service (GIS). In order to facilitate resource sharing it is important that Grid Resource Management System (GRMS) finds the location of desired service and timely fashion. Current approaches to resource discovery in GIS are based on centralized or hierarchical client/server models. In this model one or more index servers are used as centralized resource discovery. This centralized index server cannot cope up with scalability and fault tolerance. The framework proposed in this paper organizes grid network in two layers. Gateway nodes are responsible for routing and resource discovery. Gateway nodes utilizes ant colony optimization technique to discover resources in
Techniques of Data Collection with Mobile & Static Sinks in WSN’s: A Survey[Full-Text ] Dattatray S. Waghole, Vivek S. DeshpandeWireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) is a set or collection of different distributed nodes which is measure(Capture)the environmental changes like Temperature, Sound, Pressure from the environmental area. Data packets or information is sending from one location to another location i.e. Source to the Destination. Sensor nodes are capable for the information gathering and communication between other nodes from the network. In the wireless Sensor Networks hop by hop or Multi-hop data communication between the sources to the destination can be done. When the source transfer data through the different nodes to the destination. At that instance many Quality of Services (QoS) affected on the network performance like Delay, Reliability, Energy, Throughput, Scalability, jitter etc. Due to congestion or traffic in the network Average End-to-End Delay should be increased and Energy of the nodes should be waste drastically. in this survey paper propose the methods,techniques, scheme used for energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption & latency in the wireless sensor networks. Above quality of services achieves for data collection or gathering in the wireless sensor network using the static & mobile sinks. we have propose the techniques & methods of achieves reliability & energy efficiency in the networks. this paper is focus on data collection or dissemination using static & mobile sinks with effective result of quality of services.
Queue Length based Load Balancing Technique using with AOMDV Protocol in MANET[Full-Text ] Archana Shukla, Sanjay SharmaRouting in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is the challenging issue because of their dynamic topology. The multipath routing are definitely providing the reliable communication and mechanism of alternate path if first break but effective load balancing has a demanding task in MANET due to their dynamic and un-predictable nature. For effective working of MANET multiple routing backbones are identified from source to destination using intermediate nodes that have better communication and processing capabilities to take part in the mobile routing backbones and efficiently participate in the routing process. In this paper we proposed a new approach of load balancing. In this technique queue length based estimation routing with multipath routing AOMDV protocol are used for communication between the sender and destination. In addition to improved load balancing, the new method also provides enhanced support and congestion control as per existing network traffic levels and nodes processing loads.This propose queue length based load balancing techniques using multipath AOMDV routing are provides the imrovement in routing as compare to normal AOMDV. The simulation has done in ns-2 simulator and performance metrics are showing the better results in case proposed scheme.
Image Compression using Wavelet Transforms of DCT, DST, Hartley and Real-DFT with Variation in Size of Component Transforms[Full-Text ] H.B.Kekre, Tanuja Sarode, Prachi NatuThis paper presents simple wavelet based image compression method where wavelet transform is generated from orthogonal component transforms. Wavelets of DCT, DST and Real-DFT and Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) are generated. Each generated wavelet transform is applied separately on R, G, and B plane of 256x256x3 colour image. Performance of these wavelet transforms is evaluated using two parameters. One is compression ratio and other is rate- distortion graph. Size of component transforms in their respective wavelet transform is varied and results are compared. From results it is observed that DCT and Real-DFT wavelet gives better compression using component transform size of m=8 and n=32. DST wavelets show considerable blocking effect. Blocking effect is more intense if local component transform size (i.e. ‘n’) is larger. These wavelet transforms are compared in terms of bit rate as a function of distortion. It shows that DCT wavelet gives best performance among all four. Real-DFT ranks second followed by Hartley wavelet and then Discrete Sine wavelet transform.
A Comparative Study between Traffic Flow and Red Light Infraction by the Motorcyclists in Dhaka City[Full-Text ] MD. Imran Kabir, S. M. Naziur MahmudMotorcycles have become one of the popular modes of transportation in Bangladesh like other developing countries in south and Southeast Asia recently. One of the most common traffic rule infraction by the motorcyclists of Bangladesh is Red Light Violation. To compare this phenomenon with traffic flow a video survey is conducted on four different locations of the Dhaka city i.e. Science Lab, Shahbag, Farmgate and Mouchak at four different times 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM, 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM, 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM and 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM respectively. To conduct traffic count, vehicles were classified into light vehicles, heavy vehicles, motorcycles and non-motorized vehicles because of the Highway Capacity Manual (HFA, USA) in analyzing flow (Q) and capacity (C). From the survey two types of violation was observed (1) at the beginning of the Red Light and (2) at the end of the Red Light. It has been observed that Type 1 violation is more prominent in the early morning hours whereas type 2 is more frequent as the day progresses. The study also links these two types of traffic infractions with traffic degree of saturation (Q/C) of the road. With higher Q/C Type 1 violation is observed more and with lower Q/C Type 2 violation occurs most.
Implication of Bayesian Technique to Improve Econometric Model Forecasts[Full-Text ] Mohammad Anwar RahmanThis study presents the implication of Bayesian technique on simple statistical and econometric forecasting models to improve the forecast performances of the models. We consider a nonlinear, non-stationary time series of household electricity demand to demonstrate the Bayesian implication to statistical techniques. In this forecasting process, electricity demand is a function of the price of electricity, household electric appliances, real personal income, number of households, and urban conditions. We propose the Bayesian statistical technique on a multivariate linear regression (MLR) model to predict the parametric values of the demand model. In the Bayesian process, the forecast is generated from the inference of marginal posterior distribution of the model parameters obtained with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation method. The forecast result is tested and compared with actual data and two alternate models. The Bayesian model is proven to be an effective forecasting method with a great flexibility and capacity to solve multi-dimensional time series models by continuously updating the estimated parameter values as the demand changes over time. Test results indicate that Bayesian implication has significantly improved the performance of MLR model. In the comparison, the error index reveal that Bayesian model outperform the forecast obtained by classical artificial neural network model and classical MLR model. Application of Bayesian approach has proven to be efficient in predicting the trend changes and future proclivity of the large-scale multivariate time series data.
On Fuzzy Contra g* Semi-Continuous Functions[Full-Text ] M. ShuklaIn this paper we introduce and study the new class of functions called fuzzy contra ? ?semi-continuous and almost fuzzy contra ? ?semi-continuous mappings on fuzzy topological spaces. We investigate some of their properties. Also we provide the relation between fuzzy contra ? ?semi-continuous mappings and fuzzy almost contra ? ?semi-continuous mappings.
Design of LiTaO3 1x2 Y-Branch Optical Power Splitter with S-Bend Waveguide and Study on the Variation of Transmitted Power with Branching Angle[Full-Text ] S.Neelima, C.P. VardhaniThe device is initially a symmetric Y-junction based 1x 2 optical power splitter which is designed as that can deliver the best result in simulated performance. Symmetric Y-branch optical waveguide comprises of two S- bend waveguides However, a relatively better post fabrication performance is expected in terms of total insertion loss, non-uniformity and the polarization dependent loss. Beam propagation method is applied for this work, where S- bend waveguides are designed for optimal field matching in each Y-branch section of the optical splitter.
High Sensitive Alcohol Sensor With Auto Car Ignition Disable Function[Full-Text ] Sharukh khan & Shahabaz KhanTHE main Aim of this project is to develop a system that can detect the alcohol content in the air exhaled by the driver and automatically turn off the car if Alcohol percentage exceeds the limit. In this project I am using 8051 family micro controller. In this we are going to embed the program to receive data from alcohol sensor, convert it into digital form and then control the ignition system. Alcohol sensor gives out analog data that can't be analyzed by 8051 so we use analog to digital converter to convert it in to digital format. After that the data is stored and then compared to threshold values if the value is beyond its limits then controller takes appropriate action. Here in this project we are going to turn OFF the ignition system, by doing so we can stop the car and prevent accidents that occur due to drink and drive. Here we can use Triacs or electro mechanical relays to control the ignition system.
Estimation of Second Cancer Risk after IORT, APBI, m-IMRT and VMAT using NCRP Report 116 for Breast Cancer[Full-Text ] Muhammad Hammad Aziz, Mahvish Fatima, Fozia Shaheen, Muhammad Fakhr-e-Alam, Muhammad Afzal, Gerhard Glatting, Frederik WenzSecond cancer risk after breast conserving radiation therapy has severe late effects. Intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT), accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) and external beam radiotherapy techniques (EBRT) such as multibeam IMRT step & shoot IMRT (m-IMRT) and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) are increasingly used for the treatment of breast cancer. In this study, we compare the second cancer risk using NCRP report 116 for doses to internal organs after IORT, APBI and EBRT techniques (m-IMRT & VMAT) for breast cancer. Computer tomography scans of an anthropomorphic phantom were acquired with an INTRABEAM IORT applicator (diameter 4 cm) in the outer quadrant of the breast and transferred via DICOM to the treatment planning systems. An INTRABEAM source (50 kV) was defined with the tip of the drift tube at the center of the spherical applicator. A dose of 20 Gy at 0 mm depth from the applicator surface was prescribed for IORT and 34 Gy (5 d x 2 x 3.4 Gy) at 10 mm depth for APBI. For EBRT (m-IMRT & VMAT) a total dose of 50 Gy in 2 Gy fractions was planned. The mean and maximal doses, ipsilateral breast DVH and volumes receiving more than 0.1 Gy and 4 Gy of organs at risk (OAR) were calculated and compared. The life time risk for secondary cancers was estimated according to NCRP report 116. External beam radiotherapy techniques (m-IMRT and VMAT) yielded the largest doses to contralateral breast, ipsilateral lung, contralateral lung, heart and spine. IORT delivered the lowest maximal doses to contralateral breast (< 0.3 Gy), ipsilateral (1.8 Gy) and contralateral lung (< 0.3 Gy), heart (1 Gy) and spine (< 0.3 Gy). Maximal doses for APBI were 2-5 times higher than for IORT. Using NCRP report 116, the estimated risk for secondary cancer in the respective OAR is considerably lower after IORT and/or APBI as compared to EBRT techniques (m-IMRT & VMAT). For m-IMRT second cancer risks for contralateral breast (30%) and ipsilateral lung (15%) is higher than for VMAT. The calculations for maximal doses, mean doses and volumes of OAR suggest that second cancer risk after IORT and APBI is considerably lower than for m-IMRT and VMAT for contralateral breast, ipsilateral lung and contralateral lung.
Gibbon Wild Life Sanctuary: a prospect for Eco-Tourism[Full-Text ] Priti GogoiPerhaps the most over used and misused word in the travel industry have been Eco- Tourism. Practically, it indicates a responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and improves the welfare of the local people. In the nutshell, the main ethic of Eco- Tourism is “Conserve and Improve”. Assam which is the abode of natural infrastructure has a profound scope for the promotion of tourism. Among the varied of attraction the focal point of tourism in Assam continues to be prominently the Wildlife concerning internationally famous Kaziranga and Manas National Park, alike these Wildlife Sanctuaries, Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary situated in Mariani of Jorhat District has scope for developing into an eco- tourism destination which can be explored but within the carrying capacity of the Sanctuary. So an attempt has been made to evaluate the importance of the Sanctuary and accordingly to enumerate feasible measures for its development.
Digital Eye For Coach Guidance Automation (DEGA)[Full-Text ] Syed Ahamed, M. Vijaya KumarThis paper describes implementation of a system to get exact order of the coaches of the train approaching the station using the RFID Technology. In this system each coach is attached with an RFID Tag, which is read by the RFID reader placed at the outskirts of the station and after being detected, the data is sent by the RF Transmitter to the control room. Here, there will be no human interference in the transmission of data from station outskirts to the control room. In the station receiving module receives the data sent from the transmitter and then it is sent to the station master’s pc, where the actual platform is decided to display the order of the coaches using LCD displays. The system is implemented using AT89S52 microcontroller and Keil micro vision software’s.
Optimize direct marketing with Association rule[Full-Text ] farzane kabudvand,mina kaboodvand,farhad gharebagheeDirect marketing is an effective marketing method considering development of world trade and comprehensiveness of internet. Direct marketing can provide consumers with unique products and services. Data mining and its related techniques including association rules and clustering can be used to enforce direct marketing. In present article customers’ preferences concerning their type and methods of purchasing are to be indicated by using data mining which can be used while selling goods and products.