Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2017.
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Reflex of political connection on corporate governance information internet disclosure by Brazilian publicly traded companies[Full-Text ] Henrique Scher de Carvalho Santos, Joshua Onome Imoniana CPAThis paper explores how the mechanisms for disclosing corporate governance information by publicly traded companies are influenced bypolitical connection. It complementsthe thoughts on disclosure that utilises technology and voluntarily furnishes information to stakeholders. It combinescontent analysiswhich is supported by discourse theory and descriptive analysistoprovide a background for theinterpretative exploratory contemplations.Analysis covered nine companies listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange whichfeatured in the Ibovespa index among the most traded shares. Based on our results, we conclude thatdisclosure of corporate governance practices by the Brazilian publicly traded companies does not present any level of differentiation in relation to political connection compared to the private ones. Notwithstanding, the companiespresented a level of disclosure below the ideal for their representation, showing that the maturity level of information being disseminated is still below expectation.Finally, on the general assessment, we infer that there is an influence of political connection on the organisations.
STUDY OF INTERMOLECULAR INTERACTIONS FOR BUTAMBEN AND BENZOCAINE BY USING ACETONE AND MIXTURE OF WATER-ACETONE AT 305.15K[Full-Text ] Padma There, Sunanda Aswale and Shashikant AswaleUltrasonic velocity (U) and density (Ï) have been measured for Butamben and Benzocaine in acetone and water-Acetone (1:1) mixtures at 305.15K. Using that experimental values acoustical parameters like adiabatic compressibility (β), apparent molar compressibility (Kɸ) and relative association (RA) were calculated and the results of these parameters have been comparatively discussed in terms of solute –solvent and solute-co-solute interactions between the components.
ASSAY METHOD OF ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENT PIROXICAM BY HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAFIC TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] Padma S. There, Sunanda S. Aswale, Shashikant R. AswaleA simple, linear and reproducible assay method was developed for the quantification of piroxicam. The method was developed by using Phenomenox Kinetex C18, (100 x 4.6) mm, 2.7 micron column. Mobile phase consisted of Water:Methanol:Orthrophosphoric acid in ratio 50:50:0.1 with flow rate of 0.7 ml/min at 240 nm and column oven temperature at 35°C. RSD for standard preparation under system precision was observed 0.10%. RSD for retention time was observed 0.48% which shows reproducibility during replicate injections. The linearity range was achieved from 50 to 150 ppm level for piroxicam. Comparative data of method and intermediate precision shows average assay value 99.81% on. The method was applied for quantification of assay of piroxicam drug substance. The proposed method is very easy to apply having low-cost, non polluting reagents and requires relatively inexpensive equipments.
Deep Temporalis FasciaBlanketing Supra-SMAS(superficial musculoaponeurotic) layer Versus Sub-SMAS layer dissection and preservation in preventing nasal dorsal irregularities[Full-Text ] Mohammed Saad S. Elsayed,Dr Syed Aqeel Raza,Esraa A. AlThobaiti,Ahlam M. AlMalki,Arwa S. AlAsmari,Bayan K. SabbGul,Abeer Z. MalebariBackground:Rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure used to correct nasal deformities. The main aim of this procedure is to improve thefunction and aesthetic aspect of thenose, enhancing facial harmony and the symmetryof the nose .It isconsidered asone of the most challenging operations in the field of Otolaryngology practice. In primary rhinoplasty,the two common techniques used are sub superficialmusculoaponeurotic system (Sub-SMAS)layer dissection andSupra SMAS deep Temporalis Fascia (DTF)blanketing for prevention of dorsal nasal irregularities. The aim of this study is to compare the irregularity of the nasal dorsum after rhinoplasty between(DTF)blanketing supraSMAS layer and(Sub-SMAS) layer dissection and preservation inprimary rhinoplasty.Methods:The study wasapproved by institutional review board (IRB).A retrospective chart studywasconducted on(64) patients who presented to (ENT OutPatient Department) and underwent primary rhinoplasty at tertiary care, Saudi Arabia. Patients were divided equally into2 groups,50%(32) Patients underwent (DTF)blanketing.and 50%(32) patientsunderwent(Sub-SMAS) layer dissection. Data was collectedbyobserving the preoperative and postoperative dorsal aesthetic lines symmetry outcomes.Data were tabulated using Microsoft excel sheet,SPSS used for Statistical analysis.Comparison between groups made by Student’s, t-test and Chi square test for categorical values.Result:postoperative nasal dorsal aesthetic line symmetry observation scorewas given for both the groups rngingfrom (1,2,3,4,5), 1 means-0% marked dorsal aesthetic line symmetry,2- 25% symmetry, 3- 50% symmetry four 75% symmetry and 5-100% symmetry.It was seen that25.8% of patient with temporalis fascia blanketingsupraSMAS layer had a score (5), 12.9% had score (4), 38.7% score (3), 12.9% score (2) and 9.7% had score (1), while 36.4% of patient with(Sub-SMAS) layer dissection had score (5), 33.3% score (4) , 24.2% score (3) and 6.1 % score (2). The mean score in patients before (DTF)blanketingsupraSMAS.was 2.25 and 3.32 after the surgery, while the mean score in patients (Sub-SMAS) layer dissection group was 1.97 and 4 after the surgery. The postoperative dorsal nasal irregularity observation showed that 87.1% of patients with (DTF)blanketingsupraSMASlayer,have a regular nose while 12.9% of patients have irregular nasal dorsal.87.9 % of patient with (Sub-SMAS) layer dissection have a regular nasal dorsum.while 12.1 % of them have irregular nose as the t test was significant..Conclusion: (Sub-SMAS) layer dissection is superior to the (DTF)blanketingsupraSMAS layer.in the nasal dorsal aesthetic lines outcomes, while there is no significant difference in nasal dorsal regularity between the two groups.Sub-SMAS layer dissection is superior to the supraSMAS(DTF) blanketing as observed in this study , and also offers the advantage that it can be obtained from the same operative site rather than obtaining DTFfrom a different site.
A study on current perspective of Supply Chain Management of Textile & Clothing Industry of Bangladesh in relevant to Future Demand[Full-Text ] Smita Rani Debnath, Mazedul IslamThe aim of this paper is to identify the current status of Supply Chain Management (SCM) in Textile & clothing Industry of Bangladesh. Also to discover the main issues faced regarding the supply chain, such as, inventory management, Longer Lead time ,collaboration, technology & logistics management . Also to relate it to the Modern Supply Chain in relevant to future Demand for the sustainable growth of this Industry . Textile industry of Bangladesh has been occupying as the largest source of exports and foreign currency for the country . It contributes 82.3% of the total export of Bangladesh .Also 4.00 Millions of women and men are employed in this industry. The export-oriented RMG sector has some distinctive features, which differentiate it from other businesses. Wage, supply chain, timeframe, and compliances are among the most important features of this business. Whatever the wage level or lead time is without proper supply chain management no business is viable. Our endeavor was to manage and exploit the opportunity that lies in an integrated supply chain which will provide competitive advantage to the Bangladesh garment factories. The study revels that the decision makers and planners of Textile & Clothing Industry should align their supply chain strategies, work together with all the supply chain partners, share information among the stages of supply chain, have a standard SCM procedure, comply the code of conduct, adapt changing technologies, minimize corruption and bureaucratic tangles in customs, cut lead time etc to sustain its growth.
Assessment of Electrical Conductivity and Total Hardness of Borehole Water Resources in Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Uwague, A. and Ojebah, C.KThis study was carried out with the aim of determining the organoleptic properties, the electrical conductivity and total hardness of borehole water resources in Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro. Borehole water samples were collected at four different sites at considerable distances-(old administrative building and Engineering complex) in campus 1 and (new administrative building and Science Laboratory Technology complex) in campus 2. The analysis was done using relevant internationally acceptable standard methods. The entire water samples were observed to be colourless, odourless and tasteless. The value of electrical conductivity obtained ranged from 0.9 to 1.3µs/cm. It was highest in sample D with a value of 1.3(µs/cm), while the lowest was obtained from sample A with a value of 0.9(µs/cm. The result of total hardness obtained ranged from 0.7 to 2.6mg/l. It was lowest in sample B with a value of 0.7mg/l and highest in sample D with a value of 2.6mg/l. These values are by far below the acceptable limit of 1000(µs/cm) and 300mg/l set by WHO for electrical conductivity and water hardness respectively. This water is soft and free from any form of hardness and as such good for direct consumption in terms of electrical conductivity and hardness.
Public Awareness on Earthquake: A study on a Residential Area under Sylhet City of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mufti Nadimul Quamar AhmedMajor purpose of this study was to investigate how much local people of a residential area under Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) are aware about earthquake. This research also tried to know earthquake knowledge of the respondents and their perceptions about the role of GOVT, SCC, and NGO’s regarding building awareness among them. Sample size in this research was 89 among them 66.3% were male and 33.7% were female. This research was descriptive in nature and a self administered questionnaire survey was the method of collecting data. 5 point likert scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree was used to know the perception of the respondents. It is found in this research that, majority of the respondents (57.52%) had medium awareness compared to high awareness (23.81%) and low awareness (18.67%). Most proportion of the respondents had medium knowledge about earthquake (65.17%). 22.47% respondents had high knowledge and 12.36% respondents had low knowledge. Large proportion of the respondents replied that, they did not noticed any types of awareness building activities from Sylhet City Corporation (SCC), Sylhet district administration, Fire service authority even from any NGO’s at their area. Though Sylhet is the most risky region for earthquake in Bangladesh therefore, this study recommends that our government should have to take some steps such as, arranging different training programme on how to save from the affects of an earthquake, maintaining strictly the building code, providing poster, leaflet to the mass people to create public awareness for minimizing the damages of an earthquake etc.
Perceptions of Farmers on Food Production and Sufficiency through Small and Medium Sized Agribusiness in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Omosebi Alaba Matthew, Dr. Nothando MoyoSince food sufficiency in most developing nations is almost completely elusive due to grossly inadequate level of their food production, consequently, this research focused on investigating the perceptions of farmers on food production and sufficiency through small and medium sized agribusiness in Nigeria.
Treatment Outcomes of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on the Level of Suicide Severity and Distress Tolerance in Suicidal Patients[Full-Text ] Nazish Idrees ChaudharyAccording to WHO (2014), suicide is the second leading cause of death among young adults. In Pakistan, the rate has been increasing since 1990. The present study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapyto reduce the severityandfrequencyofsuicidal ideation and attempts and its effect on distress toleranceamong suicidal patients. Thestudy sample included N=10 patients with diagnosis of depression based on DSM V and at least one attempt in the recent one year, single, malesand females, aged 20-30 years, who have completed at least 14years offormal education.
The Importance of CSR Practices in Business: A Case Study of RMG Sector in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Syeda Helmi Afrah, Moly RaniReadymade garments (RMG) sector plays the auspicious role in our economic development. Nowadays this RMG sector faces several remarkable tragedies which indicate the need of CSR in this area. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a relatively new and rapidly developing phenomenon. After the tragic incident Rana Plaza and Tazreen Fashions, the image of our garments industry is entirely damaged. But the scenario is changing day by day. Many good practices are implemented by the factory owner which is outstanding. The best three environment-friendly garment and textile factories in the world are located in our country these are Envoy Textiles, Remi Holdings, and Plummy Fashions. They have taken the garment and textile factories of Bangladesh to thenew position to the world. The primary objective of this paper shows the present scenario of CSR practices and importance of CSR practices in RMG sector.
ASSOCIATION OF NECK PAIN WITH USE OF ANDROID PHONE AND ITS DAILY USAGE AMONG STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITIES OF LAHORE[Full-Text ] M.Hussain Iqbal,Ashfaq Ahmad, Syed Amir Gillani, Kamran Hanif, Zarmeen Iqbal Neck Pain is a tremendous Load on our society. Neck pain is a fourth leading seed with disability. Occurrence of Neck pain in worldwide population is estimated between 10% to 15%, and more commonly seen female than in male and in Spanish adults its ratio is recorded at 19.5%. Now a day in our community cellphone is necessary for everyone the share of cellphone in cell market raised day by day was 13.8% in 2009 to 24.9% in 2014.the main objective of this study was to evaluate the association of neck pain with use of smartphone and their usage duration among (Students) Universities of Lahore. This was a observational cross-sectional study. Questionnaire was filled among 700 university students; this sample size was estimated by using estimated proportion 0.41, precision 0.05 and with confidence level 0.99. The participants questioned about are they use smartphone? 679 (97.0%) answered yes, 21 (0.3%) answered no. participants also questioned about Duration of cell phone Daily usage? (12.6%) use for 1-2 hours, 196 (28%) use for 2-3 hours and 416 (59.4%) use more than 3 hours daily. participants questioned Have you had Neck pain? 500 (71.4%) answered YES, 200 (28.6%) answered NO.in last participants questioned to rate pain on VAS Scale 291 (41.6%) answered NO pain, 343 (49%) answered Moderate Pain and 66 (9.4%) answered Worst Pain.According to the result of this study we concluded that there is no association of neck pain with daily usage of smartphone ,the result of this study also concluded that there is no Association of neck pain with gender
Review on Agile Methodology Techniques, Limitations and Challenges[Full-Text ] Noor ul Sabah, Humaira MunirIn this era of technology, agile methodology is playing a vital role in development process of software. This is just because the rapidly change in technology day by day so agile methodology took in the development process of projects. In this I have discussed different models process and agile methodology is mostly chosen for the change in development process. The concept of Extreme programming, Scrum, and agile modeling has described. In addition to the inconsequential sovereignty of extreme programming a numerical measurement of the design-led methodology is required. Without any reasoning, agile insured the many phases of the life cycle of a project and most of them do not recommend for the inappropriate maintenance of project. This article describes the real time implementation and suggestions for the progress in agile methodology at organizational level. In the field of education agile methodology is becoming a vital element. Agile Manufacturing (AM) processes portray by the client, provider, and integrated procedure for the architecture of the product, advertising, industrial and provision facilities. With this conception, a model or theory for attaining the agility in industrial organization is established. Currently, most of the organizations intent to manufactured qualitative products without consuming a lot of time also with the nominal costs and compatible products without instability of the environment. To achieve this goal, agile methodologies presented to acquire those requirements of the development companies. In this paper, a review of three agile methodologies, Extreme programming, Scrum, Agile modeling labels the variations among them and suggests when to use these methodologies would be beneficial.
PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON STREET CHILDREN IN PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Shamsher Moloo, Shahid Ahmed, Aafia AzizThe foundation of every country is the youth’s strength without their establishment a country is like a garden without flowers.Pakistan is that largest country where 10 million street children were exist, especially the youth’s ratio having the age of (18-20) years wereparticular-lyparticipate in this illegal profession called begging,the estimate ratio was about 1.5 million. Pakistan is the 5thlargest country where these types of shame full activity were performed at its peak which is run by an organization called (mafia).Begging is a curse on society, but people make this profession as a money earning path and completely demolished the concept of sympathy. This organization eviler act was not stopped till begging; also they do a nefarious work that they excreted out children’s organ and sold it. Related to children’s psychological perspective a syndicate like organization called mafia washes their brain through hypnotism and use other medicines too which devastated their mentality, after that they molds their mindinto whatever they want.
Software Process Development & Agile Methods[Full-Text ] Humaira Munir, Noor ul SabahCoordinated methods might create programming speedier yet we have to identify how they set up feature prerequisites. Within this piece of paper we look at waterfall representation within lithe methods to give us an idea about how light-footed strategies accomplish programming quality under era weight what's more, within a shaky necessities environment, i.e. we break down spry programming quality affirmation. We show an itemized waterfall representation demonstrating its product quality bolster forms. We then demonstrate quality rehearses that light-footed strategies have incorporated in methods. This authorizes to answer inquiry "Can coordinated methods guarantee quality despite fact that they create programming quicker, can deal within temperamental prerequisites?"
BACKSTEPPING CONTROL FOR POWER QUALITY BASED ON A VIRTUAL FLUX OBSERVER[Full-Text ] Ali DJERIOUI and Riyadh ROUABHIMicro-grids using renewable energy resources become a key solution to address both energy consumption and environmental restrictions in remote locations. For this raison, we try to find a new solution to develop different ways of distribution and energy use.
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Abortion in Almajmaah City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Mohammed AlEidan, Saad Ghanem AlGhaneem, Waleed Abdulaziz AlMosfer, Abdulmajeed Ali AlZahraniBackground: Abortion (miscarriage) is a spontaneous loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks, formerly known as spontaneous abortion. A women is labeled as “recurrent abortion patient” when she had suffered three or more spontaneous abortions. Approximately 205 million pregnancies occur worldwide each year and 42 million of these pregnancies end in abortion. Objective: The objectives of the study are; to find the prevalence of spontaneous & recurrent abortion in last 3 years in Almajmaah City, to identify risk factors of abortion and its most common type(s) reported in last 3 years and to identify the most frequent gestational age of abortion. Methods: It was a retrospective cross-sectional study conducted from February 2012 – March 2015. The data was collected from Saudi women who were between 15-45 years of age with history of spontaneous or recurrent abortion admitted to King Khalid General Hospital, Almajmaah. Results: The prevalence of abortion (either spontaneous or recurrent) was 54.87 per 1000 live births. Spontaneous abortion represented 86.1% (47.22 per 1000 live birth) and the recurrent abortion represented 13.9% (7.64 per 1000 live birth). Majority of women who had spontaneous abortion were obese (34.32%). The common age for occurrence of recurrent and spontaneous abortions was between second and third decades. Conclusion: Prevalence of abortion (either spontaneous or recurrent) was high in Almajmaah City. The common age for occurrence of recurrent and spontaneous abortions was between second and third decades. Also, obese women were at higher risk of having abortion
Simulation and dsPIC30F4011 based Implementation of a network analyzer instrument[Full-Text ] Ines BEN SALEM, Lotfi TAGHOUTI Preliminary prototype of the (dsPIC30F4011) based complex network analyzer instrument is developed and investigated. High performance are required using multichannel multi-frequency measurement devices.
INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT CHEMICAL ADMIXTURES IN ACHIEVING HIGH EARLY STRENGTH CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Ayush Sharma, S.Duraimurugan, Dr.V.VasugiThis project mainly revolves around the identification of high early strength mix felicitous on both the early strength and durability aspects. High early strength concrete is fundamentally developed to provide a better solution to early housing and rehabilitation projects. As we all know the desideratum for expeditious and solid construction is inductively authorized so the prefabricated construction has paced up.
The Effect of Natural and Chemical Remedies on Wildtype and Mutant Antennapedia Drosophila melanogaster[Full-Text ] Aditi PatelAnosmia, the inability to perceive odor, is associated with olfactory nerve damage and culminates in abated food enjoyment and compensatory eating habits, thereby increasing medical risks such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. There is a demand for natural anosmia treatments over their chemical-based counterparts, as the latter are associated with numerous detrimental side effects. In this work, the olfactory systems of Drosophila melanogaster were studied, specifically chosen for their highly-advanced ability to trace odor molecules at low concentrations. A mutation in the Antennapedia gene in Drosophila results in a secondary pair of legs substituting the antennas. As studies regarding the mutation in relation to olfactory systems have been limited, this study explored the antennas’ olfactory role. Further, it sought to compare natural remedies-- coffee, garlic, and a combination thereof-- and chemical remedies-- lipoic acid--in order to determine whether the natural remedies tested can be used as a substitute for current anosmia treatment.
STRENGTHENING OF PCC BEAM USING ECC[Full-Text ] P.Pooraniya, K.EsakkideepanAn experimental study carried out on the flexural behaviour of plain cement concrete. This present experimental investigations deals with the comparison study of normal PCC beams and strengthening of PCC beams by Near Surface Mounting (NSM) technique using Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) and the validation of results with FEM model using ANSYS. A total of ten PCC beams are casted and are tested under a two point loading.
A mathematical analysis of corporate reputation and SME financing[Full-Text ] Sameen FatimaThe objective of this paper is to understand the impact on SMEs’ reputation on its candidature of seeking funds from financial institutions. This mathematical study explores the relationship between corporation’s market reputation and its impact on alleviating constraints in accessing finance. In this manner, SMEs ought to take activities to fabricate low repute to determine financing challenges. This paper has also analysed the significance of entrepreneur’s reputation and its influence on building corporation’s repute.
Cross sectional study to determine the knowledge and attitude of Al imam university male students about epilepsy in Riyadh 2014[Full-Text ] Elharith Suleiman Al-Akeelq Objectives: Since epilepsy was found, many centuries ago and people were struggling to know how and why an epileptic shock happens. In this paper, we aim to measure the level of awareness and knowledge of the community about epilepsy and how to deal with its seizures.
The Desired Attributes of Teachers for Effective Learning: Retrospection of Private Universities of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Muktasha Deena Chowdhury , Md. Mijanur Rahman BhuiyanThe role of a teacher is believed to be of paramount importance, in the primary and secondary level of education. In a controlled environment, with specific syllabus, these teachers enjoy limited freedom in deciding teaching method, mode of examination, assessment process etc. But they generally exercise adequate control over the students in terms of discipline and class management. Often, the students at these levels are greatly influenced by the qualities of their teachers and view them as role models.
Classification of Active Compounds of Type 2 Antidiabetic Medicinal Plants based on Molecular Docking[Full-Text ] Siti Arni Wulandya, Farit Mochamad Afendi, Tony Ibnu SumaryadaJamu is an Indonesian traditional medicine that has more than one pharmacological effect due to various herbal compounds from many types of plants involved in it. This ability cause jamu recommended for the treatment of degenerative metabolic diseases involving protein complex in the human body. In this paper, a computational approach was performed to find the characteristics of compounds from type 2 antidiabeticmedicinal plant that targeting parathyroid hormone (one of the significant protein of type 2 diabetic) using classification model. The characteristics of the compounds were studied from the molecular docking simulation of the herbal compound and the target protein. The result of classification model indicates that the predicted compound can target the parathyroid-hormone mostly come from the ginger plant (Zingiberofficinale). The active compounds of ginger plant which has the biggest binding site similarity to the patented anti-diabetes drug (Cinacalcet hydrochloride) areGingerols;[6]-Gingerol,5-Ac and (-)-Zingiberene. Both compounds have binding sites similarities of 60 % (3 out of 5 residues) with Cinacalcet hydrochloride (a synthetic compound) that found in Met-49, Glu-53, and Arg-56.
Manipulation of Biodiesel Precursor Components: Maximizing Energy Density and Cost Efficiency[Full-Text ] Brandon K. Htet, Bradley J. Davey, Soren SpadaBiodiesel is a potential, carbon-neutral alternative fuel source for petroleum diesel. While considered expensive in current synthetic approaches, further research into biodiesel can result in fuel that competes with the performance and pricing of diesel.
A Model for the Determination of the Natural Vibration Frequencies of Self-Supporting Lattice Towers[Full-Text ] Prof. N. N. Osadebe, Dr. M. E. Onyia and M. C. NwosuSelf-supporting lattice towers are used mainly for supporting telecommunication antennae, wind turbines and high-voltage electrical transmission infrastructure. The four-legged self-supporting towers are widely used worldwide mainly for telecommunication purposes to increase coverage and network consistency. The failure of such structure could lead to loss of lives and property, as well as disruption of services. The dynamic analysis of self-supporting lattice towers therefore demands a high degree of reliability. In view of their significant role, it is necessary to evolve alternative methods of dynamic analysis of self-supporting lattice towers which will give acceptable results.
A Review on a Multiphase Twin Screw Pump Technology for Downhole Wet Gas Compression[Full-Text ] Niraj Baxi, CEng.MIMechEBy introducing a multiphase twin screw pump as an artificial lifting device inside a marginal gas well (downhole) for wet gas compression application; i.e. gas volume fraction (GVF) higher than 95%, the unproductive or commercially unattractive gas well can be revived and can be made commercially productive. This strategy provides energy industry with an invaluable option to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reviving gas production from already existing gas reserve infrastructure, which reduces the cost, time and efforts for new exploratory and development projects. This review paper provides a critical assessment of the research activities related to the applications involving multiphase twin screw pump and outlines the opportunity that the new frontier of multiphase fluid research has to offers in the domain of wet gas compression; i.e. GVF higher than 95%. For GVF above 95%, the existing mathematical models are inadequate for evaluation of volumetric efficiency under different operating conditions. Experimental validation procedure is the only alternative that is available for reliable evaluation of the volumetric efficiency, which is costly, time consuming, inflexible, in some cases even unsafe and therefore impractical. For the novel concept of productivity improvement using a downhole wet gas compression to be practicable and commercially more attractive than other production improvement strategies available today, a more affordable, reliable, fast and a standardized approach to affirm the volumetric efficiency of the multiphase twin screw pump above 95% GVF is essential.
Integrated Modelling and Control of Airspeed of Aircraft[Full-Text ] Sai Krishna.R,Lokeshwar D, Aadhavan Sibi.MAircrafts are highly nonlinear in nature. The flight control system is nonlinear with respect to signal transmission from cockpit to control surface and considering the control surface actuation. Though, the linearised state space model is particularly efficient, all effects of aircraft behaviour cannot be studied solely based on the aircraft dynamics model. In this paper, we aim to develop an integrated model incorporating the actuator model and the pilot model along with the aircraft dynamics. First, PID controller based on Zeigler-Nichols method is developed for the integrated model. Further, the PID parameters are optimized using optimization tool such as Genetic Algorithm. Finally, Fractional Order Controller is also applied to the integrated model. A comparative study of the performance indices of all the three methods is carried out.
Effect of Video Games on Medical Students’ Academic Performance: A Two-Institutions, Cross-Sectional Study[Full-Text ] Ali Alkhaibary, Fahad Alghanim, Abdullah Najdi, Mohammed Bajaber, Abdulrahman Alakeel, Mohammed Aljabir, MohamudMohamud, Amir OmairBackground: Several studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of video games on the academic performance of students at different educational levels. However, there is no universal agreement on the association between video-gaming with the level of academic performance.Aim: To identify the association between playing video games and the academic performance at two male medical schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was conducted at two male medical schools in Riyadh, that utilized a four-section questionnaire to investigate the effect of video games on the academic performance on a sample size of 234 medical students.Results: A total of 234 students participated in this study. Around 149 participants (63.7%) are active players of video games. Most students were studying at the first academic year in the college of medicine (N=139 ; 59.4%) and only 95 [40.6%] participants were in the second year. The academic performance, reflected by the mean GPA, was almost equal between video game players (GPA = 4.36) and non video-game players (GPA = 4.33). Conclusion: The findings suggest that there is no significant difference in the mean GPA of those who play video games on a regular basis and those who do not play video games..
A Conceptual Paper on Program-Budget Marginal Analysis for Optimal Performance of a University[Full-Text ] Bilkisu Maijama’a, Adehi M. U.,and Ismaila Olotu AbdullahiConceptual paper on program budget marginal-analysis for optimal performance of a university when making decisions with guidelines and prioritization to answer the question whether or not more needs can be included within existing resources, through the process of prioritization about cost. Appling this concept in the university system for improvement of students’ performance as well is improving the university success with limited available resources. A concept through the use of Kpi for university achievement in terms of university success with budgetary allocation using integer programming to get the best ideal solution with maximum benefit and minimized cost.
FACTORS WHICH DELAY THE EMERGENCY OBS/GYNACOLOGICAL SERVICES AT GOVT. GENERAL HOSPITAL SAMANABAD, FAISALABAD[Full-Text ] Faiza Shireen, Shafquat InayatOBJECTIVE:Personal care and quality treatment is highly demanding thing now a day especially when is it about medication and medical facilities. The aim of this research study is to highlight the “factors which delay the emergency of Gynecological services at G.G.H.S.F, Faisalabad.” Gyne is vast field of study and this study provides you detail insight about different aspects of gynecological services. Researcher also elaborates the role of nurses they play at the time of emergency and how much their efficient services are necessary at the time of emergency. Timely provision of medication and care services in case of Gyne is sometime difficult to maintain due to delay in different factors.
PATIENTS SATISFACTION LEVEL VISITING THE EMERGENCY OF GOVT.GENERAL HOSPITAL SAMANABAD, FAISALABAD[Full-Text ] Faiza Shireen, Shafquat InayatOBJECTIVE=-Hospital is a place where timely and quality services are the essential part of working environment. The quality services of hospital got approval when patients and their care takers at the time of discharge give satisfactory response towards staff and its services. The aim of researcher is to highlight the factors that affect the “patient’s satisfaction level visiting the emergency of G.G.H.S.F, FAISALABAD.”Emergency departments are overcrowded with patients and usually seem to be dissatisfied with emergency health Services. So, researcher’s aim is to provide detailed study about factors and reasons behind dissatisfaction of patients.
Infliximab Induced Psychosis in a Crohn’s Disease Adolescent Patient: Case Report[Full-Text ] Kawther Almubayedh, Ibrahim Albawardi, Anas Hussameddin, Abdullah AlmulhimInfliximab has been used successfully to treat inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). It has well-established efficacy. Side effects of this treat-ment include infection and malignancy. At present, psychosis is not listed in the summary of product characteristics. We report a case of a 14 year’s old female patient with Crohn’s disease who was presented to emergency department with acute psychotic symptoms 2 days following her first Infliximab infusion. Infliximab was discounted and treatment with antipsychotic therapy was initiated. The sudden onset of the symptoms, their response to the discontinuation of infliximab and antipsychotic therapy and the complete recovery of the patient support the diagnosis of infliximab-induced psychosis. Internists should be aware of this rare complication when administering infliximab for various medical illnesses. In addition, management with an atypical antipsychotic is preferred if infliximab induced psychosis has been suggested. However more studies are required to confirm this recommendation.
Biochemical Evaluation of Hyaluronic Acid in Liver Fibrosis Patients[Full-Text ] Tamer A. Addissouky, Mohamed S. Elghareb, Ayman E. El Agroudy, Emad H. Elshahat, Ezar H. HafezBackground: Liver biopsy remains the golden standard to assess fibrosis several system for scoring liver fibrosis have been proposed. The latest experimental studies on human Liver diseases have observed the bioactive role of hyaluronic acid (HA) during Fibrosis. HA is a component of the extra-cellular matrix (ECM). It is closely correlated with tumor cell growth, proliferation, and metastasis. The present study aimed to evaluate the biochemical role of HA in Fibrosis patients in comparison of Biopsy.
Classification of emotional intelligence of sentiment polarity[Full-Text ] K. Vijayalakshmi,K. Venkata Raju, M.DhanarajuOpinion mining or emotional intelligence is the calculation the learning of the consumer’s emotions and their sentiments by considering their reviews in the type of document. Now a day, this is the dynamic investigating field of information processing and mining techniques. Since it is based on opinions and as all the humans make decisions depending on other opinions its popularity is increasing day by day. In this paper, our ultimate goal is to attempt the difficulty of emotion divergence categorization, the most common problems of opining mining. In this work, Sentiment polarity classification is proposed with explaining the specified procedure. The datasets that are utilized in this work containing online goods reviews accumulated from online sites like the Amazon. Necessary evaluations for the level of sentences and review-level categorization are achieved with the promising conclusions. In the end, we also provide within reach for the potential predictions of emotional intelligence.
Parallel Connection of a Hybrid Energy Conversion System[Full-Text ] REDJEM RADIA, NABTI KHALIL, BOUZID AISSAThis paper treats the parallel connection by modeling and simulation of a hybrid wind-photovoltaic energy conversion system.) In first, mathematical modeling of each elements of the conversion system is presented. The different parts of the conversion’s chain are then connected together to build the global system under Matlab Simulink software. Secondly we study the connection between photovoltaic and wind energy chains. The hybrid energy system is used to supply an isolated site. Simulation results permit to analyze the behavior of the global system, and provide the necessary information that leads to use it in the appropriate conditions.
SHASTA can determine the liver fibrosis Stages in Viral Hepatitis B Patients[Full-Text ] AbdElmeneem A. Eltorgman, Ayman E. El Agroudy, Tamer A. AddissoukyBackground: Chronic liver diseases may cause inflammation and progressive scarring, over time leading to irreversible hepatic damage (cirrhosis). Current study correlated between new noninvasive markers levels and the stages of liver fibrosis.
Gesture Controlled Home Automation[Full-Text ] Rakesh Dhotre and Rounak AgarwalThe following research and project is made to assist physically challenged people themselves to control devices around them. The project includes a glove which is wirelessly connected to various day to day appliances such as lights, fan etc. The communication is achieved through generally available Bluetooth modules. In this project two HC05 modules are used wherein one of them attached to gloves which acts as transmitter and the other is attached at the receiver end such as appliance. Thus an attempt made to help people to use appliance at their convenience.