Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2018.
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A novel electrochemical sensor based on LDH / CQD @ Carbon paste electrode for voltammetric determination of metronidazole in real Samples [Full-Text ] Sakineh Alizadeh1, Mahsa Hasanzadeh In this work, it has been investigated the electrochemical behavior of metronidazole (MTZ) on the layer double hydroxide (LDH)/ carbon quantum dots (CQD) @ carbon paste electrode (LDH / CQD @ CPE). The ability of the proposed electrode to detect trace amounts of MTZ was evaluated by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique. Different methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV), and DPV were employed to study the performance of LDH / CQD @ CPE. The effects of pH, time and accumulation potential on the voltammetric response of MTZ have studied. A liner relation between cathodic peak current and the concentration of MTZ has been shown in the range of 1.5 - 300.0 (μmol L-1) with the detection limit of 2.0×10-1 μ mol L-1 under the optimum condition. The proposed method was also successfully applied for the detection of MTZ concentration in human serum and urine samples.
Powder Factor Selection for Improved Rock Fragmentation at AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Limited[Full-Text ] Eme Precious, Prof Sulemana Al-Hassan and Prof Richard K. AmankwahImproper blasting affects loading, hauling and comminution processes. Hence, the right powder factor (PF) should be used in blasting to avoid the formation of boulders. AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Limited has been employing three different Powder Factors (PF 0.72, PF 0.88 and PF 0.96) in blasting. Sometimes, the blast product consists of boulders which require secondary handling which comes with an extra cost. This research seeks to select which powder factor gives the best fragmentation and could be used for blasting a continuous block at CUT 4 A-zone pitThree different powder factors were used in blasting a continuous block and the effect on shovel loading time and volume of ore hauled were recorded to know the best powder factor that should be used in blasting at AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine CUT 4 A-Zone pit. For shovel loading time, PF 0.72, PF 0.88 and PF 0.96 had a total number of 87,109 and 99 passes of trucks respectively for the 15days studied. PF 0.72, PF 0.88 and PF 0.96 have 55939 t, 57383 t and 55827 t and the estimated cost for PF 0.72, PF 0.88 and PF 0.96 were $ 3 331 640, $ 3 417 700 and $ 3 325 010. Fragmentation analysis was also carried out. From study, it was observed that, using PF 0.88 will increase production, reduce downtimes on the crusher plant and also reduce general cost incurred by the mine. From the research conducted, it is recommended that for a better fragmentation to be obtained at CUT 4 A-Zone pit, powder factor of 0.88 could be used.
Dynamique Spatiale des Ecosystemes de Mangrove dans l'Arrondissement d'Avlo-Grand-Popo sur le Littoral du Benin[Full-Text ] OREKAN O.A. Vincent, TOFFI D. Mathias, HOHODJI Ines A. & PLAGBETO Hermann A.La pression anthropique exercée sur les zones humides du littoral beninois induit une degradation poussee des écosystèmes en général et de la mangrove en particulier. La mangrove de l'arrondissementd'Avlo, Commune de Grand-Popo constitue un exemple éloquent. La présente recherche vise l’analyse de la dynamique spatiale de l’évolution de cet écosystème. La méthodologie utilisée est basée sur l’utilisation des techniques de la télédétection, des Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques et de la cartographie. L’interprétation de l’imagerie satellitaire multi date (1986, 2000 et 2016) est appuyée par des campagnes de vérité terrain afin d’obtenir des informations pertinentes sur les formes d'exploitation des ecosystemes de mangrove. Les résultats de l’étude révèlent une forte régression des aires de mangrove entre 1986 et 2016, aires qui, aujourd’hui n’occupent aujourd’hui plus que 10,53 % de la superficie totale de l’arrondissement contre 27,66 % en 1986. Pendant ces 30 dernières années, la superficie de la mangrove a diminué de 17,13 ha avec une vitesse de régression d’environ 0,6 ha par an. La principale cause de cette régression est la coupe des palétuviers pour diverses utilisations, surtout l’extraction du sel de cuisine. Cette pression sur le milieu physique est surtout liée à la croissance des activités économiques et par ricochet, la dégradation des écosystèmes aquatiques. Dans ces conditions, le renforcement et l’harmonisation des actions de protection, la prise de mesures conservatoires par les institutions en charge de la Pêche, l’élaboration d’un plan de restauration et d’amenagement des ecosystèmes, la vulgarisation de codes de conduite au niveau local, sont nécessaires pour garantir une gestion durable des ecosystèmes de mangrove aux plans ecologique et socioeconomique.
ORGAN DONOR, SALE AND TRANSPLANTATION: THE MORALITY QUESTION.[Full-Text ] CHUKWUMA, JOSEPH NNAEMEKA,ODANWU, KENNETH ODUMA CHIABUOTUTo say that the technology of Organ Donation and Transplantation (ODT) is entirely bad maybe a very unfair treatment and categorizationof the field or subject of organ transplantation. To say so, may amount to being guilty of hasty generalization. The practice may have its positive sides but in this paper, we shall leave that for those who are inclined with the belief to bring its positive aspects into spotlight. Our concern however, is to show that its negative side is alarming as it leads to more crime. This being the case, we shall be looking at the moral dimension of the practice. In doing that, we shall adopt a critical evaluative method of resarch. Our statement shall be that the wide and wild lust for money more than every other considerations has led to the sale of human parts, escalating costs and even premature death. This is the thingnification of human being which is a moral affront in its entirety. Therefore, where all the known pharmaceutical products (expect for organ transplantation) has been administered on a sick person and the sickness persist such a person should be allowed to die a natural death. We shall be looking at mutilation and organ transplant – pointing out the organs that can be transplanted, the different types and/or forms of organ transplant, the ways those organs are gotten and then, how ethical and morally sound the practices are. Materials for this research are sourced from books, articles, and internet.
ALBERT CAMUS MORAL PHILOSOPHY: THE IMPLICATION FOR THE SOCIETY[Full-Text ] CHUKWUMA, JOSEPH NNAEMEKA, ELECHINGWUTA KINGSLEY OKECHUKWUThe issue of suicide and death is a controversial one which has raised so many dialogue and debate. Man in his existential struggle is awed with this major problem of suicide and death and strives to overcome it. The aim of this work is to philosophically delve below the apparent clarity of common sense to know whether in the face of the absurdities of life, is suicide the next resort? This work also dig deep to analyze and evaluate Albert Camus concept of death. The question that arises here is: is death a meaningless absurdity or meaningful part of man’s life. Many have tried to find an explanation to the problem of human suicide and death penalty but to no avail. Consequent upon this, different people conceives death differently based on their various perceptions. However they are commonly held view about death, and that is death is inevitable. This work sets to point out suicide and death penalty as a dreadful phenomenon. It is the forceful taking of life. Suicide does not give room for confrontation. Death penalty does not give the individual the chance to correct himself while existing. This work set to clarify the absurdity and ambiguity that characterizes the human life and existence. This work adopts the philosophical method of analysis, descriptive and evaluations. It maintains that death is a meaningless absurdity that renders the human existence of man in the society meaningless. Therefore the work concludes that life should be lived for the present with the virtue of golden mean. The influence of his moral philosophy rest on living a lasting legacy irrespective of the fact that we build our hopes on tomorrow, yet tomorrow brings us closer to death. This work adopts the philosophical method of analysis, description and evaluation. This work will also employ exposition and argumentation. Its source of data and information will be from Camus books, his philosophical essay, article and internet.
SOLAR POWER TILLER[Full-Text ] Ashish Kumar, Rajat Gethe, Sattyendra Pethe Patil, Akshay WaychalProject concentrate on reduction of efforts of using the manual farm equipment. The new developed soil tiller is operated on the solar power and it consist of following parts likes Solar plate, Battery 12 Volt D.C., Wiper motor, Pedestal bearings, tiller blade. In the new modified soil tiller the rotor blade is mount on shaft between the two pedestal bearings which is fixed on the frame of tiller and wiper motor is attached to the rotor blade using v-belt and wiper motor is fixed on the frame. Solar plate is fixed on the upper part of the tiller so that the sun rays will directly spread on the solar plate and solar plate output is given to the battery which supply current to the wiper motor. The rotation of the motor is clockwise or anticlockwise depend on the connection. Now the project mainly concentrates on designing a suitable operating system. project achieves high safety, reduces human effort, increases the efficiency of the soil tiller, reduces the work load, reduces the fatigue of workers and reduces maintenance cost.
"ADAL KO, IBURAY KO: AKEM KO TI MANGISURO" NUMERACY & LITERACY PROGRAM OF CTE-UNP: AN EXTENSION VENTURE[Full-Text ] Necy Cesaria V. Romo, Alma Josefina A. Bobita,Ma. Jesusa R. Unciano, Jose P. PichayThis study aimed improve the ability of the Grade I pupils of Lussoc Community School in numeracy and reading literacy before, during and after the implementation of the "Adal ko, Iburay ko: Akem ko ti Mangisuro (My Learning, Be Shared: My Role is to Teach): Numeracy & Literacy Program".The descriptive-assessment research design was employed in the study. Frequency, Mean, Gain Ratio and t-test were used as statistical treatment of the data gathered in this study.The level of performance in numeracy and reading literacy before and after their exposure to the program has been improved from “Needs Improvement” to “Outstanding.” The level of performance of the respondents during the conduct of the program “Excellent.” There is a significant difference in the level of performance in numeracy and reading literacy before and after their exposure to the program.The findings show that the literacy program enhanced the pupils' reading performance. The school heads, teachers and parents of adopted schools found the program effective. The LGU Officials instituted measures by drafting ordinance to address the issue on problem on difficulty of reading among public school pupils.The program is highly commendable. It should be continued. Close and continuous monitoring and evaluation should be done by the Extension Services Office and the program implementers Comprehensive research which includes parents and teachers as respondents should also be conducted to improve the program.
The adsorption of the orange acid dye 52 in aqueous solutions by the biochar of the seeds and shells of Cistus Ladaniferus[Full-Text ] H. El Farissi, R. Lakhmiri, A. Albourine and M. SafiThe presence of dyes in aquatic systems has become a serious problem. As a result, much attention has been paid to new technologies for the removal of dyes from contaminated waters. Biosorption is one of those emerging technologies that use natural waste to sequester dyes from industrial wastewater. In this study, we realized the kinetics of elimination of orange acid 52 in solution by adsorption on bio-char seeds and shells of Cistus ladaniferus((BCCLS and BCCLSh). The BCCLS and BCCLSh are biomaterials used as bio-adsorbents for the removal of orange acid 52. The adsorption kinetics of the dye by BCCLS and BCCLSh are correctly described by the pseudo-second order model with a high correlation coefficient (R²=0.998 for BCCLS and R²=0.999 for BCCLSh). From the four models adsorption isotherm tested, Langmuir is the appropriate model for both adsorbents. The very high adsorption capacity reaches a value of 500mg.g-1 for the BCCLSh and 358.48mg.g-1 for the BCCLS.
COMPARISON OF SURFACE REFRACTION AND UPHOLE REFRACTION METHODS IN THE DELINEATION OF LOW VELOCITY LAYER IN PARTS OF NIGER DELTA[Full-Text ] J. D. Ajulo, C. L. Eze, I.Tamunobereton-ariThe aim of the research is to determine the thickness of the weathered layer and their corresponding velocities, using the Uphole survey and the Surface refraction survey and to compare the two in order to ascertain the more reliable method. In twenty-seven (27) locations within Niger Delta, Nigeria, Surface refraction and Uphole refraction surveys were carried out. The weathered layer seismic refraction Uphole data and that of the Surface refraction data gotten from each location were computed and analyzed. From the analyses, the minimum velocity for Uphole diffraction is 213ms-1 while the maximum velocity for Uphole diffraction is 781ms-1. The average Uphole velocity across the 27 sites is 504.81ms-1. For surface diffraction, the minimum velocity is 242ms-1 while the maximum velocity is 763ms-1. The average surface diffraction velocity across the 27 sites is 499.78ms-1. Comparatively, it is observed that the Uphole velocities are slightly higher than surface diffraction velocities in most of the sites. The average Uphole diffraction velocity of 504.81ms-1 is also higher than the average surface velocity of 499.78ms-1 across the 27 sites. Also from the analysis, the minimum thickness for Uphole diffraction is 8.10m, while the maximum thickness is 20.00m. The average thickness is calculated to be 14.62m. For the Surface diffraction weathered layer, the minimum thickness is 8.00m while the maximum thickness is 19.5m. The average weathered layer thickness from surface defection is found to be 14.49m. Comparatively, average weathered layer thickness of 14.62m gotten from Uphole detection, is higher than 14.49m gotten from the Surface diffraction method.Both refraction methods are reliable and the results are very similar, the delay experienced in Surface refraction may be due to shot point offsets, which can be corrected. Notwithstanding, the Surface refraction method is far more cost efficient than the Uphole method. The velocities and thicknesses are entirely in the weathered layer, this indicates that the foundation of Engineering structures in the locations must be above the maximum thickness of 20.00m. The results can also be used for risk assessment, underground water exploration and seismic static corrections in the area.
Impact of IAA producing and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria on the germination and cytology of Lens culinaris[Full-Text ] Devashree1 and Anupam DikshitPathogenic microorganisms affecting plant health are a major threat to sustainable agriculture and ecosystem stability worldwide. The chemical fertilizers used in the agriculture to increase yields, kill pathogens, pests, and weeds, have a big harmful impact on the ecosystem. Because of current public concerns about the side effects of agrochemicals, there is an increasing interest in improving the understanding of cooperative activities among plants and rhizosphere microbial populations. Lens culinaris is a leguminous crop of family Fabaceae. It is an ideal crop for basic research as it is sexually propagated, amenable for pollination, limited in number of chromosomes and has an ideal growing season. Rhizobacteria that exert beneficial effects on plant growth and development are referred as Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). Some rhizospheric microorganisms have capability to convert the insoluble phosphorous to an accessible form that exhibit increase in the plant growth, nodulation and yield of the plants. The present study documents about the growth efficacy of PGPR on the morphological, microbiological and cytological association patterns and behaviour in Lens culinaris. This study is based on the effects of treatment of PGPR on Lens culinaris and on observation, findings gave emphasis on the treatment of PGPR that raised the various parameters regarding growth, development and chromosomal pattern of the seeds upto a great extent. These findings showed the importance of PGPR in the growth and development of plant and can lead to many improvements in crop yield.
THE STUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCE OF THE BEED STUDENTS[Full-Text ] Necy Cesaria V. Romo This study examined the results of an interview to 143 student teachers from nine different schools in the Divisions of Ilocos Sur and Vigan City. It also looked into the practice teaching performance of the Bachelor of Elementary Education, College of Teacher Education, University of Northern Philippines, School Year 2014-2015. Mean and Pearson Product Moment of Correlation were used as statistical treatment. It was found out that the pre-service education performance of the BEED graduating student was GOOD while had an OUTSTANDING student teaching performance and VERY HIGH demonstration teaching performance. An inverse significant relationship between the academic and practice teaching performance was found out on this research. Whereas, a significant relationship also appeared between their academic performance and demonstration teaching performance. A collection of strategies was compiled so all involved in the student teaching relationship experience a fulfilling and meaningful experience in the classroom. It is therefore recommended that the student teachers’ questioning skills need to be enhanced as well as the communication skills should be improved through articulating innovative ideas and promote risk-taking and problem solving activities.
LESSON PLANNING MODES OF THE BACHELOR OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION STUDENT TEACHERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN PHILIPPINES[Full-Text ] Eleuteria R. Pacpaco, Necy Cesaria V. Romo This study looked into the lesson planning modes of the elementary education student teachers of the College of Teacher Education, University of Northern Philippines, School Year 2013-2014.The study made used of the descriptive survey method of research that described and analyzed the academic performance and lesson planning modes of the respondents. The 120 Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) senior students were the respondents of the study.Mean and Pearson Product Moment of Correlation were used as statistical tools in the study. After the conduct of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: The student teachers’ academic performance was GOOD. Ease of application got the highest mean rating in the different application of lesson planning mode and extensions (required for exemplary) tend to be the lowest among them but still fell on a VERY GOOD descriptive rating. There is an inverse significant relationship between the academic performance and modes of lesson planning of the BEEd student teachers.Based from the aforementioned conclusions, the following recommendations are forwarded: The academic performance of the teachers should be improved especially in their basic and major subjects. Student teachers should try their best to motivate their learners in order for them to be challenged to do well in all the activities that they have to do in and out of the classroom. The academic performance of the student teachers should be improved so that they will be able to enhance themselves in making lesson plan. Lesson planning must be given emphasis in their Professional subjects. More practice in writing lesson plan should be done. Another study is suggested using other variables in lesson planning.
Adsorption of methylene blue in solution on activated carbon based of banana peels residue[Full-Text ] Faical MOUBARAK, Rachid ATMANI, M'hammed ELKOUALI, Mohammed TALBI, Yassin GANDAF and Nadia AMRDOActivated carbon is considered as one of the most used materials in the field of wastewater treatment, several studies have shown the purifying efficiency of this material as an adsorbent to treat industrial dyes, these are characterized by their energy stability which returns them non-biodegradable, thus difficult to eliminate in the receiving environment which causes nuisance to the ecosystem namely the fauna and flora.We have two aims during this work on the one hand to the valorization of a vegetable origin residue "the banana peels" by using it like an active charcoal and on the other hand the study of a retention mechanisms of the methylene blue in aqueous solution on this adsorbent material; the factors influencing the adsorption of this industrial effluent are studied, such as the contact time, the grain size, the adsorbent mass, the initial concentration of the substrate and the temperature of the reaction medium. The study of liquid-solid adsorption isotherms by using the Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Elovich models allowed us to better understand the retention mechanisms of the adsorbent substrate and the determination of various equilibrium parameters, such as the maximum adsorption capacity, the adsorption energy, the interaction energy and the equilibrium constants of adsorbent and adsorbate.
REVIEW ON THE SIGNIFICANCE OF BACTERIA IN LANDFILL GAS PRODUCTION[Full-Text ] Habiba Danjuma Mohammed, Dahiru Danjuma MuhammedThis review paper describes systems used to manage Municipal solid waste for landfill gas production. It addresses the general considerations pertaining landfill design and operation to growth requirements mechanisms for bacteria i.e. neutral pH, moderate temperature, moisture, oxygen (optional) and nutrients and once the growth conditions are known, bacteria (methanogens) can possibly be cultured to catalyzed degradation depending on need for methane. Though sanitary landfill is the most considerable option, they provide sufficient gas with control of nearly all gas collecting system and bacterial growth conditions. In contrast, an unengineered landfill or open dump offer substantial control, but few feature the likelihood for levels of productivity that offset their low cost and control. One of the greatest challenges of landfill with gas collecting system is its design and how to increase awareness in developing countries in order to benefit from economy of scale and produce meaningful quantities of landfill gas (biogas).
Cinnamaldehyde and p-methoxycinnamaldehyde derived Schiff bases antibacterial activities[Full-Text ] Hulya Celik, Mehmet Maman, Aynur BabagilEight different Schiff base derivatives, N-(cinnamylidene)aniline (4a), N-(cinnamylidene)-4-bromoaniline (4b), N-(4-methoxycinnamylidene)aniline (4c), N-(4-methoxycinnamylidene)-4-fluoroaniline (4d), N-(4-methoxycinnamylidene)-3-chloroaniline (4e), N-(4-methoxycinnamylidene)-4-chloroaniline (4f), N-(4-methoxycinnamylidene)-2-bromoaniline (4g), and N-(4-methoxycinnamylidene)-4-bromoaniline (4h), were previously synthesized from the corresponding cinnamaldehydes and anilines via microwave irradiation. Ä°n this study the prepared compounds were tested for their in vitro antibacterial activity. The disc diffusion method was used for the assessment of in vitro antibacterial activity compounds against Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strain and Pediococcus acidilactici.
Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Models of Penstock Dynamics at Hydropower Plants[Full-Text ] Gordana Janevska, Sotir Panovski, Cvete DimitrieskaThe paper discusses mathematical modeling of the dynamics of hydraulic circuit (penstock pipe) in hydropower plants. Mathematical models of the hydraulic system (pipeline) in hydropower plants differ in their complexity depending on the assumptions introduced during the model development. Which mathematical model will be applied depends on the specific purpose, as well as on the specifically considered hydropower plant. The paper presents a general nonlinear mathematical model of the penstock pipe, which includes two basic equations that describe the transient phenomena of fluid flow (equation of motion and continuity equation). It also considers the simplified mathematical models in which elastic water column theory, as well as non-elastic water column theory is used. In addition, a simulation scheme for models comparison is presented, and the differences in the dynamics covered by separate mathematical models have been analyzed on the basis of simulation results.
The Prevalence of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from 2008 to 2017: A Cross-Sectional Study[Full-Text ] Dr. Qaisar Farooq Khan, Dr. Hazrat Bilal, Shahid Khan,Dr. Naveed Ahmad, Dr. Muhammad Jaffar, Dr. Mahnoor Ayaz, Dr. Sundas Khalid Background: Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is an event that impacts an individual physically, psychologically, socially and become a financial burden upon the family, society and health care system.Objective: To describe the prevalence of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury (TSCI) in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa from 2008 to 2017.Materials and Method: It is a retrospective descriptive study. The data was collected from the three main spinal cord injury rehabilitation hospitals i.e. Paraplegic Center Hayatabad, Rafsan Rehabilitation Hospital (Peshawar) and Helping Hand Rehabilitation Hospital (Mansehra) of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data to describe the prevalence of TSCI.Results: The current study consists of 2098 patients with a mean prevalence of 5.74 cases per million populations per year. The leading cause was the Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) (33.1 %) and the mean age was 33.31 years. The most commonly injured level was the thoracic spine (56.2 %). In the current study 2016 was the most devastating year for SCI in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with highest number of cases reported (14.4 %).Conclusion: The prevalence of traumatic SCI in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was 5.74 per million people per year.
The State of Research on Electronic Nose and Electronic Tongue: A Global Analysis[Full-Text ] Jiaji Ding, Rui Tan, Jin Pei, Rui Zeng and Linfang HuangElectronic nose and electronic tongue are two high-profile bionic instruments used in many fields, including the food and pharmaceutical industries. Here, we use bibliometrics to map a knowledge graph of electronic nose and electronic tongue research. The papers published from 1901 to 2017 were retrieved from the core database of the Web of Science. A total of 4713 papers from 92 countries on electronic nose research and 1008 papers from 62 countries on electronic tongue research were identified.
THE APPLICATION OF E-TRASH DESIGN MODEL USING LOCATION BASED SERVICE (LBS) TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] Najirah Umar, Billy Eden William AsrulThe goal of this research is to produce a community complaint model on hygiene and its environment in the form of Mobile E-Trash Application which applies the concept of complaint wherever and whenever, while the specific target of this research is to develop the E-Trash Application design model by using Location Based Service (LBS) as one of the alternative modeling application of Community Based Complaint System.
Propose a Distributed System Using Middle-ware Based on API Integration[Full-Text ] Y. Kalyani 1 , S.Srivathsan 2This paper presents a study of Application Programming Interface and integrating multiple APIs through middleware. Currently we are living in the computer era where we always depend on technologies to fulfill our daily needs. In this proposed scenario it was analysed about API vs APP and we learned about how to connect multiple APIs through middleware. For this scenario number of apps and API’s used to test the integration and use cases.
EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND MIGRATION IN GLOBAL FLOWS[Full-Text ] Harun TahiriMigrations are one of the oldest phenomena of human society. People constantly moved from one place to another for a better life, more prosperous, to a richer country, with one word to have a better life. Freedom of movement and aspirations for a better life is a human right. Today's crisis of migration is not an Albanian or Balkan phenomenon this is more than that, that’s why this problem needs to be managed with great care.
Automatic Plant Irrigation System using Arduino[Full-Text ] S,Nandhini, Humrish.k, Prem.p, Tony Antony Augustine, Sigamsetty ravitejaIn the modern world Scarcity of food and water mainly occurs due to the increase in population in order to avoid this there is a need to promote the agriculture sector . There are a lot of wastage water and other resources in the crop field. In order to avoid this problem we are using an automated plant monitoring system using Arduino .This system senses the moisture content of the soil and provides adequate water according to the need .This system also includes the monitoring of crop growth and to detect the water level in the tank .So when the soil is dry the pump will automatically water the fields and when the soil is wet the pump automatically stops, there by eradicate the need of manpower and conserve the time.
Perceived Effectiveness and Challenges Regarding the Use of Mobile Phone for Agriculture Technology Transfer[Full-Text ] UMAIR SAEED / UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE FAISALABADThe improvement of economy of Pakistan relies on the growth of agriculture. The advancement of agriculture is a multiplex phenomenon, which relies on many components and most imperative of these components is diffusion of helpful farming instruction between the agriculture community. If the agriculture community will get new technology with respect to agriculture and use those technologies in field they can get greatest profitability and can offer elevate to the Pakistan’s economy.
THE PERFORMANCE OF THE BSIE GRADUATES IN THE 2013 LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (LET)[Full-Text ] Efren U. Galapon, Jeanina B. Batin, Vic Norman F. NavalThis study attempted to analyse the performance of the UNP BSIE graduates in the September 2013 Licensure Examination for Teachers and its relationship to their academic achievements in the general education, professional education and major field of specialization subjects in the college. The study employed the descriptive-correlational method of research using the scholastic records of the respondents from the UNP office of the registrar and record of their performance in the Licensure Examination for Teachers from the CTE Dean’s office which was subsequently requested from the Professional Regulations Commission, Manila. Mean, and Pearson-product moment of correlation were used to analyse data.
Renewable aggregates: The plausible and defiance for natural aggregate conservation[Full-Text ] Vasu Mishra, Bharath B Disposal of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste in the recent times has become a matter of concern, as it requires a large area as a landfill, causing an adverse effect on environment. Recent study shows the depletion of natural aggregate which is in an alarming situation.Central Pollution Control Board has estimated that waste from construction industry only accounts for more than 25%. Management of such high quantum of waste puts enormous pressure on solid waste management system.3R concept (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) can help to meet the requirements of Construction industry at a lower costand reduce the unused disposal of C & D waste. Using C&D wastes as recycled aggregates reduces the impact on landfill, conserves natural aggregates, reduces energy consumption and can be cost effective.
Face Recognition and Emotion Detection Using Restricted Boltzmann Machine(RBM),FERET database and MMI database[Full-Text ] CAROLINE EL FIORENZA, SIKTA SARKAR, SANCHAREE CHATTOPADHYAY, DEVI SUBADRA.VThe new era of machine learning and artificial intelligence has led to the mushrooming of a new and fascinating field of face recognition which is simultaneously calling for the need of emotion and motion detection. The main driving force behind the enormous interest in this field is chances of approaching utmost security and accuracy in real time applications .In the proposed article detection of human faces and basic human emotions using face recognition and image processing has been proposed.
LIVER FUNCTION PROFILE OF WORKERS OCCUPATIONALLY EXPOSED TO YAM FLOUR DUST[Full-Text ] O.B. Obisesan, I.O. OmotoshoBACKGROUND: Flour grinding is one of the commonest medium scale vocations in this part of the world, workers in this vocation are routinely exposed to yam flour dust which they inhale and even ingest with little or no information as to the possible contents and biochemical effects of the dust on the major organs of the body. This becomes imperative considering the mode of generation of the dust. This study investigated contents and effects of Yam flour dust on liver functions among occupationally exposed workers.
THE LANGUAGE OF FOLK HEALING AMONG SELECTED ILOCANO COMMUNITIES[Full-Text ] Luzviminda P. RelonFolk healing in the Philippines reflects the deep-seated cultural beliefs and practices of ruralites. Traditionally, both affluent and poor families sought the help of traditional healers that may be called mangngilot, albularyo, mangngagas, agsantigwar, agtawas among others but are rendering similar services to the people. This study looked into the practices of folk healing at the same time, made an analysis on the frequently used Iloko words and how these Iloko words used in healing have changed and understood in the passing of years. Moreover, this study aimed also to shed light on the multiple functions that traditional healers are doing in the society.
Simulation Analysis of Fully Protected Induction Motor[Full-Text ] Raheel Muzzammel, M. Nauman Akram, Muhammad Shehzad Ahmed, Abubakr Saleem and Muhammad Umair MuqeemWith the passage of time, induction motor is becoming essential for both home appliances and industrial drives. Most of the industry depends on induction motor. Therefore, reliable operation of induction motor is much necessary for long term continuity of services associated with it. For reliability purposes, different types of protection relays are used such as over-current relay, under-current relay, over-voltage relay, under-voltage relay and thermal relay.
The Prevalence of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from 2008 to 2017: A Cross Sectional Study[Full-Text ] Dr. Qaisar Farooq Khan, Dr. Hazrat Bilal, Dr. Muhammad Shahid Khan, Dr. Naveed Ahmad, Dr. Muhammad Jaffar, Dr. Mahnoor Ayaz, Dr. Sundas KhalidBackground: Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is an event that impacts an individual physically, psychologically, so-cially and become a financial burden upon the family, society and health care system.
OPERATIONS RESEARCH IN BUILDING EVACUATION PLANS[Full-Text ] PRATIK BAPNA, PRERAK SURANA, PRIYAM AGGARWAL, RAGHAV JAIPURIA, RAMOLA Evacuation modelling analysis is one of the most important and highly recommended research topics in today’s world. It is of prime importance and concern for the safety of masses during emergencies. This paper focuses on how Operations research is being used in terms of evacuation modelling which is extremely important nowadays due to increasing complexity of buildings which raises the problem of evacuation. This is because of limiting conditions of fire smoke or any other kind of destruction and routes capacity. There needs to be one optimal evacuation strategy for a certain building which can get people out with minimum effort and time.
An Assist System for Visually Impaired People to Recognize Massive Obstacles (Within one meter)[Full-Text ] Sankani Heenkenda, Amjath Mohammed, Dilan Chamara, Vijay SenthooranVisually impaired individuals are growing segment in this era. Developing tools for visually impaired people is not a recently emerged problem. However, developing computer aided tools are still developing area for visually impaired people. Assist system for visually impaired people refers to system that is able to assist or guide people with vision loss, ranging from partially sighted to totally blind, by means of sounds of commands. Our sophisticated system involves detecting massive obstacles within one meter based on Ultrasonic sensor.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology used in Pharmaceutical Industry[Full-Text ] J.SHIVA NANDHINI, SANCHAREE CHATTOPADHYAY, SIKTA SARKAR, SOUMYA RANJAN ROUT, MONOJIT DEBNATHThe last century has witnessed many advancements and innovations in the field of medical science .This has led to sudden dawn in the medical industry and thus this century comes with an optimistic approach towards conquering fatal effects of medical delays to a large extent . As more and more multinational companies and individuals venture into this ever golden field , manual intervention for record keeping becomes a herculean task .Hence this article proposes the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for automatic detection of number of expired medicine cartons from a lot of thousands.
Optical Sensor based Navigation of a Mobile Robot Using Optic Flow[Full-Text ] Benjamin Arul .SRobotic Navigation means its ability to determine its position in its frame of reference and then to plan a target path towards some particular goal location. In order to navigate the robot in its environment, it require some representation in a particular form. Navigation can be defined as the addition of the three fundamental concepts: Self-localisation, Path Planning and Map-interpretation. The main thing is to calculate the optical flow of any image in an unknown environment. Based on the appearance and identifying the object the navigation has to be achieved for unstructured environments. This navigation uses optical sensors include laser-based range finder and photometric cameras using CCD arrays to extract the visual features required to the localization in the environment. However , there are a range of techniques for navigation and localization using vision information. Here ,we have calculate the optical flow for an image taken using optical flow algorithm with the help of image processing of matlab software.
Farmers Participation In Market of The Potato Value Addition[Full-Text ] Umair Saeed, Muhammad Aqib SaeedA number of factors have driven the growth in demand and consumption of potato, ranging from lifestyle changes, historical and cultural factors and evolution of tastes and preferences for roots and tubers. The rate of population growth and urbanization is increasing and also the level of potato consumption, especially in the form of chips and crisps. Value chains include all of the vertically linked, interdependent processes that generate value for the consumer, as well as horizontal linkages to other value chains that provide intermediate goods and services. Value chain is characterized by a sequence of functions and linkages and coordination between the various actors and supporters. The term market has got a variety of meanings.
Stabilization of Clay Soil Mixed with Wood Ash[Full-Text ] Berjees Anisa Ikra, Tamanna Kabir, Anika Nowshin Mowrin, Ahsan HabibSoil stabilization is a process to enhance the physical properties of soils. Stabilization can increase the shear strength of a soil and control the shrink-swell properties of a soil, thus improving the load bearing capacity of a sub-grade to support pavements and foundations
Confinement of Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Shape Memory Alloy Plates[Full-Text ] E. M. Atia, M. A. Alkersh, A. M. Hilal, M. AbdelrazikStrengthening of columns is of great importance in maintaining the structural health of partially deficient structures. The purpose of this study is to propose a new equation determining the strength of circular columns strengthened with shape memory alloy (SMA) plates subjected to tension force. Moreover this study proposes a new method that can be used to confine reinforced concrete circular columns using SMA plates.