Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2019.
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 RE-REFINING OF DEEP FRYING OIL[Full-Text ] Kehkashan Nawaz, Ashraf Kamal, Syed Mumtaz Danish Naqvi, Sana AwanA large amount of deep frying cooking oil is produced by a number of fast food restaurants containing a number of harmful compounds formed with food on its oxidation at frying temperature. It was made re-useable by adsorption column chromatographic technique and produced pale yellow colored oil with 90-95% yield having acceptable values of viscosity, conjugated dienes, free fatty acid, saponification and peroxide. Quality of the recovered oil was also analyzed by FTIR.
A Microcontroller-Based Water Level Indicator using Radio Frequency (RF) Technology and Ultrasonic Sensor[Full-Text ] Ifeanyi Chinaeke-Ogbuka, Augustine Ajibo, Cosmas OgbukaThe design and construction of a prototype microcontroller-based water level indicator using radio frequency (RF) technology and ultra-sonic sensor is presented. The objective is to minimise water, energy and time as well as the attendant risks associated with the conven-tional designs of water level indicator used in homes and industries.
A Framework for Comprehensive Fraud Management using Actuarial Techniques[Full-Text ] Rohan Yashraj Gupta, Satya Sai Mudigonda, Phani Krishna Kandala, Dr. Pallav Kumar BaruahFraud acts as a major deterrent to a company�s growth if uncontrolled. It challenges the fundamental value of �Trust� in an Insurance business. This concern must be addressed on priority else, it brings down the castle of the insurance business. The regulation provides powers to authorities to act on fraud. Currently, this effort within most organizations happens discretely, involving those unconnected with actuarial or technology. In fact, actuarial techniques are powerful tools that help to bring efficiency and to target the right areas to deploy the right level of resources for fraud investigation.
Impact of Ambush Marketing on Consumer Perception and Brand Identity-A Case of PepsiCo and Coca-Cola[Full-Text ] Jasmine Simi,Harsh MendaAmbush Marketing is one of the most unique Marketing Strategy that a company can adopt to gain an advantage over its rivals. With the Marketing happening through the means of Social Media and the companies are marketing and showcasing their products in the virtual world, a viral Marketing strategy is needed to attract the customers and ambush marketing strategies have the capability to do so.
Recent Flame Retardant Consumption: Textiles[Full-Text ] Faheem Uddin Flame retardancy in variety of materials is increasingly a required performance feature. The worldwide consumption of flame retardant chemicals is continuously increasing for the last more than a decade and the trend is forecasted to continue till 2022. Textile fiber is one of the five main product types; that requires flame retardant treatment
TRAINING AND SERVICE QUALITY AS WELL AS ITS EFFECTS ON SATISFACTION OF INPATIENTS IN BAHTERAMAS PUBLIC HOSPITAL SOUTHEAST SULAWESI PROVINCE[Full-Text ] Asniyati, Hasanuddin Bua, Samdin, Rahmat MadjidThis research aims to describe empirically effects of service qualityon satisfactionthat is mediated by trainingvariable emphasizing on morale and ethics underlying nurse attitudes in servicing patients. This research design is an explanatory researchwith surveyapproach. This research uses descriptive analysis to determine characteristics of respondents and description of respondents on each research variable. Sample collection technique usesproportional stratified sampling technique,number of determined respondents is 180 respondents. Data analysis method used to test pattern of research inter-variable relation is inferential analysis namely Structural Equation Modelling(SEM).
Dispersion Modeling of Power Plant Emissions on Air Quality[Full-Text ] Bernaded Oka Anggarani and Ruly Bayu SitanggangAir pollution caused by emission is one of the serious environmental problems in the world. Emissions resulted from industrial, transportation, and energy sectors. The latter two mentioned as the major contributor in decreasing ambient air quality due to the outcome of fossil fuels combustion containing the toxic gaseous of sulfur dioxides (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM2,5) that have an impact to the human health and environment.
EFFECTS OF INTERN MARKETING AND SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP QUALITY IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENDARI CITY[Full-Text ] Melati, Alida Palilati, Endro Sukodjo, Sudirman ZaidThis research aims to determine and describe effects of intern marketing and service quality on customer rela-tion quality in commercial banks in Kendari city. These research populations are employees and customers, namely 190 people. This research used Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis.
Open IoT testbed utility cum development framework of virtualized services in terms of sensor as utility[Full-Text ] Kayalvizhi Jayavel, Meenakshi K, Sundara Kanchana J, Srinivas LNB, Revathi VenkataramanInternet of Things aims at connecting everything, everywhere, every time. Most of the industries here predicted billions of connected devices by 2025. Considering the scale, the applications which evolve will also be multifold. This demands huge investments in terms of infrastructure: hardware or software. Taking this into consideration we have proposed an IoT testing cum development architectural framework which will enhance the utilization and reusability factors. The services offered are data, sensor client, actuator client, platform and API.
A Novel Robust Crypto-Watermarking Scheme Based on Hybrid Transformers[Full-Text ] A.M. El-Assy, M.A. Mohamed, M.E.A. Abou-El-Seoud, H.E.S. MostafaThe rapid growth of digital computer technology has recently led to the widespread use of digital media from digital documents, video and digital images due to the ease and speed of transfer, distribution and copying over computer networks. However, this technology lacks the protection of its digital products from illegal use and imitation. The protection of intellectual property rights for digital media has therefore become a major concern.
 Assessment the importance of soil organic matter for achieving sustainable agriculture[Full-Text ] Hasan Mohsen NuemahThis research highlights the evaluation of the importance of the soil organic matter (SOM) by studying the physical & chemical properties of soil in Kut city of Iraqi Wasit Governorate. That a soil is largely influenced by the nature of the prevailing environmental factors. The soil classification results showed that a soil texture was clay, and appeared through laboratory analysis of soil physical and chemical properties; PH 7.4 , OM 0.9, Ec 8.2, CEC 39, available nitrogen 6.5 ppm, available phosphorus 10.5 ,available potassium 200 ppm, calcium carbonate CaCo3 31 and soil texture components ; clay 52 % ,silt 27 % , and sand 21 % as in table (1).
IOT Controlled Robotic Arm[Full-Text ] Asst Prof. G.Jyothsnadevi, K.Chandisivapriya, B.Saikrishnateja,L.Nagajyothi,U.DushyanthkumarThe ongoing revolution of Internet, together With the growing robotics in many activities of everyday life. Internet of things has taken over all the heavy loads from human to itself. Internet of Things (IOT)is basically a connection of many devices to interconnect themselves. Proposes a method for controlling a robotic arm using an open source web application. It is controlled by using mobile application and for continuous monitoring and observing by the user we use IP web cam application. And servomotor analysis are inbuilt in this project. In this method we use embedded C language for coding and debugging in arduino by using ISP programmer. Arduino-IDE tool. And for controlling we use L293D driver IC. Finding this robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move or pick and place the materials, Parts and tools. These robots are not only used for lifting purpose but also for polishing, sealing, Machine handling and minor surgeries also.
COMPARATIVE KINETIC AND ISOTHERM STUDIES ON ADSORPTIVE REMOVAL OF MALACHITE GREEN AND CONGO RED FROM WASTEWATER BY CORN STALK AND CORN HUSK[Full-Text ] Abdurrahman Abubakar, Samaila Muazu Batagarawa, Fatima Binta Suleiman, Paul Samuel, B. A. Danja, Zaharadeen Abdullahi, Makiyu Lawal, Nasiru Aminu Rano, Ogidi A. Ogidi, and Sanusi Kabir AdebayoAdsorption is considered to be one of the most effective technologies widely used in global environmental protection areas. Modeling of experimental adsorption isotherm data and kinetics data were essential ways for predicting the mechanisms of adsorption, which will lead to an improvement in the area of adsorption science.
Dimensional Accuracy Control in Shipbuilding[Full-Text ] Mamdouh Soliman, Ashraf Sharara, Ahmed Nagib, and El-Sayed HegazyThe main purpose of this paper is to explore how to reduce the errors in final scantlings of the whole ship�s hull which could be achieved by controlling and minimizing the errors in dimensions in each single plate used and each production process which the materials are submitted to like cutting, forming and welding which are affected by a lot of errors due to many factors. Those errors and their remedies are to be investigated using computer aided simulations.
A Framework for assessing performance sensitivity of select KPIs for General Insurance companies in India using Risk Management Dashboard Approach[Full-Text ] Pradyumna Maruwada,S R Pranav Sai, Satya Sai Mudigonda, Phani Krishna KandalaOperational efficiency plays a crucial role in the functioning of a company. It drives the factors that lead to growth, profitability and sustainability. These form the basis for performance metrics known as the key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs bridge the gap between the idea of performance and a means to measure the same. This paper concentrates on building a framework that evaluates the performance of a company using these KPIs in the following stages.
2017 Amendments to the Motor Vehicle Act and Implications to Insurers[Full-Text ] Sai Girish Sanaka, Satya Sai Mudigonda, Phani Krishna Kandala, Dr. Pallav Kumar BaruahThe 2017 Amendment bill to the Motor Vehicle Act has been passed by the Lok Sabha and is due for a nod from Rajya Sabha. The bill tries to bring in various measures in line with India�s commitment to reduce accidental deaths by 50% by 2020 as a signatory of the Brasilia Declaration.
Parameter Tuning in Decision Tree Based on Genetic Algorithm for Text Classification[Full-Text ] Ahmed I. Taloba, Adel A. Sewisy, Safaa S. I. Ismail One of the most complicated tasks in text mining field is text classification. In this paper, we propose a new efficient hybrid of the decision tree algorithm (DT) and a genetic algorithm (GA) approach known as (GADT) for text classification. This approach focuses on increasing the performance of DT approach to categorize texts into one or more predefined classes according to their contents. There are several parameters of decision tree algorithm that have to be adapted in order to get optimal classifier.
Effect of Dimer Acid on The Performance of Mor-pholine Mono-Amine Base Corrosion Inhibitor[Full-Text ] Rafaa M. Esmaael and Maftah H. AlkathafiThe effect of dimer acid on the inhibition of morpholine-mono-amine base corrosion inhibitor efficiency has been investigated using differ-ent formation of water. The corrosion environment was 100% Sharara field water saturated with CO2, the addition of dimer acid is to en-hance the corrosion inhibitor performance by the action of film persistency on the metal surface. The efficiency evaluation was performed by the comparison of the efficiency with and without addition of dimer acid. A linear polarization technique was applied to obtain corrosion rate and the results have demonstrated that 4% of the efficiency of the chemical inhibitor was improved by adding 1% of the dimer acid.
Challenges of Local Human Capacity Development In Nigeria�s Maritime Industry[Full-Text ] Jibiri Tobechukwu Gerald, Obed Ndikom, Nwachukwu Tochi, Oneyema Henry, T. NwokediThis research evaluated the Development of Local Human Capacity in the Nigerian Maritime Sector. Relevant literatures on human capital development indicators and its effects on the supply of maritime labour proxied by the number of seafarers� onboard vessels operating in Nigerian coastal waters were reviewed. Secondary data were obtained from World Bank database, NPA annual bulletins, Nigerian Maritime Safety and Administration Agency (NIMASA) and Maritime Academy Nigeria (MAN) Oron.
Study of the SEM&EDX analysis and mechanical properties of Impact test of Aluminum alloy LM12 /Sic metal matrix composites it�s fabricated by stir casting Techniques[Full-Text ] Suresha P and Dr. N ChikkannaAluminum metal matrix composites are broadly used in different application, because it contains greater mechanical and physical properties, compared to their base AL alloy. This paper centers around the change in mechanical properties of AL LM-12 when it is reinforced with SiC fabricated using stir casting method. For this reason AL LM-12 and reinforcement of SiC with various wt% utilized. SiC is reinforced in 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt. %. Impact of SiC reinforcement on AL LM-12 and its chemical properties like SEM/EDX is talked in detail.
INVESTIGATION IN CLOUD COMPUTING SERVICES ON TRUST MODELS[Full-Text ] Ali Raza, Sidra Saleem, Maria Inayat, Maria Qadeer, Shagufta Anwar,Isma Jabeen, Anum Safder, Faisal Iqbal JafriIn Cloud services, trust establishment has become an integral and a critical trademark feature. Therefore, Cloud users should be endowed with a systematic approach that helps users of these services to find an unequivocal trust model that best suite organization trust policy at all levels. Hence, this study reports the analysis of existing trust models in cloud services in a Cloudsim environment Simulation results obtained with several experimental scenarios depict their respective performances and the most secured trust model in cloud services. Consequently, cloud associated tools and Cloud refer to the front and bank ends respectively. Consequently, the client and cloud are variants of cutting-edge techniques; these features of cloud computing components extend its heterogeneous capacity. The heterogeneity feature enables various services; an instance is Web-based e-mail programs leverage on existing Web browsers such as Google chrome, UC and so on. Internet Explorer or Firefox including robust clients accessing the network access. Back end instances among others are servers, data storage as well as other perimeter security tools form the computing services in the "cloud". computing organizations and end-users can without difficulty select tools that best suited and adopt it to meeting their respective organizations incidents response vis-a-vis trust concerns and security issues in cloud computing services.
Myanmar Language Part-of-Speech Tagging Using Deep Learning Models[Full-Text ] Thinn Thinn WaiPart-of-speech (POS) tagging is one of the most important processes in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is useful in many areas of linguist research such as information retrieval, natural language translation, word sense disambiguation and sentiment analysis. The goal of this process is to correctly assign the POS tags for each word in a sentence. Moreover, it is also the essential process for Myanmar Language Translation.
Effect of Problem Based-Solving Technique on Secondary School Students Achievement in Biology[Full-Text ] Dr. Nneka Rita NnoromThe study investigated the effect of problem based-solving technique on secondary school students achievement in biology in Onitsha North Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. The design of the study was quasi-experimental, specifically, pre-test, post-test non randomized equivalent control group design. The sample consist of 150 SSI students drawn from two co-educational Government owned secondary schools out of 16 public secondary schools in Onitsha North L.G. A.
A REVIEW OF SELECTIVE REPEAT ARQ SCHEME FOR CHANNEL ERROR CORRECTION IN POINT TO MULTIPOINT SERVICE[Full-Text ] Tsado Victor Mamman, Sadiq Umar (PhD), Ashigwuike Evans (PhD), Vitalis C. AnyeChannel error correction for data broadcast remains a priority operation in ensuring correct communications for either point-to-point or point-to-multipoint broadcast. Selective repeat ARQ is an oft used error correction protocol where high bit rates are involved.
An Extreme Machine Learning Model to Validate the Performance of Web Search Engine[Full-Text ] Althaf Ali A, Dr. R. Mahammad ShafiMeasuring the Search engine retrieval effectiveness is employed in the small scale using data mining approaches in the past decade. At present, large exploring technique has been employed using unsupervised learning model with sort of small queries and less set of web documents. Despite of those advantages, still some challenges has been propagating on the evaluation in terms of examination time and accuracy prediction on the large scale search engine retrieval effectiveness.
THE EFFECT OF INTERNAL CONTROL, WORK DISCIPLINE AND WORK MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE TAX MANAGEMENT AGENCY AND REGIONAL RETURNS OF KENDARI CITY[Full-Text ] Muh. Fathir Maulid Yusuf, Prof. Dr. H. Hasbudin, Dr. H. Andi Basru Wawo, Dr. RosnawintangThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of internal control, work discipline and work motivation on employee performance in the Tax Management and Regional Retribution Agency of Kendari City, which is sufficient or not to improve employee performance. The data used in this study are quantitative data and qualitative data, the data sources used are primary data, namely data obtained directly from the study location in the form of raw data in the form of data on revenue and realization per quarter in 2016, as well as data on the amount of revenue incentives given to quarterly employees in 2016 through interviews.
PHYTOCHEMICALS PROPERTIES AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF COMBINED LEAVES EXTRACT OF Senna siamea, Coffee senna and Citrus lemon[Full-Text ] Zaharadeen Abdullahi, Bertha Abdu Danja, Hassan Garba Abdulaziz, Saidu Jibrin, Abdurrahman Abubakar, Zakari Abdu, Lodma Hassan Hammashi, Mausul Umar, Abdulqadir Tahir Ahmad, Said Sani SaidMedicinal plants, since time immemorial, have been used in virtually all cultures as a source of medicine. An increasing reliance on the use of medicinal plants in societies has been traced to the extraction and development of several drugs from these plants. Standard procedure for analysis of phytocompounds that which is based on color formation or disappearance and bacterial activity was adopted.
EEG DATA ANALYSIS BY WAVELET POWER SPECTRUM & GLOBAL WAVELET SPECTRUM[Full-Text ] Dr. Kamran Zakaria, Ms. Shifa Huma, Ms. Ammara Ashraf ChoudryTo investigate about the electrical activity of human brain, electroencephalography (EEG) is the eminent technique. It is the non-invasive way to examine brain indications which assist to locate that either signals are appearing normal or abnormal scheme of the brain for instance epilepsy furthermore other neurological disorder. The frequency of signals alters time is meant by the signals of EEG are inconsistent.
SSSIHL DATA CLEANING FRAMEWORK USING HADOOP[Full-Text ] J Bhanu Teja, Phani Krishna Kandala, Srivarun V, Poorna Viswanadha Sravan Nukala, Pallav Kumar Baruah, Satya Sai MudigondaFor any analysis, clean data is a prerequisite. This means to identify wrong data input, outliers, omissions or duplicates etc. To meet this absolute requirement, SSSIHL has developed a data cleaning framework which is cost & time efficient and maintains data quality intact. The SSSIHL DATA CLEANING FRAMEWORK is built on open source and uses distributed file computing to clean the data in parallel.
VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF A CRACKED ROTATING SHAFT[Full-Text ] Amr Hamed Mashhour, Prof. Dr. Hassan El Gamal, Prof. Dr. El Arabi M.AttiaShafts are considered as the main component subjected to the hardest stress in efficient rotating equipment such as high speed compres-sors, pumps and gas turbines, etc. Many errors and defects can appear during the operation that can be considered as serious. Vibration spectrum can be a very good indication for the presence of a fault in the machine including unbalance, misalignment, shaft bending and many more each fault has its own effect on the vibration spectrum.
Optimization of steering knuckle geometry of an off-road vehicle applying DoE[Full-Text ] Felipe Rauber, Sérgio Junichi IdeharaImprovement in the product quality along with an increase in performance and reduction of design costs are constant themes in the automotive industry. In this context, several techniques have been developed for analysis and optimization in the design of mechanical components. One of the most commonly applied techniques is the finite elements method (FEM). The aim of this study was to use the FEM to analyze the steering knuckle of an SAE Baja off-road vehicle and then apply an optimization tool in order to provide a lighter component.
Mitigation of Corrosion in Produced Water Pipeline Using Locally Produced Corrosion Inhibitor[Full-Text ] Kenneth Dagde, Godwin C.J Nmegbu, Nyeche Chizi JeffreyCorrosion inhibitor was locally produced from orange peels and chrysophyllum albidum leaf using n-Hexane as solvent. Soxhlet extractor was used to extract the oils from the peels and leaves of the investigated plants. The extracted oil was characterized to determine their phytochemical properties and hence its suitability for corrosion inhibition. The characterized oils from the two species were blended to form a corrosion cocktail.
KNN Classification for the Face Spoof Detection[Full-Text ] Samrity Saini, Kiranpreet KaurCurrent face spoof detection systems are vulnerable to various spoofing attacks. A spoofing attack occurs when one person tries to façade someone else by misusing and falsifying the data to gain unauthorized access to the system. Face spoof detection has now attracted huge attention with the aim of assuring reliability of face biometrics system. There is a possibility that some exceptional disturbances are available like geometric disturbances and the artificial texture disturbances. The camera and the illumination subordinates are mostly responsible for such disturbances. A perfect camera with no defects should be used just to notice the difference between the geometric, the illumination and the texture based disturbances. The face spoof detection techniques are based on two steps; the first step is of feature extraction and second is classification. We present a novel approach based on extracting Eigen features with LBP and using KNN classifier for the classification process as opposed to already existing technique using SVM classier. Experimental analysis showed excellent results compared to existing technique. Comparisons are made to analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm and the existing algorithm in terms of accuracy and time of execution.
A counterexample to a theorem of Tarun Pradhan[Full-Text ] Jianlong Han, Seth Armstrong, Sarah DuffinIn a previous volume of IJSER, a theorem was published that claimed absence of a limit cycle for an exploited prey-predator fishery system of equations with Beddington-DeAngelis type functional response. A counterexample is offered to show that there is a limit cycle under conditions for which the theorem claims absence of limit cycles.
Value Enhancement Process on Indonesian SME through Product Formula Development, Product Durability Enhancement, and Product Label Design[Full-Text ] Agung Widiyanto, Anton Wachidin WidjajaThe purpose of this paper is to highlight an additional chances of increasing product competitiveness through product re-development for Bolognese Sauce produced by SME Rere’s Kitchen. A series of coaching session were conducted with the owner of SME Rere’s Kitchen in East Jakarta as intervention. The result from each session were collected, analyzed and discussed further with the owner using pareto analysis to arrive at the most urgent problems to be solved.
Automated Region Extraction and License Plate Detection using Deep Learning[Full-Text ] Ranjeeth Kumar.C, Gokul.S, Anand.S, Devendran.SThis paper proposes a robust system to recognize vehicle license plate by Deep Learning. Achieving good recognition results for license plates is challenging due to multiple adverse factors. A new License Plate Detection method for challenging environment is proposed. Normally Background clutters are common in road scenes and license plate detection is considered as difficult problem. To address this problem, a two-step approach is developed in which first the car is detected by removing the background clutters and then localizing the license plate in each vehicle region. To be precise, faster region based convolutional neural network algorithm for vehicle region detection is adopted and license plates are generated using hierarchical sampling method. Finally the result is filters out by deep convolutional neural network.
MANUFACTURING OF GLASS AND SAWDUST ASH CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Dr. M. Mageswari M. E, Ph.D, Mohit Abhishek V, Vikram Reddy A, Yogesh Kumar K M, Purna Aditya K.This paper examines the possibility of using the combination of waste Sheet Glass Powder (SGP) and Sawdust Ash (SDA) as fine aggregate replacement offers an economically viable technology for high value utilization of industrial waste. Using of SGP and SDA in concrete is an interesting possibility for economy on waste disposal sites and conservation of natural resources.
Performance Analysis of Fractional order Multi-Modulus Algorithms for Channel Equalization[Full-Text ] Shahjehan, Dr. Irfan Zafar, Dr. Syed Muslim ShahIn this research work we comparing the performance with the family of blind equalization. These algorithms are CMA, Godard and FrCMA using adaptive filters. We are varying the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), convergence factor (step size) µ relatively in different algorithms. The MATLAB tool results exhibits that different algorithms perform different with the same transmitted bits along with noisy environment all algorithms. In blind algorithms no pilot transmitted signal required. There are some difficulties also occur like complexity of the system and cost function. Similarly, the benefit like reduction of the SNR, Intersymbol interference(ISI) and fast convergence also achieved in simulation results. The fractional order MMA algorithms generate improved results which is used in 5G networks, code is general and inevitable need of the current era. The Fractional order Constant Modulus algorithms give improved results like fast convergence as well as steady state condition. FrCMA algorithms is a new approach for practical, general application of the data and wireless communication.