Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2017.
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QUALITY PROFILE OF INDIAN CASSAVA STARCH DURING LONG TERM WET STORAGE[Full-Text ] Dr.Yasodha ThirumalCassava (Manihot esculenta) roots are largely cultivated in tropical countries. It has been earmarked as the crop that can spur rural industrial development and raise income for producers, processors, and traders.Hence in the present study with regard to economic value of the Cassava starch ,the quality in terms of various parameters such as Colour,Odour,Temperature of the storage tank,pH in the storage tank,Viscosity,Total Microbial Count,Enzyme activity,Types of contaminants were analysed during long term storage in Indian environment .
Intrauterine Device as a Method of Contraception at Selected Municipal Health Offices of Ilocos Sur... An Assessment[Full-Text ] JOUSSIE B. BERMIO, ROMELIA P TAMAYOThe study was conducted among the 103 mothers who were inserted with Copper Releasing IUDs at Galimuyod, Bantay, and Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur from2012 to 2014. The study determined the success rate and expulsion rate of IUD. Variables included in the study are the socio-demographic factors, obstetrical-related factors, the insertion time, and IUD provider-related factors. The tool used in gathering data needed was a questionnaire checklist .
Tanimbar Rounders Type (TaRT): A Farming Development Model of Small Island in West Southeast Maluku Regency[Full-Text ] August E. Pattiselanno, Edyzon Jambormiasz, Leunard O Kakisina, Stephen F.W. Thenu, and Elvis T. WatumlawarFarming system conducted by Tanimbar Ethnic in West Southeast Maluku Regency, Maluku Province, was still traditional, based on local knowledge, and giving emphasis on food availability for household. Research was aimed to describe farming development model and to analyze the strength of the model in terms of social and economical aspects. Method of research was qualitative. Deep Interview and Focus Group Discussion were the options of research strategy. Informants were selected using snowball technique.
EVALUATION AND EXTRACTION TECHNIQUES OF HEAVY METAL AND MINERALS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES USING SUGAR SOLUTION[Full-Text ] Razia Sajid, Saif-ur-Rehman Kashif, Fariha Arooj, Noor ul HuddaFruits and vegetables are widely usedas well as for nutritional purposes .The texture and firmness in them is due to their composition which is mainly cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin.As compared to fruits, vegetables are a richer mineral source but both of them are ‘nutrient-dense foods’ that provide extensive amount of micronutrient, minerals, vitamins but only little calories.
Application Geographically Weighted Ridge Regression and Geographically Weighted Lasso in Case Correlation of Covariate[Full-Text ] Reny Wulandari, Asep Saefuddin, Farit Mochamad AfendiGeographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a method for nonstationary data due to geographic dependency. However, GWR does not handle a problem local multicolinearity. Geographically Weighted Ridge Regression (GWRR) and Geographically Weighted Lasso (GWL) are aimed to overcome the problem of local multicolinearity. The objectives was to compare among three methods using Locally Generated Revenue (LGR). Detection of local multicolinearity was measured by Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) of more 5 and local correlation. LGR in West Java Province methods of GWR, GWRR and GWL obtained different models in each region. The comparison used R2 and RMSE. The result showed that GWL was better than the GWR and GWRR. Hence, to analyze LGR in West Java there a GWL was suggested.
RELIABLE SOFTWARE SERVICES IN MULTI-CLOUD SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] M.ALRIFAI AND M. KHEMAKHEMCloud computing is an emerging and innovative platform, which makes computing available to the end-users as services. . Most of the systems moved to the cloud for highly reliable service. Fault tolerance is very important to provide correct results even in the presence of a fault. Cloud providers offering product or service cannot easily transition to their competitors where customers become locked in; Multi-Cloud model invented to unify and combine many different clouds to allow software service portability, customer lock-in increases So, to achieve reliability in cloud services, the requirement for fault tolerance increases. In this paper, we introduce fault tolerance manager and select the most reliable provider and vote between an even or odd number of results to make decisions. It shows a good performance in executing complex tasks submitted and high resource utilization, and make decisions faster.
Monitoring and Detecting Violation Services in QoS Networks[Full-Text ] Ahmed Ali Ghanem, Khalid Hamid BilalAt the present time, all the companies and governments have been achieved work by electronic ways through computer networks. With the extensive spread of the networks must be protected from intruder for protecting the rights of customers. This paper proposed new anomaly intrusion detection technique for monitoring the traffic and to identify the customer consumed the resources and effect on the other customers on the network. This technique based on the service level agreement specification parameters, delay, packet-loss and throughput. This agreement achieved between service provider and customers. The main goal was to detect intrusion or attack on the data forwarding process by monitoring service level agreement, our objects is distinguished the genuine customer from illegal customer who violate the terms of internet service. This paper used the network simulator NS2.35 to simulate the proposed network. This paper simulate that, two customers send traffic from a four nodes. In this papers detected the customers (intrusions) consume the resources.
Application of Haar wavelet-packets to the solution of linear and nonlinear Integral equations[Full-Text ] Ruchi Agarwal, Khursheed Alam, C. S. SalimathThe paper describes an innovative alternative to Walsh series and single term methods for the solution of linear and nonlinear integral equations using Haar wavelet packets. The underlying theory and properties of Haar wavelet packets are presented in some detail. The integral operators are expressed in wavelet packet bases resulting invariably into sparse matrices. The proposed methods, as a consequence, reduce the computation time and effort, concurrently achieving better accuracy in solving different kinds of integral equations. The error estimates are derived to establish the rapidity of convergence. A good agreement between computed results and the exact solutions is demonstrated using numerical tables and a computer generated graph. The methods are in general, conceptually simple, easy to implement, yield accurate results and more importantly, they have universal features for their applications to a wide range of problems, with higher order convergence rate.
Environemntal impact assessment of untreated waste water using benthic macroinvertebrate indicators[Full-Text ] Esayas Elias Churko, Mesfin BibisoWhen wastewater is not treated it usually contains contaminants, and causes pollution impact on the immediate environment and the receiving water bodies. Based on this fact, this research study had taken place in the northern part of Ethiopia, to assess untreated municipal wastewater discharges impact on the nearby water bodies and the surroundings environment.
Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle: It’s Characterization and Role Of Drug Delivery in Diabeties[Full-Text ] Samia Dastgeer,Sikander Ali, Samiah Zahid, Sonia YounasIn nanotechnology the synthesis of nano particles from plant source is becoming favourite. Researchers are taking more interest in green nano biotechnology. Different properties of nanoparticles like biological and physiochemical have many applications like in drug delivery, sensor, optoelectronics and magnetic devices. In this article the plant based microwave synthesis of silver nano particles (AgNPs) is discussed. Green nanotechnology for the synthesis of nano particles is eco-friendly. Plant based nano technology should be further studied for the synthesis of nanoparticles from different plant and different parts of plants. The size range of nanoparticles varies from 1 to 100nm. Different techniques done for the depiction of synthesized nanoparticles were UV-spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The synthesized nanoparticles also pocesses the ability of killing microbs. The plant based production of nanoparticles can be facilely excersized in future for different purposes in engineering and medical fields. Photonanotechnology can deal with various forms of cancer. This article proffer an amprehensive analysis of plant based synthesis of silver nanoparticles with specific focus in their application of drug delivery in diabeties treatment.
Role of Supply Chain Management (SCM) in Strategic Competitiveness: A Literature Review on Apparel Sector in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] R.A.D.D. Weeratunge In today’s business context supply chain Management is playing an empirical role. Manufacturers and suppliers are under tremendous pressure to retain their presence in the market and maintain the market share. A case in point is apparel industry. Due to technological innovation and global environmental pressureSri Lankan apparel industryis facing tremendous pressures in the business world. The apparel Industry is among the most important industries in the Sri Lankan manufacturing sector. This paper is based on a critical evaluation of supply chain related literature in the apparel industry and identification of the challenges faced by the apparel manufacturers in Sri Lanka in improving their supply chains.
A Review on Mobile Cloud Computing:Possible Solutions[Full-Text ] Shweta Chhabra, Soniya RaniMobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has been introduced as a potential technology for mobile services. It is the combination of mobile computing, cloud computing and wireless networks to bring high quality computational resources to network operators, mobile users, and cloud computing providers [1, 2].with the advent of mobile and hand held devices are associated with mobile computing, so routing overhead ratio is increasing on clouds which lacks in efficiency and the data transmission interval is increasing. this paper provides a better understanding ofthe cloud computing and identifies important research issues CPU speed, memory capacity etc. However, the mobile devices are facing up with many struggles in their resources (e.g., battery life, storage, and bandwidth) and communications (e.g., privacy, mobility and security).
Search based structural Test data Generations: A survey/ A current state of Art[Full-Text ] Ruchika Aggarwal, Nanhay Singh The most significant phase of development cycle of a software focuses on testing. Testing requires set of test cases which further helps in finding the program faults. This process is in itself a tedious task, so to ensure that this process becomes more feasible some optimization algorithms are to be applied. Meta-heuristic search techniques gives way to have different coverage criterion based on which we generate the test cases. This paper addresses the current state of art in the field of structural test data generation.
Data Securities and Challenges in Cloud[Full-Text ] Kiran Rafi, SyedaIqra Sajjad, Babur Hayat MalikBig data is the collection of structure and unstructured both type of data. The main purpose of using big data is to minimize the security, storage and also increase the power and availability of data. Different terminologies, techniques and methods are used for the security in big data. The challenges include, encapsulate, storage, search, sharing, transfer, analysis, and visualize. Big Data have the many features i.e. volume, velocity, variety and value etc.[6]. Different challenges in cloud security are found in different environments level included user level, data level, physical level, network level etc. Security can be delicate by different attacks from attackers or intruders. The most predictable attacks are: wrapping attacks, malware, DDOS, Man in the Middle etc.
Effects of Physical Quality of Central Streets of Sabzevar City, Iran[Full-Text ] Mehdi Fallahi Panah, Shankar BStreets as being one of the most important urban elements which determines the urban moving pattern as well as urban socio-economic life are equipped by streetscape that can play a significant role in social life of people. It depicts the physical appearance of city center related to streets and the feeling of what makes the streets a successful commercial axis. The important public spaces in Sabzevar Central Business District (CBD) streets need to be elevated under physical characteristics to create a pleasant urban space and to affect social, economic and cultural parameters. This paper attempts to comprehensively and objectively evaluate physical qualities of Sabzevar central street environment. Qualities such as historical monuments, mixed-use, architectural values, landscape, attractiveness and vital environment have been analyzed as the requirements of user’s need in their daily activities. It is focusing on the physical profile of CBD streets and how a better street life and street quality can be provided.
Fabrication & Experimental Evaluation of Heat Transfer Enhancement Techniques in Heat Exchangers[Full-Text ] Prem Kumar Vyda, Rupesh Palwadi, Ravi Chandra ParepalliVarious heat enhancement techniques are identified and studied for double pipe heat exchangers. Experimental evaluation is done by fabricating basic double pipe heat exchanger and heat exchangers with modifications. Fabrication of heat exchangers is done as per the ISO standards. The material used for the construction of heat exchanger is copper, owing to its high thermal conductivity. Testing has been carried out for both parallel flow and counter flow connections at different flow rates. The results show that the three different enhancement techniques worked well, with the annular disks and the extended surfaces (fins) enhancement techniques, respectively, being the highest and the lowest. Experimental results of these modifications are validated using fluid flow analysis software; the software used here is Autodesk ALGOR Simulation Multiphysics. For this evaluation, 3D models of different variations of heat exchangers are generated using CATIA software. These models are then converted into *.iges format and the analysis is carried out. The analysis results validated the experimental results by showing that among the modified heat exchangers, heat exchanger with annular ring modification and the heat exchanger with extended surfaces (fins), respectively, has the highest and lowest heat transfer capability.
The New age of Transformational Leadership: Evolution and Attributes [Full-Text ] Dr. Chaitanya Niphadkar, Dr. Abdurezak Mohammed Kuhil After an intensive and systematic review of the literature on transformational leadership and analyzing its various approaches and theories, we realized that the results are either directly or indirectly related to an organization’s performance. The review also helps to uncover the characteristics of transformational leadership, analyzing its effect on organizational change. A leader and his/her behaviors affect the performance of employees, job satisfaction, perceptions of justice, sense of trust towards one another and towards the organization. The culture in particular along with the business atmosphere determines the dynamics of an organization. Of all the leadership styles, transformational leadership is relatively a new approach which focuses on how leaders can create valuable and positive change within the organization. Historically, it was Burns who first introduced the concept of transformational leadership while studying political leaders but this term is now used for studying organizations whereby transformational leaders focus on “transforming†others to support each other and the organization as a whole. In this sense, this article focuses on the transformational aspect of leadership. Transformational leaders demonstrate four factors, which are mainly individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and idealized influence. Moreover, transformational leaders show individualized consideration to followers by paying attention to and meeting the needs of their followers. They stimulate ideas and creativity from followers by creating a safe environment to challenge the status quo. They also have a vision that inspires and motivates followers to achieve important goals. They serve as role models, allow their followers to identify with a shared vision and provide them a sense of meaning and achievement. Besides, transformational leaders can be easily identified with the traits that they are enthusiastic and passionate about their work. They tend to see the big picture, may be not the details. So, the risk is, if they do not have people to take care of this level of information, then they are usually doomed to fail. Their basic aim is to transform people and bring about the desired change that the organization entails. In our view, transformation could take place if leaders specialize in bringing a systemic change, analyze what to change, increase their teams competency, capability and capacity. Finally, they look for experiences from old patterns which do not fit or work and they innovate new ways to resolve the day to day organizational challenges.
A STUDY ON EFFECT OF STEEL FIBER IN SHEAR CRITICAL REGIONS OF HSC BEAMS - VARIAITON WITH a/d RATIO[Full-Text ] Sudheer Reddy .L, Ramana Rao. N.V, Gunneswara Rao, T.DTo improve the mechanical properties of concrete the steel fibers are being used in different structural applications. In this paper an effort is made to use steel fiber in an optimistic way i.e. in stress concentrated regions. Thus investigations were carried out for the improvement of shear strength of high strength concrete beams (65 MPa) with various dosages of fibers (0.4%, 0.8%, and 1.2% by volume of concrete) only in shear predominant regions, without shear reinforcement varying shear span to depth ratios (a/d = 1, 2, 3, and 4). The results were compared with similar beams cast with shear reinforcement and dosing the fibers throughout the beam to quantify the effect of shear reinforcement and fiber in stress concentrated regions. To validate the experimental studies, the beams for modeled and loaded analytically using ANSYS. The validation results revealed that there was an increase in shear capacity with addition of fiber at different shear span to depth ratios (a/d) ratios. The shear capacity of beams with shear reinforcement was almost equivalent to beams reinforced with fiber through out the beam and fiber only in shear critical regions.
Improving Accuracy in Cluster Based Routing Protocol LEACH for Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Kalyan Krishna Awasthi, Arun Kumar SinghA combination of some sensor devices or nodes working together in coherence constitutes a Wireless Sensor Network. A Wireless Sensor Network first of all senses the data, if required performs the computational activity and finally facilitates the communication process. Various cluster-based routing protocols are used for this purpose and LEACH is one such protocol. The major issue with LEACH protocol is the re-selection of cluster-head once the node is dead or about to die. This paper presents a mechanism for improvement in the accuracy of LEACH protocol by avoiding unnecessary clustering.
3D Point Cloud Registration Using Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Different Descriptors[Full-Text ] Marwa Yousry, Bayumy A. B. Youssef, Mohamed Abd El Aziz, Fawzan Ismail Sidky3D laser scanners generate points cloud for real objects in multiple scenes. Thus the registration is needed to put each scene in its own right position relative to the other scenes. The challenge of the registration process is to find the transformation matrix that realizes the accurate alignment at minimum computation time. This paper proposes a registration algorithm based on an objective function of Hausdorff distance.The objective function uses three descriptors as its own parameter individually. These descriptors are points coordinates, heat Kernel Signature (HKS) and Gaussian curvature (κ_g).The minimization of objective function (Hausdorff distance) is attained using particle swarm optimization (PSO) method. The comparison showed the algorithm based on distance is the best results.
STATUS OF CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS IN GROUND WATER IN DHANBAD (JHARKHAND)[Full-Text ] RakeshRanjan, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar SinhaGround water containing dissolved ions and toxic metals beyond the permissible limit is harmful and not suitable for drinking and other purposes. Coal mining by open cast method or by underground operations generate huge quantity of waste water which affect the ground water quality. A regular monthly monitoring of ground water from 10 sampling stations in Dhanbad area and its average annual estimation give a details picture of the pollution status. The pH of the analyzed water samples varied from 6.3 to 8.6 which is slightly alkaline in nature. The B.O.D. level at different sampling stations showed a trend well within permissible limit except one station near Lodna where it was highest value of 41 mg/l. The total suspended solid varied from 120 mg/l to 2963 mg/l. The C.O.D. Value at one sampling site near Lodna Bazar showed a higher than the desirable value. The iron content also found to be the higher side of the tolerance limit, the variation being 8.26 to 24.10 mg/l. The excess quantity of iron is considered on nuisance. The parameters such or pH, total dissolved solids, turbidity, alkalinity, hardness, chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, iron etc. was analysed. The estimated parameters were compared with the WHO standard and water quality was addressed using water quality index. The changes in quality of ground water are reported from all the mining areas of Dhanbad in response to pollution from coal based effluents. Thus periodic monitoring of ground water quality of this area is necessary to access its suitability for drinking and other domestic purposes.
Multi Dimensional Multi Objective Transportation Problem by Goal Programming[Full-Text ] Kiran B. Jagtap, Sunil V.KawaleGoal programming problem is similar to the linear programming problems. It extends the linear programming formulation to contain mathematical programming with multiple objectives. Goal programming techniques of multi-objective transportation problem (MOTP) have focused upon single dimension i.e. time, cost etc. In real life situation, all the transportation problems are not single dimensional but multi dimensional. So, we have to go for multi-dimensional MOTP. In this paper we solved multi-dimensional MOTP using goal programming problem and also found out optimum value of cost and time by R software.
Removal of Impulse noise from Muzzle Images Using M-SDROM Filter[Full-Text ] Sathya Jose.S.LMuzzle (viz. snout or nose) patterns of cattle are uneven features of their skin surface. The arrangement and distribution of ridges and valleys are responsible for the formation of pattern on the muzzle. Noise is any unwanted component in an image. It is important to eliminate noise in the Muzzle images before some subsequent processing, such as edge detection, image segmentation and object recognition. This work mainly concentrates on automatic detection and efficient removal of impulse (salt and pepper) noise. For automatic detection of impulse noise, a method based on probability density function is proposed. The basic idea of automatic detection is that the difference between the probabilities of black and white pixels will be small. After detecting the presence of impulse noise in a Muzzle image, we have to remove that noise. For the removal of impulse noise a new efficient impulse noise removal method (Modified SDROM filter) is proposed. The Modified SDROM consists of two parts 1) Impulse detector and 2) Filter. The results show that this method has higher performance than other methods in terms of PSNR values and SSIM-Index values.
Fertility Status on Some Tista Floodplain Soils Of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Masud Hassan, Abdullah Abu Syeed Ahmed, Shakil Uddin Ahmed and MdKhaliur RahmanThe fertility levels of Tista Flood plain of Bangladesh were assessed by using tensoil samples in order to explore fertility status on Dasiyarchora village of Phulbari Upazilla under Kurigram district order to explore possibilities to improve crop yield. The result showed that most of the soils were silt loam tosiltyclayloambut silty clay loam was the predominant soil textural class.The sand, silt, and clay content were 18.12%, 54.79% and 18.12%, respectively where silt particle was predominant.Most of the sampling areas were cultivated with pulse,cereal crop, and potato.Thesand/siltratioandsilt/clayratiohada regular pattern which provided little heterogeneity of the studied soil. Soil reaction were ranged from moderately acidic to slightly acidic (5.67 – 6.78) where moderately acidic soils were predominant.The percentage of carbon content was very low to low.Similarly,the percentage of total nitrogen was also in low amount values. The total concentration of P, K, and S were very high content in the studied soils. The total Fe and Mn content of the studied soils were also very high.Similarly,the totalCuandZn contents were sufficient in amount present in the studied areas. The micronutrients of the studied samples were adequate.
Who are Araaf and Where They Will Stay?[Full-Text ] Muhammad SaffiullahSaffi, Bashir Ahmad Malik, Mubashir Ahmed, Muhammad Waqas, Muhammad Saad, Abdullah khanIn this session is required to be discussed the word “Araaf”. In the Holy Quran there is penis “Araaf” in Surah Al-Araaf that Araaf is a wall between heaven (Paradise) and hell. Some peoples will on the same wall but no detail has been given who will this peoples? And what shall their act. Will these peoples angles or prophets? After termination of doomsdays, they will enter in paradise or their other choice.[1]
Synthesis of nano-structured stainless steel powder by mechanical alloying-an overview[Full-Text ] R. ShashankaThe synthesis of different types of nano-structured stainless steel powders from elemental Fe, Ni, Cr powder with alloying elements by mechanical alloying is reviewed. A fundamental study shows the possibility of formation of nano-structured stainless from elemental metals by mechanical alloying. There is a tendency of decreasing their grain sizes to nano range after mechanical alloying and reaches constant after several hours of milling. The progress of milling, continuous amorphization, structural and phase evolution of stainless steel have been reviewed by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, thermo-gravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric analysis. The mechanical properties of the sintered stainless steels are also presented.
A SURVEY ON THE STATUS OF SOLAR ENERGY UTILIZATION WITHIN THE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN CALABAR[Full-Text ] Fina O. Faithpraise, Mfon Charles, F.BasseyOtosi, Linda Nwaeto, Chris ChatwinAn experimental survey of the status of solar energy exploitation in the various tertiary institutions in Calabar is considered. A 13-item questionnaire was constructed from four research questions. A null hypotheses was formulated to determine if there is any significant shift from the conventional power sources (public power sources) to solar energy sources. The hypothesis was tested and analysedusing the Chi-square statistical method. The results show that the critical value of the strongly agree option was 41.34<42.28 with a p-value of 4.08%.The critical value of the agree option was 41.34>11.53 with a p-value of 99.74% and for the disagree option the critical value was 41.34<45.76 with a p-value of 1.85%.The analysis demonstrated only the p-value of 99.74% which established the real time position of the solar energy trend in the institutions as there is little significant shift to solar energy exploration. The study also identified the assessment rate to be at the infancy-stage due to dishonesty, unawareness, illiteracy, high cost of solar panels and its accessories, panel installation and cost of maintenance.
The need to align curriculum of Turkish tourism & hotel vocational schoolswith the changes & demands of the hotel industry[Full-Text ] Ahmet Ferda SeymenThe following study will make reference to important research and analysis regarding the existing curriculum of major reputable Turkish tourism & hotel vocational schools and make suggestions to incorporate with the hotel industry. The aim is to align school’s curriculum and their academic programs and support the industry in accordance with the changing customer needs and expectations.
Safe Treatment of Domestic Wastewater and Its Percolation to Support Fresh Water Requirement[Full-Text ] Anchal Choudhary, Dr. Jagdish SinghWater is the essence of life. No creature on this earth can survive without water. This natural resource is at threat since its being overused then its natural replenishing capacity. This has disturbed natural water cycle. In addition to this municipal wastewater is discharged in the rivers which have made the rivers as sinking drain rather than the elixir of life for the creatures. So there emerges an urgent need that we need to safely treat wastewater. Treatment of wastewater not only helps in the preservation of valuable fresh water resources but also helps to reduce the pollution in environment. This paper discusses about the safe treatment of municipal wastewater for its revisit to the water bodies.
Luminescent Concentrators Based on Organic Dyes for Improving Solar Cell Efficiency[Full-Text ] Adnan F. Hassan, Hussain .J. Mohammed, Suhad. H. Mohsen Erythrosine dye is fluorine organic and sensitive to light, so it is used to fabricate (LSC) thick layer from epoxy risen additive by the Erythrosine dye. The efficiency of silicon solar cell was measured before and after using the (LSC), the increment of efficiency occurred from (9.03) to (11.19). Also, the (absorption & fluorescence) stokes shift, radiated lifetime, fluorescence lifetime, and quantum efficiency was calculated.
Synthesis of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Chromophores from West African Plants[Full-Text ] Hassan K. Tajudeen, Immaculata O. Onuigbo,Simeon O. Isaac, Pwafureino Moses, Chidinma Ifekauche, Eugene Uwiringiyimana, O’Donnell Sylvester, Michael Kane, Musa Neksumi, Victoria F. Adams, Bolade O. Agboola, Linus N. Okoro, Obioma Uche, and Wan Jin JahngThe current study tested the hypothesis whether chromophores from common West African plants, including Hibiscus sabdariffa (roselle/zobo), Cymbopogoncitratus (lemongrass) and Telfairiaoccidentalis (ugu) could be used as photosensitizers to assemble dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). We examined ZnO nanoparticle paste as an electron acceptor and I-/I3- as electrolytes. The dye extracted from ugu showed the highest open circuit voltages (Voc) as 149 mV and the photocurrent density (Jsc) as 104 μA cm−2, and the power as 270μW under sunlight (~10,000 lux).
Detection of Unrevealed Information on the Video Using DCT, DWT Watermarking Techniques against Barrel Distortion[Full-Text ] Yogesh Verma, Manjit SinghDigital data are easily disturbed by unauthorized persons. Securing the digital data is the necessity of multimedia systems. To make the security of digital data lots of techniques comes into being. Watermarking technique is one of these. The current, most beneficial technique for the purpose of security is watermarking technique. To conceal the watermark in the video is called video watermarking. In video watermarking, the user has a copyright of own product. Thus, users prevent the information from external interference. There are multiple methods for hiding the watermark data into the multimedia objects e.g. DCT, DWT etc. When the multimedia objects are passed into the system, then multiple distortions occur at the transmission end. This distortion affects the watermark data. The attacks and distortion are the biggest problem for the watermarked video. To safe the watermark from such type’s disasters is not a small work, but it is necessary to protect watermark from this disaster. If we do not stop this type of disasters the authorized users can face the problems and also authorized users can lose all of your rights on. In this paper, we are working on the DCT and DWT methods for hiding the watermark data and also detected the watermark data from the distorted watermarked video. We also compare the both method’s correlation and SSIM values at different PSNR and find out better results from both techniques. We are also showing the effect of PSNR on watermarked video.
Deploying a Simulated RISC Style Pipelined Processor for Evaluating Stall Estimation Metric against Weyuker’s Properties[Full-Text ] Amit Pandey, K. P. Yadav Stall estimation metric considers program dependencies together with statement count for determining the software complexity. In this study, we have evaluated the stall estimation metric against the different Weyuker's properties. Further, we have used these results to compare the stall estimation metric with other existing software metrics. We have generated a simulated pipelined RISC processor to evaluate various cases. Various test cases were generated by taking stall causing data dependencies together in account with stall causing control dependencies. Then we have practically implemented these cases on a simulated pipelined RISC processor to obtain the results in form of printed pulse patterns. Using the results obtained from the study, we have shown that stall estimation metric is an efficient metric that follows all the nine Weyuker's properties.
A Noble Imaging Technique To Detect Human Skin Scar[Full-Text ] Mohammad Asaduzzaman Rasel, Sellappan PalaniappanVariation of human skin tone is a big challenge for analyzing human skin scar because of insufficient detecting criteria and technique in automated analyzing system. Detecting skin scar on the basis of skin tone by image processing can help to make decision for minimizing time delay and cost of different medical tests. Different types of image processing methods, functions, and techniques are used for analyzing skin scar to make an automated skin scar recognition system which will help to get idea about skin tone, skin scar, lesion and the position of scar and lesion in human body. Image acquisition for analyzing and extracting information from skin scar’s sample, and overall process have done by digital image processing on the basis of input image’s pixel variation.
Comprehensive Urban Mobility as a Necessity in Sabzevar City, Iran[Full-Text ] Ehsan Amini, B.ShankarUrbanization in Sabzevar City has increased dramatically during the past two decades. Mobility is undergoing change. Urban mobility is one of the toughest challenges that Sabzevar faces today as existing mobility systems are close to breakdown. It is required to establish new philosophies and innovative mobility concepts in order to ensure a cleaner and healthier Sabzevar. This paper explores ways to contribute and solve understanding of attitudes and conduct of urban residents in relation to daily travel, and to use this awareness to assess the potential for behavioural change and to identify more targeted policy interventions through a Mobility Plan by focusing on mobility attitudes and behaviour in the context of new and emerging urban transport opportunities.
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano Silica filled Polyurethane and Polystyrene (PU/PS) Interpenetrating Polymer Network (IPN)[Full-Text ] S. Israr Hussain, M. Mamoon Shahid, M. Bilal Sadique, Abid Ali Interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) of castor oil based polyurethane (PU) and polystyrene (PS) was prepared by sequential polymerization. The polyurethane was prepared by reacting hydroxyl groups of castor oil with toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and polyurethane was swollen in polystyrene monomer and subsequently polymerized in the presence of the initiator benzoyl peroxide. The effect of different amount of nano silica (0–5%) on the properties of polyurethane (PU)/ polystyrene (PS) (50/50) IPNs, such as mechanical properties like tensile strength, modulus and percentage elongation at break have been reported. In past few years numerous work has reported on the polymer/ silica composite because of its special surface chemistry and reinforcing effects. Nano silica filled IPNs shows improved tensile strength than the unfilled interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) of castor oil based polyurethane (PU) and polystyrene (PS) system. Different properties of these samples were determined like resistance to chemical reagents, tensile strength, water absorption and surface hardness.