Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2020
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CUMULATIVE DISRTIBUTION TO THE EMPIRICAL CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION 1[Full-Text ] Dr. Nirmala KasturiThis paper proposes the new cumulative distributive function for density function for the chosen random variable "how likely there are successive arrivals in a particular interval".
CUMULATIVE DISRTIBUTION TO THE EMPIRICAL CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION 2[Full-Text ] Dr. Nirmala KasturiThis paper proposes the new cumulative distributive function for density function for the chosen random variable "how likely there are successive departures in a particular interval".
PREDICTION OF COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN LECTURERS AND THE SUBJECTS USING THE MACHINE LEARNING WITH NAIVE BAYES ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Munirah, DesriyantiThe focus of this research is to build a machine that can learn to predict one case, namely how much is the degree of compatibility between lecturers who take the subject and those taught by the lecturer. This research involves a questionnaire set which will be filled in by at least 70 students from the informatics engineering and electrical engineering study programs related to the case.
Causes of admission and outcome among newborns in University Hospital in Sana'a-Yemen[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohammed Abduh Ali Aqlan MD, Dr. Nawal Hezam Haider Mughaless MD, Ali Ahmed Al-Zaazaai, M.Sc. Prof. Dr. Hala Al-KherbashObjectives: To study the main causes of admission and outcome among newborns in the nursery unit at Al-Kuwait hospital, Sana'a.
U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Face and Structure Image Segmentation[Full-Text ] Anuja GargThere is large approbation that successful training of deep networks requires many thousand annotated training samples. In this paper, to use the available annotated samples more efficiently I present a network and training strategy that relies on the strong use of data augmentation.
Assessment of Antioxidation potential, Lipid peroxidation, and cytotoxicity of microbial pigment[Full-Text ] Kajal Satpute, Arti Kale, Rajesh SharmaBacterial pigments have found many applications in everyday life. Nontoxic nature of pigment produced by number of microorganisms makes them environmental friendly for utilization in dye, food, pharmacy, cosmetic and other industries. The current study involves isolation of Yellow (Zeaxanthin), Orange (? - carotene) and Pink (Canthaxanthin) pigment produced by Staphylococcus aureus, Dunaliella salina and Monascus roseus respectively and assessment of antioxidant potential by DPPH assay, Lipid peroxidation bb TBARS, cytotoxicity by MTT assay and DNA damage by Comet assay.
Investigating Vibration Effect from Blasting Using Delay Initiation and Square Drill Pattern in Limestone Quarry in Okpella, Edo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Christopher O. Aigbogun; Taiwo Monday EdoIn recent times Okpella has experienced an increase in limestone mining activities to meet the increasing need of cement for constructions. Blasting has been the most efficient, economic and convenient method of breaking in-situ hard rocks. Only a portion of the energy dissipated by the explosives used in blasting is consumed in breaking the rocks while greater percentage of the remaining energy is released as vibration in the form of seismic waves traveling very rapidly within the subsurface.
Case Report on Awareness of Breast Cancer[Full-Text ] Hina Shantul ,Farah Zulfiqar Ali, Farhat Gul,Iram KhadimObjective - To describe a case of adult patient with history of Breast Cancer.
Autonomy and Attitude towards Intimate Partner Violence as Mediators for Experiencing Physical Violence among Ever Married Women in Southwest Nigeria[Full-Text ] FASASI M.I. (Ph.D), ALABI M.ARecent data from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2018 showed increased prevalence in the experience of physical violence (PV) among Nigeria women and over half of these women never sought for help. However, the role of autonomy and attitudes as mediators in experiencing physical violence among ever married women in Nigeria has not received sufficient attention. Methods: The study is cross sectional. The population of the study comprised all women of reproductive age (15-49 years) in Southwest Nigeria.
RISK PERCEPTION OF IONIZING RADIATION AMONG RADIO-DIAGNOSTIC STAFF OF SECONDARY AND TERTIARY HOSPITALS IN JOS, NIGERIA: A COMPARATIVE STUDY[Full-Text ] ANI CC, ZOAKAH AIResearch into the perception of the risks associated with ionizing radiation among individual staff of radio-diagnostic units is necessary in order to provide a base upon which any wrong insights can be corrected. The way a staff perceives the risk of radiation will influence his or her behavior at work, most certainly the way he or she engages the patient, patient relatives and other hospital staff.
A Study on Association between Nutritional Status and Simple Reaction Time in Rural Tribal Boys of South Tripura and their Impacts on Academic Performance[Full-Text ] Prasanta Deb and Prakash Chandra DharaThe present study is aimed at assessment of Socio-economic status, anthropometric variables, nutritional status and psychomotor ability of tribal school going children of South Tripura. 391 Tripuri children (195 boys and 196 girls) subjects age ranging from 10 to 15 years from two sub-divisions of South Tripura namely Belonia and Santirbazar were selected for the study.
End Users Role in Procurement in an Organization[Full-Text ] Fianka Diamond Tamarabra, Winifred Ufameje AskiaProcurement department in any establishment is a service department providing services to the end user in an organization. Users (employees) are one of the key determinant factors that should be put into consideration in the process of engaging with suppliers to procure goods/services if procurement professionals want to save enough money for the company through negotiations.
Effect of Aluminum Oxide (AL203) Nanoparti-cle on the Viscosity of Niger Delta Waxy Crude at Varying Temperatures[Full-Text ] Odutola Toyin Olabisi, Allaputa Victor Wax formation in crude oil transportation pipeline the fluid viscosity, resulting in an increased pressure required for fluid flow with a corresponding additional pump horsepower. In severe cases, wax deposition may lead to complete pipe blockage. It is therefore imperative to monitor and reduce the viscosity of waxy crude flowing in pipelines. Current solutions commonly used to prevent or mitigate wax deposition includes scrapers, pig, treatment with hot oil.
A Brief Survey on Next Generation Firewall Systems over Traditional Firewall Systems[Full-Text ] Saurav P.JIntroducing a next generation firewall security for all systems and devices. These Days, security is been a requirement and a need for all data's, information, details etc to be secured. Firewalls are also called as the great wall of networks, in which they protect heavy anonymous threats, bitcoins heist, packet filtering etc.
ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT AND ITS IMPACT ON SERVICES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES[Full-Text ] Mortada M. Salah EldenElectronic government is taking a front place in developing countries, governments in developing countries use new technologies and (ICT) information, and communication technology services, to transfer its services to be smarter. This research analyzes the development of e-government in Egypt's readiness.
Detection of Brake Failure by Automatic Indicator Using Sensors and Microcontroller[Full-Text ] B. NIMAL KARTHIK, SANTHANAKRISHNANThe braking system is one of the most essential components of an automobile. The aim of this work is to create a safe braking system with brake failure indicator. Brake failure occurs mostly because of cut in liner and worn out of brake shoe. It consists of two sensors of which one is connected with the brake shoe and the other with the brake liner. The signal from both the sensors are delivered to a microcontroller. The sensor senses signal to the microcontroller when the brake shoe is worn out and also if the brake liner is cut.
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF BIO PRODUCTS OF PALM OIL AND FOSSIL FUEL AS LUBRICANTS[Full-Text ] Ajoko, Tolumoye John; Igwe, Icho Seimokomoh and Waritimi, Ebiakpoyerimowei MosesThe advancement of research in search of lubrication oil from the renewable energy sources in replacement of fossil fuel products for the use of mechanical equipment is the only way to secure our environment from the continuous attack of the environment from crude oil by-products.This paper investigates the numerous potentials of palm oil as a substitute to fossil fuel lubricants.
A New Approach For Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number in Multi-criteria Decision Making Problems[Full-Text ] M. Saeed , M. Khubab Siddiquey, M. Ahsanz, A. Rayeesx, G. RasoolIn this paper, we use triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers to solve MCDM problem. we will consider the situation in which data is available in the form of triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. We convert the data in to triangular fuzzy numbers and then by using topsis for fuzzy numbers the ranking is made.
DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN OBANLIKU-NIGERIA: RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE[Full-Text ] Amuyou, U.A, Adie, B and Maiyanga, E. IThere are strong signals that confirmed the argument that changes in global climate is associated with increased greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere (IPCC 2014, Baccini et al. 2017; Le Quere et al. 2018; Antonarakis et al. 2018; Curtis et al. 2018). The study investigated climate variability in Obanliku using descriptive statistics. Yearly rainfall and temperature data of the study area for the period 2006 to 2017 were obtained from Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) office Calabar and subjected to statistical analysis.
Salespersons' Personality Traits Based on Customers' View (A study on Supershop of Dhaka, Bangladesh)[Full-Text ] Kazi Md. Fahim AhmedSelling as a foremost part of business organization depends on the human driven interaction. Supershop as a retail chain is such type of business where every singly minute customer is interacting with the salespeople. The decision of buying or not buying majorly depends if the interaction was fruitful or not. Traditional role of a salesperson is to influence customer's decision by providing logical arguments on differentiating products or brands.
Assesment of Natural Radioactivity and Radiological Analysis of Soil and Brick Samples Used as Building Materials in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] M. Mehade Hasan, A.H. Chaity,I.Jahan,M.A. Haydar, M.I.Ali, D.PaulThe presence of natural radioactivity in building materials may cause both external and internal radiation exposure to the dwellers. Elevated level of radioactivity concentration in naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) like sand, brick etc. may cause great harm to the dwellers via prolonged exposure when used as building materials. Different types of brick are popular building materials used for constructing houses in urban and sub-urban areas in Bangladesh.
Forms of Community Capital of the Community of Fishermen at the Program of Community Empowerment (P2MK) in Kendari City[Full-Text ] Sukmawati Abdullah, Weka Widayati, Muhidin, and Dasmin SiduThis study aimed to analyze: (1) the condition of community capital in the fishing community empowerment program in the community, (2) the level of empowerment of the empowerment of the fishing community in the community empowerment program. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis method that is describing the systematic and accurate words about the facts, nature and relationships between the phenomena encountered. Theory from Milles and Huberman's is used by the researcher to develop the view, that qualitative analysis still uses words that are usually arranged in expanded text.
Review of Artificial Immune System Research[Full-Text ] Mohamed Elhaj, Hussam Hamrawi, Yahia AbdallaArtificial immune system (AIS) is a metaphorical computational intelligence system developed using ideas and theories extracted from biological immune system. It is a growing area of research attempts to bridge the divide between immunolo-gy and engineering, it exploits the mechanisms of the natural immune system including functions, principles and models in order to develop problem solving techniques.
A Deep Learning Framework: Dimensionally Data Reduction and Predicting Intellegence Business Decision[Full-Text ] Imtiage Ahmed, Probal Kumar Halder, K.M. Samiun Alim, Md. Ashiqur RahmanBusiness industries are seeking and taking a lot of decisions at a time. These decisions are taken by the management mostly depending on their experiences and previous business data. Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting meaningful information to help the management to make better business decisions.
Generalization and prediction of Euler's Theorem for Homogeneous functions[Full-Text ] Ajay SrinivasThe paper deals with the prediction of higher order, homogeneous partial differential equations of Euler's theorem for two independent variables and generalization to Nth order. This theorem is also extended to 3rd order for m independent variables and a new formula is generated and verified. We write five rules for equation prediction called the Ajayous rules.
Evaluation of Sand Quarries Exposed along Eastern Nile Valley Bank, Qena Region, Egypt[Full-Text ] Hesham Ismaiel, Raafat M. El AttarMineralogical, geochemical and geotechnical investigations were carried out on the succession of of Quaternary sands extending on the eastern side of the Nile valley around Qena region to evaluate their suitability to be used as quarries. The studied sands are belonging to Pleistocene prenile deposits, termed Qena Sand Formation.
Impact of Thread Count and Stitch Density on Plain Woven Fabric[Full-Text ] Md. Shamsuzzaman Rasel, Malaz Rahman Khan, Ziad Bin Abdul Awal and Dip DasThe seam strength and seam efficiency of the plain-woven fabric have been investigated through this research. Garment samples were stitched with the thread count 20/2, 27, 30, 40, 40/1, 40/2 and 40/3 for superimposed, lapped and bound seam individually. After preparation, each of the samples was brought into the tensile strength test and the breaking strength and efficiency were measured.
Theoretical and methodological aspects of in-creasing the competitiveness of agricultural clus-ters in Uzbekistan[Full-Text ] Sadriddinova Nigora This article highlights the issues of increasing competitiveness in the cluster system of Uzbekistan.According to the author, the use of the cluster method is of great importance to existing regions where interconnected businesses play a significant role in strengthening the economic independence of the regions. This approach allows identifying economically priority sectors and projects. At the end of the article the author presents the scientific conclusions and recommendations.
THEORETICAL AND METHODICAL APPROACHES OF INNOVATIVE PROCESSES MANAGEMENT IN SILK PRODUCTION[Full-Text ] Alieva Nadirakhon AbdumalikovnaThe article discusses ways to improve the efficiency and management of innovative processes in sericulture. Numerous studies are underway to ensure employment in rural areas, increase the export potential of the industry, manufacture an assortment of silk products on the world market and increase their competitiveness.
FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ITS ADJUSTMENT TO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS AND DIFFERENCES[Full-Text ] Kuvvatov Golibjon Bakhtiyor ugliThe article reviews the structure and purpose of the financial statements, their classification, national and international experience in the preparation and presentation of financial statements, and comparative analysis.The methods of grouping, comparing, and comparing financial statements and their classification were widely used.A theoretical analysis of financial reporting, its essential aspects, scientific substantiation, revealing methodological aspects of evaluation and analysis of key financial statements and their future expectations, factor analysis of possible economic and financial potential results by forecasting key elements of financial statements and their future expectations.
Continued Fractions and Hypergeometric Series with Bailey's Transformation and it's Applications[Full-Text ] Dr.Jay Prakash Yadav,Vidhi BhardwajEuler developed the theory of continued fractions in the 1730’s, driven in part by computational interests. It is perhaps a surprise that the association of a given series with a continued fraction first received full development in the case of the divergent series. This connection was born during Euler’s correspondence with Nicholas Bernoulli from 1742 to 1745. While he had already used divergent series to find values of convergent numerical series, in his letters with Bernoulli his concepts and practices are exposed, if not developed. In this paper author try to establish transformation formulas using hyper geometric functions. In order to derive these transformations, two well-known methods are used i.e., the q-series and q-continued factions. Main objective is to establish transformation formulas using hyper geometric functions with the help of known transformations formulas in hyper geometric functions. The Bailey’s transform is obtained from a suitably modified G terminating very well poised summation theorem and term wise transformation. It is been interpreted as a matrix inversion result of two infinite, lower triangular matrixes. This provides a higher dimensional generalization of Andrew’s matrix inversion formulation of Bailey’s transformation.
12-Strand DNA Morphogenetic Engineering Via Holofractal Morphogenetic Reprogramming of Genetic Information[Full-Text ] Jere Rivera-DugenioToday's genetics and genomics science is based upon the crude, archaic method of splicing and replacing (ZNF, CRISPR/Cas9, etc.) however this eventually produces the breakdown of the genome. In order to turn on or off a specific gene and prevent the collapse of the genome, one must communicate to the DNA in their natural, organic language of scalar energy.
Optimization of workpiece location and tool path movement on CNC machining center using Genetic algorithm[Full-Text ] Shaymaa E. Sarhan,, Atef.A. Afifi, ELsayed Y. ElKady Sayed A. WaniesDue to the high running cost of CNC machines so the most studies are based on optimization of resident time of CNC by using such an optimization method according to the huge number of approached points in different machining features especially in multi components case.
Design and Development of a Smart Charge Controller with Load Power Controlling System[Full-Text ] Md Ebrahim Shah, Yasin Imam Arnab, Kaiser Habib, Dr. Md. Habibur RahmanThe solar charge controller is a crucial device for a standalone system which prevents the battery from overcharging and discharging. But in a real-world application, the sudden disconnect of the charge controller in low battery condition from the load may cause problems. That is why a smart charge con-troller with a load power controlling system is a prime need. To mitigate this issue, our research design and develop an intelligent charge controller with load power controlling.
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN IMPROVING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN BANKS[Full-Text ] Ergashev Olim KenjayevichThe article discusses the foreign experience of improving corporate governance in banks. The urgency of the problem, according to the author, corporate governance is associated with increasing the competitiveness of companies in the market, separation of powers between owners and shareholders, providing an effective mechanism for managing property, increasing the investment attractiveness of corporations.
THE PURPOSE AND NEED FOR MOTIVATION IN LABOUR WAGES[Full-Text ] Karimjonova Munavvar Ibrahimovna This article outlines the objective, the main purpose, methods and role of motivation for accounting and remuneration of customs officials. It also provides theoretical and practical suggestions and recommendations for improving the efficiency of customs officials, including the use of motivation to pay wages, the development of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of border customs agencies and divisions.
SECURITIES MARKET AS THE BASIS OF THE CORPORATE FINANCE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Mallabaev Jobir BahtiyorovichThis article defines securities market as the basis of the corporate finance system. Also by author was discussed the essence of an integrated corporate structure. The author sets forth proposals for the formation of an effective corporate governance system by solving many specific issues in addition to those that are solved by corporate structures operating in the real sector of the economy.
FACTORS TO IMPROVE THE FISH PRODUCTS MARKET DEVELOPMENT APPROACHES[Full-Text ] Sarsenbaev Bakhitjan AbdulgaziyevichThis article analyzes the factors that contribute to the development of the fish products market based on marketing approaches. The author offers ways to develop the marketing and service sector for the development of fish markets in the world. Based on econometric methods, the revealed partial and pair correlation coefficients, a regression model is proposed in which the volume of fish products and the volume of investments in the fish sector and the amount of water entering the Amu Darya are considered as factors.
WAYS TO PROMOTE EXPORTS OF SEWING AND TRICKETING PRODUCTS IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Kodirov KhumoyunThe article covers the processes of the textile industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including the production of sewing and knitting products, the use of international strategies and the implementation of international quality management.
COMPARISION OF UNENHANCED AND BIPHASIC COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FOR THE EVALUATION OF FOCAL LIVER LESIONS IN BREAST CARCINOMA[Full-Text ] Hasham Hafeez Hanjra, Humaira Rauf, Dr Nawaz Anjum, Syed Zain-ul-Abidien, Zeeshan Haider, Imtiaz Athar, Syed Muhammad Yousaf FarooqBreast cancer spreads to the liver, it often doesn't cause symptoms. If a liver metastasis does cause symptoms, they can include pain or discomfort in the mid-section, fatigue and weakness, weight loss or poor appetite, fever, and others.
COMPARISON OF DYNAMIC THREE PHASE COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY VERSUS DELAYED PHASE IMAGING IN HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA DIAGNOSED ON HISTOPATHOLOGY[Full-Text ] Humaira Rauf, Hasham Hafeez Hanjra, Dr Nawaz Anjum, Syed Zain-ul-Abidien, Zeeshan Haider, Imtiaz Athar ,Syed Muhammad Yousaf FarooqDynamic Computed Tomography uses a large bolus of injection of contrast material for the evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In dynamic CT there are multiple phases which are without contrast, arterial, venous and delayed.