Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2014 Edition
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Speech Recognition : A Comprehensive Study[Full-Text ] Mohsin Manshad Abbasi, Dr. Abdul Majid Abbasi, Anees Qumar AbbasiSpeech recognition is a topic of modern research. It is the process of converting spoken input into text. Different techniques are used to design equipment’s that are used for speech recognition. In this study, different methodologies, techniques, hard ware and software are discussed in a precise manner. In last section, future expectations are discussed in a detailed manner.
A Critical Comparison Between Distributed Database Approach and Data Warehousing Approach[Full-Text ] Sohrab Hossain, Farhana Islam, Razuan Karim, Kazy Noor-E-Alam SiddiqueDistributed database system and data warehouse are used to analyze data for decision support. There are some similarity between distributed database and data warehouse. However, the Concepts of federated database systems are confusing with the concepts of data warehouse. But they are quite different. There is a debate which approach is better for decision support. It actually depends on the types of business and information required by the business.
TRANSFORM A DIGITAL FILTER TO ANOTHER DIGITAL FILTER USING PASCAL’S TRIANGLE[Full-Text ] Phuoc Si NguyenTwo matrix equations, Pascal matrix equation and inverse Pascal matrix, are derived and demonstrated in this work. These matrix equations are used for making a conversion and inversion between the coefficients of an analog low pass filter transfer function H(s) and a digital transfer function H(z). The involving of the Pascal’s triangle in both matrix equations is helpful, easier to transform between analog filter and digital filter and therefore, the procedure of design a digital filter form another digital filter is presented in this paper.
Software Project Management Models[Full-Text ] Dr. Abdul Rauf, Meshal AlshahraniProject management is a process tasks and activities are planned, organized, assigned resources and executed within a given budget and period. There are several software management models that are used in the process of managing a software project. Since there are many of the techniques and models, this articles selects and analyzes some of them. This is to help managers in making a decision which tool to use depending on their needs. Model in software project management means a standard practice that sometimes with guides and procedures on how to carry out activities. Models are sometimes diagrammed to illustrate procedures that project team members will use.
E-SUPER VERTEX MAGIC LABELING AND V-SUPER VERTEX MAGIC LABELING[Full-Text ] Neelam Kumari, Seema MehraLet G = (V, E) be any simple, connected and undirected graph with p vertices and q edges. A vertex magic total labeling is a bijection f from V U E to a set of integers {1, 2, ..........., p+q }such that if v is a vertex then the weight of each vertex f(v) + ? f(uv) =k for some integer constant k i.e. a constant, independent of the choice of the vertex v ? V [7,8]. In this paper, we deal with specialized graphs that are V-super vertex magic graph and another is E - super vertex magic graph and find out the relation between these two graphs.
A Simple and User friendly tool for determining R-R intervals from the time series data of Electrocardiogram[Full-Text ] Abhilash Sengupta, Soma Roy, Arnab SenguptaHeart rate is a non-stationary signal and varies continuously in health and in disease. The pattern alteration in its variation contains indicators of current or impending diseases. Heart rate variability (HRV), a popular noninvasive tool is the variation over time-period between consecutive heartbeats. It assesses the activities of the autonomic nervous system and is highly useful in diagnostics, and as prognosis and research tool. As R wave is usually the tallest and most conspicuous component of ECG, for assessment of the beat to beat interval, detection of R to R interval is the standard practice. The conventional, industry derived fully automated R-R detection system are closed and compact and provides automatic output in the form of interpreted results, gives hardly any scope of innovation and independence in research. There is risk of error in case of low amplitude R waves, high amplitude T wave, arrhythmia, block, ectopic beats and also loss of valuable physiological information during the pre-processing. Instead of a fully automated computer algorithm using complex mathematical models, in the present project, a simple and user friendly tool to determine R-R intervals is developed, and use them for evaluation of Cardiac Electrophysiology, ANS profile etc. The semi-automated interactive algorithm, for which a preliminary understanding of ECG tracing is sufficient; is based upon the amplitude based technique (ABT), where simple comparison is performed with the ranges of sample ECG points falling beyond an amplitude threshold are determined to be R wave candidate.
Study of 338 Galaxies of Vigro Cluster[Full-Text ] Varsha Gupta, Gopal UpadhyayaThe Virgo cluster is the nearest and best studied rich cluster of Galaxies.
A Combined Open-Closed Loop Power Control for LTE Uplink[Full-Text ] Jacqueline J. George, Namarig Mohamed TahaLong Term Evolution (LTE) is a new standard of the 3GPP, designed to increase capacity and improve service performance. Single Carrier FDMA is the multiple access technique used in the uplink, it avoids the intra cell interference typical of CDMA systems, but it is sensitive to inter-cell interference. This makes the power control functionality a vital issue. Power control needs to reduce inter-cell interference level and at the same time achieve a required SINR level. This paper proposes a combined open-closed loop algorithm component that enhances the uplink power control and set the power smartly for the user. The combined algorithm uses the fractional power control algorithm in the open loop and the conventional closed loop algorithm in the closed loop. In this paper the uplink power control schemes were analyzed and the results showed that the combined algorithm outperformed both the open and the closed loop algorithm since it features a cell autonomous mechanism that controls the interference and sets the UEs to transmit with a psd according to the gain in the throughput it would generate. Also, it introduces the possibility of setting the transmission power of the users to provide a minimum SINR.
Equivalent 1-Minute Rain Rate Statistics and Seasonal Fade Esitmates in the Microwave Band for South-Western Nigeria[Full-Text ] O.O.Obiyemi, T.J.Afullo and T.S.IbiyemiThe knowledge of 1-minute integrated cumulative rain rate distribution is required for predicting the attenuation induced by rain on satellite and terrestrial microwave and millimetric links
Dielectric Properties of 0-3 PZT/PVDF/Graphite Composite[Full-Text ] Avadhesh K. Sharma, GD SharmaWe prepared the composites of PZT/PVDF/Graphite composites having 0-3 connectivity using hot press method. These samples were poled under different conditions i.e. at different poling temperatures and fields. We characterized these composites for their dielectric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. We are reporting and discussing only the dielectric properties of these composites in this paper. The highest dielectric constant was found to be around fifty for composite with almost equal percentage of ceramic and polymer.
Effect of Temperature on Structural and Optical Properties of Spray Pyrolysed CuSbS2 Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications[Full-Text ] S. Thiruvenkadam, A. Leo RajeshThe CuSbS2 thin film is one of the most promising materials for absorber layer in thin film solar cells. The aqueous solution of precursors containing cupric chloride, antimony acetate and thiourea was deposited on heated glass substrates at various temperatures between 513K to 593K with the interval of 20K. By using spray pyrolysis deposition method, CuSbS2 thin films were successfully deposited on soda lime glass substrates and the influence of substrate temperature on the structural, morphological and optical properties of CuSbS2 thin films were investigated. The GIXRD pattern showed that all the films were polycrystalline nature having (102), (111), (006) and (116) phases and the crystallinity were improved with increasing substrate temperature. The microstructure of CuSbS2 thin films were studied by Raman spectroscopic measurement at room temperature. Surface morphology of the thin films was studied by employing Atomic Force Microscopy that revealed the average roughness decreased with increasing substrate temperature. Optical band gap of the CuSbS2 films deposited at various temperatures was found to lie between 1.35-1.50 eV which is close to the ideal band gap for the highest conversion efficiency of solar cell.
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms: A survey A practical Issues[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. EL- Sawy, Mohamed A. Hussein, EL-Sayed M. Zaki, A. A. MousaThe Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a relatively simple heuristic algorithm that can be implemented in a straightforward manner. It can be applied to a wide variety of problems including unconstrained and constrained optimization problems, nonlinear programming, stochastic programming, and combinatorial optimization problems. It is widely used in several fields such as management decision making, data processing ...Information and Financial Engineering. Because of their population approach, they have also been extended to solve other search and optimization problems efficiently, including multimodal, multiobjective. In this paper, a brief description of a simple GA, GAs vs. traditional methods and GAs to handle constrained optimization problems are described. Also, GAs for multiobjective optimization MOP is proposed. Thereafter, GAs applications are presented. The intended audience of this paper is those who wish to know the main concepts of GAs and how to apply it to different optimization problems. Also, to familiarize readers to the algorithm proceeding.
Performance Evaluation Of DWDM System With Dispersion Compensation[Full-Text ] Sumitpalsingh, Karamjeet kaurFiber-optic dispersion and its effect on optical transmission system are analyzed. We have investigated the performance analysis of dispersion compensation in WDM network using EDFA. In this the variation of Q-factor and Bit error rate with respect to the system length is analysed. This simulation is done for 16-channel transmitter at 25Gbps; 30Gbps and 35Gbps data rate and various dispersion compensation schemes are analyzed for defining the optimum results
Hotel Rooms as an Investment: An Analysis on Investment Opportunities in Major Markets across the Globe[Full-Text ] Naganathan VenkateshWorldwide hotel industry is taking a new shape in today’s emerging trends of consumer’s perceptions; earlier hotels rooms were used by the guest to stay for their holidays, business trips etc., and the guest pay the rent for the rooms accordingly. Later concept of Condo hotels came in, here buyers of condo hotel units can use the room when needed, when the owner isn't around, management rents the unit as just another hotel room. Room owners share the profit, if any. Condo hotels differ from time shares, which give buyers, use of a property for a fixed number of days each year but not outright ownership. Now the trend is changing Hotel rooms as an investment across the globe is something that's beginning to surface in today’s business markets, says Mark Woodworth, senior vice president in PKF Consulting's hotel practice. Investing in a unit in a hotel is just like a Buy to let investment; you buy the unit and "let" it out to paying guests. The hotel acts as a management company by overseeing the process for the investor (IPIN Global, Peter Mindenhall). In 2013, Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels & Hospitality Group forecast global deal volume of $33 billion, in line with the most recent three-year average. My thesis will provide a comprehensive analysis of the global hotel investment market, revealing key drivers of investment, emerging trends, markets to watch and investment opportunities in major markets across the globe.
A Hydraulic Mechanism Which Works Like an Engine[Full-Text ] Shirsendu DasHeat Energy produces during the combustion in engine & then it converts into mechanical work. But the exhaust gasses which contain (CO,CO2, NOx etc) are the main cause of air pollution. In this mechanism thrust of water jet is responsible for the reciprocation of piston. Like conventional I.C Engine this mechanism does not have several strokes like suction, compression, power & exhaust. In this case water comes through nozzle with high kinetic energy during suction stroke and send back to reserve during delivery stroke.
Fingerprint Minutiae Extraction and Orientation Detection using ROI (Region of interest) for fingerprint matching[Full-Text ] MUKTI DUBEY, Prof. SANDEEP SAHUMotivated by the term minutiae extraction for fingerprint matching. Fingerprint Recognition refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are one of many forms of biometrics used to identify individuals and verify their identity. Everyone is known to have unique, immutable fingerprints. Fingerprint recognition algorithm extract’s primarily uniqueness of the images obtained from the fingerprint. Fingerprint Recognition is a widely popular but a complex pattern recognition problem. Among all the biometric techniques, fingerprint-based identification is the oldest method which has been successfully used in numerous applications. A fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and furrows on the surface of the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges and furrows as well as the minutiae points. Minutiae points are local ridge characteristics that occur at either a ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending. Here a new approach of identification of minutia term‘s with bifurcation, termination, orientation detection and region of interest (ROI) has been proposed. Extraction of minutiae from the image is developed using termination and bifurcation process and elimination of false minutia from the image is carried out using distance formulae’s. All those minutiae points are thus undergone with orientation characteristics’ which gives the determination more powerful in case of image sizing and plasticity. All these terms are stored in a user profile for matching .Results and testing is performed by taking different user profiles. This may provide a useful clue to the field of image – processing and fingerprint matching as well.
CALLUS INDUCTION AND CALLOGENIC RESPONSE OF RAUVOLFIA SERPENTINA AND CATHARANTHUS ROSEUS BY USING VARIOUS GROWTH HORMONE CONCENTRATIONS SINGLY AND IN COMBINATION[Full-Text ] RUNA RASHMI, MAHESHWAR PRASAD TRIVEDIRauvolfia serpentina and Catharanthus roseus, Linn. (Apocynaceae) are an important medicinal, ornamental and evergreen shrubs. Alkaloids of these plants have a great medicinal importance to treat cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, malaria, menorrhagia, cancer, etc. The members are wild as well as cultivated with milky saps that contain secondary metabolites which have medicinal value. In view of these facts the study was conducted for micropropagation of Rauvolfia serpentina and Catharanthus roseus. MS media supplemented with different concentrations (0.5–10.0 mg/l) of NAA, 2, 4-D, BAP and KIN were used singly and in combination. Among all the growth hormones 2, 4-D was the best for callus induction in Rauvolfia serpentina (93% in stem and 97% in leaf) and in Catharanthus roseus (85% in stem and 87% in leaf). In combination 2, 4-D and BAP in Rauvolfia serpentina (85% in stem and 95% in leaf) and in Catharanthus roseus (65% in stem and 71% in leaf). Day of callus induction started from 13th to 37th day. This variation is due to the differences in culture conditions and the age of explants. The fresh and dry weight and moisture content showed good growth of callus, which may be used for further studies in alkaloid production. Micropropagation of these plants allows production of clones at fast rate and in continuous manner. This work can lead to development of an efficient protocol for callus induction and other issues.
A survey of the physico-chemical characteristics of river Jameson, Delta State, Nigeria (part 1)[Full-Text ] Ighere E. Jacob, Sogbaike E. Clara, Emudianughe Prosper and Mayor AndrewWater is a most valuable resource to man and living things and being universal solvent can dissolve many substances. A research work to ascertain the Physico-chemical characteristics (PCCs) of River Jameson was carried out. The surface water from five randomly sampled locations was tested for twelve PCCs. The results showed that eleven of the PCCs- apart from the water surface temperature (26.95OC, ±0.8) existed within WHO permissible limits. The pH values from all the studied stations (Efrurokpe = 7.0, the others = 6.5) were all within permissible limits. Ebrifo recorded the highest temperature (27.3) and ironically the highest DO (7.5). The BOD (12.25) was comparatively higher in Pamol. Lead and Mercury were virtually undetected in three of the five stations and were very minimal in the other two: Ebrifo (Pb = 0.01mg l—1 & Hg = 0.000 mg l—1) and Pamol (Pb & Hg = 0.0005mg l—1). The other PCCs were more or less the same in all the stations except the BOD in Otefe (8.75mg l—1) and Pamol (12.25mg l—1). There is need to ensure sustainable uses and guide against future contamination of this natural fresh water river in the Niger Delta zone of Nigeria.
EVALUATION OF THYROID NODULES WITH GREY SCALE AND POWER DOPPLER IN THE DETECTION OF MALIGNANCY AND THEIR ULTRASOUND GUIDED FNAC CORRELATION[Full-Text ] Laly Jose, Simi Ismail, Sara Ammu ChackoA study was conducted to identify the most suitable grey scale features to differentiate between malignant and benign thyroid nodules and to study role of Doppler in assessment of thyroid malignancy. In this descriptive study 100 subjects referred from surgical OPD of Dr. SMCSI Medical College Hospital, Karakonam, Thiruvananthapuram for a period of 2 years were included. The study was done using Siemens Sonoline 50 ultrasound scanner with Colour and Duplex Doppler features. Linear 5-10MHz probe was used. Nodules in thyroid were studied in detail and morphological features were identified using different ultrasound parameters and doppler features. The nodule is further evaluated by fine needle aspiration cytology under ultrasound guidance and the Cytopathology report is compared to that of the ultrasound features. Among the 100 subjects studied, the incidence of malignancy observed was 12%. The commonest lesion was colloid nodule (n=69) followed by follicular adenoma (n=13). The commonest malignancy lesion was papillary carcinoma. All the morphological gray scale features like margin of the lesion, echogenicity, echotexture, peripheral halo, microcalcification were studied and had significant P value. Hence grey scale evaluation using them can be used for objective analysis of thyroid masses. Among the doppler features studied, Type III vascularity was seen on 54% cases, which included 45 benign and 9 malignancy cases. Type I/ Type II vascularity was seen in 3 malignant cases and 43 benign cases. Sensitivity and specificity of the type III vascularity in prediction of malignancy is 75% and 48.5% respectively. The findings of the present study indicated that grey scale features provide the most discriminating parameters than intranodular vascularity for differentiating benign from malignant thyroid nodules.
Investigation of flexural behaviour of RCC beam using GFRP bars[Full-Text ] Saraswathy. TGlass Fibre Reinforced Polymer bars posses mechanical properties different from steel bars, including high tensile strength combined with low elastic modulus and elastic brittle stress- strain relationship.. Due to the linear elastic brittle behaviour of GFRP bars, the flexural behaviour of GFRP reinforced concrete beam exhibit no ductility. GFRP reinforced concrete beams must be over reinforced so that they fail by concrete crushing rather than by rebar rupture. The flexural capacity of the beam was computed by sectional analysis in which the rebar is assumed to maintain perfect bond with the surrounding concrete. In all these work the longitudinal reinforcement is assumed to be perfectly bonded to the surrounding concrete at failure. The low modulus of elasticity of GFRP rebar resulting in relatively large deformations and smooth surface characteristics of the GFRP leading to debonding type of failures are important in determining the serviceability performance of GFRP reinforced beam sections. Hence the serviceability constraints generally will control the design of the GFRP reinforced beam sections. The unique advantages of GFRP materials such as excellent resistance to corrosion, high strength to weight ratio, electromagnetic neutrality and ease of handling make these materials potentially suitable for the use in reinforced concrete under conditions where conventional steel reinforced concrete has resulted in unacceptable serviceable problem.
A Brief Study on Speech Emotion Recognition[Full-Text ] Akalpita Das,Laba Thakuria , Purnendu Acharjee.Pran Hari TalukdarSpeech Emotion Recognition is a current research topic because of its wide range of applications and it became a challenge in the field of speech processing too. In this paper, we have carried out a brief study on Speech Emotion Analysis along with Emotion Recognition. This paper includes the study of different types of emotions, features to identify those emotions and various classifiers to classify them properly. The first part of the paper is enriched with an introductory description. Second part covers the different features along with some popular extraction method. Third part includes various classifiers used in SER and finally the conclusion part puts an end to this paper.
TUNING OF DECENTRALISED PI (PID) CONTROLLERS FOR TITO PROCESS[Full-Text ] P.Sujatha, Dr.M.Bharathi, Dr.C. selvakumarThis paper presents one of the simplest method to tune decentralised PI (PID) controllers for two-input and two-output (TITO) processes. The TITO process was decoupled through a decoupler matrix. To handle loop interactions a model reduction method with suitable FOPDT and SOPDT model for each element of the resulting diagonal process through fitting the nyquist plots at particular points. Simulation examples of MIMO systems are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed algorithm. Compared to other tuning methods it has less number of tuning parameters and more over uses only less number of controllers, therefore it is one of the cost effective method to control the process.
SACRIFICE IN YAHWISM AND AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION: THE EDO PERSPECTIVE[Full-Text ] DR. T.O. EBHOMIENLEN, MR. M.O. IDEMUDIAA close look at Yahwism and African concept of sacrifice and sacrificial rites will immediately reveal to an observer, some stunning similarities. These similarities re-echo the point that “the soul of religion is one”. The African generally express their worship to God through the agencies of the divinities and other spiritual intermediaries. Yahwism however claim a direct worship of God. Both people subscribe copiously to sacrificial rite as means by which it is believed that the Supreme Being can be reached. The preponderance of sacrificial rites as a core in both religion foregrounds our attempt in this paper. As can be inferred, the work adopts evaluative and analytical methods and submits that sacrifice is a core in both religion and that striking similarities exist in both conceptions. The writers discover that these similarities are not well appreciated by adherents of Christian religion which is an offshoot of Yahwism, and command large subscription in Nigeria. This paper concludes with the note that if religions in Nigeria emphasize these commonalities in religious beliefs, this will engender peace and unity which forms the bedrock for ideal national development.
A SURVEY ON EFFECTIVE DISSEMINATION OF PACKETS STRATEGIES IN MULTIHOP WIRELESS ADHOC NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Mr.R.Nirmalan and Mr.R.DharmarajToday new technologies were introduced for the comfort of people to manage their data ubiquitously. But in Adhoc Networks there were several issues arises in real time access. Normally mobile devices are contrary to virtual reality, it pushes computing devices work with people anywhere and anytime. Further it’s infrastructure less and licenses free for individual product. One of the major drawbacks in Adhoc Network is related to optimization of bandwidth, because of Uniqueness of the model, effective dissemination of packets in multihop wireless adhoc networks with the objective to minimize the operational expense associated with it. In this paper, various techniques for packet distribution are discussed in detail. This paper would benefit both Adhoc network users and research scholars in overcoming the challenges faced.
Characterization of Novel Biodegradable Polymer Stabilized Nano Silver[Full-Text ] S.Kavitha, D.Geetha and P.S.RameshBiodegradable Polymer (Chitosan) stabilized Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were prepared by simple chemical reduction method. Silver nitrate (AgNO3) used as a precursor in an aqueous solution of chitosan, which is behaving like stabilizing and reducing agent. Three different sample solutions were prepared viz., 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2% w/v chitosan at a constant temperature (80°C). The formation of nano silver was identified by the color change from white precipitate to pale brown color. Also Surface Plasmon Resonance band (SPR) at 400-432 nm range and the N-H band of the FT-IR spectrum. Stability of the maximum absorption wave lengths of the samples was monitored for 100 days by UV-visible Spectroscopy. The sample AgNO3 in 1.2 % w/v chitosan was more stable than the other two samples. FT-IR spectroscopic analysis revealed a shifting of N-H stretching vibration band from 3367-3228 cm-1 with the formation of nanoparticles. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) pattern suggests small particle which was size consistent with cubic silver nanoparticles. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDS and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) of the prepared samples showed a size distribution with spherical morphology of silver nanoparticles. The average particle size of the stabilized samples ranged from ~10-20 nm. It was demonstrated that this convenient method is versatile to produce silver nanoparticles with controlled size and shape.
NEW ANALYTICAL METHOD FOR SOLVING NONLINEAR FRACTION PARTIAL DIFFERENTIONAL EQUATIONS[Full-Text ] Ezz Elddein Abd Elwaly, S.K.Elagan, Esam Edfawy and Mohamed ElsayedSimilar to Kantorovich method for variations of calculus, a new method called the fractional series expansion is proposed to solve nonlinear fractional differential equations. The solution is assumed to be an infinite series of separated functions of independent variables. The solution procedure is elucidated by two examples. The fractional generalized coupled MKDV and KDV equation is used as another example to show that its solution depends strongly upon its initial conditions, a special condition is given when no solution exists for the discussed problem.
Benefits and Security Concerns of Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Irvin Singh DuaIn last few years, cloud computing concept has emerged a lot which result that it has become the fastest growing business for the IT industry. There is no doubt it has become a promising business concept with win-win situation for the clients to shift. Cloud computing is a latest emerging business concept [1]. Now, recession-hit companies have acknowledged that simply by shifting into the cloud they will gain the fast access to best breed of business applications or appreciably enhance their productivity, all at negligible cost. As more and more data and information of individuals and companies is placed in the cloud, their concern about data and environment safety, security issues, requirements and challenges has also grown. In today’s scenario, each and every organization is totally dependent on the latest technologies those are updating & growing on daily basis. So that now it is becoming more challenging to secure the digital assets of a company in accordance with the changing demand & growing technologies which were almost fixed earlier [2].
Characterization Studies on the Chemically Synthesized α and β Phase PbO Nanoparticles[Full-Text ] N. Mythili, K.T. ArulmozhiThe α and β phase lead oxide (PbO) nanoparticles were synthesized by the simple chemical precipitation technique. The samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-visible (UV-vis) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. XRD analysis confirmed the tetragonal structure for the α-PbO and orthorhombic form for the β-PbO nanocrystallites with an average crystallite size of 36 and 47 nm, respectively. From the UV-Vis spectra the direct band gap energies were estimated as 3.91 eV for α-PbO and 3.85 eV for β-PbO. The PL studies revealed the blue and green emissions due to excitonic recombination and synthesis originated defects. No peaks appeared corresponding to near band edge emission. The density of defects in α-PbO was lower than that of β-PbO.
A study of placenta and its blood vessels in high risk pregnancies by Colour Doppler USG and its correlation with maternal and neonatal outcome[Full-Text ] Dr Deepti Gupta, Dr Preeti Jain,Dr Radhika parashar, Dr Moolraj KuralObjective-To study the placenta and its blood vessels by colour flow Doppler ultrasonography and its histological correlation with neonatal and maternal outcome. Methods- A prospective comparative study was conducted in 60 antenatal women >28 weeks gestation. Out of these, 30 cases of high risk pregnancies and other 30 normal antenatal cases were taken as controls. All the women were subjected to colour Doppler study and study of placental anatomy and histology done and results were correlated to perinatal and maternal outcome. Results- It was found that colour Doppler was abnormal in 63.3% cases of high risk groups and abnormal histopathological changes were found in 100% cases of high risk group while 33.3% cases of control group where colour Doppler was normal. And it was seen that perinatal outcome was poor in the group with abnormal pulsatility index and it was correlated with abnormal histology of placenta. Rate of caesarean section was also higher in high risk groups. Conclusion- By doing colour Doppler we can detect placental pathologies at their earliest so that the pathological process can be checked at an early stage thus leading to favourable maternal and fetal outcomes.
Personal Medical Wearable Device for Distance Monitoring X73-PHD[Full-Text ] I.N. Korsakov, Ph.D., S.M. Kuptsov and D.A. RaznometovDistance patient monitoring during daily activity can provide medical information from different sensors . Recording of related cardiac signals such as ECG, respiration and also other information such as body motion can improve diagnosis and monitor the evolution of many widespread diseases. Key-issues for portable or even wearable personal healthcare devices (PHD) are: power consumption, longterm sensors, comfortable wearing, easy and wireless connectivity. For example, hearing aids batteries you have to change every 7-10 days, but wireless sensor for securities system you don't need to change it for 3-5 years that is very convenience. Power consumption of wearable PHD depend on what kind of sensors, which technologies of communication and processor do you use and function that it calculated in real time, temperature, humidity and many other factors. To improved the comfort of using PHD we need reduce the weights of device, reduce the power consumption - move some functionality from device to host computer (application server), improve recharged batteries ( use wireless charger), used new materials for ECG electrodes. The ECG front end (based on TI AD1293 chip) offers ultra-high input impedance allowing use of dry, long-lasting electrodes such conductive rubbers or novel textile electrodes that can be embedded in clothes. A small size digital ADXL245 3-axes accelerometer was also integrated. Patient monitor incorporate a 16 bit low power microprocessor that controls 24-bit ADC of signals at programmable sampling frequencies (e.g. 500 Hz) and drives, digital temperature sensor and the Bluetooth BLE module from Bluegiga capable to reliable transmit real-time signals within 20 m range.
Estimation of Moisture Content of Household Solid Waste in Some Selected Areas of Jimeta Town[Full-Text ] Muhammad Tanko Baba, Alkasim Abubakar and Mohammad Bashir AbdurrahmanThis study analyses the moisture content of Jimeta metropolis in Adamawa state, Nigeria. The purpose of the study is to assess the amount of moisture present in household solid waste of Jimeta for use in energy generation. The study will assist in promoting the development of technologies to utilize municipal solid waste as energy sources. The study was carried out in order to determine the suitability of the waste in energy production. The study area was classified into three different waste areas according to their income as follows:-(i) Waste area A (High income Area) Comprising 80 unit housing estate, Dougirei housing estate, and Government Reserve Area (GRA) (ii) Waste Area B (Medium income Area) which comprises State Low Cost housing, Nasarawo, and Demsawo (iii) Waste Area C (low income Area) comprising Luggere Quarters, Yelwa Quarters, and Rumde Quarters. The components of the waste and percentage composition were determined by hand sorting process and calculation respectively. The moisture content was determined by drying method using hot air oven set at105?. The results show that the major portion of municipal solid waste in the areas under study was organic material and the average moisture content was found to be 61.33% indicating that the waste is wet and therefore may not be suitable for energy production.