Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 12, December 2021
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Application of the Concept of Glass Transition Temperature for Better Color Retention and Less Shrinkage of Dried Potato Slices[Full-Text ] Addisalem HailuTaye, Werner C. HofackerIn this study, the influence of the temperature with five temperature profile levels on color change and shrinkage was determined. One level of temperature profiles was kept constant. The remaining four levels of the temperature profile were stepped down from high temperature to low temperatures before the samples have attained moisture content at which glass transition temperature is reached.
Modeling and the role of water activity, desorption isotherm and glass transition in drying of potatoes quality and shelf life stability[Full-Text ] Addisalem Hailu Taye, Hofacker W & Oliver HenselIn drying, evaluation of desorption isotherm of the sample is important to determine the optimum residual moisture contents of dried products at its stable water activity. Determination of glass transition temperature of the sample helps to decide to process the samples in its glass state for better quality product production. In this paper, the concept of water activity, desorption isotherms and glass transition temperatures related to product safety, stability and quality were reviewed.
Consequences of unrealistic optimism and pessimism for actual behavior: An experimental evidence[Full-Text ] Sai Krishnan S, Dr Subramanian S Iyer, Sai Balaji SMRIn this study, we performed experiments to investigate the negative consequences of unrealistic optimism and pessimism. We also attempted to extend the theory of unrealistic optimism and pessimism by investigating how past events running contrary to expectations impact unrealistic optimism and pessimism. We made participants play an insurance decision game pertaining to a gamble for two consecutive rounds while inducing unrealistic optimism and pessimism within the context of the game.
Antimicrobial Activity of Indigenous Plants Used by Pastoral Communities for Milk Preservation in Kilosa District, Tanzania[Full-Text ] Cleopatra Kawanga, Helena A. Ngowi, Gaymary Bakari, Robinson H. MdegelaMilk is an important part of the diet among pastoral communities in Kilosa district, Tanzania. Its production and consumption derive much food security and economic benefits to the rural people in the district. However, Milk has a complex biochemical composition, and its high-water activity and nutritional value serve as an excellent medium for the growth and multiplication of many kinds of microorganisms. In order to improve the shelf-life and safety of milk, this study was explored.
AN EMPIRICAL STUDY TO ANALYZE THE IMPACT OF DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY-AI ON THE ROI OF SELECT INDIAN ICT-NI-SP[Full-Text ] Sanjay NavinArtificial Intelligence (AI) is a new buzzword for Communication Service Provider(CSP) and Over-the-top (OTT) Application Provider. This paper analyzes the impact of Adopting disruptive technology – AI on Return on Investment (ROI) of ICT Network Infrastructure Service Provider. Two steps diagnostic method is used for the formulation and verification of new business models.
An empirical study to analyze the impact of Enterprise Collaborative Strategies for Cyber Security Solution Adoption on their Business ROI[Full-Text ] Sanjay NavinToday’s distributive business environment, the success or failure of enterprise business depends on adopting the correct business strategy. Enterprises are adopting digital transformation to optimize the business ROI. Digital transformation has increased the cyber threat landscape and cyber-attack are increasing at the exponential rate impacting Business Return on Investment (ROI).
Effect of Oven Drying Temperature on the Tensile Strength for Untreated Raffia Palm Fibre[Full-Text ] Nnorom Obinichi, Tolumoye Johnnie TuaweriThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect of oven drying temperature for strength of untreated fibre at varying length of fibre. After extraction and retting, the fibres were drained and they were dried in the sun for some hours. After some time, the untreated fibre was dried in electric oven at various temperature of thirty, fifty and seventy degree for 2 hours to achieve zero moisture content.
Anxiety Inducing Factors and Relevant Strategies Deployed to Overcome ANXIETY in the Aviation Industry Sector[Full-Text ] Shabbir Hussain, Shayan Niazi, Usaid Ahmad, Mehak IrshadThe reason of the take a look at became to analyze the effect of labor strain on activity delight team of workers and locating drivers for activity pressures, which make contributions to activity creation strain that in the end negatively influences activity delight. The studies are primarily based totally on an assessment of those findings’ books and facts series of questionnaires performed, performed from decided on pattern of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Aviation Directors.
EFFECTS OF VARIETY AND CORM DIAMETER ON CORM PROLIFERATION AND PLANTAIN (MUSA PARADISIACA L.) SEEDLING PERFORMANCE USING MACRO CHAMBER PROPAGATION TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] Murphy Kayode M., Ozigbo Emmanuel S., Alamu Oyewole L., Adunoye Francis O. and Atu Andrew O.This work investigates the effect of variety and corm diameter on corm proliferation and plantain seedling performance using macro chamber propagation technology (9 x 6 x 5 ft) at IITA, Ibadan, Oyo State. The experiment was a split plot experiment laid out in a Completely Block Design (CRD) with four replications. The treatments comprised of the eight plantain varieties (Pita 14; 17; 23; 24, Agbagba; Big Ebanga; Mbi Egome; and Obino Lewai) and three corm diameter ranges (20-30 cm, 31-40 cm and 41-50 cm) which gave 24 treatment combinations.
Social Media Psychopathy Syndrome (SMPS): the unresistable flood of media innovation fighting for socio-educative space in the learning discourse[Full-Text ] Eric Buhle GumbiThe paper sought to identify and examine some emerged technological contaminated normalities that indistinct the alleviation of media proficiency in the interactive classroom and communal space counteracting positive principalities towards learner attainment and learner performance. In this regard, the major contention of the paper is of poor academic performance by learners which seemed to be attributed to impromptu phase transition and insufficient normality on the part of transitional facilitation of social mediation within the learning space.
IOT Based Smart Irrigation System[Full-Text ] Chinta Amareshwar, Sandeep k ChoukseyAgriculture is the backbone of the all developed countries. It uses 85% of available fresh water resources worldwide, this per-centage continues to be dominant in water consumption because of population growth and food demand. As a result, a system that uses water wisely is required. As a result, this study provides an idea for a smart watering system. The management of irri-gation can be improved by using automatic irrigation systemA technology that allows a farmer to monitor the status of his fields from the comfort of his own home.
De-Noising Thermal Image Based On Haar Wavelet Transform Using Soft Threshold Technique[Full-Text ] V Nancy and G BalakrishnanThe concept of thermal imaging is inspiring the attention of many researchers, corporate companies and medical fields recently owing to its wide applications. The thermal camera captures the image of an object irrespective of the lighting condition. It can even picture the object in the dark environment, which is an added advantage. As a result, we can use the thermal image for object detection and classification process.
Community Participation in Urban and Peri-Urban Forest Management in Sawla Town, Southwest Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Shigute Tiyite MeneshaUrban forestry is a relatively new multidisciplinary approach in international forest research. It has been defined as the art, science, and technology of managing trees and forest resources in and around urban community ecosystems for the physiological, sociological, economic and aesthetic benefits trees provides society. The urban and peri-urban forests in Sawla are overwhelmed by pressures inherent to the extraordinary form of urban development such as rapid increase of urban population, poverty, land tenure insecurity, weak of institutional responses, lack of proper environmental planning and implementation and management restrictions.
Microbiota Dysbiosis and Parkinson’s Disease: From the gut to the brain[Full-Text ] Serena MalikIn recent years, growing evidence has emerged indicating a link between gut microbiota and the progression of the pathology of Parkinson’s Disease. While studies have established that the gut microbiome plays an essential role in neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s Disease, these studies often lack insight into the disease’s mechanism and fail to indicate whether microbiota dysbiosis is a cause or effect of gut-induced inflammation observed in Parkinson's Disease patients.
Music Perception as Cognitive Schemata: Introduction to Theory and Didactic Application[Full-Text ] Nour Ben HamadiThis paper is a theoretical research based on a multi-disciplinary approach (musicology, psychology and didactics) that tends to contribute to the development of music education theory, strategy and practice in Tunisia. This study explores ongoing research in the area of music psychology. It presents a proposal to better define the development of music perception in childhood through schema theory perspective.
PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS OF SMALLHOLDER RICE PRODUCTION UNDER THE UREA DEEP PLACEMENT AND CONVENTIONAL FERTILIZER APPLICATION PRACTICE IN NORTH CENTRAL, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ike, N., Ateh. P. I, Aye, G.CThis study examined the profitability of smallholder rice farmer’s under the urea deep placement innovation and conventional fertilizer application practice in north central Nigeria. Systematic, multistage and purposive sampling techniques were adopted to select 398 rice farmers from Niger and Benue States consisting of 197 farmers using the urea deep placement innovation (UDP farmers) and 201 farmers practicing conventional fertilization practices (Non-UDP farmers).The study used primary data which was obtained through the administration of structured questionnaires to the farmers using personal interview.
The Impact of the implementation mistakes on the construction design in the Arab region, and the ability of the reinforced concrete buildings to resist the applied service loads after the implementation (Libya as a Case Study)[Full-Text ] Mr.Mahmod Tayb Yahya, Dr.Hamza Abusnina, Dr.Najeb SawsiAs a result of congestion construction market in the Arab Union by incompetent engineers and who are lack of engineering knowledge and proper engineering expertise; as well as, in some cases, the absence of control over some construction companies leads to prompting them to dispense with the services of engineers and rely on untrained labor to construct reinforced concrete structures. All this led to commit mistakes during the construction operation and that have a negative impact on resistant buildings for the applied loads and environmental conditions.
Impact of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana on the Sub-Urban Areas[Full-Text ] Dr. J Balamurugan, Dhruv Arora, Zeeshan AhmadConsidering the economic growth of India, financial inclusion is an absolute necessity. Due to the rural and urban divide, the majority of our population is not being profitable from the development process, our nation's economic development is hindered without financial inclusion. The financial sector's effective use of digital technologies offers a variety of answers to these issues. The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana was a solution that our government came up with. It is a financial inclusion program that aims to increase affordable access to financial services such as bank accounts, credit, insurance, and pensions for Indian residents.
Eggplant Automation[Full-Text ] Amit KandoiThis paper gives overview of Eggplant performance tool which is widely being used in the world of QE for evaluating performance of different mobile based products.
Study of the migration of a Document Unit Recommendation Service to Cloud Computing [Full-Text ] Kiswendsida Kisito Kaboré, Bertin KaboréCloud Computing is a major current trend to distribute processing and data virtually on configurable execution environments. The development and deployment of software for the Cloud proposes a new scientific challenge in terms of expression and consideration of variability. Indeed, cloud computing is based on principles of heterogeneity and elasticity, which allows many choices of configuration and sizing.
Characterisation of Induced Mutagenicity via Single-cell gel Electrophoresis in RAW264.7 and Caco-2 cells by hydrogen peroxide[Full-Text ] Emmanuel A. AwuluThe need for a complementary short-term mutagenicity bioassay with robust endpoints to the Ames assay has become increasingly crucial in order to avoid false negative results. The alternative STT used in conjunction with the Ames increases the validity and decreases the number of false positive outcomes. As a result, Caco-2 cells (Human intestinal epithelial cell model) and RAW264.7 cells (mouse microphage-like cell line) were treated for 24 hours with graded doses of hydrogen peroxide (0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 µM) (oxidative stress-inducing mutagen). Single- and double-strand DNA damage was quantified using single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay).
The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture[Full-Text ] Jojie A. Celeste, Rey G. DobleThe goal of this study was to see if job satisfaction mediates on the link between transformational leadership and organizational culture. A descriptive correlation technique was employed to generate a non-experimental design in this investigation. The statistical approaches used were mean, Pearson r, and AMOS path analysis. Proven research tools on job satisfaction, transformational leadership, and organiza-tional culture were used as data sources.
An approach for code suggestion via code search[Full-Text ] Divya Kumari Tankala, Dr.T.Venu GopalProgrammers frequently write code that can be similar to existing code which may be written somewhere. An approach could help programmers to complete partially written code snippets to implement necessary functionality, help to discover extended lines of code to the partial code which are commonly used statements by other programmers, help to cross-check against similar code written by other programmers and also helps in fixing common mistakes and errors. Although there are many existing techniques which could potentially be used to get code suggestions.
Effect of biochar application on Jew's Mallow growth and irrigation water use efficiency in Sudan[Full-Text ] Gamareldawla H.D. Agbna; Mohammed D.Y.Haroun; Njlaa Seddig; Farid EltoumThe application of biochar (charcoal or biomass-derived black carbon) to soil is proposed as a novel approach to improve soil fertility, improve soil water holding capacity and consequently water conservation, and to increase crop production. To assess these benefits, the experiment was carried out in a shelter at the college of Agricultural studies (shambat) Khartoum state, Sudan during 2019 autumn season. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two type of biochar (millet and peanut residues biochar) with three levels of biochar application (control (CK), 1% (T1), and 3% (T2) of w/w equivalent to 30 g and 90 g) on growth of Jew's mallow (Corchorus Clitoris) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE).
Double Helix Structure: Teaching and Learning of Innovative Curriculum[Full-Text ] Yu Jr TsaiIn the 21st century, students have stronger expectations and demands for innovation and development, hence it is necessary for teachers to develop high-level innovative education systematically. The purpose of this descriptive research is to establish a doublehelix- cycle of innovative curriculum teaching and learning curriculum structure. The method used is descriptive research, which is derived from innovative courses in practical scenarios through educational literature analysis and curriculum model structure.
An Introduction to AI Quality Engineering[Full-Text ] Amit AgarwalEveryone involved in IT projects will either have come across AI already, or will do so soon. Although a modern technology, we will still see patterns and models to which known testing skills and techniques can be applied. As such, we believe that in this new era the same solid base of testing knowledge still applies. But for testing AI and while using AI for testing, additional skills will be needed. It is an illusion to think that testers alone will be able to perform all testing tasks.
Branding of Distinct Character Places[Full-Text ] Hend Hussein, Rana OsamaBranding is a trend has been accelerated in recent years. Cities, regions and countries throughout the world are shifting the focus towards place branding and are increasingly importing the concept and techniques of product and corporate branding. This paper studies the concept of branding in urban spaces in general with special emphasis on the dynamics of branding and places' identity by using advanced visualization technologies e.g. (3D Mapping Projection and Holographic Technique).
Review Studying of the Latest Development of Prosthetic Limbs Technologies[Full-Text ] Ihab Abdulrahman SatamThe loss of one limb (Arm, Hand, or leg) can affect human life performance of the daily activity. Thus, amputation became a global problem. The current prosthetic solutions have poor contribution in solving these problems regarding to low interface solutions to control the prostheses. the ultimate goal for researchers is to provide design inputs in the field of prosthetics and increase the satisfaction level of the user.
Effects of Professional Competencies of School Heads and Teachers Resilience in the New Normal[Full-Text ] Mary Ann G ValentinoThe main concern of the study was to determine the effects of school heads’ professional competencies and teachers’ resilience in the new normal on school outcome school year 2020-2021. This study utilized descriptive correlation type of research. The study involved four (4) school head and twenty-one senior high school teachers from public secondary school. The SBM Level of Practices of public secondary schools are generally Developing in terms of the four SBM principles namely School Leadership (2.90), Curriculum and Instruction (2.85), Accountability and Continuous Improvement (2.81), and Management of Resources (2.94).
Beyond prayer/“prayer†duality: implications for language and cognition[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezThe aim behind this publication, is proposing a deep concept in terms of language and cognition, in the line of prayer/“prayer†duality line of investigation. The concept in this case is fasting, both in the practical and linguistic dimensions. Through a series of analytical deductions, we aim at going one step further in our understanding of the cognitive-linguistic phenomenon. Besides, we aim at continuing previous work on the concept of prayer and its linguistic implications.
The Mediating Effect of School Culture on the Relationship between Teacher Leadership and School Effectiveness[Full-Text ] Marilyn J. Celeste, Rey G. DobleThis study aimed to see if school culture had a mediating effect on the link between teacher leadership and school effectiveness among 300 public school teachers in the Division of Davao del Sur. This study used a descriptive correlation technique to create a non-experimental design. Mean, Pearson r, and Path Analysis were the statistical methods employed. Employed data sources are validated research instruments on school culture, teacher leadership, and school effectiveness.
An automated Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) - driven performance engineering[Full-Text ] Prashant ManeMuch of our day to day technology is powered by SRE - An automated Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) - driven performance engineering is a solution implemented in one of the largest Tier-1 Telecomm Company in Canada, North America, the first of the big three Telcos in Canada.
Performance Evaluation and Working Efficiency of Sewage Treatment Plant at Naini, Prayagraj[Full-Text ] Ramandeep Singh Shakya, Dr Ram BharoseWastewater treatment is an essential process to make water reusable. The multi-step process includes removal of grit, BOD and other important contaminants from incoming water. At 80 MLD Naini STP, activated sludge process is used to remove impurities from raw sewage and is then dumped into river Yamuna with industrial effluent standards. This experiment is based on physico-chemical parameters analysis of water samples from Naini 80 MLD STP. The aim of the experiment is to find out the working efficiency of the same treatment plant with industrial effluent standards by CPCB. Comparison of parameters with CPCB and BIS revealed that the treatment plant is working under prescribed standards. For both TSS and BOD, Naini STP worked as per satisfactory standards range.
GASTROINTESTINAL(GI) MANIFESTATIONS OF PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE[Full-Text ] Nexhbedin Kahremani, Mentor Kahremani, Driton Selmani, Lutfi ZylbeariChronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a serious public health problem worldwide One of the most common disorders in patients with CKD is also gastrointestinal disorders (GI).GI diseases are one of the most obvious manifestations of the disorder between hemostatic balance, hemodynamic and immunological balance in patients with CKD. Gastrointestinal symptoms are manifested in the early stages of the disease. There are currently no clear guidelines for managing the many gastrointestinal problems that occur in patients with CKD
The Architectural-Astronomical Relations as one of the ancient Egyptian Civilization's Philosophies in Design[Full-Text ] Michael Z. EmilIt is clear through the observation of many buildings of ancient civilizations that there are many astronomical relationships, and it became clear from the study that it was one of the design philosophies of most of the civilizations of the ancient world, especially as it was related to religious philosophy and that the cosmic bodies that the buildings were directed to represent the gods of these civilizations such as Sun, Moon, and stars.