Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020
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Out-of-field teaching and the associated role of the Head teacher to ensure quality provision within the classroom in a Bangladeshi context[Full-Text ] Md Zinnat Ali BiswasThe purpose of the study was to investigate the complexities surrounding Out-of-field teaching (OFT) and the related leadership role of the Head teacher in a Bangladeshi context. Several researchers such as Ingersoll, Anna du Plessis have investigated the issue of OFT for example, the implication for educational leadership and school improvement as a ‘whole’ but overlooked the effective management of Out-of-field teachers (OFTs) through the effective leadership role of the Head teacher/Principal. Out-of-field teaching evolves teachers teaching outside their field of educational qualifications or training or expertise.
EFFECT OF ETHNIC CONFLICTS ON SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHERN KADUNA[Full-Text ] Mangbon Tordeng Amos, Wuranti Valla, Iseyemi Oluwole SamuelEthnic diversity ushers varieties of benefits leading to unity in diversity, symbiotic relationships, and improved society. Conversely, crisis prevail between groups, resulting from greed, religious and ethnic protection. Southern Kaduna has been characterized by restless diverse society, losing lives and properties, businesses closed down, and communities dispersed. The study examined the effect of ethnic conflicts, on small businesses development in Southern Kaduna. Applying Cochran’s formula, Samples from infinite population of small businesses in four local governments of Southern Kaduna were collected using questionnaire.
Air Pollution- Road Traffic in India[Full-Text ] Dr Jyoti Jalan Traffic congestion is a common problem in India in almost every city and towns as they are rapidly expanding. Reasons for this are several, like, increasing number of all varieties of vehicles, poor road infrastructure and irregular maintenance, inefficient enforcement of traffic laws. Automobile production is rising every year, more than 21 million automobiles were produced in India, 2013-14. Traffic congestion slows down the average speed of traffic, which causes inefficient burning of fuel and ultimately leads to more pollution.
Perception of Society on Mental Illness[Full-Text ] Aagam Mehta, Aakriti Kumar, Aditya Budhia, Aleesha Chathanattu, Anant LahotiMental health literacy is the beliefs and knowledge about psychological state issues and their remedies. Attitudes and beliefs of lay individuals about mental health disorders are formed by personal knowledge about mental health disorders, knowing and interacting with someone living with mental illness, and cultural stereotypes. Mental health disorders are rising and the numbers are quite alarming in almost every part of the world, and hence compiling this review provides an opportunity to understand the different views regarding mental health disorders and problems as well as to fill the gap in the published literature by focusing only on the belief system and perception of psychological state problems among general population.
An Application of Software Engineering that Argues Against Erasmus Regarding the Pronunciation of Ancient Greek Digraphs[Full-Text ] Evangelos C. PapakitsosAccording to the renowned Dutch philologist Desiderius Erasmus, the modern Greek script originates from ancient Greek and is also historical, because the words are written as they were once pronounced and not as they are pronounced today. A main assumption of his regards the pronunciation of digraphs as two separate phonemes, instead of a single one, according to the traditional rule. Although this assumption has been strongly opposed by many scholars, it has been also widely adopted by the scientific community, contrary to any piece of evidence that exists on the Greek literary tradition.
INTRINSIC BIOREMEDIATION OF HYDROCARBON POLLUTED MANGROVE SOIL IN NIGER DELTA NIGERIA USING SELECTED ORGANIC AMENDMENTS[Full-Text ] Wariku Z. Chioma, Ngah A. Sebastine, Egobueze E. FrancisCrude oil contaminated mangrove swamp soil from Tai local government area of Rivers State was amended with two different organic waste (poultry droppings and cow dung). The contaminated soil taken at depth of 0-30cm was treated for a period of 21 days. pH, Moisture content, Total Nitrogen, Available Phosphorus, Total organic Carbon (TOC), Total Hydrocarbon Content (THC), Total Pe-troleum Hydrocarbon (TPH), Total Heterotrophic Bacteria Count (THBC), Total Heterotrophic Fungi Count (THFC), Total Hydrocar-bon Utilizing Bacteria Count (THUBC) and Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi Count (THUFC) as well as the physico-chemical and microbial parameters were measured.
Mass Media: Nourishing Modern Feminism[Full-Text ] Vanshika LohiaFeminism in India is so vast that it is maybe difficult to transgress its course with a great amount of accuracy. However, it has been omnipresent since years past. Advocates of human rights like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Kamini Roy and Rani Lakshmi Bai were the brave human right activists who demonstrated exceptional courage against the social evils taking place in regards to women, wishing this deprived gender to stand at par with their opposite sex. Their methods were quite different when compared to contemporary feminists.
An Overview of Recycling Status of Solar Photovoltaic Panels[Full-Text ] Ashish KulshresthIn Spite Of The Fact That The Amount Of Waste Photovoltaic (PV) Panels Is Estimated To Increase Exponentially In The Subsequent Decades, Little Studies On The Resource Efficiency Of Their Recycling Has Been Conducted Up Until This Point. The Article Examines The Presentation Of Various Procedures For The Recycling Of Crystalline Silicon PV Waste, In A Life Cycle Viewpoint. The Life Cycle Effects Of The Recycling Are Analyzed, Under Various Situations, To The Environmental Advantages Of Secondary Raw Materials Recuperated.
Generation of Electricity using reverse electrolysis of urine[Full-Text ] Ashish Kulshresth, (Dr.) Piyush Singhal The conventional process of generating electricity is very costly affair, requires bulky infrastructure, maintenance and by products harm environment Organic materials such as begasse, dung, kitchen waste, human waste and many more have potential to produce clean energy. For example, human urine is abundantly available but goes wasted The conventional batteries require recharging after discharge but this urine battery needs only fresh urine to get reactivate. As no electricity is required to recharge, the urine battery can be a solution to energy crises. The urine battery requires less space, does not pollute environment and cost effective. In this research paper I have explained the design, construction and working aspect of urine battery which uses human urine and produce electricity without any harmful or toxic by product like ash, smoke or other toxic gases like nitrous oxide, Sulphur.
Green building designing innovation in India – A Literature Review[Full-Text ] Dr. Asha KulshresthBeing probably the greatest buyer of energy and furthermore probably the biggest maker of ozone harming substances, civil structures are a subject of conversation on a global gathering. These percent of sulfur dioxide, and 20 percent of nitrogen oxide found noticeable all around, as indicated by the insights of National Establishment of Building Sciences (USA). This features structures produce 30 percent of carbon dioxide (an essential ozone harming substance related with environmental change), 45 a quick necessity to actualize sustainability in each new development, which will assist us with making a healthy and sustainable environment.
Physical, water diffusion and micro-structural analysis of “Canarium schweinfurthii Engl”[Full-Text ] Bernard Morino Ganou Koungang, Dieunedort Ndapeu, Gilbert Tchemou, Paul William Huisken Mejouyo, Bernard Wenga Ntcheping, Josepha Tendo Foba, Luc Courard, Ebenezer NjeugnaThe purpose of this study is to determine the morphological, microstructural charac-teristics and water diffusion parameters of the Canarium schweinfurthii (CS) shellnut. This work is part of a vast project to valorize the above-mentioned cores for possible industrial use as charges in composites or abrasives materials. The study was based on the characterization of intrinsic physical characteristics of the coreshells scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations desorption, adsorption and absorption ki-netics.
Tea Bud Leaf Identification by Using Machine Learning and Image Processing Techniques[Full-Text ] G.M.K.B. Karunasena, H.D.N.S. PriyankaraThis research paper concerns the machine learning approach for tea bud leaf identification. The tea bud identification is most important for the process of automated tea leaves grading machines. In the present situation, there are no methods to identify the tea bud leaf separately from the main tea leaf. Unfortunately developing of mechanism for identification process is impossible because the plucked tea leaves not in the same condition.
Determining the Level and Impact of Forensics Awareness in Nigeria using University of Ibadan as a Case Study[Full-Text ] Iquo A. Archibong, Philip A. OyelaranThe increase and urgent need in new methodologies and techniques in diverse forensic science disciplines recently led to the recognition and acceptability of forensic science. For this reason, this study was carried out in order to determine the level and impact of forensic science awareness in Nigeria, using University of Ibadan as a case study. A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out on 410 respondents, who were alternatively selected, in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
THE PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE (PSV) MANAGEMENT IN AN OIL AND GAS FACILITY AS A SAFTY DEVICE FOR QUALITY CONTROL[Full-Text ] OKOLO C. C, EZEUGBOR I. C, EZEANI N. I, EKUMA H. CThis work is divided into three sections. First section summarises the Pressure Safety Valve management policy in an Oil and Gas process facility, in this case TEPNG. It describes the meaning of Process safety/relief valve, the maintenance and inspection strategies, the Material Replenishment Plan (MRP) and re-integration. The Maintenance organisation, the standard exchange and change – out philosophy, SAP (system Flow) process, Flow decision and PSV recertification responsibility matrix. Second section summarises the Pressure Safety Valve Procedure.
HYDROCARBON VOLUME ESTIMATION AND DEVELOMENT STRATEGY OF THE APPRAISAL CANDIDATE RESERVOIRS (A, B, C- D AND E) IN THE UTU FIELD[Full-Text ] CALISTA NATACHI IROMAKAWith continuous increase in demand for hydrocarbon resources, hydrocarbon estimation, reservoir modeling and uncertainty analysis have become increasingly important for field development optimization. A realistic reservoir description is vital for optimal exploitation of a field which also requires reservoir characterization, modeling and quantification of uncertainties. These uncertainties are mitigated using an integrated approach from wide range of disciplines ranging from Geophysics to Reservoir Engineering.
Covid-19 solutions to Healthcare using IoT and AI[Full-Text ] Rahul MishraWith the development of information technology, the concept of healthcare using IoT and AI has gradually come to the fore. The healthcare uses a new generation of information technologies, such as the internet of things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, to transform the traditional medical system in an all-round way, making healthcare more efficient, more convenient, and more personalized. With the aim of introducing the concept of healthcare using IoT and AI.
Human Relations Approach of Management: An Assessment of Organizational Leadership in Dealing with Informal Work Groups[Full-Text ] Godlove Aka BindaThis work seeks to analyze the role played by informal work groups in the attainment of organizational goals and how organizational leaders should treat these groups. Many organizational leaders see informal work groups as threats instead of potential benefits, but this notion should be countered because these groups aim at not only benefiting their members but very often, also the organization. Organizational leaders are encouraged to support and be a part of informal work groups because by doing so they will help to direct the objectives of such groups not to become hostile to the goals of the organization.
Study on recent advances in Virtual and Augmented reality[Full-Text ] Jeeva Aravinth J VVirtual engineering is an emerging technology which integrates geometric models and related engineering tools such as design, analysis, simulation, optimization and decision making tools within computer-generated environment that facilitates multidisciplinary collaborative product development. VM use computer aided design models and simulations. It does not use prototype instead of that it use direct design by using different software.
Higgs Layers[Full-Text ] Kunal K BanerjeeTheory : Every equilibrium has energy concentration specifically at center , this energy circulates in elements while development under big bang and holds the equilibrium by thread of this energy path after formation of structure after big bang .
Completely Randomized Design For Hepatitis[Full-Text ] HADEEL SALIM AL KUTUBIIn this study, Hepatitis data in health center in Najaf was introduced. Completely Randomized Design and least significant difference are used to analyzed the data to get the significant difference effect between all variables. In the results. There exist no significant deference between level of tumor.
Is Human Body A Graveyard?[Full-Text ] D. PramodThe outbreak of COVID19 has alarmed and cautioned all walks of people in the world to reorient the individual mindsets in terms of health, environment, and animal rights. Cannot we survive without animal food? Is the human body a graveyard? Where are the moral values? The spirituality says as per the law of karma the meat-eaters always be entangled in the birth and death cycle.
The Dawn of Knowledge Economy: Revolutionizing the Role of Higher Educational Institutions[Full-Text ] Srushti MuthaThe emergence of knowledge as a new practice in production has excelled in several top-tier economies. In its basic meaning, a knowledge society is a place where people value intellect and knowledge to prioritize skills and abilities based on the same. The World Bank has established four pillars of knowledge economies on which it should withstand –Education & Training, Information Infrastructure, Innovation Systems, and Economic Incentive & Institutional Regime.
Law of Karma: If you eat meat, the animal of that meat will eat you[Full-Text ] D. PramodThe law of nature reminds us to be vigilant and be careful, and the law of karma says bad and good deeds always go with the soul. They are based on action and reaction theory. The history shows if there is a local disturbance either to animals or to nature, there would be self as well as global disturbances.
Flower Business in Bangladesh: A Study on Jashore District[Full-Text ] S M TAZUDDINFlower Symbolizes beauty and purity. People all over the world realize that flowers enhance the quality of life and influence human feelings more than words or other gifts. This study conducted on flower business in Bangladesh: A study on jashore district. Globalization, cultural exchanges, and celebrations enhancing fraternity such as New Year, Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, and Weddings have induced people globally to use flowers as a means of sharing their feelings.
Observation the initial radiation to the surface of mixed nano catalyst on oxidation processes[Full-Text ] Sadig H. Hasanov, Gunel T. ImanovaIn this paper the oxidation/conversion process of carbon-monoxide has been investigated on the surface of catalysts (TAl2O3, TAl2O3+CuO and RTAl2O3+CuO) which has been modified by radiation. The catalyst samples have been radiated in various absorption doses by the source of 60Co isotope device in order to analyze distribution of anion centers on the surface. It was found out by the examples of investigation, the size and element consentration of anion centers(atoms O-) depending on absorption dose. The results show that the amount of paramagnetic centers on surface have increased.
Analysis of the factors for upsurge of Enrolment in the privately run universities in Rawalpindi & Islamabad and Development of future strategy[Full-Text ] Moazzam Manawar Sheikh, Dr. Shaqufta Akhtar, Dr.Saeed-ul-Hasan ChishtiIn the present era, education is considered as one of the essential needs for social, economic and intellectual growth of the society. Without quality education, it does not seem possible to develop a society. It is therefore the developing country like Pakistan is in dire need to improve the quality of education. Education grooms people, improve their personality, and teach them good traits by making them aware of their rights.
Design of LIDAR system for terrain mapping[Full-Text ] Aditya Udayagiri,Neeraj S Raj,Adarsh Manoj,Anand Kumar Singh,B MuthukumaranSurface scanning is regularly alluded to as landscape examination when data identified with slant, perspective, viewshed, hydrology, volume, etc are being determined on raster surfaces. Terrain mapping is extensively used in commercial aviation for many real-life applications since they are able to reach remote areas for mapping purposes and other surveillance purposes.
1-D Convolution Circuits in Quantum Computation[Full-Text ] Artyom M. Grigoryan, Sos S. AgaianThe circular, or aperiodic convolution is one of the main operations in linear systems when processing one-dimension (1-D) and multidimensional signals. In this work we describe a few quantum circuits for the 1-D convolution, by using the concept of the quantum Fourier transform. The calculation is considered for a linear time invariant system for the case, when the frequency characteristic of the system is given.
Distribution System Reconfiguration Analysis Under Different Load Demand Using ACO and PSO Algorithms[Full-Text ] Zahraa H. Dawood, Prof. Dr. Rashid H. Al RubayiOptimal re-configuration is used to reduce power losses and keep the voltage within its allowable interval in power distribution systems considering voltage, current, and radial condition constraints. Effective optimization algorithms using ‘Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)’ are presented and discussed to minimize power losses in distribution network by network re-configuration.
A behavioural finance approach to working capital Management in context of Pakistani Firms[Full-Text ] Salwa Haider, Dr. Danish Ahmed SiddiquiBehavioural finance incorporates cognitive psychology into conventional finance, suggesting that people are prone to various heuristic driven biases in the decision-making process. Nevertheless, the literature on behavioural finance and working capital is rather thin, as studies of working capital tend to focus on either its determinants or its relationship with profitability.
Graphical and Parametrical Analysis of Wind Speed for Gondar City, Amhara Region, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Fikadie Alamirew Alemu, Finotework Asnake GebruThe Gondar city is an anciently established and immerged government in Ethiopia, and this city also has tourist attractions. Currently, the city is increasing through the construction of high-rise buildings. As per the Ethiopian code, there is no specified basic reference wind speed in a Gondar city, so that it needs to develop basic wind speed by comparing parametrical and analytical techniques from wind engineering perspective view.
Impact Of Installation Of Erosion And Drainage Control Structures In Flood Prone Section Of Road: The Case Of Wolaita Soddo Town In South Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Temothewos Jarsa ToksoThis thesis emphasis on the study of Impact of installation of erosion and drainage Control structures on Flood prone section of Road that represent high and low volume roads in urban area. Because of an increase in Urbanization, impermeable areas increases and causes the major flooding problems in the areas. Generally erosion can be caused by wind, gravity, or storm water.
The mathematics of learning as integration[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezThe purpose of this investigation is proposing a subconcept of mathematics for the explanation of learning, conceived as integration of new elements to previous knowledge. In this way, previous set of knowledge changes as a whole every time a new element is added, thus generating a deeper understanding in general terms. The concept used to explain learning in this case, is mathematical function, adding a new dimension each time a minimal value is added to the function.
The Effect of Applying Lean Manufacturing On the Performance of Engineering Industries Institutions through Human Resources Performance (Applied to Shield Armored Glass Factory)[Full-Text ] Professor Dr. El-Sayed Mohamed Khater, Professor Dr. Abdel-Hakim Al-Merhawi, Eng. Amr Abdelaziz El-SayedThe study focused on the relationship between theoretical curricula in its various dimensions and engineering industries institutions. In an attempt by researchers to find a strong relationship between familiarity and application of human resources to Lean manufacturing principles and project performance that leads to achieving the company's goals of survival and growth; For this reason, during this study, two main questions will be answered
DEMOGRAPHIC ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIALS OF NATURAL RUBBER (NR) PRODUCTION IN KADUNA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Wuranti Valla, Mangbon Tordeng Amos, Henry Turman, Imarhiagbe PatienceThe study highlights the suitability of Kaduna State climate in the production of natural rubber (NR), and the attitude of farmers towards cultivation of natural rubber in Kaduna State of Nigeria. Purposeful sampling technique was used to select 110 farmers from 6 local governments in Southern Kaduna. Data were collected from farmers using structured questionnaire.