Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition
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Theoretical Steady-state Forced Flow Boiling Evaporator for Double-tube Thermosyphon (FFDTT)[Full-Text ] Loula A. Shouman, M. Abd El-Aziz, Adel AlyanA mathematical model has been developed for the new type of the thermosyphon, in order to describe thermal behavior of the forced flow boiling double-tube thermosyphon in steady state operation. The present work of theoretical forced flow boiling inside the evaporator of the double-tube thermosyphon is described in a mathematical model in one dimensional flow. The model is describing both thermal and phase flow of the forced flow double tube thermosyphon (FFDTT). A computer program is designed to solve the presented model to estimate the performance of the thermosyphon. The current model can predict the behavior of a forced flow boiling double- tube closed two-phase thermosyphon, at different operating conditions Analysis of the thermosyphon response to various operating conditions has been performed.
Climate Change and Harsh Weather Conditions in Developing Countries: Implications on Water Resources, Public Health and Food Security[Full-Text ] E.I. Okoyeh, B.C.E. Egboka, O.L. Anike, E.K. Enekwechi and I.C. Mjemah.The changes in weather and climate in Nigeria and other developing countries have precipitated ecological and health problems. Variations in rainfall pattern/amount have resulted in negative implications on water resources, agriculture and food security. Surface waters are affected by the prevailing climate change resulting in the drying/total loss. Excessive evaporation with attendant heavy rainfall causes water pollution/contamination, erosion and landslide. Low crop yields due to change in rainfall amount results in food insecurity and increase in poverty. The sudden severe climatic changes with attendant rapid southward desert encroachment encourage migration. Many ensuing diseases such as malaria, meningitis, diarrhea, bronchitis, asthma, eye problem, cholera and typhoid attributed to the recent climate change are commonplace. The resultant implications are more severe in the rural areas and disproportionately affect the rural poor especially women and children. Public health and food security implications of the recent climate changes are yet to receive the deserved attention. The ecological scourge of heat waves, desertification, windstorms, flood disasters, soil and gully erosion and pollution of water resources require multi-objective and integrated approach and management measures. Involvement of expertise from relevant fields in climatic change study for the containment of the resultant global implications is recommended.
A Wavelet Based Generalized Unsharp Making Algorithm [Full-Text ] Phanindra Reddy, Dr. Shaik Meeravali, Suresh Kumar Balam, Dr. T.V.S Prasad In this paper we propose an improved unsharp masking algorithm. Contrast enhancement and image sharpness is required in many applications. Unsharp masking is a classical tool for sharpening an image. Unsharp masking algorithm is used for the exploratory data model as a unified framework. Proposed algorithms have three issues: 1) Contrast is increased and image is sharp by means of individual treatment of the residual and the model component. 2) Halo effect is reduced by means of wavelet based denoising methods. 3) Out-of-range problem is solved by means of log-ratio and tangent operation. Experimental result shows that the our proposed algorithm provides the better result as compared with the previous one the contrast of the image is enhanced and sharpness of the image is increased. In the proposed method the user can adjust the two parameters by controlling the contrast and sharpness to produce the better result.
Chemical and Biochemical Mechanistic Fate of Acephate[Full-Text ] Vijay Kumar, Niraj UpadhayAcephate belongs to a hefty assembly of organophosphorus pesticides, well-known as inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase activity. Acephate and other organophosphorus pesticides have been extensively used in world agriculture to manage insect or pests of a number of economically important crops. Acephate is not restricted to anticholinesterase action, but comprise genotoxicity and teratogenicity. Such severe health consequences signify a requirement for a better understanding of the fate of acephate in the environment. The safe and effective use of pesticides requires knowledge of their mode of action in pests and adverse effects in non-target organisms coupled with an understanding of their metabolic activation and detoxification; keeping these things in mind we wrote a review on acephate. In this review we have studied the mechanistic pathway of toxicity of acephate, mode of action, different methods of decomposition viz. acidic, neutral and basic hydrolysis, decomposition in soil, decomposition by mammals and decomposition in plants.
A Study on Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management in RMG Sector of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Suman Mazumder, C.M. Atiqur Rhaman, Md. Gaffar Hossain Shah In modern management, green supply chain management is a sort of mode which comprehensively considers both influence of environment and utilization of resource efficiently in the all activities of supply chain and how to implement green supply chain management is special industrial operation at present has become into of top priority problems. The core contents of RMG enterprises implemented green supply chain management to solve the problems challenges in implementing green supply chain management of RMG sector in Bangladesh and is the main study of this article.
Power Electronics Converters for a Wind Energy Conversion System: Review[Full-Text ] Vinay Kumar Dwivedi, Mohit Bajaj and Abhishek KumarThis paper is a review on different generator topologies with power electronics converters. As demand of electricity is increasing the researchers are moving from asynchronous to synchronous generator whereas some researchers introduces the concept of asynchronous generator with wound rotor. Due to rapid growth in power electronics for offering high power, the application of power electronics converters are playing a key role in wind energy conversion system. This paper deals with the four types of generators such as squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG), doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and wound rotor synchronous generator (WRSG) with their power electronics converters on the basis of their topologies, cost, circuit complexity and efficiency. This paper is a review on the different types of generator topologies with their combination with power electronics converters for wind energy conversion system (WECS).
Dynamical Properties of Group-III Nitrides in Cubic Phase[Full-Text ] Daljit Singh, M M SinhaWe study the lattice dynamics of nitrides of Al, In, B and Ga in cubic phase using short range force constant model. Using this model we obtained the phonon dispersion curve, phonon density of states for group III Nitrides. The present results are compared will existing results and it is found that results show excellent agreement will existing results. The results are also verified by some existing facts.
Evolution of the optical properties of Polystyrene thin films filled with Zinc Oxide nanoparticles[Full-Text ] Vijaya S. Sangawar and Manisha C. GolchhaThin films of Polystyrene (PS) with different concentrations (0, 0.5, 1, 3 and 5 wt. %) of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) as a filler were prepared by using solution cast technique. Effect of ZnO NPs on optical properties of PS such as absorbance, transmittance, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, and, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant have been investigated by measuring optical absorption spectra using UV- Vis spectroscopy. This study reveals that all these parameters are affected by increasing ZnO NPs percentage. The study has been also extended to include the changes in the optical parameters including the band tail width and band gap energies for the samples.
Changes in pigment content (chlorophyll and carotenoid), enzyme activities (catalase and peroxidase), biomass and yield of rice plant (Oriza sativa.L) following irrigation of rice mill wastewater under pot culture conditions[Full-Text ] Abanti Pradhan , Sanjat K Sahu , Aditya K DashA work was undertaken to study the changes in pigment (chlorophyll and carotenoid) content, enzyme activities (catalase and peroxidase), biomass and yield of rice plant (Oriza sativa. L) following irrigation of rice mill wastewater under pot culture conditions. Prior to the experiment, the physic-chemical characteristics of the rice mill wastewater were measured. The wastewater revealed an alkaline pH (8.0) with low concentration of DO (0.9 mg/ l), moderate concentration of COD (630 mg/l), TDS (670 mg/ l) and high concentration of total suspended solids (530 mg/ l) and BOD ( 450 mg/l). Moreover the wastewater was rich in sodium (235 mg/l), total phenols (35 / l) as well as silica (58 mg /l). The experiment was carried out during the month of winter (December- February) when prevailing atmospheric temperature was between 10- 300C. Twenty cemented pots of 40 cm (l) X 40 (b) cm X 80(h) cm, each filled with 10kg of soil, were used for the pot experiment. Different concentrations (0.25, 50, 75 and 100%) of rice mill wastewater were irrigated to the pots before plantation of rice saplings. Twenty days old Jaya T 90 variety of rice saplings were planted in the pots with three saplings in each pot. Biochemical analysis (chlorophyll, carotenoid, catalase and peroxidase) of plant leaves was carried out at 15 days interval until the rice plants started drying (i.e. up to 90 days). At the time of harvest, above ground biomass (stem, leaf and grain) and below ground biomass and many yield parameters like the length of the panicle, number of panicle/plant, filled grains / panicle, weight of panicle, grain yield/ plant, harvest index, shoot / root ratio and root/shoot ratio were recorded. The values of four replicates were averaged for each parameter. The results showed that pigment content (Chlorophyll-a, b and total carotenoid) of the 75 and 100% effluent irrigated rice plants was remarkably inhibited with significant increase in catalase and peroxidase activity at higher concentrations (75 and 100%) of rice mill wastewater. The significant decrease in grain and straw yield of rice plant irrigated with higher concentrations of rice mill wastewater (75 and 100%) was also observed. However, a marked increase in pigment content, biomass and yield parameters was seen up to 50% effluent treatment. The difference in responsiveness of rice plant may be due to the fact that dilution of effluent brings down the toxicity and favours the productivity. Therefore, from the above study it may be concluded that the rice mill waste water may be diluted to 50% before use for cultivation of rice.
Experimental Investigation Of Process Parameters On Surface Roughness In Hybrid Abrasive Flow Machining Process (Afm)[Full-Text ] Ravi Gupta, Rahul O Vaishya Abrasive flow machining (AFM) is a non-traditional machining process which is used to deburr, polish and radius surfaces & edge by flowing an abrasive medium inside the workpiece surface to be machined. To make the process efficient, hybrid machining process has been employed by providing a centrifugal force generating rod with rotational mechanism in AFM setup. These centrifugal forces assist the media to rotate continuously as it moves axially inside the cylindrical workpiece. In this experimental study parameters such as abrasive grit size, abrasive concentration, rotational speed of rod and diameter of rod were varied to observe their effects on surface finish. The results reports that all the process parameters have remarkable effect on response parameter. L9 orthogonal array based on taguchi method has been employed for experimental design without considering any interaction.
Analgesic and Anti Inflammatory Effects Of Ocimum Americanum (Linn) In Laboratory Animals[Full-Text ] Sripriya D, Venkanna L, Estari MamidalaOcimum americanum(L.) is a one type of weed, but some tribes are used as a herbal remedy for various ailments. But the scientific bases for its medicinal use especially in pain and inflammation remains unknown. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the leaves of Ocimum americanum in Laboratory animals. The methanol extracts of the leaves of the Ocimum americanum was used to investigate the acute effect on analgesia by hot-plate test in spargue dawley mice (Sri Raghavendra Enterprises, Bangalore) and on inflammation in mice using carrageenan-induced mice paw edema model. The extract showed a significant (p<0.05) dose dependent increase in reaction time in mice in the hot-plate test at the doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg body weight. The extract also exhibited promising anti-inflammatory effect as demonstrated by statistically significant (p<0.05) inhibition of paw value by 45.66% at the dose of 500 mg/kg body weight at the fourth hour of study. This study suggests that the methanol extract of Ocimum americanum have both analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity in a dose dependent manner which supported its use an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug in folk medicine. This may be useful source of lead components in the treatment of pain and inflammation.
Analysis of Packet loss and Throughput In Heterogeneous Mobile Ad-hoc Networks over UDP[Full-Text ] Jasmine Yadav, Nidhi Garg, Nipun SharmaThe computer networks have evolved themselves into an altogether new generation with Mobile Ad-Hoc networks. The Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks are increasingly becoming more sophisticated and complex in terms of topology, routing and security. The new age MANETs incorporate routing of heavier traffic classes like audio, video and multimedia. It has become important to study the performance charac-teristics of the multimedia traffic class in MANETs that includes packet loss rate and throughput. In this paper we will discuss these performance parameters under different scenarios like Bandwidth, channel error rate, delay and fragment size. The simulation results are obtained in the different parameters to reduce the packet loss rate and increase the throughput.
Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Multi-Chaotic Approach[Full-Text ] Hazem Al-Najjar, Nadia Al-RousanIn this paper, we propose a new data hiding and image encryption algorithm based on chaos theory. Our Approach depends on converting the texts files to pixels value using a logistic map chaotic function then stores the result in the image's border. The image with the hidden data will be encrypted by dividing the image into blocks and create a linear independence between the blocks to change the pixels value using X-plane from the Rossler function. After that, the indices of the columns and rows will be used to increase the randomness in the cipher image. Finally, the image will be shuffled using Y-plane and Z-plane from the Rossler chaotic function. However, by analyzing our algorithm, we show that it's strong against different types of attacks and it's sensitive to the initial conditions.
Digital Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaotic Block and Pixel Mapping Table[Full-Text ] Nadia Al-Rousan, Hazem Al-NajjarIn this paper, we propose a new image encryption algorithm that depends on changing the pixels value and on the shuffling approach of the image. Our algorithm used two chaotic functions to encrypt the image. First, the Rossler chaotic function to create a linear independence between random chaotic blocks and to shuffle the image, where the second chaotic function is a logistic map to create PMT to change the pixels value after creating the liner independence relationship between the blocks to increase the randomness of the cipher image. However, by analyzing our algorithm, we show that it's strong against different types of attacks.
Massive Multiplayer Online Game Using SOA Web Services[Full-Text ] Jashanpreet Singh, Chandni DhawanIn recent times Massive Multiplayer Online Game has appeared as a computer game that enables hundreds of players from all parts of the world to interact in a game world at the same time instance. Current architecture used for MMOGs based on the classic tightly coupled distributed system. While, MMOGs are getting more interactive same time number of interacting users is increasing, classic implementation architecture may raise scalability and interdependence issues. This requires a loosely coupled service oriented architecture to support evolution in MMOG application. In this paper we have proposed a service oriented architecture for massive multiplayer online game and web services. This increases the scalability and security of the system.
Removing the problem of Locking Not Good in Assembly of Lever Combination Switch using Continuous Improvement Methods[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar Mindarika Company Limited had reported deviation in quality of Combination Lever Switch in the Assembly department which results in increased cost, lead time, and customer complaints. The purpose of this study is to help Company Mindarika to improve the product quality and to manage the data for a continuous improvement plan by using Continuous Process Improvement. This research paper is related with some modifications in the setting of Hand press installed for Locking the two plates of Lever Combination Switch during its Assembly. Methods and procedures of this study include a review of literature relevant to Continuous Improvement, Quality Control Techniques, Root cause Analysis and Seven Tools of Quality and Assembly process of Lever Combination Switch.After the causes of defects were identified, solutions and procedures were recommended to the Company to eliminate defects in the assembly process of Lever Combination Switch.
Growth and Biochemical Changes of the Blue-Green Alga, Anabaena doliolum in Domestic Wastewater[Full-Text ] Aditya Kishore Dash, Abanti PradhanThe use of cyanobacteria (blue-green-algae) in waste treatment systems has proved to be cost-effective and beneficial. In the present research, an attempt has been mead to study the growth efficiency of the BGA, Anabaena doliolum in domestic wastewater and whether it could be used as an agent for low cost biological treatment of sewage. Pigment (chlorophyll & carotenoid), protein and biomass of Anabaena doliolum a blue-green alga, were measured when grown in different concentrations of domestic wastewater with or without Basal Nutrient Medium (BNM). The maximum chlorophyll (3.421µg/ml), carotenoid (1.047µg/ml) and protein (253.402µg/ml) were recorded on 16th days of growth followed by a declining phase. Highest biomass (1394.567mg/ml) was recorded in 100% wastewater with BNM. A two way analysis of variance for chlorophyll, carotenoid and protein content of the alga showed a significant difference between treatments of different concentrations of wastewater and between different days of growth. The result of the present study indicates that, A. doliolum could be used as an agent for low cost biological treatment of domestic wastewater through nutrient manipulation.
Optimization of a Drum Type Washing Machine By Analytical and Computational Assessment[Full-Text ] Sudeep Sunil Kolhar, Dhiren Ramanbhai PatelEco Efficient systems are the need of the hour in the market. This paper proposes an idea for the optimization of a washing machine in terms of reduction in drum vibration, power consumption and water consumption. The complete model of the washing machine is modeled in Solid-Works 2010 and its modified model in terms of eco-efficiency with respect to water consumption is proposed in this research. Also in this research, a mathematical model is formulated for reducing the drum vibration and an improved drum design is proposed to further reduce the vibrations. Based on the values obtained from the mathematical model, the Finite Element Anlaysis of the old and the new model is performed in Solid-Works Cosmos software and it is observed that the drum displacement reduced to a considerable extent in the new model. By replacing the electromechanically controlled motor by a three phase induction motor, the power consumption (mainly speed, torque and power) is also reduced. Thus in nutshell, the water consumption, drum vibration and the power consumption is reduced which led to an overall optimization of the washing machine.
Improving Web Service Discovery using Community of Interest[Full-Text ] Vandan Tewari, Nirmal Dagdee, Aruna TiwariWeb Services are the new breed of autonomous ubiquitous applications over Internet which are based on Service Oriented Architecture. As web services gain popularity and become more sophisticated and interdependent, the publication and discovery of web services become important area of research. This paper proposes a Client Centric Service Oriented Architecture (CCSOA) which emphasizes on Client and his preferences for web service discovery. The web service discovery can be improved using the information contained in a user's profile and his past usage history and taking advantage of the fact that people with similar profiles tend to prefer similar kind of services. In this paper a proposal has been given for enabling Client Centric Discovery using service categorization, service rating, session tracking and profile management techniques. This will enable a user to search for an appropriate and effective web service. For selection of a service appropriate to a client his membership to community of interest (CoI) has been used. The communities of interest have been generated based on user profiles and past usage data to help a user discover services of his choice where a user may have a membership in various CoIs. An e-shopping domain has been used to demonstrate the implementation of proposed technique.
Analysis and Characterization of Different Comparator Topologies in 90nm technology[Full-Text ] Aalay Kapadia, Prof. Vijay SavaniComparator is one of the most important analog circuits required in many analog integrated circuits. It is used for the comparison between two different or same electrical signals. The design of Comparator becomes an important issue when technology is scaled down. Due to the non-linear behavior of threshold voltage (VT) when technology is scaled down, performance of Comparator is affected. Many versions of comparator are proposed to achieve desirable output in sub-micron and deep sub-micron technologies. The selection of particular topology is dependent upon the requirements and application. The different Comparator circuits have been analyzed using pre-layout simulation results for 0.5 µm . The comparative analysis table shows the advantages and disadvantages of different topologies. Some circuits have been proposed to remove limitations of basic Comparator. The advanced Comparator are now used in integrated circuits because they are successful in removing many of the limitations. Still, further advancement in necessary as downscaling of technology is increasing. The selection of topology is dependent on the required performance. In this paper, we have shown the implementation of different topologies in 0.090 µm technology using the Mentor Graphics Tool. We have done the pre-layout simulation of two different topologies. We have performed DC, AC and transient analysis. We have also calculated output impedance. We have prepared a comparative analysis about them.
Factors In School Cultism: The Alarm And The Siren[Full-Text ] Ene I Ene, Anthonia E. Inaja, Ukwetang, J. OkpaThis theoretical research is a survey of activities of school cults in Nigeria generally. In it, cult was defined and the secret beliefs of the groups usually kept secret and only made known to those initiated into the cults. A brief historical perspective was attempted. Reasons why the cults always go away with their crimes with no one able to deal with them were highlighted including their modus operandi. Cults in our schools were also ex-rayed to include their membership, initiation day and oath of allegiance. The paper tried to adduce some reasons for becoming cult members; their symbols, logo and signs. A list of some names and types of cults in our institutions of learning was compiled alongside some intervention strategies to combat the menace of cultism in our schools and nation at large.
Library and Faculty Academics and Availability Theses and Dissertations to Postgraduate Programmes in University of Calabar, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Mfon E. Etuk, Joy Duruamaku-DimThis paper focuses on the partnership existing between librarians, lecturers, and postgraduate school administrators of the University of Calabar inorder to make theses and dissertations available to the University of Calabar Library. To this end the paper considers adequatecy in the application of the Universal Availability of Publications (UAP) and the Association of College and Research Library (ACRL) Standards to the analysis of theses availability in the University of Calabar Library.
Designing & Challenges With Best Performing Path Implementation[Full-Text ] Padmashree Kunthe and R.C. SoniThe performance and reliability of the Internet depend, in large part, on the operation of the underlying routing protocols. Today's IP routing protocols computer paths based on the network topology and configuration parameters, without regard to the current traffic load on the routers and links. The responsibility for adapting the paths to the prevailing traffic falls to the network operators and management systems. This chapter discusses the modeling and computational challenges of optimizing the tunable parameters, starting with conventional intradomain routing protocols that compute shortest paths as the sum of configurable link weights. Then, we consider the problem of optimizing the interdomain routing policies that control the flow of traffic from one network to another. Optimization based on local search has proven quite effective in grappling with the complexity of the routing protocols and the diversity of the performance objectives, and tools based on local search are in wide use in today's large IP networks.
Securing MANETs against Malicious Node Attacks with the Help of Back Bone Nodes (BBN)[Full-Text ] Mariam Khan/Mrs. Anuradha SharmaA Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANETs) mainly consist of a collection of wireless mobile nodes which are capable enough to communicate among themselves without the requirement of any fixed network infrastructure or any centralized administration. In todays era, MANETs are basically an emerging research area with many practical applications. However, wireless MANETs in particularly vulnerable due to certain fundamental characteristics which includes open medium, dynamically changing topology, distributed cooperation, and constrained capability. Routing protocols plays a major role in providing the security of the entire network. However providing security to wireless MANETs is a big concern issue and that too is not easy to be removed .In this paper we have proposed the mechanism to detect and recover from the black/gray hole attacks in MANETs with the help of Back Bone Network (BBN).
Design Of High Speed Multiplier Using Bicmos Logic For Large Load[Full-Text ] Saravanan.K, Raja.M, Sivanthiram.C.S, Yogaraj.AIn this paper we present a new combination of Bipolar and Cmos transistors which named BiCMOS and used to design a fast and low power circuits. New BiCMOS proposes and compare to the CMOS design. Proposed BiCMOS logic has advantages such as large load drive capabilities, low static power dissipation, fast switching and high input impedance. The multipliers are the main key structure for designing an energy efficient processor where a multiplier design decides the digital signal processors efficiency. In this paper, 4*4 unsigned Array multiplier architecture is designed by using BICMOS logic. Extensive simulation using Cadence to investigate the delay of propose multiplier. Simulation result shows that the propose BiCMOS has better performance in terms of delay and power consumption, in compared to CMOS counterpart. Furthermore the new design reduces the chip area because of using BiCMOS logic.
Experimental Study on Effect of Polypropylene fiber and steel fiber on properties of Concrete.[Full-Text ] V.R. Rathi, Miss Sweety..P. JainConcrete is one of the most extensively used constructions maternal in the world. It is attractive in many applicators because it offers considerable strength at comparatively Low Cost. When general performance of concrete is substantially higher than normal cement concrete (NCC) .Such concrete is regarded as high performance concrete (HPC), So HPC is promising material for many decades. There fore in present study the mix design of M40 grade is considered along with polypropylene fibers (PP) steel fibers (SF), PP+ fly ash, S.F+FA, four values of volume fraction of SF & PP fibers were used i.e. 0.6%, 0.9%, 1.5% and 1.8% with replacement of fly ash by 15% weight of cement. On these various mixes tests are conducted to check the mechanical properties of concrete. Mix Result show that there is significant improvement In cracking behavior of concrete when steel fiber an used and formation of large number of finer cracks. So HPC gave ductility to structural members. Which is essential for seismic resisting design of structures?
Review: Robust Approach To Detect And Localize Text From Natural Scene Images[Full-Text ] Khushbu C. Saner, Mrs. Neeta. A. DeshpandeIn natural scene large amount of information is hidden which can be automatically recognized and processed. To get this automatic segmentation, detection and recognition of visual text entities in natural scene images should be done. For extracting the text from natural scene images, robust approaches like combination of algorithm such as by combining the edge and connected component based are adopted. Efficient outcome is the result of combining. The connected component based algorithm is more robust to scale and lighting condition as compared to edge based. In literature unary component properties and binary contextual component of conditional random field model are preferred to detect non-text components. In region based method, the speed is relatively slow and performance is sensitive to text alignment orientation and for connected component based methods cannot segment text component accurately. Combination of these two models can achieve a far more robust algorithm, which would be invariant to scale, lighting and orientation changes. This robust approach will fail to segment text. The paper emphasizes a strong focus on four methods of detecting and localizing the text already proposed in the literature. A brief review along with comparative analysis and future scope of the algorithm are focused in the paper
Computer Simulation Applied to Separate Ethanol from Ethyl Acetate by Normal Distillation Process[Full-Text ] Taha MahdiDistillation is one of the oldest and most important separation processes that it is used in the chemical and petrochemical industries. The objective of this work is to separate a highly non-ideal mixture of ethanol from ethyl acetate by continuous normal distillation column using computational simulation, Aspen Plus software as a simulator. The effects of the number of stages, location of the feed stage and reflux ratio on the purity of products were studied. Calculation of the vapor-liquid equilibrium and relative volatility for this system was done by the NRTL model and the data of VLE compared with literatures. The results indicated that the mole fraction of ethyl acetate in the distillate is less than or equal to 0.555. The separation of this mixture by normal distillation column is to provide evidence of the poor capability of the ordinary distillation process in the direct separation of the both components.
Optimizing Time-multiplexing Raster Cellular Neural Network simulator using genetic algorithms with The RK-Embedded Centroidal[Full-Text ] O.H. Abdelwahed, M. El-sayed WahedIn this research, a versatile algorithm for simulating CNN arrays and time multiplexing is implemented using numerical integration algorithms; RK-Embedded Centroidal Mean(RKECM) and RK4. The approach, time-multiplexing simulation, plays a pivotal role in the area of simulating hardware models and testing hardware implementations of CNN. Owing to hardware limitations in practical sense, it is not possible to have a one-one mapping between the CNN hardware processors and all the pixels of the image. The simulator is capable of performing CNN simulations for any size of input image, thus a powerful tool for researchers investigating potential applications of CNN. This paper presents proper CNN templates for edge detection in image processing. Training of CNN is done by using genetic algorithm
A Study of Vorticity of MHD Visco-elastic Boundary layer flow through porous medium with free convection past a continuous moving surface[Full-Text ] Alok Darshan Kothiyal, S. R. Ansari and Sangeeta TyagiThis paper investigates the study of vorticity of MHD viscoelastic boundary layer flow through porous medium with free convection past a continuous surface. The effects of the important flow parameters such as Magnetic Parameter (M), Grashof number (Gr), Modified Grashof number (Gm), Prandtl number (Pr) and Schimdt number (Sc) on the vorticity of the flow field are analyzed quantitatively with the help of figures and tables.