Author:Dr.Renuka Hiremath

Dr.Renuka Hiremath

Social Policy
United Kingdom

Program of Masters & PhD in Health Policy,Planning and Financing
Faculty of Engineering
London School Of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and London school of Economics
United Kingdom



•••Gender: Is It A Barrier For Access To Healthcare In India?

Background: In 2005, WHO Member States adopted a resolution to encourage all countries for achieving and/or maintaining universal health coverage without the risk of severe financial consequences. Access to health care is one of the major components of universal health care. Access is complex and multidimensional concept. Gender influence on access and use of health care is one of the key determinants to achieve universal health coverage in India. Men and women both have their health problems. However, it is important to determine whether they get opportunity to solve those health problems. This research aims at studying the gender disparity in accessing healthcare in India. Methods: For Literature review analysis, Pub Med, Med Ind, Medline, Embassy, Global health, Social Policy and Research and subsequently Google Scholar were used to identify review articles for gender disparity. A total of 36 articles were included from the above databases alongside separate searches on Google after applying filtration of inclusion criteria. Reanalysed secondary data from NFHS-3 survey is used to identify the reasons for gender disparity. Both the literature review and secondary data were utilised to achieve the aim of this research paper. Results: Socioeconomic status, cultural practices, perceptions of illness, cost expenditure on health has significant impact on gender disparity and access to health care in India. Literature review of selected articles and NFHS-3 data identified demand and supply factors which had impact on utilisation of health services in terms of lower immunisation rate or delayed ARI and diarrhoea treatment. Conclusion: Henceforth, to achieve gender equity in terms of access of healthcare services, it is recommended to encourage female literacy, provide those more employment opportunities, and create awareness about health in community and integration of different medicinal streams.


TITLE - Gender: Is It A Barrier For Access To Healthcare In India?
AUTHOR - Dr.Renuka Hiremath
••••••IJSER Edition - March 2015

UNIVERSITY - London School Of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and London school of Economics
Nick Black

AUTHOR - Namrata Hange
••••••IJSER Edition - March 2015

RESIDENT - Resident,Preventive Medicine,
Singapore -
National University Hospital
