Author:War War Oo

War War Oo

History Department

Program of Masters & PhD in Art, History, Handcrafts
Faculty of Arts
Kyaingtong University



•••Art and History of Myanmar Jade

This dissertation is one which presents a history of jade production in Myanmar from 1780 to 1995. It stresses the jade production from Konbaung period to the present the monarchical days to the Colonial period, the period after the independence and the period before the Revolutionary Council had taken power had brought little benefits to the nation, that since the Revolutionary Council had taken over the country, the jade production was placed under the control of the government and therefore, yielded many benefits towards the national economy and that at present under the State Peace and Development Council, the citizen owned companies and joint-venture companies associated with the government were given free trade and thus contributed towards the promoting of the national economy. All available source materials on jade are collected and studied primary sources have been referred to, and statistics, maps and photos have been collected and included as evidences as exhaustively as possible. Formerly, My-anmar jade was known as the China jade, but now it has become the Jade of Myanmar in the world's jade market, and has been contributing to-wards the economy of the State.


TITLE - Art and History of Myanmar Jade
AUTHOR - War War Oo
••••••IJSER Edition - July 2019

UNIVERSITY - Kyaingtong University
War War Oo
