Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018.
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JABALPUR SCORING TO PREDICT MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY IN PEPTIC ULCER PERFORATION[Full-Text ] Dr .G. SATHISH KUMARPeptic ulcer perforation is one of the acute abdominal emergencies in the surgical field. Scoring systems are developed to increase evaluation, monitoring and care of the patients including specific adjustments to bring about successful surgical outcome thereby reducing the morbidity and mortality of patients.
A Mathematical Approach to Investigate the Effect of Chip Slenderness Ratio in Primary Deformation Zone in Turning[Full-Text ] Zülküf Demir, Oktay AdiyamanIn extended cutting speed law, Chip Slenderness Ratio (Csr) is a vital parameter and ratio of the depth of cut to feed rate, influencing machining operations. In this study, the effect of Chip Slenderness Ratio (χ) on the shear angle (φ), cutting-edge approach angle (χ), and rake angle (α) was investigated theoretically, by using Matlab and Minitab 17 software. In conclusion, it established that φ has an inversely proportional effect on Csr, while χ has a directly proportional effect, but α has an insignificant effect on primary deformation zone because of affecting moving of removed chip on rake face.
Synthesis and Characterization of N-Heterocyclic Carbene and their Complexes with Pd(II)[Full-Text ] Khaled alzobar, Rushdi Madwar, M.Moudar Al-Khuder, Joumaa MerzaN-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) are a significant and powerful class of ligands, New imidazolium salts (DII, DTI) and N-heterocyclic carbine complexes were designed (Pd-NHC), synthesized and structurally characterized by NMR (1H,13C), IR, and other methods.
Thermal Management System for Fiber Lasers using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Karan KumarFiber lasers nowadays are used extensively for various operations because of their exceptional beam quality. Fiber laser, when operated for various applications, generate heat at high power-regimes. To maintain its working by suppressing thermal issues, a cooling circuit must be considered.
Level of Computer Usage and Literacy in Computer in Computer - Based Technology Tools in the 21st Centuries Social Studies Teachers and Students[Full-Text ] Irish E. EblacasThis study determined the frequency of utilization and the level of literacy of computer-based technology in teaching and learning of Social Studies teachers and students of selected High Schools of Zone II, Division of Zambales. The instrument was based from the questionnaires developed by Fontelera (2013). Based on the findings, the researcher concluded that the Social Studies teacher-respondent is female, in her early adulthood, quite new in the teaching profession and identified that projector was the most commonly used gadget while the student – respondent is male, adolescent, and identified projector as the most commonly used gadget at school.
Assessment of Insect Pests of Sugarcane at Different Growth Stages at Tendaho, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Alemu Habebe, Abebe Chaka & Esa Abiso and Tura Safawo Tendaho sugar factory is one of the government owned company in Ethiopia which has about 25,000 ha of sugarcane plantations. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is one of the most important cash and industrial crop in Ethiopia. Lepidopteran borers are major constraints that limit production of sugarcane in the country. Information on the identification of the insect pest and understanding their significance in the sugarcane production system is in the primary step in pest management.
Elucidating fate of Apple scar skin viroid in animal cells[Full-Text ] Shreya Lodh, Vipin Hallan and Yogendra S.PadwadApple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) has been identified in nine different herbaceous hosts and also reported to be actively transmitted by the whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Tv). Not only the viroid RNA, its DNA form was also identified from the insect. We report here the the host range of ASSVd which was further explored in the mammalian system to elicit the infection of the viroid in the animal CHOK-1 cells. For this, CHOK-1 cells were transfected with ASSVd transcripts in-vitro and screened for its replication potential.
Mathematics Difficulties among Grade 11 Students of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University[Full-Text ] Leroy A. FloresThe study presented the level of Mathematics Difficulties of the Grade 11 Students of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University – Iba Campus. Results served as the basis for improving instruction in the institution. Student’s scores in formative test was used to measure the Mathematics difficulties of the respondents.
Security Vulnerabilities and Possible Prevention Measurs for Ensuring the Information Security of E-commerce[Full-Text ] Sabrina Tasnim, Arifur RahamanThese days in almost every aspect and things of life is transforming into electronic, likewise, changes in trade are also eye-catching as it is becoming more electronic rapidly. Roughly, activities which are related to commerce have been adopting E-dependent system to allow consumers for more easy consumption of service in a short time and have better experience. Shortly, when transaction and trading activities are made through the electronic medium, then it is termed as e-commerce.
Numerical modeling of stress state and displacement charac-terization around an UCG-induced cavity of coal seam VI of Barapukuria Coal Deposit, NW Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Rafiqul Islam, Md. Abdul Hye and Mohammed Omar FaruqueIn this paper, FEM numerical modeling is used to simulate stress patterns and displacement around an UCG-induced cavity associated with coal seam VI and overburden thickness of about 336 m of the Barapukuria coal deposit in northwest Bangladesh. We simulated in-situ stress patterns around UCG-induced cavity, displacement characterization and failure tendency of rock strata in terms of strength factor.
On-line Anomalous Behavior Detection of Students in Examination Rooms Using Neural Networks and Gaussian Distribution[Full-Text ] Asma`a Al Ibrahim, Gibrael Abosamra, Mohamed DahabIt is hard for exam invigilators to pay attention to a large number of students simultaneously. In this paper, we make use of the wonders of Neural Networks and Gaussian Probability distribution to help solve this problem by building a prototype of a monitoring system that consists of three stages; face detection using haar cascade detector, suspicious state detection using a neural network and lastly anomaly detection based on the Gaussian distribution estimation.
Difficulties in Solving Worded Problems of Second Year BEEd Students of Ramon Magsaysay Technological A.Y. 2017-2018[Full-Text ] Mark Gil C. Dela RosaThe main goal of this research was to assess the level of difficulties of Second Year BEEd students of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University Iba Campus in solving worded problems. The descriptive research design was used in the study with the used of questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data from fifty-five respondents.
AN EVALUATION OF THE THEORY OF ANIMAL RIGHT IN PETER SINGER[Full-Text ] CHUKWUMA, JOSEPH NNAEMEKA, ELECHINGWUTA KINGSLEY OKECHUKWUIt is glaring that non-human animal have been exploited and annihilated in numerous ways by humans. This is a grave injustice that requires urgent retention and response, so as to protect animal rights and interest from oblivious mind. There are theories in the animal rights literature which have existed for some time now. Some against the protection of animal rights while some for the protection of animal rights. In line with the argument for the protection of animal rights, Peter singer an advocate for animal right protection argues in his book “Animal Liberation” that human should give equal consideration to the interest of animals when making decision to other species.
ARTIFICIALLY INTELLIGENT TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM FOR PRUDENT BROODING[Full-Text ] Sushant Patil, Onkar Kulkarni, Pranav Bairagi, Kunal Taware, Abhishek Shetye, Rajat Gethe, Ashish Kumar, Satyendra Pethe-Patil Artificially Intelligent Temperature Monitoring System for Prudent Brooding is a system that make efficient uses of resources at disposal to increase the body temperature of the chicken. Instead of heating whole poultry as an atomic structure, the system intelligently uses machine learning to punctiliously detect the areas to be heated and the temperature to which it has to be increased in order to make the situation most favorable to the chicken in poultry and thereby the farmer. In addition, system is designed to maintain the air quality of the plant to reduce excessive concentrations of air pollutants such as ammonia and carbon dioxide which, in contrast to the conventional energy, primarily uses solar panels reducing the farmer energy consumption overhead and thus, help in reducing carbon footprints.
Effectiveness Of Utilizing Bacteria In Processing Liquid Waste In Hospitals[Full-Text ] Herkules Abdullah, Halim Simatupang, AryeniThere are many ways that can be done to treat liquid waste so as not to pollute the environment. One of them is with anaerobic-aerobic biofilter system which in its application utilizes natural microorganisms in wastewater. One of the bacteria used in the treatment of liquid waste, namely the use of EM4 in improving the efficiency of biofilter in wastewater treatment proved effective in reducing levels of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD).
An evaluation of Fuzzy-based models for Software Cost Prediction[Full-Text ] Sanaa Elyassami Software Effort Prediction has long been the most critical task in the management of projects. Although many techniques and models have been proposed over the last decades, accurate software development cost estimation is still a challenging task, especially to overcome the uncertainty and imprecision in estimation.
ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTIONS ON HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS[Full-Text ] Teresa DieguezBecoming an entrepreneur may be a key for young students even if the running of a business demands capital and investment difficult to get. This article seeks to research eventual relations between entrepreneurial intentions of university students and training areas, higher education institutions, gender, age and family influences. A sample of 275 college students in Portugal was collected and the results seems to point out that entrepreneurial education is crucial for the raising basis of the entrepreneurial spirit in college students.
Characterization of colorectal cancer stem cell (CSC) for developing CSC-targeted anti-tumor drugs[Full-Text ] Rana R. El Sadda, Camelia A. Abdel Malak, Iwao Ojima, Galina I. BotchkinaBackground: Cancer stem cell (CSC) is the major cause for tumor development and anti-tumor drugs resistance which we should give it all our attention when starting the plan of cancer treatment. In addition to that CSC has distinct features, it is quiescent, self-renewal, highly tumorigenic and highly resistant to chemo- or radio-therapy.
PREMARITAL SEX AS PERCEIVED BY SELECTED CTE STUDENTS[Full-Text ] Jose P. PichayTechnology has significantly pervaded the society; thus access of any kind of information and material be it audio or visual has been made readily available by a "click." With its advent, good and bad things can happen, moral or immoral, religious or villainous, and the like. One reality brought about by this is premarital sex where teenagers are the ones most involved. The College of Teacher Education students is not spared from these possibilities. There is a high vulnerability for the commission of an act which is believed especially by the conservative groups as something immoral.
EFFECTIVENESS OF A LOCALLY ASSEMBLED MOBILE PHONE-BASED ANTI-THEFT DEVICE[Full-Text ] Jojit D. AquinoThis research mainly aimed to determine the effectiveness of the locally assembled mobile phone-based anti-theft device for motorcycles. The device is an innovated vehicle security system. It utilizes an old cellular phone (keypad type) which served as the modem of the system.
Study the Role of Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Experimental Model of Spinal Cord Injury[Full-Text ] Mennatallah Loutfy, Rasha Zahran, Ashraf Elghzaly, Camelia Abdel-MalakPlenty researches have studied the role of rodent’s bone marrow- mesenchymal stem cells in spinal cord injury (SCI), but limited researches scoped the light on the use of human umbilical-mesenchymal stem cells (HUMSCs). Aim: we investigated two routes (intravenously, intratheically) on the recovery of SCI using HUMSCs. Methodology: Umbilical cords were collected.
MOTIVATIONS AND REASONS IN PURSUING A TEACHER EDUCATION COURSE: THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Jose P. PichayThe vision of the University of Northern Philippines as a center of world class excellence for instruction in the humanities, the arts and sciences, functional scientific and technological researches, relevant extension services and quality production towards empowerment of graduates for sustainable development has been the guiding principle of the College of Teacher Education in the realization of its mission, goals and objectives. Along the ways, there are impediments we have to willingly and courageously face as these are normal occurrences.
Can nuchal cord be responsible for later neurodevelopmental disorders?[Full-Text ] Karabeg Ed, Karabeg En, Resic B, Karabeg A. To established the link between the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck (nuchal cord- NC) and the neurodevelopmental (ND) outcome of the child. We studied 275 newborns over the eight-year period, - one group of 160 newborns with one or multiple NC loops (study group), and another group of 115 newborns with no NC (control group). Newborns examined in this study are from normal course of pregnancies and deliveries and both genders.
Prevalence of postpartum depression among women attending primary health care centers in Majmaa city, Saudi Arabia, 2017-2018[Full-Text ] Mohammed A. Al-Hassan, Ahmad N. Almutairi, Anas S. Alsaab, Ahmed M. Almosallm, Aabdulaziz A. Alhassan, Ali A. AlmuhessenyBackground: Due to the compounded negative impacts of postpartum depression on mother, child and whole family, addressing postpartum depression in a timely and proactive fashion is therefore essential to ensure optimal growth and development of the community. This study therefore aims at addressing the pattern and prevalence of postpartum depression among mothers in Al-Majmaa city, Saudi Arabia and associated factors
An Integer Programming Based Decision Support System for Pharmacy On-Duty Assignment[Full-Text ] Burak ErkaymanAs long as the world exists people will constantly seek solutions to health problems. It is not enough for the people to reach the hospitals and doctors; at the same time, they need to reach medicine when they need it. Excluding exceptional cases, medicines are available from private pharmacies. These pharmacies must be easily accessible when needed. For this reason depending on the population and size of the city, at least the determined number of pharmacies have to be kept open all the time in any city center. As the population of the city increases, the demand for access to the pharmacy also increases.
JOB SATISFACTION AND PERFORMANCE OF THE FACULTY IN THE COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION[Full-Text ] Necy Cesaria Vaquilar-RomoThe aim of this research was to determine the level of job satisfaction and performance of faculty of the College of Teacher Education, University of Northern Philippines, School Year 2016 -2017.
KANNAWIDAN FESTIVAL: IT’S EFFECT TO MERCHANTS[Full-Text ] Necy Cesaria V. Romo, Eleuteria R. Pacpaco, Wendelyn R. Talbo, Ma. Teresa Susan L. Manzano, Edmar M. Paguirigan, Fely de Guzman,Eden BuenoThis study aimed to determine the effect of Kanniwidan Festival to the participating merchants in terms of economic, social and cultural aspect. It also looked at the highlights of the Kannawidan and determined thhe areas of the festival that need improvement. It utilized a qualitative research design. The respondents of the study were the 56 merchants who were purposively selected from the different booths situated in the venue of the said festival. The principal device that was utilized by the researchers in this study was a survey questionnaire which was formulated by the researchers and validated by experts.
Data Readiness & Technology Assesment for Indonesian Non Profit Organization Using Data Maturity Framework[Full-Text ] Susilo, Widodo BambangThe development of Information Technology is increasing rapidly, especially with the commencement of the digital convergence era which is currently heading towards Industry 4.0, this is unavoidable especially for business organizations. The impact is also increasingly felt by nonprofit organizations, because inevitably business interactions also intersect with communal / social interactions that are mostly in Indonesia Communal / social interaction activities such as social and religious involve various non-profit organizations (non-profit) such as institutions community organizations, social foundations, religious organizations.
PROPERTIES OF STRONG FORCE[Full-Text ] Md. Kamal uddinThe interaction to tie up together the smallest pieces matter is the quarks .David gross David politzer and Frank wilczek have through their theoretical contributions, According To their theories the interaction carriers the gluons have a unique and highly unexpected Property namely that they interact not only with the quarks but also with each other. This Property means that the closer quarks comes to close each other. The weaker the quark charge and weaker the interaction.Qurark comes closer to each to each other, when the energy Increases, so the interaction strength decreases with energy.This property is called asymptotic Freedom, means the negative beta function . On the other hand, the interaction strengthIncreases with the increasing strength.
Jejunal diverticulitis with sealed perforation- an unusual cause of acute abdomen[Full-Text ] Rajnish meena , Rahul kankhedia , Sachin jhawer Jejunal diverticula are rare and usually asymptomatic. Acute complications may include haemorrhage, diverticulitis, obstruction, abscess formation and perforation. Here we report a case of 61 years lady who presented with generalized abdominal pain, vomiting and fever.on examination her pulse rate -120/min,BP -100/70, febrile, generalized abdominal tenderness and guarding present.CECT abdomen s/o jejunal diverticulitis and conseal perforation. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a perforated jejunal diverticulum. Resection of the jejunal segment containing the perforated diverticulum and primary anastomosis was done.
Path Analysis for Potato crisps[Full-Text ] Irum Raza, Arifa Khan, Asif Masood, Shazia erum and Saleem AbidThe present paper focuses on path analysis in potato crisps. Five characters namely taste, texture, color, flavor and overall acceptability of potato crisps prepared from eighteen potato varities were evaluated for variability and path analysis. Positive and high regression estimate (0.816) of taste and acceptability suggests that taste is the most important character for determining the acceptability of crisps. The results of path analysis also showed that taste has high and direct effect (0.885) on the acceptability of crisps and that it could be considered as the selection critera for evaluating the sensory parameters of potato crisps. Some important goodness of fit measures such as chi square statistic (CMIN), root mean square index (RMR) and goodness of fit index(GFI) were computed to asses whether the model is good fit or not. The value of GFI (0.72) indicated a good fit model.
Banana Tissue Culture[Full-Text ] Muhammad Naeem,Wali Muhammad Baloch,Khalid Iqbal Rajput,Abdul Jabbar MemonEconomically in Sindh province contributes more than 95 % of total banana production of the country. Banana plants produced through tissue culture not only reduce the risk of disease movement from one field to the other, but high yielding varieties propagated through tissue culture also increase overall production and improve national economy. An entire plant can be recovered from a little tissue or plant cells in an appropriate culture medium under controlled condition. Banana is the second most fruit tand fourth most food crop of the world .Ninty five percent of banana crop is cultivated in our province. Banana crop plays an important role in the economy of our country. Due to banana bunchy top virus and panama wilt diseases the crop has declined its production in the world. Diseases referred to roots as well as floral parts are very much transmitted through the infected suckers used for conventional planting. It has been proven throughout the world that tissue refined banana plants are the main wellspring of illness free planting material.