Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014 Edition
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Coverage and Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Network with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar Sagar, D.K. LobiyalCoverage and lifetime maximization of wireless sensor networks is an area of interest for the researchers in recent years. Activating minimum number of sensor nodes while maintaining the coverage saves energy and extends the lifetime of wireless sensor network. In this paper we have presented a model for coverage and lifetime maximization using multi-objective optimization. The goal of the proposed work is to cover the maximum area of the target region by at least k- sensor nodes to make the network fault tolerant and to extend the lifetime of wireless sensor network by dividing the set of sensors into maximum number of cover sets. In addition, we have also proposed an order based chromosome representation in NSGA-II which always gives disjoint cover sets and also has an advantage of not to specify the upper bound on the cover sets. A series of simulations are conducted and results obtained for the proposed model are better than for the other strategies found in the literature.
Municipal Waste Management in Egypt: An Investigation Study of Collection and Generation Process in Alexandria City, Egypt[Full-Text ] Rasha Fahim El Gazzar, Bakr GomaaDecision-makers at all levels are faced with the task of how to resolve urban problems. Wastes are becoming a big problem and constitute a burden on the environment and authorities to find a right system to manage these wastes. Cities need to become more aware of the impact that their consumption patterns on other regions and ecosystems. This research empirically addresses the issues of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management as a key of sustainable development through showing other developing countries experience in waste management. Furthermore, this paper evaluates the generation and collection processes of the waste management system in Egypt and showing the significance of the right waste management on the environment and economy in Egypt. The data collection method involved sorting and weighing the wastes from one house consecutively for seven days, observations, and interview with the chief of waste collection and environmental services in the company for the reconstruction and tourism development. The findings of this study indicate that solid wastes generation rate at household level was found to be 1.2 kg/person/day, having a high percentage of metal (cans) plastic (water bottles) and food products. In addition, the waste generation rates at summer time are the double of wintertime. Further, the collection times often are shifted according to the traffic congestion and the quality of roads. MSW management system not only enhances social, economic and environmental efficiency, and promotes sustainable development, but can also help resolve the dual crisis of resource shortages and environmental deterioration. Only authorities cannot solve waste problems, but also need a public participation and awareness in achieving an appropriate solid waste management system and waste reduction.
Analysis of the pharmaceutical supply chain by the FMEA method: Case hospital Ibn Sina child-Rabat[Full-Text ] Driss SERROU, Abdellah ABOUABDELLAH, Hassan MHARZI, Abdelmajid EL OUADIThe mission of a hospital is a complex task due to the variety of services it offers and other factors that come into play during operation: cost, quality, safety, delays, etc.. Hospital supply chain is an important part of the budget of a hospital. Therefore, the objective of this work is to optimize the medicament circuit in the hospital using the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method that is widely used in many industries who wish to assess the reliability of a process and the inherent risks. Our work is structured as follows: The first part of this article presents the interest of hospital logistics and supply chain pharmaceutical The second part presents the results of the methodology and its impact on the performance of the medication to the children hospital.
Performance Evaluation of Radio Propagation Models on GSM Network in Urban Area of Lagos, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Segun Isaiah Popoola, Olasunkanmi Fatai OseniThe analysis of radio propagation in urban terrains became highly imperative owing to the fact that the environment is composed of different physical obstructions such as high-rise buildings, towers and bill boards situated on a grid-like pattern of streets. Radio propagation characteristics, to a large extent, vary from one type of environment to the other. In this paper, the suitability of three of the available empirical propagation models- Okumura – Hata model; COST 231 – Hata model and Standard Propagation Model- for radio coverage predictions in the dense suburban and dense urban clutter classes of Lagos metropolis was investigated. A drive test was conducted to obtain the actual field data on the GSM 1800 network deployed in the area under study. All prediction calculations were carried out in the ATOLL network planning tool. From the field measured data, mean path loss values of 137.53 dB and 142.49 dB were recorded in the dense suburban and dense urban areas respectively. COST 231 – Hata model prediction results had the greatest proximity to what was obtained on the live network with a root mean square error value of 12.28 dB and a standard deviation of 6.42 dB for the dense suburban clutter. In the dense urban area, the model also yielded the minimum root mean square error and standard deviation values of 11.82 dB and 7.88 dB respectively. Therefore, COST 231 – Hata model was found most suitable for GSM 1800 network planning and deployment in the urban environment of Lagos, Nigeria.
Performance Measurement and Management Model of Data Generation and Writing Time in Personal Computer[Full-Text ] Dipankar Das, Parichay ChakrabortiThis paper is aimed at doing a performance measurement of data generation and write time in personal computer by generating relatively large quantity of numeric data and writing them in the text file and along with that developing performance models for them. These models may be used for performance management and at the same time they also provide an insight into the important aspect of relationship between ‘time’ and ‘data size’ of a particular platform. In this paper, we have used the curve estimation technique for analyzing the dataset and proposed two different types of generic models which can be viewed as: (i) 'Time' ~ f('Number of Data Elements') and (ii) 'Number of Data Elements' ~ f('Time'). In total six (6) models has been proposed, three from each type. In addition to providing performance measurement models of a particular platform (hardware and software), the proposed generic models also gives us the following information: (i) how much time is required to generate a given amount of numeric data, (ii) how much time is required to generate and write a given amount of numeric data in a text file, (iii) how much time is required to write a given amount of numeric data in a text file, (iv) how much amount of numeric data can be generated in a given time, (v) how much amount of numeric data can be generated and written in a given time and (vi) how much amount of numeric data can be written in a given time.
A Proposed Approach for Deploying Network Attached Storage by Configuring Virtual Switch In ESXi[Full-Text ] Maria Andleeb Siddiqui, Hammad KamalThe main focus in this paper is the Deployment of Network Attached Storage (NAS) in virtualized environment as it has been the subject for many researchers because of the significance presence of Network-Attached Storage in the datacenter. The consideration for the choice tends to hinge on the issue of cost, performance, availability and ease of manageability. Therefore VMware vSphere is the considerable solution which explains how to configure the ESXi system so that it can use and manage different types of storage. For simplification of the ESXi host configuration, Active Directory is used for user authentication as it also reduces the risk for configuration issues that could lead to the unauthorized access. For many virtualization deployments, running vSphere on NAS is a viable option because when configured correctly, it offers strong performance and stability. Therefore this paper provides an overview to deploy NAS (Network Attached Storage) by using vSphere. For this purpose DNS (Domain Name Space) and AD (Active Directory) is implemented in vSphere client. NFS (Network file System) and SAN (Storage area Network) will be implemented in another virtual machine so that only those files can be accessed by the machine in ESXi whose Domain name is present in Active Directory. NFS storage was introduced as a storage resource that can be shared across a cluster of VMware vSphere ESXi hosts. To make the networking feasible an ESXi switch is configured first.
Model for Advanced Sandwich Probe Topology Inference Scheme in Network Tomography[Full-Text ] Mrs. Vaishali Navnath Pansambal, Prof.R.H.Kulkarni.To improve the performance of the network, we have to examine the network and its function; we studied about what are the blockage in the network, and studied about the resources which are not consumed properly. For improving the performance of the network after examine the functionality of the network we design the solution. We used the Trace-Route utility tool for getting the internal information of the network, this tools required cooperation of the internal nodes in the network. In the public networks like the routers of the internet, it required cooperation of the internal node in the network, this functionality is not exist in Trace route for that reason we can’t used trace route in the public network. The term network tomography means the study of internal characteristics of the network by using the information derived from the end points of the network. In this paper, we proposed a method called as Advanced Sandwich Probe. This method collects the needed information from the network to generate the topology from the collected information. The proposed method is the extension of the sandwich probe method with the functionality of Trace-route method. Simulation result of the proposed method as comparing with the previous method shows that the method improves the topology identification process. The proposed method overcomes the functionality of existing method with the variation of differences.
Enhanced Search Results with Semantic Annotation Approach[Full-Text ] S. Anuradha, G. Bhavana, Ch. D. V. Sudheer, G. Suryanarayana, G. GovindAn increasing number of databases have become web accessible through HTML form based search interfaces. The data units returned from the underlying database are usually encoded into the result pages dynamically for human browsing. For the encoded data units to be machine processable, which is essential for many applications such as deep web data collection and Internet comparison shopping, they need to be extracted out and assigned meaningful labels. In this paper, we present an automatic annotation approach that first aligns the data units on a result page into different groups such that the data in the same group have the same semantic. Then, for each group we annotate it from different aspects and aggregate the different annotations to predict a final annotation label for it. An annotation wrapper for the search site is automatically constructed and can be used to annotate new result pages from the same web database. Our experiments indicate that the proposed approach is good and effective.
Leveling System Controlled by Electro-hydraulic Proportional Valves in self-propelled modular transporter (SPMT)[Full-Text ] Lu Liqun, Wang Xiujing, Wang HantaoSelf-propelled modular transporter(SPMT) is provided with a hydraulic leveling system to ensure the stability and balance loads on uneven road surfaces. The suspension lift system characteristics and working principle of SPMT is studied,three-point leveling and four-point leveling apply for different working conditions are analyzed and the control strategies and methods of leveling system are explained. A lifting suspension leveling system of 150t SPMT is designed,which adopted Rexroth electro-hydraulic proportioning multi-way direction valve with load-sensing as core control elements. The result shows that control accuracy of the designed leveling system is improved and energy savings is achieved.
Utility of Geoinformatics in Watershed Management and Water Quality Analysis for North-East Region of Pune District[Full-Text ] Anil F. Dhobale, Dr. N. S. Jain, Shivaji Govind PatilSystematic planning and management of groundwater exploitation using modern techniques is essential for proper utilization and management of this precious but shrinking natural resource. With the advent of powerful and high-speed personal computers, efficient techniques for water management have evolved, of which Geoinformatics technology includes RS (Remote Sensing), GIS (Geographic Information System) and GPS (Global Positioning System) are of great significance. Elaborate study has been carried out in BM-18 watershed in Narth-East region of Pune District. In this study, an attempt has been made to highlight possible avenues to find groundwater using Geoinformatics as a tool. Groundwater studies have become crucial not only for targeting its potential zones, but also for monitoring and conserving this vital resource. The thematic layers which will be considered in this study are geomorphology, soil, slope and land use land cover, which were prepared using the geospatial data and conventional primary and secondary data. Geoinformatics has proved as an efficient tool in integrating primary and secondary data for ground water quantity and quality studies. Attempt has been made with the help of Arc GIS software to generate potential zones map for watershed management and water quality of the study area.
A Survey of the Variants of Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Bhawana SinghThis paper defines four different kinds of the enhanced genetic algorithm procedures which includes hybrid genetic algorithm, interval genetic algorithm, hybrid interval genetic algorithm and parallel genetic algorithm. The hybrid genetic algorithm result into a better optimum solution than the traditional optimization algorithms and genetic algorithm. The interval genetic algorithm and hybrid interval genetic algorithm avoid calculating system slope in traditional interval analysis and determines the optimum interval range of the parameters under allowable corresponding objective error boundary. The parallel genetic algorithm develops very accurate schedules when the parameter guidelines are used.
Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation to Control arc Weld Induced Angular Distortion[Full-Text ] Mr.Thakare, Mr.G.V.R.Seshagiri RaoWelding represents one of the most complex manufacturing processes in terms of number of variables involved and factors contributing to the final output. Welding has been used in the fabrication of structures ranging from conventional industrial applications to high-tech engineering applications in nuclear, aerospace, marine and high-pressure vessel applications. Welding, however, induces thermal strains in the weld metal and base metal regions near the weld, resulting in stresses, which in turn combine and react to produce internal forces that cause bending, buckling, and rotation. These displacements are termed as welding distortions.. As a widely used manufacturing technique, welding offers a number of technical challenges to the welding community specially shop floor engineers engaged in manufacturing of structures integrated through welding. During the joining of components of a structure together by welding, the highly localized thermal gradients from welding result in high magnitude residual stresses of the order of yield strength of the material within and around the weld region, along with significant deformation/distortion of the structures to be welded. Both weld residual stress and distortion can significantly impair the performance and reliability of the welded structures. Therefore, they must be critically dealt with during design and manufacturing phases, to ensure intended in-service use of the welded structures. The scope of this paper is limited to but welding of structural steel plates. One of the major mechanical effect of welding i.e. deformation, will be mainly focused. A model has been established to simulate the transient thermal analysis with moving parallel heat source by using finite element method. Simulation results have been compared to results obtained from actual experimentation. The effect of different parameters such as parallel heating flame distance, heat inputs, temperature distribution has been
Drunk Driver Alerting System: Mobile Application[Full-Text ] Tanmoy D. Goswami, S.R Zanwar, Zafar Ul HasanThe driving in intoxicated situation is a major cause of road accident. In this paper we proposed a concept to alert drunk driver at early stage before actual accident take place. Complete system works on a mobile phone . The program calculates the sensor reading and matches with the pattern already present in system, if match found then an alert will give to driver and also a text message will send to the relative asking for help with location details. This system will design on an android based cell phone. Our proposed system will prevent many accidents to occur and save lives.
G-closed TYPE SETS AND g*-closed Type Sets In Topological Ordered Spaces[Full-Text ] G.SRINIVASARAO, N.SRINIVASARAO, CH. RAMPRASAD, M.V.SUBBASRAOIn this paper we introduce ig-closed sets, dg-closed sets , bg-closed sets, and studied relationship between them. Also we introduce ig*-closed sets, dg*-closed sets , bg*- closed sets and we discuss the possible relations between newly introducing sets.
Some Mechanical Properties Of Moringa Oleifera Seeds[Full-Text ] Adesina, B. S, Asiru, W.B, Omotade, S.A, Diabana, P.D and Akinyemi, D.OThe success of any agricultural engineering design effort is determined largely by the availability of data on the engineering properties that are useful in machine design for planting, harvesting, handling to packaging. In this study, some mechanical properties of Moringa seeds were carried out. Angle of repose and coefficient of friction were determined on five different surfaces namely: glass, aluminium, wood, plastic and galvanized steel. Compression strength test was carried out using a universal testing machine. At a moisture content of 8.33% wet basis, the surface with the highest angle of repose and coefficient of friction is galvanised steel with average values of 18.84o and 0.3412 respectively, while glass surface has the lowest, with average values of 15.06o and 0.2691 respectively.The average force at break and force at yield are 63.19N and 32.06N respectively.These properties are necessary for the design of equipment for harvesting, processing, transporting, separating, packing and storage processes.
Influence Of Iron Nanoparticles On The Triboelectrification Of Epoxy Floorings[Full-Text ] Shoush K. A., Elhabib O. A., Mohamed M. K., and Ali W. Y.Triboelectric static charges built up on human skin and or clothes in direct contact with human body are very harmful and can create serious health problems. In the present experiments, friction coefficient and electrostatic charge of epoxy composites filled by nanoparticles of iron sliding against rubber were investigated to develop proper materials to be used as flooring materials of high friction coefficient and low electrostatic charge.
Influence of Copper Coated Micro Steel Fibers on Soil Stabilization for Road Subgrade[Full-Text ] Abdulhadi Meteab Al-Sa’adi, Layla Salah Hameed, Dler Abdullah Omar, Najah M. L. Al MaimurA common bad characteristic expansive soil which is randomly located in hot terrorism areas located in the middle of Iraq. This is required to improve the soil , then implement a flexible roads for reaching to those areas quickly. A copper coated micro steel fiber (CCMSF) is chosen to stabilize the sub grade soil of flexible roads. An experimental study focused on the physical properties of the resulting stabilized soil has been achieved.
A Study of Fishery Resource With Reserve and Unreserved Area[Full-Text ] N. Daga, B. Singh, S. Jain, G. Ujjainkar,R. KhandelwalIn this paper we have formulated and analyzed two preys one predator model with one prey dispersal in a two patch environment.: one accessible to both prey and predators (unreserved rea) and the other one being a refuge for the prey (reserved area). The prey refuge (reserved area) constitutes a reserve zone of prey and fishing is not permitted, while the unreserved zone area is an open-access fishery zone. The existence of possible steady states, along with their local and global stability is discussed.
Global trends of tropopause observed from COSMIC radio occultation technique during 2007-2012[Full-Text ] G. Anil Kumar, K. Vijay Kumar, G. Uma, and P. S. BrahmanandamGlobal trends of tropical tropopause are examined using unprecedented resolution data sets of atmospheric refractivity, temperature, pressure and water vapor in the lower atmosphere. This paper presents seasonal and monthly trends of global cold point tropopause using temperature profiles retrieved from COSMIC GPS RO technique during 2007-2012. The observed trends with respect to temperature and pressure on individual locations and over the globe are validated using COSMIC retrieved, nearby radiosonde measurements and data sets provided by National Centers for Environmental Prediction re-analysis (NCEP) which showed a good agreement between them with few exceptions. It has been observed that both seasonal and monthly trends of cold point tropopause are similar to that of earlier observations made using the same technique. A systematic difference is observed between June and December solstice seasons, although both equinox seasons (March and September) are showing almost equal trends. No specific relation is found between tropical tropopause and outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) trends during different seasons, confirming that the tropical tropopause is not solely controlled by localized deep convection and it is expected that convectively generated waves might play a significant role. The highest values are noticed during the northern winter months (December solstice) in the deep tropics during different months of 2007-2012 study period, although tropical tropopause heights show nearly constant trends.
Galvanic Corrosion Of A Mild Steel Bolt In A Magnesium Alloy (Az91d) Plate Simulation Using Comsol Multiphysics[Full-Text ] The work focuses on the simulation of galvanic corrosion prediction of a mild steel bolt in a magnesium plate (AZ91D) immersed in 0.5 M (sodium chloride) as an electrolyte. The simulation has a model made in two dimensions using axial symmetry with electrolyte domain of radius 120mm and height 25mm. The electrolyte conductivity is set to 7.95s/m. Three different disc radii are investigated: 8mm, 12mm, and 25mm. An anodic Tafel expression is used to describe the electrode kinetics on the steel disc. The line graph of electrode currents for the three different disc radii and a revolved surface plot of the electrolyte potential for a disc radius of 25 mm shows slow kinetics due to large anode area, therefore the local current density of the anode reaction in the vicinity of the steel disc increase significantly when the disc radius increase, which predicts lesser corrosion susceptibility for the magnesium alloy plates. This model demonstrates the application of COMSOL model development and simulation to galvanic corrosion simulation.
A Research Paper On Investment Awareness Among Indian Working Women With Reference To Pune Region[Full-Text ] Prof. Priya VasagadekarFrom ancient times, women have been managing homes. Hence they are called ‘Home makers.’ But since the last 10 to 15 years, this situation has been changing. These days, in all sorts of fields, women are working efficiently and enthusiastically along with men or if it is said that women work more efficiently than their male colleagues, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration. In the metro cities, the percentage of working women is more and Pune is getting transformed into metros. Previously Pune was known only for the best education; but with the rapid paced development in the industry sector in the recent past, it is now known as ‘Employment Hub’ too. As the name suggests, the present research has been done to know the investment awareness among Indian working women with reference to Pune region. Now- a- days, women want to be financially independent & secure their future with enough funds.
Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis using Incentive Compatability[Full-Text ] S.Sabiya Begum, J.David Sukeerthi KumarIn many cases, competing parties who have private data may collaboratively conduct privacy preserving distributed data analysis (PPDA) tasks to learn beneficial data models or analysis results. For example, different credit card companies may try to build better models for credit card fraud detection through PPDA tasks. Similarly, competing companies in the same industry may try to combine their sales data to build models that may predict the future sales. In many of these cases, the competing parties have different incentives. Although certain PPDA techniques guarantee that nothing other than the final analysis result is revealed, it is impossible to verify whether or not participating parties are truthful about their private input data. In other words, unless proper incentives are set, even current PPDA techniques cannot prevent participating parties from modifying their private inputs. This raises the question of how to design incentive compatible privacy-preserving data analysis techniques that motivate participating parties to provide truthful input data. In this paper, we first develop key theorems, then base on these theorem, we analyze what types of privacy-preserving data analysis tasks could be conducted in a way that telling the truth is the best choice for any participating party.
Sustainability of Existing Water Resources of Sikandra Rao Town, District Hathras, U.P., India - A Case Study[Full-Text ] Mubeen BegIn this paper an effort is made to examine the quantitative and qualitative efficacy of existing water resources of Sikandra Rao town and seven of its adjoining villages in fulfilling the water requirement of the region. To accomplish the task, various data collected from the town officials namely; Lekhpal and Qanoongo (Sankhiki Patrika, Janpad Hathras). were processed and analyzed The quantity-wise and quality-wise outcome of this study reveal that all the existing water resources of the area under study are sufficient to meet the current water requirement of the people except the pond waters, which have alkalinity, chloride concentrations and Total dissolved solid concentrations at an alarming state. Measures are proposed for quality management of the these water resources.
Analyzing the effect of noise in the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model of a neuron[Full-Text ] Aditya Gaurav, Bipasha DasAn analysis of the response of a neuron or an ensemble of neurons represented by non-linear ordinary differential equations without input noise and with stochastic input noise is presented in this paper. The noise introduced in the input for the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system is taken as Gaussian white noise distribution. Simulation of the differential equations is done through numerical methods. Using the method of simulation, we study the interspike interval distribution from the sample paths which have been simulated and compare the results obtained for current inputs both with and without noise.
Study Of Natural Convection Heat Transfer On Horizontal, Inclined And Vertical Heated Plate By V-FIN Array[Full-Text ] Rameshwar B. Hagote, Sachin K. Dahake.Extended surfaces, commonly known as fins are, used to enhance convective heat transfer in a wide range of engineering applications, and offer an economical and trouble free solution in many situations demanding natural convection heat transfer. Fin arrays on horizontal, inclined and vertical surfaces are used in variety of engineering applications to dissipate heat to the surroundings. Studies of heat transfer and fluid flow associated with such arrays are therefore of considerable engineering significance. The main controlling variables generally available to the designer are the orientation and the geometry of the fin arrays. An experimental work on natural convection adjacent to a vertical heated plate with a multiple V- type partition plates (fins) in ambient air surrounding is already done. Boundary layer development makes vertical fins inefficient in the heat transfer enhancement. As compared to conventional vertical fins, this V-type partition plate works not only as extended surface but also as flow turbulator. This V-type partition plate is compact and hence highly economical. The numerical analysis of this technique is done using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, Ansys CFX , for natural convection adjacent to a vertical heated plate in ambient air surrounding. In numerical analysis angle of V-fin is further optimized for maximum average heat transfer coefficient. Attempts are made to validate the results obtained by using CFD analysis by experimentation. The experimental studies have been carried out on three geometric orientations viz., (a) Vertical base with V-fin array (vertical fin array) (b) Horizontal base with V-fin array (horizontal fin array), (c) Inclined base with V-fin array (inclined fin array).
Determination of the amount of Caffeine and Benzoic acid in selected soft drinks.[Full-Text ] Doreen AmponsahCaffeine is one of the main substances inculpated in the production of soft drinks. A variety of compounds are also used to preserve soft drinks; benzoic acid happens to be one of the preservatives. Caffeine and benzoic acid were isolated from four selected soft drinks – Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Mirinda and Fanta cocktail – using methylene chloride. For caffeine, the average absorbance obtained was 0.030, 0.029, 0.053 and 0.056 for Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Mirinda and Fanta cocktail respectively. And the average absorbance’s obtained for benzoic acid was 0.014, 0.022, 0.028 and 0.027 for Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Mirinda, and Fanta cocktail respectively. Comparing the respective caffeine and benzoic acid average absorbance of the four selected soft drinks to the calibration curve of their standards, only Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola happened to contain Caffeine whilst all four selected soft drinks contained benzoic acid.
Design and Development of Micro Friction Welding Machine and Investigation of Welding Parameters for Similar Materials[Full-Text ] P A Thakare, Lt Randheer SinghFriction welding is considered as a solid state welding process that generates heat through mechanical friction between amoving workpiece and a stationary component, with the addition of lateral force called “upset” to plastically displace and fuse the materials. Technically, because no melt occurs, friction welding is not actually a welding processin the traditional sense, but a forging technique. However, due to similarities between these techniques andtraditional welding, the term has become common. Friction welding is a recent technique that utilizes a non-consumable welding tool to generate frictional heat and plastic deformation, thereby affecting the formation of weld joint. The principal advantages of friction welding being a solid state process are less defects, low distortion, no filler, and cost. The recent applications of friction welding are welding for submarine rescue, aerospace, Production of micro cutting tools like drills, taps etc. [7].
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Highland Lake of Eastern Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Olana Kumessa YadessaLakes are fragile and vulnerable to global and local climate changes, and human intervention. Changes in lake ecosystems as a result of climatic and anthropogenic factors can in turn have significant impact on the livelihood of a society. Ethiopia is one of the countries that have experienced significant reduction in volume and surface area of its lakes. Recently some lakes are drying due to microclimate changes and over exploitation of water. One of the lakes that have recently dried is Lake Alemaya. The objective of this research was, therefore, to assess the micro-climate change and impacts on Lake Alemaya. Working toward this, data collection was done through analysis of meteorological data, field observation, interview and questionnaires. The study showed that different changes occurred in the area of Lake Alemaya that contributed to the lake disappearance. The average yearly minimum temperature increased by 0.7°c (8%) from 1980 to 2008 though the mean maximum temperature varied only little 0.4°c (2%). The general trend of annual rainfall in the area increased by 10% between the years 1980 to 2008. The mean monthly rainfall revealed that there is also a seasonal shift during years 1980-1992 as compared to 1997 to 2008: dry season got 10% more rainfall; wet season got 5% and longer. The study found that microclimatic factors have contributed for gradual deterioration and the final vanish of the Lake Alemaya.
Microbial Pesticide: A Boom For Sustainable Agriculture[Full-Text ] Sonia Kumari, Sanjeet Kumar Chourasia, M.N. Jha,RajnikantMicrobial pesticides now a day became most important practices in integrated pest management. A vast use of chemical pesticide degrading soil structure and its health also. So application of microbial pesticides becoming one the popular and demanding method by the farmers and researchers in a sustainable agriculture system. A wide range of Microorganism viz bacteria, fungi and viruses are now a day being used to control the different groups of insects and pests. They are specific in nature and do not have harmful effect on other beneficial microorganism. They act on the target organism directly by killing them by producing crystal proteins or indirectly by making unavailable certain ions or minerals by secreting siderophore. They are users as well as environment friendly. The present review article focused on the different microbial group with their effects and mode of action on the target species. All these bio control agent by acting as a herbicides, fungicides or insecticides depending upon their special ability to produceor secrete substances like parasporal bodies, crystal protein and other.
Neural Network Model for Drag coefficient and Nusselt number of square prism placed inside a wind tunnel[Full-Text ] Mostafa Y.El-Bakry, D.M.Habashy and Mahmoud Y.El-BakryThe neural network simulation has been designed to simulate and predict the Drag coefficient and Nusselt number of square prism placed inside a wind tunnel . The system was trained on the available data of the two cases. Therefore, we designed the system to work in automatic way for finding the best network that has the ability to have the best test and prediction. The proposed system shows an excellent agreement with that of an experimental data in these cases.
The Audio Frequency Conductance and thermodynamic studies of Some Metal Glutarate salts in Aqueous Medium at Different Temperatures[Full-Text ] Ibtighaa K. Radhi and Anis A. AL-NajarThe audio frequency conductances of aqueous solutions of magnesium, manganese (II), barium, and copper glutarates have been measured at various temperatures in the range 298.15 to 313.15 K , using an audio frequency conductance bridge. These salts were prepared by two methods electrochemical method and, for the first time and chemical method. The evaluation of conductance data was carried out by minimization technique using the theoretical conductance equations of the complete and modified forms of Pitts (P) and Fuoss-Hsia (F-H), each a three parameter equation, association constant (KA), molar conductance(?o) and distance parameter (a). Quantitative results showed that these salts do not behave as ''strong'' electrolytes, and that their dissociations are far from complete. The abnormally low conductances of these electrolytes are not attributed to the presence of electrically neutral molecules but to the ion-pair formation.