Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2014 Edition
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LTE and Future DTV Compatibility Study in the UHF band in Nigeria.[Full-Text ] O.I. Sanusi, A.O. Gbenga-IloriThis paper presents a compatibility study between future digital television (DTV) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) in the UHF band using Nigeria as a case study. This is done by carrying out an adjacent interference analysis to evaluate the impact of LTE base station on DVB-T2 reception using SEAMCAT software. Results obtained from simulations suggest that deploying LTE in an adjacent band would result in interference. Introducing a 1MHz guard band reduced the interference by 64.76% when a single interferer is deployed and an average of 20.91% with multiple interferers at 5km separation distance between the DVB-T2 transmitter and receiver. Further increase in the frequency separation did not show any substantial reduction in interference probability. This implies that DVB-T2 may coexist with LTE in the case of a single base station when the receiver is not more than 5 km away from the transmitter but may not when a high density of LTE base stations are deployed in the coverage area of DVB-T2. Finally, recommendations were made and further studies were suggested regarding coexistence issues between LTE and DTV.
Study the chemical stability effect of thermal barrier coating by thermal Testing and FEA[Full-Text ] Sathishkumar.S, Srinivasa.S, A.V.Suresh, Radha.H.RThis paper is on coatings (TBCs) made of temperature resistant, ceramic coatings provide thermal insulation on metallic components as gas turbine parts, aero-engine parts, IC engine parts. The high hardness, wear resistance and good chemical stability are very desirable in cutting tool applications in jute fiber sandwich structures. The durable life of parts increases on which the coating is employed, to characterize the coatings experimentally and find intermediate temperatures and residual stresses based on the experimental results of conductive heat transfer in TBCs. In experimental method of Atmospheric Plasma Spraying, top coat material ZrO28Y2O3 was selected, metallic bond coat NiCrAlY was selected. Ti6Al-4V was selected as substrate material 4 mm Ti 6 drill. These substrates were coated for maximum coating thickness of 700µm. Coating specimens were characterized for surface roughness using mitutoya surf test profilometer, Porosity, microstructure using SEM, composition elements in the coating by EDX. SEM of plasma sprayed TBCs revealed porosity level between 12.2 to 20 percent.
Analyzing the Personal Factors Causing Work life Imbalance using Induced Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (IFCM)[Full-Text ] A.Victor Devadoss and J. Befija MinnieThere are lot of factors affecting the work life harmony especially, stress factors, work related factors, peer pressure, personal factors, etc. The study is aiming to detail the effects of personal factors on the overall health of work life balance. The data arrived just by not considering any other factors but only the personal factors. This gives a vivid picture of the impact of factors which are purely personal and stays outside of the work. Since the data is linguistic in nature fuzzy models are used to arrive at a result of which factor has more influence on disturbing the work life synchronization.
A compact MIMO antenna for high speed WLAN gadgets in small sizes – A Review[Full-Text ] Manmeet KaurThe short range antenna applications used for transmit high-data-rate transmissions are WiFi etc. Since the frequency band 2.4-5.0 GHZ spectrum is authorized for the WLAN applications for wireless networks, these UWB systems have attracted much attention towards antenna. The WLAN adapters are being launched in compact sizes every year to make them adjustable everywhere. The WLAN antennas are being embedded in Internet dongles, Wi-Fi adapters, Smart Phones, etc. Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology can be used to provide multiplexing gain and diversity gain to improve the capacity and link quality, respectively, of wireless systems. The compact sized MIMO antennas can be used for various real life WLAN gadgets like portable WLAN applications like internet dongles or smart phone hotspots. In this research, we are proposing a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multipath fading channels based antenna for indoor compact MIMO applications. This IEEE 802.11abgn i.e. WLAN based MIMO multipath fading channel system antenna will be equipped with two or more transmit and receive antennas for each process. This antenna will be simulated using Matlab and will perform a detailed analysis on the transmission parameters and channel models for indoor wireless local area networks (WLAN). The proposed MIMO antenna will have an impedance bandwidth of 2.4–5.0 GHz, low mutual coupling of less than 15 dB, and a low envelope correlation coefficient of less than 0.2 across the frequency band to make it a good candidate for portable WLAN applications.
Profit Analysis of a Two-Unit Cold Standby Centrifuge System with Single Repairman[Full-Text ] Vinod Kumar, Pooja Bhatia and Shakeel AhamedThis paper deals with two unit centrifuge system where faults are characterized as major and minor fault. It is assumed that system leads to partial failure state on occurrence of a minor fault whereas on occurrence of a major fault it leads to complete failure. On occurrence of a failure in the system, either the repairman carry out the repair of the components involved or the unit wait for repair if the repairman is busy. Various measures of system effectiveness are obtained by using Markov processes and regenerative point technique. The analysis of the system is carried out on the basis of the graphical studies and conclusions are drawn regarding the reliability of the system.
A Distributed Adaptie Routing Algorithim for Regular Networks-on-Chip[Full-Text ] Masoud SeyedmohammadzadehIn this paper, the problem of congestion in Networks-on-Chip is addressed. We employ a distributed approach by dividing NoC into several regions. Every Region is controlled by a local agent.
Offset-Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna for Multiband Communication Purpose in the field of Communication[Full-Text ] Laxmi Sharma, Satya Narayan VijayMany techniques have been introduced to increase the number of bands, including the use of feed line asymmetry and fractals. Feeding system plays an important role to increase the number of bands[3].One of the original excitation methods for the microstrip patch antenna is edge fed or microstrip line fed technique. The proposed antenna structure consist of a I-shaped microstrip feed line and open slots of very small size in ground. Offset Feed increases overall performance of antenna to fulfill requirements of multiband communication. Further relationship of slots cut in ground to bandwidth performance has been analyzed.
Smart Menus For Restaurants Using ATmega128[Full-Text ] Eeshna Jaiswal, Ramandeep SinghNow a day with increase in number of people choosing to eat out for various reasons, the footfalls at the restaurants have increased. Restaurants like McDonalds, haldirams, etc. are very crowded. So to avoid confusions and other problems at the ordering counter a device is developed. The basic structure of this device is built using a 16x2 LCD, a 4x4 matrix keypad and a microcontroller ATmega128. This would help to take the order at the table only. After taking the order, the device would send the information regarding the order to the kitchen using the principle and method of serial communication. After the confirmation from the kitchen it would return the order number given allotted by the person in the kitchen.
CURSOR MOVEMENT BY SIXTH SENSE TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] M.ShanmugapriyaIn modern world laptops and leap tops play a very important role. People face many problems with the touch pad getting damaged which is very difficult and costly to replace. In this situation we may switch over to external mouse, but it won't be comfortable to use in mobile. To overcome these problems, in this paper we present a new technology called sixth sense technology. As a part of this technological growth we are proposing a new way of controlling the cursor in laptops using mat lab software with the help of RGB color coding
SIP-TLS for iOS based SIP Clients in Enterprise Networks to Support Custom Cas[Full-Text ] Vinayak Kwari, G.S. Nagaraja, Swethambari L KantSecurity to the data while transmitting over the internet is important, especially when the enterprises are very much concerned about their privacy while communicating over the Internet and any leakage of the confidential data may result in loss of revenue and cause huge embarrassment to the companies. To secure the web interactions, the protocols like SSL and TLS are used. Earlier SSL was used for providing the security to web interactions, due to the security flaws in the SSL the world has moved to opt for the TLS as the security protocol. The current workis to provide the security to the SIP data in VoIP applications at the transport level. This is achieved byproviding TLS support to the application and it enables applications to secure theirdataform eavesdroppers, who may try to modify the data for their beneficiaries. Although there are several implementations of SIP-TLS, this work has been carried out to support the custom CAs in enterprise networks during authentication phase of the TLS handshake. TLS protocol has two layers the TLS record protocol and the TLS Handshake Protocol. TLS record protocol operates on top of some reliable transport layer protocol like TCP. Current implementation of TLS will provide the security to the SIP data in terms of confidentiality, Authenticity and integrity. Handshake protocol will perform the necessary handshake between client and server and negotiates the set of security parameters to secure the current connection. Authentication service is provided using the X.509v3 Certificates, which will provide the mutual authentication between the client and servers. After successful au-thentication, the clientand server will derive the appropriate keys form the security parameters exchanged .These keys are then used to exchange the data in the secure way.
Object Relational Mapping in Comparison to Traditional Data Access Techniques[Full-Text ] Aditya Joshi, Sanjeev KukretiSpeeding Development, abstraction and portability of data access, data access layer encapsulation, cache management, concurrency support, transaction management and isolation, generating automatic code for basic CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) gave birth to a term Object Relational Mapping (ORM). It is a data access technique used for making automatic business logic layer, data access layer, views and stored procedure.
Determination of Amount of Hydroquinone in some selected Skin-lightening Creams sold in the Ghanaian Market.[Full-Text ] Doreen Amponsah, Dr. Raymond Voegborlo, Godfred Etsey SebiawuIn this study, fifty (50) samples of skin-lightening creams were analyzed for total hydroquinone by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The concentration of hydroquinone ranged from below 0.001% to 3.45 %. It was realized that eight percent (8%) of cream samples analyzed contained amount of hydroquinone higher than the recommended WHO maximum permissible limit of (2%). The use of such creams may pose serious health hazards.
Digitization of ECG records for Peak Detection and Heart Rate Calculation[Full-Text ] Kritika ParganihaElectro Cardiogram (ECG) is a non invasive technique and is used as a primary diagnostic tool for cardiovascular diseases. ECG Signal provides necessary information about electrophysiology of heart diseases and ischemic changes that may occur. Archiving the paper Electrocardiogram (ECG) trace as an image in hospitals and clinics is a regular practice to maintain the patients’ history. However, it requires immense storage space and manpower for storage and retrieval of the patient records. Moreover the scanned image may give erroneous results because of the skewness that may occur during scanning. In this paper, we have proposed a method through which the skewness of scanned ECG images can be removed and then adaptive binarization is done. Then using Morphological techniques, the features are extracted which are of utmost importance for ECG interpretation. These extracted features are further used for the Peak detection which helps to determine the heart rate. We have tested our algorithm with a number of ECG sheets printed from 12-lead ECG equipments. Compared with the manually obtained heart rate, the methodology shows an accuracy of 96%, demonstrating the usefulness of the approach. An elaborate experimentation with the algorithm has brought out the robustness of the methodology in handling ECG traces from various sources.
A Study of Critical Approaches in WSD for Telugu Language Nouns: Current State of the Art[Full-Text ] J.Sreedhar , Dr.S.Viswanadha Raju, Dr.A.Vinaya BabuWord Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is the process of differentiating among senses of words. WSD plays a vital role to reduce the ambiguity about the words in the telugu language. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a system which explores various methodologies to forecast the ambiguity between human languages. In the field of computational linguistics, some of the results have already been obtained even though, a number of important research problems have not been solved yet. In this article assessment of the Current State of the Art about “Critical Approaches in Word Sense Disambiguation for Telugu nouns” was discussed and further it contains short descriptive taxonomy of the NLP and WSD.
Some thoughts on Refactoring for Aspect Oriented Programming using AspectJ[Full-Text ] Geeta Bagade(Mete), Dr. Shashank JoshiAspect Oriented programming (AOP) is not something new. But it has caught the attention of the developers recently. AOP’s main aim to provide better means to address the issue of separation of concerns.AOP is implemented by using a variety of tools. These tools are an extension to the programming languages that already exist. AspectJ is one such language which is an extension to the Java Programming Language. Refactoring the existing system requires us to change the code . So, refactoring is a process of changing the software system in such a way that the behavior of the program does not change. In this paper, we propose a new set of refactoring that can be applied to Aspect Oriented Programs.
Solution of Economic Dispatch Problem using Differential Evolution Algorithm[Full-Text ] Behnam Jomehzadeh Mahani, Ehsan Rostami Salari, Behrooz Jomehzadeh Mahani, Farshid KeyniaThe Economic Load Dispatch Problem (ELDP) plays an important role in the operation of power system, and several models by using different techniques have been used to solve these problems. Economic Dispatch is the process of allocating the required load demand between the available generation units such that the cost of operation is minimized. There have been many algorithms proposed for economic dispatch out of which a Differential Evolution (DE) is discussed in this paper. Several traditional approaches, like lambda iteration and gradient method are utilized to find out the optimal solution of non linear problem. In solving optimization problems with a high-dimensional search space, the classical optimization algorithms do not provide a suitable solution because the search space increases exponentially with the problem size, therefore solving these problems using exact techniques (such as exhaustive search) is not practical. There is no specific algorithm to achieve the best solution for all optimization problems. Some algorithms give a better solution for some particular problems than others. Drawbacks of classical algorithms such as gradient based, interior point, linear programming etc., can be declared as insecure convergence properties, long execution time, and algorithmic complexity. Besides, the solution can be trapped in local minima. Hence searching for new heuristic optimization algorithms is an open problem.
DEVELOPMENT OF MINIMUM COST CAPACITY MODEL FOR POWER SYSTEM COMPONENT EXPANSION (MCCM)[Full-Text ] Idoniboyeobu D. C., Braide S. LThis model forms the basis for determining the number of lines of a given specification to be added to an existing power network, in order to correct the line overload problem. The approach first determines the line type to be recommended. The (MCCM) model is used to identify the lines to be augmented as a result of particular line overload. The susceptance across the right of way is determined at minimum cost. Power system stability is a complex concept that has challenged power system engineers for many years. That is stability and control problem are functions of transmission disturbances in terms of overload problems. Therefore for economic reason, power systems are designed to be operated close to their steady state stability limit thereby eliminating overload problems.
Strategy to be adopted in Preparation of National Water Resource Master Plan[Full-Text ] Sivakumar SSUnlike other natural resources, water is a unique resource, which renews itself. It is due to its constant circulation in the ocean-atmosphere-earth-ocean system. No matter how much water is consumed in daily life, its amount seldom dwindles. With time and under certain conditions water regains its properties and becomes fit for reuse. This is probably the reason why water resources appear to be unlimited for a long time. The key consumer of fresh water is agriculture rather than industry. Irrigation of fields, orchards and estates claim almost 80% of the water consumed the world over. Unfortunately, 97.5% of all water resources on earth are salty. Consequently, fresh water including the one in glaciers accounts for only 2.5%. Even here the most accessible one is as little as 0.3% moreover the natural distribution is extremely uneven. This unevenness is aggravated by the still greater unevenness of the geographical distribution of human settlements. In this scenario the importance of National Water Policy is thus amply emphasized and well recognized by the rulers and emphasize the need for the of water resource master plans to be adopted by the countries become an issue of discussion. This article recommends the strategy to be adopted in water resource planning in the case of water has to be done for a hydrological unit such as a catchment area/river basin as a whole basin, or for a sub-basin. It further recommends that special multi-disciplinary coordination forum should be set up in regions to prepare comprehensive plans taking into account the needs of not only irrigation, but also the various other water uses so that the available water can be put to optimum use.
Impact of Tourism Industry on Economic Development of Jammu and Kashmir[Full-Text ] HILAL AHMAD MIRTourism is considered a major tool of economic development round the globe and in the recent decades it has proved its potential by emerging as the fastest growing industry, contributing about 9% to global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) also known as the “Paradise on Earth” is among the most important tourist destinations of the world. It consists of three regions namely Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. All these regions are well known for tourism potential all over the world. This paper will focus impact of tourism on the economic development of J&K by examining the parameters of economic development such as employment generation, development of infrastructure and State Gross Domestic Product (SGDP). It is estimated that almost 50-60% of total population of J&K is directly and/or indirectly engaged in tourism related activities. Tourism contributes about 15% to State Gross Domestic Product. Despite being a leading industry of J&K, concrete steps of its economic impact on state are still lacking. Emphasis will be put on causes/strengths like rich heritage and culture, great hospitality and beautiful landscape among the likewise which act as facilitators in the economic development of J&K. This paper will also attempt to draw attention towards the new unexplored tourist destinations like Bungus valley and Lolab valley which may prove beneficial for the development of far flung and remote areas of J&K. The purpose of this study will be to provide some feasible suggestions based on the findings which may prove valuable for the future development of tourism in Jammu and Kashmir.
The Role of Image in the Political Campaigns[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Kire Sharlamanov, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar JovanoskiIn this paper we explore the role of the image in contemporary political campaigns, in particular, to what extent that can determine the winners of the election. The image since the very beginnings of sociological and communication studies from 50ties of the twentieth century, is an unavoidable part of a successful campaign. Several case studies (some of them mentioned in this paper) show that the image-building tactics were changed over the years. Specifically in this paper we pointed out the difference in the way of building the image of the political campaigns of the 80's and 50's of last century, indicating the growing importance of the emotions that are causing the audience. Also in this paper we took a note of the types of image building (long-term and short-term) and we offer same clarification between image and style. At the end of the text there are some examples of image building of several world famous politicians.
Design and Implementation of Robot Equipped with Balancing Biped Mechanism[Full-Text ] Engr. Bony Francis Rozario, Engr. Safwat Mostafa Noor, Engr. Md. Mahabub Hossain Bhuiyan, Md. Mahfuj ShekhRobotics is a field that brings together science and engineering, resulting in systems that interact intelligently with their environment. With applications ranging from agriculture to factory automation, from health-care to education, robotics is a fascinating and fun way to develop creativity as well as the design, implementation, and integration skills that are essential for computer scientists and technologists. Robotics has proven to be more friendly and economical in terms of technological advancement. The practical application of the robotics is achieved through the structure called ROBOT. Robotics is the science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, application, and practical use. Robots will soon be everywhere, in our home and at work. They will change the way we live. This will raise many philosophical, social, and political questions that will have to be answered. In science fiction, robots become so intelligent that they decide to take over the world because humans are deemed inferior. In real life, however, they might not choose to do that. Robots might follow rules such as Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics that will prevent them from doing so. When the Singularity happens, robots will be indistinguishable from human beings and some people may become Cyborgs: half man and half machine.
PSL and ISL Reduction for Px Code by Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Waleed Khalid Abid Ali, Hanan A. R. Akkar, Jenan Ayad NamiqNew two approaches are proposed for pulse compression the first one is using N.N. with seven training functions (cgf, bfg, br, oss, lm, rp, scg); the second one is using NNPSO and that by training N.N. using Particle PSO. In this paper, networks have been implemented for three lengths of Px code (4, 5 and 7). For training these networks, the seven functions above and PSO are used. Simulation results show that NNPSO approach has significant improvement, while for N.N. approach, three training functions (oss, cgf and bfg) show a good improvement in: error convergence speed (very low training error about 10-25), good noise rejection performance and good range resolution ability compared with other neural network approaches. The results of PSL and ISL were around (-30, -300) dB for Px code with lengths (4, 5 and 7).
Simulation and performance comparison among different routing protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Kaponias Alexandros, Ververis KonstantinosWSN is emerging as a major research field in computer networks over the last years due to its wide variety of embedded real time applications.These networks consists of tiny, autonomous sensor nodes. Nodes of these networks functions as a hosts and routers which discover and maintains the routes to other nodes in the network. Nodes are also able to move and synchronize with the neighbors. Due to mobility, connections in the network can change dynamically and nodes can added and removed at any time. in this paper, we are going to compare wireless sensor network's routing protocols OLSR(Optimized Link-State Routing protocol), DYMO(Dynamic Manet On demand) and ZRP(Zone Routing Protocol) using NS - 2(network simulator - 2.34). Several simulations were carried out under varying size of network and offered load for performance evaluation and comparison of protocols is reported in terms of average end-to-end delay, throughput and jitter..
Experimental Investigation of Emission Characteristics of Calophyllum Inophyllum Linn (Honne) Oil as Alternative Fuel in CI Engine[Full-Text ] Rahul Krishnaji Bawane, Nilima Baliram Gadge, Swapnil Ambhore, Aquib ShaikhAn increasing demand of fossil fuels has being a critical problem for us. The natural resources of fossil fuel are dwindling day by day. Biodiesel that may called natural fuel may be a good source or substitute for fossil fuel in future. Biodiesel can be produced from vegetable oils and also from waste fats. Biodiesel is a mono-alkyl-ester of long chain fatty acids derived from renewable feedstock such as vegetable oils by transesterification process. The esterifies cotton seed oil, pungam oil, rice bran oil, and Calophyllum Inophyllum Linn (honne) oil are chosen as the alternative fuels. Among these oils, Calophyllum Inophyllum Linn (honne) oil is considered for the first time as an alternative fuel.
Plasticity, Strength and Permeability of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Lateritic Soil Blends[Full-Text ] I.I. AkinwumiThis paper presents the results of laboratory evaluation of the effects of the addition of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), to an A-2 lateritic soil, on the plasticity, strength and permeability of the soil. The natural soil was classified as A-2-6(1), according to AASHTO classification system. RAP was added to the soil in 0, 4, 8 and 12%, by dry weight of the soil. Specific gravity, Atterberg limits, compaction, California bearing ratio (CBR), unconfined compression and permeability tests were conducted on each of the soil-RAP blends. Results obtained show that as RAP content in the blend increased, the plasticity index, optimum moisture content, maximum dry unit weight, swell potential, unconfined compressive strength and permeability decreased while the specific gravity, soaked and unsoaked California bearing ratios increased. These results indicate that RAP effectively improved, especially, the plasticity and permeability of the soil. It also indicates that deformation should be a major design criterion while planning the use of lateritic soil-RAP blend as a road pavement layer material.
Heavy Metals Accumulation and Structural Alterations in Scales of Fish, Labeo calbasu (Hamilton-Buchanan) from Harike Wetland (Ramsar Site), India[Full-Text ] Sulochana Jangu, Onkar Singh BrraichThe toxic and deleterious effects of heavy metals viz., lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and chromium (Cr) to aquatic organisms and ultimately to human beings are well known. The presence of these heavy metals in water creates a societal health risk in rivers that are otherwise useful for drinking water and fisheries. Fish play an important role in human nutrition and therefore need to be carefully and routinely screened. Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray microanalysis technique have been employed to determine the percentage deposition of Aluminum (0.1%), Chromium (0.32%), Copper (0.14%), Magnesium (0.76%), Nickel (0.04%), Lead (0.13%), Silicon (0.38%), Phosphorus (13.43%), Oxygen (48.13%), Carbon (17.18%), Calcium (18.4%) and Zinc (0.99%) in samples of fish Labeo calbasu from Harike wetland. It is evidenced from the results that bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the fish scales, therefore posing potential risk for inhabitants having dependency on the wetlands.
The double life of hTERT: Identification of a novel function and an explanation of mechanism[Full-Text ] Linda Zhou, Daniel Radin, Parth Patel, Donna LeonardiThe goal of this experiment was to elucidate a novel telomere independent function of hTERT, the catalytic component of telomerase, involving the interplay between hTERT, the epidermal growth factor receptor and its ligand and hypoxia induced drug resistance. shRNA was used to knock down hTERT mRNA expression in MDA-MB-231, an aggressive triple negative breast cancer line. A modified Boyden chamber invasion assay showed that silencing hTERT significantly inhibited the cell’s known positive chemotactic response to epidermal growth factor (EGF). An enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) performed for evaluation of the activation of the EGFR showed that hTERT knockdown results in lower levels of total and phosphorylated EGFR independent of EGF ligand binding. In addition, the effect of silencing hTERT on hypoxia-induced cisplatin resistance in MDA-MB-231 cells was investigated. The MTS assay for cell viability demonstrated for hTERT knockdown cells, hypoxic conditions provided no resistance or proliferative advantage, with cisplatin demonstrating the same rate of effectiveness as in cells grown in normoxia, while hTERT positive cells show significant resistance to cisplatin in hypoxia. Timing of the experiment excludes telomerase activity as an explanation. Previous literature demonstrated that cisplatin resistance is related to EGFR activation, independent of EGF ligand binding. Thus, the identification of a relationship between hTERT and the EGFR supplements the original additional findings of this study that silencing hTERT mRNA expression can mediate hypoxia-induced cisplatin resistance independent of telomere length, suggesting both a possible treatment for drug resistant breast cancer tumors and a novel explanation for mechanism of action.
Agile Software Development- What works, What may not & What could help[Full-Text ] Rahul AgarwalIn February 2001 seventeen software developers brainstormed and defined the core principles of Agile Software Development methods which is better known as the Agile Manifesto. Supplementing the manifesto, the Twelve Principles further decide what it really means to be Agile. This paper takes into cognizance those twelve renowned agile principles and how we can leverage each to best use. The arguments emanate from practical exposure of leading large number of agile teams (18 Scrum teams supported by Core team and Cross Functional teams at the peak) working towards a common goal.
Vickers hardness and Specific wear resistance of E glass reinforced poly methyl methacrylate[Full-Text ] Merin Mathew, Kamalakanth Shenoy, Ravishankar K.SPoly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) is one of the most widely accepted biomaterial in prosthetic dentistry due to its acceptable advantages. However the conventional PMMA used are far from being ideal because of their inferior mechanical properties. So the present study is to determine the Vickers Hardness and specific wear rate of the silane treated E glass fiber reinforced PMMA. Vickers Hardness number and specific wear rate of PMMA denture base can be determined by varying the weight percentage and aspect ratio of glass fiber. To measure the Vickers hardness, specimens prepared using a standard rectangular mold of 62mm length, 10 mm breadth and 2.5 mm thickness. Vickers Hardness number measured using Vickers hardness test apparatus having square based diamond pyramid as indenter. For wear analysis, specimens prepared using a standard cylindrical mold of 8mm diameter and 25mm length. Specific wear rate measured after measuring the weight loss in the pin on disc method by Wear and Friction Monitor TR-20ICL. Microstructure of the abraded surface observed through Trinocular inverted metallurgical microscope model Metji M1004. Detailed statistical analysis performed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Tukey-Kramer Multiple Comparisons Test. E glass reinforced PMMA shown superior Vickers hardness number compare to control and the specific wear rate for the reinforced groups were less compare to control.
A Keyless Approach to Image Encryption[Full-Text ] Mudassira Karishma, Raghu Kumar K SThe advent of internet introduced to its users a new dimension as to how data can be shared from one part of the world to the other in near real time. However along with these opportunities came the challenges, such as, how to maintain the confidentiality of the data being transmitted. This gave a fillip to the already vibrant research area of cryptography. Encryption of images with the traditional encryption algorithms such as RSA, DES etc. But drawback of this approach is key management is difficult and keys for encryption are limited. This gave rise to a new area of research for encrypting images that is splitting an image at the pixel level into multiple shares (two or more), such that individually the shares convey no information about the image, but a qualified set of these shares will help to regenerate the original image. But drawback of this second approach is that is quality of the recovered image is poor. So to overcome these drawbacks propose a new approach that is encrypting the image without using any public or private keys. In this approach we are using sieving division shuffling algorithm to generate random shares. After decryption the quality of the recovered image is same as original image and low storage and bandwidth requirements needed.
Comparative study of aluminium alloy pistons manufactured by casting and powder forging[Full-Text ] S.SRIVATHSANEngine pistons are one of the most complex components among all automotive or other industry field components. The engine can be called the heart of a car and the piston may be considered the most important part of an engine. Damage mechanisms have different origins and are mainly wear, temperature, and fatigue. Mechanical fatigue, either at room or at high temperature, plays a prominent role. A static stress analysis is used to determine the stress distribution.