Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2022 Edition
Publication for Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2022
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Anti-Money Launderin &g Combating Terrorism Financing[Full-Text ] Tariq Abdulaziz Mohamed SadiqDue to the tremendous complexity in financial globalization, a necessity for combined roles i.e. financial, regulatory and law enforcement compilation have come to surface to combat money laundering (the “MLâ€) in around 34 nations, European Commission and the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Application of Aloe Vera and Irvingia Gabonensis Mesocarp in Chemical Enhanced Recovery of Light Crude[Full-Text ] Ikporo B., Yelebe Z. R., Gumus R., Appah D.Hydrocarbon production from subsurface reservoir to surface facilities comprises three stages recovery such as primary, secondary and tertiary. Whenever it becomes evident that both primary and secondary recovery techniques can no longer recover oil from the reservoir or there is significant amount of hydrocarbon left after flooding with gas or water, the tertiary recovery technique is deployed. This study is aimed at formulating and characterizing a low cost and an eco-friendly Surfactant-Polymer (SP) slurry from some locally sourced agro-waste materials for chemical enhanced oil recovery under simulated reservoir conditions.
VELOCITY MYSTERY - A BRIEF RESEARCH PAPER FOR SPACE AND TIME DILATION[Full-Text ] PIYUSH JAISWALUniverse is the like the place which is fulfill of different types of planetary bodies and celestial bodies. And we all know that Universe has been started from the BIG BANG.
Solitonic analysis to the (2+1) dimensional RLW equation with the sense of beta derivatives[Full-Text ] Shahanaj Pervin, Nur Hasan Mahmud Shahen, Anita BiswasThe expâ¡(-∅(ξ)) expansion approach is used to build unique explicit and precise solutions as well as solitary wave solutions for the Regularized Long Wave (RLW) equation with the sense of beta derivative in this study. We can acquire exact explicit singular soliton, two soliton and three soliton solutions with the help of Maple. By giving specific values to the parameters, solitary wave solutions can be generated from precise solutions. Furthermore, we may infer that our preferred technique is powerful, simple, and easy to use, and that it provides far more trustworthy innovative precise answers for mathematical physics and engineering treatments.
High-intensity laser therapy in pain conditions related to musculoskeletal diseases-overview[Full-Text ] Zarko Mitric, Maja Vuckovic, Amra Macak-Hadziomerovic, Milos LalovicMusculoskeletal diseases indicate conditions that have an impact on muscles, bones, joints and surrounding tissues, usually accompanied by pain and functional disability. Hence, prevention and proper treatment may have a significant role. High intensity laser therapy (HILT) has been recently introduced in the treatment of musculoskeletal system diseases and given its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and biostimulating effects, it becomes a preferable treatment for these diseases.
Globalization and Economic Growth: A Case of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akpan Williams, Francis Ogosi, Peresuo Zibigha, Francis AndemThis study is on globalization and economic growth in Nigeria between the period 1991 and 2019. The objective of the study was to examine some globalization variables and their effects on economic growth in Nigeria. The study made use of secondary data sourced from the 2019 Statistical Bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the 2021 database of the World Bank.
Unseen victims of unfinished city[Full-Text ] Naveen ChandarThe Lavasa project near Pune in Maharashtra, formerly hailed as India's first hill metropolis, has been abandoned due to years of regulatory and financial difficulties. Aside from individuals who invested in the project, the impact of the now-defunct town can be felt in adjacent towns, where residents are still fighting to reclaim land that was seized for the project.
Automated Recruitment System Using Resume Ranking and Audio-Visual Interview[Full-Text ] Yereba B, Okengwu U.AHuman Resource Management is supported by and provided with more opportunities by the development of the Automated Recruitment System (ARS) using resume ranking and audio-visual interviews, which is based on the concept of modern job design. In all recruitment exercises, the human resource department is faced with a pool of applications to go through and select the preferred candidate for the job.
A review: Catalytic Pyrolysis of Municipal Plastic Waste[Full-Text ] Tanzeel Usman, Zubair Hashmi, M. Ahmed, M. Noman, U. Farooq, Zaryab K, ShahbazPlastics without any doubt have been proved to be the most important derivatives of fossil fuels. Besides their useful impacts on today’s advanced scientific world regarding their comprehensive uses, they still are a threat to nature and the environment. In Pakistan, 2.7 million tons of annual plastic waste is generated and most of the plastic is directly burnt, releasing toxic gases like Dioxins and Furans to the ambient air. The rest of the waste is either dumped into the open atmosphere or thrown into the sea.
Secure Three Level Authentication System Using Text-Based Password, Colour Pattern and Image[Full-Text ] Owobu Joshua Mark, Dr. (Mrs.) Ugochi A. OkengwuThere are many authentication system proposed and most of them still have weaknesses. Some of these focused on the physical and behavioral properties of the user such as voice recognition, and some others focused on knowledge of the user such as textual and graphical passwords. However, these systems are still not secure enough and allow attackers to steal the data easily. Therefore, there is need for something more secure and user-friendly to overcome this problem.
The Correlative of Fuzzy-Rough Nearest Neighbour Classifiers Using Heart Disease Prediction System[Full-Text ] Dr. V. KrishnaiahFuzzy-Rough approaches can play a significant role in data mining, since they give understandable outcome. In addition, the approaches considered in data mining contain mostly be learning at greatly ordered and accurate data. In this work, the performance is done of three classifiers using heart disease data prediction system. The fusion of K-NN, Fuzzy K-NN, and Fuzzy-Rough (FRNN) were used to calculate the accuracy of event of heart disease data sets.
An Internet of Things Approach to Crime Reporting System in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Sumayyah Sophie Nandom, Samuel Amachundi Adda, Wama Adi, Nwaogwugu, Ibeabuchi BenjaminCriminals and related illegal activities are difficult to predict and far more difficult to deal with once identified. The Nigerian police force (NPF) typically bases its methods solely on internal communication, dismissing (ignoring) the involvement of external parties such as citizens. The lack of timeliness between the occurrence of the criminal event, its identification, and action is due to the investigation chain. In this regard, a system based on Internet of Things technology is proposed to aid in the detection and tracking of criminals.