Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 is in-process.
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AFIM: A High Level Conceptual ATM Design Using Composite Formal Modelling With Capture Simulation Pattern Matching Technique[Full-Text ] Okafor K .C, Udeze C.C, Ugwoke F.N, Obinna Ifesinachi, Okwuelu NnaemekaThis paper is an extention of our ealier work on enhanced technique in ATM risk reduction using Atomated Biometric Fingerprint in Nigeria. A conceptual model of an Automated Fingerprint Identification Machine (AFIM) is presented as an engineering solution to detailed AFIM designs for financial transactions. We present detailed Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) and description algorithms as a Formal Modelling Framework (FMF). Our framework is a part of an ongoing research in improved Automated Teller Machines leveraging biometric fingerprint and cryptographic schemes. In this work, a pattern matching frame for an input image set at 0.99% threshold was realized with MATLAB Simulink for identification and verification purposes of the AFIM internal logic. Future work will show our GUI implementation results leveraging Software Development level Cycle activities.
An Investigation on Tcp Sack Congestion Control On University Of Nigeria Lionet Hotspot[Full-Text ] Okafor K.C, Udeze C.C, Ugwoke F.N, Ochi Josiah .C, Okwuelu NnaemekaWith the increasing awareness of mobility cloud computing via-a-vis wireless networks, there is an indication that Flow-Aware Wireless LAN (FA-WLAN) will play an important role in future internetworks supporting clouding, virtualization, Smart grids, and 4G LTEs. Congestion management in FA-WLAN considering existing network transport protocols such as TCP and UDP have limitations when fitting into these new technologies as increased heterogeneity and mobility will generate issues and concerns in managing congestion issues. With respect to realistic loads, TCP-SACK cannot handle traffic congestion in a Flow Aware-WLAN for scalable Internet traffic. This work conducted a pilot study in University of Nigeria Nsukka using three sets of APs to carry out measurements and analysed the behaviour of data frame size in traditional TCP- SACK. We used ethereal wireshack in a real time scenario for the data collection. Also, we considered IEEE 802.11 based wireless LAN where the access points is used to connect a fixed number of users to the Web or to a shared file system.The results of our investigation showed that in FA-WLANs, TCP-SACK will scale poorly in this new era of high performance computing (HPC), hence a novel congestion control scheme which will harvest packet size distributions is proposed, layer4 DMF.
Performance comparison of role based uniform and Non uniform routing protocols in Mobile Adhoc Network[Full-Text ] Ms.V.Savithri, Dr.A.MarimuthuMobile Adhoc Network(MANET) is a dynamically forming temporary network which has a collection of mobile nodes. Routing protocols used across the network needs frequent changes in routing decision and they are of different nature. According to the role-based classification, MANET routing protocols are either uniform when all network nodes have the same role or non-uniform when the roles are different and dedicated. They are further classified as topology based, destination based, location based. This paper compares the performance of role based routing protocols and highlights the best out of them for further use over the research area. The simulation results include important Quality of Service(QoS) metrics and shows that the performance of role based reactive DSR is better than the two.
GSM-GPRS Arduino Shield (GS-001) with SIM 900 chip module in wireless data transmission system for data acquisition and control of power induction furnace[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohamed Saad ZaghloulThis paper concerns the practical design and implementation of professional tool using GSM-GPRS Arduino Shield (GS-001) with SIM 900 chip module in wireless data transmission system for data acquisition and control of power induction melting furnace, We will respond with innovative, value added technique and services that improve quality, productivity, costs, environmental protection and working conditions. An induction heater (for any process) consists of an electromagnet, through which a high-frequency alternating current (AC) is passed. Heat may also be generated by magnetic hysteresis losses in materials that have significant relative permeability. The frequency of AC used depends on the object size, material type, coupling (between the work coil and the object to be heated) and the penetration depth. To ensure the quality of molten steel, its temperature and chemical composition must be constantly monitored. Using immersion sensors like Heraeus ones to take precise measurements of these parameters within seconds directly in the molten steel, rendering time-consuming sample analyses in laboratories unnecessary. This increases throughput and lowers energy consumption during steel making. Normally the obtained measurement data is sent locally to the control station through wires or fibre optics, Our mission is to proactively find and satisfy the measurement, monitoring and control needs of the molten metal processes by sending these data to a remote station using SIM 900 chip module in wireless data transmission system for data acquisition and control of high power induction melter. For soft ware part we will use GSM-GPRS Arduino Shield (GS-001), Using C language to program microcontroller, we put some strings in the program to make the GSM module understands them like AT commands. The complete designed system has basic and optional features as we operate in real time monitoring and control, use GPRS communication.
Robust Ensemble Model for Intrusion Detection using Data Mining Techniques[Full-Text ] Reshamlal Pradhan, Deepak Kumar XaxaThe current generations increasingly rely on the internet and advanced technologies. As network attacks have increased over the past few years, intrusion detection system (IDS) is increasingly becoming a critical component to secure the network. Due to large volumes of security audit data as well as complex and dynamic properties of intrusion behaviors, optimizing performance of IDS becomes an important open problem that is receiving more and more attention from the research community. In this paper we proposed Robust Ensemble Model for the classification of data using the data mining techniques to achieve high accuracy compare to individual models.
Self Powered Fan[Full-Text ] Akshay Kanfade, Saket ranjan singh, Nikhil DhapodkarThis project is based on energy recycle process and power generation. The main motto of this project is to reduce the utilization of electrical energy by the method of energy recycle process which is being generated from a very common electrical appliance i.e. a ceiling fan present in our houses, offices.
Enhancement of Energy Performance in Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] M. Denesh Babu, A. Deivaseelan, S. Ramaraj, P. Kalayarasan and J.V. BhavithraIn order to eradicate Congestion problem an Enhanced version of congestion Control is proposed called ECODA (Enhanced Congestion Detection and avoidance for Multiple Class of Traffic in Sensor Networks).Using three mechanisms which uses dual buffer Thresholds/Weighted buffer difference, Flexible Queue Scheduler and bottleneck based Control Schemes. ECODA effectively Controls Congestion problems for different class of traffic using MAC layer. ECODA has a flexible queue scheduler and packets are scheduled according to their priority. Many applications would require fast data transfer in high-speed wireless networks nowadays. However, due to its conservative congestion control algorithm, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) cannot effectively utilize the network capacity in lossy wireless networks. In this paper, we propose a receiver-assisted congestion control mechanism (RACC) in which the sender performs loss-based control, while the receiver is performing delay-based control. The receiver measures the network bandwidth based on the packet inter-arrival interval and uses it to compute a congestion window size deemed appropriate for the sender. After receiving the advertised value feedback from the receiver, the sender then uses the additive increase and multiplicative decrease (AIMD) mechanism to compute the correct congestion window size to be used. Our mechanism can mitigate the effect of wireless losses, alleviate the timeout effect, and therefore make better use of network bandwidth and also our mechanism can outperform conventional TCP in high-speed and lossy wireless environments. It can reduce packet loss, improve efficiency and lower delay.
Effect of breakfast eating pattern of school going children on their anthropometric & school performance in Lucknow[Full-Text ] Dr.Anju VermaA nutritional adequate breakfast is considered an important part of the nutrition. Food which consumed at the beginning of the day for achieving and maintaining the proper physical and mental health.
Extracting RSS feeds using SMS[Full-Text ] Mr.Ravi Devidas Uttarkar, Prof. Raj KulkarniIn the recent years two exponentially growing technologies are web services and mobile based services. With tremendous growth of data over internet structuring of data has became challenging issue when needed data to the user is scattered across multiple web sites. Technologies like XML have proven their importance to understand the meaning of data in HTML page. Using XML data across multiple sources can aggregated according to users requirement using RSS aggregators and now a days is wide popular for site containing information updating frequently.On other hand is growing tremendously,and most popular service used through mobile is SMS. SMS is cost effective service with respect to service provider.Several request reply protocols are designed which combines web service and sms data and provide access to data across internet through sms, but such application can be used for specific domain and website. When multiple site data need to be accessed through sms as per the interest of user there is no platform available for such service .in this paper we propose the Framework which fetch the rss feeds located across multiple servers through sms.
Nutritional Quality of Methi (Trigonella foenum graecum) Seeds & its Products[Full-Text ] Dr. Anju VermaA varietal trail comparing of eight varieties of methi seeds(Trigonella-Foenum graecum) powder & its sabji preparation was carried out.
Automatic Callback: An INVITE Dialog Usage State Application for the Session Initiation Protocol[Full-Text ] Lisha SinghSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application-layer control (signaling) protocol for creating, modifying, and terminating sessions with one or more participants. SIP is developed by SIP working group specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), peer-to-peer communication protocol to establish, manipulate, and tear down communication sessions at application layer. These sessions include Internet telephone calls, multimedia distribution, and multimedia conferences. A variety of applications are enabled through knowledge of INVITE dialog usage state. Best example is Automatic Callback (ACB). The ACB feature sends a priority ring on phone, indicating the previously busy or unanswered extension you dialed is now available. Callback feature allows to receive Callback notification when a called party line becomes available. Callback provides the ability of the system to suspend the call completion service if the user, who originated Callback, is currently busy and receives call-back notification when the called party becomes available. When the originating user then becomes available, the call completion service resumes for that user.
Experimental Investigation For Flow Through combined trapezoidal Weir and rectangular gate[Full-Text ] Saleh I. Khassaf. and Maha Habeeb This study based on laboratory experiments to investigate the characteristics of the combined flow over a sharp crested trapezoidal weirs and below a rectangular slues gate considering the study of the effects of the upstream flow depth, the depth of flow over the weir, and trapezoidal weir angle on the discharge coefficient Cd. Dimensional analysis techniques and (STATISTICA) program were used for finding new empirical formula with help of the experimental data.
Virtualized Cloud Infrastructure for Cloud Environment[Full-Text ] M.GomathyCloud computing is a disruptive trending that is changing the way we use computers. The key underlying technology in cloud infrastructures is virtualization – so much so that many consider virtualization to be one of the key features rather than simply an implementation detail. Unfortunately, the use of virtualization is the source of a significant security concern. Because multiple virtual machines run on the same server and since the virtualization layer plays a considerable role in the operation of a virtual machine, a malicious party has the opportunity to attack the virtualization layer. A successful attack would give the malicious party control over the all-powerful virtualization layer, potentially compromising the confidentiality and integrity of the software and data of any virtual machine. In this paper we propose removing the virtualization layer, while retaining the key features enabled by virtualization. Our NoHype architecture, named to indicate the removal of the hypervisor, addresses each of the key roles of the virtualization layer: arbitrating access to CPU, memory, and I/O devices, acting as a network device (e.g., Ethernet switch), and managing the starting and stopping of guest virtual machines. Additionally, we show that our NoHype architecture may indeed be” no hype” since nearly all of the needed features to realize the NoHype architecture are currently available as hardware extensions to processors and I/O devices.
Direct And Inverse Theorem In Weighted Space Lp,w(X)[Full-Text ] S. K. Jassim, Alaa A. AuadThese The aim of this paper, we define the operator V2n(f) and use it to find the degree of best one-sided approximation of unbounded functions in weighted space Lp,w(X) by proving direct and inverse inequalities.
Adaptation of Odolewu Clay for Use as Refractory Material[Full-Text ] imeon Ibitoye and Oluwaseun AloThis study investigated the refractory properties of Odolewu clay, varying the composition with dolomite. Spectrometric analysis was carried out on the clay and dolomite to determine their chemical compositions. The clay was then crushed, sieved and blended with dolomite in proportions ranging from 0-30 wt.%. Tests for thermal shock resistance, cold crushing strength, percentage linear shrinkage, bulk density, apparent porosity, permeability and refractoriness were carried out on each composition.
Analysis on Predicting Earthquakes through an Abnormal Behavior of Animals[Full-Text ] K.R.Lakshmi, Y.Nagesh and M.Veera KrishnaThis paper presents an abnormal animal behaviour in an earthquake prediction. The earthquake prediction can be done using the abnormal behaviour of animals preceding earthquake occurrence in seismically active region because of their relatively more capability than humans of perceiving certain kind of geophysical stimuli which may precede earthquake. The lead times prior to the earthquake ranged from several seconds to a week, with the most frequent observations occurring between several minutes and several days prior to the earthquake. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to the possibility that some animals may possess sensitivity to certain earthquake precursors, which could serve to help warn people of an approaching earthquake. This survey was done in order to find out how common these observations of unusual animal behavior are among the population of an earthquake-prone region. In the case that animals are actually reacting to precursory earthquake signals, some explanations have been proposed. Most of the methods and models are beyond the scope of the present work and only a few simple methods and models are discussed. Some observations of unusual animal behavior prior to earthquakes have been reported around the world. Further, the data requirement for the earthquake prediction in the Indian context has been discussed.
Low Power Designing Techniques – An Overview[Full-Text ] Jyoti Gupta, Amit GroverWith rapid development of portable digital applications, demand for the high fidelity portable devices has laid emphasis on the development of low power and high performance systems. There are an ever-increasing number of portable applications requiring high speed, high throughput, small silicon area, and at the same time, low power dissipation. However, the demand for high-performance portable systems incorporating multimedia capabilities has elevated the design for low-power to the forefront of design requirement in order to maintain reliability and provide longer hours of operation. In order to fulfill all these requirements, there are many different logic designing techniques available. This paper presents a review of low power area efficient designing techniques of digital circuits. There have been numerous published techniques and each technology has its advantages and limitations. After brief introduction, various circuit designing techniques have been explained along with their comparison.
Understanding the Dynamics of Heart Rate Variability in Cardiovascular Disorders using Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Radial Basis Function Neural Network[Full-Text ] Kalpavalli Tallapragada, Sravani Singavarapu, N. PradhanHeart diseases are a major health concern throughout the world. While ECG signal is of importance in diagnosis of the cardiac ailment, Heart rate variability (HRV) has been found to be of prognostic and diagnostic significance in a variety of heart conditions. HRV is derived from a large time series of ECG denoting peak to peak RR intervals. The seemingly noisy looking HRV signal is characteristically nonlinear and chaotic, therefore, a non-linear analysis method like Recurrence Plot (RP) is considered appropriate to its analysis. In this paper, we have used Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) and have extracted 13 parameters i.e., recurrence rate (RR), determinism(DET), mean diagonal line length (L), maximum diagonal line length (Lmax), entropy (ENTR ), Laminarity (LAM), trapping time ( TT), maximum verticalline length (Vmax), recurrence time of 1st type (T1), recurrence time of 2nd type (T2), recurrence time entropy (RTE), clustering Co-efficient (Clust), transitivity (Trans) of the HRV data.
Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA System using LDPC Codes and Turbo Codes[Full-Text ] Santoshi Rani, Channabasappa Baligar, Dr Siva YellampalliThis paper presents the Performance Analysis of Multiple Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) system using different types of coding techniques such as LDPC Codes and Turbo Codes. MC-CDMA system is a combination of both CDMA and OFDM. This is a communication model where we are going to subject the image (data) to different levels of noises in the channel. By introducing AWGN Channel as the source of noise, the performances of the system are analysed with LDPC Codes and Turbo Codes. Finally from analysis, the Turbo codes provide a better decoding scheme with lower complexity and higher efficiency when compared with LDPC Codes. For both LDPC and Turbo code gives the similar results. If the input data is small, then turbo code works better, else LDPC code works better.
Analysis of Component Object Model and Common Object Request Broker Architecture[Full-Text ] Abhishek Maheshwari, Sharnil Pandya, Aishwary RawatComponent Object Model and Common Object Request Broker architecture enables software components to communicate with each other. In this paper, the various analytical aspects of COM and CORBA are explored. The similarities, differences and application in the real world are seen. The main objective of this paper is to measure the performance of both bridges in different bridging configuration as specified in the Interworking Specification.
Analysis of Game Theory And Relevance In Engineering[Full-Text ] Dr..Mahinder Singh Poonia, Seema V. LathkarIn this paper, we appraise some of the literature in which different applications to engineering problems are investigated from a game-theoretic approach. The review is far from comprehensive and the single purpose of this paper is to provide an approximate updated information on this topic. As well, we try all over the paper to bring to light what game theory could put in to the study of engineering problems. A broad nontechnical coverage of many of the developments in game theory is given together with some comments on important open problems and where some of the developments may take place. The purpose here is to present a broad picture of the many areas of study and application that have come into existence. The use of deep techniques flourishes best when it stays in touch with application. There is a vital symbolic relationship between theory and practice. The rapid speed of development of game theory calls for an appreciation of both the many realities of divergence, synchronization and teamwork and the abstract exploration of all of them.
Is it possible to construct a circuit with just passive elements (resistor,inductor,capacitor) that will work as voltage amplifier?[Full-Text ] Jishu DasWe use different type of elements such as BJT in order to get the voltage amplified. In this paper I have tried if it is somehow possible to amplify voltage only by using resistor, inductor and capacitor which may help us to build an efficient Electrical Network.