Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
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Cloud Based Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification[Full-Text ] Kulkarni Gaytari, Rambade Shweta, Kamble Shilpa, Doke Achala, R.A.KhanThe cloud based Supply chain management integrates all the activities associated with moving goods from raw material stage to full fledge product to the end users, by linking all the partners in the chain using cloud platform. The cloud computing platform is the paradigm for providing the information technology services where resources are retrieved from internet through web based tools and applications. Radio frequency identification is used to track the product within certain range and stage. The major key participants are warehouse manager, retailer, manufacturer, distributor, and customer. The cloud platform enables the users to use enterprise software from anywhere in the world. This paper encompasses enterprise software Supply chain management in brief, how RFID is used to improve the quality of SCM by product tracking and it covers the cloud platform on which the supply chain management software is deployed.
Investigating the Normal Operating Mode of Abule-Egba Distribution Grid with Respect to Bus Voltages, Line Currents and Line Flow[Full-Text ] Ademola Abdulkareem, Ayokunle A. Awelewa, J. O. Olowoleni, J. O. IbironkeThis paper carries out the power flow studies of the distribution network of Abule-Egba regional area using the Run Load-Flow Functionality (RLFF) of the ETAP software developed algorithm. The part of real network of Abule-Egba distribution network was modeled and simulated through load- flow analysis. This work generates report on the load-flow and the real and reactive power loadings of each transformer unit of the network. This report was analyzed using simulation by the plotting of graph imported into Matlab software environment. The result obtained for the bus voltage and current level, transformer rating and load distribution efficiency based on voltage and current variations under the existing normal operational mode were compared and analyzed with the reaction of surrounding network under abnormal condition when a three-phase fault system is simulated. By comparing these results (as shown in table 1), the reaction of the electrical system of Abule-Egba to three-phase fault at the various feeders can be predicted
Network Intrusion Detection Using Temporal Association Rules[Full-Text ] Vidhu.A, Shibili.TNetwork security has become the most challenging issue in computer network field. Many researches have been done in detection of network intrusion in different layers of computer network. Most of the transport and network layer intrusion detection is based on previously specified signatures of packet fields without checking the relationship of one packet information with others. But these signatures cannot find novel attacks. Anomaly detection is used to find any behavior deviation from normal behavior. By using anomaly detection along with signature detection strength of IDS can be increased. This paper proposes an idea of mining temporal association rules between packet patterns of normal traffic. This method is making use of the temporal association of one packet pattern with the sequence of previous packet patterns to generate rules. These rules can detect any deviation from the normal activity as well as signature based intrusion. For optimization of rules a Reduced FP (False Positive) rate method is used. This method enables pruning the rules based on FP rate. Finally after several iterations a system with a reduced optimal FP rate will be obtained. Reduced error rate should be optimal so that number of detections is not much affected.
Comparative study of Gesture Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Model, Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] Ms. S.A.Chhabria, Dr.R.V.Dharaskar, Dr.V.M.ThakareDifferent types of gesture recognition using Gaussian mixture model has been described in this paper. Human gesture has its specific meanings and is widely used for communications between deaf people. Hand gesture recognition using GMM, Speech recognition using GMM,SVM & fusion of gestures using GMM are described in this paper. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) helps us to determine the required region pixel clusters in the fused data. Advantages and comparison of GMM over other techniques like DTW,SVM are also discussed in this paper.
Design and Prototype Modelling Of Foreign Object Debris Detector and Remover[Full-Text ] Elson Eldhose, Pranav .S, S. Ranjithkumar, R. Prashanth, C. DineshFOD interference for an aircraft in runway would cause damage. In severe cases, “Foreign Object Debris” can directly threaten safety of flight crews and integrity of the aircraft. Anything that can find its way into an aircraft engine or flight control mechanisms is a recipe for foreign object debris. So, Innovative future in airport can be reached here we implement the idea of FOD detection and removal in the airport runway into the concept that we designed a vehicle that can be radio controlled which will consist of Radar and a camera that will be used for detection, and Magnets with vacuum cleaner for removal of the detected debris. We consider different airports and their physical characteristics for implementing this concept. Our undertaking holds the imaginative engineering by more reliable by uses our vehicle in the service line in the airside and detect the FOD in Runway. This extend additionally includes the few numbers of vehicles, situated in an extra constructed area connected to the runway. Situated areas are constructed as per the calculations using the standard Runway length and time gap. Process will continue for each time gap. This vehicle would surely help to aircraft safety and do not need to hold it. The highlight of our concept is the mobility and the freedom that one gets in controlling and detecting the FODs.
Core Shell Carbon Nanospheres Synthesis via Semi-Chemical Vapor Deposition Method[Full-Text ] Ehab S.A. Mahal, Faridah Sonsudin, Shaymaa S. A. Al-Mutlaq, Rosiyah YahyaCarbon core shell nanospheres were synthesized using bitumen-derived coal obtained from pyrolysis of petroleum bitumen. The synthesis has been performed with the aid of iron compound as a catalyst in an atmosphere of argon at 600oC. Characterization of carbon nanospheres was carried out by field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy; Raman and Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopies and thermal gravimetric analysis. The analysis of the TEM images provided simple and fast identification of thee roughness of the surfaces. The microscopic characterization indicates the existence of core shell hollow and solid carbon nanospheres of a uniform size, and the diameter was found to be in the range of 5-50 nm. Roughness analysis result of the carbon spheres images shows less surface roughness. Thermal analysis reveals that the as-prepared carbon nanospheres have high thermal stability. Additional advantages are low cost and high availability.
A Novel Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WLAN Application[Full-Text ] Akshit Tyagi, Rashmi Giri, Rhythm Kaushik, Shivam Saxena, FaisalA simple compact multiband microstrip patch antenna is proposed in this paper to support various communication standards as GSM/DCS/ISM/UMTS/PCS band for cellular phone system and WLAN (wireless local area network) standards by providing the desired bandwidth. A rectangular planer inverted F-shaped patch works as main radiator. This proposed antenna provide several advantages such as low profile, small in size, low in cost, compatible with integrated circuits and multiband functionality. For desired functioning all parameters such as return loss, VSWR, impedance matching, radiation pattern, gain and directivity are present.
Structural and Dielectric Properties of PZT Ceramics Prepared by Solid-state Reaction Route[Full-Text ] Mridula Kumari, Arun Singh, Jagdhar MandalPolycrystalline Pb (Zr1-xTix)O3 with x = 0.50 abbreviated as PZT has been prepared by high energy solid-state reaction technique. Analysis of XRD patterns of this composition suggests the formation of PZT phase with tetragonal structure. SEM studies were used for microstructural characterization. The dielectric properties of PZT ceramics have been characterized. The measurements have been made in frequency ranging from 100 Hz to 1 MHz and between room temperature (RT) and 550ºC for low and high frequencies. At RT, the value of dielectric constant (er) is 515.492 at 1 KHz whereas the loss tangent is 0.005. From er (T) measurements, the Curie temperature of our sample has been determined at 380ºC. The increase of er observed at high temperatures and low frequencies in the paraelectric state are explained, this abnormal behavior is due to the migration of oxygen ions towards the electrodes.
A Cloud mining model for SMEs in E-commerce in Zimbabwe[Full-Text ] Tatenda D Kavu, Paidamoyo Mastara, Luckson Phiri, Bethany JariCloud mining is an important research topic in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery. Due to the fact that a number of organizations have opted for cloud storage, it is important to use efficient and effective data mining methods to mine the large databases in the cloud so as to extract the previously unknown interesting patterns and relationships. The data patterns are of importance in business intelligence thus for forecasting, market basket analysis, cross selling, market segmentation and customer retention purposes which helps to increase the profits of business organizations. The cloud is a large repository of data units on the World Wide Web which contains social, cultural, political, educational, academic and commercial data which is usually accessed via a web browser. The data repositories can be used by all forms of business enterprises including Small and Medium Enterprises for knowledge discovery to gain business insight and intelligence. This paper seeks to investigate current cloud e-commerce systems in the world and design a model that simulates knowledge extraction for business intelligence from a cloud which store SMEs’ data in Zimbabwe.
Working of ant colony search algorithm in radial distribution system[Full-Text ] Ms. Manan Oza, Prof.Jaikaran singh, Prof.Mukesh TiwariA new powerful algorithm has been presented in this paper for capacitor placement in radial distribution systems. This method was inspired by observation of the behavior of ant colonies. This theorem applies on the state transition rule to favors transition towards nodes connected by shorter edges. Then it applies local updating rule. Finally it applies a global updating rule to make search more directed and enhance the capability of finding the optimal solution in capacitor placement problem. It was observed that optimal capacitor placement process not only reduce the power loss, but also improve the voltage profile and maximizing the net savings. The problem has been formulated as maximization of net savings obtained from energy loss reduction, kVA enhancement and improvement of voltage profile.
An Efficient Distributed Brain Image Classification via Particle Swarm Optimization and Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] K.Mageswari, Dr.R.RenugaAutomated abnormal brain identification is of major importance for clinical diagnosis. Processing of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an important task in brain image classification. This work using image processing is a time consuming process. So, the proposed system adapted distributed computing concept. Features like Skew, Kurtosis, Fourier shape and Haralick texture is extracted by the distribution system based on Round robin scheduling followed by preprocessing. In this proposed technique, feature selection is done using Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) and feature classification using Support Vector Machine(SVM).By making use of these classification, diseases like glioma, metastatic adenocarcinoma, cerebral calcinosis, carcinoma, meningioma, sarcoma, etc., from the abnormal brain images are identified efficiently.
Production, Optimization and Characterization of Nattokinase from Bacillus subtilis REVS12 Isolated from Natto[Full-Text ] Vignesh H, Eajas Basha M, Ramesh Babu N.G, and Saravanan NNatto, a Japanese food collected from Chennai, India was screened for bacteria having the ability to produce protease by culturing on skim milk agar and further screened for Nattokinase production using blood agar plates. The fibrinolytic enzyme Nattokinase was produced by bacterial strain REVS 12. The molecular weight of genomic DNA was found to be around 1Kbp. The isolated bacteria REVS 12 was identified as Bacillus subtilis by 16S rDNA analysis. The phylogentic tree analysis showed the evolutionary relationship of Bacillus subtilis REVS 12. The growth conditions for Nattokinase production were analyzed by submerged fermentation and the maximum production of Nattokinase was obtained at 72nd hour at 40°C and pH-8.
Asphalt – Polymer Blends: Leverage of Chlorine Gas on the Topography, Thermal Stability and Fuel Resistance[Full-Text ] Shaymaa S.A. Al-Mutlaq, Faridah Sonsudin, Ehab S.A. Mahal, Rosiyah YahyaThis paper evaluates the fuel resistance and the morphology of the asphalt physio-chemically modified using waste polymer namely high density polyethylene and chlorine gas. Different percentages (2%, 4%, 6% and 8%) of the waste polymer were used in the preparation of the asphalt blends followed by chlorination. Modified standard procedure was used to examine the solubility of asphalt blends in leaded petroleum kerosene while the morphology of the asphalt blends was characterized using optical microscope and the topography of these blends was computed by the aid of software. The obtained results showed that chlorination significantly reduces the asphalt solubility in the kerosene. It was also found that the new topographic method applied to identify the asphaltic blends further and to determine the homogeneity were clearly effective. The thermal stability has been improved for all samples. The dynamic shear rheometer outlined significant improvement in the viscoelasticity as well as the stiffness of the modified samples in compare to the original binder. Observing absorption band at 668 cm-1 in the Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy disclosed that the chlorine was introduced to asphalt binder matrix chemically meaning no phase separation may expect; in one word the modified samples tend to be more stable.
Secure Key Exchange ThroughElgamal Cryptosystem In Adhoc Networks[Full-Text ] Sai Vikas GuntiEstablishment of secure key exchange system in the ad hoc networks is a difficult procedure due to the special characteristics of ad hoc networks. Security in the ad hoc networks is very important as they use common radio channel for the entire nodes and security can be attained using the cryptographic techniques. Key management in ad hoc networks is difficult as there is no centralized system for the this type of networks to answer these problems , In this paper it is proposed that secure key exchange can be performed through the use of ELGAMAL CRYPTOSYSTMS in a group of nodes which are formed by using the binary tree formation method.
Over viewing issues of data mining with highlights of data warehousing[Full-Text ] Rushabh H. Baldaniya, Prof H.J.Baldaniya, Kritika R.SrivastavaWe live in the age of information. Most organizations have large databases that contain a wealth of potentially accessible information. This problem has led to the development of data mining. With the explosive growth of Data, the extraction of useful information from it has become a major task. Data mining is considered as the most efficient for decision support applications. The last few years have witnessed the emergence of extremely innovative and elegant techniques for data mining and warehousing. Warehousing being an important research area of data mining study of warehousing is presented. Data Warehouses contain data drawn from several databases maintained by different business units together with historical & summary information[1]. Data Warehousing has become popular activity in information system development & management. This paper also aims at explaining the different stages in data mining as well as the possible issues and at the same time it also explains in the modeling of a data warehouse. An effort has been made to explain the important criteria’s of a data warehouse. Also explained are the applications.
Multimedia Smart Secured Streaming in Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] S.Govindaraj, R.Subadhra, Dr.J.SuganthiThe proposed method is an easy way for all the users to transmit any kind of sound and visual media files which holds the extension like *.avi, *.wmv, *.vob to the authenticated recipients with more security privacy transmission. It provides all customers with fast and secures real time synchronization, automatic online backup, file sharing, and music streaming and unlimited mobile access. The proposed method introduces a novel approach named as Fast standing Quality Media Transmission. The main theme of this method is to shrink the video or audio format to unknown format and then upload to the one.com cloud drive with the universal time code based dynamic smart generation key where the generated key stand as the file name for the currently shrunk file and simultaneously the generated smart code key is sent to the recipient mobile number. In the recipient part, the user has to log on to the proposed system with the help of received smart code key. The server validates the smart code key and if validation succeeds, then the recipient is further allowed to access the download the corresponding encrypted file for the smart code key. Once the recipient user received the encrypted file and then the encrypted file is allowed to decrypt where the shrunken file will be expanded to the original audio or video file without any quality differentiated variance. By implementing this method, many commercial companies like News channels, Entertainment channels will gain transferring the file to the server immediately from any remote area easily.
MEMS Based Wireless Controlled Robot with Voice and Video Camera[Full-Text ] Prof Ashok S. ChandakMEMS is a Micro Electro Mechanical Sensor which is a highly sensitive sensor and capable of detecting the tilt. This sensor finds the tilt and operates the electrical devices and announces the basic needs depending on tilt. The tilt is in left side or right side direction the related need will be announced. And it has the obstacle detection feature. This device is very helpful for paralysis and physically challenged persons. This device is portable and this system operation is entirely driven by wireless technology. User can wear it to any movable part and can operate it by tilting the MEMS sensor
Mystery of Ramanujan Number: a3 + b3 = c3 + d3[Full-Text ] Debajit Das1729 is the least number which can be expressed as sum of two cubes in two different ways. It was first identified by the great mathematician Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan in 1913. In my solution of Beal Equation mystery which was published in August Edition 2013 in IJSER, 4th volume, it was clearly shown that there cannot exist any number which can be expressed as sum of two numbers both are in power form of equal even exponents greater than two in two or more ways. So among all odd exponents three is the minimum. Why 1729 is the least? What should be the characteristic of a number to produce such type of relation? This paper basically contains the characteristic of a number with respect to its factors so that it can produce such type of Ramanujan relation.
Overview of History of Elliptic Curves and its use in cryptography[Full-Text ] Minal Wankhede Barsagade, Dr. Suchitra MeshramElliptic curves occur first time in the work of Diophantus in second century A.D. Since then the theory of elliptic curves were studied in number theory. Till 1920, elliptic curves were studied mainly by Cauchy, Lucas, Sylvester, Poincare. In 1984, Lenstra used elliptic curves for factoring integers and that was the first use of elliptic curves in cryptography. Fermat’s Last theorem and General Reciprocity Law was proved using elliptic curves and that is how elliptic curves became the centre of attraction for many mathematicians.
The Skin Friction Analysis of Exponentially Accelerated Vertical Plate with Variable Mass Diffusion[Full-Text ] V. Visalakshi, K.VasanthabhavamIn this paper the unsteady laminar free-convection flow of a viscous incompressible fluid, past an exponentially accelerated infinite vertical plate with variable mass diffusion is considered. The Laplace transform method is used to obtain the expression for skin-friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number. Numerical computations are carried out for different physical parameters like Prandt number, thermal Grashof number, mass Grashof number, Schmidt number and time. It is observed that skin-friction decreases with increasing radiation parameter and time.