Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
Publication for Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 is in-process.
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Analysis of DVR Performance for Voltage Flicker Mitigations In Distribution System Using Fuzzy Logic As A Controller[Full-Text ] R.Avinash, M.Ramu, S Ramana Kumar JogaPower Quality problem is an occurrence as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure or mis-operation of end user equipment. The steady-state PQ characteristics of the supply voltage include surges and spikes, sags, harmonic distortions, and momentary disruptions. Voltage sags and swells are the common events on the electric power network. These problems can be mitigated with voltage injection method using custom power device, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). In this paper we design a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) which is utilized for power quality improvement. Here we propose two control techniques which are the Proportional Integral (PI) Controller and Fuzzy Logic (FL) Controller. Results of both the controllers are assessed to know which the best power quality solution is.
Handwritten Tifinagh Character Recognition Using Baselines Detection Features[Full-Text ] Youssef Es-Saady, Mustapha Amrouch, Ali Rachidi, Mostafa El Yassa, Driss MammassWe present in this paper a system of Amazigh handwriting recognition based on horizontal and vertical baselines detection features. After the character image preprocessing, the horizontal and vertical baselines of the character are estimated. Parameters such as baselines are used to derive a subset of baseline dependent features. The symmetry of the amazigh characters with horizontal and vertical baselines is better taken into account. Thus, these features are related to the densities of pixels and are extracted on binary images of characters using the sliding window technique. Finally, a multilayer perceptron is used for character classification. Experimental results using AMHCD database demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed system.
Child sex Ratio: Variation among SCs, STs and Non-SCs & STs Maharashtra: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Bipin KumarChanges in Child Sex Ratio are a direct reflection of the socio-economic and cultural patterns of the society, especially its attitude towards the girl child. As per Census 2011, on the one side almost all other indicators like literacy, growth rate, life expectancy, and overall sex ratio have shown a positive trend, while on the other side Child Sex Ratio presents a contrasting picture. After Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra has shown the greatest decline in Child Sex Ratio from previous census, by 30 points. And also from 1991 the decline in Maharashtra is continuous. Though this very state is considered as one of developed state of India, why there is such a trend is really putting a question in its development perspective. In this paper it will be strived to find out as to why in spite of highly urbanised characteristics, good literacy rate, and higher per capita income than national average; Maharashtra is suffering from lowest condition of female position.
Ancient DNA and Neanderthals Mystery[Full-Text ] Shirshendu Kundu, Shakilur Rahman, Srikanta ThakurAncient DNA is DNA isolated from ancient specimens .It can be described as any DNA recovered from biological samples that have not been preserved specifically for later DNA analyses. The analysis of DNA recovered from archaeological and historical skeletal material, mummified tissues, archival collections of non-frozen medical specimens, preserved plant remains, ice and permafrost cores, Holocene plankton in marine and lake sediments, and so on are ancient DNA samples.
Coastal aquifer vulnerability evaluation of Bonny Island, Niger Delta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Osadebe, C.C., Fakeye, A.M., & Akinluyi, F.O.The objective of the study is to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer confining layer (aquitard) in Bonny Island in view of the possibility of surface pollution due its large reserve of crude oil and natural gas and companies with industrial plants. The investigation involved boring of six boreholes to a depth of 30metres using dismountable percussion rig. The field data were obtained from six hours pumping test conducted on the boreholes at a constant discharge rate of 32.5m3/hr. (780m3/day). The De Glee method for steady state drawdown in an aquifer with leakage from a confining layer (aquitard) was adopted for the analysis of data and determination of hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer and confining layer. The permeability values of the confining layer vary between 9.55x 10-4 m/day and 1.33 x 10-2 m/day with an average value of 5.61 x 10-3 m/day while the permeability values for the aquifer vary between 4.83 x10-2 m/day and 103 m/day. The transmissivity values of the confining layers vary between 9.55 x 10-4 m2/day and 2.13 x 10-1m2/day with an average value of 5.39 x 10-2 m2/day and between 8.21 x 10-1m2/day and 4.22m2/day for the aquiferous zone. The values for the aquiferous zone are high, suggestive of a highly transmissible aquifer in the area. However, the average transmissivity value of the confining layer in borehole No3 is relatively high, indicating the possibility of occurrence of leakage especially when there is influence of gravitational and capillary forces on the moisture movement of the underlying soil through the pore spaces. The leakage factor values vary between 1.00m and 15.0m for confining layer. The hydraulic resistance values for confining layers vary between 9.39 x 102 day and 3.32 x 103day. Although, the permeability and transmissivity of the confining layers are low, the capacity of the layer to transmit water through leakage is sufficiently high especially within the location of borehole No3.
Structural, Transport and Optical Properties of Nanostructured Vacuum Evaporated Bi2Se3 Thin Films[Full-Text ] V. T. Patil, Y. R. Toda, D. N. GujarathiThin films of bismuth (III) selenide were deposited thermally onto amorphous glass substrates at a pressure of 10-5 torr. X-Ray diffraction analysis was used for identification of the material obtained. Surface morphology of the films was determined using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). Optical, electrical and photoluminescence properties of the films were investigated. According to the resistance–temperature measurements, Bi2Se3 thin films are typical semi-conducting materials with calculated activation energies of 0.031095 – 0.07664 eV and the majority charge carriers are electrons. As-deposited films are characterized with band gap energy of 1.4 - 2.25 eV. Fermi energy was evaluated as 0.0784 to 0.0272 eV and absorption coefficient was found to be 0.173 – 0.059. The emission peak at 598.35 nm of Bi2Se3 attributed the edge emission to transitions associated with donor/acceptor exciton. The peak observed at 671.48 nm shows reduction in band gap. So, this emission can be identified as radiative decay of free exciton of Bi2Se3.
GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS[Full-Text ] Abhiwaqti TrivediGeographical indications have appeared quite recently in the landscape of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR’s) in comparison with more classical concepts such as trademarks, patents and copyright.GI has evolved in order to provide protection for the indigenous knowledge in the agrifood sector without hampering the culture of free trade. This paper seeks to establish some clarity regarding the protection that can be provided through GI by providing theoretical justifications. Also has explained the rationale behind the official recognition of GI i.e. to reduce the asymmetry of information between the producers and the consumers. This paper has also dealt in detail, the policies adopted by the countries like European Union and United Stated in relation with providing protection and implementing the policies related with GI.
Wi-Fi Indoor Positioning System Based on RSSI Measurements from Wi-Fi Access Points –A Tri-lateration Approach[Full-Text ] OnkarPathak, Pratik Palaskar, Rajesh Palkar, Mayur TawariPositioning is the most attractive technology today. Various technologies are used now days for positioning purpose. GPS is mainly used for outdoor environment. Non-suitability of GPS in indoor conditions because of its NLOS conditions and signal attenuation has lead to several other techniques of indoor positioning. This paper compares few indoor positioning methods and proposes indoor positioning system using tri-lateration method which uses RSSI data from wi-fi access points to do localization in indoor environment.
Design of an automatic brake control system using artificial neural network.[Full-Text ] Eneh I.I. and Okafor P.U.An automatic brake control system using artificial neural network was designed to reduce acceleration from a predetermined speed once it detects an obstacle 250m ahead. Two inputs and one output parameters; position, velocity and brake, were designed using Fuzzy logic toolbox, to develop the car brake controller while Simulink based on back propagation training algorithm was used to train the network. After extensive training, the fuzzy controller was replaced by the neural network controller in the drive system simulation.
Encryption of Data into a New Pattern Which Depends on Password Content Set by User[Full-Text ] Uday BhaskarEncryption of data is important to maintain privacy and secure important data. We generally use a password to protect our important and confidential files but think of a encryption which depends on password content set by user to encrypt the contents of the file into a highly secure encryption. In this proposed method of encryption the data is first converted into a newly designed 4 bit format, further it is then changed to a Gray code format of 4 bits and finally every 2 bits is paired as one, this makes every letter equivalent to 8 bit. This encryption provides a better way to secure data using new format of coding.
FEA of the crankshafts Design by using Ansys workbench For nickel chrome steel and structural steel[Full-Text ] Ashwani Kumar Singh, Praveen Kumar Singh, Akash KumarTripathi, Ajeet Yadav, Shyam Bihari lalIn this present work statics analysis was conducted on a nickel chrome steel and structural steel crank shafts from a single cylinder four stroke engine.Finite elements analysis was performed to obtain the variation of stress magnitude at critical locations. Three dimensional model of crankshaft was created in Pro/E soft ware .The load was then applied to the FE model and boundary condition where applied as per the mounting conditions of the engine in the ANSYS Workbench.
Computation of Shortest Path In A Fuzzy Network Using Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number[Full-Text ] R. Sophia Porchelvi, G. SudhaA new method is proposed for finding the Shortest Path Problem (SPP) with Triangular Intuitionistic Fuzzy numbers (TIFN), based on Bellman Dynamic Programming algorithm. Here, we compute the shortest path from a specified vertex to all other vertices in a fuzzy network and a numerical example is also provided.
Advanced Design Of Hybrid Vehicle With Improved Materials[Full-Text ] SURAJ BHARADWAJA TRIPATHY,SUBHAJYOTI PARIDAThe enormous amount of gases emittted by the limitless amount of automobile has created an suffocating situation in the Morden day society.The rate of pollution by the automobile industry is so high that the harmfulll effect can not be prevented but it can be controlled.So a question arises here is that is it possible to make the entire automobile mechanism ecofriendly ? Is it possible to control the emission of poisionous gasses from the vehicles ?The only way that it can be done is through the hybrid vehicles.So in this paper the desine of an advanced hybrid vehicle with improoved materials is done.Here in this paper the hybrid vehicle is designed by means of the interaction between the mechanical linkage and electrical system.The advanced version of materials that can make the vehicle more effective and comfortable is mentioned in a detailed manner.
Formulation Nanocapsule of Turmeric Extract, Characterization on Oral Administration and Its Ability as Antibacterial[Full-Text ] Sundari, Zuprizal, Tri Yuwanta, Ronny MartienThe use of turmeric is restricted by its low solubility in water, therefore it has low bioavailability. This obstacle can be solved by the development of nanoparticle technology. This study aimed to develop nanoparticles formulation using turmeric extract and chitosan as the matrix and sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) as cross linker, to study its characteristics on oral administration and capabilities as antibacterial. The method used in the formulation of nanoparticles was ionic gelation followed by spray drying on formula A and oven drying at 50ºC on B. The result of nanoparticle or nanocapsule characterizations are: average size of particles on A and B is 428 nm and 840 nm, its zeta-potential on A and B is -11.47 mV and -20.22 mV, with spherical particle morphology. Entrapment efficiency on A and B is 88% and 78%.These formulas also has a good stability in AIF (Artificial Intestinal Fluid) after 3 hours on A and B is 78% and 51%. Its ability as antibacterial agent was evaluated by agar diffusion on E. coli bacterial, both formulas provide a middle inhibition in diameter clear zone 7-10 mm. It was concluded that A formulation of nanocapsule turmeric extract has characteristics can used oral administration and potential as antibacterial.
An Approach for Noise Removal from a Sequence of Video[Full-Text ] Reeja S RDr. N.P KavyaIn this paper, various noise removals are compared with rectangular area matching technique. Thresholding is used for estimating these noisy sequences of frame. Noise is a prominent factor that reduces video quality. The various steps for vid-eo noise removal are thresholding, filtering and aggregation. All these steps are explained below. The quality of the video is very good, compared to the other paper which is mentioned in literature survey and peak to signal to noise ratio is evaluated.
Design and Implementation of an Electronic Exeat System[Full-Text ] Ernest E. Onuiri, Ayodeji Odukoya, Christiana Yadeka and Mark NzeiThe term exeat is not popular. However, it is akin to systems implemented in boarding schools, colleges and some institutions of higher learning. It is probably known widely as a “pass”, “exit permission” or “leave of absence”. Software and systems have been designed and developed particularly for corporate institutions to keep accurate log of employees’ leave. For academic institutions especially at the tertiary level, the manual method of exeat scheduling, authorization and authentication is the norm. This paper presents the design and development of an electronic exeat system which automates the manual system which is known to be cumbersome, challenging, difficult, unsecure and expensive. The case study is Babcock University, a privately owned institution of higher learning. The software developed proved to be very efficient and a robust management tool for the school administrators.
Surface and dispersion properties of dodecanol and tetradecanol based glucoside surfactants[Full-Text ] Geetha D, Rashmi TyagiThe sugar based alkyl polyglucosides have been synthesized from fatty alcochols and dextrose on laboratory scale to find the optimum molar ratio of the paratoluene sulfonic acid catalyst for the synthesis in lower reaction temperature and pressure. The chemical structures and purity of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The surface and interfacial properties like critical micelle concentration, free energy of micellization, surface excess concentration and surface area demand per molecule were determined. These sugar based surfactants have been found to exhibit good surface tension, emulsion stability, foaming and wetting power. A new approach through nephelometric measurements has been followed to measure the dispersion power and the synergy with sodium dodecylglucosides. A good amount of synergism was found between the alkyl polyglucosides and the anionic sodium dodecyl surfactant. Biodegradation studies showed that the primary biodegradability of the synthesized surfactants was above 80%.
Representation of spatial proximity for various spatial data using Geometric methods[Full-Text ] M. Venkatesan, Vivekanand KhyadeCo-location pattern is the subsets of Boolean spatial features whose instances are often located in close geographic proximity. Representa-tion of proximity in geospatial data using conventional data models is not consistent. Neighbourhood is a major challenge and key part of spatial co-location pattern mining. Neighbourhood may be defined using topological relationship, metric relationship and combination of both. In most of the co-location mining, the neighbourhood was defined by user. In this paper, we are proposing Delaunay triangulation approach to model the neighbourhood between the objects. Delaunay triangulation is a structure representing the neighbourhood of objects in a succinct and unambiguous manner [7]. This approach eliminates the parameters from the user to define the neighbourhood of objects and avoid multiple test and trail repetitions in the process of mining. A Delaunay triangulation based co-location mining algorithm is developed to mine co-location patterns from complex spatial data.
Different Watermarking Techniques & its Applications: A Review[Full-Text ] Upasana Yadav, J.P.Sharma, Dinesh.Sharma, Purnima K SharmaIt is the expansion of internet that has increased the availability & uses of digital data like video, audio, image to the world. Therefore copyright protection of digital data is an important research issue of information security. This paper presents a review of some influential work in the area of digital watermarking technique and main contribution in this field such as categories of digital watermarking process by which one can understand easily that which watermarking method can be used.
A Survey On Effective Video Watermarking Techniques Using Quantization Index Modulation[Full-Text ] Kumari Subhadra Otta, Sushree Satvatee SwainModern challenges and accelerating growth in internet and technology leads to increase in the data swap and use of digital media. Hence, there is a need of copyright protection of the digital media. Digital video watermarking is a modern and widely used technique for protecting the digital media by embedding the additional data along with the video signal. A number of video watermarking techniques are proposed. In this review paper, the Pseudo 3D-DCT technique is applied where DCT transformation is taken twice i.e. 2D-DCT is applied to image plane and again 1D-DCT is applied to time axis .Again the watermark is embedded in the quantized regions of related frames and the result obtained as secret embedding key is further applied for extraction.
Intelligent Voltage Instability Detector Based on Phasor Measurement Units[Full-Text ] Ahmed K. Ali, Noha H. El-Amary, A.M. Ibrahim, Said F.MekhamerA neural network based voltage instability detector is proposed in this paper utilizing wide area monitoring system and the measured angle of the installed Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs). Voltage instability is considered one of the critical problems that severely affect the electric power quality. The system which suffers from voltage instability can be easily exposed to fast failure due to voltage collapse. A proposed neural network based voltage instability detector is introduces. This detector depends on the bus voltage angle which is measured by the installed PMUs. A developed Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN) is designed and trained. It consists of one input layer with five neurons, two hidden layers, and one output layer. The two hidden layers consist of twelve and nine neurons respectively. The output layer consists of one neuron. The main advantage of the smart developed system is that, it can detect the voltage instability of the whole power system buses in the same time. The developed proposed system is tested on 14 bus IEEE system. The 14 bus IEEE system is simulated using MATLAB to get the system load flow results. Furthermore, the effect of different loading conditions is applied to the simulation system to get their corresponding bus angles values. About 1000 different studied cases are held for different loading values with different power factors on different buses. The results of these cases are tab-ulated, normalized and processed using the ANN. The ANN is trained by the third of these cases. The other values are used to test the performance of the developed system. The results of ANN are analyzed and considered to be satisfactory because of the high accuracy and reliable operation.
Multiple Face Model Recognition of Hybrid Discrete Wavelet Transform and Density Based Score fusion Technique under Uncontrolled Illumination Variation[Full-Text ] Manisha J. Kasar, Nitin S. ChoubeyA facial recognition system is one of the biometric applications for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. Mostly it is used in security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems. Now a day’s face recognition system is recognize the face using multiple-views of faces, for detecting each view of face such as left, right, front, top, and bottom. This face recognition system for large-scale data sets taken under uncontrolled illumination variations. The proposed face recognition system consists of a novel illumination-insensitive preprocessing method, a hybrid discrete Wavelet Transform (HDWT) for feature extraction and Density based Score Fusion Technique for matching. First, in the preprocessing stage different stages are followed like Gamma Correction, DOG(Difference of Gaussion)filtering and contrast equalization which transforms, a face image into an illumination-insensitive image, Then, for feature extraction of complementary classifiers, multiple face models based upon HDWT are applied. To do the feature extraction this system uses DCT and DCT Wavelet transform to generate the feature vectors of the query and database images. Euclidean distance is used as similarity measure to compare the image. Finally, to combine scores from multiple complementary classifiers, a log likelihood ratio-based score fusion scheme is applied. The proposed system uses the ORL face database which has 10 views of 40 people under various environmental variations such as illumination changes, different poses, and time elapses. Using ORL database the computational time require for the system is 0.3264 msec to 0.9672 msec which is less as compare to FRGC database that is 1.0234 msec to 2.0045 msec.
The Chemistry of Love[Full-Text ] Y. PatilIn this era of hate and lust, it would be interesting to know about the chemistry behind love. The boundary line between love and lust is very thin. To protect you from committing the misbehavior in the society culture and customs play a vital role no doubt, but it seems to the author that knowledge of the chemistry behind love would also be helpful to behave in society. Indeed there exist biochemical activities behind every human behavior. The whim, the logic, the act, the feeling everything has got involved a biochemical change pertaining to culture, circumstances and personality of every individual.
Prioritizing and Optimizing the Test Cases during Regression Testing[Full-Text ] Neha Gupta, Neha Yadav, Aruna YadavSoftware testing is one of important phase of the software development life cycle. The software is tested using the test cases. Test cases form the building blocks of the testing process since they get into the core of the source code to find out the faulty code. Test cases are generated by considering the set of input values and their expected outputs. This expected output is again compared with the output after feeding the same values to the software under test. If the expected output is same then the software is working right else there is some problem. After testing the entire software if any change is made to the software the system is tested again which is known as regression testing. To reduce the bulk during regression testing tester need to prioritize and optimize the test cases to yield quick and appropriate results. The paper proposes an approach to optimize the test cases and providing efficient output as compared to the previous approach
Brain tumor from MR Images : A Review[Full-Text ] Shaikh Abdul Hannan, Bharatratna P. Gaikwad, Ramesh R. ManzaBrain tumors are abnormal and uncontrolled spreads of cells. The brain is the anterior most part of the central nervous system. Brain tumor is one of the major causes of death among people. It is evident that the chances of survival can be increased if the tumor is detected and classified correctly at its early stage. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is currently an indispensable diagnostic imaging technique in the study of the human brain. Computer aided diagnosis systems for detecting Brain tumor for medical purpose have been investigated using several techniques. In this Review paper, it is intended to summarize and compare the methods of automatic detection of brain tumor through Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) used in different stages of Computer Aided Detection System (CAD). Various segmentation approaches are reviewed with an emphasis placed on revealing the benefits and drawbacks of these methods for medical imaging applications. Our main concentration is on the review on various computerizes techniques which use image segmentation to detect brain tumor.
Control System Design to Automate 100KV Impulse Generator[Full-Text ] Talha Iqbal, Hasan Ul BannaThis paper is basically the practical study of converting manually operated impulse generator to automatic generator. Ever since 1970 (when the High voltage lab of UET Lahore, Pakistan was constructed) most of the equipment in this lab has been operated manually. In this Lab, we have two impulse generators with capability of 100 and 500 kilo volts which are used for testing purposes. Both of these use the same mechanism for Impulse generation. In this paper a design is proposed to automate the whole working of the Impulse generator (100KV) for which we used Arduino Board which is coded such that the operator has to insert desired impulse voltage through the computer and the rest of the process will be done by the system itself. We used LabView Simulation tool for coding purpose. All coding is in graphical coding environment.
STUDY OF TYPE-II SUSPENSIONS WITH MORINGA OLEIFERA & ALUM COAGULANTS USING SETTLING COLUMN ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Dr. S. A. Halkude, C. P. PiseA study is carried out in a specially designed two settling columns to study effect different parameters on Type-II suspensions namely different diameter of settling column, different initial turbidity samples, and the different coagulants used for effective sedimentation. The optimum dosage of coagulants such as Alum, Moringa Oleifera, and blend of Alum and Moringa Oleifera coagulant is determined by conducting jar Test. Experiments are carried out in the settling columns with the optimum coagulant dosage for three different initial turbidities such as 100 NTU, 400 NTU, and 900 NTU showed that the coagulation with blended coagulant Alum & Moringa Oleifera is better than Alum. It is observed that for no coagulant and with all the coagulants, as the initial turbidity increases the percentage removal efficiency also increases. And for the larger diameter settling column, the removal efficiency is more as compared to the smaller diameter of the settling column. Also the new modified average method is developed for finding the overall removal efficiency. This is new methodology for analysis of column settling data.
Multi-objective C-means Data Clustering Algorithm using Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution[Full-Text ] Omar S. Soliman , Doaa A. SalehThis paper proposes a Multi-objective C-means Data Clustering algorithm using Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution (DE) for improving the performance of data clustering by introducing three data clustering validity indices.. The proposed algorithm composed of three objectives: including the symmetry-index to maximize similarity within clusters, the compactness index to maximize dissimilarity among clusters, and validity Silhouette index to improve the validity of data clustering. Self- adaptive DE is similar to the traditional DE algorithm except two changes in the mutation and the crossover operations [19], where DE is a global optimization technique [13]. The ?proposed algorithm is implemented and evaluated using twenty benchmark data sets and compared with different 5 data clustering algorithms that MOSAC-Means, GenClustMOO, ?MOCK, VGAPS, and GenClustPESA2. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm is ?performing well compared with the previous algorithms.
E – Learning: Usage among Indian Students[Full-Text ] Manu Sood, Virender SinghEducation through internet is becoming one of the most domineering forms among all other forms of education. A lot of effort is being put in to improve the quality of learning and to improve the relationship among learners and their teachers. Advanced development in the field of virtual education relies on the technologies being used on the internet. E-learning has become very popular in western countries in the past few years but developing countries like India have not yet been able to keep pace with their western counterparts as far as adaptation to such a concept is concerned. Keeping this scenario in mind the authors in this work have tried to find how do the students of technical courses in the higher education in North India use this new learning methodology and how do they react to it. It is in this context that this paper analyzes the usage of e-learning tools by these students of technical courses. It brings out the response analysis of the same set of students (those who use traditional learning methods only as well as those who, in addition, use e-learning methods) on the issues about the role of e-Learning in their studies.
Non-Linear Carry Select Adder Based Enhanced Wallace Tree Multiplier Structure[Full-Text ] Damarla Paradhasaradhi, M. PrashanthiA multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital and high performance systems such as FIR filters, micro processors and digital signal processors etc. Deign of a high performance and high-density multiplier is presented. This multiplier is designed by using the Wallace tree structure with pipelining the Carry Select Adder (CSLA) provides a good compromise between cost and performance in carry propagation adder design. A Non-Linear Carry Select Adder (Square root carry select adder) using RCA is introduced but it offers some speed penalty. However, conventional CSLA is still area-consuming due to the dual ripple carry adder structure. In the proposed work, generally in Wallace multiplier the partial products are reduced as soon as possible and the final carry propagation path carry select adder is used. In this paper, modification is done at gate level to reduce area and power consumption. The Modified Non- Linear Carry Select-Adder (MCSLA) is designed using Common Boolean Logic and then compared with regular CSLA respective architectures, and this MCSLA is implemented in Wallace Tree Multiplier. This work gives the reduced area compared to normal Wallace tree multiplier. Finally an area efficient Wallace tree multiplier is designed using common Boolean logic based Non-Linear carry select adder. This work gives the performance of the Wallace tree multiplier in terms of area, delay and their products may be implementing in Xilinx FPGA.
Improved Radiation of Micro-strip Patch with Metamaterial As a Cover[Full-Text ] Sunita.Siddappa.Pujer, D.L.GadheThis paper presents design of microstrip patch antenna with metamaterial cover with operating frequency at 2.4 GHz, for wireless communication systems. The Industry, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Band, unlicensed with the range 2.40 - 2.4835 GHz is used as the operation band. The maximum directivity can be achieved by controlling the distance between the patch antenna and metamaterial cover. Return loss of -24.23 dB with VSWR 1.10 at 2.48GHz. The results shows that the proposed antenna has the directivity are 4.74dB for patch without Meta material cover & 5.91dB for patch with metamaterial cover. The antenna parameters are investigated and optimization is performed by varying the distance and thickness of metamaterial.
Combining content based and collaborative filter in an online musical guide[Full-Text ] Nandita Dube, Larisa Correia, Dhvani Parekh, Radha ShankarmaniThe explosive growth of web content makes obtaining useful data difficult, and hence demands effective filtering solutions. Collaborative filtering combines the informed opinions of humans to make personalized, accurate predictions. Content-based filtering uses the speed of computers to make complete, fast predictions. In this work, we present a recommendation approach that combines the coverage and speed of content-filters with the depth of collaborative filtering. We apply our research approach to an online musical guide an as yet untapped opportunity for filters, useful to the wide-spread music populace. We present the design of our filtering system and describe the results from preliminary experiments that suggest merits to our approach.
Cable Factory Balanced Scorecards System[Full-Text ] Muhammad AlEnzyThe success of companies lies mainly in designing a competitive strategy and on the practically of its implementation. Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 companies fail to implement their strategies.
Design and FPGA implementation of sequential digital 7-tap FIR filter using microprogrammed controller[Full-Text ] Adarsh Kumar Singh, Neeraj Kumar Dangwal, Mohan Singh, Manoranjan Kumar, Garima Singh, Anand SinghThis paper describes the design and FPGA implementation of FIR filter using a microprogrammed controller based design approach.The controller controls the series of operation of the filter.To reveal the technique ,design of a sequential 7-tap digital FIR filter based on the microprogrammed controller is presented.The projected FIR filter is coded in VHDL using sructural design approach.Performance assessment is done based on the implementation results obtained through Xilinx ISE 8.1i tool.
Bioactive Secondary Metabolites: An Overview[Full-Text ] Abhishek Sharma, Naleeni Kumari, Ekta MenghaniHuman mind has been successfully controlling every component of ecosystem, whether it is biotic or abiotic. The components which are not been even visible, the microbes have been exploited by science. In present sciences, there is no field in which microbially obtain products are not used from medicine to agriculture, food additives to even fuels, agrochemicals. Many advances have been developing in antibacterial drugs. With development in scientific techniques there has been great improvement in methods of production in microbial metabolites.
Impulse Noise Removal Using Fuzzy Switching Median Filter[Full-Text ] Amit Jain, Dr. Sadhna K. Mishra, Dr. Vineet RichariyaElimination of noise is a necessary and challengeable operation in image processing. Before performing any operation, images have to be first restored. Images are corrupted by noise during image acquirement and transmission. Noise and blurring effects always corrupts any recorded image. To reduce the impulse noise level in digital images a novel algorithm FSM(Fuzzy Switching Median) filter is proposed in this paper .In this algorithm first phase is used to detect the impulse noise using clustered based approach, which works as impulse noise detector. And the second phase which is also called as filtering phase replaces the detected noise pixel, which also includes fuzzy reasoning to deal with uncertainties present in local information FSM, is capable of filtering all types of impulse noise.
Introduction to Communications Systems “ Lossless Data Compression Algorithms ”[Full-Text ] Hassan NattoToday most of the communications are done through digital systems. Digital systems offer high quality and good performance. Good performance can only be achieved when the retrieved received information is exactly the same as the originally sent information. When the information is sent there is a good chance that the information gets corrupted and sometimes the numbers of errors are increased so much that the main information is lost.
Manufacturing of Concrete with Retarders[Full-Text ] R.Greesan, P.Prathap, R.VijayakumarThe concrete is one of the most important composite materials in construction industry. This paper was deals with the study of concrete in hot weather condition and aims to induce the performance of concrete and its durability. For the improvement of workability & maintain the w/c ratio the paper suggests to use the chemical admixture called Gypsum which seems to be better for concreting in hot weather condition. The properties of the mentioned admixture were studied carefully and then it will allow mixing with concrete. The heat of hydration is get slow down by the appropriate addition of gypsum with concrete and then the state of workability also increased.
Methods to find Musical Compositions with grid Diagrams for Indian Classical (Hin-dustani) Notations[Full-Text ] Anil Kadia, Dr.H M Patel, Avinash Shah, Gaurangi Prajapati , Rakesh Shah and Anil KadiaThis thesis is a contribution to the concepts of Hindustani Magic, a module for the gener¬ation and application of musical grid struc-tures, which is part of the mu-sic composition software presto (Atari ST), are generalized, abstracted and adapted for modern factorial mathematical music theory. Furthermore, an new implementation for the present day composition software Rubato Composer (Java) is provided.
Methods for data assimilation for the purpose of forecasting in the Arabian Sea[Full-Text ] Gaurangi Prajapati, Dr.H M Patel, Rakesh Shah, Avinash Shah and Anil KadiaFluid dynamics, wind wave modeling describes the effort to depict the sea state and predict the evolution of the energy of wind waves using numerical techniques. These simulations consider atmospheric wind forcing, nonlinear wave interactions, and frictional dissipation, and they output statistics describing wave heights, periods, and propagation directions for regional seas or global oceans. forecast has been a key area of investigation and if certain methods can be plotted in order to help in improvement of the forecast it would be salutary to the development in this direction.
Quality of Work-life Of The Employees In Selected Information Technology Companies With Reference To Chennai[Full-Text ] G.S.Indumathi, Dr.R.Thamil selvanAs a result of dynamic changes in work environment, the employees in Information technology companies are greatly affected in quality of work life (QWL), it was seen as the latest revolution in Information Technology (IT) sectors that was taking place in the relationship between employees and work. The focus of this paper concerns a study of the quality of life for the employees at work in the Information Technology companies. The quality of work life (QWL) is a wide term covering an immense variety of programme, Techniques, theories and the management style through which organization and jobs are designed so as grant employees more autonomy, responsibility and authority than is usually done. A high quality of work life is essential for the organization to continue, to attract and retain employees (Sandrick, 2003). The aim of this paper is to determine the factors affecting quality of work life of the employees in the Information Technology (IT) companies and to study the relationship between the satisfaction and performance level with the quality of work life (QWL). In the present study the investigator has chosen the Information Technology (IT) companies in and around of Chennai, based on the interview with the employees in the organization, a pilot study was conducted in the total sample (N = 60 ). The factor contribute to quality of work life includes Work relate pressure, Leadership behaviour description, Work life balance, Management Policies, Opportunity to develop and growth, Job security, Adequate and fair compensation, Inter- personal relation and Work culture. The information collected from the survey will be used to develop the quality of work life (QWL) of the employees in the Information technology companies.
Towards the Development of a Vertical Offshore Reference Surface (VORS) for Seamless Bathymetry in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Jackson, K.P., Hart L., Adekunle I.A. and Orupabo S.A vertical offshore reference surface is a unified reference surface that is able to transform different datasets from the ellipsoidal to tidal datums such as (MSL, SST, MHWS, MLWS, LAT, HAT, etc.) and bring these to a common epoch, ellipsoid (GRS 1980) and ITRF reference frame. By unifying surfaces, heights (depths) can be converted from one vertical datum to another. This research discusses the impact of developing a methodology that will enable the transformation amongst the various vertical reference surfaces to support the modelling of data across the land-sea interface in the coastal waters (12nmi) of West Africa particularly, Nigeria. A methodology for use in the Nigeria is proposed after a review of common applied models. The principal challenge to the achievement of such a separation model is the difficulty in modelling and integrating datasets across the land-sea interface. This is prominent, where a homogenous and consistent vertical datum does not exist (absence of a geoid model), lack of tide gauges data along the coastline, hydrodynamic tide model and offshore Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) tide stations. This research will therefore evaluate the impact of developing a vertical offshore reference surface and proffer solution towards mitigating the inherent challenges.
Data Mining Tools And Techniques[Full-Text ] VishalData mining is one of the most applicable areas of research in computer applications among the various types of data mining. This paper is going to focus on web mining. This is the review paper which shows deep and intense study of various techniques available for web mining Tools and Techniques. Web mining - i.e. the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge from Web content, structure, and usage - is the collection of technologies to fulfill this potential. Above definition of web mining is explored in this paper.
Application of Frontier Production Model to Cocoa Farming in Surulere Local Government Area of Oyo State,Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olapade-Ogunwole F.O, Olagunju,F.I., Akinniran T. N., Ojedokun I.KThis study applied stochastic production to determine the technical efficiency of cocoa farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria. A total of seventy respondents was interviewed .Primary data was used with well structured questionnaire. The descriptive analysis showed that a large proportion (58.6%) of the cocoa farmers had formal (primary) education. It also revealed that farm size and family labour have positive and significant relationship with income of the farmers. The cost of chemical and implement have significant but negative relationship with income of the farmers. Inefficiency estimates showed that years of schooling and farming experience reduce the inefficiency of the farmers, while age of the farmers, family size and age of the farm increase the inefficiency of the farmers. The mean technical efficiency of the farmers is 54 per cent. The implication of this result is that any effort aimed at increasing years of schooling and farmers experience will increase the technical efficiency of the farmers. This study therefore recommends mass literacy campaign in the study area in order to increase the technical efficiency of the farmers.