Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2014 Edition
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Privacy Preserving Data Publishing Based on k-Anonymity by Categorization of Sensitive Values[Full-Text ] Manish Sharma, Atul Chaudhary, Manish Mathuria, Shalini ChaudharyIn many organizations large amount of personal data are collected and analyzed by the data miner for the research purpose. However, the data collected may contain sensitive information which should be kept confidential. The study of Privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) is focus on removing privacy threats while, at the same time, preserving useful information in the released data for data mining. The number of privacy preserving data publishing techniques is proposed to protect sensitive data from the outside world. K-anonymity is one of the best method which is easy and efficient to achieve privacy in many data publishing applications. It has some weaknesses like data utility reduction and more information loss which need to be focus and optimize. Therefore, the main challenge of research is to minimize the information loss during anonymization process. This paper introduces a new approach for privacy preserving method which is based on categorization of sensitive attribute values. The sensitive attribute value is categorized into high sensitive class and low sensitive class. Anonymization is performed only on those tuples which belong to high sensitive class, whereas tuples belong to low sensitive class published as it is. An experimental result shows that our proposed method is efficient compare to traditional k-anonymity, in terms of data utility and information loss.
Palm Vein Recognition and Verification System Using Local Average of Vein Direction[Full-Text ] Asmaa M.J. Abbas and Dr. Loay.E. GeorgeDuring the last years, hand vein patterns recognition is one of the most recent biometric technologies used for the identification/verification of individuals. The vein trace is hard to damaged, changed or falsified since veins are internal to the human body. In this paper a novel palm vein recognition and verification system is presented. The first step in the proposed system is image enhancement and localization of veins grid which is a major challenge due to poor quality of veins images. The second challenging task is the palm vein feature extraction. In this research the spatial distribution of local averages of veins direction is introduced and used as feature vector.
Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling for Critical Event Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Trupti Thakre, Prof. S. M. ChoudharyEnergy consumption and broadcasting delay is a major issue for critical event monitoring application in WSN. Sleep scheduling technique is always used to employee in WSN to improve the lifespan of wireless sensor networks which leads in significant raise in broadcasting delay. To reduce the broadcasting delay, a sleep scheduling method with level by level offset schedule needs to be used following shortest path. There are two phases to set the alarm broadcasting first one is, if a node detects a critical event, it will immediately transmit an alarm to a centre node through predetermined path with node by node offset way. Then in second phase, this centre node broadcasts the alarm to all other nodes along another preset path without collision.
Hydrodynamic Simulation Behavior of Two Phase Conical Fluidized Column[Full-Text ] Abd Ali, K. M, Ghanim, A. NThe use of conical fluidized beds is beginning to receive much attention for biochemical reactions and biological treatment of waste water, also been used successfully in chemical reactions, crystallizations and in other areas . This work was aimed at model-ing the fluidization characteristics for a conical fluidized-bed combustor using glass beads as the inert bed material fluidizing in air flow. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) model were used for predicting the pressure drop (?p) over the bed length. The predicted results were validated by experimental data of 39 run for other work. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied in the development of modeling, statistical analyzing, and interpreting the resulted correlated variables, response gives the best fitted equation of second-order functions of three variable factors that has been obtained to describe the behavior of pressure drop through the bed. Effects of the glass beads particle size, velocity, and porosity of the bed on the pressure drop and fluidization pattern. The relative computational errors were found to be within 15% with the proposed model.
Fuzzy Logic Based Control of a Grid Connected Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources[Full-Text ] S.Merlin Joys Mary, S.Rajesh Babu, Dr.D.Prince WinstonRenewable energy, such as wind, solar energy, is desirable for power generation due to their unlimited existence and environmental friendly nature. This paper deals with system integration and fuzzy logic based controller design for power management of a grid connected Hybrid renewable energy source (HRES). The hybrid system is the combination of photovoltaic (PV) array, wind turbine, and battery storage via a common current source interface multiple-input dc-dc converter. This converter is used to integrate the renewable energy sources to the utility grid. A two- level control system is implemented, comprising a Fuzzy logic controller, which ensures the power management between intermittent RE generation, energy storage, and grid, as well as local controllers for the photovoltaic, wind unit. Simulations are performed in MATLAB/Simulink.
Affinity purification of pbmc Tlr-4 of Intestinal cancer patients[Full-Text ] Ali Hasanain AliToll-like receptors (TLRs) play a critical role in host defense from microbial infection. TLRs recognize conserved molecular structures produced by microorganisms and induce activation of innate and adaptive immune responses. The inflammatory responses induced by TLRs play an important role TLRs not only in host defense from infection, but also in tissue repair and regeneration. This latter function of TLRs can also contribute to tumorigenesis. Recent findings show that functional TLRs are expressed not only on immune cells but also on cancer cells. TLRs play an active role in carcinogenesis and tumor progression during chronic inflammation that involves the tumor microenvironment. Damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) derived from injured normal epithelial cells and necrotic cancer cells appear to be present at significant levels in the tumor microenvironment, and their stimulation of specific TLRs can foster chronic inflammation. These TLRs those are expresses on tumor cells are related to interactions between cancer cells, immune cells, and DAMPs through TLR activation in the tumor microenvironment.
Preserving Security and Message Verification System For VANET[Full-Text ] G. JOTHILAKSHMI, G. ARUL SELVANVehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETS) embrace the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for their security. In any PKI framework, the validation of an accepted message is performed by checking if the declaration of the sender is incorporated in the current CRL and confirming the realness of the endorsement and signature of the sender. In this paper, we propose an Expedite Message Authentication Protocol (EMAP) for Vanets, which swaps the drawn out CRL checking process by a productive repudiation checking procedure. The disavowal weigh prepare in EMAP utilizes a keyed Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), where the key utilized as a part of figuring the HMAC is imparted just between non denied On-Board Units (OBUs). Furthermore, EMAP utilizes a novel probabilistic key dispersion, which empowers non repudiated OBUs to safely impart and upgrade a mystery key. EMAP can essentially diminish the message misfortune degree because of the message check deferral contrasted and the accepted confirmation techniques utilizing CRL. By leading security dissection and execution assessment, EMAP is exhibited to be secure and productive.
Assessment of Plankton Diversity of Mahanadi River at Jobra and Sikharpur, Cuttack[Full-Text ] Ms. Stutipragya Pradhan, Dr. Lipika Patnaik, Dr. Dipti Raut, Mr. Sambit SwainThe present study was carried out in Environmental Science laboratory of Zoology Department of Ravenshaw University, Cuttack from Jan-July 2013. The work carried out is an attempt to study the status of largest Eastern belt River Mahanadi with the help of planktons.Basic water quality parameters like pH, Dissolved oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Total Hardness, Phosphate and Orthophosphate were determined as per Standard methods APHA.Arthropodan zooplanktons were observed and recorded from both the Stations followed by Rotifers.Phytoplanktons belonging to Bacillariophyta dominated Jobra and Sikharpur waters and many Chlorophyta have been recorded at both the Stations.
Develop Framework for Selecting Best Software Development Methodology[Full-Text ] Jyoti Verma, Sunita Bansal, Himanshu PandeyThere is many software development methodologies exist that is used to control the process of developing a software system. No exact system was found which could help the software engineers for selection of best software development methodology. This paper present the framework of expert system combined with Likert scale. With the help of Likert scale we create a rule based model and assign some weighted score to each methodology and develop a tool named as ModSet which will help the software engineers to select an appropriate development methodology that may increase the probability of system success.
The impacts of gas flaring and climate risks: An appraisal of Nigerian petroleum industry[Full-Text ] Oluwasoye P. Mafimisebi and Ugonna C. NkwunonwoGas flaring poses significant risks to health, safety and the environment. Although significant attentions have been given to the subject over the years, however, the increasing challenges especially in view of climate change risks prompts a serious urgency to examine the way forward.The nature of impacts from climate risk depends on the intensities of extremity in view of resources management and in consideration of the exposure and vulnerability of human populations and properties. This study through a review of existing literature in the field reveals paradoxical evidence in the management of climate risk especially as attempts to eliminate such risk and its impact ultimately create another risk (risk homeostasis). In this context, the research found that the level of vulnerability of human populations to the health implications of gas flaring depends significantly on the proximity of the human receptor to the flaring stations. Following a critical appraisal of the activities of oil and gas companies in Nigeria, the result suggests that climate risks might have caused much damage than was previously imagined. Therefore, we argue that promoting effective techniques on how to practically live with climate risks such as adaptive environmental management will help policymakers and practitioners’ particularly in Nigeria and indeed in other parts of the world subjected to the impacts of gas flaring, to sustainably tackle climate risks.
A Localization Framework for Sustainable Business Environment - Green IT[Full-Text ] Sharmila. J, Dr.Saravanakumar SomanGreen computing is the study of using computation devices and disposing them properly with minimal environmental effect. There are many issues to be addressed in order to attain a greener IT world and one among them is to minimize the power utilization which has direct impact on the working area of business. Moving the processor and data close to the user will reduce the computing time can be achieved using virtualization to increase the efficiency and availability of the resources and it also lower the cost. This proposed paper aims to provide a conceptual design of a framework focused on an organization doing projects for various clients as a team work. A temporary virtual pool is created and it contains components to fasten the project. Also uses power management tool to effectively utilize resource without compromising the computation speed. Resources required per team can be defined earlier is loaded to temporary virtual pool is made available to all the co-members of that same project locally instead of using the central server for all their needs frequently were the resource is primarily available will increase the computation time and use of power. Once if the project is set to be completed the temporary pool is terminated and hence it does not require extra memory space to reside ensuring these techniques will reduce the power consumption to half the rate of usage per day. Hence the saved power in turn can be utilized for the next day finally it will lower the heat and co2 emissions at the back end were we can give hands to global warming.
Spectral Analysis of Various Noise Signals Affecting Mobile Speech Communication[Full-Text ] Harish Chander Mahendru, Dr. Ravinder KhannaMobile communication is the widely used mode of speech communication in the world, today. The mobile communication has gained popularity, in a very short time, because it can be used anywhere & everywhere and on every new day new features are added to it. In fact the ability of the mobile phone to be used anywhere and everywhere creates problems in the form of quality degradation of speech due to the introduction of various types of background noises. Depending upon the conditions and the situations in which the mobile phone is used, the noises such as car noise, multi talker babble noise (party noise), train noise, fan and cooler noise etc. get mixed with speech and deteriorate its spectral properties and intelligibility. Efforts have been made by various researchers to develop an algorithm and device which can be inserted at the front end of the mobile phone i.e. after microphone pre-amplification that can enhance the speech quality by suppressing the noise, before modulation and transmission. However for efficient algorithm development, characteristics study of various types of noises is essential. Different types of noises possess different spectral characteristics. As far as their structural property is concerned these may be continuous, impulsive or periodic. The way these noise signals interact with the speech signals may be additive, multiplicative or convolutive. Their temporal behavior may either be stationary or non-stationary and they may possess either broadband or narrowband frequency spectrum. Signal dependency of different noise signals may either be correlated or uncorrelated. Since the mobile is randomly used in unpredictable noise environments which causes difficulties in designing an efficient algorithm for speech enhancement. To develop a speech enhancement algorithm which can perform efficiently in all types of noise environments, it is required that a priori information of their statistical behavior is known. It helps in accurate modeling of the noise signals. In this paper we present the complete spectral analysis of the various types of noises that generally come across during the use of mobile phones.
Decentralized Privacy Preserving Modified MA-CP-ABE-r Scheme Developed for cloud[Full-Text ] A.Blessy, M.AnandavalliCloud computing enables flexible, on-demand and low-cost usage of computing resources. However, those advantages, ironically, are the causes of data loss, privacy, security and revocation issues which emerge because the data owned by different users are stored in some cloud servers instead of under their own control. To deal with these problems, privacy preserving access control scheme in multi authority with efficient encryption & revocation is proposed. In MA-CP-ABE, encryptor intelligently decides who should or should not have access to the data that she encrypts. GID is used where all the keys generated by authorities using PRKG are tied together. Therefore, even if multiple authorities are corrupted, they cannot collect the user’s attributes by tracing his GID. . In Modified CP-ABE designed to resist malicious key delegation by issued different secret key to user. An efficient Modified Multi– Authority Ciphertext –Attribute Based Encryption (MA-CP-ABE-r) on Threshold Access Structure with Revocation facility is designed.
Grid Connected Solar Microinverter Based On Single Stage Boost Conversion[Full-Text ] P.Jeyankondan, V.Hemamageswari, Dr. M .SanthiThis topology represents the grid connected solar microinverter based on single stage boost conversion. This circuit can extract maximum solar power from solar panel .The output voltage of the circuit is stabilized by the use of closed loop control. Transformer gives isolation between converter circuit and inverter circuit. And also this topology reduced the number of switches needed
A Pairing Free Identity Based Proxy Signature Scheme[Full-Text ] Hassan Elkamchouchi, Eman Abou El-kheir, and Yasmine AbouelseoudDigital signature scheme is a method for signing an electronic message. As such, a signed message can be transmitted over a computer network in an authenticated manner. This paper introduces two identity based (id-based) digital signature schemes. The first one, is a signature scheme and the second its extension to a proxy signature scheme in which the original signer delegates his signing rights to a proxy signer. Both schemes don't use the bilinear pairings in the Signcryption and unsigncryption phases. Also, both schemes are based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). Moreover, the proposed schemes achieve the standard security requirements. the performance of the both schemes is examined. The proposed id-proxy signature scheme reduced computational complexity compared to other scheme in literature.
Outdoor Propagation Path Loss Models: A Review[Full-Text ] Archana, J.P.Sharma, Dinesh.Sharma, Purnima K SharmaThis paper characterize different propagation path loss models as they are vary from one destination to another destination. The propagation path loss models is an important issues in desiging of a telecommunication system in wireless communication. Telecommunication sector is growing per day by day. The evolution of mobile service are growing with faster rate from 2nd generation GSM service to 3rd generation UMTS service to 4thgeneration LTE network. This paper begins with a review of the information available on the various propagation path loss models for outdoor models. The main characteristies of radio channels is path loss, fading and time delay spread. Effeciency of path loss models vary as the environment is change. The propagation model are useful for predicting the signal attenuation or path loss between the transmitter and receiver. This path loss information may be used as a controlling factor for wireless communication system performance to achieve the perfect network planning.
Information Security in Cloud Computing using Encryption Techniques[Full-Text ] Ninni Singh, Nitin Kumar SinghCloud computing play a vital role in communication as well as in enterprise environment. It Extends beyond a single company. It facilitates its user by allowing to store its data on the cloud and able to access it from any computer when required.
Design and Simulation of Planar Inverted F Antenna for ISM Band Applications using HFSS[Full-Text ] Ashutosh Joshi, Bhawana Jain, Chitranshu Agrawal, Anup Kotiyal, Anand SinghThis paper describes the design and simulation of a probe fed PLANAR INVERTED F ANTENNA (PIFA), operating at 2.4 GHz ISM band frequency; using HFSS simulator. Parameters like height of the patch from the ground, shorting plate dimensions and feed position are optimized to obtain a high gain PIFA. Bandwidth of the designed antenna is 281 MHz and gain is 3.8219 dB.
Minimizing CO2 Emissions on Cloud Data Centers[Full-Text ] Soumya Ranjan Jena, Sudarshan PadhyThe need of hour extended its area of conservation of energy in cloud computing. Cloud computing is the heart of research and one of the hottest topics in the field of computer science and engineering. Basically Cloud computing provides services that are referred to as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). As the technology advances and network access becomes faster and with lower latency, the model of delivering computing power remotely over the Internet will proliferate. Hence, Cloud data centers are expected to grow and accumulate a larger fraction of the world’s computing resources. In this way, energy efficient management of data center resources is a major issue in regard to both the operating costs and CO2 emissions to the environment. In energy conservation we try to reduce CO2 emissions that contribute to greenhouse effect. Therefore, the reduction of power and energy consumption has become a first-order objective in the design of modern computing systems. In this paper we propose two algorithms for energy conservation on cloud based infrastructure.
Seismic Analysis of Indoor Auditorium[Full-Text ] S.Dilipan Bose, S. AravindanThe project titled “Seismic analysis of Indoor Auditorium” has been taken up with an objective to determine the seismic response and behaviour of an Auditorium constructed in Chennai area. Even though Chennai is considered as least prone to major earthquake, it is expected that a structure would survive major earthquakes without collapse that might occur unexpectedly during the life of the building. It should also be noted that after the Bhuj earthquake, Indian Standard IS: 1893 was revised and Chennai city was upgraded from zone II to zone III which leads to a substantial increase of the design ground motion parameters. Hence, this project presents an exploratory analysis of the seismic performance of multi-storey buildings system built in the specified area with a comparative study of the structures under past major earthquakes.Computer modeling is undertaken using Ansys is a multi-purpose software which enables to run and simulate tests or working conditions. It also helps in determining and improving weak points, computing by 3D simulations in virtual environment.
Solving The Problem Of Mismatched Loads In High Voltage Networks Applying Power Circle Diagram Technique[Full-Text ] Mohammed Sabri A. RaheemThis paper deals mainly with the problem of mismatched loads with the power networks and to discuss the solution for this problem by the insertion of reactive power at the receiving end terminal. The process is basically calculated applying the Receiving End Power Diagram Analysis method , which gives an easier & faster calculating process ,also a computer program is constructed to perform the calculation and selection process. The network condition ,taken as a case study example load, can be changed and the calculation process is performed ,hence the results will be discussed for each system parameters
Finite Element Analysis of Disc Brake for Aluminium Alloys[Full-Text ] Abhishek Kumar Tiwari, Akhilesh Kumar Tiwari, Pramod Yadav, Harigovind Singh Yadav, Shyam Bihari LalThe motive of undertaking this project of “Structural Analysis of Disc Brake” is to study and evaluate the performance under severe braking conditions and there by assist in disc rotor design and analysis. ANSYS package is a dedicated finite element package used for determining the variation of stresses and deformation across the disc brake profile.In this present work, an attempt has been made to investigate the effect of stiffness, strength and variations in disc brake rotor design on the predicted stress. By identifying the true design features, the extended service life and long term stability is assured. An attemot is also made to suggest a best combination of material and flange width used for disc brake rotor which has less deformation and minimum von-mises stress possible.
Effect of Self-Gravitating Viscous Radiative and Thermally Conducting Gaseous Plasma in the Presence of Fine-Dust-Particles under the Effect of Finite Electron Inertia and Heat-Loss function[Full-Text ] R.K.Pensia, V.Prajapat, V.Kumar, G.S.Kachhawa, D.L.SutharThe Effect of self-gravitational instability of an infinite homogeneous, viscous and magnetized gas particle medium in the presence of fine-dust- particles has been studied in corporating thermal conductivity and arbitrary or radiative heat-loss functions. From linearized equations of the system, a general dispersion relation is obtained using normal mode analysis.The conditions of modified Jeans instability and stability are discussed in the different cases of our intersest. We find that the presence of arbitrary radiative heat-loss functions and thermal conductivity modifies the fundamental Jeans condition of gravitational instability into a radiative instability condition. It is found that the radiative modes of instability arises in the medium depends on the arbitrary radiative heat-loss functions on the local density and temperature of the system. Applying Routh –Hurvitz criterion, the stability of the medium is discussed and it is found that Jeans criterion determines the stability of the medium Thermal Conductivity modifies the Jeans criterion and the viscosity has damping effect. It is found that the effect of fine-dust-particles is to destabilize the system. It is also found that the condition of instability for propagation parallel to the magnetic field is independent of the magnetic field strength. For transverses propagation, however, the condition of instability depends on the magnetic field strength.
Sandwich Parking Application[Full-Text ] Yuvraj M. Kadam, Pradeep C. Gupta, Prof D.P. KapseTo find a parking space in metropolitans particularly during rush hours have become a perplexing task for drivers. This paper describes an approach to deliver a situation for monitoring and managing a parking area using a Web based application which will be a combination of a Web Application and an Android Application. The ‘Sandwich Parking’ system will be suitable object for metropolitan environment, in which our users will provide their owned parking space to other registered users who will be in need of a parking space in that particular area for a particular amount of time and hence will consecutively save user’s time, fuel and expense, while reducing the traffic congestion and environment pollution. We are going to provide a platform to our users through which they can reserve a parking space in the locality they are going to visit.
Two-Point Resolution capabilities for an optical system with parabolic filters as functions of the degree of coherence of illumination Part-II[Full-Text ] P. Thirupathi, T.RamakrishnaGoudDefinition and determination of an image quality criterion has long been and still is a major one in the field of image evaluation and assessment. In this paper the two-point resolution capabilities have been investigated for an optical system with parabolic filters. The Rayleigh and the Sparrow resolution limits are computed and studied as functions of the incoherent, coherent and partially coherent illumination and the ratio of the normalized intensity of the two point objects. The ‘coded imaging (CI)’ technique a two step process has been used to overcome the limitations of the conventional methods involving the cases of sources of short wavelength radiations, due to their high penetrating power and rectilinear propagation during the imaging. Any criterion of resolution is not a law of physics and the resolving power depends on a three-fold combination of energy of the source, instrument and its energy distribution capabilities and receiver and its sensitivity characteristics, irrespective of the arbitrariness of these criteria, they still serve the purpose of comparison of the performance of the imaging systems and yield useful rules of thumb for engineering practice.