Vein Detection System using Infrared Light [ ]

The process of obtaining intravenous (IV) access, Venipuncture, is an everyday invasive procedure in medical settings and there are more than one billion venipuncture related procedures like blood draws, peripheral catheter insertions, intraven-ous therapies, etc. performed per year [3]. Excessive venipunctures are both time and resource consuming events causing anxie-ty, pain and distress in patients, or can lead to severe harmful injuries [8]. The major problem faced by the doctors today is diffi-culty in accessing veins for intra-venous drug delivery & other medical situations [3]. There is a need to develop vein detection devices which can clearly show veins. This project deals with the design development of non-invasive subcutaneous vein detec-tion system and is implemented based on near infrared imaging and interfaced to a laptop to make it portable. A customized CCD camera is used for capturing the vein images and Computer Software modules (MATLAB & LabVIEW) is used for the processing [3].